Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 08, 1904, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    r PAGC
fJJ Dog
If People
Legal Notices.
I In the Circuit Court for the State of Ore-
NOTICE Or ASSESSMENT, ,l,r C""y of Clackamas.
For Improvement of Center Street from Alki-muie t-iwsou. Plaintiff.
j th norlli lino of Firm Street to tne south v'
! line of Seventh Street of Oregon City. J,,hn i,xy- Fr"l''i'l'l A. Helms. Emma. J.
! Oivhmii. McLennan. Jo. kl.vn Uolil, Frederick
I Notice is hereby giveu thai til coun-
oil of Oregon City. Oregon, at a regular
i uncling hold Vt ednesJuy, July Sth, lKiH,
ilechuvd til HK-io.H.sin,.nt by Ordinance !
I li-ii ry Srliw.il, John David Schwab.
M:ifii Louise Schwab, Maryett
Sclm.ih. Rudolph Luther Schwab and
M. H Keefer, I'efcinlanta
No. 303 for the Improvement of Center! 1,1 'h' mini" of the Stat of Oregon:
Street from the north Una of Flint Street
to the south line of Seventh Street of
Oregon City. Oregon. In the manner pro
vided by Ordinance No. 3iJ. upon each,
lot. pait of lot mid tract of land bene
tltlHl. to be a.i follows, via :
Lot.l. block 39. westerly
stisan II. Moldrum t 30 92
Lot 1. block 39, easterly W,
Dauicl Williams 92 60
Lot 2. block 39. Danlol Williams 94 78
Lot 3, block 39, J a iiioa Chase.., 94. TS
Lot 4, block 39, A. N. Munsoy . . 132 01
Lot 1. block 38, Wallace Cole. . .ltil.34
Lot 2. block 38. Wallace Cole... 99b9
Lot 3, block 38, Tbos. F. Ryan. Ill 50
Are often capable
ol iloitii? iniurv to
le positive people, lite very emuliVsii
of their afhrsiation making up for lack Lot 4, block 38. Tbos. F. Ryan. 102 9t
ot argument ana hiii ol evidence. Lot 1. block 37, Elizabeth Fuchs 100 98
And the worst of all dogmatists are Lot 2, block 37, Elizabeth Fuchs 109 48
Lot 3, block 37, Elizabeth Fuchs 102 30
Lot 4. block 37, Elizabeth Fuchs 133 29
Lot 1, block 30, westerly 70 teot
E. and G. W. Shepherd 67 64
Lot 1, block 36, easterly 35 feet,
Wm. K. Blssell 73 09
Lot 2, block 36. westerly 70 feet
of northerly 34 feet, E. and U.
W. Shepherd 24 93
Lot 2, block 36, easterly 35 feet
of northerly 34 feet, Wm. E. ,
liissell 26 97
Lot 2, block 36. southerly 32 feet
owner unknown 48 85
Lot 3, block 36, John Blttner. . . 100 74
Lot 4, block 36, F. C. Eckhoff . . Ut) 99
Lot 1. block 35, Augusta Setni- !
bert 130 99
Lot 2, block 35, Augusta Schu
bert 100 74
Lot 3, block 35, Augusta Schu
bert 100 74
Lot 4, block 35, Mary E. Qiilnn.131 34
Lot 1. block 82. Mary E. Quinn.125 20
Lot 2. block 82, Mary E. Quiun. 95 64
Lot 3, block 82, Wm. and James
Sheeny .' 95 64
Lot 4, block S2, Wm. and James
Sheeny 96 71
Lot 5. block 8:1. Tbos. F. Ryan.. 8S 66
Lot 6, block 83, Thos. F. Ryan. . 95 64
Lot 7, block 83, Wm. and J,
To Frederick A. Helms, Kmma J. Mc
Lennan, Jocklyn Hold, Frederick Henry
Schwiib, John David Schwab, Mario
Ionise Schwab. Maryetta Schwab, ltu
dolph Luther Schwab, above named de
fendants You and each of you are hereby re
nulred to appear and answer the com
plaint tiled against you In the above en
titled court and cause, on or before the
5th day of August, l'J'H. that being the
last day ordered by the Court for the
publication of this summons
And it you fail so to appear or answer
the plaintiff will apply to the sourt for
the relief prayed for In the complaint
on file herein, to-wtt: A decree deter
mining the right of the "several parlies
hereto In and the partition of the fol
lowing described real estate, to-wlt: A
part of the Helms D. L. C. No. 60. In
sections 111. :) and 30. In T. S S.. R. 4
K. of Willamette Meridian. In Clack
amas county, Oregon , beginning at the
reentrant angle In said claim and running
thence south 41 deg. 45 mill, east ID
chains to claim corner; thence north 42
deg. east 25 chains to claim corner:
thence north 6ti deg. 15 mln. west 5:'
chains to a point In claim line, thence
south 45 deg 15 mln west 30 20 chains
to line dividing husband1 half from
heirs of wile s half of said claim: thence
south 41 deg 45 mill east, following said
diWdlng line to 1 southeasterly Hue of
sild claim; thence north 42 deg. east
l.i -J chains to place of beginning.
This summons Is published by order of
Thomas A. Mcltride. Judge of said Court,
for a period of six (fit consecutive weeks,
tlrst publication to be on Friday, the
21th day of June. l:h, and the lust to be
on Friday, the 5th day of August. l'.'iM.
Attorney for 1'laliilltT.
TKc HoxxsefxxrnisKer
otI.e tor I'ublicatloo.
Timber Lain!, Act June 3. 187S.
United Hates I.tnl Office, Oregon
V.ny, uregun, April u, r.s'-j
those doctors w ho, hiukiiig back to some
oia dogma ot the schools, insist that
certaiu patients are beyond all medical
help, because, forsooth, their disease!
are beyond the limited medical know
ledge of the dogmatist.
"When the physicians had given me
np I wa cured by the use of lr. lherce'i
Golden Meilical Discoverr." That state
ment, varied sometimes in form but
identical in fact, is one of the common
expressions found in the letters of those
cured by "Golden Meilical Discovery.
Sometimes the statement runs ; " I was
fiven up by four doctors," showing a
esperate effort to find relief in local
practitioners, But however the storv
begins, it almost invariably ends with,
the statement, "I am perfectly cured by
Dr. Pierce's C.ol.lrn Medical liiscoverT
Persons tittering from " weak" lungs,
hemorrhages deep-seated cough, ema
ciation and weakness, have lieen restored
to perfect health by the " Discovery."
The philosophy of the cures effected
by this marvelous medicine is not hard
to understand. Life is sustained by
food, digested and assimilated. The
basis of health is a good appetite and a
sound digestion. In almost all cases of
disease loss of appetite is an early symp
tom, and this is promptly followed by
washing of the licsli. l"or some cause
tnSA . , .... :., ..... i . i
intoir., 'Z anTihaT f f -h f,' u " V w " --r 95 64 . N-'"-b, given that in comp.ij
gans. being starved, must-grow weak. U'l 8- block Si- "m auJ J' , . n with lie provision, of the act f
There is only one wv to eet strength slieehy 12T. Congress of June 3, 18,8, entitled "An
and that is by food. Dr. lierce-S Golden U,t 5" hUck 58' Iaaac Farr ,;S ?'-t ,0r ,1!'"a!?,of ,ilnbrr UmU Ja ,lie
Meilical Disi-overv heals diseases of the U 6- block 5S- Isaac Farr m 80 h 1 ' al"urn'. . Oregon, Nevada,
stomach and allied organs of digestion U)t 7- block 58- lsaac Karr 100 80 nJ,w l'jnifoii Territory, as extended
and nutrition, so enabling the hodv to u,t bloclt s K- T- ' arr 150 9 "" wl? ",.'-"D"r,ttlM1 act of
assimilate the neeiled nourishment Lot 5. block 57. Isaac Farr 130 99 August 4 :, 12. Krik ik, of Portland,
Thus various forms of " weakness " so- Lot 6, block 57, Clarence P. FarrlOO 71 county of Multnomah State of Oregon,!
called, are cured l.v the "Discovery" Lot 7, block 57, southerly la. lias this dav tiW in this otlice his orn i
"weak" lungs, "weak- heart, "weak" John H. Slattery 50 37 statement No. 640t!, (or the purchase of j
nerves, "wea'i" or slugyi h liver, i!-., Lot 7. block 57, northerly i3, the NEla of Section No. 24 ill Township!
because the organs are tuade strono !v j Robert Jacohson 50 37 4 Kange No. 0 Kast, and will oHer i
food, which is ji-rfVctlv digested ' and j Lot 8. block 57. Mary C. Shank. 130 17 !'( to "how H't the land sought is!
assimilate I a-tcr the "Discovery" lias ; Lot 5. block 56, Samuel Mover. l:!3 29 more valuable for its timber or stone:
healed the diseases of the stomach and Lot 6, block 56, Samuel Meyer. 102 24 f,,ia0 for K'icultt'ral iHirposes, and to 1
associated orcans of digestion and nn. i 1 j,t 7 bli.eir Si: Sumnui uv 10' i, estahlish his cla m to said land before
trition. Lot s! block 5ii! Samuel Mover.' 94 87l,lle Kegisler and Reviver of this ollice
PfJfl Alt COPE. I Ul 5. block 55. westerly 70 feet
! tie takvi. vvr me.l'ci-w with the greatest Hank of Oregon City 82 62
satisfaction. wm-;. Mr-. ;e,irt;e kit hi. 01 1.01k- Lot 5, block 55, easterly S3 feet
port Station, v--fiorrtnnd Co..- IVnn'a. and ! , ,, , 1a 1-
ean honestly s.11 r. l-irrce'a Couiin Mr.li.,1 I -A- lv 0'OOie 15 lj
Lot b, lilook &:, Daniel WtlliaiiLS hi? ?,)
Lot 7, block 55, Ann W. Jaggar 96 So
Lot 8, block 55, Ann W. JagS'ar.l29 22
Lot 5, block 51, Morion W. Mil
ler 121.30
Lot 6, block 54, Marion W. Mil
ler 92.72
Lot 7. block 51, John Welch... 92 72
Lot 8. block 5. John Welch... 84 05
A st.ti.-n.i-nt of the 11 fi 1 I a"--s--mi
iil has been enter, -d in th- .1, U-t '!
city lit ris ami is now ilue ami i r a)Ie ai j
me oincc 01 me 1 reitsuivr or ir.-g..n D. 1'.. May Notice in ,"teby
City. ienn, in lawful money of th- i " "n ti n r-ri iln l:,r..i In t:e .jTande
Isn't always the man who saves money. There are two ways of saving your
money: one is by putting it in a bank after you get it; the other is to buy where
you get the greatest values for it. In dealing with us you will save money by the
second method, and so by the first method, too. ,
Discovery hah tutc! nic ot a pmii hi mv n..ht
lunar that the tV-t .Sctor ciiul.l u help. My
pjxrtite ami .lut-ti.-n have improved m that 1
can eat anything at a!I, I frcl Hotter than I
have lor yer. Vii:r h?vire rrescription '
haa rured me of w mih tiouidt that I mitTen-d
from for fitUeit vt arv pnnfii! nnmth'v
troubles. 1 can w )rW a wh'ijf- lay an! not jf t
tired. My pain is all n ne and 1 leel like a new
person, j su.T rrd w:th hea-iai he all the time,
iHit have no u-itl.i. :e uuw -iie takinn your
medicine Y- ut' ",,'t-ii .Mt-cK-al iJiovrrv
and ' Favorite it- rT 'i.,u ' i, ,-i!' th.it vim i-!aim
for them, ami niuTf. ti, 1 h.te cured of
troubles that I -t r d frct-i tt.r fiitern veart,
4t-.d the A " ' r i' .'. c- til 1 ti'.t cure
me. 'tioldeti Mi ;, ii-t.vf rv ciired me of
nmralpia that I tuMV rvd l!u-:i f;f tive yean and
If my letter can mu- one ui tier jjt suifeier,
you can pub':..!, "
at Ortyrm C:ty. U 4 n, on Fridav, the
He name" as wtasMe: Alexatnler
HHk, of Tortlan't, Oron ; Carl iVtnr
son, of Portland, Oregon; JoHphtne
pHtnfon, of Porliatnl, Orfori ; C'tirmriim
Wik, of lriliiiiti, ( ireon.
Any and all pernont eUiinin udwr-Iy
tiie ab'JVH-iipwrihed Undn are re-jnent d .
fto tile their claims in this office on or he- j
ore said Srh v of Julv, I
ALGKKN'OX s. pkkskk. I
' ;.....,! T. tt .1 OH' v ttMn
This hardwood rocker
Cobbler seat $1.75.
6 high back Dining
chairs,all hardwood
Li ' i
Morrischair with Pine
needle fibre cushions
Large size Kitchen
Treasure Flour bins
& drawers all hand
fitted, finished golden
fir, fancy trimmings,
Others for $2.50.
y m i
6 foot Extension Tables from
$4.00 up
Pillows $1.00 per pair
Warranted Sewing Machine
SO ft Rubbr Hon. $3 .00.
.in i
I fiiil.-rt St;i t.-H. ;in, if riot p-il'l wi ii:
Iw.nly ij'ii i,i fi.ini it.,- lu-l 1 i ! ; : . . -tiin
lliiK notice iinh itni. ,-ilini:.s wil;
lJlir?ki.,re -TMu Khv " r','.'"1 ''VS 1 k.-n for tl,.- c,ll..,-ti.,n of tl,- wm a.
bronctnal tuN-." wr !t - !-v. f-rank Mnv of Nor-
tonviile, JtrTt rn . j.. -i.v ",-;:-r ., ' a' I""'-'idfd hy Ihv tlmit-y of Oi. s.iti
medicines lael i ' .ir- . i: r-." iluiovt u-i' h .':t ( 'iy.
num!er, I w.is led t - t:v In. . itrc s t,i.'- mi i .1 n 1 .
Medical W-etv. 1 l.,k to b-4:i. ...l 1 h" aSi' !""-"t Wl!! 1",":"4r
curH and har kinv,-' riirr.i. I 20 d:iy ,-ifti-r tl.f tiist 'ilili';iti-m of thiy
"When I think 1 (lit 4n-.1t jmui I h.vl to m- ! noilr,-.
A-tr anrf trr:l,:i- 1 I, I I,-., I ........ :
.rao.l miracle that I w:..- v soon reiicvr.1." ' 1 l!' ""J"'' "' ,;,''"''" "' Ot;tl i.'ity. j
Dr. Pierce's HeaMint lVlkts cure con- "'-"" ""'- " , , J
system and l-co:ne a necesaity, as do '
"' il.!' 3 ol
' V-.i. hi th-orr.-:-l
for c.i!.
M- h will
ii"i-.-!V:illoll. Mtu il-d ill
J i -Mi Ian.'-i. T and '
.mI.iIm of Oi.-uon, will lj I
by .-!. .-.-ai. d bids, I
1 uy tii- i --tri-t r
Toaster, U centi.
Shelf Paper, 5 cent! per bundle
8-quirt Milk Pant, 50 ctt
for W duiM.
Craii Hook, 30 cents.
. 15 (.,...
Boi' Knife,
Et-a Heavy Strainer Milk
Pall, t 00.
Hatchit for tht Kitchen, tj eta
Hav Ci!.i Tioa.I. 10 cti.
White Metal Table Spoona. g for 35 cent.
many other pilli
I'.i-eoi d-r
j D.itp of first publii ation of n-jti' e Frl
day, July 8, litol.
Df-partment of the Interior, Land Office
Vi-itlfai 111 HtirsihiS irltri.n t1t th a tin
I- ,r . Y- B""- JU'y 2- I904 -!lnod executrix of the estate of Valen
Notice U herey given that the following ! tlne Bohlan(k.r, deceaMd has file4 ln
tn V ' b" ln" the Coun"r Co"rt Clackamaa County.
nl claim, and that tad proof will be ., ... . . .u
h k . .. r. . , , 1 executrix of raid entate, and that Mon-
made before the Register and Receiver at ' .i , . .
n, ri. rw . , ..... l:y- the lMt '' Augut, VfH. at the
tor the 8E. quarter of NB. quarter of Sec.
J2, NW. quarter of NW. quarter and S.
half of NW. quarter of Sec. 13, T. 2 S
R. 7 E.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, vlx: F. L. Os
wald, of Salmon, Oregon; M. Muench, of
Oregon City. Oregon; John Z. Marvin, of
Salmon, Oregon, P. J. Maxugg, of Sal
mon, Oregon.
To Whom it May Concern:
Notice is hereby given that on May 2.
1904. the undersigned caused to be pub
lished In the Oregon Cltr Enterprise, a
newspaper or general circulation In the
County of Clackamas and State of Ore-
gon, a petition for a license to sell spirt t-
ous, malt ana vinous liquors In auantl
ties of less than one gallon In Eagle
LTeeK precinct ln said Clackamas County.
Oregon, with notice that the application
for such license will be made In due sea
son to the County Court. Such applica
tion will be at the session of the County
vxrarc to be beid at Oregon City on
Wednesday, August Ird. 1M, together
witn a petition requesting that said li
cense be issued to The Oregon Water
Power Railway Company instead ot to
ourselves. Any person having objection
to the transfer of such license to the
aid The Oregon Water Power Rail
way Company la hereby notified to ap
pear and present the same to the County
Court on the date above specified.
June It, im.
hour of ti n o'clock A. M haH bt-i-n fixed
hy said Court an the time for hearlnir the
objections to nald report and settlement
Executrx of the Estate of Valentine Boh
lander, deceased.
Bargain lot ladies' fine ahaes, tl.tO In
stead of J2.W; bablea shoee, 17c; chillis'
and misses shoes, 76c to tLlO; ladies'
pat slippers cut to 13c.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed, as guardian of the person and
estate of Cleve J. Currin, Harvey W.
Currin and Llnnle E. Currin, will on and
after the 23d day of July, 1904, at the
hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said
day, at the office of the Justice of the
peace ln Oregon City, Oregon, offer for
sale, and sell at private sale to the high
est bidder, either for cash in hand or for
part cash and reminder on time with ap
proved security, and subject to confirm
ation of said court, the following de
scribed real property, to-wlt:
A part of sections 4, f, I and I, ln
Township 3 8 , R. 4 E., W. M., beginning
at a point 18.24 chains north and 18.16
chains east of the SW. corner of section
4, thence West 80.40 chains, thence south
24.10 chains, thence south 71 deg. and
4t mln. West 7 chains, thence south 10.60
chains, thence East 10 chains, thence
south 37.0 chains, thence East 11.40
chains, thence North 41.76 chains, thence
East IS chains, thence North 34 chains to
Place of beginning, containing 164 acres
more or less. Also a part of D. L. C. No.
47 In sections 6 and 8, Township I 8outh,
Range 4 E., W. M., beginning at the NW.
corner of said D. U C, running thence
East 20 chains, thence South 24.60 chains,
thence South 70 deg. 46 mln. West 7
chains, thence South 10.60 chains, thence
East 10 chains, thence South 2.65 chains,
thence West 23 chains, thence North 41.60
,-r of th,, .infii.-r Pm. I ,.iM
'- !: l!v. I r-;o:i rooiTiu-n, I
I tl i iv. Ai.; Mt 1. l."H. -it : o'clock'
a in - m l cutiniiinn until Mondav. I
.Vin! i 1M, a- !1 o'-lo-k a. m.. ai'ul '.
no bid will b oonnd.-ro that ti not re- I
-iv.-l .liirirn tlu- p.-riod mentioned. The j
o!'H w;,i (. oim-i l bv fm- icifiMt-r niul
r -t th-; I d n;fv" liii-i.tlnii-d.
comir,.-i.-iii.r at 1 , .-loc. p. m.. of Mon
day. Auirusr X. l!"l,. The lands will be
Hold In a'Vor lan with rul-. and reKU
l.itlor.i. and a soh.,i4 partiulai.'v 1
B'Tioln? th lands to be sold, printed
copies of whl '-'h tn iv be obtained on appli
cation to ti' register and receiver of
the land otll"e named, or upon appli
cation to tile General Land Otllce. Waxh
Inirfon. D C. Each bid must he accom
panied by a certltled check, for twenty
per centum of the amount of su-h bid.
which will retained and credited as
part payment of the purchase price
should the bid he aceppteo" and the pur
chaser pav the remaining amount due
and furnish evidence of his citizenship,
or h" forfeited if the bid Is accepted and
the amount due and evidence of cltl
xenshln are not furnished In accordance
with the rules and regulations
w. a. RtrwAnns
Appro-ed Commissioner.
Ii. A. iin'.HW K,
First publication May 27.
Im publication July li.
leovby iv- n tl.at all p- i.-'int f
owning plopeitv on i'-nt-r Street l--lr
t m .-ri tl'.e lioith line of i'lft Hi re! and:i
the .South line of .-i.-v-ntli St : .-. t of Hie- j
Hon ''Ity. I'texon. hii.1 piop.-ity haviiiK
le--tl ale.-,,.l for tiie Imp! o. '-I1I--II t of H.ild
i'-n"r Stie-'t, who d"-uie to t.ike adiiiit
ni" of the "liotidmii A f to pay their
iiMHt-MHiie ntH by installment, are leulied
by law to make application to the Ue-cord.-r
of Dieiron r'lty within ten days
frijin the fit.it publication of this notice.
Hftri K C. t'f'KKV.
Ke. Ol der.
Oregon City, Oregon. July 7. J04.
Liquor License.
I. i l.i m-. r. It. at t
h, I.- x: in. .'fii.ii of Hie , it
a i- ii" ,; .,f mv ,ii l. . I.-,.-
i'i i ' f i,i::u.-ow. Main ti.
. - 11 I' d! i Ii .m l 1-'if ti ii t-n
WM I'.A.MliM
'in- il
Grande Ronde Indian Reservation Sale.
Department of the Interior, United
States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon,
July 6th, 1904 By departmental Instruc
tions from the Commissioner of the Gen
eral Land Office to the register and re
celver at Oregon City, Oregon, the fol
lowing changes In the printed schedule
of May 13, 1504, providing for the sale
of certain lands In the Grande Ronde
Indian reservation are ordered, viz:
Tp. 9 8., R. 8 W.
The" NW. quarter of NE. quarter and
NE. quarter of NW. quarter of Sec. 30
haa been eliminated from the schedule,
and will not be offered for sale.
The area of Lot 1, Bee. 7, should be
45.70 acres, Instead of 43.70 acres.
The tract described as "NW. quarter"
of Sec. 1?, should read "SE. quarter."
Tp. 6 8., R. 7 W.
Lots 5 and fi of Sec. 19, containing 20
acres, each, are added to the schedule,
and bids for same will be received.
The tract described as "NW. quarter,"
Sec. 30, should read "SE. quarter."
Tp. 6 8., R. 8 W.
In Sees. H, 19, 30 and 31, the tracts
described as "NW. quarter" should read
"SE. quarter."
You Bet You Can.
V, !, . .
rm'Torr c7 iT1' ! SiS1 ton.C ? f
71 acre mor or leas, all In Clackamas mn Tahlor. .m k. tr n a.
county, Oregon. Th mulro ,. ain
This sale is made under and ln pursu- The Entrnri. tt ka . .a
ance of a license and order of sale grant- the money.
State of Uiegotl.
County of Clackamas, ss
Notice Is hereby given that on Monday,
the Uth day of July, litm at the hour
of 9 o'clock a. m. of said day, at my
office In the court house. I will offer for
sale and sell to the highest bidder for
cash in hand all of the property that
Clackamas county has bought at tax
sales to which it has acquired title. The
sale will commence at the time and
place stated and be adjourned from day
to oay until oompietea.
i. K. HHAVtlt,
e-l b" t! iiny ' o n t of M ii inw . noi'y.
i'i. -K i, on t'.c :.;th div or Nov., 1 'Ol. lii
tl - matter of tl;.. KiMi-luii-dip of Cleve
.1 i'iiiiIii. II ii v y W. Currin. and I.innl"
i: "ui i in minoi.1, uutboi izlng this ii'i.ii d
lan to sell mild r-al piop.-ity,
Dat-d this 'Jtili day of June, lriai
JoSKI'MNIi 'l Hltl.V,
liuaidi.m of th- p.-i H ill an, I esiiit.i of
Cleve J ('ui-rln. H.irvey W. Currin and
Llnnle E. Currin.
Sheriff Clackamas county, Oregon.
. KIT.
Dated this 10th day of June, 1904
In the County Court of the State of Ore
gon for Clackamas county.
In the matter of the estate of E. W,
Hammett. deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the under
signed administratrix of the estate of
to. W. Hammett, deceased, has filed in
the County Court of Clackamas county,
Oregon, her final account as such admin
istratrix of said estate, and that Monday,
the 18th day of July. 1904. at the hour
of 10 o clock a. m. of said day has been
fixed by said court as the time of hear
ing objections to said report and the
final settlement of said estate.
Administratrix of the estate of E. W.
Hammett, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the under
signed, Tom P. Randall, administrator of
the estate of John 8. Green, deceased, has
filed his fl .at account and report' In the
said estate ln the county court of Clack
amas county, Oregon, and that said court
and the Judge thereof has appointed
Monday, the 1st day of August, 1904, at
the county court room In the county court
bouse In Oregon City, Clackamas county,
at the hour of 10 o'clock A. It of said
day, as the time and place for hearing
objections to said Anal account and re
port and the settlement of the same.
Administrator of the estate of John 8.
Oreen, deceased.
July 29.
Timlier I.ami, Act June 3. 1878.
United Mates I.ami Ollii'e, Oregon City
Oregon, April i:M
Notice is hereby iiiveu that In uomnll
anew with tlit provisions of the act of
Lonuress oljiine 3, IH78, untitled "An
act lor the sale of timber lamia in ttie
States of Calilorma. Oregon. Nevadiand
Washington Territory," as extended to
all ttie t'uDllc Land (State! by act of Aug
ust 4, 1892. Carl Peterson, of Portland,
county ol Multnomah.Htate (or Territory)
of Oregon, bai this day Hied la tbia odlce
bis sworn statement No. 04 It!, for the
purchase ol the N Wjj of Section No. 21
in Township No. 4 8., Ranife No. 5 E..
and will offer proof to show that ttie land
sought is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural nurDOses. and
to establish his claim to said land before
tbe Keamter and Receiver of this office
at Oregon City, Oregon, on Fridav. the
sin aay oi July, luut.
lie names as witnesses: Alex. Keck.
Erlck Wik, Julius Burk. Edward Hnrk.
an oi rortiand, Oregon.
Any and all Persons claiming ad versa Iv
Ibe above-described lands are requested
to file their claims in this ollice on or be
fore said 8th day of July, 1!MH.
Timber Land. Act June t, H7I.
United Htatea fand OHln rM, fi
Notice is hereby given that In compll
ance with the provisions of ine act of
unu oi june I, 187S, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands In the
states of California, Oregon, Nevada
and Washington Territory, as extended
to all the publlo lands by act of August
4, lava,
Joseph H. Colt,
Of Eagle Creek, county of Clackamas,
state of Oregon, has this day filed In this
office his sworn statement No. (368 for
the purchase of the NW 1-4 of the
NW 1-4 of Section No. 14, In Township
No. 2 S., Range No. i East, and will offer
prooi to snow that the land sought Is
uiuiv muauie lor Its
than for agricultural
. ctalili.li hi ,-:,iii.. I., al,, ifor.
th,- Itciiist.-r in,, lt-,eV, ,,f ,h, din,-,
nt Oi,e,,u i iiv, iiiegoii. on Mondsy, the
Ifi'll dav of Anc'iMf. l.eil.
II" names us ini.-m.; Ad. Iherl Kiel.)
"f rolll.llld. Illenoll. )!,.,, ' lter, of
I'.HXi" l ie,-),. II:. Km, John Knrlnter. of
l.iiKiii I'reek. ili.gon; A. S. Kogg, of
I'ol II 111 I I I'ee.in
.Mr. mid uli i'-M,in claiming adverse.
Iv the ,iI,om--., h, i iiieil lands are i ,-ii,-t-
-I to tin, I!.. -ii . , Hum in tl,i niH'-e on or
li-fee IMh . I , v of August i'iii4
A l. ;i-;itN' N H. UKKHHKIl,
Notice la hereby given that the und.ir
slwn. ,1 has he, n hy tt. i.,i,ntv I'onrt of
the slate of Oregon for the county of
t'liickiiiniis. njiil,ii.., ndiiilnlsliator of
" slat., of Violet o Iliinling. ilferusei
All iieiHons having chum against said
HHiiie me hereby re.iii,ed to present the
Sllllie iro,.-y Veillleil. 0 the under.
signed t, ,,,!!. f f..,K,.a & (irlirith
In Oregon City. Oregon, within six
months from the dale of the first publi
cation of this notice r
Administrator of the estute of Violet O
Harding, deceased
UKbtlF.fl & GRIFFinr,
c-i . . , ,Aw'my for administrator.
First publication j,mn in i901
In the Circuit Court for the State of Ore
gon, for the County of Clackamas
William D. King, Plaintiff,
Carrie E. King, Defendant,
To Carrie E. King, above named defend
ant: In the name of the 8tate of Oregon you
are hereby required to appear and answer
the complaint filed against you in the
above enUtled suit. In the above named
court, on or before Friday. August it
1904, the same being six weeks from the
first publication of this summons, and
you will take notice that if you fail
so appear and answer said complaint, the
plaintiff will apply to the Court for the
relief demanded In said comnlaint t.i.
That the bonds of matrimony now exist
ing ueiween you and plaintiff b m..
This summons la published hv th. i
of the Hon. Thos. V. Ryan. Count.
of Clackamas County. State of Oregon, hi
vision v-uy enterprise, a waaktv
newspaper published and Printed
general circulation in Clackamas County
Oregon, for six successive and
tlve weeks, commencing Frirfair .
104 and continuing to and Including
Friday, August It, 1904.
Attorney for Plain tut.
Oomestlo Troubles.
It is exceptional to rtnd a family where,
there are no domestic ruptures occasion
ally, but these can be lessened by havta. '
Dr. King's New Life Pill, around. Mclt
trouble they save by their great work la
Stomach and Liver troubles. The, not
viiw uuiu sbuusimx- ias i mrmmm, i unw nnr
more valuable for Its timber or stons m'y relieve you. but cure. JS. n ..
al purposes, and to I Jones "uwol