Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 17, 1904, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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Suspension Bridge Corner
Si i oir line
Mio LySo Mo
At prices that are gnmatchable, A saving to yog from 20 to 40 per cent off regolar price s. Season feeing well advanced we have
made sharp price redactions as we do not aim to carry goods over from one season into another.
Kiosks flaptlhlinia li a Saviaa
Men's $t5.00 suits, cheviots home
spans or worsteds at the
low price of
Men's $(2 salts in the very best of
good makes and styles, now
selling at
Men's $10.00 all wool suits; splen
did materials. Sale
price only
and Union Pacific
ThrmiKli Pullman standard and Tour
1st sleeping i dully i(nimli, (.'hleago,
Spokane; tourist Bleeping car dally I
kanaa City; llirttih Pullman tourtat
sleeping ear ipaiaonally eonduotail)
weekly to ..lili'HMi). Kansas Clly, reelln
Ins ilmlt linl fre to 111 eset daily.)
Men's All Wool Pants
Regular $3.00 qualities. On sale at
Men s Worsted Pants
$3.00 grade at remarkably low price of
$2. JO
A Sale Without a. Parallel
Our purpose in making such prices is to dispose of seasonable goods. SPECIAL FOR THE CHILDREN, to help them celebrate the
Fourth of July, a liberal amount of Firecrackers will be given with each purchase of Shoes or Clothing.
Mens' Straw Hats
to $1.35
to $1.00
to 70c
to 45c
to 38c
AH boys' 50c
All boys 25c
straw hats at 33c
straw hats at 19c
36-inch Percale 12 1-2 grade.
Per yard
30-inch organdies. All shades.
Reduced to
Wash silks; crystal cords; 50c
quality at price of
All our 12 J -2 lawns and lace
striped organdies at remark
ably low price of of
San silk; two balls for . 5c
15c waist sets at . . 9c
25c waist sets at . . J 5c
Finishing braid during sale at
price of 3 for . . 10c
Ball and socket fasteners.black
or white; card of 2 do. . 7c
Kimona handkerchiefs; regular
price 12 l-2c; on sale at . 8c
Shirt Waists
Clean up sale In shirt waists
Regular 75c waists now . 58i
Regular $1.00 waists now . 78c
Regular $1.25 waists now - 88c
Portland to Chicago
No Change of Cart.
Portland Hnm'tal
MS a. nil -v:mI
Tim Schedules.
Salt lake, Denver.
K Worth, Omaha.
Kansas Illy. Hi.
l.iniln. Clilrago and
MO P. a.
I 16 l. in.
Via. limit-
Instoii. I ICust.
Unit !.ake. Denver,
't. Worth, Omaha, , . .
Kansaa Oltv. Mt 19,9
! t.oui, Chicago and
. . I VI1 Walla. I.w-,
5.'- Jr. ' Npokane, Mill-:
Ka.t Mall n..,,,M.lla, Hi. 1'aul. ; J j ,
Pm via. i th. Milwaukee,'
Hpokune. i t dli uao anil fcaat.;
Furnished Every Week by the Clack
amas Abstract & Trust Company.
State to W. Barnum, seVi of sec. 22,
5, 4 e, $100.
H. A. Lee to H. N. Cook, 15 acres
In CI. 56, 3. 11 e. $527.
J. P. McDonough to Bechll Brod,
e of nw4, ne4 of sw4, of sec. 21,
2, 6 e, $2500.
acres In sec. 5G, 3, 1 e, $350.
Willamette Falls Co. to A. Junke,
tract 50, Willamette Falls, $213.75.
J. R. Leher to Fritz & Hoiles. s4
of sett. 4. 5 e. $100.
O. W. Eastham to F. H. Moulton,
15 acres in CI. 48, 2. 2 e. $350.
F. Dielschnelder to S. Dieluchneider,
10 acres in sec. 26, 1, 2 e, $500.
Haley & Cobrey to O. W. Eastham,
lots in Darnalls & Holes Add and sV4
of BeVi, and nw4 of seVi of sec. 16,
3, 5 e, and 80 acres in CI. 48, 2, 2 e,
0. W. P. T. S. Co. to T. J. Andre,
lot 2, block 4, Estacada, $284.
J. V. HarleHS to P. Faurie, 212 acres
In CI. 45, 5, 2 e, $0800.
A. E. Rice to M. Apling, 5 acres in
CI. 49, 2, 2 e, $1000.
0. W T. Co. to R. S. Carey, lot
17, block 6, Estacada, $200.
A. T. Hammond to A. Lee, block 24.
Oswego Heights, $100.
N. Hansen to D. Anderson, 15 acres
In sec. 31, 5, 1 e, $600.
C. 8. Hunt to L. Shafer, 10 acres In
sees. 28 and 33, 2, 1 e, $750.
M. Waack to Loder & Nash, parts
of McCubbin & Connell CI. sec. 2, 3
e, $1600.
H. E. Cross to E. G. Caufield, Tr,
tract J, Clacgamaa Flat lands, $650.
Gladstone K. E. Association to E,
G. Caufield, Tr, 1 acre In Gladstone,
P. DeShazer to J. DeShazer, e of
ne'4 or sec. 8, 3, 5 e, $450.
M. Jacobson to C. Hallinan, lota 8
and 9, block 41, Oswego, $200.
W, J. Dodson to I. 8. Brown, e of
w or sw or sec. 8, 3, 5 e, $000.
L. Bedding to M. Woolfolk, 40 acres
in sec. 10, 3, 1 e, $750.
D. S. LiTesy to F. T. Graves, part
CI. 58, 2, 2 e, $100.
E. A. Blehle to L. 8chnorr, 93 acres
in Weiss CI., 3, 1 e, $1350.
E. A. Paine to N. D. Harrington, 6
acres In White CL, 3, 2 e, G00.
," The Clackamas Abstract & Trust
company are owners of the only com
plete abstract plant in Clackamas
county. Prompt and reliable work
on short notice. All work guaranteed.
Abstracts made, money loaned, mort
gages foreclosed, trusts executed,
estates settled, and titles perfected.
J. F. CLARK, Atty.-at-Law,
President and Manager.
Office over Bank of Oregon City.
From S. P. and C. E. Points to th
Seaside and Mountain Retorts
for th Summer.
On and after June 1, 1904. the Southern
Pacific. In connection with the Corvalll
& Eastern railroad, will have on sale
round, trip ticket from point on their
lines to Newport, Yaqulna and Detroit
at very low rates, good for return until
October 10, 1904.
Three-day tickets to Newport and Ya
qulna. good going Saturdays and return
ing Mondays, are also on sale from all
East Side points, Portland to Eutfene in
clusive, and from all West Side points,
enabling people to visit their families and
spend Sunday at the seaftide.
Season ticket from all East Side
points, Portland to Eugene Inclusive,
and from all West 81de points, are also on
sale to Detroit at very low rates, with
stop-over privilege at Mill City or any
point east, enaldlng tourists to visit the
Santiam and Brfeltenbush hot springs In
the Cascade mountains, which can be
reached In one day.
Season tickets will be good for return
from all points until October 10. Three
day tickets will be good going on Satur
day and returning Monday only. Tick
et from Portland and vicinity will be
good for return via. the EaKt or West
Side at option of passenger. Tickets from
Eugene and vicinity will be good going
via the Lebanon-Springfield branch If
desired. Baggage on Newport ticket
checked through to Newport; on Yaqulna
ticket to Yaqulna only.
Southern Pacific train connect with
the-C. & E. at Albany and Corvalll for
Yaqulna and Newport. Train on the C.
6 E. for Detroit will leave Albany at
7 a. pi., enabling tourist to the hot
spring to reach there the same day.
Full Information a to rate, with beau
tifully Illustrated booklet of Yaqulna bay
and vicinity, time table, etc., can be
obtained on application to Edwin Stone,
mapager C. & E. railroad, Albany; W.
E. Coman, O. P. A. Southern Pacific Co.,
Portland, or to any S. P. or C. ft E. agent
Subscriber. Please Read. The Enter-
prise Is being sent to some reader who
I are not subscribers. Others are recelv
j Ing this paper who signed for it only until
after the June election. The period for
j which they subscribed has expired, and
i if they do not desire the paper contin
ued they will please notify this office at
once, as was the understanding by the
agreemeni under which they became sub
scriber. There are other ubscrlber
who are considerably behind in their
inscription. With these we desire and
must have a settlement. In view, of the
fact that such subscriber have been re
ceiving the paper, in some Instances for
years, and have paid nothing for It, we
Insist on having the accounts adjusted
Immediately. Otherwise the names will
be taken from the subscription lists. We
hall expect an Immediate reaponse to
thl notice on the part of all delinquent
ubscrlber. It require money to con
duct a newspaper as well a any other
'lire curia Indlg-stlon. d.lleves the sto
tnarh. takes the strain off the heart, and
restores It to a full nerformane. ..f it.' '.""'ill'S Hk nind down the street.
function naturally. Kodol Increases the ! dumping the occupants, or a hundred
aireiigui i, enaoiing me stomach and other accidents, are every-diiy occur-
A Frightened Horse.
I'.tiniilng like mad down the
digestive urgan to dlavst. assimilate
and appropriate to the blood and tissues
al of the food nutriment. Tones the
stomach and digestive organs. Bold by
j. A. Harding.
Subscribe for The Enterprise.
ri'iices. It behoove everybody to have
u reliable Salve handy and there none
as good as Uucklens Arnica Salve.
Hums, Cuts, Boihs, Ksema and Piles
disappear quickly under ts soothing
effect. ;5c, at I'liarmun Ic Co.' drug
i j i j j n .3 j .1 n .1 .1 ,i 1 1 1 .1 3 1 ,i i .1 3 3 3 3 ;
5nart- Effats
For Hundred Years.
For a hundred year or more Witch
Hazel has been recognized as a superior
remedy, but It remained for E. C. DeWItt
& Co., of Chicago, to discover how to
combine the virtue of Witch Hazel with
oth'-r antiseptics, in the form of a salve.
DeWltt's Witch Hazej Salve Is the best
salve In the world for sores, cuts, burns,
bruise and piles. The high standing of
this salve has given rise to counter
felts, and the public Is advlced to look
for the name "DeWItt" on the package,
and accept no other. Sold by G. A.
A Strong Heart
I assured by perfect digestion. Indi
gestion swells the stomach and puffs It
up against the heart. This cause short
ness of breath, palpitation of the heart
and general weakness. Kodol Dyspepsia
It Will Be to Your Interest,
If you contemplate rlilUng the St.
Louis Exposition, to secure reliable In
form aatlon as to railroad service, the
lowest rates and the beat routes. Also
as to local conditions in 8t Louis; hotels,
etc., etc.
If you win write the undersigned, stat
in r what Information you desire, the
same will be promptly furnished. If w
do not have It on hand, will secure It
for you If possible, and without any ex
pense to you. Address,
Commercial Agent, 142 Third street,
. Portland, Ore.
"It was aJImoet a miracle. Burdock
Blood Bitters cured me of a terrible
breaking out all orer the body. I am
very grateful." Miss Julia Fllbrldge,
West Corn well. Conn.
Thrown from s Wagon.
Mr. George K. Babcock wa thrown
from hi wagon and severely rulsed. He
applied Chamberlain's Pain Balm freely
and says it Is the best liniment be ever
used. Mr. Babcock Is a well known citizen
of North Plain, Conn. There Is nothing
equal to Pain Balm for sprain and
bruise. It will effect a cure In one-third
the time required by any other treat
ment. For sale by G. A. Harding.
Swell Lace Collars iusr 2
(X w ix now bisriir)
Our buyer is now in New York and within a few weeks we
will have on display the smartest and most complete line
of Novelties in Ladies' Wear ever shown in this city.
Priori txtrtmtly Low.
T"V r TrT- -mr latin C 4 nnrfnu oitu
When You Come Right Down
to Positive Facts
.iJ.f.,UPrt0"datue, and uces8ful farmer requires modern and Improved
agricultural machinery. That is the reason we are this year enjoying
such a large sale of 8
nitchell Lewis & Staver Company's Goods.
Ocean and River Schedule
For Hun l-'ranclsco Every five day at
K p in. I 'M Am. ii la. uy iiolnta and
North lleui h- linlly (except Sunday) at
p in ; Haiunliiy at l'l p. in Pally
Tvlre iKiiiei pM milting) on W 1 1 lain
clip and Vamhlll livvia.
Kor it.'inlled Inrm mat Ion of rales.
In. i il iviii't iitlon. etc . cull or writ to
your iiiuii-m ticket agent, r
llellellll I'uSNiMiaer Agent.
The Oregon ltullioud & Nat Igutlun Co.,
I'oi tliuid. ori'iioii.
Portland and The Dalles
All Wsy Landings.
"Ilnll.-y Cuttert." "lialle City."
"Itegulnjor." 'Metlako."
t'imiiiTiltiif at Lyl", Wph., with the Co-
lumlilii Kiwi niul Northern My for
Witliklai'iis, Paly, I'enleivllle, Uolden-
dule uinl all i lli kltiit Valley points.
Hii'itiner Iriiv.s I'oilliind dally (eirept
Huii'l.n i foi Tin- Pulli's. r a. in.; anlvr
The Piillea, il an p ni ; stestner connect
wuh . It. Ik N. train at l.yle for Uol
tli'inlale. Hteainer leaves The Dalle
lull) lexvept Hnnilnyl for Portland at
7 a m ; at l ives Portland. 9 p ill ; C. K.
A N. truin b'avlns lioldi'inlale at :ll
t-nnniTM with the steamer for Portland.
K.trelleut lunula served on all atramar.
Fine ai'cuimiiodatlona for team and
hor detullivl Information of rate,
berth reservations, rullroud and sin
I'linni'i-tlmis. will" or rail upon fl Mo
Poiinld. agent. Alder HI reel Wharf, or
II. C. CAMI'llELU Manager,
Portland. Oregon.
Daily River Schedule
Oregon City Boats Daily Schedule!
Bteamets Altona and Pomona for Sa
lem and way points, b-uve Portland dally
lxeept Hominy) ut 6 46 a. m ; leave Ora
tion City. S IS a. in.; returning, leave
Hitlein, 7 a. m.; leave Oregon City, 4.1
p. m.
Oregon City Transportation Co.
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
. Buy a New Buggy.
And when you make a purchase,
get the best
j The Bee Line Buggies.
In these days of elm, Donlar and
maple spokes, It's something to know
that a vehicle has Guaranteed Hick
ory Wheels, as our Bee Line has.
Tou can't see under the paint Bet
ter trust to a good, reliable, one
price house.
Mitchell. Lewis & Staver Co,
Pure and Mellow
Rich and Delicate
Sol Agency for Oregon City.
See Harper Whlakey Exhibit In
Agricultural Building. Worlds
Fair. St. Louis.
Monarch of the Road.
The best possible wagon that can
De Duut is the
The materials are well seasoned,
having been bought Ave yeara ahead
of requirements. This alone means
Investment of a fortune In wagon
Expert labor used In the construc
Their splendid reputation all over
the country the Northwest In par
ticular demonstrates that
Mitchell Wagons Are All Right
We also carry a full line of cul tlvators, Case plows, Hoosler drills
In fact a complete line of agricultu ral machinery of all kinds. We also
have complete stock of machine oils. A-forf. t ti t-'l ,
How About That Cream Separator?
Make dairying easy and profitable by investing In one. We handle the
Iowa and the American. See them before you buy. Catalogues mailed
Tenth and Main Sts. Oregon City, Oregon
P ly I
Ki. D'ly
July S, lisii
.St. 1 .M. I
7 IK) H IK) ,v
8 O.V (tt ,
H II I Hi .
a ,w h ml .
H -It! It VI' ..
8 oO !) SO ..
8 M 10 OJ
(18 II) 10
.17 1 in :n
10 110 11 M7I
10 08 11 I0j...
10 '.1)11 (rtl ...
10 3iill Ar
Portland . Ar
.. olil ....
Manner i
rvramid .. . ,
. Mayer ....
. Ijumry ....
iatskaul ..
Marshland . .
. Westport
. Clifton ....
. Knappa
. Hvemen
.John Day . . ,
. . Astoria.. Lv
A.M. I
10 H'l
It M,
9 27
0 17
I) on
8 IW:
8 4!l!
8 m i
8 111'
8 071
7 M
7 I'll
0 40
8 :
8 20
8 is)
7 M
7 1
7 M
7 28
7 17
7 02
fl li
6 32
6 1U
11 HA a.
5 SO p. n
11 SO a. m
8 IS a. m
6 15 a. m
2 30 p.ra
9 00 p. ni
9 40 a. m
. 7 40 a. m
ASTORIA ","1?-n
... fl SO p. m
...12 30 p. m
... 80 a. m
All train make close connection sat
Gobi with, all Northern Haclflo trains
to or from th East or Bound point.
At Portland with all trains leaving
Union Depot.
At Astoria with UN, Co.' boats
and rail line, and steamer T. J. PotUr
to nd from Ilwaco and North Bsaoh
T,1!lcl"i mc u Morrlon St., and
Union Depot. J. c. MA TO,
Pen. Passenrer Aft., Atorta, Orttom,
Reduced Rates to St Louis exposition.
The Southern Paclflo Co, will sell round
trip ticket at sreatly reduced rates to
Bt. touts and Chleavn
Loul Expoltlon, on th following dates:
June in, it, lg; July 1, 1, I; Augu.t a,
, 10: September t, 6, T; October t, 4, I.
(Jolnf trip must b completed within
ten days from data of mni r,..u.
fers will ba permitted to start on any
oay that will enable them to reach des
tination within th ten divi limit n.
turn limit ninety day, but not later
than Dec. 31st. 1904.
For full Information aa in rta mil
route call on Agent Southern Paclflo
Co. at Oregon City, Oregon.