PAGE 2. OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1904, Oar Correspondents' Corner Brief Bits of Gossip From All Pirt of th County. Correspondents are requested to re- . new their work. We will lurmsn au necessary stationery. The news from your neighborhood should appear in those columns every week. ENTERPRISE CORRESPONDENTS. The correspondence page of the Enter prise l being sadly neglected by our com petent ttt of reportera. Thi la one of the moat Important departments of ne I country weekly. News or eacn locny I ahould be reliably reported each week, j Do not allow the new In your neighbor- ; hood to become stale before reporting the Items. We appreciate the fact that this la an extremely busy time with the farm- rt, but would request our correspondents to try and arrange to end In something each week. Necessary stationery will be forwarded to correspondents promptly j on application. I I 6HUBEL. I " " Mrs. H. Homshuh. of Seattle, is visit- lnj at the home of C. Homshuh. . O. A. Scheubel made a trip to Oregon j City Sunday. -t-rtin Masstnser visited hi parents one day lost week. Freddie Moehnke, was seen In our bui Sunday. Rev. Shupp. of Portland, will preach in the Evangelical church next Sunday at t o'clock p. m. A baby boy arrived at the home of C. Bhockley last week. SHERWOOD. Hot! Hot! How is this for ice cream? Mr. Bell seems to be doing good business with his ice cream parlors Threshing ha commenced in our sec tion, but there doesn't seem to be a very j big yield this season Our post master wire ion I lmprovm. much. They intend removing her to the hospital in Portland Monday. R. H. Bonney, of Bellingham. Washing ton, visited at E. G. Hagey 8unday. How about this. Dick; there seems to be seme attraction? Jay Baker, a prominent hop grower of Pleasant Hill, was in town Saturday. There were two horse race at Sher wood Sunday. One race wa between horses belonging to George Young and George Schnelker. Young came out win ner and walked oft with 15. Good for George. He never gets beat. ELDORADO. 8. E. Gregory started to cut his teasels Monday. They are very good this year. J. P. Martin is laid up with a crippled leg, caused by a horse kicking him last week. A Jone haa his new porch completed. Clyde Smith spent Sunday at home. Frank Jagger started his thresher Mon day. F. M. Manning is slowly declining. Ed. Jone is haying on the Ccwper farm. John Paine has sold his hop yard this year to Mr. Lisley. of Salem, consideration $500. Em Jone and J. P. Martin's family re turned from high-camp Thursday, where they were fishing. They caught 1800 fine trout. Everyone around here is ready for the thresher. Quite a crowd of young folks went bathing at Mill Creek Sunday. Say, boys, remember that the girls must cut teasels now, so don't stay so late Curtis Helvey and Samuel Kalbflelsch have gone to "Wasco" to harvest. Bturgls Bros, are hauling lumber to Oregon City. Will and Harry Jones spent Sunday at Aurora visiting the several hop yaids, also theGlesy Springs. AIMS. Mm. Snyder and little daughter Edna returned to Portland Sunday alter a two weeks' visit with the Habakost family. Rev. Mr. Bum is holding a two weekB' aeries of meetings in the school house. Miss Wilson closed her summer school A nOTHER'5 LOVE. A mother's love is so divine'that the roughest man can not help but appre ciate it as the crown of womanhood. However, Mother hood is looked for wardtowithfeelinjfs of frreat dread by al most all women. At such times a worn I an is nervous, dys- fflF Peptic, irritaNe fc.. anu hoc is iu neeu of a uterine tonic and nervine, a itrengftb builder to fit her for the ordeal. No matter how healthy or strong a woman may be she cannot help but be benefited by taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription to prepare for the event. This is what one mother says: With a heart overflowing with gratitude I will endeavor to write you. It is nearly two years ago since I first wrote to you for advice regarding my health which was then very bad." writes Mrs. L. Poore. of Hiuesdate, Ky.. to Ir. . V. Pierce, chief consulting surgeon of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Iustitute. at Buffalo, N. V. "I have described my sufferings in other tetters to you. After receiving your advice aud the ' Common Sene Medicd Adviser ' I bought oroeof your 'Favirite Prescription.' snd Ueday era a well woman anu the proud mother of a dear little boy." Backed np by over a third of century of remarkable cures, a record such as no Other remedy for the diieaie and weak Besses peculiar to women ever attained, the proprietors and makers of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription now feel fully war ranted in offering to pay fyo in legal money of the United States, for any case oi Lencorrhea, Female Weakness, Prolapsus, or Falling of Womb which they cannot cure. All they ask is a fair aud reasonable -trial of their means of cure. Their financial responnibilNy is well known to every newspaper puUiMier and druggist in the United States, ilh niont c f whom they have done business for over a third of a century. Bow to live in health and lia ppr.ess, is the general theme of In. pietce t Coniymo Sense Medical Adviser. This great work on medicine and hygiene, containing over loot) pages and more than 700 illuctratic;iis, is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay ex pense of mailing only, bend y one-cer.. tamp for the cloth-bound volume, or 0&17 SI stamps for the book in paper covers. int Friday. and on Saturday gave a picnic In the liramhall grove. A largv crowd gathered to listen to Bn Interest ing program rendered by tin- pupils. A general good time was enjoyed by all. The following are the nniin'8 of the pupils who were neither alwent nor tardy during the three month of school taught by Mif Kate Wilson: Fred and John F.. Taylor, Lloyd laiwe, Etta. I.aiua and i Ruby Taylor. Russell Jones and Tommy am, Richard Taylor Fred Taylor haa a remarkable school record. He Is a young mRn (n hls ,Sh yjar and can bonM (l( n(ivor N,m(f Mf o tt,mH) (m,e hf bt,gln (o whin b(lt mnf fhl)J The p(lpj)K w)0 aUrmJej punctually deserve m(K.n crflljt a9 ,h,,y ve tn tmf SarMy r)V(,r conyon snd nav, a in(t distance to wa,k m,arv a, (lf whK,h ,s up ,nt moun. ,alnslli(, K 1(a ls of lwrr. pickt,r, t.MIne up fnim Troutdale and are camped east of (n, Urumhall mill. -pile hot weather la causing many to complain, although we are up In the nunmtain where It is supposed to be cool BEAVER CREEK. Yhreshlng will soon be at full blast in this burg and the crops seem fair con sidering the year. The Shannon Bros, will soon shut down the saw mill till after harvest. Moses Thomas and sister called on the Dannals family Sunday. A number of invited guests were pres ent at the Steudeman residence last Sat-' urday evening. The evening was spent in card playing and music. Refreshments were served and all returned home well satisfied. John Shannon Sr. and wife have re tired from farm life and have gone to re- j . ( h ci(v Mrg v Boh'lander Is very- low. The . critjcal but not nPcfssarily fatal. Mr. H. Hollman has nearly completed the fence around the Beaver Creek school grounds. D. Jones has returned from Seaside. Miss Maggie Herman is home again. Luke Duffy was promenading the streets here Sunday momlng. Mr. A. Bluhm haa his expensive new house nearly finished and It Improves farm and neighborhood a great deal. Wm. Scanlon is improving very slowly. A good time was enjoyed at the Staben residence last Sunday night. MULINO ITEMS. Mr. P. Murphy haa moved to his home at Forest Grove. Mrs. E. Dodge 1 visiting her mother this week. The M. E. church is almost finished for paint. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Graves have rented rooms, and are living with Mr. H. Seltier. Mr. F. Erickson has purchased a new organ. Miss Eva Graves was a visitor here last week. Mr. Woodside has a crippled arm. UNION HALL. j Some have stacked their grain and some I are stacking yet. but It won t be long be- I I ,1- . Ihr.uhurl will I.11KV I Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ilraper were visiting , at Mr. Jno. Thomas' last Sunday. j There will be a special school meeting , August 13 tft levy a tax to fix the school j houce. Every voter In the districts wants to turn out to the meeting. Mrs. Elsie TjaiTiel. of Portland, is visit ing her brother. L. P.iggs, and family, for a few days this week. Miss Mary Thomas, of Portland, was visiting her parents last week, Mr. and I Mrs. John Thomas. J Dudley Helvey was calling at Jno. ( Burns' last Sunday. Last Sunday there was a new minister lectured at the German church at Phelps' corner. A man was looking at the Hess place lat-t Monday with the Intention of buying it. That is what we want to see some one living in some of these empty houses in this locality. Mrs. Webb, of Portland, is visiting at Mr. and Mrs. H. S. C. Phelps' for a few days. The Misses strezc of Portland are vis iting their parents for a few days. Miss Louisa Peringer returned to Port land again last Tuesday. Mr. Wheeler and family, of East em Oregon, have returned to this part of the kingdom again. C. E. Nash and family, of Oregon City, were visiting at L. P. Hums' last Satur day and Sunday. JAMES. Hot and dry. Some wells are falling in the neighbor hood. There will be a basket meeting Sunday, July 7th. at this place. Aunt Mary Robeson, who has been quite poorly for some time, is yet quite poorly. Miss Grace Gorbitt and Edna Sexton of Colton. were visiting Fischer' Friday. J. H. James had a force of men Friday and Saturday raising hi new barn. The stakes are all set for the telephone line between here and Meadowbrook, to connect with Molalla. The telephone fever Is catching. Clark's has a move on foot to put in a line and connect with this place. D-a Wright, while In the mountains last week had the misfortune to ret a horse killed. Anson Countryman's house burned Fri day. The parents were away from home. They managed to save most of the house hold goods. Uncle Dave Robeson and Press Bonney went to the mountains last week. Came back without any game. We guess there's no game, for they seldom fail to bag something. NEEDY. The threshing machine are beginning to hum in thi part of the vicinity. There 1 a lady friend visiting at the home of Mr. Komshack. Charley 1 looking very happy. Boy, get your tin can and cow bell ready. Tou may have to use them before long. The Hilton brothers spent a few day in the mountain laat wek. They returned Sunday, bringing one deer, which Harvey Ayers Don't try cheap cough medi cines. Get the best. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, what a record it has, sixty years of Cherry Pectoral cures! Ask your doctor if he doesn't use it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles. M have found that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral l the let nieOifine I en pretcrilte fnr hrun rlltllS, Ui0ltiitt. cou hf eoltlt " M. LontMAN. M l', ltlor. ft. T. ?e..VV. Si M. VI J. O. ATI. CO.. t,..ll V.ii for Bronchitis Correct any tendency to conatipa tion with amall cloaca ofAyeri Pill. 'had shot. Harvey I the largest boy In Needy now. ' Mr. and Mrs. Glnther and family went on a fishing excursion to Huckner Creek last Tuesday. j Mr. J I). Bitter ! laying the founda tion for a new dwelling for 8 O Miller on his farm near this place. WILSONVILLE. Wilsonvllle is still alive! Oregon will surely "go dry" with no rain and the local option law about to be enforced. The V of H lodge of this place enter tained the Aurora lodge of that order tin Tuesday evening with a reception. C. T. Tooxe has sold his large farm near here, and also the property adjoin ing, which he owned. Mr. Toose Is erect ing building on his pmperty here, where the family will reside In the future. This vicinity Is witnessing quite a boom in the line of building. J. L. Se.ely Is remodeling his house. G. Llchtenthaler has added a large structure to his dwel ling house, and Mr. Jaeger Is erecting a large house on his place. A number of barns have been furnished with new roofs. A. W. t'amehl ha put up a new hop house. Quite a number of "the young people from here attended the C. E. social at Hood View last week. Mrs. Wm. Brobst and daughter have re turned from their visit East. Sam Galbreath. of Tualatin, was seen at Wllsonvllle this wek. LAST WARNING TO WATER CON SUMERS. Water rent must be paid In advanc at the otic of th collector during th first TEN DAYS of each month, and all de linquents will have th service shut -off thereafter. By order of th Board of Water Com missioners. T. LEONARD CHARMAN, Collector. Ordered July 6, 1904. Notice of the Redemption and Cancella tion of Improvement Bonds No. 26 and 27, of Oregon City, Oregon. Notice 1b hereby given that Improve ment Ronds No 26 and 'il, for the sum of 500 each, of Oregon City. Oregon, bear ing date September 1. 19(it. will on the 1st day of September. 1904. be taken up. paid and cancelled by the treasurer of Oregon City at his office In Oregon City. Oregon, and the interest on said Improve ment Ronds No. -0 and 27 will cease on and after the said 1st day Of September, :'M, the said 1st day of 8ptember being the interest paying period on said bonds and one year after the date of said bonds and the flist Interest paying period next after the publication of this notice. Published by order of the Council of Oregon City, Oregon, made August 3rd, 1904. RP.l'C'E C. CURRY, August 19. Recorder. CABTOniA, GUARDIANSHIP SALE OF REAL ESTATE. In the County Court of the State of Ore gon for Clackamas County. In the matter of the tcuardlanshlp of Ben jamin Harrison Jacques and Margaret Myrtle Jacques, minors: Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an order of the above entitled court duly made and entered on the 29th day of July, 1904, the undersigned guardian of the said estate will, on the 6th day of September, 1904, at 2 o'clock p. m., sell at public auction at the court house door of the court house of Clackamaa county, Oregon, at Oregon City, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate, to-wlt: The undivided two-thirds interest of the above minors In and to the land situated in Clackamas' county, Oregon, described as beginning at a point 2U2 feet from trie northeast comer of the P. Foster D. L. C, said point being on the north line of a tract of land described tn Book K, page 170, Deed Record of Clackamas county, Oregon; thence west on a continuation of said line 483 feet to the county road and to the northwest corner of the tract of land owned by the Jacques heirs; thence southerly along the center of the county road 62 feet to the center of an- Mother's Ear 7 a woo m Ncrstrs mmt wnmm f w irtrnMj, mo in Turn ! ir .-H3 that com mmromm tmt rime. CG77'S EMULSION r-je.ic tm urM sriarx mo ' Ow'Mr so 0)mcwr mom Tm emm oe morn moJHtH AMO Cr.lLO. I Send fer free tBp!c. f.CTTT t bOWNt, Chermttl, 1 WH'l ' " "t'". New York. , j-. sua j.o ; all druruu. T-V-MWMMMMM-i other county fond; thence easterly tl'J H fi i t ntonit the center of said last mention ed comity road to th line of ths Oregon Water l'ower A Hallway Company right of way: thence northerly along said right of way ttTS.7 feet to the place of licglimlng. containing 8 CMI acres of land In T J H , 11. 4 K.. of the V. M. K1.17.A WI1.IIKHN. lluardlan of Ilenjumln Harrison Jttrtie and Mnrgaret Myrtle Jacques, mlnoi lue of first puhllcallnn AuKiist S late of last publication September 1. Meeting of th Board of Equalization for Clackamas County. Notice is hereby given that the board of equalisation for th county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, on the last Monday In August. I'.iot. via. The I'sth day of August. A. IV )i(i. will attend at the olllco of the ci'tmty clerk In the court hotiv In said county and state and continue to meet fiom day to day for one week, and pub licly examine the assessment rolls of ald county for the year 1804, and correct all errors In valuation, description or quali ties of lauds, lota or other property. It Is the duty of any and all persona Inte rested to appear at the time and place ap pointed to examine said rolls and ascer tain If their property la properly assessed, and If not to have the proper corrections made thereon. l'ated this 1st day of August, 1804 JAMES F. NELSON. Assessor for Clackamaa county, Oregon COUNCIL DOES BUSINESS, City Will Oblige Southern Pacific Co. to Remove Chines Shacks. I The rlty council Wednesday night In structed Ihe city attorney to proceed against the Southern Pacific Company and compel the removal of the Chinese shacks that are now located on land be longing to the city. An opinion was also submitted by City Attorney Story holding that Contractor E. W. lUner cannot te coer anything from the city under the contract for the building of seweis In ll(ilct No. 3. Itlner claims about t'JOOO for alleged extra work in connection with the contract and threatens to sue the city for the amount. ON THZ FARM. There's many a succevful husine man who sits m hi city oliice and lei his mind slip l"i k to his tsivhood day JLithe 4Si. llowv'xxl it felt to live! What an appetite lie 1 ! How piKsl everything tasted ! ll'iw sound his sleep was ! How eagerly lie rose with the sun and raced v. ah linn through the loritf day. And now lie's a succrsslul man. Hut lie can't sleep. lit- doesn't enjoy his food. His sloiii.i 'li is weak, his nerves are shaken, ami he no more rises with the sun to race eagerly against linn. His vitality is low and now and again his heart seems to tniine in his brct-t s if it would hrrak loose. That's the price he has paid for success. The mischief of the whole Imsines is that he buys ' tablets " of one sort or another to "aid" his digestion, and in dulges in bromides' ami other nerve Stimulants, just to hold himself together, nd wonders why he steins to lie getting worhe. The whole trouhte with such a man generally lie in what is called a "weak " stomach. The fix! In- eats does not nourish him because it is only partially digested and assimilated. No man run lie stronger than his stomach, because it is it) the stomach and allied organs of digestion and nutrition that strength is made from the food which is eaten. Ir. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. It restores the strength of the Issly in the only way strength can be restored, by food which is perfectly digested and assimilated, when the diseased stomach (with its allied organs) is cured of dis' ease. It is a hlood-mak ing, body-build-ing medicine, inasmuch as blood is made from food and the liody is built up by blood. It is not a stimulant, containing neither alcohol or any other narcotic. NO OTHER DOOTOR FOR ME. I jt upritiif, erlv, I wrote you my frtrl.npi and coniiii'pn." my Mr. A. ). Vanrle rwatrr, 873 Wfitt iJiviMon htrr-t. Chic'iffd, "and ym B-lviarrl rtif to titkr fir I'irrfc'n Gul'len Mrdiutl IiKov-ry (a ffw tittl-s). anl then write you how I frit. 1 am hiitrpy to auy I am getting to feel fine. In all I have taken ix bottlra of the lnw'ver-r ' and four or five vial of the Utile felleu.' They have done me worldi of food, All my frien'Ist my : ' Vanderwater. how well 7011 are looking What in the world have you been dfiny ' I tell them I have been doctoring with lit. K. V. Pierre, of Buffalo, N. V. Why? they aay, 'you haven't been there? No, I aay. but I took hit 'Golden Medical Dfucovery1 nd hta little ' Felleta.' Theae medicine haw? wrought the great rhimge in me. From a alow mot of a man that could hardly crawl, tired ana auk all the time, nnd could do no work: to a man who ran work, aleep, eat, and feel fine, and that tired feeling ia all going awny. 1 am very thankful I wrote to Dr. Wrrre. Hi 'Golden Medical Piarovery and hia little liver 'Felleta' have a1mot made a new man of me. I fee! young a I did at thirty yeara, Mo other doctor lor ine, only Dr. Fierce." HAD GIVEN UP HOPE. I will expreaa my thanka to you for the kindly advice you hnve given me in regard to my cae," wrilea Mitt Carrie J, Wharton, of IAioavant, SpottyWama Co., Virginia. "When I wrote to you hM. spring I wan in a terrible alate of health. Had given up all hope of ever beinf better. I apit up mv food all the time and it teemed aour at vinegar. I would have a bad aick headache rv-ry other Wflt; in fact, my head never felt clfftr. and I waa perfectly broken down under the Mr:iin of losing my food onatantly. I had read a great deal In yor book a of what your meoicine had done for othcra, o I wrote you and got your ad vie. Bought two bottle of ' Golden Medical Lnaeo? ery' and the fir-t done I fook I felt better. When I had finished taking the two bottle the pitting up had entirely toppd and my head waa much better. I Itelir-ve your medicines are tuat what you have an id of them. "I carefully read the hooka you aent me and hall always apeRk a good word for the 'Golden Medical Lharovery ' whenever I have a chance. You ran puMth thia if you think H worth While. It might induce aome one ele to try Tour medicine who waa autTenng at I did. It waa by the teatimoniala of others that I Wat induced to try it. I ihail alwayt rely upon )auf advice and feel aafe to do aa you tell me. Dr. Picrcc't Pleasant Pellets cure coo gtHattion, iU Catuafg anl coaarijuenca T';.' , v.ti'." Y '. li .1 ..ii .l. :'".''l uirnTT'Hr AM' Ccliiblo PrrpBrnlionfor As slmilnt inft rtic Fixxi and Ho j ula -ting die SlouKicto and Dowv is uf Tromotos Difieslion.Chmrur noss nntl Rosl .Contains nt-UIrr Oniiuit.Morpluivo nor Muvcral. Not Hah Ootic . A-tW.--.k- C?jiw-! I ApeTfrcl ltVmttdy forfonsliw Hon, Sour Stouw.h.DiarrtHH'A mul Loss or Sleep. FacSimiUi Sigrwlur of NEW YORK. Two hldn for the- Improverm-tit of Cen ter atrei't fur one bliu k. cinn ting Unit thoroughfare with the Huuth Knd road. wer rej t t d fur the renatin that the eatl nmtt' for the cunt of part of the Improve m-nt In both bldn wan considered rxre- iU Ootids II and 17, Issued on the Jack son street Improvement, and ruch In the sum uf I M0. wne ordered taken up and cancelled. A fourth estimate was re ceived from the city engineer on the Center street Imjuuvrmrnt, showing tliut work to the amount of ttiliOO had been performed, leaving but two blocks to be covered with crushed rock, when the contract will be finished. C. H. Cauflrld wa the only person submitting a bid for Improvement bonds to the amount uf 13402 63. and hi offer, which wa fur the fare, accrued Interest and t 1-2 per tent premium, wa accepted. The committee on streets and public property wa dltected to appropriate some of the fine crushed rock that Is left from U i.u.y if. it 11.- It 1 EXACT COPY Of WHARPCR. J H L-J I IB j Ayers Pills wMM.tarj aocauuiui Drown or iku man r uc IN OUR NEW ..QUARTERS.. COCO ! We have rornoved Into our larger Twelfth atroetfi. We have added con thoroughly equipped to handle all Building and Repairing of Engines, Saw mill (uppllea, shafting, boxes and and high grades; emery stands, swing band and made to order. We also business. Plow shares ground and COCO First Class Work. coco OREGON CITY MACHINE SHOP. Twelfth and Main Sts. , VllV VI-IIN For Infants nnd Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought T" 1 1 uearsuie i Signature Ay In Use For Over Thirty Years y i 9mmmtnt acw e , the Houth Knd road anil use the sam In tepuirlng Seventh street. Ordlnano) granting Flunk Husi h a frani his for au iropr(ailng water from Hlnger 1 1 til creek and naming Itnllroud avenue and Mo l.otiililln promenade were puaaed. dirt llluhm wn re-elected sexton of Mountain View cemetery for th ensuing year. An ordinance, creating aewer district Nn. 4, waa Introduced and the city ngl nrer waa Instructed to prepare plan and) specification for the construction of i aewer therein. The proposed new fll Itilct la In the vicinity of Madison (tree! I and Includes about right lot. J F Kedner, the confectionery dealer, announces that In order to tlmulat In t. re.t In the World Fair voting conlMt he will Issue a coupon with each and every ten rent dish of Ice cream that I served at his place of business. Huhsnrlbe fur the Rnferprls at II.IQ per year. It Is a bargain. Sugar-coated, easy co lake, mild in action. They cure constipation, biliousness, sick-headache. tSnSi'. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE rum en- u ieuvjirni u a. r. sau. ws and bottor building at Main and Hldcrnblo now machinery, and arc classes of work. collars In stock ; Babbitt Metal low saw frames and harbors; 'pulleys-on do a general machine blacksmlthtng saws gummed. Prices Hoderate. Oregon City, Oregon W