OMQON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1904. PAGE I. Now To-Day. MONEY TO 1XMN AT 6 AND 7 par cnnt Farm security. U'Roo A Bchubnl. MONBY TO LOAN-t HAVE SlCVER al lunii of Dionoy boloniflni to pri vate Individual! which I tin author lied to loan, on long time at 6 and T per cent. Coat of loan will be made very rnitaoniibln. H. E. Cross, altorny at law. ""WANTIU- Hpm lul 'rt.pi eatuituliie In 1hl county and adjoining territories to reprvaent and advertise an old establish ed butlnna house of "lid nuancial landing. :i weekly, with Kxpenar ad vanced earn Monday by chock direct (ram haduiut-rs Horse and boggy furnished when n'muiury ; poaltton per manimt. Aldrea llli-w Ilro A Co., Dept. A Morion lllilg., Chliago, 111. n A. !.,? Oi JaV, Flowers reduced. Mlaa Qolilamllh. A rluaa of about fifty young pnple thla wntk took the nnulnr iimirly p aiiilniitlmi before Hup'rlutndnt .luanr for sls'e and county paper aa loai-her. Koom for rnnt oppoHlto the riarolay 8chix.l. No. 712 12th Ht. 8 20 1m. On Wednesday, August 17, Mra. Mails IloppH will conduit a pulillo auction of II her houat'hold furniture, dlxlua. etc, at nor homn, cortur of Fifth und Monroe alroi-ta, Onion t'lly. Mixed drln ka a specially at the . I'lanf t. Oardo building. Heventh and Main treet. Kelly A ltucoiilch, prop. Mra. Mule Itoppid la advertising tha public auction of her nno SO-acra furin, which will bo Sold to the highest bidder. Thn aulu will Im- held ut I lie fur in. which la locuti d i, ne half inlli- west of Aurora, and a glowing hop nop will be Included In the aulu. For Hint tired frellng try a lima of Welnliurd a cudebiuted Columbia, beer at (he Mullet, Kelly & Itucunlch, propa. J. H. Wlntlell, a mining- ri-rt for the National Mining und lifvelnpmi-nt Co., of I'oilluiid. ricintly vlNlted the Ogle Creek mining dlairlct and haa uiude a Ualleilug repoit to the Intereated puiilea aa to thn proliulile value of their hold ings. He etutea that the veins all lie In a well iiiliKTullxeil belt with a formation of black and blue Imp and Andealta. The cooleat gluas of beer In the city. The 1'l.inet. Kelly A Ituconlch, propa. The manliiKo of Mr. Uruigu It. C'ullfT und Mlaa Klna McCurmack. both Of thla city, waa pwfoi mid Wednesday evening by Mayor Iilmlck at the home of the groom parent, Mr. and Mra. (irorge Callff, Br., at Caneniuh. Theae young people have the beat wlehca of a lioat of friends. Thry will realdu In thla city, where Mr. CullfT la employed oa one of the fiee rural mull carriers. Old Crow, Planet and Red Top Rye the flneat whlaklea made. The Planet, Kelly A Ituconlch, propa. K. K. liohall,' a veteran of the Civil War and for fifteen years a resident of Oregon City, died Thuraduy morning at Ilia home near thu heud of Seventh street, after a tlire montha' lllnee. He waa aged about 66 ypare and la Survived by a wife and three children. The funeral ar rajtgementa are not completed. Everything In the millinery line below coat at Mlaa Uoldsmlth'. Several member of the Fraternal Drotherhood, of Portland. Joined their lodge brethren In thla city Tuesday even ing and gave a social dunce at Cunemuh Park. Among the notable featurea of the Ar gonaut for Auguat 15th will be "Play wrlghU aa riuyers." a London letter by Jerome Hart, who telle of the produc tion of a Gilbert burlesque, the different porta being taken by playwright: "Hot France and the Cool Alpa," a letter from Qeraldlne Bonner, deacrlblng aome of the Inconveniences of travel In Franco; "For ever," a Hawaiian atory by Kathryn Jorboe; "The Wit of Kurly Bohemia, " a number of evtrai't from papera read at Bohemian Club Jluka of the seventies; and criticisms of "The Toreador" at the Tlvoll Opera houao and "Joseph Kn tanglcd" at the Columbia theatre, by Josephine Hurt l'hclpa. ADAMS BROTHERS r AGENTS FOR "Black Cat" Stockings W. B. Coraeta McCall Dress Patterns Brainerd & Armstrong's Silks Banner Brand Shirt Waists Defender Brand Muslin Underwear Dr. Reed's Cushion Sole Shoes "riorosis" Underskirts II Oa redncl. Mlaa Ooldamrth. 1' 'a K-nm n il CI fenrn Ilallut bar lien gruntvid lloaiiaa to wad. A aon waa born Tueaday morning to Mr. and Mia. W. II. Zumwalt. For Hale. Two yearling colta and one mlluh cow, Holateln, at Jennlnga atatlon, elvctrlO line. C, Hooney. l-2t Monday the eight montha old child of Mr. and Mra. C. A. Kranklln died very auddenly at the family home on tha hill. A llcenae to wnd waa laaund Tueaday by Deputy Cdmk Oreenman In favor of Addell Allloon and Jorle W. Ualnea. lr. J. W. Powell hue aold hla 71-acre furm two nillea aoulh of Oregon City to V. F. lllackwood. The cotialderatlon waa flUUU. Newton Ilelmoru, who received painful Injurlce while bliiMtlng for the Willamette Pulp & Paper Co., one day lat week. I recpveiing. Of the forty-one young people who are taking the teachera' riuiuluullon before Huperlnteiident Zliieer, there are but three young gentlemen. Wanted A good, atrong girl for houae work In Portland. Apply at office Crown Paper Company, Oregon City, Oregon, bleu grunted llcenau to wed. Announcement J I take thin means to announce to my pa tient! ami the gem-rat public that I will be almeut on niv vacation from AuUHt the bth to Auguat the 17th. I also with to an- , nounce that on Aug. 17th I will open up New Dental Offices in the Willamette llliljt. over Harding' Drug More, where 1 will be pleaHed to wel come all those v. lull ing dental work done. The rule of giving go xl, lioilCHt, guaran teed work at moderate pricea will lie adhered to in the future a in the puat. Having in stalled additional equipment ami furni ture the new oliicei w ill he modern in ev ery particular. : : : Dr. L. A. Morris DENTIST At II Auguat term, the county court laat Frldny appointed H. W. Shaw juetlce of the peace for lUatrlct No. , to succeed Chrla Moehnke, who tendered hla resig nation. SPECIAL. Indies' handkerchiefs, I for 10c: child' handkerchief, lc; pin, 10. paper; cosmopolitan pattern cut to tc; ladles' black hose cut to tc; tc. and 10c. atln ribbons now tc and Sc; trimmed hats. 17c. up; uutrlmmed. 9c. up; cou pon given for dlhe. Red Front, Dee Wright wo In the city from Lib eral Wedncaduy and report the killing of eleven fine mutton aheep belonging to himself by dog belonging to Portland drummers. SNAPS. Cream cheese, 10c; atarch, lc; odu, 4c; cuffeo, 12 l-2c; rice, la; crack er, 8c; lemon or oranges, lc; tea dust, 12 l-2c; English breakfast tea, 16c; 8 tor or Horseshoe tobacco, 47c. Hamilton, Ucd Front. Additional pride haa accrued to J. M. Price, the clothing merchant. In the In Btalllng of a modern 1500 National cash register, In hla large and well equipped clothing house. The register la of the very latest manufacture and Is an ele gant piece of furniture. SNA PS. Babies' 60c. shoes 37c; chllds' 76c. to 96c; misses' shoes, $1.10; ladles' 12.60 ahoea for 11.80; slippers cut to 69o. Red Front. Why Did the Big Store Succeed T r ..if Ji l. - T - -i D if Rxrlnnce In Clroernn fVf-ir 'J BECAUSE We buy and sell more Merchandise at retail than any other firm In Oregon City. We buy more because wa cell more, and we acll more because we sell cheaper. And wa sell cheaper because we buy cheaper. BECAUSE We buy for cash only. We are wedded to no factory or manufac turing donoern. We buy for cash, and where we can buy to the beat advantage. BECAU8E We sell at one price only. We give no discounts, no rebates, no pri vate arrangement of any sort, to any one. A child can buy here as safely ss an expert BECAUSE We refund Money. It's our greatest Safeguard. Whenever you do not like your purchase you can get your money back, quick as a wink at thla store. BECAUSE We Give Quick Service, quick deliveries, and are quick in adjusting claims without lengthy argument. BECAUSE W Have a Smaller Expense Ratio than any other store that we know of, and can, therefore, afford to sell cheaper. The larger the business the smaller the expense percentage, and that means lower prices for you. ECONOMICAL BUYERS WHO WANT DEPENDABLE MERCHANDISE COrrlE HERE TO SHOP In the raffling of a ticket to the Wo '1' Fair, together with 1100 for expert, i, Dr. W. K. Corll held the winning nutn r HI and received the prl. Th-.-e were 200 thancea. When completed, Onler atseet will be th model cruahed rork atreet of Oregon City. Th flnlhln touche are now be- ing applied to thla thoroughfare by the ounty'a heavy ateam roller, which haa been aecured for thla purpoae. A formal demurrer to the complaint, alleging Inauiriclent facta to conatltute a cauae of action ho Wn filed In the di vorce suit of Agnea Hlhera agalnat Uef. T. Hllvera by Hedge tc Griffith, attorney for the defendant. Adolphu Kotxman la aulng Leonora Kotimaii for a divorce on the ground of deaertioii. The purl lea were married In thla county In 1X99, and the plaintiff al legce that the defendant la now realdlng at Norn. Alaaka. Harvey K. Croae I tha attorney for the plaintiff. An application, preaented by Frank An drew and A. K. Front, and aaklng for framhlae granting them the exclualve privilege of erecting and maintaining tel ephone llnea over all of the road of the county, wu illarnled by the county court before adjourning luat week. A defective flue cuuaed the burning fit a houae In the 'euat part of the city Tue duy evening. The building belonged to Inuuc Prlndle and wu occupied by a family named Howard. The content I Were all aaved, but the building, which wua not Inaured. waa entirely burned. The flunduy chool of the Flrnt Pre hylcrlun church will give a lawn loclul at the home of 0. Hahucbel tonight. A tlcllichtful muaical program will be ren dered by liurmelater ac Andreaen'a lateat plioiiogiiiphlc liiHtrunient. "The Newton Talking Machine." and a good time la In prospect. An order ha been made by the county court directing the airext of uny and all pi-raima driving acrox Wright bridge on the Molallu-Wllholt road fuater than on a walk. There ha been made con aldeiable coinplulnt to the court recently concerning thla nbuae und the court ha decided to take thla atep to protect It Inlet eat . In a card to friend here. C. H. Wll lluma. the Telrgrum correnpondent. and W. A. Klmlik. who are camped with oiic frlenda on Wllmm river, report g(jod aucc-aa In their queat of trout. Judging from their extravagant claim, there 1 a grave probability that till Htream will neceeeuidy have to be rcatocked with trout thla full If thla apecle of the flflh family la to continue extant. Timber lund patent that have been held up at Washington for aeveral month have arrived at the Oregon City lund office In favor of the following numed eltlera: Wm. M. Powell, Robert It. Newton, Lizzie Vohi, Ethel M. Curtis, Herbert K Newton, Teckla J. KoonBt, Idu K. Dlcklnaon, Andrew J. Btllwell and Hannah E. Borennon. We Are Selfish LIKE ALL OTHER MORTALS W know a good many people from Clackamas county, but w want to know more. W want your business acquaint anca and solicit your banking In all branchaa. I ' PROMPT AND COUR TEOUS ATTENTION TO ALL. The Bank of Oregon City Oregon City, Oregon Golden Rtde Baaa? OREGON CITY'S BIG CASH STORE In Boilding up the Largest Retail Business In Oregon City? ' Personal Mention Dr. L. A. Morrla la at Newport. Mrs. E. A. Bommer la home from New port. Mrs. Ed Fortune hft gone to Cali fornia. Attorney J. E. Hedge hi at Seattle for a week. Adam Knight, of Can by, waa In the city Monday. J. C. Bradley, of Boring, was In the city thla week. W. It. Borings, of Boring, waa In the clly last Friday. Miss Alvena Horn la apendlng her va cation at Seaside. Edgar Hhaver, of Marquam, was In Oregon City Tuesday. Chris Hartman and John Moore are rusticating at Reaslde. C. H. Caufleld and family have gone to Mt. Hood for an outing. Mra. Kate W. Bingham, of Oawego, was In the city to-lay. Mrs. Horn and son Carl have gone to pi"inayl"iinla for a visit. Roy Clurk, of North Bend, l visiting relatives In Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs. Dee Wright, of Liberal, were In the city Wednesday. W. E. Marshall, the Highland mer chant, wo In the city today. Pearl Moaler, now of Seattle, visited Oregon City friends Monday. Claud Butler, a former Oregon City boy, visited here last Buturday. Miss Nellie Caufleld ha returned from a two week' visit at The Dallee. It E. Huye. of Mt. Tabor, la thla week visiting hla son. Judge O. E. Hayes. Miss Mary 8. Barlow and Miss Tull, of Barlow, visited In Oregon City Sunday. Wm. V'ltk, road aupervlsor for the Mo lulla dlmrlct. was In the city Tuesday. Pat Duffy, of Beaver Creek, waa trans acting business In Oregon City Tuesday. W. II. Engle, a leading farmer of the Molalla country, won In the city Tues day. Mrs. H. M. Shaw, of Eugene, visited with her husband In this city over Sun day. ('has. Schramm has gone to Long Beach, where he will remain about two weeks. Hherlft J. K. Shaver has been spending a few days with his family at Wllhoit Springs. Miss Bertha Goldsmith has returned from an extended visit with frlenda at Seattle. Mil. A. H Hamlin has returned to Rom-burg after a visit with Mra. C. D. Iitourette. J. L. Wuldron and fumfly are enjoying an outing at the Toll Gate on the Mt. Hood road. Miss Murybella Meldrum haa returned from a visit with Mrs. 1). P. Thompson at Vancouver. R. I. CJurrett. a farmer of the Needy neighborhood, waa In the city on busi ness Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Straight are en Joying their annual outing at Nya Creek, near Newport. Chtts. Pope, Wm. Koerner and Jack I.atourette have returned from a short outing at Seaside. . Rev. Ellott, the well known Unitarian divine of Portland, was an Oregon City visitor Wednesday. Miss Zilpha Galloway, of McMlnnville, visited Oregon City friend the latter part of laat week. Mr. and Mrs. Piatt Eldrlcan. of San Francisco, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Munsey. Elmer Bashor. of Salem, waa the guest over 8unday of his sister, Mlsa Gertrude Bushor. of this city. Frank Brown, chief of the fire depart ment, and Theodore Miller, are recuper ating at the Seaside. W. R. Logus, local operator for Pos tal Telegraph company, Is spending this week at Wllhoit Spring. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Holman and daugh ter, Edna, returned last Friday from a few days spent at the seaside. W. M. Stone, a prominent farmer of the Stone neighborhood, waa a business visitor to Oregon City Wednesday. Mr. A. J. 8uwtelle, of Molalla, has re turned from Klamath Falls, where she has been visiting a daughter, Mra. Lewi. Mrs. Barney Dionne, of Seattle, ha re turned home after a visit with her sis ter, Mra. C. A. Miller, on the West Side. Mr. and Mrs. L. Adams have returned from a two weeks' outing at Fulda, In the White Salmon country, Washington. H. L. Bent and Francis Feller, two prominent hop grower of Butteville, were In the city the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Con kiln, of Indianapolis, Indiana, were the guests several days this week of Mr. and Mrs. T. Leonard Chamian. j BECAUSE We are Attending to Our Own Business. "With malice toward none, and charity for all," we look straight ahead and attend to our own affairs. We are not Jealous of competing atorea; we do not hope for nor do we predict the fal ure of others; we have no desire to plant the ascending star of our success In place of the descending star of another store, but are happy to live and let live. BECAUSE We Do Not Misrepresent In the store or out of the store, and we do not permit our employes to do so either. We say what we mean and mean what we say, and live strictly up to the letter and spirit of our advertisements. . BECAUSE We Permit No One to Undersell Ca. We consider U our special mis slon to sell "Better goods for the same money" than other stores, and. come what may, wa will fulfill this promise. BECAUSE We Sell No Eastern Job Lots, Auction Remnanta or Factory Seconds. BECAUSE We Sell for Cash Only. Our Customers are not asked to pay an ad ditional profit to cover eost of good sold to others who never pay. 50c ON THE Dollar MUST I CLOSE OUT Owing to the fact that we are going to move to Portland September it, we are compelled to sacrifice our entire stock of new and second band goods to save freight to Portland at 50c on the Dollar Cook itove from 3 00 up $5.00 to $30.00; Matting machines $2.00 and up. Sale Lasts J 5 Days Only SUGARMAN & SON Fifth and Main Streets OREGON CITY, - OREGON, VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVArWrVArrrrrrrrrrr Prof. W. O. Beattle and family have re turned from Eugene, where the Pro fessor was an Instructor at a summer school. A. W. Baird. who has been pursuing his medical studies at New York City i three years, Is visiting with his relatives in this city. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Guild, of San Fran cisco, are visiting with Oregon City rela tives. Mrs. Guild waa formerly M! Huldu Holden. G. W. Church has returned from Mt Hood, whence he accompanied his family and County Clerk F. A. Sleight and fam ily for an oiltlng. Southern Pacific Agent and Mrs. J. P. Frissell have gone to Nye Creek, near Newport, where they will spend their summer's vacation. Mrs. E. E. Latourette, of Harvey, Wash., will reach Oregon City today for a visit with her brother. City Treasurer Myers, and other relatives. J. A. McGlashan and Tbos. McGlashan, accompanied by their families and Mis Rakel, have been rusticating at Ocean Park, on the Washington coast. Carleton Harding left Tuesday night for Berkeley. California, where he will attend the University of California and take a course In mining and engineering. Ed Schwab, former clerk at the Crown Paper mills, but now employed In a railroad office at San Francisco, visited Oregon City friend one day recently. He is in Oregon on a visit to his relative at Portland. Johnnie W. Roppell, Ida M. Roppell and George C. Roppell leave In a few daya for Peoria. Illinois, where they will visit their grandfather "hji grandmother, for several months. E. T. Fair, the freak animal show man, was visiting In Oregon City thla week. Mr. Farr haa just completed a circuit of the Sound with his show aggregation and reports a successful trip. J. W. Burks. Jr., assistant bookkeeper at the Oregon City Manufacturing Co.'s plant, left Monday for a visit to bis old home In Tennessee. He will return to Oregon City about September 1. LEX US Prices Reasonable Do Your Work Work 0uaranteed We do a General Baggage and Transfer Business. Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moved Office Opposite Masonic Building Tc?imm Williams Bros. Transfer Co. ADAMS 50c ON THE Dollar to $20.00; bedroom suites from from loe per yard up; aewing Call and be convinced. I Harry E. Draper, of tho firm of Hunt- ley Bros. Co., and Ted Osmund, book- keeper at the Crown Mills, have gone to Newport for a two weeks' outing. Xbey made the trip overland and expect tc hunt and fish en route. ' Mrs. Llzile Roppell will leave for Washington. D. C, as soon as she con cludes her business affairs here. Mra, Roppell goes to the national capital to accept a position in one of the de partments and will remain for some time, Victor Dickey, of Dickey's Prairie, waa an Oregon City visitor Tuesday. He re ports that some farmers are threshing their grain which is turning out a bet ter yield than was expected. Much of the late grain is now ready for tha binder Drs. Beatie & Beatie. Dentists; room 16. 17, 18. Weinhard building. Drowned Today. ' 1 Tou can drown your sorrow today by going to Howell & Jone. the druggist, and buying a box of Palmo Tablet. They make you strong and happy: Pile 50 cents; six boxe J2.50. Eby & Eby, attorneys-at-law, Oregon City. General practice. Deeds, mort gage and abstract carefully made. Money to loan on good security. Charge always reasonable. NOTICE. The Board of Directors of School Dis trict No. 3 will receive bids for painting the school house at Canemah up to noon Aug. 18th. 1904. with two coats best Pio neer Lead and Linseed Oil., outside only. Including roofs and outhousea. By order of the Board. . R. C. GANONO, Chairman. The Board reserves the light to reject any and all bids. Welnhard s celebrated Columbia 1 the purest and best beer In the market The Planet, Kelly & Ruconlch. prop. BROTHERS COT AGENTS FOR Crouse & Brandegee Clothing Monarch Shirts Arrow Brand Collars Brown's Star-Five-Star Shoes Dr. Wright's Underwear Strauss Bros., Tailors Selz Royal Blue Shoes Stetson Hats "0 u 1 i