Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 08, 1904, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    FAGI 7.
f farmers' Corner ;
t :
T)i raspberry ilnnl In about it difficult
fur the gnrdnner to muring u anything
In llm fruit lino. The root from rep
berry into run through I In ground In
every illiillon unit throw shoot arid
unlrnn vigorous niflhod Hi o adopted bf
i (iino ri'Kuliir tlili'ki't. Bo fir a w
have been alii to Judge, tin very brl
iinTrm turn been chronicled by 1 vlgorou
pruning mid thorough oultlvutlitn, keep
ln tli ene confined to row. Horn
gaidener ronfln them to hill, but I h la
oaroely seems practical. ly plowing out
th row In th full and uprlng tid It will
tii ponnlhle to keep the patch In om
kind of aliape, but If neglected for sin
gl caaon the row dlnappear and th
pint become a thicket. W )iuv noticed
thl n oft mi . In fut o many don't
Ilk to cut out thrifty plunl that th
puli h oon beconiea too tlilrk to product)
well. Th lund on which raapherrlc r
grown I reiiulred to b rich. Well rotted
ninriuie of uny kind I good, chip milium
1 brut, but lieep manure will b all
Well Ktpt Poultry Pay.
Poultry keeping and breeding pay well
for th Hum, thought and Itudy glvrn It,
and any on that like th buelnena and
la willing to work ran do well at it. Uut
thr ax thoM who think they can lot
thrlr stock, fix up flic house, and then
it down and hav the heni do th Nut.
Tlila Fiona will fall, and had better kip
out of th bouillon In the flrat place.
For thla northern climate th flrat re-1
qulrement la a warm, dry houa; thrn
com-1 ceanllne and regularity in feed
ing and cor.
Ther la little danger of a hen laying
on loo much fat when ah I producing
egga, any more than ther la a cow when
giving milk. When they are taking th.-lr
vacation or being neglected I the time
when they get out of condition by too
much feed. Quite a good deal of corn
and com meal may be fed during the
prlng montha, but a the weather come
warm too murh of thla will not do. A
great many faimera allow their hen to
run to the crib. A good lot of agg may
be coming In at thl time, but If thla
kind of feeding I permitted for anw
length of tlm th hen will surely change
their method.
If you feed meat to the fowl, be lure
that It I frenh and untainted. Diseased
or tainted meat I dangerou. and will
very likely cauee dieoidvr and dlaeaae In
th flock. I have found that the cheap
rat and beat food for poultry In the form
of meat I frenh cut bone and meat, even
at 1 rent a pound It la an economical
feed, and It I rarely that It coat that
much, and In muny locnlitlca It may be
bad for nothing. Ilut when you gel It
from the butcher, even If II coat cent
a pound, eaamlne It carefully to see that
ther are no tainted piece In the lot.
I bellev that vne great trouble In feeding
nieat ho been that many overdo the
matter. They feed loo much, and thla
practice will moat aurely result In dlea
and other bad reult. Avoid (crape,
and meat meal of pour quality.
Borne breeder make great clnlma aa
to the hardlnee of the kind they keep,
but really hurdlne doe not cut o much
of a flguie In the calculation of a good
poultry keeper a oine might believe. To
be bum-, there I an advantage In tinting
a breed that rnl good, strong chick,
but poultry keeper who give their flock
proper attention, prepare for cold and
dlangreeiibln weather by furnishing well
lighted and dry houe. will have little
trouble from luck of hurdlne In uny of
our well known breed. It la the belief
of noin that a hen houne mint be warm
enough to keep out frot entirely, o
that water will not freeie within, but t
think If the building I tight enough to
keep out draught and ha an enclosed
rooKtlng partment It will be warm
enough for all practical purpose. It I
not bent to depend too much on the breed
being hardy, for It I a ure thing that the
hardleat breed In exlatence will not lay o
a to make themelve profitable unless
It I well taken cure of.
ewer Contractor Make Strong Bluff for
200. Other Proceeding".
Contiiiclnr K! W. Illner. who lt um
trier etiilillliei Hewer lualrlct No. for
nn gon City, appeared at the meeting of
the council Wi ilnemliiy nllit, ifci'l backed
up by an attorney, presented a bill for
.'!'iiii for alleged ettli woik. He Inform
ed the aldermen Unit llu-y could either
pnv the claim or aland an action In the
cliciill nun I. Hut the bluff did not woik.
After aoine dleulon Hie claim wit re
fined to the committee on atreela and
public piopeity, u It wa under the di
rection of thl committee that the work
wa performed. The member of the
committee were authored to conull
th city attorney, but It I reonalily
(eitulii that the commute will reject th
bill The commit under which Itlner
performed the work exprely provided
Hint liny and all extia woik In connec
tion with the making if the Improvement
wn to be done only on the written order
mid iippioml of the city miKlr r, who
wiiN to iiiperlntend the work In the In
teiift of Hie city. Itlner proceeded with
the alleged extra Wink without rorinult
Ing the city' uuthoilxed repieentatlv j
uml the elly Will light the propocd ac
tion (ll thla defene.
The regular iiii terly report of the J,
city oltlcer and the board of water coin- :
mlealoner were read and referred. 1
The treet commissioner wu ordered j
to oonnlrmt a sidewalk on Klfth atreet
between Aduma mill Jefferaon atreet and
ctiutge the Improvement to the property
o benefitted, HI new hydiant were j
Ordered pun tinned,
Ordinance were Introduced follow:
(ranting Frank Hunch a franchise to ap
propriate water from Blnger Crerk for a
period of JO year at an annual ronnldcru
(Inn of 110; decimating "Mclaughlin i
I'lonienade" the street along the edge
of the bluff on the hill.
The (hegnn City band wit granted the
right o erect a humlntand In the pink on
the hill, the Impiovemenl to be made
under the direction of the commltte on
atreet nd public property.
An appioprlutlon of wn made to
defray the expene of the hone team on
It trip to Portland to participate In the ,
Firemen' touiiiiurit nt.
The bridge on .Main Miect. roar the
Congregational church, which wa recent-
ly condemned by the committee on atreeta
and public property, waa ordered Im- '
proved Immediately under the direction
of that committee Member of th coun
cil are dlnponed to favorably eonalder a
plan for filling In thl ravine, rather thun
go to th expense of keeping the ame In
rmiatant repair by building a new trestle
every few yeare .
The committee on street and public
property wu dliected to expend $:u In
the pilrchun of crude petroleum for the
purpone of giving the treet a thorough
test of thl fluid a a mean of olvlng
the dual problem.
Pile Upon Top of Pll.
I'lle upon top of pile of people have
th File, and IeWltt'a Witch Haxel
Halve cure them. There re many dif
ferent kind of Die, but If you get the
genuine and oilglnul Witch ilaxel Halve
made by K. C. IieWItt A ''u of Chicago,
a cure I certain. II. A. Tlnilale, of Hum
merlon. H. C, uy: "I had pile 20 year
and IieWItt' Halve cured me after every
thing else hud fulled." Hold by i. A.
The pill that will,' will nil the bill.
Without a gripe.
To cleanse the liver, without a quiver.
Take one at night.
He Witt' Little Early Klner are mall.
euny to take, easy ana gentle in eneci,
yet they are eo certain In reaull that no
one who use them I disappointed. For
quirk relief from blllousnee. nick head- i
ii he, torpid liver, Jaundice, dltxine and
all trouble arlnlng from an Inactive, 1
lugglsli .liver, Early It men are une- 4:
ipiulled. Bold by (1. A. lliudlng.
You can depend on Aycr'i
Hair Vigor to restore color to
your cray hair, every time.
Follow directions and it never
fails to do this work. It stops
Hair Vigor
fallingofthe hair.also. There's
gf&t satisfaction in knowing
you are not going to be disap
pointed. Isn't that so?
" My bnlr fndrd until It nil elieot white. It
teok )uat Ix.llle of Aver' Hiir Vigur to
reilore ll to lit foriiier rfnrk. rlrb eolf.r. Voar
ll.lr Vigor certainly ohnt ja rlalis fur
II." A. M. Uouoa, lloekiiigiiauj, . C.
II 00 a bottl.
AM fli-nr.'!'.
J. C. AT CO.
Fading Hair
Deaervea Your Patronage.
The growth of a community and the
ucces of It local Institution depend
entirely on the loyalty of It people. It
I well enough to preach "patronlxe home
Induntry." but except the ervlce given
at a home Institution equal that of out-of-town
enterprise.' thl argument Car
rie no weight and I entirely disregarded
a It should be. Hut with Oregon City
people It la different. A few month ago
E. U. Johnnon etabllehed the Caacade
Laundry. It I equipped with the latet
Improved machinery and la dally turning
We carry the best make of Paints, Varnishes and Painters'
Material on earth, proven so by practical tests and chemical
analysis. New Era Pure Prepared paint has been analyzed by
all the leading chemists of the United States, and over their af
fidavit found to be absolntely pure containing not over one per
cent of water, while other inferior grades contain from five to
forty-five per cent.
Ask your painter about it everybody knows the "Acme Line."
Guarantee on every can. We submit a partial list of their line.
NEAL'S CARRIAGE PAINT for repairing all kinds of ve
' hides.
finish of leather and rubber tops, dash boards, sachels and
leather goods of every description.
ACME WAGON PAINT for repainting wagons and agricul
tural implements.
GRANITE FLOOR PAINT. Quick drying and durable.
DAVIE'S VARNO-FLOOR STAIN for finishing floors, lino
leum, oil cloth and interior wood work in exact imitation of ex-
Kinsive woods. Will not crack, mar or chip off.
AVIE'S VARNISH STAINS for renewing the finish of
wood work, furniture, etc Needs but one application.
NEAL'S ENAMEL. The kind for earthen and metal sur
faces. Gives a genuine enamel finish.
NEAL'S BATH-TUB ENAMEL for bath-tubs, walls, ceilings
and wood work of bath rooms or any surface exposed to hot or
cold water.
NEAL'S SCREEN ENAMEL for screen doors and frames.
NEAL'S CYCLE ENAMEL Splendid for bycicles.
NEAL'S HOUSEHOLD PAINTS. Put up in small, "easy
to open, ;' cans. 25c a can.
NEAL'S .POPULAR VARNISH. The best to be had, and
in most any sized can.
Poarch and Chair Enamel, Stove Pipe EnameL Floor Paint,
Paint and Varnish Remover, Lubricating oils, Benzines and
Gasoline, Lead, Oil and Glass. In fact, everything in the paint
line can be had at our store. Now is the time and this is the
place to buy.
Howell & Jones
Oregon City,
j )),)
? " r-'Mf i...nJ.-i....l
Orator, l.utrn Noun t'lub.
170 Warren Avenue,
Ciiu aiiii, lu..,(W.22,lW2.
For nearly fuur vearj 1 nufferpd
from ovarifin troulilca. The doc
tor insiKleil on an otieration a the
only way to pet well. 1, however,
tronirlr nlijivteil to an ueration.
My LuhIhuhI felt dialiearteneU as
well a 1, fur homo with a lick
woman ia a diwonwilate place at
licit. A friendly ilruutfist advised
liim to pet a udtle of Wind of
( ardui fur me to try, and he did no.
I beputi to improve in a few days and
my recovery win, it uipiu. i nu- i.
in f iplihi'ii wet 1cm 1 wai another if
That U What the Book Say of j
Chronic Kldnoy Diueaae, Bui
the New Fulton Compound
Have a Record of 87",' of Recov
eries Among Chronic Cac In
curublc by All Other McUlclncs.
Mr. Stowe'i letter shuwj every
l. . i l.i 1 1 "..
wtuunn mi" a iiuuie ia miuiit'iieu i- r
femiile wenkni snnd how compli lely fcT
tluit sirk- w-
Wine cf t'ardni rurii
nexs and lirinp health and bappi
neiiapmn. I t not po on iuIIit
inp. (hi to vcuir drnppint t'Hliiy
mid mi'iire a 1.00 bottle of Wine
of Cardui.
v.'irjE cannuj
Beantkt The Kind Von Han Always Bocgit
Dirked up hy i.ver n tliitd i f a cenmt-f
of r' Minrk.itile and unifciiiii ruieM, a record
audi a no other ii ite ily for the (lineascn
and wruknriwn pn'iiliiii to women evel
attained, tlie i opin torn mid iniikern ol
Dr. 1'ieire' I'avurite l'recri)lion now firl
fully WMrruntt il in olknuit to pay t.yio in
leiial iii'itiry for unv rime of I.euc-orrluM,
l'emiile Wenknem. rrnlapnu. nr Kallintf ol
Womb, wliii h tliev ciinnut cure. All thei
ank in a fmr and leuxonulile tritl of thru
tnennn of eure.
Very often a married woninn or voung
girl does not know who to turn to for ad
vice in ciicuinttaiicea where alie dinliken to
talk with the fimnlv physician about deli
cate matter. At such timca write to Ilr.
R. V. Tierce, chief ronnultinK phynicinn tr
the Invalid' Hotel and Sur((ical Institute,
of Hulfalo, N. Y., lor liee consultation and
advice, and the name will be held a fa
rrecllv confiilential. It in foolish to consult
' women friends or person without nicdkal
lit Pii-ree' favorite rrencritition con
tain no alcohol. t entirely venetuhle and
waa the first ixcliisivt ly woman' tonic on
the market it h..s Hold nn.it- larjiely in
the pat third "f n n iituty limn any ollicl
medicine l'r wuiir ii
All ...l.n. 1L t,,l.. ...1. .1 fitl u-lilll"!
only are made with iiicoool, or olivli'.i . i. ! VeilkllCHU of f'Wlllr Mn. hilKH. Till!
Urge compoiu ii:-tin aloiiol inii.n- f.n ;llhl1 1'OOtl Onillhilii'd V'ltll Other
nerve". The Imh r -d eoriMis h - of titrolir Kilnt8 nillkcs the 1IOI1IC
DKKKl are snnillkf n in Hlioton in i..i.
coruiiounds, then foir. do lial'.ll
Dr. Tierce' ricnt:int 1'ellctn lnviKorm
the ntomach, liver and bowels Use tht-;u
with the "Favorite 1'rescruit ion " when
fill ia required. One ia a laxative, two, a
mild cathartic.
Do not tie ddflvtil lv tlioe 'who ail
vrrtlne $ii(l.(H) HowitiR Mnolilne for
l'J(UK). ThlHklnd of a iiiachitie cnii
be Imiiplit from tmormiv of our
deulew from $15.00 to JlH.Oa
The Feed U't'rnilnce the Htrength or
. 1 he Kind You Hani km Boajtit
the liewt K wing Jim hine to buy.
howlnt th dif
ferent atyl of
KewliiK Mai'hlm n
we uiaiiufiictureand price Iwluieliurc liaaiyg
28 Union Hq. N. Y ., Chicago, 1 11., Atlanta, la.,
Bt. Loul,Mo., Dalla,Tex.,Hun Friuiclai-o, (U
C. 8. CRANE, 850 Morrlton Street,
Portland, Oregon.
t)ruglt know thai kidney dlneane tt.it tif
lung od eight or ten monthn b twconieciuouic
uJ that 11 In then reganled by phjiicluu. a
locurabl and lhat op to the adrert of tin
Fulton Compenndt lhat notblagon their bt)i i
ould toucb It. It la a provas fact that nenrij
otoe-tenth ot all oaaea ar now curable, m.
IruKKlala Ihenincler are taking lb new Com
IsiuDd. On ot tb recoverlc Dr Zcil
kiunelf, lb pioneer druiriftnt of M Pucii.i
Iireet, San Krauc.no, aoJ be gav l to urv i
(urenoiher bo r covered. Here Ik an-l!
loterenliLK twiT-y. i We e pr Iri m the s.nt
niouio Ncoi Nou.oer Itt imw.
"After a erlcu lllnen of over a yer Jnde
I K Al'euvf thl ei j ban recovered ami le
nrii bluiwlt "t turtuuat In uecentuli
Utlllug wtumliat I aniemlij rcnurUtd as u
lain) u.nla.ly. Miigbl' Losena. of the kili.c
la iiennlnil ut hi Ju.l Alltu aaiu : I
believe ibnt Ibe treutttM nl given me by n :
liuynlolao man In aoi-oM.tnte ith Ilia Let ;
niethod nned in ih reifular practice ol me.ll
cine but It nrtunlril me no relict, lieariu ol
lue i'uiun luiujuundii I wenttSn Fraucmio
to Invenlluate nud n aoou convinced 1 beu.J
nnder?o be irealmeiii H ji three cicii b."
tH.lore I noticed a o iumkc U t the better. 1 ueil
the ruedielue Initblully for Lear.y a yer auJ
rnn now llnd no e uleui ol tue itikeaM" ai d
m nniinn.Hl It in entirely elimli ateo. My l
polite 1 gotsl, I have (tamed neveult en oouiioi
In weight and will be pleaM-d to drwriim n.y
ailierleiice to anyone rito niay ra 11 or writ.'
huornioeulo Ne, Nov. lb. IfU.
The editor of the Newn hlmnelf wi the frlerd
who told Judk-e Alien of the KulU.n Couisunds,
They are the only thins kuown lhat cure
kidnev dlnense after an well a beiore they
beeniiie chronic, which happenn atsiui the tenlb
njonib. Kipially ettlclci.1 In dropny gout,
rtieumathiui from uric acid and bladder troubles
FulioD'a Kennl Cmxund for Prti-M a 'I
Kidney Plneaaea, em , f I ; for K'abeten, II
Jobn 1. Fultnu l o , H Wanhliirton atreet. B'"
Franelneo, nnle ci mpoundern Free analvM's loi
pntlenU. Held for pamphlet. Wearetheei
iualv agenu fur Uicne emu pound lu thla cuj
Oregon City Market Report
d to i ol
(Corrected Weekly.)
Wheat No. 1. 75e to 90c per bushel
Flour Valley. 14.40 per obi. Hard
wheat 14.50. Portland, J1.15 per ack.
Howard Beat. 1105 per aack.
Oat In aack. 1.10 per cental.
Hay Timothy, baled, I14 8J16 per ton;
clover, 110; oat. 111; mixed hay. Ill;
cheat, til.
Mlllntuff Pran, 119 per ton; ahorta,
$22 50 per ton; chop, 119 per ton; barley,
rolled, 125 per ton.
Potatoes 11 to 11. 26.
New potatoes, 2 cent per pound.
Green pea S cent per pound.
Ekp Oregon, 18c to 20c per dozen.
Butter Ranch, S0c36c; separator, ,
40c to 60c; creamery, 45o to 60c.
Oregon onion 2 l-Ic per pound.
Onion 40c per doa bunch.
RaddlBhe 20c to 26c per doz. bunch.
Dried Apple 6c to 7c per lb. j
Prune (Dried) Petite, Sc per lb; Ital
ian, large, 5c per lb; medium, t 1-2 c;
Silver, 4 l-2e.
Cabbage Oregon. 40c to 45c per dozen, j
Beet. Carrot and Green Onions 10c ;
per dozen bunches. j
Kaspberriee Crates of 24 boxes, 11.05. I
Khubarb 1 1-2 c per pound.
Apples. 11.60 to 12.00. i
Stock Carrots Sacked, 60 cent.
Dressed Chickens 14c per lb. j
"Livestock and Dressed Meat Beef,
live, 14 to 14.25 per hundred. Hogs,
live, 4 1-2 to 6c; hog, dressed, t 1-2 to !
7c; sheep. 12.60 per head; dressed, tc; j
veal, dressed, 6c; lambs, live, 12.00 per ;
head; lambs, dressed. 7c.
All kinds of Building
Material, Sash, Doors
Moulding, Etc. - -
TVe would like to see every potato
grower In the blight-Infected districts of
Oregon try the experiment, at least, of
spraying a portion of his potato field with
Rare OopM!
Oregon State Normal School
Begins Its 23d year September 20,1904. Four terms in each school
year, affording equal opportunities for beginning a course in Septem
ber, November, February andAprll.
Is the Normal course, with its as
surance of good positions at good
wages. Write for new catalogue
containing full Information con
cerning courses of study, train
ing In actual teaching afforded un
der real conditions in town and
country schools, nnd full details
about the advanced course of study
with the additional advantage at
tached. Address,
Sec J. V. B. Butler, or
Pres. E. D. Reler,
Monmouth, Or.
When your purchases at
our store aggregate $25, you
are entitled to an enlarged oil
portrait of yourself. Kemem
ber'and secure a coupon with
eacli purchase.
Our stock of groceries is
fresh and complete and the
prices are right. Call and see.
Get one of these fine port
raits and decorate your home.
A similar opportunity may
not be offered again.
The ELECTRIC Grocery
p. M. KLEMSEN, Prop.
Bordeaux mixture this year. There may
be no blight this year, or If there la It la
possible that the cause of blight In Ore
gon Is not one which can be prevented
by spraying with Bordeaux mixture; but
In the Eastern slates most of the evil
effect of blight can be prevented by
spraying. The marketing of Immature
potatoes, which takes place from blight
smitten fields, is very Injurious to the
reputation of Oregon potatoes, and U It
continue It will be a hard matter for
growers In districts subject to blight to
sell at alL The first sraying should be
done probably' between the first and the
middle of July. If the spraying prevents
the blight It will do It by killing the
epores and by preventing the disease
from forking ita way Into the foliage. It
will therefore be necessary to spray often
enough to keep the foliage well covered
with the copper. Oregon Agriculturist.
rhoea Remedy,
For sale by O. A. Hard-
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
rhoea Remedy.
This remedy Is certain to be needed In
almost every home before the eummer la
over. It can always be depended upon,
even In the most severe and dangerous
cases. It is especially valuable for sum
mer disoiders in children. It Is pleasant
to take and never fails to give prompt
relief. Why not buy It now? It may save
life. For sale by G. A. Harding.
Safeguard the Children.
Notwithstanding all that la done by
boards of health and charitably Inclined
persons, the death rate among small chil
dren is very, high during the hot weather
of the summer months In the large cities.
There is not probably one case of bowel
complaint in a hundred, however, that
could not be cured by the timely use of
Chamberlaln'a Colic, Cholera and Diar-
Ely's Cream Bcdm
Euy and pleasant to
one. ContAiua no in
(iirioo drug.
11 ia quickly absorbed.
Give Kelief at once.
It Open, and Clean . u - . n
iae nuai rwnnga. I I I III n I c,mij
AllyIiirlaniniaUon. WWaJn ' !Z
Heal and Protect the Memhmne. Rentore tbt
Berne of Tute and Smell Large 8re, to emu at
Drnirirtet or bv mall 81i 14 tnu bJ f1".
KUC BUOTlliiKd, M Warren Street, ew or k.
. a .a w W