Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 12, 1904, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    PACE 2.
Oat Correspondents' Corner
Bruf Bits of Gouip From All Parti of the County.
Correspondents are requested to re
new their work. We will furnish all
necessary stationery. The news from
your neighborhood should appear In
these columns every week.
The correspondence page bf tha Enter
prise Is being sadly neglected by our com
potent etatT of reporter. This la one of
the most Important departmenta of the
country weekly. New of each locality
.hnnirf ha reliably reported each week.
Do not allow th newt In your neighbor,
hood to becoma ttalt befora reporting tha
Item. We appreciate the fact that thl
la an extremely buy time with the farm-
art. but would request our correspondentt
to try and arrange to aend In aomethlng
each week. Necessary stationery will
be forwarded to correspondents promptly
on application.
Meroury 0 degree.
On July SO Professor Anders at Esta-
cada gave the stereoptlcon scenery !
the life of Christ for the benefit of their
8unday school, the proceeds of which
will be used to buy an organ. The pro
deeds amounted to t.U.
On the evening of Sth Inst the T. P.
8. C. E. of Sprtngwater gave an Ice cream
aortal with a fine program for the pur
pose of buying eome books for the
church. The social netted 115.
Rev. William Taylor, a former resident
la vlb'.ting his daughter. Mr. Miller and
friend. While here he preached last
Mr. and Mr. Ed Miller gave a birthday
dinner. About twenty guests were pres
ent, and a very enjoyable time was had
in honor of Mr. Miller's 47th birthday.
May ahe have many more.
Quite a number of friends and rela
tive are taking thla warm weather to
vtalt 8pr4ngwater. Among them are:
Mr. Dobbin and family, from lone; Mi
Minnie Hargreave, of Seattle; Miss
Edith Hargreave and Mis Ona Morris,
of Oregon City.
For the Farmer- Column: Remedy for
calf with the acour: 1 teacup flour,
teaspoon salt. 1 teaspoon soot, given
time f or 12 hour apart.
Fred Woodside I cutting grain for Mr.
F. Erlckaon.
Mr. and Mr. Wood and daughter are
visiting Mr. and Mr. Fish this week.
Mr. Zlnger seems to be making quite
frequent visit to Oregon City of late.
Mr. Lee dog met with quite an acci
dent last week in trying to get down to
the Molalla river. It is supposed that he
loat hi balance and fell over the bluff.
The men working In the harvest field
mis their faithful friend, as he alway
carried them water in a pail given to him
at the house.
Bert McDonald ha returned to the
Ogle Creek mines to work.
r. Dodge called on Agne Woodside
Sunday. ,
H. Seltzer and Mr. and Mrs. Dan !
Grave visited at the Fish home Sunday.
Mr. A. Erlckson has secured pastuie
for hi nheep of Mr. Flfh. j
Mr. Heins i visiting Mrs. F. Erkkson
at present. !
Itching piles? Never mind if every
thing else failed to cure you. Try Iman's
Ointment. No failure there. 5'J cents,
at any drug store.
Mr. Henry Wilbern was a busings v!s
Itor to Portland Tuesday.
Mr. Gu. Burnett transacted business
In Portland Tuesday.
Messrs, John Giover and 0'N"il were
In Portland and Oregon City the first of
the week.
The forest fire surrounding this neigh
borhood have been about all extinguished.
Several cord of wood were consumed.
Judge and Mr. Lake, of The Dalles,
were visitor here' last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Malon returned
from Sumpter on Sunday. Mrs. Malon
Is at present In St. Vincent hospital,
where she underwent a vry serious op
eration on Tuesday. Thef operation was
Jiotanical Plants
Howl tat Bemt of Lift sad Dnul.
Rt-rent experiments conducted by most
eminent scientist, prove that light is
great remedial agent ; it i essentially
Nature's agent. It may 1st either un
light or electric light, but it as a de
cided effect in helping natural banish
disease and restore health. Otiier scien
tific men have proved that oxygen elec
trifies the heart and can prolotig life.
The people on this earth are susceptible
to some laws which govern plant life. A
plant cannot be successfully grown in the
dark. A man is seldom healthy and str.i:(f
who lives in the dark or in sunless rooms.
After all, Nature's ways are Icvd to be
the best. Nature' remedies are a!.,y
best for eradicating disease, and oy this we
mean a medicine made of roots and h to.
They are assimilated in the stoma'b and
taken u; by the blood and are, therefore,
the most potent means which can be im
ployed for the regaining of lost health.
Dr. R. V. Pierre, consulting physician to
the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute,
at Buffalo. N. V.. in many years of exlcn
liye practice, found that he could pin hi
faith to an alterative extract of certain
plant and r'wts for the cure of all blood
disease. This he called Dr. Pierce'
Golden Medital I)icovery Containing no
alcohol nor narcotics, entirely vegetable,
this " Discovery " makes rich red blood and
is a powerful tissue builder, giving the tired
business man or woman renewed strength
and health. Rapidly growing school girl
and boy often show impoverished blood
by the pimples or boils which appear on
face or neck. To eradicate the poisons
from the blood, and feed the heart, kr.gs
and stomach on pure blood, nothing is
so good a Dr. Pierce's Golden Mccical
Don't allow the dealer to inult your in
telligence by offering his own blood rem
edy to you instead of this well -known
preparation of Dr. Pierce s. Ten cii nces
to one he will substitute a cheap compound
Saving a large percentage of alcohol m it.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets are the bst for the
bowel. L'se them with the "Discovery."
performed by Pr. Rivkry. of rortl.ind.
and wa ueorsnful. and at prmt h
i rrcovrrlng vrry nlrvly.
Mlc Marguerite Jarqura mi In port
land Ti''lay
Mr. A K. Alspaueh r-ivd word Sun
day fron hid wlff. who, with their daugh
ter, ar? in St. Louis, that the daughter
waa niik with typhoid fever. Mr. Al
liaush left for St. Louis Turaday nlKht.
I Mr. A. E. Kolerda entertained aeva
inl friends over Sunday last.
Thi pl.ti apteara to be the Mrrvn for
.... nurlua Unt-ilK m iluv ir.ua itv
j (ua wh(l, onf or mon ,nows up yur
. tmrit of those who are looking
forw(lrd ,0 fishing trip we will say that
j,he oreeka are empty, aa the last order
j for f,M. fK1jd to arrive. They are looked
, flir )n a f(.w l)av,
Enterprise Is very' VKipular In thla
,' n.,it:htorhiHd. and Is awaited with mm-h
1 1 leasu-e. It has the new.
Violent Attack of Diarrhoea Cured by
Chamberlain- Colic, Cholera and Dl-
j arrhoea Remedy, and Perhaps
j , Life Saved. , '
j ..A fy,on time ago 1 was taken with a
violent attack of diarrhoea and believe
1 would have died If 1 had not gotten
relief. ' favs John J. ration, a leading cit
izen of I'atton. Ala. "A friend recom
mended Chamberlain Colic. Cholera and
I'iarrhota Remedy. 1 bought a twenty
five cent bottle and after taking three j
dose of It was entirely cured. I con
sider it the best remedy In the world for
bowel complaints. For sale by G. A j
Harding. i
S. E. Gregory got through cutting tea
sels this week.
Most of thi burg went to Wilhoit
Springs Sunday.
C. Emlth cradled wheat this week for
R. Shubel.
Fred Bullard, of Ely, was out last
week stacking grain for hi son Bob.
Hop picker seem scarce this year.
Mis Pansy Smith, of Portland, Is visit
ing her parent and brother thi week
B. J. Helvey helped C. Smith cut hi
wheat last week.
Lillian Gillette, of Ely. Is staying with
Mrs. Al Jones, at present.
Al Jones and Co. went to the moun
tains to bum their slashing.
Ed and Norman Howard both have a
lame horse this week.
Ern Jones has accepted a position with
Horst Bros., hop grower of Salem, for
this season.
A lazy liver make a lazy man. Bur
dock Blood Bitter i the natural, never
failing remedy for a lazy liver.
Better Than Gold.
I was troubled for several year with
chronic Indigestion and nervous debility,"
writes F. J. Green, of Lancaster. N. H.
"No remedy helped me until I began us
ing Electric Bitter, which did me more
good than all the medicines I ever used.
They have also kept my wife In excellent
health for years. She say Electric Bit
ters are Just splendid for female trouble;
that thy are a grand tonic and lnvigor
ator for weak, run down women. No
other medicine can r.i:e Its p)ace in our
family." Try them. Only 50c. Satis
faction guaranteed by Howell & Jones.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Hk k'-nhctham ,-nd
M:.-s Clara Sevier haie returned from tln
rnontains where they had a week's reit-
Mrs. Hi' k-nbotham, of GoM'-rjdale, vis
ited with friend here last we, k.
Hay baling was the order of burin-
last week. Threshing begins Wednesday.
Mr. lilack has returned fiorn The
Dalles and Jfood River. He icpoits hot
weather, dust and a good apple prospect.
W. D. IJiown went to Portland on busi
ness Tuesday.
Ordinary household accidents have no
terrors when there's a bottle of Dr.
Thomas' Electric Oil in the medicine
chest. Heals burns, cuts, bruises, sprains.
Instant relief.
The young people of this pla
the maple grove belonging to I.
vtry reasonable price. The young men of j
the club are putting the grounds In Maple
Oiove In fine order. For refreshment af
ter their arduous effort the young ladles
sometimes provide a lunch of chicken,
cake and lemonade, as per Thursday
evening. The tennl court I a pleasant
feature in the amusement of the place.
The Epworth League of the M. E.
church will give a aocial thi (Tuesday)
evening at the home of Mr. W. A. Gar
rett. Mrs. McC'hesney will give a dinner at
her home Wednesday noon, for the bene
fit of the Ladle' Aid of the M. E.
The spirit of civic Improvement is In
the air. The possibility of bringing water
to the town from a spring not far distant
1 under advigement. Last Monday even
ing a meeting waa called at the . O. O.
F. hall to arouse an interest In. the mat
ter of a motor line for Clackamas. There
wa a large attendance. Speeches made
by C. F. Clark, Mr. Street and others
showed a strong spirit for a car line. It
ha been Bald that more passenger get
on and off the train at Clackamas than
at any other point on the S. P. between
Portland and Balern. During; the late
Chautauqua season from sixty-five to
one hundred tickets per day were sold at
this station. After Interesting speeches
from nearly every one present the meet
ing adjourned. Another meeting will be
held, at the same place, Monday evening.
Aug. IS. All are Invited. ,
Cholera Infantum.
Thi disease ha lost It terror since
Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy came Into general ue. The
uniform success which attend the use
of thi remedy in all cane of bowel com
plaint In children has made It a favor
ite wherever it value ha become known.
For aale by O. A. Harding.
r7.Y:2ly E. Pirikharns Vegetable Compound.
ZTrZV:::: !" j Yo Women:-! had frequent headaches of a severe nature,
Mather, i.iiy s.ree, and Frank ' Taioot, i dark spots before my eyes, and at .my menstrual penorts 1 suiicrca
L . ... . . .,,..,.1,1 ,.rr a m,.mir of tliP. lfitltrft advised me to try Lynia I
nae secuieu a uie teiujin ouint ni a uiliciu (15
Feed your hair; nourish it;
give it 'something to live on.
Then it will stop falling, and
will grow long and teavy.
Ayer's Hair Vigor Is the only
Hair Vigor
hair food you can buy. For 60
years it has been doing just
what we claim it will do. It
will not disappoint you.
M Mt hslr uteri to h v.rf ltrt. ftiit .ft.r
mint Ayol'i M.li Vinor tlmrt lima II n
to trow, nod li,w II I fnintrit tut'le Inn.
Tl'l tefim s aiilenaul reiilt lu ma lt.r bvuig
iuinat without ntiT li.lr "
MR. J. II. rlR. Colut.ito STln. Coin,
tl N a twitl.
i" for
1 M !,
Short Hair
Harvesting Is almost completed in this j
vicinity f j
The basket meeting at the tVilaidale i
school house was well attended Sunday.
Mr Eddie got his nose broken not very
long at?o. but was nlile to be out Sunday.
Mr. t barley Kotieson. of Ustramler.
Vah . Is vlsiling his parents). Mr. and
Mrs. Kobepon, this week.
Mis Nora Wright and Miss Elsie
Fisher were guest at the Hargreave'
Sunday evening.
Mr. J. II James has his larg
nearly completed.
J. 11 Wright. J Hall and family
the guests of I A James Sunday
. Were
Threshing is the order of the day.
Clarence (ireen, of Ely. wa seen on
the streets here this week.
R. Beatle made an early trip to town
this week
Mrs V. Hollander. Hr , of Oregon City.
Is visiting relatives here lit present
1 -
fC A
i w m
! N ''
II V 11
Miss Nettie Blackmore, Minneapolis,
I tells how any young woman may be per
ar'manently cured of monthly pains by taking
' Vegetable Compound,
that, mv r asp was hOTlf CSS. but
! bottle and started takine it, I soon
change my opinion of the medicine, as eacn aay my neaun uupry veu, uuu
finally I was entirely without pain at my menstruation jienods. I am most
IN'ettib Blackmobi, 28 Central Ave, Minneapolis, mum.
are quickly and permanently overcome by Lydia J. i lnKuam
Veeetable Compound. The above letter is only on of hundreds of
thousands which prove this statement to be a fact. Menstruation
is a severe strain on a woman's vitality, if it is painful somethlnj
is wrone. Don't take narcotics to deaden the pain, but remove)
the cause perhaps 1
msnts. or the devHor.
li hum's Vecretable Comnound
If there ia anything about your case about which yon would like apeclal
advice, write freely to Mr. Pinkham. Khe will treat your letter aa strictly
confidential. Khe tan surely help you, for no person in America can apeak
from a wider experience in treating- female ills. She baa helped hundred of
thousands of women back to health. Her address is Lynn, Mana., and her
adrice i free. You are very foolish if you do not accept her kind invitation.
r i i. M l.it... t
I am now enjoying the t.st of health, and am most gTatefuLi and only
too pleased to endorse such a great remedy." Miss Jxkxii L. Edwakds,
604 II St, N. W, Washington, D. C
Mrs. Pinkham, whose address is Lynn, Mass- will answer cheer
fully and without no at all letter addx caused to her by sick women
Mr O I.yman I busy hauling slat's at
Mia. J. Edwards and son Koland mail
j a business trip to town thla wek.
I Miss Minnie Henrlele made a pleasant
vail on Mends here thla week.
j Mr. and Mrs Hitetu'e railed on the
. til ixenthwalln family this Week.
I II lli iulvle Is still pioinenadltiK with
I his shlnale raek through this burg.
, Mi Mary Mooie vailed on Miss Maud
' I'milnl tills Week.
I Mia Win. Mai tin la ery alrk.
j Nearly Forfeits Ml Life.
I A runaway almost ending fatally start
ed a horrible ulcer on the leg of J. II.
finer. Franklin Drove. 111. Kor (our year
It defied all doctora and all remedies.
Hut Hiuklrn Arnlra Salve had no trou
ble to cure hlin. Kunlly good for Iturna,
Itiulsis. Skin Kruptlona and IMIea. ?&c
at Unwell & Jones' drug store.
Threshing has started In this commun
ity. The machine can be he aid In all
There will he an Ice cream social at
the H.mhI View church Friday evening A
pinKtam Will he rendered, consisting of
mwslc and sonic, which wilt le furnished
by Wllsniivllle and Hood View talent.
!'tal!c!ng for the event took ' place
Wednesday evening
While playing with match, little Inls,
the small child of It I. Seeley. set Us
clothes anie and was severely burned
alioiit the body and arms. Al last re
polls the chllil aa slowly recovering
T. Tooie had his tn w barn raised
, last Friday. '
j Mr. Sulilltt Is cutting stove wood for
' Ti ters & Alien.
I Miss Amelia llassi Ihrlnk has been sick
i for some time with an attack of neu
Br the
6 tutor
It K.rd You Han :irs Bol
Oregon City People Receiving the Full
There have been many case like the
following in Oregon City. Every one re
Kites the experience of people. These
plain straightforward statements will do
much toward relieving the suffering of
thousands. Such testimony will be read
- -.
but I only scorned good advice and
She Kept at Hie UIUU 1 UOUKI1I.
had the best reason in the world to
ke narcotics to deaden the pain, nuiremoTO
it Is caused by irrejrularit j or womb displace,
lopment of a tumor. Whatever it is, Juyli
table Compound is guaranteed to cure it. I
Dear Mas. Potium: Ignorance and
carelessness is the cause of most of the Buffer
ings of women. I believe that if we properly
understood the laws of health we would all be
welL but if the 6ick women only knew the
truth about Lydla E. IMnkbam'a Vegetable
Compound, they would be saved much suffer
ing and would soon be cured.
"I used it for five months for a local diffi
culty which had troubled me for years,
and for which I bad spent hundreds
of dollars in the vain endeavor to rec
tify. My life forces Were being sarped,
tnd I was daily losing my vitality.
"Lydla E. PuiULam's Vegetable
rnmiumnd r-niwl me comnletely. and
The Kind You Ilavo Always
lu use for over :iO years,
Ali Counterfeits Imitations nnd JiiMt-un-jrood" lire but
Experiments (hut trlllo with und eiiduiitier t!io health of
lufauU und Chlldrcu-Experleiico uKuin-t Experiment.
Custorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, lrops und Noolhlnir Hyrups. It Is PleiiMint. It
contains neither Opium, .Morphlno nor other Narcotics
utibstunce. Its age Is Its guarantee. It uValroys Worms
and allays lVverlshness. It cures Dlnrrlinn und Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constlpatlou
and Flatulency. It aNHlmilates the Eooil, rertilates the
Stomiieli nnd Itowels, giving heiillhy mid initiirul sleep.
Tho Children's Puuucea The Mother's 1 rlciid.
Bears the
T lie Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
TMff etttTAU lOWNNf, Tf
with lntrrrt by many pple.
C. fruit, rarprnlrr, rrldln( one and a
hulf mllr from Albany, aaya: "IKian'i
Kldnry I'lll wtim o hlihly pokrn of to
m by a frlrnd who had uH thrm that
I dt oldrd to lv. thrm a trial and pro-
curd a bo. I ovr taji-d mywlf nd
broiiKht on . vrr b. ka. h. I paid llttln
Hti. ntlon to It at ttrt. but It ardulty
tw wor. Whrn I did anything whlrh
ciiii. d a traln on my bark or took a
liKht -U I wm ur lo uiTnr from
itc uutn (tom my loin. I aturtrd In
i mnir liiiiui a kidney rill a dlrrctrd and
thi-y hilix-d m from tho flmt duy. Ily !
I he tlmr I hud nnlnllrd taking thrm th ,
1'l. nty m.-i. prH,f like thi from Ore.
aon City propln. Call at C. a. lluntiry '
drug tore und ak what hi uti.m
K.,r ..I. by .11 dral..rw 1'rlc, 10 "-
" ' ' ',. "
utnn t'ni jor ins unitfii niHic.
lt-nirnibrr the niune In,in' nnd Ink
n ntliiT.
Ayers Pills
Want your moustache or beard
a beautiful brown or rich black ? Use
We have removed Into our larger and bettor building at Main
Twelfth streets. We have added considerable now machinery, and
thoroughly equipped to handle all clawics of work.
Building and
Saw mill auppllea, ahaftlng, boxes and
and high grades; emery stands, swing
band and made to order. We also
business. Plow shares ground and
First Class Work.
Twelfth and Main Sts.
nought, nnd which linn hero.
has borno tho sltriiufnro or
bus been nimlo tiudi r his per
sonal supervision since Its lnfitny.
Allow no one to deceive you In this.
Signature of
MIMf tTHflt, NIW ttTV.
Indigestion Causes
Catarrh of the
f mtnf y9tn hu auppeatvi that
I Catarrh ( tha Stomach cum4 lndlMtlo
Md dyppla, but tha truth la aiactly lh
appoalla. Indlf Mtlon cauaea aalarrh. R
paatad attacka of IndliMllon Inlltmea tha
' muooui mambranaa llnln tha alomaoh an4
iipoM tha narvaa of th ilomach, Ihua caua
Irf tha (landa to acrt mucin Inataad of
j In Julcaa of natural dltlon. Thla la
i aallad Catarrh 01 tha Stomach.
Kodol Dyspepsia Curo
rallavaa all Inllammallon ef tha mucous
I mbranaa lining tha atomach. pralacta ttu)
Mml and out bd braih. aour rUlnfa,
! Hnm fun, t ,tlnc, lnd Mtloa,
tjnpapala and all atomoch Iroubl.
KOlol DlCStS What YOU Et
' Mak tha Stomach 3wt,
mlr. S.t.l.r 1 1 00. holdlfi. 3M tlMt
Ik. trUI if. which r.iii lor 10 Ml
Praparsd bf I. 0. D.WITT a OO.. Oh !, Ill,
bold by 0. A. HAROINO, DruBQltt.
The great rule of health
Keep the bowels regular.
And the great medicine
Ayer's Pills. iZ.tn'Z,'
run era in kuwuiji ua a . au do, (umua. a. .
Repairing of
collars In itock; Babbitt Metal low
saw frames and harbors; pulleys on
do a general machine blacksmlthlna
saws gummed.
Prices floderate.
Oregon City, Oregon