Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 17, 1904, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAGE 6.
(Continued from page 1.)
E. L. Hakcr
District No. 33.
l tvoenemior ou Hoy llowoll 44 50
Frank Rakor ,. 50 ej. ciosner 19 oo
District No. 17. j Wui. Clo-sm-r 19 00
John Salisbo $ 7 50 ; W all.-ns 700
John Hunkoy 4 B0 j k.I. Millor 13 00
Henry Kanoy 2 25 , Sam Rany s 00
Fred Bany 22 SO , car Howell 8 00
John Bany 19 00 Henrv iVnrson 8 00
District No. IIS.
40 00 nifiii herein.
Tills ummons la published In tho Ore.
gun City Knlt'i in i for nix weeks, the
Itist publlcntloil thereof being Julie 17,
l mill iiu last in tiij .1 u u- :';, j :i4.
Hy older of Thomas A. Mcltrlde. Judge
of the slae entitled court
Attorney fur l'lulntlfT.
Notice In hcivby given to the legal
J. A. Rold 54 SO voters of School Plsttlct No. ;, Clack-
O. F. Globe 15 00: District No. 34. , anuis county, state o( Oivgon. tluii tit
L. Mautl IS 00 1 O. C. Lumbering Co $14 05 ! amuial h,,l election for etild district
Albert Mailt 18 00 Wilson & Cooke 2 75 i ,,,, ,,,,l tlu '" hull In Otvgon
Geo. Taylor 8 25 j i c. Shaw n 00 I r"-v- o tesu nt tin. hour of
Clark Reed 6 "5 j H. W. Elliott 29 75 ' olm k p. ni and continue "until Hit
Frank Beard 12 00 1 Arthur Tressv S 00 ' ,,'Hlr r K o'clock p. m.. on the Srd Mon-
Sam Bailey 7 50 j John Wanker 5 00
Jas. rarrtsh 7 50 c. Chrlstlanson 21 00
Jas. Shelly 15 00 I James Kdwards 7 87
Jas. Shelly Jr 4 50
Dix Bros 19 50
Shannon Bros 300 00
Lewis Walles 4 50
"William Walles 4 50
Frank Miller 3 00
L. Shaiiber 3 12
Jeff Shaw 47 50
7.. Ellison ' 00
Ct. Aden 1 50
Wm. Sehantz 4 00
B. r . W Iddle 4 00
John Shannon 40 00 J M. Schaver 1 50
M. Schaver Jr 4 50
District No. 35.
Elbert Killen $ 3 00
J. R. Hall 5 00
B. F. Grtfflth 10 00
O. Rambo 7 00
H. W. Goyer 7 00
T. J. Stone 6 00
Wm. Holt 1 00
Dan Herlike 4 00
Joe Donahue 4 00
E. Ponahue 9 00
M. C. Donahue 2 00
J. Ault 5 00
S. B. McKinney 1 00
J. H. James $ 3 00 Proctor & Beers 10 00
C. W. Fredrich 2 55
District No. 19.
J. Adklns ) 1 50
D. L. Trullinger 3 40
J. J. Mallatt IS 00
W. A. Woodside 75
J. J. Mallatt 3 00
District No. 20.
E. Pollock J 1 50
D. A. Miller 2 62
Feter Schiewe 2 62
Geo. Schiewe 2 25
Joseph Pollock 36 25
Cummins & Co 12 87
District No. 21
il.iy, being tho soth Uny of June, l;io4,
which flection la for tlii purpose o( elect
Inn one director to sew for the term of
nve year.
Dated this 3iJ Jay of June, lh4.
W. K. CARt.L. !
Attest: Chairman. '
C. O. T. WILLIAMS. Hoik. ,
TKe MoisefsrmsHer
D. A. James 2 50
Walter Corbet 1 50
D. A. James 5 00
District No. 24.
L. B. Yoder $ 3 00
O. Kylow 9 00
Ed. Mitts R 25
8. Strubahr 7 50
. Sconce 3 00
T. Sconce 3 50
E. Werner 11 23
E. A. Montandon 30 00
A. Lais 2 2S
J. S. Yoder 2 27
L. Hostettler 2 00
E. J. Montandon 1 50
Fred Mohr 1 07
District No. 25.
G. Walch $ 3 30 1
J. Weismandel 31 00
H. H. Hepler 1 50
C. G. Morris 17 23 !
N. P. Adams 6 00 ,
Vick Grimm 4 50 !
F. Lamdre 3 0" !
G. Shear 6 75 I
F. Braner 1 50
F. Klinger 1 50 I
W. Heinze 1 50 I
A. Wilson 2 25
J. Rogpie 3 Oft I
J. Wiehr 3 00 i
C. Yoast 5 25
J. V. Smith 4 50 j
A. Kaxberger : 4 50 !
.T Cliwon 1 Kft !
L. Bowers "". 3 35
D. Harms 3 00
j. li. muruocK A 13 i Attest
H. Bruacn 21 75 :
I. M. Morris 75
Ed. M. Morris 51 25
District No. 26.
P. M. Boyles S 2 00
W. P. Kayler 2 25 f
W. W. Everhart 3 00 I
W. J. E. Vlck 13 50 !
Geo. Case 14 62
Jacob Harless 13 50
J. Trullinger 20 00
W. P. Dibble 16 50
Walter Larson 1 50
W. H. Engle 43 50
Frank Everhart 45 00
J. R. Cole 3 00
Gilbert Engle 1 50
W. A. Shaver 9 00
T. M. Cross 12 00
Isaac Williams 1 50
District No. 27.
P. J. Ridings $ 3 85
J. K. Mount 5 75
S. Adams 6 00
C. F. Jackson 4 50
I. James 6 00
C. Erntson 6 00
J. H. Barth 10 00
J. J. F. Myers 3 00
Gilbert Hatighluru 1 00
Fed Wagner 17 50
District No. 36.
A. J. Lais $ 2 50
Geo. O wings 0 00
X-: 1-1 1 ;
.i.ou otuir j
Ivan Broadwell 7 50
Benton Ktfleu 73
J. C. Reasoner 6 00
Noah Yoder 3 00
Bud Thompson t',G 50
George Hostettler 70 00
Iu the matter of claims examined
and allowed:
Echo Samson, assessor, $32.00; Jus.
F. Nelson, assessor. $104,110 F. J.
Nelsiiu. assessor, $1S.00- J. w. Me-
In the Circuit Court of th 8tt of '
Oivgon. for Clackamas County. j
Alkenane Lawson. rinlntlff, )
Ch.trles Cnrdlnell. Fi-edertck A. Helms.
Kinma J, McLennan, Jocklyn Wn'.J.
Kivdeilck Henry Schwab. John David
Schwab. Marie Louise Schwab, Mary
etta Schwab. Rudolph Luther Schwab, ,
.mil M. B. Keefcr, Defendants.
In the Name of the State of Oregon:
To Frederick A. Helms, Emma J. Mo
I.ennmi, JiH'klyn Bold. Frederick Hniy
Schwab, Jiflin David Schwab, Marie
Louise Schwab. Mai yet la 8chwab and
Rudolph Luther Schwab, sbove named
You and each of your are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the com
I'liilnt tiled aualtut you In the above
milled court and cauxe on or before
isn't always the man who saves money. There are two ways of saving your
money: one Is by putting it in a bank after you get It; the other is to buy where
you get the greatest values for it. In dealing with us you will save money by the
second method, and so by the first method, too. fc j fc
Anility, r. gisiratton. $IS.0": J. W.
UAiutuuu d next Week. I
Legal Notices
notice of annual school
Notice Is hereby given to the legal
voters of School District Xo. C2, Clack
amas county, state of Oreson. that the
annual school mooting for said district
will be held In the county court room.
In the county court house in Oregon Citv.
at the hour of 7:3') o'clock p. m., on the
Jrd Monday, being the loth day of June,
1S04, for the purpose of submitting the
annual report of the directors and clerk
and the transaction of general buslnes.
Dated this the 3rd day of June. lMt.
I -v. ii. CAt.LL.
District Clerk.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given that the under
signed has been duly appointed as exe
cutrix of the estate of Dennis Jerger,
deceased, and all persons having claims
against the said estate must present
them to the undersigned, duly verified,
within -six months of the date of this
notice, at Kelso. Oregon.
Dated May :3, l'j'rt.
Executrix of the estate of Dennis Jer
ger, deceased.
the .'tth day of June. 19't. that being
the last day ordered by the Court for
the publication of this summons.
And If you so fall to appear or unswi r,
The tihiititlflr mOll ..,,,,1.' J......
reuer ueniainiea in tue complaint on
Hie herein, to-wlt:, A decree iletermln
Inff the rights of the several ..vtles
hereto, and the partition of the follow
ing described real estate, to-wlt: A part
of the Helms V. I,. i No. li.V Not Tap:,
in sections l:. :o, 29 and .10. In 'I-. 3
S.. H. 4 K. of tho Wllla.m it.. Meridlu'i.
In Clackamas county, Ores'.r. ; IViJ.iuing
at the most northerly corner of sail
Ciuim and running thence smith V dog.
15 mln. E. along the northeasterly line
of said claim to a point In slit of
sal.l claim N. 5'i d. g. 15 mill. V. 12
chains from the most astrrl comer
of said claim; thence south 5 le. IS j
mln. west 30 ;) chains to the lino sepa
rating husbands from heirs of wife's hr.if
of said claim: thence north 41 dig. 45
min. wejt along said diilillnij line to
the northwesterly line of said claim;
thence north 44 dog. east 8:20 chains
to claim corner; thence north 55 deg. east
to claim corner, the place of beginning.
This summons Is published by order
of Thomas A. MeBrldo, Judge of said
Court, for a period of six (tl) consecutive
weeks, the first , publication to be on
Friday, the 13th day of May, 1904. and
the last to be on Friday, the 24 th day
of June, 1004.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
This hardwood rocker
Cobbler seat $.75.
6 high back Dining
chairs.all hardwood
Morrischair with Pine
needle fibre cushions
fill I lS,,M'" 11
Large size Kitchen
Treasure Flour bins
& drawers all hand
fitted.finished golden
fir, fancy trimmings,
Others for $2.50.
6 foot Extension Tables from
$4.00 up
Pillows $1.00 per pair
Warranted Sewing Machine
W. Marmon 18 00
W. Albright 1 50
F. Marquam 10 15
S. Nicholson 8 25 1
E. Nicholson 6 00
W. Nlchlson 4 13
J. T. Drake 10 50
C. K. Qulnn 9 00
J. Jack 3 00 I
In the County Court of the State of Ore
gon for Clackamas county.
In the matter of the estate of E. W.
Hnmmett, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the under
signed administratrix of the estate of
E Haminett. deceased, has hied In
the County Court of Clackamas county.
Oicaon. tier rtnal account as such admin
istratrix uf said estate, and that Monday,
the lSth day of July. 1904, at the hour
of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day has been
fixed by said court as the time of hear-
j Ing objections to said report and the
I imai settlement or sata estate.
Administratrix of the estate of E. W.
Hammett, deceased.
State of Oregon.
County of Claekamas, ss:
Notice Is hereby given that on Mondav,
the lllh day f July, 1901. at the hour
of 9 o'elock a. m. of said day, at my
office In the court house, I will offer for
S. 1S r-a.e aim ii ei ine lugnest mil'ler lor
AUalliB JS IHI o;inh in hanfl all of tho nmi.rlv lhat
L. Judd 12 00 j Clackamas county ha bought at tax
C. Snirline C 00 ' sal to which It has acquired title. The
C. Giger
J. C. Lehman 4 50 j to day until completed.
n no ' ' win viii iie-iM e iii ine nine and
& '10 i p!ai-e stated and be adjourned from day
M. Leabo 2 2
R. Agerman 75
C. F. Jackson 3 00
J. D. Erntson 3 00
N. C. Jomson 4 50
I. James 7 EO
John Labor 6 00
J. C. Marquam 3 00
J. H. Barth 40 00
District No. 23.
Frank Haun $19 50
Francis Haun 22 15
N. B. Wade 32 65
Ed. Wyland 31 15
Harrison Wilson 7 50
Sheriff Clackamas county. Oreon.
Dated this 10th day of June, 1904.
Oregon City, Oregon June 16. 1904.
Sealed proposals will be received at the
office of C. O. T. Wiillams. district clerk
of School District No. S2. Clackamas
county, Or-uon, until 6 o'clock P. M.,
July 2. 19')4, and then opened, for the
construction 01 closets at the Uarclay
and Kastham school buildings, and con-m-ctlriK
the same with the sewer system
of Oregon City. Plans and specifications
can be seen at the olfke of the said dis
trict clerk. Jhe board of school dlrec
tors reserves the Huh to reieel onv nr
T fl. 111 . 1 r n .... . . . J
d. iruuiuger it oil an mus or parts tnereor.
L. Bowman 3 00 1 Envelopes containing bids should be
rr. vvi.,a c r.n malKMI 1'roposais rot- closets" and ad-
G0. Wyland 6 00 dressed to C. O. T. Williams, school clerk
xiurj. cowman 3 UU or district .no. yi.
J. M.. Nicholson 20 65 ; By ori':V ot the boJr! r,f ""rectors.
- ri3on 24 40 T' ffl"ASS
B. F. Boyles 49 00 i
District No. 29. I SUMMONS.
C. C. Snyder $52 00 ! In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore-
District NO. 32. I , R',n V,r Clackamas County:
John B-itson $ 8 60 W"e nn' i'laint"t'
Gid Butson 50 : Charles M. Cole, Defendant.
A. Jerger 2 25 i To Charles M. Cole, defendant:
Thai Fnlpr 1? nil ' '"i""," ' H' "tat,i of Oregon you
cnas. tpier 12 00 are hereby reo,u!r'-d to appear and answer
GUS Jerg'ir 11 00 ! the comi lalnt hied aKainst you In the
ErneKt Camehl 2 25 i J''ve entitled court and cause on or be-
Ht) TndH a. no 1 f"re the "'nh '3ar of Ju)y- A- D- ISM. or
rim luau 4 UU ; uie plaintirf will take Judgment against
George Todd 3 00 'you for he sum of tlll.ee,, wan Interest
Oliver Todd 3 50 i "" n on at tho rate of per cent per
minium i-i,i lu.jrti. o, lua, ana ior nis
.otlre lor I'uklirsillou.
Timber Land, Act June 3. 1878.
United Mates Land Other. Oregon
City, Oreuon, April 19, 1904.
Motire is hereby iven that in cotnpli
tnce with the provisions of the act ol
Congress of June i, 18.8, entitled "An
act for the isle of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon. Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as extended
to all the 1'ubliu Land States by act of
August 4, 112. F.rik Wik, of Portland,
county of Multnomah State of Oregon,
has this day filed in this office his aorn
statement No. 6400, for the purchase of
the NE'4' of Section No. 24 in Township
No. 4 S, Kange No. 6 East, and will offer
proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purges, and to
establish hie claim to said land before
the Register and Receiver of this office
at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, the
8TH DAY OF JULY, 1904.
He names as witnesses: Alexander
Beck, of Portland, Oregon; Carl Peter
son, of Portland, Oregon; Josephine
Peterson, of Portland, Oregon ; Christina
Wik, of Portland, Oregon.
Anv and all persons claiming adversely
the above-described lands are ecjuest'-d
fto tile their claims in this office on or he
ore said 8'h dav of July, 104.
SO fsst Rubbtr Hots, $3.00.
Toaster, 15 cents.
Oetiei.ii Land Ofllce. Washington,
1 C, May l'J, 1 tin . Notice hereby
giv, n that certain lands In the Grande
I '..Hide Indian Reservation, situated In
Townships 5 and 6 south, Ranges 7 and
H West, in the state of Oiegon, will ha
of' -n d for sale by separate sealed bids,
which will be received by the register
and receiver of the district land olll"e
at Oregon Cltv. Oregon, commencing
on Monday, August 1, 1104, at ! o'clock
a. rn.. ami continuing until Monday,
August s, 1'jot, at 11 o clock a. in., and
no urn will be considered tbat Is not re
c. lved .luring tbe period mentioned. The
wis win tie opened i,y the register and
receiver ol tiie land off ce ineoi one.l
commencing at 1 o'clock p. m., of Mon
day August 8. KiOt. The lands will be
soi'i in accordance wltn rules and regu
lations, and a schedule oartlcularlv de.
scribing the lands to be sold, printed
copies of which may be obtained on appli
cation to the register and receiver of
me land ottlce named, nr upon appli
cation to the General Land Office, W'ash-
ingion, u. u. Each bid must be accom
purlieu ny a certified check, for twenty
per centum of the amount of such bid,
which will be retained and credited as
part payment of the purchnse price
niiouiu me uio oe acccpiea ana tne pur
crisser pay the remaining amount due
and furnish evidence of his cltlienshlp,
or be forfeited If the bid Is accepted and
me amount aue ana evidence or citi
zenship are not furnished In accordance
wun ine rules and regulations.
Approved: Commissioner.
First publication May 27.
Last publication July 29.
Shelf Paper, S cents per bundle
e-quart Milk Pane, SO ctt
for 1-2 doien.
Orate Hook, 30 cents.
Boys' Knife, 15 cents.
Extra Heavy Strainer Milk
Pall. 1100.
wL V- -
. r- . I I Hatchet for the Kitchen, 15 cts.
Heavy Garden Trowel. 10 cts.
White Metal Table Spoons, i lor it cents.
Petition for License. '
To the Hon. County Court, Clackamas
County, Oregon.
We, your petitioners, legal voters uf
Eagle Creek Precinct, said coun
ty and state, respectfully pe
tition your honorable body to
grant unto Landwehr and llaus
lelter a license to sell spirituous, vin
ous and malt liquors In less quantities
than one gallon, In said Eagle Creek
Precinct, for tho period of six months.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given that Lewis
Hauglum has been appointed by the pro
Joseph Taylor
Oiqticv Callftna ...
P TT' FYaiiHin 1 flfl ' An ' undivl h d one-half Interest" In the K ' aoTnlnlstrator "t the estate of Andrew
n f Aiio k o- liaf ,,f Nu- 'JJan.r, and lots one nndiP- Hauglum, deceased, and all claim-
Perman Krause 17 CO '"r r v- 'wr. and n half 0f nw. 1 flueHt"1 t0 pr"'nt c,a,m n,,y verified
, n"fr. o 2- ouarter of s.eiion 3-i. T. 4 S.. R. 6 E., wltn proper vouchers to said admlnls-
, i,. ?! J'', cf Ulli.-.mette M.-ri-jjan and an undivided trator at Cottrell, Oregon, within six
Rob SUhlnaker 1 75 one-third Interest of the W: half of sec- . months from thl. rfn..
L. Hlllsnn 50 1 T- s- l'- 6 Willamette Me- m" , , I, ...
'L 2. , rn ",i:,n' B"1,1 accidlng to law and DaUi May 23'
JOSOpn laylor S M . tj,,u the process tn. r.of be applied to LEWIS HAUGLUM,
J. D. Harms o payment of said claim of fill .M, and Admlnl.trotor r .v, ...... a,..
nreM.nl therenn nnri c.,. .r A ii vl
Ed. Oblander
R. W. Cary
W. F. Cary
Aug. Baeske
A. Havenss
O H Grlmshaw
8. Campbell
Van Meeks
W. F. Klnscy
P. O'Connor
Geo. Burke
J. Corrlgan
W. Baylen
M. E. DeShlelda
G. R. Weeks
John Zobrlst
Jno. B. Miller.
C. Dickey
D. N. Brldenstine
IL B.. Muck
W. Jones
B. W. Wolfo
Ray Havens
C. Moeller
K. Kaiser
Dr. C. U. Smith
M. E. Adklns
E. L. Roy Meyers
C. A. Bwanson
Ernest Johnson
A. B. Cllne
Chas. Beers
W. E Straight
W. Bennett
C. F. Ktone
H. C. Heinle
J. 8. Brackett
J. N. Clthens
G. F. lioy.r
T. A. Miller
8. D. Wartleld
W. J. Wolfe
Jno. R. Casaldy
L. W. Deeth
Louis Tucker
J. E. Bateman
Al Llndsley
J. M. Lyons
W. F. Helpla
as such iidmlnlsiiatrlx of said estate, A,,v persons clulmlng silvers
and that Monday, the :uth day of June, 'L V'r V."V iT'i'TV !!'"' i'u,!'i'? V
ii,,ii ...it . , , ' , . ''ii to in., their claim lii this o IW on or
IHiH. at the hour of ID a. m. of said diy, before said K.th day of August, mm
has been fixed by said Court as the time ALGERNON H. liRESHKR.
of hearing of objections to said report Register.
and thu settlement thereof.
8AUIK E. HTRi iWHRID'iE, Noc0N?",,T ,C"? ,L?,8.:
Administratrix of the Estate of John Al- signed bus been by the County Court of
fred Htiowbrldge, Deceased.
May 13,
Estacada, Ore., May 2, 1904.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned will apply to the Hon. Coun
ty Court of above-named county for
license to sell sslrttuous, vinous and
malt liquors In less quantities thai one
gallon, at tho next term of the Honor
able County Court.
C. H. Koleman
5 I Interest thereon and costs and dhtburse-
P. Hauglum, deceased.
For Transfer License.
In the County Court or Clackamas
County, Oregon, notice Is hereby
given that the undersigned will ap
ply to the above court on the 1st
day of June, 1904, for a permit tosell
spirituous liquors In less auanities
than one quart In Eagle Creek pre
cinct, said county and state under the
license heretofore granted to Geo.
Dated May 6, 1004.
Final Settlement
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County
In the Matter of the Estate of John Al
fred Strowbrldge, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned, administratrix of thj estate
of John Alfred Strowbrldge, deceased,
has filed In the County Court of Clack-
police for lulllrittlii.
Tiinher Land, Act June 3. 1 878.
United Mates Land Ollice, Oregon City,
Oregon, April 25, 11HM.
Notice is hereliy given thai in compli
ance with Hid provisions of the act of
LongrHHs of June 3, 1H7M, entitled -'An I
act for the sain ol timber lands in the!
StteB ol California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extemled to I
all the Public (.and State) by act of Aug-1
li"t 4, 1S;C, Carl Peterson, ol Portland.
county ol Miiltnomali, (State (or Territory)
of Oregon, has this day tiled In this ollice
Ins sworn statement No. (Mill, for the
purchase ol the ft W' ; of Section No. ill
in Township No. 4 S., Kange No. 5 K
and will oiler proof to show that the land
sought is more valuahle for its titnlier or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and
to establish his claim to said laud Is-fore
the Kegister anil Hitcoiver of this ollice
at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, the
Bin nay ot July, iwh.
He names as witnesses: Alex. Beck,
Erlclt Wik, Julhi" JJurk, Edward Uurk,
all of Portland, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above-described lands are requested
to file their claims in this office on or be-
lore Ban! nth day of July, 1H04.
' Register,
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
United Htates Land Ollice, Oregon City,
Oregon, May lit, lum.
Notice Is hereby slven that In romnll.
ance with the provisions of the act of
congress or. June 3, 1X78. entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands In the
states of California. Oregon, Nevada
and Washington Territory," as extended
to all the public lands by act of AumusI
4, ISM,
Jm.nl, U
Of Laglo Creek, county rti Clackamas,
state of Oregon, has this day filed In this
ollice his sworn statemcnr No. (J3"i8 for
the purchase of the Nv 1-4 of the
NW 1-4 of Hectlnn No. 14, In Township
No. 2 H Range No. 6 East, and will offer
proof to show tbat the land sought Is
more valuable for Its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before
me ii-Kisier anu Receiver or tills ollice
st Oregon City. Oreirnn. on Mnn,iv h
I 10th day of August, 1904.
ne names as witnesses: Adelbert Field,
of Portland, Oregon; Ren Korlster, of
Eagle Creek, Oregon: John Korlster, of
Eagle Creek, Oregon; A. S. Fogg, of
the state of Oregon for lb., r,,i,,,i r
t luckamus, appointed admlulstt utor of
the estate of Violet o. Harding, d used.
All persons having Halms against sulil
estate are hereby leipilred to present the
same, properly verified, to the under
signed at the olllre of Hedges Orllllth
In Oregon City, Oregon, within six
months In. m the date of tho I It m t publi
cation of this notice.
. . , , . ' ALFRED J Mrr.LV.
Administrator of the estate of Violet O.
il'iidiiig, dec. -as. i.
1 1 1-: I I & GRIFFITH.
-. . Attorneys for administrator.
Hist publication June in, jum.
In the fonnty Court of tbe state of Ore
gon for I'larkatnas county.
In the inatl.r of the guardianship of
Renlamln Harrison J.i, .ui, and .Myrtle
Maigaretle .laeones ,i,...r.
i r.iiiii vt iiiiern, Henry
ii'oiiiiiiiu. n. .vi. Maion,
Al. .Yin lull. lis
Nllbern, her
and Mis 11.
wife. Itonti.ml,, 11.,.
rlson Jiuuues and Myrtle Margarettsj
Jiicpies to all other, next of kin nnd
persons known and unknown Irileusted
In said guardianship, greeting
In the name of thu slate of Oregon you
and each of you are hereby cited and re
quired to appear In the above entitled
court at the court room thereof at Ore
gon Cltv Oregon, on the tth day of
July li.ui, Rt 10 o'clock a. m., of sahl
day, then nnd there to show cuuse. If
any exist why the petition of thu guard
Ian of said minors should not he granted
and an order should not be made pur
suant to said petition directing the sale
of the Mowing described land, tn-wlt:
The undivided two-thirds Interest of the
above minors In and to the land situ
ated In Clackamas county, Oregon de
scribed as beginning at a point Sl2 feet
from the northeast corner of the y
Foster D. 1j C. said point being on the
north line of a trai t of land described In
Hook "K, page 170, deed records of
Clackamas county, Oregon; thence west
on a continuation of said line 4s.l feet
to the county road and to the northwest
corner of the tract of land owned by
the Jacques heirs; thence southerly along:
the center of the county road m feet
to the center of another county road
thence easterly feet along snld last
mentioned county road to the center of
he O. W. P. & Ry. Co.', right of way;
thence norther v 67U.7 feet i,. it,. .,i....
of beginning, containing 8 2 acres of
land In T. t 8.. R. 4 K W. M
mine ine Honorable Thomas F
Ryan, Judge of th cmmiv ,... r
Clackamas county, Oregon, wlfh tha
of'"Mny,,'iw4.Ct,U't a""tud thU 3Ut aa'
v,. . A- SLEIGHT,
First publication June i. Cleric
Last publication July 1.
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