Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 12, 1904, Image 1

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
VOL. S7. NO. 40.
Nibe Splendid Fagms
Eighty-acre fruit and vogtnbl
farm at Ciintiy on lino of Hotithnrn
Pacific railroad, all lovol, 74 aero In
nlco cultivation. All foncod, bunion
on Molnlla rlvor, 18 aero prunos In
Al condition, 13 noro pnrln 4
acre applo, S arroa strawbnrrlos, 6
room framo dwelling, Inrgo bnrn, 40x
60, prune drynr 24x40, coiit $1000,
gralnnry, warohouso, mile to achool,
H nuln to railroad station, onn mile
to steamboat landing. To go with the
place: 1 span horsos, 2 cows, chlckons,
3 plows, wagon, hark, harrow, mowor
and all other fur in Inn ImpUimont and
growing crop at time of salo.
Price 1X000; $5000 cash, balance In
S yoan at 6 nor cent Intorost.
8tock and timber: 252 acre, T. S
8, R. 8 K., one mile from Molulla
rlvor and on linn of extension of
motor railway. 200 acres lovol, 50
aoros fimcnd, 30 ncrnw In cultivation,
no hotixo, barn 50x75, living water,
200 aero heavy timber, fir and codar,
valunblo, would cniUa (lvo million or
mciro foi't of khxI, merchantable tlm
!mr, bouillon piling. 'A ttillo to achtxil,
great outrangx. 17 mlli to Oregon
City. prfi'ct tlilu. Price $12.50 per
acre; $1000 cash; balance In 3 yean
at 5, per cent IntoroHt.
Two hundred and fifty-acre Block
ranch, rolling enough for good drain
ago, soil good. t() acrns In cultivation,
80 acre moro slushed and burned and
could bo put Into cultivation for $10
per acre, balance pasture land, smail
creek run through the place. 3 living
Hprlngn, 3 acre orchard, 8-ruuni box
house, covered with rustic, painted,
1 Vd tory, big home made barn 30x00,
budded all round, large outrange, ou
' A great many
at all sorts of
Main Street, Oregon City,
Offlcs dcx to Oregon CIl? Eaterpri-e.
Aoutt and Chronlo Dlsesses. Nervous
Disorders. Women's and Children's Dis
eases a Specialty. Graduate of Still Col
let of Osteopathy, De Moines. la. Of
fice Hours: 9:10 a. m. to p. m., Monday.
Wednesday and Friday. Concultatlon free.
Boom 1. Oardo Building. Oregon City.
Land Titles Examined.
Ueeda, Mortgages Drawn.
Abstract. Made.
Money Loaned
orrn'i ovsa
Bank)l 'Oregon City.
Ohiuon City, Ou.
W. 8. 0'Ba 0. Bohuebel I
uiien & schuehkl ;
Attorneys: at Law. i
pcutTdjcr buoliat.
Will practice in all courts, mske collections !
Furnish shstrscts of itle, lend you money
and lend your money on flrst niorgage.
Office In Enterprise Building,
Oregon City, Oregon.
Attorney at Law.
JuHtice of the I'eace.
.Ii gfer Bldg., Oregon Cl'y
Will practice In alltheoonrtf of theaute. Of
oe, In Cnunuli building.
rurnUh Abstracts of Title, Loan Money,
roraoloM Mortsace. and transact
General Law Buslnaasv
How about those bill heads, statements,
letterheads and envelopes? The Enter
prise has Just received a lot of new type
and we are now prepared to give you Just
what you want and Just whan you want
It. Our work la not surpassed anywhere,
Olve us a trial.
For Gentlemen Farmers of some means. We can
recommend every one of them, and the price is right
main road 22 mile from Oregon City.
Vt mile from Wllholt Spring. :'0
per aero; $2000 down, balance on
long tlmo at 0 per cont per annum.
Two hundred and twenty-five acre
at !ognn, 6 mile duo east of Oregon
City, 10 mile from Portland, 100 acre
In cultivation, 60 acre more nearly
roady to break, 8 acrea prune orchard,
whole place fenced, mountain trout
atream running through the ranch.
Hnveral largo springs, frame dwelling
6 rooms, cuNt $500, pottt barn, 2 miles
to cheese, factory, same distance to
creamery that aelli $1000 worth of
butter a month, achool Vi mile, aplon
did neighborhood. $30 per acre;
term to ault.
Ono hundred and sixty five acre at,
Ignn. 130 aero In splendid cultiva
tion and In crop, four mile of board
and wire fencing, 4 acre orchard, two
dwelling worth $2000, two largo
burn, living water In nearly all tho
fluid, place I In good ropulr and ev
erything nent and tidy, V4 mllo to
achool, 10 mile to Portland, 9 miles
to Oregon City, creamery and choee
factory In tho neighborhood. $8000:
linlf down, balance on euxy terms at
C per cent Interest.
Stock Farm InveHtment. 314 acres,
two mile from tormlnu of O. W. P.
& Ily. ('.. line at Sprlngwator, 1C0
acre In cultivation, whole place
fenced, CO acre In clover, 14 acres
orchard, two million feet good mer
chantable timber, three fine living
spring of pure water, small dwelling,
large new barn C0xS4, outrange of
elk weed and pea vino for a tliouHand
head of stock, about 40 head cattle.
other places, large aand small, for sale
prices, and to suit all sorts of people
233 Washington Street, Portland, jt
I jKHir Tight I
Ll - 'ii mil I I . i.i III i- If
1 'M
If you iifftl anything in the way of Hardware, Crockery,
Glass-ware or (!tanite-ware, I can supply your wants. Call and
intipeot my ntock.
Complete Inn- ill new and second-hand FURNITURE carried. Let
in eiipply you with a bonce- keeping outfit
WALL PAPER of the bent quality and latest styles at right prices.
Attention, Here's a Bargain I
5000 fi'i't, 1'4 iiii h firMtrlam Manila rope, in one piece, is offered for
sale, it a l tiurfin for a few da) . !
Main Street,
Brunswick House & Kcstanrant
Newly Furnished Rooms.
Meals at All Hours. Prices Reasonable.
Opposite Suspension Bridge.
Only Firnt Class Restaurant
In town
We aie ia a posi
tion to save yon
from 10 to 20 per
cent, on niilertk
er'i enppliea of
which rsrrv a
complete stock.
R. L. HOL-7VKN, Undertaker & Embalmer
OrflcH: One door son'ta of Court Housor at Cigar Store oppoaita Bank
ol Urenou CUT.
span horses, wagon, now binder, and
all farming tool with present crop
for $30 per aero; very easy term,
Oood school and growing neighbor-
One hundred and sixty acres In
Highland, 120 acres levol, good soil,
all fonred, 40 acres In cultivation, run
ning stream through the place, water
In all fields, 1 acre orchard, 4-room
box hoiiHo, barn 44x50, 20 acres In clo
vor, 20 acres In grain and vegetables,
great outrange, 7 miles to Cazadero,
10 hood stock with lncroae, all for
$2C00; half down, balance In 6 years
at C per coul InterosL
A gentleman's suburban home, 81!
acres, all fenced and cross-fenced, soli
Al. 31 acre In splendid cultivation,
7 acre heavy timber, living spring
and cistern, 5 acres orcnara, an va
rieties of fruit, 8-room 1 story house
In good condition, new barn 20x60,
dry bonne with outfit, other outbuild
ings, 10 head milk cows, 2 horses,
cream separator, wagon bupiry, grow
ing crop, fanning tools. This fine
homo Is 3 miles from Oregon City,
mile to school. Price $4500; $1500
down, balance In 6 years at 6 per
cent Interest.
Three hundred and forty-nine acres
of level, rich soil, In Marlon county,
5 miles from Woodburn, 220 acres in
good cultivation, free from stumps apd
rocks, balance In pasture, whole place
fenced and cross-fenced, one fair old
dwelling, 8 rooms, two largo barns,
other outbuildings convenient to
place, C acres orchard, 7 acres hops,
mllo to school, title perfect Price
$35 per acre; terms made to ault the
purchaser. This Is a rare bargain.
Oregon City. i.J
We are onder
small exp nse.
Have no middle
men to pay, own
our bearae and
will treat you fair.
Ohs Pricsto All
County's Agficulttttal, Stock. Timbef.
Manufacturing and Other Industries
The North Pacific Raral Spirit Gives Much Detailed In
formation in a Special Edition Concerning
This Matchless Region
In a recent lamie the North Pacific
Rural Bplrlt contained the followlriK cred
itable write-up of Cla'-kaman county and
Km remiuifea.
C'liir kamne County la eltuated south of
Muliniimnh. juiiiltiif onto the city limits
of t'orllund, n city of 100.000 Inhabitants,
and la bounded on the aotith by Marlon,
went by WuslilnKton and by the Cancade
raiiKe on tho eaist. It contains, accord -Inif
to the pres'-nt year's wiwmiTit,
S 1 . 4 r, 4 arrea of tillable land, valued at
$2. 512, 440, and 623,173 acrea of non
tlllablc lands, valued at . 220.0115. The
area of the county la nearly 1000 square
nilNa. or marly a million aires, with a
populatlon of about 30,000. It la larger
than the entire state of Rhode Island,
which hn a imputation of about 400,000.
In natural resorces. there is no compar
ison between the two sections. Clack
amas county lias the advantage In manu
facturing, farming, timber, water power
and in many other respects. Oregon City
the county seat. Is within a half day's
drive of Portland, the best market in the
Northwest, while it la well supplied with
water, railroad and electric car sen-Ice.
at present, and more routes are being
constructed. The net valuation for tax
able purposes of all property la 19,034,377.
This la at a rate of about one-third of
actual cash value, not being far out of
the ivay by placing the value at $27.
000.000. The Improvements on deeded
property are valued at $878,860; city or
town lots at $1,034,022; Improvements on
the same, $014,030; Improvements on land
not deeded. $1010; on 27.68 miles of rail
road bed. $140,330; on 104.00 miles of tele
phone and telegraph lines, $22,135; on
rolling stock. $23,056; on 2 miles of street
railway bed. $t!0,650; manufacturing ma -
chlnerv. $369,065; merchandise and stock
in trade, $148,620; farming Implements,
$66,466; money, notes, stocks and ac
count. $78,200; 4193 horses and mules,
valued at $91,020; 12.157 cattle. $114,870;
15.608 sheep and goats. $14,500; 2903 hogs,
The soli of Clackamas county la adapt
ed to every range of Industry. There are
river bottoms, level pralrlas, rolling up
lands, the broken foothills, the rugged
fastnesses of the mountains and every
intermediate character of country. Part
of the land bears a heavy growth of fir,
part has alder, maple, larch and other
deciduous trees, and part Is entirely tree
less. Soils vary frum a light loam to a
heavy clay. From the banks of the Wil
lamette, where snow seldom falls, to the
perpetual Ice fields of Mount Hood, which
la also in Clackamas county, there is a
great range of climatic conditions.
The streams flowing into the Wil
lamette river in Clackamas county have
their sources in the Cascade mountains.
Along their banks are large areas of agrl- wants In Clackamas county. With its
cultural land that la scarcely surpassed i immense water power, it will be the man
In productive capacity. The soli in these , ufacturing center of the Northwest; with
river bottoms partakes of the nature of I Its great supply of merchantable timber,
alluvium and is deep and rich. What ' lu fine sbil adapted to every kind of
may be termed Second bottom land, lying
on the benches between the river bot
toms nnd the more distinctive upland,
has a soil somewhat heavier than the bot
toms. The more rolling land Is a clay
or clayey loam, with indications in some
places of being derived from decomposed
volcanic mutter. All these soils are of
great strength, and with the exception of
a few spots of clay In unfavorable sea
sons, they are friable and easily tilled.
All the common farm products are suc
cessfully grown in every part of the
county except far In the mountains where
the altitude approaches the frost line.
In many parts of the county semi-tropical
crops are grown, and In the foothills,
apples of unsurpassed flavor, size and
color are a source of profit to the grow
er. Prunes, peaches, apricots, quinces,
grapes, watermelons and tomatoes are
among the many kinds of fruit and vege
tables grown. The ordinary cereals yield
enormous crops, there being many In
stances where more than sixty bushels
of wheat per acre have ben harvested,
not merely In selected garden patches,
but In large fields. The usual harvest,
however, Is only about half that number
of bushels per acre. Other grains are
correspondingly proline,
-, Fruit Industry.
Clackaujas county is taking a leading
position Inljhe advancement of the fruit
growing Interests of the Northwest, in
cluding British Columbia. Many of the
large land claims that have lain for years
largely wild or with very indifferent cul
tivation are being divided Into smaller
tract: end given over to systematic fruit
culture. Five or ten acrea In fruit will
yield as much profit as a large farm in
grain, the net profit usually ranging from
$200 to $1000 per acre.
Hops and Potato.
Many thousand bushels of potatoes are
annually sent to market from Clackamas
county. Even merchantable sweet pota
toes are raised here. The soli near the
streams Is beat adapted to ptotato grow
ing and with very ordinary care a large
yield of tubers may safely be reckoned
on. The California market reoelvas a
share of the Clackamas county
The rich bottom lands are to a consid
erable extent being covered with hop
yards. Clackamas county Is among the
first half dozen counties of the United
States In the amount of hops produced.
Huyers In London, England, have agen-cU-s
In the hop yards of this county who
nure the bulk of the crop and pro
nounce the product of a quality that Is
not, oft-n excelled.
Heal estate values vary according to
locations and lniprovementa. Good farms
may be had at from 110 to $100 per acre,
while government lands can yet be ob-
talned by occupation In accordance with
law. The high valued lands are gener
ally put in hops or fruit.
Clackamas county will become an Im
portant mineral producer. In the south
ern part of the county, ledges of rich
gold-bearing rock have been discovered
and capital invested In development
There is ample evidence of the existence
of coal and oil In several localities.
Seekers of Plesture and Health,
While the teeming streams and pic-
turesque scenery entice camping parties
to many pleasant places In this delight
ful country, the chief summer resort is
Wllholt Springs, whose famous water has
brought the glow of health to many a
sallowed cheek. It la reached by a drive
of 20 miles from Oregon City, through an
Interesting country to the mountain foot
hills. Hundreds annually seek the
springs, where a large park accommo
dates any number of campers and a hotel
supplies accommodations for those who
prefer to live there. A survey Is now
oelng made for an electric motor railway
ifioin Oregon City to Wllholt, and that
charming pleasure resort promises to be
come one of the most popular on the Pa
cific coast.
In the mountain region there is plenty
of big game, and if one court danger he
should press well Into the heart of the
range, where cougars, bears and ' elk
abound. The Mongolian pheasant, trans
planted from Asia and now so plentiful
In the Willamette valley. Is a game bird
of rare quality, obtainable in nearly every
field and thicket. Trout fill many of the
mountain streams. The gamey salmon
brings fishermen from far and near to
hook them at the falls of the Willam
ette and in other .of the larger streams of
the county. The salmon flsTilng brings
several thousand dollars to net fisher
men every spring, but this, of course, is
a business, not a sport. Seven miles up
the Clackamas the United States main
tains a salmon hatchery and the state
fishermen a hatchery at the headwaters
of that river.
The homeseeker can find what he
farming, fruit raising and stock ranges,
its excellent transportation facilities.
with a market at Its very door which Is
Absolutely Pure
'For the third of a century the
standard for strength and purity. It
makes the hot bread, hot biscuit,
cake and other pastry light, sweet
and excellent in every quality.
No other baking powder is
"just as good as Royal," either in
strength, purity or wholesomeness
constantly Increasing and which cannot
be over-supplied. It offers to proposed
settlers all that can be desired, at a rea
sonable price, with every prospect of con
tinued Increase In' the values.
Transportation Facilities.
The O. W. P. A R. R. Co., runa pas
senger traina from Portland to Oregon
City every 40 minutes dally, and a freight
service; the Oregon City Transportation
Company a boat every two hours on the '
week days and hourly on Sundays. The
O. W. P. Il Ry. Co. runs a passenger and
mail service from Portland to Estacada,
a distance of 36 miles to the Clackamas
river, every two hours, and also does a
freight business. On this line are the
prosperous towns of Lents and G res ham,
in Multnomah county. The main Una
of the Southern Pacific runs through Ore
gon City, and three trains each way, be
sides the freights, pass daily.
There are many small towns in the
county, ranging In population from 100 to
500. From Portland to the southern end
of the county. Miiwaukle. Wlllsburg,
Clackamas, Paper Mills, Oregon City,
New Era. Canby and Barlow, are on the
main line of the Southern Pacific railroad.
On the O. W. P. It Ry. line from Port
land to Estacada, Lents and Greaham,
which are in Multnomah county, and
from the latter place Boring (at which
place is a very large sawmill) Barton,
Eagle Creek. Currinaville and many other
smaller stations are passed befoVe reach
big the new town of Estacada. From
Oregon City ea.-t a distance of 15 miles,
is the famous Molalla Prairie, which Is
one of the finest sections of farming land
in the state. There is a town called Mo
lalla located in about the center of the
prairie, and every line of Industry carried
on here is prosperous, the surrounding
country being rich. With a little effort
this place could be made one of the Im
portant points in the county, and it will
be when the proposed electric road reach
es It On Cribble's prairie are Macks
burg and Marquam. Though small towns,
the business man of the places are pros
perous and well-to-do. Logan, Viola and
many other small places are surrounded
by prosperous farmers.
The best evidence of the value Increase
In Clackamas county is a comparison be
tween 1894 and, 1904, ten years. In 189
the land values were placed at $3,286,674.
In 1904 they are assessed at $5,732,496,
being an increase of $2,455,821, being
nearly double. While Clackamas county
is somewhat In debt, the rapid increase
in values will soon extinguish this with
out any serious burden on the taxpayers.
It Is, an expensive county to maintain,
owing to road making and bridges. The
roads In the county are In the main good,
being planked and graveled on the most
Important highways.
Live Stock.
The live stock Industry of Clackamas
county Is only partially developed. In
fact when one traverses this large
county from north to south and east to
west and sees how well much of her
land is adapted to grass, how well vetch
and clover thrives, and what vast
stretches of forest she has that will soon
be denuded of their trees and all that Is
sequlred to convert them Into great pas
tures of fine grass is the touching of
match to the dry brush and the scatter
ing of some grass and clover seed, you
will conclude that the possibilities are
great and the business only In Its la
fancy. Clackamas, as a whole, is a very heav
ily timbered county. Her prairies were
flrst settled and not being large the rais
ing of stock could not be entered Into
upon a very extensive scale. The market
for her timber baa been limited and the
encroachment upon her forests neces
sarily slow and expensive. With the ad
vent of the electric lines of the O. W. P.
company, this is all changed. Her fuel
and the lumber her forests can produce
are needed in Portland ana tnese lines
have placed them In easy access. They
(Continued on page 8.)