Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 24, 1904, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAGE I
(Continued from page 1.)
Oregon City Foundry.
One of the leaillng Industries Af
this city 18 the Oregon City Foundry,
Mr. a. j. KoaKe. DroDrtotor. Mr.
regulated drug store, and more ea-! who have patrouliwj him during the
time that he lias been lu buslues
here have never had Just cautie (or
complaint, tie sella for cash and
peclally so l( presided over by a com
peteut pharmacist. The accuracy of
compounding medicine U eq.ua! in Im
portance u me proscribing or Unleash only, and customers are not
right kind of medicine. Mr. Geo. A. charged a little more on each article
Harding is pharmacist with years to make up bad bills, If they trade at
of experience and his competency in I the Klectrlc Cash Grocery, lu addl-
Roake hag been engaged la the bust-1 tbls "ne ls we" known. Mr. Harding j tion to a full lino of groceries, Mr.
om arugs in vregou i iiy as eany as rwoiuson Damnes qtieonawuro, granite-
isol, ana ior me past thirty-one years
ness here for the past three years,
and has built up a most satisfactory
business. He has a well equipped
foundry, fitted with modern Improved
machinery, and gives employment to
number of skilled men. His nlant
is most complete and he la prepared
to do all kinds of machinery and struc
tural castings in copper, brass and
iron. Mr. Roake is a gentleman whn
thoroughly understands the business, l?'11 trade.
and during the time that he has been
located here he has built ud a reuuta
tion for high class work at reasonable
prices. Satisfaction Is always guaran
teed wnen doing business with this
he has been engaged in the drug busl
ness in Oregon City for himself. He
carries a large stock of pure drugs,
chemicals, patent medicines, toilet
articles, paints, oils, glass, etc. Uy
liberal dealing, personal competency
and close attention to the wants of
customers he has built up a largo and
Mr. Harding is a
pieasant, courteous gentleman and a
citizen who stands high in this community.
ware, tinware and house furnishing
goods. This store can be safely re
commended to tho favorable consider
atlon of the buying public.
C. S. Seamann, A. M., M. D.
The profession of medicine Is one
of the noblest callings In existence.
C. H. Dv I as the man who adopts It must be at
In reviewing the legal UghU of the once tea""'', classical, of sound Judg-
Clackamas County Bar a prominent
place must be accorded Mr. C. H. Dye.
Mr. Dye was admitted to the bar in
the state of Iowa, and some fourteen
years ago be cast his fortunes with
the people of Oregon City, and has
ment, untiring energy, kind phllan
throptst and an indefatigable worker.
Day and night he must be ready to
respond to the calls of the sick aud
distressed, and his reward ls not at
ways money, but his work of silent
been most successful In his practice. I charity lends an additional charm and
He ls a splendid type of the able, vig-1 d'RUity to a profession that cares fur
orous practitioner, fully abreast of his I ,ne 'Dol human race. One of the
profession, and during the manv vear I scholarly representatives of the uied
that he has practiced here has al-1 ical profusion of Oregon City ls Dr
ways observed the highest standard
as an attorney. He practices In all
courts, and has been identified with
much important litigation in this sec
tion or lue state. He has served the
C. S. Seamann. Dr. Seamann Is
graduate of the medical department
of the State University of Oregon, aud
has practiced his profession In this
city for the past six years. Dr. Sea
people of this county In the capacity I ma"n makes a specialty of diseases
u jjeputy District Attorney with
marked distinction. Mr. Dye prepares
abstracts, makes loans, and writes in
surance in the leading companies. Mr.
ujo was tne originator of the Chau
tauqua, and has been prominently
iueuuueu witn ii since.
of the eye, flttiug glasses and examin
ing eyes. He is especially well pre
pared for this line of practice, haviug
la Ken a special course under Prof.
Eaton, of the Cooper Medical college.
or ban Francisco. Dr. Seamunn com
mauds a large practice here and is the
medical examiner for several Insur
ance companies, uespite the exac-
a busy professional life Dr.
Cascade Laundry,
As cities progress and eraw. ani aa I Hons of
business Increases in volume, the old I Seamunn finds time to take his full
mow xogy methods of conducting the I v. . enterprising and puDiic-
oouie are urougn necessity supplant-1 i"ru!U citizen,
ed by more modern and Derfect meana I
Oregon City has a steam laun.tr r..n. Wm. McLarty,
equipped with all modern machinery Tnis gentleman is one of the best
and operated by a gentleman who tailors that ever threaded a needle in
thoroughly understands everv riwtmi I Clackamas county. He has been en
of the business. Mr. . L. Johnson, I &aSea ln tne tailoring trade here for
the proprietor pf the Cascade Lauu-1 ,ne past two years- and employs none
ury, cas conducted this plant since I ul 8Kmeu ne,P w turn out the work
last April, and has met with splendid tnat nnJs ,ta W8y t0 nls 8noP' lle ba
success. He contemplates further im. I lon llst ot satisfied customers here
provemenu and the addition of more
new macntnery m the Immediate fu
ture. He employs only competent and
experienced help and the work turned
out by the Cascade Laundry is equal
to that of any in the state. Worn Is
uieu ior ana delivered In a prompt
uaiaciory manner and at rea-
sonaoie prices.
among the business and professional
men of this city, and every garment
turned out by him is warranted to
give entire satisfaction. He carries
in stock a nice stock of the best
weaves, and is prepared to supply cus
tomers with the best on short notice.
Good workmanship, perfect fit and flue
finish characterize all the work turned
out by Mr. McLarty.
Charman A Co,
ine public has a right to demand
that the drug business be conducted
uy me most capable representatives
This leads us to say that Charman &
wi, proprietors ot the City Drug
Store, have been in business here
since 1882, and their store ls one of
ui most attractive in the citv. and
occupies a store room in the Charman
J. Knowland
The occupation of a merchant tailor
is an important one ln the make
up of a city's resources, and we
take pleasure in pointing out where
the same may be had in perfection.
and at a moderate cost. We refer to
Mr. J. Knowland. This gentlemun
is a workman of skill and ability, and
Bros, block, the finest building in the I every 8rment turned out by him is
city. It is presided over by a com-1 warrauted as to fit, finish and work-
..... -. I . I nianahln I J . n .... I .... .. .. . 1 . ;
ycicui jmarniacisi, and the prescrip-1 diuch b mce
tion department is riven full ..,ih lin of domestic and foreign weaves.
eration, exercising the most discrim- wnlcn enables customers to make suit-
inaung intelligence and skill ln com-1 selections at an times, u in need
pounding medicines. They carv the I of new 8Uit ot clothes and you want
1 . i I (ham mi, A .. .1 I . . .
laigBM una most comnletn Rtrwlr nf I tul w uu uiuue to wear,
drugs In the city, and during the time e your measure witl Mr- Know
that they have been ln business here IanJ" 11 wl" Please yu and pay you
they have always enloved
confidence cf the Dublic. in ndrim John Schwikert
,to a full line of drugs and ehemi!. I Among the newer business men of
mis nrm candles books and Btatlon-1 ' " al menuon lr- Jonn
ery, cutlery. Dainta. nils and I Schwikert, the grocery dealer, lo-
and their prices are as low as nrat cated at 211, Seventh street. This
class goods can be sold for. I gentleman hails from Spokane and
nas just opened up a nice clean stock
The Portland Flourina Mill r. ot staple and fancy groceries, cigars.
Nothing affects the health anH hon. tobaccos, confections, etc. His store
plness of mankind more than the 18 neat' clean and Inviting, and he is
bread they eat. and as emid hSH i 'at securing a long list of most de-
imposslble without good flour it Is I Blrau,e customers. His goods are the
sme to say mat the m lor i nr "st mat money and experience can
closely identified with the source of Luy' wbile nia Prlces are as low as the
human enjoyment than any of the beat can be 801,1 tor- 11 yu Dave not
many who contribute to it. The Port- nad tDe PIeaure of doing business
land Flouring Mills Is a unlendirt or. with Mr. Schwikert by all means try
ample of what has been accomplished tne experiment It will please and
iu mo uiuimg proiession within the 'uu
last few years. These mills are mnA.
em throughout and eauiDDed with ttm M. C. 8trickland, M. D.
latest improved machinery and hava I Oregon City is fortunate ln the pos
a capacity of 600 barrels of flour per 8e8Bl0I ' able professional men, and
day, in addition to other mtti among them are found many of hi eh
The flour manufactured by these mills educational attainments, who secured
is highly recommended by bakers and tnelr tralnin8 in the modern schools of
other experts, and when thev nut our metropolitan cities. No science
'Patent" on a sack of flour it may be Bas advanced so rapidly during the
J. M. Prlct.
In our business review of Oregon
City we feel called upon to make fa
vorable mention of Mr. J. M. Price,
the well known clothier. This gentle
man commenced business here some
seven years ago, aud by fair and
square dealing with the public he has
built up a reputation for selling strict
ly, high grade goods at the lowest pos
sible prices. He carries a large and
complete stock of ready to wear cloth
ing, embracing the latest fashions and
styles and the best weaves from the
leading looms ot this country and
Kurope. Kvery novelty of fashion ls
secured as soon as It makes Its ap
pearance on the market. Ills stock
embraces furnishing goods, bats, caps,
trunks, valises and everything new,
line or fashionable in footwear. His
large aud well selected stock enables
customers to make suitable selections
at all times and his reputation for
fairness is a sufficient guarantee that
you will get full value for every dollar
expeuded with him.
stock at all times a Hill lino of fresh
salt and cured meats, as well as fish,
poultry aud gume lu aousou. Mr. Al
bright I wide awake and up to dat lu
his methods and fully deserves the
patronage enjoyed. Ills shop Is lo
cated al the corner of Firth and Main
Scripture A Beaullau.
Blacksmiths are plentiful here, but
few If any equal Scripture & Beaullau
lu knowledge of the business. This
firm Is composed of S. F. Scripture
and A. C. lleaullau. Mr. Scripture
began business here sixteen years ago,
and alKiut air years ago Mr. lleaullau
was admitted as a partner In the busi
ness. They are clever mechanics aud
do a general blacksmlthlng and repair
business, making a specialty of horse
shoeing. They also do wood work,
and use nothing but the best of mater
ial and employ none but -skilled work
nieii to turn out tho work that finds
Its way to their shop. All work is
warranted and Is done at reasonable
A Cottly MliUk.
Kiuiiiiur i oiiiftimi'i very npvii-
l. Ovvualulially Ufa Ituvlf Is tha liilra
of a mlatakt, but you'll nvr b wrung
If yuu tuka King's Nvw Llft l'lll
fur lya'tln. Dliallicu, lluaJmlif,
l.ivrror Jiownl troubles. They ai !
tits yt thuroUtfh. :6o. at lhmtnun A
Co. 'a drug atora.
Electric Hotel.
Good hotel accomodations add as
much to the advantages of a town or
city as any one thing, Is there a good
noiei in town: is one ot I lie nrst ques
nous a man win asK on reaching a
city. Answering this question on be
half of Oregon City, we say, Yes, the
Electric Hotel Is first class In every
particular. It is a handsome, three-
story structure, centrally I.huUhI, and
contains 55 ulce. clean rooms, com
fortable beds, and the table Is sup
piled with the best the murkets afford,
while the service ls first class. The
building is modern In every partlculur.
and the only first class hotel lu the
city. Mr. Cassell, the proprietor of
the Klectrlc Hotel, bas conducted this
house for the past five years, and Is
well and favorably known to the trav
eling public. He gives his personal
attention to the details of the busluess
and spares no pains to make the stay
of guests pleasant while at his house.
Lamb A Sawyer.
The blcycl has become such an Im
IHirtant means of conveyance that the
city that has not an agency or repal
snop tor this twentieth century ve
hicle Is an exception. At the bicycle
repairing and general Jobbing empo
rium conducted by l.atnli A Sawyer In
this city will be found all of the lead
lug makes of wheels for sale at the
lowest possible prices. They handle
such high grade wheels as the Ram
bler, Crescent and Columbia. They
also handle a full Hue of guns, aiiimu
nltion, fishing tackle and sporting
goods generally. Their repair shop
Is equipped with all necessary machln
ery and labor-saving devices and work
Is turned out promptly and at reason
able prices. This firm Is composed of
W. 11. Lamb and J. C. Sawyer, and
during the three years that they have
beeu in business here they have built
up a splendid trade.
H. M. Harnden.
One of the attractive places lu this
city is the ice cream parlor ami con
fectlonery store owned by Mr. II. M
Harnden. It is known as the Cozy
Candy Kitchen, and Is kept neat, clean
and inviting. Mr. Harmlcn manufac
tures his own candies and Ice cream
and uses nothing but the purest of In
gredients. The reputation of his place
or serving the very best In his line
well established, and he has long
enjoyed the lion's share of the busl
nesss. He also carries a nice stock
of nuts, cigars, tobaccos and smokers'
goods. Mr. Harnden has been a resi
dent of this city for eight years and
is well known here.
F. C. Gadke.
Of lute years the subject of sanitary
plumbing has received the careful at
tention of scientific men, and the per
fection to which the science has been
brought Is the best comment umhi the
intelligence that has been devoted to
it. Mr. F. ('. (ladke has eurued an
enviable reputation in this line during
the eight years that he has been in
the business here. Those who have
entrusted their work to him In the
past, which Includes some of the best
buildings In the city, are pleased with
his work and satlsllcd with his prices.
He carries a full line of plumbers' sup
plies and makes a spwialty of beat
In, plumbing and ventilating. None
but skilled men are employed and
every Job Is warranted to give entire
Mils Wiiper.
None of the arts come nearer our
homes and affections than does pho
tography, lly this means the poor as
well as the rich are enabled lo pre
serve the pictured semblance of loved
ones and to adoru their walls with
pleasing reproductions of the best
works of the masters. One of the
skilled members of the profession Is
Mis Uisiier. of this city. She ls a
true artist of talent and attainment,
and her heart is lu her work. She
does all kinds of photographic work,
Including groups, and Is prepared to
take from the largest to the smallest
photographs, and at reasonable prices.
Miss Edith Cheney.
The desire to preserve the pictured
semblance of loved ones and familiar
scenes is as natural as life, and the
people of Oregon City now enjoy spe
cial facilities In this line by reason of
the recent location here of Miss Kdlth
Cheney. This lady stands among the
leaders In her chosen profession, and
is fully equipped with a first class
gallery. She is a lady with marked
Q. A. Harding
Anka tha reader of till paper to teat tho
Vtilua of Kodxl l)yieila Cur, Tlua
peraetia who Imva uaed It and whu hav
been cured by It, do not heallata to i
i-ommetnl It to (heir filemla. Kodol ill
ayxti what you rat, nnvl Imllaeallotl
dyHpala and all atomaoh trouble. In-
creuaea strength by enalilliig I he atomneh
and dlgeatlva organ1 lo con 1 1 Unite lo thu
blood all of the miliiim-nt contained In
the food. Kodol Iyhi'pla for la
pleamtnl and lultituble.
8ud by Hla Doctor.
"A doctor here baa ailed nie for 112 60,
which I claimed waa riceanlva for a raa
of cholera mm bun," aaya It. While, of
I'lioi-hella. t'ul. "At the tilul he praised
hla medli-ul aklll and uiedlelua. I aaked
Mill If It waa not t'haiiibeilulti'a Colic,
Cholera and lHurrhiM-a Itemedy Im uaed
as I bad MvKid reamm lo believe II waa,
and be would not any under oallt tlinl It
ua not." No doctor could use a better
remedy I huu (hla In a "ue of cholera
morbus, II never full. Hold by (1. A.
2,(HK) tnilen of long dis
tance telephone wire in
Oregon, VHHhiii(toi, Cali
fornia ami Iilnlio now in
oiierntion !y the l'acilic
Htution Telethons Com
puny, coverinit 'i,'.'"))
Quick, accurate, cheat
All the KtUinfuction of a
personal coiuniunicution.
Distance no ell'ect to ia
clear unoVrHtamling. Sm
kane am) San Francisco
an eanily heanl as Portland.
Kidney TrouMc Makci Yuu Miserable.
Almoit averybodv who readi the newt,
paper li lure to know of the wonderful
curni macjo tiy ui,
K llmer' Swamp-Root,
I the Treat kidney, liver
t giut bladder remedy.
r ll 11 Ihe great medt-
f-w cl li lumph ot the nlne-
Irmih century; di
covoirj allor years of
Mi ir nllllil lwr.-k hw
Jt! In. Kilmer, the emf-
iiriii aiunry ana tiiaa
il r e0i Ulltt, and I
wonderfully iiiccrtrlul In piomptly curing
lame ba. k, klJnnv, lilj.Mn. uilcai lj trou
ble an, I luihi'j ti-ci .c,!iicli u Ihe worst
(orm el kl.lii'-y tiooblc.
Dr. Kilmer Svvainp-loot U not reo-
Otnuien IriKarr v-i ylliln but If you have kid
ney, liver or blaoVr tioul ie li will be found
Junl tlie reiue,ly yon nerd. l luu been loiled
iuao miuiy wuy i. In h, i llul wotk, In private
praiilcc, ainuiii lhi helil ji tco poor to pur
chase iclli-l tiiil lu pi'iyi'i 50 tiiicevilul In
evrty cane thai a apo.'Ul griaiieinriit ha s
been niadi by win. h all iradetsul llili paper
who have not aliea ly Ined II, may have a
tuple bottle fiit li ' e. by mall, also a book
telling more about Swamp Kool and how to
llndoul If youhavo kidney or bladder double.
When writing uiriilloti trading Mils renerou
Iter In tlila (Uprr and t"-'
wnd your illien lo atT'fT'
Dr. Kilmer Co.. Ulnif- fc'l, -Hmi ll!-"""
hamton, N. Y. 1 heClji-U''a5
regular filly cent and llunn. mp Haul
dollar lUet re od by all food dri'CK111
i:. 1 Gniu
OreKi City ollit at
Harding's Druir SI ore
rrangfef and h$nu,
Freight ami parcels delivered
to all parts of the city.
Bari tii I'D Kind 10 Hjif tlam &aUtf
lr liitr preparullona ilmply derM.
op dry caUrrh j they dry up the laoretioiia,
tiii'b adher lo the lueiiibraii and daooni-
poaa, eauaing a far Wore aeriuu trulible thaa
the onlinury form of catarrh. Avoid all dry.
lug inhalant, fuuiea, imoke aud auufla
aud uaa that which vleauae, aoolhe aud
heal. Kly' Cream Halui ia audi a ruidy
aud will cure catarrh or cold In the head
aaily aud pleasantly. A trial lira will ba
luailad for 10 cent. All druggiat a II th
artistic taste and Is prepared to do '. F.ly llrolher. f5 Warren Hi., N.Y.
any and all kinds of work pertaluing
to tho art of photography. While her
work leaves nothing to be desired, It
must not be mipposed that her prices
are high, for on thu contrary they are
most reusouable.
Th lin.hu eure without fain. dtM but
irritate or oaiiae luaexiug. It (iiread itaelf
orr an irritated aud angry lurfaee, raliev.
ing iniinadiately the painful llillatnniatioa.
With Kly' ('reaiu Hulm you are ariuaj
againat Kul Catarrh and llaj Fever.
Flghl will be Olttar.
Thoaa who will peralat In cliwlng their
ear agaliiKt tha cunllniial rei-omnu-nda-llnn
of tr. King' New lllai-Kvary for
Coiiaiiinillon, will hav a long and bitter
nvhl with their trunbli. If nut ended
vaillt-r by fatal lei mliiailon. Head what
T. It. Ili-ull, of li.-ull. illea., haa lo aay:
"IhI fiill my wife had every aymptom
of i'oiiiitnioii. Hhe mk lr. Klug'a
New iMx oiery uflt-r i-i. ryllilng elae had
fulled. Jmiiovei..fi cmiip ul tllre ulld
four bolllia ul li .1 ini,.d her. (Jiiaian
lerd by Chuiiiiuii & Co., diugglal.
I'lli M toe Ulld 1100 li-lul bottle flea.
Don't muke any mlHtako, but re
tiieiiibur the name, Swamp Root, Dr.
Kilmer Hwamp Hoot, aud the ad
dross, lllnghanipton, N. Y, on every
depended upon that none better in
made. The Portland Mills ia one of
me cmei enterprises of Oregon City,
and pays out large sums of money for
wogua, laxea and running expenses
to say nothing of affording the highest
cash market for grain. A warehouse
in connection with the mill has a
storage capacity of 250,000 bushels of
wueau jjir. ti. c. Ganong is manag-
"4, a&cui ior cue mnis here, and a
gentleman of wide experience in the
Pacific Soda Water Works.
An important industry of this city
ls the bottling works owned and con
ducted by Blghara & Bauer, known as
the Pacific Soda Water Works. They
have a large plant thoroughly equip
ped with all the latest and most mod
ern improved machinery for filtering,
sterilizing, charging and bottling pur
poses. They manufacture and bottle
soda water of all kinds and flavors,
champagne cider, ginger ale and all'
kinds of carbonated drinks. The pro
ducts of this plant are strictly pure
and find favor wherever introduced
for their purity, flavor and general ex-!
cenence. ihe bottling is done under
me careiui supervision of experienced
bottlers, and the strictest sanitary
past decade as that of healing and the
discoveries of learned chemists, the
researches of the world's botanists
and the many mechanical and elec
trical inventions, together with the
lessons learned by the wisest physi
cians after years of study and experi
ment have all gone to modernize and
perfect this, the oldest profession ex
isting. Among the professional men
of this city, Dr. M. C. Strickland ranks
high and commands a large practice.
'inorougniy equipped with natural
ability and medical training he locat
ed here eight years ago, and soon rose
to prominence. He Is a graduate of
the Jefferson Medical College, of Phil
adelphia, graduating In 1889, and also
of the Post Graduate School of New
York City, and several other medical
institutions. The equipment of his
office is modern and includes all of
the latest appliances for dlagnoslne
obscure diseases and treating the
many disorders. Dr. Strickland was
County Coroner for four years and ls
well known in medical circles through
out the state.
Trimble & Son.
Among the foremost blacksmiths
of this city is the firm of Trimble
Son. This firm is composed of W. M.
Trimble and his son, Hubert, two
clever mechanics. They have been In
business here for about two years and
have a large and well equipped shop
and carry on a general blacksmlthlng
business. They are workmen of skll
and ability and employ none but com
peteut help in their shops. The) do
all kinds of repairing, wood work, and
make a specialty of horseshoeing.
The members of this firm are enter
prising and progressive, and all work
turned out by them is guaranteed first
clans ami at reasonable prices.
Electric Cash Grocery.
The grocery trade ls well repesent
ed here, but a neater, nicer or better
place to trade than at the Electric
;,Zn.H"""?VCuh Grocery would be hard to find.
a WT Bigham Tnd" W. I. rZT?" 5: M-Klemsen, the proprietor of
well known business men of this city I hfT yocery, has been
Thev anrepoH .hi. i" ."7J I ln business here for the past three
They succeeded to this business some
three years ago, and have built up a
splendid trade.
Geo. A. Harding.
No more valuable business Is to be
found in any community than a well
years, ana nas met with splendid suc
cess. He carries a full line of staple
and fancy groceries, flour, cured
meats and provisions, and his prices
are always in accordance with the
times. Mr. Klemsen keeps his stock
fresh and well assorted, and patrona
Commercial Bank.
Kew financial Institutions so com
pletely enjoy the confidence and es
teem of the general public as does the
Commercial Hank of Oregon City. A
good and safe bank is a great conven
ience and benefit to any town or city.
and the people of this city dally show
their appreciating of this Institution
by their patronage. The Commercial
Bank was established in 1889. and has
an authorized capital storfk of $100.
000. This bank has been a strong fac
tor in the advancement and upbuild
ing or this city and county, and is al
ways Identified with all moves Intend
ed to benefit the same. Careful and
conservative, it Is an Institution that
can be nafely recommended to all who
may have occasion to open or carry
accounts, or any loan, deposit or col-
ectlon requiring the care, Protection
or advice of a safe and comuetent
banking institution. The officers of
this bank are well known men of af
fairs, of the strictest integrity, and of
known financial responsibility, and are
as follows: D. C. Latourette, presi
dent; C. D. Latourette, vice president;
and P. J. Meyer, cashier.
Oregon City Planing Mill Co.
One of the Importaut manufactur
ing enterprises of this city Is the Ore
gon City Hunlng Mill Co. This Insti
tution has been established some four
years, and by fair and square dealing
with customers they have built up a I
large and growing trade. They handle
a full line of lumber and all kinds of
building material, and conduct a first
class plunlng mill lu connection. They
manufacture window Hush, doors,
blinds, interior finish, turning, scroll
work and in fact any and everything
usually manufactured by a first class
planing mill. Their plant is equipped
with the latest Improved machinery.
andMhey are prepared to till all or
ders, large .ur small, promptly and ut
the lowest possible prices. Mr. K. S.
I taker, the manager of the business,
Is a gentlemun who understands the I
work from A to 7.. and gives his per
sonal attention to deluils, and satis
faction is guaranteed In every case.
.Mr. ilaker is a wide-awake business
man aud a public spirited citizen, and
has done his full part to advance the
best Interests of this city.'-
Cha. Albright.
The cut of the meat decides the
dinner. Many fine steaks and Juicy
roasts have been spoiled In cooking,
but more have been spoiled In the
cutting. The proprietor of this mar
ket learned his trade In the severe
school of experience, and has actively
lollowed the butcher business for
many years. He conducts the leading
market of Oregon City, and does the
lion's share of the business. He does
his own slaughtering and carries In
Oregon City Machine Shop.
A manufacturing enterprise note
worthy for Its complete equipment
and excellent product Im the Oregon I
City .Machine Shop, .owned by Buck-
lein & Kleliisbinltli. These gentle
men have been In business here to
gether for one year, but Mr. Buckleln
established the business a year pre
vious to that time. They build engines
and carry In stock a full line of engine
and machine supplies, cold rolled and
turned shaftings of assorted sizes, also
boxes and pulleys, babbitt metal of
all grades, rod and bar Iron, machine
Ixilts and screws, and In fact any
thing used by the sawmill man. the
factory or logger. They do all kinds
or repair and new work promptly and
at reasonable prices. Their shop Is
new and equipped with the latest Im
proved machinery and labor saving
devices, and they employ none but
skilled workmen in their shop. Buck
leln n Kieinshmlth are experts in
their line and have built up a large
and growing trade. The firm Is com
posed or Phillip Buckleln and A. S.
Kieinshmlth, two well known business
. , - ........ V" n
AVeecldble Preparation Tor As
similating ttie Food and Iks' ula
ting the Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Dige9tion.Cr"errul
nessantlRt'slConldins neiitrr
Opiuin.Morpliiiie nor Mineral
Mil Sim -
Wtttryai An
Aperfecl Rrmedv forrnrrjslirui-
flon , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions ,Fe veri sh-
ness and Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Stgruilur of
l 11U :JCJE
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears tho
For Over
Thirty Years
iM"-'.i- I-) m n ifVwarMi n
tco.vop Oylfg I y(M
T ? . mtm teaa mm.
(Continued on page 8.)
Among the notable fi at urea of the Ar-
Konaut for June 2uth are "A Lancashire
Murdt-r Trial," by Jituihh Hart, who viv
idly describe the qul.k work done in
convicting and aenti-ncing criminal In
KiiKlixh courts; "The Forefront of Bat
tle," a peculiarly liiti-rt-Htlng- and charm
ing at-a Mory by John Fleming Wilson;
'Hlonlng Motor Car In Gotham," a letter
l.Bi.rihliiK the umiault that have been
mude by Kast Hide mobs on automobll-
imis, an article giving an account of
the gn at uce that Nance O'Neill haa
made in Boston, and a criticism of Mr.
Islle Carter In "Dii Barry" at the Grand
Opera houae. by Josephine Hart phelp.
Subscribe for The Enterprise.
Prices Reasonable
DO YOUr Work Work Ouaranteed
We do a General Baggage and Transfer BusitieHH.
Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moved
Oflioe OtijMwite Masonic Building
'"''Zf Williams Bros. Transfer Co.