Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 22, 1904, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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4Wi444iW 444 441444 "- i me that la desired. Th ball (tun
I win new in connection wnn in annual
i: ...Short Sidehead Stories...
J ; ri:UMI!l V-TOI.I) TAl.l.'s 01 THC WEEK'S IMtlNOR.
Gun Wn Dlchru.rd. Inimln liny,
land, of Hi la illy, met with a -rloiin mis.
hup while Imiitluit I'linfhers it I'll r I iodic,
till County, a fw days' iikii WIiIIk 11(1
Inn horsdiark tin ai-rlilniitiilly dnird hla
licit aim, whl. h i hiIim1i iI. the run Im t
kxlKlna In hi li ft hirust. llnylund died
from the Injury Monday.
Hor rk ha Nck. A valuable
animal IjrluiiKltiK tn (tin Iiiriil ttansfi-r
death In tlilM i lly Hiiniluy. Wlilln tied to
a rope on tln riuiininiis, wlmra he win
pasiurliia:, tlm aiilmul was annoyed by a
fly. Jin kicked at tlm prut, hla foot alrlk
Ini tha niii with which h was lii-ld,
tha font of the blow dislocating hla neck
and causing Instimt death.
Accident With Brokan Rib Two ac-
clilniU, carh resulting In brokrn rlba, are
reunited to hav happened In thla vicin
ity lust Friday. Wm. Hhrehan. farmi-r
residing ni-ar tone, lell (rum a wuifun
at ('lurkatiise. siislulrilnK the fracture nf
two lib. Tha Injured man la ajced (3
yrura. While at Work In tha local woolen
inlll. win-re h la employed, John Ulllt-tte,
of thla city, Ml the same day and auf-
Burglar! at Horn. One iilkjM fust ' fered on broken rln.
week two yinixK nun of thla city writ!
held up by two nmskt d men. After suing Bullet Removed from La Ir. A. 15.
through lh pockrla of thrlr vlrtlina and ftnmriier luat wrtk prformed an opera
finding nothing of value, tha hold-up ' Hon ri ini.vln from the Ira of Carl Horn
picnic of tha barber of Portland. In the
evening a dune waa given under their
auspice at th park pavilion.
Farmr Died luddenly.-llinry Kneiht,
who for a number of year baa been In
iIiiiiki. of the fiirm of . V. lttoiirett
near thla city, died very auddenly laat
Tliiuailiiy. The drceuard waa aged 31
yenra. and la aurvlved by a wife and four BftAri U
young children. I'rath rraulted from
bruin trouble.
Ten thouaand drmona gnwlng away
at one'i vital couldn't be much woraa
than the torture of Itching pile. Yet
there a cure. Jwjan'a Ointment mm
Bean Um A iw im ion naw vwm mgt
artists dlamlaaed their fruitless prey
IHirlng tha laat two weeka rooma at the
Klectrtc and llrunawli k hotela In thl
city have been entered and robbed of ar
ticle of value. The same partha ure us
pacted of committing thraa drpredutlona,
and the police aie on the lookout
Turned Over th Banner. Mia H A.
Ollleta, Mia Maua-I Curran, tl. (,'. llaion,
M. Hugainian and ("haa. IHi-key, repre
senting the Oregon City Assembly, J'nlt
ad Artisans, went to Halrm laat lfiaay
night, when they vurrenderrd to the Cap
ital City Aaaembly th memberahlp ban
ner of the atate organisation Thla tro
phy waa held by the Oregon City lodgt
for two aucceaalve yrara, and la aurrrn
dered at thla time to the Bitlitn lodge,,
which surpassed the Oregon City Artl
aana In the mrniherahlp conteat.
Bird of rathr.-Mi. Wllllum Hob
bin, of Ixiulavlll". Ky . waa recently mar
ried to liavld HiiMuid. It la her fourth
matrimonial venture. Hint waa a Mlaal
a 'i'i callbr MM bullet that lodged In
limn a limb over a year ago. Young
I loin wna playing with a companion
named Adam when a rifle In the hand
of Adiiina waa dla hurged, the bullet
lodging In llom'a right leg Juat above Die
knee. The leaden nilaalle cauaed Horn
not th allgbteat Inconvenience, but he
concluded to hav It removed anyway.
Threatened to Burn Town. pavld
Wagner, aged 14 year, a native of I'enn
ylvanla and for many year a realdrnt
of mar Aurora, waa committed to the
aaylum at Balrin Tueaday. Thla la th
fifth attack of Inaanlty for Wagner, who
waa commlted to the Inaan aaylum
about twenty yeara ago. For eome time
the afflicted man haa threatened to bum
the town of Aurora and other building
In the vicinity of hi home. He waa
taken to Rulrm by FherlfT Shaver Tuea
day night.
Booka Being Inemlned. I'nder the dl
rectlon of the county court the record
Martin, a duugbter of one of the beat f the vnrloii department at the court
known llouibon county famllle. Hhe flrat houae are being experted. The wnik la
married Hubert Crow. He died and kite being done by W. A. Lee, of Portland,
married John Hpurrow ala monthe ater- who commenced work Tueaday. No one
Warda. Kile itld Mr. HllUrruW did not Mlmoeita llcut fher ! nvlhlnv lrr.,i.
agree and a divorce followed. Mia. Hpar-1 Inr In the manner In which the record
row orrame wr. in noonin, Bin again ; have been kept during the laat four
divorce waa found advlaable. After a
year of lonely life Mia. Itobbln line be
come Mra ItiiMiird Hhe lia two Crowe,
one Hobbln and a Huxiuiid at her home.
Minor Frequent Saloons. The mini
mum fine of yi each, provided by city
ordinance, waa Impoaed In the city po
lice court on three minora, unrated Hat
urday nlnht for f ieiuentliiK a aitloon
There haa been conalderabla complaint
locally of lute of thla piucttce, whh h muy
reault In the arreat and fining of the pro
prietor of the place Public gambling,
wbJuh la ordinarily tolerated In thla city
year, and for which period the Inveatl
a it Inn will cover, but the court I merely
following Ita adopted policy nf having
the booka of every department In the
county rxumlned every few year.
To Represent Clackama County.
Judge Ryan and Muynr IUmlck on Tuea
day appointed delegatea to attend the
Oregon Iirvelopment league at Port
land and rrpn eint the Intereata of Clnck
iimua county and Oregon City. Thoee
appointed lire among the prominent and
rcprreentatlve cltlarn of the counjy.
Thoae appointed hy Judiie Ryan are: (!eo.
W. Proeaer, Oawego; Chaa. T. Tooae.
In violation of city and atate law, ha Wllaonvllle; Wm. J. Lewellen, Pprtng-
beon auiended for th preaent, at leaat
Oaraea of all kind weie cliwed luat week,
preaumubly under the oidrr of the illy
Local Proaprlty. Ibor of all klmla
waa never more plentiful nor weie wugea
ver better thun they are In till city
thl aeuaon. It aeema ImpoaHlble to find
available men to perform the ninny Im
provement that ar being muile. The
Willamette Pulp It Paper Mllla baa been
dvertlMlng for additional men to aaalat
In the building of their new mllla, where
100 laborer are alreudy employed. The
management of the locul woolen mllla la
finding II next to Impoaalblii to engage
ts aurflclent force of operative for the
ahlrt milking department of Ita manufac
tory There la a elmllur arurrltjr of hrlp
of all klnda although gtMid wane re
being offered.
water; Chaa. T. Howard. Mullno; F. A.
Hoeenkrane, Canby: T. It Klllln, Needy;
A. Mather, Clackamua; J. W. Hoot, lior
Ing; J. T. Apprraon, Park place; J. B.
Huntington, Katucada. Mayor I'lmick
named the following- H E Crnaa. C H.
Ie. John J. Cooke, C. ll Ijitourette and
John Adama. '
Notlc I heieby riven that the county
uperlntendent of C'Tuckumaa County will
hold the rrgulur examination of appli
cant fur ut and county paper at
Oregon City aa follow;
For Stat Paper.
Commencing Wedneaday, Auguat 10, at
nine o'clock A. M. and continuing until
Huturday, Auguat 11, at four o'clock P. M.
Wedneaday i'enmanablp. hlatory. pl
llng, algebra, reading, echool-law.
'i'hurailny Written arithmetic, theory
of teaching, grammar, book keeping,
pbyelca, civil government,
f rblay I'hyaloloKy, geography, mental '
artthinetlc, composition, phyalcal geog
raphy. Huturday lint any, plane geometry,
general hlatory, Kngllah literature, psy
chology. For County Paper.
Commencing Wedneaday, Auguat 10, at
nine o'clock A. M , and continuing until
Friday. Auguat 12, at four o'clock P. M.
Flrt, Bacond and Third Orad. Certlfl
eat. Wedneaday Penmamhlp, hlatory, or
thography, reading.
Thursday Written arithmetic, theory
of teaching, grammar, phyalolory.
Friday ieography, mental axlthmetlo,
school law. civil government.
Primary Certificate.
Wednesday i'enmanahlp, orthography,
rending, arithmetic.
Thursday Art of questioning, theory
of teaching, methods, physiology.
Very truly your,
Oregon City. July 11, 104.
Reduced Rate to It Lou I Exposition.
Th Southern Pacific Co. will veil round
trip ticket at greatly reduced rate to
BL Lou I and Chicago account th 8L
Loula Exposition, on th following date:
Jun. IS, IT, II; July 1. I. I; Auguat 1
I, 10; September I. . T: October I. 4, I
Going trip must b completed within
ten day from date of seJe, and passen
ger will b permitted to atari on any
day that will enabl them to reach des
tination within th ten daya limit Re
turn limit ninety daya, but not lata
than Dee. list, 1904.
For full Information as to rate and
route call on Agent Southern Pacific
Co. at Oregon City, Oregon.
Pile Upon Top of Pll.
Pile upon top of pile of people hav
th Pile, and DeWltt'g Witch Has)
Halve curea them. There are many dif
ferent kind of Pile, but If you get th
genuine and original Wltcb Haxel Balv
made by E. C. DeWItt ft Co., of Chicago,
a cure la certain. II. A. Tladale, of Bum
merton, B. C, says: "I had pile 20 year
and DeWItt Balv cured me after every
thing elr bad failed." Bold by 0. A.
Eaatman'i Violet
Talcum Powder
Large bottle 25c
Small bottle Ik
Druggists and Booksellers.
A boon to traveler. Ir. Fowler' Ex- I
tract of Wild Strawberry. Cure dysen
tery, diarrhoea, leaalckneaa, nausea.
Pleasant to tuke. Perfectly harmlea.
Mora Patents Arrive. - 1'ntenta have
been received at the Oregon City land
ofllce a follow. Houii-Mteiiila F.illth
Whcutlcy, formerly tillth Wntaon, I'hln
aa H. DoiIkc. Fiumia M. I iiinklln: lieu
land -Altec 1 jiiicJ Hi Cuttle Co, limited,
for lot Z, aw. 4. T. 11 H , It. 2 W . cash
patents Oliver P. Chaee, (leoige W. Hii
fOid, Fred K. Hlm.rul. Churle W. Wll
klnson, Henry Muttlaon, Cosy D. Clurk.
Albeit K. Wltki-a. Theo. P. Ilowlby, Al
fred lliililcmiin, Wm. H Aildlngton. Wm
L. Iluckuer, Chaa. H KIiik, Churlea Hull,
tluatiiv W. MallHon, U-wle It. Mtareruld,
Oscar (lelulg, .TeeHle Mead, Jumee M.
Howih, Tlmmaa E. Ilcvlir, Fred A
Northrup, Win. A. I'utlei ami. T. Krneet
Ontcs. Nancy llnckil, Hernian J. H,o
mung, Ida I'UKucbci, Autiti lurkMrt.
Phillip M. ropliHin, ChiiM W Mead, Cora
Cramer, fornieily Coin Jobnm.ii.
To Break th Rccdrd Member of the
Maritime Exchange learned today with
much Interest that the Great. Northern
Hallroud company Intended to despatch
It mammoth steamer Minnesota on a
voyage from the Atlantic to the Pacific
In an effort to eclipse all' steaming re
cords, particularly that of the battleship
Oregon, say a Chicago paper. The
Minnesota 1 one of the two largest mer
chant steamer ever built In America,
and I Intended for the James J, Hill
Orient trade. Hhe I (till at New London.,
whore, with her slater boat, the Dakota,
she was built. The Minnesota Is appry
Ing the finishing touches for her long
voyage of 14.000 mile, and will leave the
latter port of this month. When the
Oregon made her historic trip from the
Pacific to the Atlantic It was thought
fbat even If ehe u ceeded In dodging the
Hpimlsh wamhlps, the voyage would take
ubout eeventy-flve day. Hhe made the
Journey from Han Francisco to Key Will
In alxty-eliv'ht days, but made calls at
Valparaiso, lilo Janeiro. Pabla, Para and
Ilm bailoes for coal. Adding about two
days for the run from Key Went to New
port News, the time which the Minnesota
h.is to beat Is seventy days.
The pill that will, will fill the bill,
Without a gripe.
To cleanse the liver, without a quiver.
Take one at night
LieWltt'a LRU Early Risers ar small, I
easy to take, easy and gentle In effect, I
yet they ar so certain in results that no j
one who uaes them Is disappointed. For !
quick relief from blllousneaa, sick bead- j
ache, torpid liver. Jaundice, dlulneas and I
all troubles arising from an Inactive,
sluggish liver, Early Risers ars une- ;
quailed. Sold by O. A. Harding. !
' General Crop Bummary.- Neatly hn!f
an Inch of rain fell In the Willamette
valley during the hiiler part of the week,
and RTeuter amounts ure reported In the
coast counties. Frequent lalns uIho oc
curred n the custom sections of the
state. The lain west of the CasAides
tiuve done un Immense amount of good.
They will help all growing crops, espe
cially potatoes, corn, oat and late spring
wheat. Hops also will ho henfltttcd. as
well us garden and pasturugc. The
grain harvest has been Interrupted by the
wet weather, and In the const counties
and plateau aectlon sonic cut huy will be
more or less damaged, but these loaar
are Insignificant computed with the great
good the rains huve done. A shurp frost
occurred Wednesday morning In portion
of the Willamette valley and In some of J
the const counties, but the damage was
Confined to tender vegetation and It was
not serious, notwithstanding the lateness
of the season. Full wheat Is tilling nicely,
th heads being lure and the berry
plump. Although very little wheat has
yet been thrashed, correspondents gen
erally report the yield to he bi ter than
expected. In Sherman county some com
plaint of smut Is madn. but generally
the quality of the wheat Is reported above
the average. Hops aie doing nicely, but
It Is not expected that the yields will be
quite so heavy a lust year, on account
of the long spell of dry weather. Htock
continues In excellent condition, but pas
turage Is getting short, as I usual at
this season of the year, and the mtfk
supply In the dairy herds has decreased
lightly during the week. Peaches arc
ripe and plentiful, but apple have drop
ped badly during the week, although the
prospects still continue favorable for a
good crop of apples.
Report Lsck Conflrmstlon. There was
ii rumor current Monday morning to the
effect that il.irlnK the afternoon of the
preceding day the tonsorlal unlet of
Oregon City had been defeated at a
game of base ball lit Canrniah Pork by
nine determined professional brothers of
Portland. Diligent Inquiry from among
the member of the profession in this
city was unrewarded so far a having
the report confirmed. In fact, the Oregon
City barber toutly maintain that there
waa not played a game of ball In this
city Sunday. Judging from the score as
reported 17 to 4 In favor of the Portland
visitors It 1 quite apparent that the
home men did not take a very active par
ticipation In the alleged contest. While
the reporter waa unable to gather any
definite Information concerning the game
from the Oregon City barbers, he will tell
something of the game aa he was told
by a spectator. C. Buckle and a man
named Itoes ccnetituted the battery for
Hie home nine. They, acted their part
well, but their "support was miserable."
Pat Johnson at first had the situation
well In hand, while Stratum at second
monopolized the attention of the ladle.
Ed Iteckncr was as efficient at third as
he Is capable of making a lemonade. Red
Williams, at short stop, got the game
confused with keno, but fielded the posi
tion as well as a man of his limited stat
ute could be expected to do. The field
ers. Redhoff. Zelineky and Ralph John
son, could have done better work had
the management supplied each with a
laundry basket at the beginning of the
game. Put with the aid of an army of
email boy these knight of the raxor
managed to locate the balls. All In all
the game was Intensely Interesting, but
the Portland men were too speedy for
the local team. Occasionally on of the
Oregon City men would get to first but
Invariably he failed to reach the "next"
The sporting editor of "Judge" annexed
the official (core book and the Enterprise
Is unable to glv th detailed report of
2,000 miles of long dis
tance telephone wire in
Oregon, Washington, Cali
fornia and Idaho now in
operation by the Pacific
Station Telephone Com
pany, covering 2.25U
Quick, accurate, cheaj
All the satisfaction of a
fersonal communication.
Hstance no effect to a
clear understanding. Spo
kane and San Francisco
as easily heard m Port
land. Oregon City office-at
Harding's Drmr Store
Pure and Mellow
Rich and Delicate
Bole Agency for Oregon City.
Be Harper Whiskey Exhibit In
Agricultural Building. World's
Fair. St. Louis.
Pis) a box of
HtmtLry't rkadacb
TabWts in your
vallM what you go
on Uut vacation
After studying the paint business for years we feel
qualified to offer advice occasionally to the man who
intends doing his own painting. This advice costs
you nothing and you can take it or leave it alone
as you choose, but we feel sure, after going over
the subject with us no matter whether you buy
your material from us or not you will have learned
some things which will be of advantage to you.
This is especially true of interior work, such as
varnishing, finishing floors, etc. Many people could
improve their floors at a very little expense if they
knew how to go at it. Our expert paint man can
tell you just how to proceed and how much it will
cost you. j& j& j&
A Camera
f of Yotif Vacation
You can double and prolong; the pleasures of a trip
by taking; a camera with you. It helps you to see
and appreciate the beautiful and the picturesque.
It provides a pictorial record of scenes and faces
that you will be glad to recall during the years to
come. No experience is now required to operate
a camera, and the pictures can be completed when
you return. Come in and talk it over with our
camera expert. He will start you right
Prices range from $1.00 to $25.00.
If so, do you know enough about watches to make a safe purchase ? Re
member that we are an old reliable house, that we have been in the watch
business for many years and that we make a specialty of repairing watches
and thereore are in a position to know all about them. :: :: :: ::
We recognize that we must be honest with you to retain your patronage,
as we are here to stay and to make good our guarantee. We carry the largest
stoca of Watches and Jewelry In Clacknmas county.
These are some of the reasons why you should make it a point to see us
when you want to purchase a timepiece or have it repaired. Our Watches are
made In solid gold, gold filled, silver and nickel. In the filled we sell. the Boss
make. It Is made of two layers of solid gold, with a layer of stiffening metal
between. It has the elegance and wearing qualities of an all-gold Watch, and
the price Is much less.
k -.e
I itov,- F-867
V ' ' ' ' jf Solid Gold
We have Nickel Watches from
$2.00 to Jiu.00.
Gold Filled Watches from
flO.OO up.
Watches from
Burmeister & Andresen
The Oregon City Jewelers
Suspension Bridge Corner
11 B
Good Job Work at the Enterprise Office