Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 08, 1904, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGE 4.
Oregon City Enterprise
Published Every Friday.
Subscription Rates:
One year II 50
Six months ' 75
Trial subscription, two months.. C5
Advertising rates on application.
Subscribers will find the date of ex
ptration stamped on their papers fol
lowing their name. If this Is not
changed within two weeks after
payment, kindly notify us, and the
matter will receive our attention.
Entered at the postofflce at Oregon
City, Oregon, as second-class matter.
Speaking about summer resorts
what Is the matter with Oregon City?
There are other ways of observing
Independence Day than by firing giant
fire crackers and drinking pink lemou-ade.
Considerable fuss has been made
A Democratic paper refers to the
death, within a few years, of McKln
ley. Reed and Hanna, and says "the
Republican party has no leaden to
take their places." This line of com- j
ment shows a defective comprehen-'
over the marriage of a "cullu'd gem- lon of the basis of the Republican
'en" by a Portland belle. She might
possibly have done worse. Heyoud the
humiliation resulting to the parents
of the erstwhile carnival queen, we
cannot see that the escapade con-'
FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1904.
A pleasant task confronted the men
who drew up the platform of 1904 for
the Republican party. In telling what
the party stands for today they were
obliged to recount some of the great
tilings which it did yesterday and the
day before, back to a time beyond the
recollection of many of the men in the
convention. All this furnishes many
of the most inspiring chapters of
American history. During the half a
century of the life of the Republican
party it has been the dominant force
is American politics, except in the
latter part of Pierce's service, through
the whole of Buchanan's and through
part of Cleveland's. Since 1859, in
the middle of Buchanan'B term, the
Democratic party has not had com
plete control of the national govern'
Bent, except in 1893-95, in the first
half of Cleveland's second term. . Dur
ing all the rest of the time the Repub
licans have been in the ascendant in
part or all of the government, and for
most of the time it has been In con
trol of all of it. All the advances
which have been scored by the United
States between 1854 and 1904 have
been due to the intelligence, progres-
siveness and courage of the Republi
can party.
The party which put down the re
bellion, destroyed slavery, killed the
secession heresy, created a more per
fect Union than had existed prior to
1861, established the tariff, opened the
West to settlers by its free lands law,
joined the Pacific Coast to the Missis'
sippi valley by bonds of steel, created
the currency system, established the
gold standard, started the scheme of
national irrigation which will add mil
lions to the West's population, annex-
ed Alaska, drove the Spaniards out of
Cuba and off the American continent,
created the republic of Cuba, annexed
Hawaii, Porto Rico and the Philip
pines, gave the peoples of all these
islands self-government for the first
time In their history, incited the crea
tion of the republic of Panama, start
ed the construction of the isthmian
canal and nearly tripled the country's
population and much more than quad
rupled it3 wealth, has a record, remote
and near, which is the best possible
platform on which to appeal to the
people. On the lines which have been
laid down by the action of the Repub
lican party in the past half century,
It will conduct the government in the
future. In the spirit and with the
courage and sanity thus far displayed
the Republican party will meet pres
ent issues and, the new ones which
Protection's basic principle will be
maintained in the tariff laws, and no
alterations in the .schedu'es will be
made except where demanded by the
public interest and the changes in
those cases oust be made by the
friends and not the enemies of pro
tection. The gold standard will be
defended; trusts will be assailed when
hostile to the public in'erest; the
army and navy will be strengthened
and improved; the interests of the
people of Porto Rico and the Philip
pines will be protected; the country's
debt to the soldiers and sailors will
be remembered, steps will be taken
to build up the country's ocean mar
ine, and the extension of the country's
commerce over the world will be
pushed. The states which have abol
ished the negro as a voter while hang
ing on to the representation in con
(press wfjicn the negro s presence
gives them will find some thing to
their interest in one plank of the plat-
Jorm. President Roosevelt's act in
calling a halt on Germany, England
and Italy in the raid on Venezuela will
show what the Republican party
stands for in the maintenance of su
pervision over the Western hemi
sphere. Secre'ary Hay's work in get
ting pledges from Russia to maintain
the open door in Manchuria, bis com
mercial treaty with China and his de
fense of that empire against threat
ened assaults from without foreshad
ow th$, policy which the Republican
party will take in the external politics
of Asia. The creed which the Repub
lican party has just outlined will have
an absorbing interest for all elements
of the American people.
party, which Is principle, sound and
virile principle: and that, as history J
teaches, may always be trusted to I
bring capable loaders to the front, j
Statesmen pass away, some In the full-1
cerns anybody, and really did not de- ness of years, and others at the post
serve the attention it has received, j of duty, but the vacancies are suit-'
o ably filled as circumstances may de-1
Officials in charge of the Oregon mand. Republicanism a system of I
City water works are having no end ( upright, enlightened government, not j
of trouble in regulating the use of , an organization resting on the person
aqua for irrigation purposes by the ! i qualities, however great, of indl- j
patrons of this municipal enterprise, i vlduals. At Its birth the Republican I
In view of the vote that was cast In ! party knew nothing of Its ablest lead !
this county last month in favor of lo- j er. but in six years singled hlra out
cal option, an increased consumption, I gnd made him the War president,
at all hours, of water must be ex- j n was the Intuition of the American
pected. ; people, acting through the medium of
o I the beBt party that, in a remarkably
During the month of June, this year. .nort time, discovered Abraham Lin-
Clackamas county cashed road war-; cofn Bmj placed tb helm of the nation '
rants aggregating J4991 .66. and there j ln hlg hands. No party that Is truly
was not a cent of interest paid on a great, that represents the high cause
single warrant either. This is some- 0f truth and civilized progress, will
thing of an Improvement over paying ever lack leaders. No euch gap can
interest on a road warrant indebted-; exist in the onward march of mankind,
ness of 137.000. This change of con- j gut a party that has no issues can
ditions was accomplished ln about a i have no leaders, except such as war
year by the present county officers.
The observance of Independence
Day at Oregon City this year was as
"sane" a celebration as could be ex
pected and tolerate to even a moder
ate extent the indulgence by the juve
nile population ln the use of explos
ives. There is in force on the city's
statute books an ordinance prohibit
ing the use of Dewey chasers, bombs i
and others of the more deafening ex
plosives on this occasion and the or
with each other. Effective leadership
In a party at least presupposes unity
on principles. On that score Repub
licans are content; but bow is It with
the opposition?
All railroad transportation to St. Louis and
return and $100.00 additional for expenses
will be given to the winner of this contest.
dinance was very generally observed.
In connection with the agitation that j
has been started for accomplishing a i
"sane" Fourth, an exchange suggests
that it would be a good idea to elimi
nate Goddess of Liberty contests. j
The plan proposed by the Oregon i
State Grange to join with the Wash
ington State Grange and secure a com
plete collection of the resources of the
Northwest to be exhibited at the Na
tional Grange convention, which will
be held at Portland In November, is
a good one. Every Granger should
strive to make the proposed exhibit
both complete and truly representa
tive of the limitless resources of this
section. Such an exhibit could not be
more appreciated than by the assem
bly of delegates for whom It is to be
prepared. Such a collection of the
products of Oregon and Washington
would do much to advertise this sec
tion of the Northwest.
Another Fourth has come and gone,
leaving fresh memories of the event
that is annually commemorated, and
in the observance of which every pat
riotic American takes pleasurable
pride. There were the usual cere
monies, Independence Day oratory
and pvrotechnlc displays. Interest in
this national anniversary and its pro
per observance will never diminish. It
recalls the memorable .sruggle that
terminated 128 years ago with the re
ward acquired of independence and
the right of self-government. The
glory of this victory was supplemented
by a similar conquest in 1812, the re
uniting of opposing interests in ioo,
and was more recently augmented by
t'.:e glorious achievements of the coun
try's defenders on land and sea in the
Spanish-American war and the Philip-
p!ne insurrection. A corresponding
owth has been made along indus
trial and commercial lines until we
! Portland Is to have a large packing ;
house, to be erected and operated by ,
the stockmen, who are organized to
fight the beef trust with the end in
view of getting actual values for their :
cattle. j
This Is a move that means much to J
the producers of the country, and i
their future will depend greatly upon
I the success of the Independent pack-1
I ing company. If the stock raisers are
! able, through co-operation, to com
pete with the beef trust, one of the
I best organized combines ln America,
! If they can butcher their own stock
I and place It on the market without
paying tribute to the trust, they will
have done much toward breaking the
influence of trusts fh all lines. If suc
cess crowns their efforts, they will
have demonstrated that the producers,
when they get together, are more
powerful than the trusts. The success
of this Independent packing company,
owned and controlled by the stockmen,
will do more to break the Influence of
trusts than all the taws that can be
passed as they are enforced by those
In authority.
Aside from this good result, a large
packing establishment in Portland
means much to the entire Northwest.
It Is the creation of an Industry that
has long been needed. It will furnish
a ready market for the meats raised
on the coast, and will do away with
the shipping of live stock to Chicago
or Kansas City to have It butchered
and sent back to us as cured meats,
by which process the producers and
consumers pay freight two ways half
way across the continent. The Dalles
Will be awarded to any Party in Clackamas County receiving the highest vote.
With every 25 cent cash purchase ;
Oregon City Enterprise
Howell & Jones
Miles & McGlashan
Thomson's Bargain Store
J. M. Price
Lamb & Sawyer
Miss Wisner
Frank Redner
S. Oldstein
The Brunswick
R. PeUold
W. L. Block
sort to physical violence, and they
were taught abhorrence of murder
frorn childhood and the fear of punish
ment which murder brings. A second
nature had been imposed upon them
which, it would seem, should have
proved too strong for any savage lm- y
pulses, but the restrictions of a life-' H
time vanished in an instant. It should I ?
be noted In this connection that none ! j
Swell Lace Collars just 2
f window uiarLAT) ,
5rart Effts
Our buyer in new in New York and within a few wrrks we
will have on display the mmtrtrnt and niOHt complete linn
of Novelties in Ladies' Wear ever known in this city.
Prlc0i txtrtmtly Low.
of the murderers apparently had suf
fered from the taint of professional
The problem of prevention under
such circumstances seems a hopeless
one, but no doubt many of such mur
ders would not occur If so much hu
man Ingenuity had not been wasted
upon that most convenient Instrument
of murder and assassination, the re
volver. The weapon Is not only of
little use except for the commission
of crime, but Is far too widely dis
tributed. Undoubtedly there should be
a much stricter supervision than there
l.i over the trade in flrearriiH, and
something might be gained If the pen
alties for carrying concealed weapons
were more generally enforced. Chi
Yesterday's paper contained an ap
palling rerord of murders. There were
nine cases of shooting, of which one
only was possibly accidental, and in
this list there were two Instances of
murder followed by suicide. There
was one report also about a man who i cago Record-Herald,
was beaten to death. o-
aie now the grandest nation in uiej Several of the crimes were due to
world. There is certainly abundant oc- family quarrels. One man was killed
casion for celebrating and with more ! ,y his wife within a short time after
or less demonstration, too. I their marriage. Because of Jealousy
0 I one man shot his wife and then killed
The 3Eo,ir-
A household necessity. Dr. Thorn'
Electric Oil. HeaJs burns, cuts, wounds
of any sort; cure sore throat, croup, ca
tarrn, atha; never fails.
Would it be not only advisable but
an economic move on the part of the
Oregon City council to Investigate .the
nr.T.,.vlmtn ..e e.f filllnff In tl'ltn Ar I
ajrfJVAiuiBLC L'.ai ji ,,,ii iu nnu uj. v
the trestles on Main street In the vi
cinity of Eleventh street and also at
Green Point? The Eleventh s'.rert
trestle Is in serious need of Immediate
repair. Wooden structures of th!j
kind are of but temporary service, lr.
that in a short time they become inse
cure from constant travel, and must
necessarily be replaced or extensively
repaired at frequent intervals. With
the cost of lumber and all building ma
terials constantly advancing, it seems
that it would be an economical move
on the part of the council to cause
these two places to be filled In. With
the dredging outfit that is now making
the fill on the O. W. P. & Railway
trestle right on the grounds, an ar
rangement might be made by which
such an Improvement could be done
cheaply. It might be well for the city
authorities to confer with the officials
of the O. W. P. & Railway Co., who
have an equal interest in this street
and its improvement, and see if this
work cannot be done at this time with
out unreasonable expense to either
himself, while Jealousy prompted an
I other man to kill the woman with
j whom he was living, after which he
committed suicide. A son slew his
father ln a fist fight which grew out
of a dispute about money. Of the
three remaining reports one tells of
the shooting of a negro woman by
some unknown person, another of the
shooting of one man by another during
an altercation, and the third of the
shooting of a young man, which re
sulted in the arrest of four men and
three women on suspicion that they
were implicated ln the affair.
The states ln which the crimes were
committed were New York, New Jer
sey, Illinois, Missouri and Kansas, ami
all these tragedies occurred last Sun
day. None, it will be observed, can
be charged against the South, and
only one was reported from outside
the Union
Breton island.
Probably the record Is very incom
plete, since there are more than 9000
homicides annually In this country,
but even as It stands It presents a
remarkable showing of the persist
ence of savagery amid the refine
ments of civilization. These people
were all brought np In a society which,
generally speaking, Is averse to a re-
Several Oregon counties have sent
excellent advertising matter to be
placed on display in the state exhibit
at St. IjiiIh, and the results they will
obtain will be good. Too much can
not be said of the Judicious publicity
of county resources, for It will do more
to secure new people for the state
than any other form of advertisement.
World's Fair Correspondence. What
has Clackamas county done along this
The people of Colorado are having
a very severe trial, but there is no
reason to suppose that they will not
come through It in a manner worthy
of American citizens. For the pres
ent, owing to the shocking nature of
the crime at Independence, there is a
natural resort to extreme measures
against the union miners. It is Im
possible to split hairs in such an emer
the location being Cape ' gency, and If it appears that men are
coerced and deported without proof
of guilt and without being given an
opportunity to defend themselves, if
membership in a union Is held to
amount to a conviction, if. all union
professions of abborence for the re
cent crimes are judged insincere and
the ordinary safeguards of civil liberty
are disregarded by those ln power
all this does sot mean the establish
ment of a permanent tyranny. It Is
simply the extraordinary remedy ap
plied to the extraordinary disease, and
If It should leave some troublesome
complications they will be attended to
The thing of supreme importance
now Is the restoration of order and the
suppression of a arrtaln kind of ter
rorism. Should advantage be taken
of the confusion to set up a new kind
of terrorism and bend the state to the
selfish uses of individuals the reaction
will be as Inevitable as the present up
rising has been. It Is simply Incon
ceivable that any American commun
ity would tolerate what might amount
to a continued prohibition of luwful
association or that because the gov
ernor of Colorado has been sustained
by the supreme court of the state that
there Is likely to be a sinister recourse
to martial law In the future.
For it must not be forgotten that
officials are men having but a little
brief authority, that permanent power
is with the people, and that the peo
ple's sense of Justice is In the long run
a corrective of most glaring public
abuses, whatever their source may be.
Unless precedents end national char
acter are valueless as guides the peo
ple of Colorado will refuse to surren
der to violence on the one hand or cur-
ruptlon on the other, and all classes
will be compelled to submit to an Im
partial administration of the law in
strict consonance with the plnclples
of civil liberty.
An Oregon City lie Deicrlbes Remarkable
Scene at Omaha.
Reduced Ratei to 6t Louis Exposition.
The Southern Pacific Co. will sell round
trip tickets at greatly reduced rates to
St. Louis and Chicago account the 8L
Louis Exposition, on the following dates:
June 16, 17, 18; July 1, 2. I; August I,
a, 10; September I, I. 7; October , 4, f.
Oolng trip must be completed within
ten days from date of sale, and passen
gers will be permitted to start on any
day that will enable them to reach des
tination ' within the ten days limit. Re
turn limit ninety days, but not later
than Dee. Slit, 1904.
For full Information as to rates and
routes call on Agent Southern Paclfls
Co. at Oregon City, Oregon.
Job work that pleases at the En
terprise office.
In h litter written to Oregon City rela
te , Montrose HI John Klven a splendid
!. M-rliiinn i.f a atrlotic entertainment
l.i- ri n-ritlv wlllienm il at lmnhu. Niihraa.
ka. Tim Utter followa:
"I.iM nlKlit. by the kindness of Mrs.
St. Cvc, I was irmW. il lo attend the Innes
concert fit th- Auditorium, und It was a
ri'iM-llllim of the "Wnr und lVare" which
iiimli- euch an . m io-mi lit Hie nmt time
"AfHT s rnli. il.- of flue music the band
mill (horn" of nliout mo voImh Hung a
inunl.i r of tlx old war huhk. like 'Hally
llonnil tin- KIuk.' ;nllle Cry of Frt-c-duin,'
und lint, 'JuM Ili-fure the tattle, Mother.'
While ulnKliiK thin o,e Om,u tjunrda,
ri .n ci ntlriK the Union HiMl.-m. in l,iue,
anil the Tlinrnton Itlfle, representing the
Houth. In klmkl jmntii, t.luo Khlrts, etc.,
tlrew up mriim the front of the stage.
Thi-n. pre' eileil by the ri-pulntlnn fife ami
drum, they man-lied out of thu building
to the alley. ItuKlern stntlonert at vart
oin rlBe.ii In the vimt building, sounded
the call to arm", and the llfchm were all
exiliiKulhhed. Then came the roar of
cannon, volley after volley of mueketry.
great bliizea of red fire, nhouta and bugle
cnlln, laellng ceveral minutes. Then aa
on a quiet, the greut chorus sang
i-oftly, There Will He One Vacant Chair.'
Next the sound of the flfo was heard and
Johnny Comes Marching Home' waa
sung, and all at once bursting In at the
front of the hnll came the old war vet
erans, followed by the soldiers with their
uniform all awry, hernia tied up In hand
kerchiefs, etc., one battalion down on
eld of the aisle and the other down the
other. It la eetlmatcd that there were
six thoueand people ln the building, and
they JuBt went craty over the 'boys.'
Such ai.pluuac, such waving of handker
chiefs and hats! Such shouts one scarce
ly ever heard. It was such a reallstlo
scene that many Women were sobbing
and men, to. The 'boys' ranged up in
front of the stage, and It was fully ten
minutes before the 'ovation' ceaaed, and
they standing there with 'Dre.ent
like a hundred statues. Then all at ono
big band struck up 'America and
leader turned to the audlene. .nA
Ipi.in.. to them to rltt and Join, and
th.y responded royally. Jut think of It.
more people than all Oregon City singing
America, wltn a will, all at once. That
was the end."
Tnlt office was never before better
prepared to do Job work of all kind
on short notice than it is right now.
Bend ln your work.