Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 24, 1904, Image 1

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    Ge5x)n ' City Enterppj
VOL. 37, NO. S3.
Mine Splendid Fams
. mm
For Gentlemen Farmers of some means. We can
recommend every one of them, and the price Is right
.. ,ru.i vK"iie main road 22 lull.' rrom Oregon City, span horses, wagon, new binder, and
rurm at 'anliy on llnu f Southern 1 miles from Wllliolt Springs. z0 all farming tools with present crop
laolilc railroad, nil level, 74 acre. In per Hero; ) down, balance on for 130 per acre; very easy terms
nice cultivation. All fenced, borders lone time at nor ceut m,r
nil M.iltt m - 10 .... i w ; . HV.a..av-
"'"us iitoi, if i;rrn rum'a in - - - hood . j
Kw O.". hundred and sixty aero. n
room frame dwelling, large barn Ox ?. Umifo. X pm'Vi' rWn Hlhln". " "re. "' .
0, prune dryer 21x40 cost I t GOO , Uy' f, m " tn,T Portlan'1' 100 H fenced. 40 acres In cultivation, run
gralnErTwa B.." ",w r,'r nlns ram through the place, water
tt milt to railroad stall,,,,. ..... miu ..' , prune orcnara, n nolds. 1 acre orchard. 4-room
to steamboat landlmr. To bo with ih. v'a .'"" . a,n lrout " house, 44x50, 20 acrea In clo-
Place: 1 span horMa7 2 cow, chickens. "'T, 'n".r,.?,Pn' vr- 2" " vegetables,
3 plow., wagon, back, harrow, moww "7. Vr"" T reat outrange, 7 miles to Cazadero,
id all other farm In Imnli.mnnt. mnA - - --. - ,n neau mock wuii i
. ---.. .. - io cnoose factory,
owing crop at time of Male. creamery that l
Price IH0M): 15000 cash, balance In J. !"!,r " LL "
K ... ., i. ..... " .Minor - ui.iiuu, mi
nrra all for
name dlntance toir.oo: hairdo n halanpA In S vpnra
mm fiuwv worm oi at n nir rin ntnrout
did nnlghborhood.
tarma to ault. '
hool 4 mile, aplen
IIO per acre;
A gpntlntnan'a auburhan home, 38
acrea, all fenced and crosn-fenced, ol!
Stock and tlmbor: 252 acre, T. S
fl . HHP! nna mlU trnm M,.li.tl.
river and linn of axteniilon nt fnrnn 13ft air in nl..n,iM 7 acroa heavy timber,
nut.,.!, miiwiv 9ha .t. hiK.i n ...... ...ii i , and
.ww .VI V. IV o, uu MIIU III iuu. IUUI IlllltJIt ul uiiurii
One hundred and alxty-flve acrea at
At, 31 acrea In aplondld cultivation,
Ii vlna; aprlnc
S acrea orchard, all va
acrea f..ncd. 30 acrea In cultivation, and wire foncliiK. 4 acrea orchard, two ?f fru1!;. ,m 1,itorJr ou"f
nft noune, barn B0x75, living water, dwelling worth 12000, two large 7 ' , 'L X. .V.
200 acre hoavy timber, Br and cedar, barna, living water In nearly all ib'lJ10,.;
valuable, would crulso five million or field, place In In good repair and ev- lnK" 10 l,ea n,"k cows 2 horHen
more feet of good, merchantable tl.u- erythlng neat and tidy, ...Ho to Trnnrfu Ki.KeT.'
ber. biMlil. tiiiina-. u mii irt mrh,,i mh..i in .nu .. o..,.i.... n ...n... 'n crop, farming toola. Thla fine
Tf ... ... ... A- . ... rV. . ;v;"" . .r"'3" home la 3 mllea from Oregon City.
great outrange. 17
City,' trfict title
I'rlce f 12.50 per factory
acre; fiooo cbmIi; balance In 3 yeara half down, bulance on eany term at
in City, creamery and cheeso ,
In the nolglilKjrbcxid. H500; Val
ance in
at S per cent Intorent.
0 per cent Interest.
cent IntereHt.
Price $4500; $1500
5 yeara at 5 per
, Three hundred and forty-nine acres
Two hundred and fifty-acre atock Block Farm InveHtnictit. 344 acre, of level, rich noil In Marlon county
ranch, rolling enough for good drain-two mllea from teruilnua of O. V. P. 5 nilh'H from WrKxlburn 2"0 acrea-In
ago, aoll good. 80 acre In cultivation, Jk Hy. Co. line at Sprlngwater, ItiO good cultivation, free from Btump and
80 acrea more alaalied and burned and acres In cultivation, whole place rocks bulance In pasture whole place
could be put Into cultivation for $10 fenced. 00 acres In clover. 14 acre fenced and cross fenced, one fair old
per acre, balauce pasture lund. small orchard, two million feet good nier- dwelling. 8 room, two large barns
creek runs through the place, 3 living cbantable timber, three fine living other outbuildings convenient to
springs,"- acrea orchard. 8 room box springs of pure water, small dwelling, place, 0 acres orchard, 7 acrea hops,
house, covered with rustic, painted, large new barn ox4. outrange of 14 mile to school, title perfect. Price
14-story, bla home made barn SuxUo, elk weed and pea vine for a thousand $:15 per acre; term made to buIi the
aliedded all rouud. large outrange, ou bead of stock, about 40 bead cattle, purchaser. This is a rare bargain.
A great many other places, large aand small, for sale
at all sort: of prices, and to suit all sorts of people
Main Street, Oregon City, Or 233 Washington Street, Portland, Or
Lnrxl Title and Land Office
ilusinesnu Hpeclulty
Will practice in all Court of the State
Room 3, Weinhard lildg .
opp. Court House, Oregon Citv, Oregon
HiTRACT.Or Mlinilt fl'KKHHID.
Qdlct Off to Orrinn CUT EnUTri.
Acuta and Chronlo Dlneuei. Nervous
Disorders. Women'! and Children' Dis
eases a Specialty. Oraduata of Still Col
iiiia of Osteopathy. Dps Moines. la. Of
fice Hours: 9:30 a. m. to t p. m.. Monday, ! V
Wednesday and Friday. Concultatlon free. I
Room li. Garde Dullding, Ort'gon City.
n i .
f Jk- j- .STEEL
'b2&i RANGES
Land Titles Examined.
Ueedi, MortgsKFi Irawn.
orricc ovis
Bank of Oregon City.
Abntrarts Made.
Money Loaned
Okiuon City, Oa.
W. 8. U'Saa 0. 8ooiebl
Attorneys at Law.
cutr)cr .buohaU
Will practlcs in all courts, make collection!
and settlement! of Estates.
Famish abstracts of title, lend you money
ana lena your money on nrsi morgaga.
Office in Enterprise Building,
Oregon City, Oregon.
IjIVY stipp
Attorney at Law.
Justice of tbe Peace.
lugger BUlg., Oregon City
iihoii Citt, ..... Oaaaoa,
Will tract loe I o sllthe court! ef the itate. 0(-
flea, lu Cauflald bulldlug. ,
rurnlah Abstracts of Title, Lota Money.
FaraoloM Morto and transact
Oenaral Lavw Bualnaaa.
If you need anything in the way of Hardware, Crockery,
dans-ware or Gianite-ware, I can supply your wants. Call and
inspect my Btock.
Complete line of new and'second-liand FURNITURE carried. Let
me supply you with a bouse- keeping outfit
WALL PAPER of the best quality and latest styles at right prices.
Attention, Here's a Bargain
6000 leet, im-li first class Manila roie, in one piece, is offeied for
sale at a bamain for a few da s.
Main Street,
Oregon City.
Brunswick House & Rostaiirant
Newly Furnished Rooms.
Meals at All Hours. Prices Reasonable.
Opposite Suspension Bridge.
Only First Class Restaurant
In Town
We are in a posi
tion to save yon
from 10 to 20 per
cent, on undertak
er's auppliea of
which we carry a
complete atock.
We are under
small expense.
Have no middle
men to pay, own
our hearse and
will treat you fair.
Out Pricito All
R. L. HOLMHN, Undertaker & Embalmer
Office: One door south of Court House or at Cigar Store opposite Bank
oi uregon uty.
Her Visible Resources, Facilities and
Sketches of Leading Business Men, Business Houses,
Professional Men and Prominent
Mankind has ever sought a land and we believe that generations will
wnere his material wants and necev come and go before the slightest
altlea might be most easily obtained, shadow falls across her path. Her
Diversified tastes and inclinations
have led hizn on to the furthermost
parts of the globe In quest of tbla
Ideal. Tbe movement baa been on for
centuries and seemed destined never
to end, although the world has been
traversed from Its tropic center to
best days are yet to come, and the
summit of her prosperity bas been far
from reached. Standing on the rock
of past achievement, and with every
indication of still more development
in the future, Oregon City with Just
pride In ber past and faith in her
the Icebound barriers of the poles. future presses forward to gather the
Under the great diversity of condl-1 fruita of her Industry and enterprise.
lions mere in the many modern
achievements of modern civilization i
are not the most pronounced in either !
the extreme of climatic environment
The languor of perpetual summer and
the rlgora of prolonged winters are In
a great degree avoided, and In the In
termediate zones are found the na
tions of the earth that lead In Intel
ligence and civilization. A blessed
land, therefore, la that which suffers
neither the extremes If winach4,Jffl3
neither tbe extremes of winter's cold
nor summer's heat. Such a land Is
found In the Willamette Valley. Win
ter Is little more than a name In this
favored section, while the summer sea
son Is free from sultry weather and
the nlfjhts are always cool and re-
It Is not our purpose to discuss fully
the advantages offered by the Wll
lamette Valley In the space alloted to
us in this article, but to confine our re
marks to the resources, facilities, and
natural advantages of Oregon City and
Clackamas county.
Situated on the right bank of .the
Willamette river and at the falls of
the same name, fifteen miles south of
Portland, stands Oregon City, the
metropolis and county seat of Clack
a mas county.
Clackamaa county bas an area of
abou' 1500 square mite which re
duced to acres means nearly one mil
lion. It Is rich In natural resources
and Is adapted to a wide range of In
dustrles. The topography of the coun
ty varies from the broad level valleys
of the illamette to the snow-capped
peaks of the Cascade mountains. Part
of the land bears a heavy growth of
fir, alder, maple, larch and other vari
eties of native timber. The Boil in
tbe valleys and up-Iands Is rich and
very productive. Diversified farming
and fruit growing are the principal
occupations of tbe , people, though
stock raising Is a profitable industry.
Oregon City bas a population of
6.000 prosperous, happy and contented
people. The Willamette falls gene
rates about 50.000 horse power, and
this fact, together with cHeap fuel,
cheap rent, reasonable living expenses
for laboring men and both' rail and
water transportation, combine to
make Oregon City a most favorable
point for manufacturing purposes.
Raw material is at band and a market
for the finished product at our very
doors. At the present time the Day
roll of Oregon City amounts to over
150,000 per month. A large woolen
mill consumes the wool produced in
the Willamette Valley and draws on
the eastern part of the state for more.
The Crown Paper mill affords em
ployment for many men, while
the Willamette Pulp and Paper mills
are the largest on the Pacific Coast
and consume enormous quantities of
Clackamaa Abatract A Trust Co.
In all real estate transactions the
question of title la a vital one, and
there is constant recourse to such
sources of Information on the subject
as are deemed absolutely correct.
Foremost among the abstractors of
this county is the Clackamaa Abstract
& Trust Co. Thla company bas a
complete set of abstract books show
ing all transfers. Hens, Incumbrances,
tax claims, Judgments and other In
struments of record affecting the title
to any piece or parcel of land in
Clackamas county, whether a farm or
a city lot. They are therefore pre.
PL"TLe. 8!and the finest grades of teas and cof-
nii,ii3 ami fji i v tun auu bincu I C
I eery houses of this city Is the storn
conducted by Mr. V. Harris. Thla
gentleman has been In business here
fur the past nine years ar.d by apply
j lng the golden rule to trade princi
ples he has built up an extensive
trade. He carries a large and com
plete stork of staple and fancy gro
ceries, fruits, produce and provisions,
and1 his prices are as low as good
goods can be sold for. Mr. Harris
also carries crockery, glassware, rope,
nails, etc.. and everything sold by him
Is warranted to prove as represented.
His store is kept neat, clean and In
viting, and his stock fresh and well
assorted. Mr. Harris is a leading busi
ness man and a prominent citizen,
who Ik always to the front when the
best Interests of Oregon City are at
I. Tolfplar.
It Is the small Items of expense that
need looking after, as tbe larger ones
will take care of themselves. If you
want to save a few dollars on a bill
of goods you can do so by patronizing
tbe new and second band store con
ducted by I. Tolpolar. Mr. Tolpolar has
been In business here fo the past
three years, and has built up a most
gratifying trade. He carries the larg
est and most complete atock of new
and second hand goods south of Port
land, embracing furniture, carpets,
bedding, crockery, glassware, hard
ware, tools, stoves and ranges and all
kinds of bouse furnishing goods. He
Is In the market at all times for sec
ond band goods of value, and pays the
highest market price in cash. If you
want to buy or sell anything in tbe
way of furnitbrV or housefurnishtng
goods, see Mr. Tolpolar. He bas the
only first class second hand store in
the city. One dixjr north of the Com
mercial Bank of Oregon City.
Horton A Jack.
A grocery store is a necessity, but
a first class grocery Is a boon to
mankind. This is Just tbe kind of
house the firm of Horton & Jack con
duct. Their shelves are filled with all
of the choicest brands of canned goods
ports In detail regarding any title in
tbe county. They also transact a
general trust business. They act as
executor, administrator, guardian, as
signee, reciver, trustee of all trusts
and general fiduciary agent. The
Clackamas Abstract & Trust Co. is an
incorporated Institution and has been
engaged In this line of business for
the past eleven years. Mr. J. F.
Clark, founder of the business, is the
president and manager of the insti
tution. He is an attorney-at-law, and
everything Is prepared from a legal
standpoint? which Is to say that all
Instruments executed by this company
may be defended upon aij absolutely
correct. - V
Hon. Geo. C. Brownell.
The profession of law Is ably repre
sented m Oregon City and the pres
tige which tbe local bar bas enjoyed
from an early day is maintained by
the present practitioners. An attor
ney occupying a prominent place at
the bar of this county Is Hon. Geo. C.
Brownell. Mr. Brownell is a native
of New York, and was admitted to the
bar in the state of Kansas, and some
thirteen years ago he cast his fortunes
with the people of Oregon City. He
is an able lawyer and a high-minded
practitioner, and during the time he
has practiced here he has been iden
tified with much important litigation.
He has always taken a keen interest
in public affairs, and in politics es
pouses the principles of the Repub
lican party. He bas represented this
district in the state senate for the
past ten years, and is at the present
time president of the senate. He Is
an enterprising and public-spirited
citizen, well and favorably known
throughout the state.
J. W. Powell, M. D.
Among the professional men of this
city Dr.,J. W. Powell ranks high and
commands a large practice. Thor
oughly equipped with both natural
ability and medical training, he lo
cated here fifteen years ago and soon
rose to prominence. Dr. Powell is a
graduate of the Louisville Medical
The Republican National Convention at Chicago Thursday re-nominated
THEODORE ROOSEVELT for President and named SENA
TOR FAIRBANKS, of Indiana, for Vice President. Both nominees
were the unanimous choice of the convention.-
wood for the manufacture of pulp
and paper This company will shortly
Increase their capacity here by erect
ing a large pulp plant, which it is
said will give employment to 350 men.
New industries are being establish
ed, and tbe present capacity of many
plants are being enlarged from time
to time to meet the growing demand
for their products. Oregon City has
two banks, two weekly newspapers, a
large flouring mill, woolen mills, a
soap factory, two large paper mills,
machine shops, foundry, ice plants, a
good gravity sewer system, paved
streets, electric lights, street car and
telephone systems and a splendid sys
tem of water works affording an am
ple supply of pure water. Oregon City
is situated at tide water and Is the
manufacturing city of the state. The
city Is building up rapidly and her
streets are dotted with cozy cottages
and handsome business blocks, giving
the city a general appearance of solid
ity and commercial activity. Civic
and fraternal societies are well rep
resented and the many church or
ganizations are all In a flourishing
condition. The public school system
Is not surpassed in the state and Is In
the hands of competent instructors,
and the people take a pardonable
pride In their "Temples of Wisdom."
Oregon City Is a substantial place,
College, graduating in 1875. He served
the people of this city as councilman
for Ave years, and at the present time
is county physician. Dr. Powell is a
splendid type of the able, vigorous
practitioner, fully abreast of his pro
fession as to the latest discoveries
and scientific methods that In any way
enhance the efficiency of practice. The
doctor is a pleasant, courteous gentle
man, ana despite the exactions of a
fees, and a full aud complete line of
staple and faccy groceries. They are
enabled to give their patrons tbe best
on the market at the lowest prevailing
prices. Everything found here Is sea
sonable and fresh and patrons of this
store have no Just cause for com
plaint. They have been in business
here for over one year, and by apply
ing the golden rule to trade principles
they have built up a large and grow
ing trade. They pride themselves
upon handling good goods and sell
"Dement s Best" flour, which needs
no recommend from us. This firm is
composed of G. F. Horton and J. EL
Jack, two enterprising business mea.
W. E. Card, M. D.
This city Is well equipped with fine
medical talent, but no member of the
profession stands higher than Da
W. E. Carll. Dr. Carll is a graduate
of the medical department of Har
vard, and some eighteen years ago he
cast his fortunes with the people of
Oregon City. He has been most suc
cessful in his practice, and is at the
present time physician for the Wil
lamette Pulp & Paper Co., the Crowa
Paper Co., Portland General Electric
Co. He is prominent in state medical
circles and is treasurer of the Oregon
State Board of Medical Examiners and
president of the Oregon State Medical
Society. Dr. Carll la a broad-minded,
public-spirited citizen, well and favor
ably known.
Frank Busch.
The furniture trade of this city is
very extensive, permeating the whole
of this county and surrounding terri
tory, and chief among the dealers la
this section of the state is Mr. Frank
Busch. Mr. Busch has been in busi
ness here for tbe past twenty years,
and is well and favorably known. He
occupies a commodious sales room
60x105 feet, with basement, decks and
warehouses, - making a total of six
floors filled with house furnishing
goods. His stock is by far the largest
and most complete In the county,
while his prices defy competition. His
stock embraces plain and fancy fur
niture, carpets, rugs, bedding, stoves
and ranges, crockery, tinware, and a
full line of house furnishing goods.
He also handles doors, windows, wall
paper, paints and oils. Mr. Busch is
one of the leading business men of
Oregon City and bas helped to baUd
the town. This is his borne and he
has done much to improve the place.
He has faith in the future of Oregon
City and backs bis Judgment by in
vesting his money in buildings and
other Improvements in the city. He
has also Improved a large ranch from
wild land. Mr. Busch has built and
equipped a furniture factory, to be
operated in connection with his large
establishment The building is com
plete and the machinery Installed, and
In a few days he will be ready for
business. He will employ a number
of cabinet makers and utilize large
quantities of lumber and raw material
In the manufacture of furniture, which
in turn gives more employment to
more men. Ah of the raw material
will be secured in this county. The
furniture manufacturing company will
be known as tbe Frank Busch manu-
takl hm ?n?t n.1 h.- flnl8 tln,e, t0 1 facturing company. Mr. Busch la
take his full part as an enterprising
ana puouc-spiritea citizen.
J. W. Norrla, M. D.
In reviewing the professional men
of this city a prominent place must be
accorded Dr. J. W. Norris. Dr. Norrls
Is a graduate of Rush Medical College,
of Chicago, graduating in 1872. He
cast his fortunes with the people of
this city some thirty-one years ago
and has been most successful in his
practice. He is a broad-minded, public
spirited citizen, and during the time
that he has practiced here has made
many friends. He Is well known in
medical circles, a skilled practitioner,
and a student of modern methods and
discoveries. His suavity and agree
ableness of manner, combined with
bia medical skill, easily account for
his success.
V. Harris.
Prominent among the leading gro
enterprising business man and a pro
gressive citizen, and deserves the ex
tensive patronage he now enjoys. The
people of this county know that be is
a man who pays heavy taxes, gives
employment to eight people In the
store, and from six to eight men In
the factory, paying out large sums of
money for wages, running expenses
and for raw material, which affects
every branch of business In the city.
People also know that he is a man of
his word, .and a distinct benefit to this
city and county, and Is not here for a
year or two, to make what he can
out of the community and then leave,
but is here to stay. Mr. Busch la al
ways identified with all moves In
tended to benefit the city and county.
and to such men as he Oregon City
owes much.
(Continued oa pas I.)