Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 08, 1904, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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New To-Day.
pnr cunt. Karru ocurlty. U'U'in
ft Hclitilml.
VA I ) r Lie A VI Niftl I W Clti "woti Lb
Ilk to dispose of hnr nne upright piano.
cash or may pamints, AiMr.as cr
of ICntirprU.
a fi'W links nf 1'ilcl i hnlii atturliail, Tlm
OWtur prlgi-a thn ihutm na a praam t
and will resant llm llinl'T for lit I--turii
Id Hi.. Knii'ipi Ink nnVe.
Ml sums, of mutiny Im'IoiikIiik to pri
vate InillvliluuU which I am author.
Izntl to Iohii, on Ionic tliuti ut ii ami
7 pur cut, ("out of loan will Im
mailo vory ri'iiHonulile. II. E.
CroHM, attornry ut law,
JUlUT " TWO lit.A K CnWrt " Ki ( 1
WHilnit hll. dim ! l"iiif In rla'lit liuul
fimt mul ammo imw lias (luiihli, (nut.
Itlalit viir of utlir cow linn tin illppiil.
A rrwnnl will tin pitM fur thn rrtutti nf
thi-sn cuwa t H. W. Ituutiey, Juiinliias
U'l nar Or.-Koii City.
I.mllrs' lrlnii..il huts at a til cut.
Iti'Uily-to-wrar lints. He, Mc, He. 7q up.
Katiuy illilion worth double, 2:tyo; 10c
aatln rlliliuii, to; in aalln ribbon ia. 111
H ill wus thla wi-i'k lirni.Kht by II. Nil
against I' i -'ii III iiki-liuati lo iwitir a ll
ii in ii nf I'lto all' Ki'il to tin ilu on a run
ttm't for rutting i-ordwund, and Ihn fur-th-r
mini nf t in, lulus, un aaiind cluliii
llun oil II noli.
Local Eyci;1.
A. K. Hatty, of tlilN cuiinly, rhnrii-i
hla wlfi- wild ailultnry iminmltti-il at
J ' M I 1 1 : 1 1 1 . 1 Willi nun 1 1. Kim lli-r, aid oil
llii- K"iiiiln Hi. Ii f-l H li-Kiil m-paiu-Linn
uriil tin i iinliiily of Ihi-" inluor rhlld-
it. Th" puilli-a to tlm mi it wins mar
1 1 i J al I liri i y vlll.i. I liirkiiiiina nullity. In
ltsx. On thn aroumla of ii-a-rtloii, Win
! Kli'K nika to Im illvori-rd from f'urrlt
K. Kll it. whom hn nmirl'-il ut Vlaulla,
1'iiliroiiil.i In ISUI. lie iilao uka to be
iAiiiiii'il tin- rum of tlin-f minor i hll'lii-ti.
ii-o I.'. Hiuwiii-ll la attuiin) for thn
pllllltiff In thn Kill ciian.
1 1
a.' Jess H.S Ji38iWns
I Personal Mention
E. I.lnu'ilnl. of Molalla, vlalti-4 thla city
Juiima Tiii y, of Iaan. was In thn city
C. U'ttli-r, of N-.-.y, waa In thn city luat
A M. Klrch-iii, of Loun. waa In Orn-
nii City Tuna lay.
Mala l-lucv,l Mlaa Oolilatulth.
Klownra rnilm-wl Mlaa Oolilnmlth.
Kvnrylliiiia In thn iiilllluiTy llim bi'low
coal at Mlaa OoliUitiltli'a.
Imlow cont
hala ami tintrliiiniinl ahapia
ut Mlaa Uiililainlth a.
Horn Wmlni-mluy, July i. to Ijtnilloril
anil Mia. Juroh Canat-ll at tha iCIi-ctilc
holi'l, a ami.
Dr. Nori la Il ia movnil hla ofH' n
thn Oiriln lilcxk to thn KlnctrlU
bull. ling, ttooma 1 an. 2.
JiuIk.i Mi lit Pin Kill i. nun to thla city
on tlin 'JIM hint un l will ioiivi-iin a abort
annalon of tbn clicnlt court
Th- annual I'lHckuiiiaa county tna.h
ria' luatlluln will bn h"l'l at thn Ilarcluy
. hiM.I In tbla illy iturlnif Ihn til at wnnk
In H-iii iiiIiit. Junt irci-i-nillii thn op'-n-luat
of thn ai hooln, A irotjium la bnln(
pi.'I'iiMil for thn limtltutn, wlibh will
Iw i nii'l'ii I--.I liming tlin fon-iiooii In two
ai'tmrutn .1.- im r t nun I a - u primary uii'l an
ai aiiinl ili pai tni'-nt. In thn aftiirnmin
tbnin will be hi-M a (i-iinrul nmntlnf.
l'inai.-nt II. K. Molki-y. of thn Aalilaiul
Noitiial rhool. Mupnr liiti-iiili-iil I. It. Tru
Vnr, of tbn Hiilnm ai'hoola. am I'rof.
lout, of I'm tluiiit. nm amoiitt thn In
ntrui'toia who huvn bi'i-n -nu iK'''l Htaln
H'iit-i luli nib nt Ai knrmun will bn In at-li-mlancn
two duva durlna thn Inatltut.
I) It iMmlrk, of thn Elkhom atabtn,
thla Wi'i-k atitilnl hla iiiiiiuuI alaajn a't
vlcn bntwnnn tbla city uutl Wllholt
rlpi Ina
Th" in i-tn l-1 of Ht I'uiila coiiKit-un-ilon
anil Huti.l iv li.i.il niijoyi-ij ttn lr
aiiuunl pi nlc at lilu.lntoiin I'aik luat Fll
'iny aft"i noon
Tim buniing out of a tlun at thrf Kin.-,
trie hiili-l Hiiii'tiiv nvi-nlna cauai'il aoinn
littln tn Iti-iti'Mit. but no arrloua U.iiii.iij"
ri'HuM.-.l to th tui. I iti k
Thn pnopln of Oicaon city will hava an
iiiport.nilty on thla Hun. lay evniltitj of
hnuilnti oik- of tb chlbl wlvna of liullu
n-lutn hnr nupi-rlniicn, So much hu bi-nn
aiibt itml w rllti-n of thn niifT.M limn of tbla
rluaa of woiimii tbut It will bn a Ml
tri-ut, ami om- tbut J.n-ii not comn morn
Ibun nm c In a Hr- tlnm, un a ruin. Mm.
Hukhoila lUnut'ji-n haa only bi-i-n lu thla
country u f. w 1110111110. but aim api-uka
Klltfllnll Wll 1-IUiUKh to hi- Ull'li'lHtinii
1 ou want to h.-ur u II abi- haa to nuy.
an J tin- flint pint la tlm mont Intcrnatlna.
you will iii'i-il to l- on tlun-. ua )in will
tnkn tbn tlun- nf nil tbn nxi-rrbn-a. Al
thn ll.iptlnt 1 Inn - ll. Hun.liiv. July 10. tit
7 tfl p III All Uln Wi-lioljin.
1 hi oiil atom W..1I iioiillna 'in
'uiih K 1 1 ' H 1 nl piimoiiaan wua thla i-i'k
mplm i-l by a new wall, thn vji-iii-iiiI up
iiDaliilii" nf thn plop'-M bclltli an-atl!
nnbuiir.-il tbionl.y.
Rnipocted CltKan Dead
F. Homy, a plom-cr an 1 liljjl.ly in-
nprrti-'l rltl.i'ii of Cliukuinaa county,
ill-i a-Khli'tily at o'.-Ioi k Tburmlay
inottiiuir; at bin f.irin honi" n.-ar Ih'a rlty.
ll- la aunlviil by a wif-- ami iuvhuiI
1 Ii I lil 1 i-l! . liurlnn hla life Mr. .Mor.-y lu-M
InniiN' p.ii1iioni uf K'.'t r--iionilblliy
ami .i Iinl.'l fur l.ia bnnpllaliry. A
in. in .-xt.-n...i nli.-t. b of tin- ., .-.on-.!
will app.'ar In luxt Wi'i-k a Ihhii.-.
H.itui.l.iv nltjl.t W.nb.110 till..-,
provi.l Oi.b-r of ltn-1 M.-ii. .l.., (.-.l
b'iaiin ti uiti'ii'l tn- nt.ii. iiitiii
ut H .1 .PI on tb. .'iih liit ' Tim
K.il.n 111.- K .Miillhl
wuul .iiiI Win. It.'.iini.
Ii.nl.n W'oo-l
Cbiln ll.iiiunin. oni- of th-. inuM ii tln
nii-mbma nf tin. iiriKou i lly olnnti-r
fill lb-pill tlllnllt. hail til" tllllfiirtlllii to
fail Ainli nil..i.lii.K tin- tlu.-.ii. in .1 t',i
at tin- Ki.-.-ti p- hotnl bint Hun.lay nliibt
ail'l miHtaliii-.l tin- i..rpiun npt;llli nt ti
Tim miniinrn ! lb 1.-Uh. li MunP al
an. I l.li.-t.ny ri ib ni.it tin Ko'iith nf !
July In n 'b-IIKlitfiil inaiiui-r, 1 1 1 1 lu
ki.i'PUik Willi in.. urtii'Mi .iniwinii for a
' h.iik' I'ouith Tin y up. 111 II-..- .lay pl.'-
nlckliiK at tl II hai.'h.My on tin ria-k-
-. k. 1
i.. 1 - V Qr
tur-n ! ;t; - jf . ,, -v-,, 1
11 1 it .11 j ; ' & ' ' . " " 1
1 :' r. . 7- -
. .ill f i
3 A
H.-. up; coff-i like" Ailm.klca,
1 2 , 0 : b. itcr, beat ID.: Tea. 15c up,
faniplna -uff.o or t. a free; 3 run oyatera
or toumtoe!, Z'tf. lemona nml iiiihk.'m.
lc; fliu chi". IL'lj.e, 5 11,1 for r,5!; Tne
bulk lard Me. He p lb for i'M. Il iui
llton, ll.-.l runt.
miss ji:nmk k w.
l'-..iil.l.i.u:l Sol .int.
MBaaaV iV
,f Cl.P'injo.
Oi"Kiii City Ji.l not cePbtata thn
Fourth tbla y-,ir. but tbn annlvi'inary an
aiipriiju lately nlimrveJ ut a number of
other poiiitH tbroiiKhoiit the county. Ol
nbriitluiia wr lu-lil ot t'anby, Onw.'X'i.
Mllwuukl.i. Wllaonvllln an J t'lnrkea. Ore.
lion City funil.Hliei orutor for moat of
thoae c.ebr.itlona.
OnKnn 'ity furnlnht-il u numb.r of tlm
towna In tbn Interior of the county with
oratora for local Fourth of July celebra
tion!. C. H I've a.ldi i-an.'il an au.lleiien
of probably one thouaaml people, at the
Wllaonvllld cnlelnatlon, while J. F. Clark
waa tha orator of thn day at the cele
bration at Muplo Lann.
. O. A. Hardlnj
; AU. th r.'.i.l. ia of thla paper who ar
I -u,T..ini with IndiK-mlon or dyapnpaU to
j call mi htm at once and got a bottle of
txou n fpcpfiu vuie. 11 uu Knew in?
alui! of thla remedy aa we know It, you
would not auiTer another day. Kodol Dyj
pcpiilii Cure la a tlfflrouKh dh(eat.int and
tb-nuw-bi!ldiiiK Ionic? nu w-11. It la nn
iliumd pnraon.-illy by hundreds of people
whom It baa cured of Indiarcatlon, dya
pi.pnln, piilpllatlnn of the heart and ato
mach trouble a;en'ially. Kodol dyspep
abi Cure dlKcata what you eat. It la
pli'imant, palatable and atrensthenlnc
Mayor Orant n. Dlmlck la practical In
Ma theory of expansion, and haa lately
demonstrated the fact by adding to nia
aulta of otllce rooms In the Garde build
Int the oincea recently vacated by Dr.
Nonla. Mr. Dlmlck now haa very com
fortable office rooms and better suited to
accommodate his largo legal business.
Tha Oregon City Women's Lewis and
Clark Club held Its last meeting until
after tha summer months at tha home of
air a. O. A. Harding Tuesday afternoon.
At this meeting plans of tha work to be
undertaken next winter were discussed.
Mrs. M. H. Charm an presented tha club
with a gavel that waa made from tha
limb of a cherry tree fifty years old.
Cured of Chronic Diarrhoea After Ten
Years of Suffering.
"I winh to any a few words In pralae of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Knmndy," say a Mrs. Mattle Burae,
of Martinsville. Va. "I suffered from
chronic diarrhoea for ten years and dur
ing that time tried various medicines
without obtaining any permanent relief.
Laat summer one of my children was
taken with cholera morbus, and I pro
cured a bottle of this remedy. Only two
doaes were required to give her entire
relief,. I then decided to try tha medicine
myself, and did not use all of one bottle
before I waa well, and I have never since
been troubled with that complaint. One
cannot say too much In favor of that
wonderful medicine." This remedy Is for
sale by 0. A. Harding.
At a meeting Wednesday night th
Oregon City Water f'omnilHnlon held an 1 cure the trouble.
annual election of officers, with the fol
lowing result: Presdent, Bruce Zumwalt;
secretary, J. K. Hedges; superintendent,
W. H. Howell; collector, T. L. Charman.
It was ardered to place a new plpa on
Water street from First to Sixteenth
Wonderful Narva
la displayed by many a man enduring
pains of accidental Cuts, Wounds, Bruis
es. Burns. Scalds, Sore Feet or stiff
Joints. But there's no need for It Buck-
lin'a Arnica Salve will kill tha pain and
It's tha beat Salve on
earth for Piles,
too. 2Sq at HoweU
Sol Whenli-r. of Htoim. wus In the city
the Itrnt of thn Wei-k.
Mma O'-itru'ln liaabor apent Sunday
Willi relatives at Hulum
A. Kochi-r. 11 ninn-hunt of Canby, waa
In tbn city Wr lueailay.
Mlaa Flhnl Otuvns spent thn Fourth,
with frb-inla at Hood Klvr,
M-s May K-lly has gone to Ht. Louis
to attend thn World's Kulr.
Captain limit l.-'li(.a. of Portland, waa
a vlallor to tbla city Friday.
W. 11. llorlng, of Boring, was an Ore
gon City visitor Wednesday.
If (I. Star kwHullier. of Milwaukle, waa
In Oregon City Wednesday.
W. W. Doma, of Mu kabuig, was trans-
uciing uiiain 'n-i ni-rn 1 ueaoay. 1
Mia. Mary H. DPken, uf Hlone, was a
vlaltor to Ores m City Tuesday.
Dr. J. J. l,.-avltt, of Molulla. was In
thn city Wndiinaduy on bualnnaa.
Keprnai-iittatlve-nlect Frank Jagger, of
Carua, waa In thn city Wednesday.
O P. Short and T. L. Turner, of Staf- j
ford, were In the city Wndnnaduy.
Mayor Orant B. Dlmlck delivered tha 1
Fourth of July oration at Oswego. 1
Dr. and Mia. Ono. Hoeye and son spent
thn Fourth with frlnnda at SaJern.
Mlaa Oraen Wold, of Portland, was tha
guest Hun. lay of Mlns F.llzubeth Kelly.
W. 11. Muttoon, of Viola, was a bust
Iicmi visitor to Oregon City Saturday. I
Hon J. N. Urumhall. of Alms, repre- 1
a'-ntatlvn-nlect. wus In the city Monday. I
Ma N'nva 'irlswold. of Salem, Is visit- I
In Mlam-a Kthel und Murjorte Cuufleld. j
E. P. Moroom. an attorney of Wood
burn, waa In the city Tuenday on bual- j
ni-na. i
Mina Lucia Cochran, of S.ilmn. was the 1
g.ont Thursday of Mlns l-.tbelwyn Al- I
brlKht. I
W. B. Ilayden. of Clackamas, was ;
transacting business In Oregon City 8at- 1
urd.iy. 1
Mis. F. J Eby has returned from a
vi-.lt at Moio und other points In Sherman
rountv I
t Mr. und Mia. W. J. Ranch, of Glad-'
I strum, visited tbla week with Mends at j
Mias y.llpta Galloway lft this week
for Wer. Idaho, wlmm she will a-nd
a month.
Mlns Finb-y and Mlsa Wlllard. of Salem, j
woe thh week the guests of Mrs. J.
II Tiirney. 1
I' md Chamisn. who has been In the
.-inploy of tlm Southern Pacific Co. at
San Frandsco. Is visiting with relatives I
In tbla city.
J. P. Sua. Hey. of Damascus, waa trans- ,
acting leaal business In Oregon City'
Wednesday. 1
J H II rclenton. nf 8alm. waa In the :
city Satin-lav visiting hla daughter, Mrs. j
i: It M-AIln.
K K charman has returned fiom an
1 xt.-tid-! int In Arizona and other1
Southern Mates. i
Mr and Mis. J. W. Cole and aon P.hea
ban return--.! ftom a t-n days' visit at'
points In Washington. , . j
Cliiis. Stump, nlgl.twntihnian at the;
st.ii ' ip;p. building ut Salem, was a
l.-it.tr to iregon City Tuesday. '
Col. It. A. Mill, r teturiieil Tuesday from
I.i. inon. Linn county, whern hn deliv
eied tlm Fourth of July oration.
J M An.l'i"'in. of Kelso, was in the
city Th us.l iv. II reports that the farm
ers an in serious need of rain .
A M. Hay. 1. 'ii. E. .'. chapman. P.lch
:i'. Joiii'oii and Mr. Itublns.m. all of
1 "i.c k.imiis, wilt In the city Satuid.iy.
W. P. Keady, of Portland, representing
tin. Or. gon Water Power & Railway Co..
waa in the city on business lust Saturday.
Sheriff and Mrs. J. It. Shaver. Clerk
ale I Mis F. A Sleight and Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Shank were among the Oregon City
people celebrating the Fourth at Canby.
Wm. Ii. minion. 1 has returned from the
Ki-n on, Ohio. Military Academy, and
will spend the summer vacation with
his parents. Kev. and Mrs. P. K. Ham
mond. V. E. Kan.I.i. of Highland, was in the
cliy on a business trip last Saturday.
Ml. K.uidel was re-elected Justice of
the pence of the Highland district at the
June election.
Mrs. Bruce Curry and son have gone to
Newport for their annual outing. They
wie accompanied to Newport last Satur
day by Recorder Curry, who returned to
this city early this week.
Dee Wright, county stock inspector,
was in the city from Liberal Saturday. He
reports that horses afflicted with mange
are being extensively treated In the coun
ty with a view to eradicating the dis
This store is now all aglow with bargain offerings
of most dazzling brilliancy, bargains such as only we
can give you. We challenge competition to even
match out present prices.
Mighty Bar-gams Added
Hundreds of new bargains go into this sale, the sale
so important to you and to us. The weather of the
past week was still unpromising, and more lines are
Stock Must be Reduced
This store is full of bargains from one end to the
other. The ones we here tell you of are overpowering
evidence of the way we are keeping faith with you,
and they are no greater than all the rest, and are but
a drop in the bucket.
Everything reduced, from a pair of socks to a suit of
ttmity missed if you don't take advantage of it.
clothes. THE
A rare oppor-
, prig:
Clothier & Furnisher
Sole agent for W. L. Douglas Shoes, H. S. & M. Clothing and Hawes Hats
Dr. W. E. Carll left this week for Amer- Indigestion CaUSeS ' C . rtOf art AJ,
i. an Lake, where he will attend the Na-! pfB-t. lOUpenOl WOTK
tiunal Guard encampment. Dr. Carll 1st VC '
a member of the state military board.; StOtnaCh. I r.-.ric.f Ds.J-i?
being surgeon general with the rank of ! For milny yeJ.4 hM bMn iupp03el ,ht aL,UV Cbl V rlLCS
Mist lieutenant. I Cstarrh of the inm.rh c..,i ii....i.. I
- HSUWU .ulgot,VU
Willamette Valley Chautauqua Associa
tion. The Willamette Valley Chautauqua As
sociation will meet at Gladstone park,
near Oregon City. July 12 to 24, 1904, In
clusive. The 3outhern Pacific Co. will
make reduced rates on the Certificate
plan for this occasion. Call on any South-,
ern Pacific agent for advertising matter
July 15.
16, 17.
Boatle. Dentists,
Welnhard build
C. A. Franklin, an employ, at tha W.
P. P. Co.'s mills, haa baen misslnf
Ince laat Saturday. On that day ha
was paid at tha mill and failed to re
turn to hla homa, leavln a wlfa and
avan months old child. Tha finding of
hat In tha liver Monday y tha local
police la not believed to be associated
with Franklin's disappearance, for the
Initials cut In 'the hat band war other
than those of the misslna; man, whom the
police are Inclined to think has left tha
Drying preparations simply devel
op drj catarrh; they dry up the secretions,
which adhere to tha membrane and decom
pose causing a far mora serious trouble thaa
the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry.
ing inhalant, fumes, smokes and snuffs
and use that whioh cleanses, soothes and
heals. Ely's Craam Balm is tuoh a ramady
and will our catarrh or cold in tha bead
easily and pleasantly. A trial aiz will ba
maiUd for 10 oanta. All druggists sell tha
50o. site. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren St, N.Y.
Tha Balm cures without pain, doe not
irritate or causa sneezing. It spreads itself
over an irritated and angry surface, reliev.
ing immediately the painful inflammation.
With Ely's Cream Balm yon are armed
against Kasal Catarrh and Hay Fever.
It I easy to do Bank
In a by mall. Don't think
because you live some
mllee from bank that
you cannot have a bank
account or do business
with us. Send u your
check and Hams by mall
ana you will have prompt
and careful attention. We
cheerfully answer any In
qulrlss and can eerve you
The Bank of
Oregon City
Oregon City,
-A!urT. osnssal iiMiiamniiNin
Loans made. Bllln discounted. Makes eol
Utions. UuvasndtelUeichsaseon all points
.n the United states, Europe and Hons tons
'ioiti received subject to check Bsu
pen from . . to4 r. k.
C. LATOCRETTK. Preiident
r J. MEYER Cashier
Try Vhrte Clover Ice Cream
I and dyspepsia, but the truth is exactly tha
opposite. Indigestion causea catarrh. Re
peated attack of indigestion Inflame th
mucous membrans lining th stomach and
izposes the nerves of the stomach, thus caus
ing the gland to secrete mucin instead of
the Juice of natural digestion. Th; 1
tailed Catarrh ol th Stomach.
Kodol Dyspepsia Curo
raMevea all Inflammation of th mucou
membrane lining th stomach, protects th
aarves, and cure bad breath, sour rising, a
mm of fullnea after eating, Indigestion,
yspepsl and all stomach troubles.
1100 000 Kodol Digests What You Eat
man th stomach Sweet.
httlMoetr. Racular sua. $1.00. holdint 2 Urns
ta trial sua. which aalis tor SO Mats,
v-aparwd by a. 0. DaWITT A 0O.. Ohleaco, in
Sold by G. A. HARDING, Druggist.
That is what you get when A.
Mihlstin does your plumbing
work. He doe? general tinning,
plumbing and jobbing busi
ness. Estimates cheerfully
furnished. Hot air heating
fixtuies manufactured and
Main Street OREGON CITY, OR.
Job work that pleases at the En
terprise office.
Near Hantley'B Drug Store,
jreat Britain and. America.
Pure Fruit fulce at Out Fountain
We are agents for Anthony, Seville & Co.'s Photo line of Films,
Printing and Developing Paper. We guarantee every ANSCO FILM.
To get good results use Cyko Developing paper. For a printing-out
paper you can t beat Royal. We have just received a fine line of
these goxis direct from the factory. Every Photographer knows the
value of fresh Plates, Films and Paper. :: :: ::
We are offering EVERY CAMERA in stock at ACTUAL COST.
We have everything you need in the Photo line and our Dark Room
is at your disposal. :: :: :: s ::
CHARMAN & CO. city druq store