Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 17, 1904, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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...Short Sidehead Stories...
' t-M 111 1 MM 444 H-f -H'4''t"-VH
Rsturnsd to th ohool. Two runaway
fill stihl.nta of Hie CIk-iiiiiwii (j i ill ii n
Training a. Imol w.'ii, tak.li Inlo rlu'imly
( Muliilln Hniiiliiy evening iiml n-lunieil
U tl.r a.h.H.I Mundny.
Bait Ball Suits Arrlv. Mitnaarr
flliuik, iif lhi (inn., ii City Ci.lla, liiat
'fi-k riTlvril I lie now uniforms Unit
i im iiiinilv iinltnd for 1 h I.h.iI la-tun.
Tim mill iiii Kiiiy, lrliniil.il In nil, Willi
rt ii'tt mid K it cmi.
Dsath at Stafford.-- Hilly A, ami of
Mia Hiiniii.-I 1 In 1.I..1 f. ith it nl the fiiinlly
h"liii' nt HlulToiil Huinlii X, Juiw L.'. I a I Ii
fault.'.! ft 'in n c 1 1 1 ii m H In. 'I'll" llllli'
f II" w wua iitii il 'i yi-at
lump Mill for Mint!. A dounl stamp
mill for tlm mln.-a (if the Moliil f.Yntral
mining ri.mi.any' proper! lea on Ogl.
Cn--k ha Im-mi nurhHS..1 hy tlm mana-
K'ia of tlix (.'.mipiiny, anil I now bring
' tninaiHirti'il to tlm mine. It hm alrco'ly
, i.i-.n ciirrlfil out to tlm Wllliult region.
iiml will li twivnl to Ita rt1-sll14Mtl1.fi aa
, aiM.n Ma I hi' anow will .i-rrnll. Aa trie
siimm.-r ii'lviino. a thi- swmr m.-lls more
unit ni'iri-, ami In a f.-w weeks' 1 1 rn n It la
xi " ti ll to s ( th" mill up ut tin- mine,
I wli'-re h stenm engine will fiirnlah the
Had Oparatlon Psrformsd. Charles
Hpewer, who hii'l aui'h a nmrow j
f i .mi drowning wlilln wmklng for tlm
V. I'. nml I'. Cy. aevernl weeks ko, liiat
wi'i'k hiul mi oi" iiiIIiiii p.-rformeil hy
wni. n several annul pieoea ... urn ..on. )OW,.r f,,r ,, ,.,, Th), ,,e ,,
ww. r..in..y..l from tli llmh th.it ,,,,,,,,,,, ni, ever brought Into the county,
fiHi'li....,! nl th. Il.i.-. Tl, ..ii. riillon , M ,, .,. ()f ,h(. uU. , ,h)
wua suecaafiil. mliilnit linluatiy In Ihla i.art of Oregon
(,llg n,.vrr t,i'ii at nil prominent. A
D.Huhtful Mualcala.-TIm mualml en- , ,,,. Mlll4 (v,rul .mvny
lerillinniem Hint wua given ill inn iiomi.
nl Mia. John A.liuiia liiat Krl.li.y iilirlit
l.y Ihi i.I tal' ut nml fur tlm In ih lit of the,
l.n.lli a' AM aoi li'ty of tin- Flint I'leal.y
t.Mliin I'liiiiih, wua a. l ri 1 1 1 surreas.
Miiiiv of Duumi City's hist v i.llaia mill
prolinase uMIIIiin will be, mud.: to tha
)1 il.i a Ituiliil wim h.nl Tin mliiy
tin. HlnrT.iiil ri'iiH'li'iy.
An Alarm Clock for 25c.
If you wnnl to K.t up iinly and f-id
H rii'iiilha nml 1 limn uitu iilnllntx iiiii lli lii.it. d In tin- iho-! kod all day tnkf a Mttli' Early Rla.-r
Incrtata In Population. Il.uli.w, u town
Of II'1 Itiliiil'lliinia Ilia I Hul'ii.liiy ...'il
tn id il K'.'WIli of 4 i'l run In ii.iiiIii
thui, Wi. ii f.nii' hh tha. u II Kli la, wi'io
ri" uiili'd tu t w i i ti auiii la. mnl aniia.'t.
Tlila h ii 1 1 n m a. uny iufvloiia nrunl In
thi'aa I'lirtM und la alrotitf m;iitlvti ivl
d.'iH'. of any iii.lnilillliy of iiin aulrl'U
III i'li kiiini.a roiiiiiy. Tlm nmilii'ia of
the tl"W in i Iv ul ui" ii. biIiim). a Ji aau,
liny, Klild nml Hurl. I a.
Ki it iii. wlihh wua lli'iniiit hly injovid.
Tin' nuinliiia hy Mia I'luia. Wind l'oi
w.'i" i'a"rlally iiiii"i'lulil".
How About Your lunwir Vacation?
Ni'Wioil, nil Yaiiilim tluy. la th. I.lriil
arnalili. ivaort of the North 1'ai'Mo Coaat.
itoiind tilp Ih ki la ut ai. iiily ri'duri-d
rutia on aiilp fn.in nil Hoiithiiii I'mirio
pohita In Hirgmi on and ufti r Juim Int.
Ak aiciita for fililhrr Infoi tun I Inn and a
huiiilautiirly lltnatinli-d auuvt'iilr hHkh't,
or write to Kilwln Hum", munaniT C. Ml
E. It. H.. Alhuny, lUr , or W. K. Coumn,
(J I' A. 8. I. Co., I'oiilund.
Artlaana Havt a Dane, The mrmhria
! Coin War Subdued. Ouk.,n Clty'a
i Cnlla in"! th.'lr fliat il. fnit ut th lunula
i of th" lluhl.md ti'iiln ut Iliihhurd Hun-
ilny iiftiinoon. th" aior. bilna It to A
i In favor of Marlon county nliw. Th"
f ut m a- of th. kiiiii" wua a h.ini" run hy
I Jiiitiilc.il. nf On null City t uni. wlmae
I il. fi at ri'ault.d from two iinforliumle
I ovi'ithrowa to ai-i oiid Limit by Cnti lmr
Jiiini'laon. riiitti-rli a wn-: Or. City,
l-ttii and Jnni.laon; IIiiI.I.hiiI, Klnnild
mid Miinnlii. Munnlni hud ili'Vi n atrlki--
I inila imulnat Varvi'ti for hla oiloii"lit.
"Many Trout Plantad. Maat"r Flah
Wnnli it Van liiwn wua In ori-n City
r"c.nlly and liit"i- ti.l th. alt.' for the
Halt lii'liliT lit Wlllumi'tt. Fnlla. Cnn
atrurllon of tlila luiLLr will Im r.'aumi-il
und coniiil.'t.d tlila aumriicr, a ncint
ult In th. circuit court having ilnli
llahi'd th. right "f the atlit" to muke the
lroM.a'd linirv. m.nl. Five thouaund
i.r two nt hid tlm.'. Th"a" fiiuioua little
pllla i.jl.ix th.. n.-rv.-a, glw iiit mid fit
nml n fn aliliig nli i i. with a gi ntl" mov.
mint of the Lowila about kiiukfaat
tlni". W. II. llowfll, llouaton, Tex.,
any a "Kiuly I(lu"rn r th. Li at pill mail
fur ciiimtlfiutlon, al'k h'-nitarh", Lllloua
in aa, -ti ." Hold Ly li. A. Ilunlliig.
of Oi.gou City Aaa.mLly No. 7, t'nlt.d ; mountain trout nave tn-. n tak.n to tne
Artlaana, hrld a v.ry rnjoyal.le HKlal ll"-B at the head of Clear Crei k and tha
raalon laal Tlmradiiy night. Imlii I nwlh fork of th. Molalla rlv.r. whare
wua .njoy.d unlll a late hour, after tha I '""V planted. It la the purpoae of
ollowlim proictam had twen given: I'lanolth. hatchery manug.-ment of the atata
aolo, ll.rlha Fred.rlcka; vwal aoln, lira.
M Curtana; recitation, Krma Lruir;
vocal aoln, Mr a. TanK-r, addreaa, Judge
Gordon K. llayra, piano aolo, bertha
Frederlcka; duel, Mr a. Bampaon and
Frank Coiifrr: r.cltutlon, Itoilln Fob-
t . I I.. I T..n.i.b Ina unrll au.l.. I
Badle TolKilari recitation, Vada tloylan.
Refreahnienta, co.ialallng of Ice cream
and cake, were aerved on taatlly decorat
ed tabu-a.
to thoroughly etoi k all of the aullable
atrrama of the county with thla aprclea
of the flah family.
Did Not Want tha Paper. It la not at
II aurprlalng that a man who waa made
defendant In a damage ault for I10.0VO
for all.g.d alienation of the adrctlona of
another man a wife, ehould evidence aoma
bealtancy In allowing tha papera In tha
litigation to be aerved on him. Thla waa
th caa In Oregon City Monday after
goon when Sheriff Shaver attempted to
aerv auch paper on a man named J. .
eed. a itrang.r here, who la bring eucd
by (. O. Jennlnga. a railroad man of
Portland, for th mm of IIO.OUO damage
alltgcd to be the vulue of hla J.nnlnga'
wlfe'a affwtlona. Bwd had avoided the
It-Kiil a.rvli. of th. pap.ra on hlmaelf
for a nunilx'i of d.iya. but wua tlnully lu
cat.d In thla city, and ln-puty rlh.-rllT
Ni.l.li tt und. rtiH.k II. a. ivc H. i d with Ih.
paper. Th. defendant In th. ault d.
cllned to accept eervlce. wh"r.uMin the
olth er Inalaied thut h" ahuiild ai coiniuny
til in to th. ortlcr of th. ahi-rlff. Arriving
tin I e Hli. : Iff Kluiver wua not liiin'h more
aucceealul In making th. ai'ivlce, al
though the pii'ia were finally depoaltid
In Heed a lap.
Will Build Another Mill The manage
ment of the Willamette I'ulp and Paper
company announca that an additional
pulp mill will thla aumm.r be conatruoted
and added to the cornpany'a plant In thla
city. The new mill will aupply the pur
poara that are now aerved by Htatlon A,
which will ultimately L abandoned, and
will be of equal rapacity. It will be
atalloned on th Inland In the Willamette
river, adjoining the company' preaent
building. Conetructlon work on the new
property will begin at one and will fur
nlah employmrnt to about 200 men. The
I mil tnanaeement llt-rltn.a In eat tmule the
coat of the new mill, th conatructlng of
which will Involve an expenditure of
everal thounand dollar.
Mr. McAdam Pealgni At th meet
ing of th Oregon City ichonl board Mon
day evening, the rralgnatlon of Mia. L.
W. McAdam na one of th. piinrlpnla In
the city Bchnnln, waa acccptrd, and Mr.
K. Hhaw. wife of Cuptuln Hhaw, wna
elei ted to Buppty the vacancy. Illda
0. A. Harding
Aaka th. reii.l. ia of thla pa-r to teat th
value of Kodnl IiyepcpalR, Cur.." Thou
peiaoun who hlive tiaed It and who huve
been cured Ly It. do not healtut. to re-
c. iinini-nd It to their frlenda. Kodol dl
geata what you cut, rurra Indlgeatlon, '
d. vn.epnla and all alomm h troublra. In-cn-uaee
ntrength f.y enubllng th. atomach
uud dlgeatlv. organa to contribute to the
lih.il nil of ih. nutriment contained In
the fiaid. Kodol Iyapepla Cure 1
pleHaant and pulutiibl..
Ooetn't Retpect Old Ag.
It' Bhameful when youth fall to
how proper retipcct for old age, but
Jiiut the contrary In the case of Dr.
King' New Life Pll- They cut off
maladies no matter how gevere and
Irreapectlve of old age. Dyspepsia,
Jaundice, Fever, Conntlpatlon all
yield to this perfect Fill. 25c. at
Cbarman & Co. 'a drug atore.
U. B. Church.
Preaching ervlce at th United
Brethren church, head of Seventh itreet.
every Bunday, 11 a. m.; Sunday school It
a. m.i ChrUtlan Endeavor T p. m.;
preaching I p. m. Prayer meeting every
Wednesday evening at I o'clock. All
are cordially Invited to the aervlce.
C. P. Ulanchard, paator.
SUt. of Ohio, City of Toledo,
Central Crop Summary. The week
hua been dry and too cool for rupld
growth. Kxcept In the cyual luiintli a and
a few loculltlea In the Willamette valley,
rain la badly needed for late rrope. Full
wheal and barley are heading nicely and
promise gnod ylelda. Kurly aown wheat,
barley and out a nr nlao lining fairly well,
but lui" w i at In of all klmla la making alow
gi uth, und without timely rnlna will
give iinuauully light returua. Th. nlghla
huve l ei n tno ,'im.I fur corn. Front oc
curred on Bcvcial inornltiKB, but they did
no harm except .net of' th. Cnncudea.
where It la repiuted Hint tender vege
table were kill, d In a few exp.wcd lo
culltlea. Haying la w.-ll Blurted and the
Ural crop of ulf.ilfu haa Keii.rally been
Biiuriil. with yield above the nveiaiie;
but ni. u.lnw liny In not no promlalng, und
a abort crop In liulliiited nearly every
where In th. Wllftamett. valley und
rlouthern Oregon. J'linturag. continue
goml on Hi. range. Ht.u k In In due coii
illtli.n. and th. flow of milk In the dairy
district la excellent. Mops, potntoea,
held onion, augur beet mid garden are
growing nlowlyy, and, although In need
of rain, liuvf not yet Buffered neiiouuly
for lack of molntur.. Btrawberrlea and
rhenlen nr. rip. und of excellent quality.
Apples me doing well, but pears, prunes
and peuchiB are uneven, In some IochI
It lis being good und In other almost a
Lncaa County.
Prank J. Cheney makes oath thaJ
he la senior partner of the firm of
F. J. Cheney ft Co.. doing business
In the City of Toledo, County and
State aforesaid, and that said firm will
pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL
LARS for each and every cas of
Catarrh that cannot be cured by tha
use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscrib
ed In my presence, thla 6th day of
December, A. D. 1SSC.
(Seal.) Notary Public
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter-
imve been unked for cnnmetiiig ib. two nally. and acts directly on the blood
city s.-hooi bull, linn with the city sewer. ! grid mucoim surfaces of the system.
an Improvement that is expected to cost Send for testimonials free.
alH.ut Mto. A floor, either of wood or
Ciiii.Tcte, Will b. provided for the Imne
in. lit at the Kuslhum building, und new
LIuckLoarda will be Inntail.d in the four
lower roomn ut th. Ilurclny building.
Hi i una. of Ih. delerlo ration In the build
ings, and pmtlciilurly the Ilurcluy struc
ture, the bonrd decided to r.duc by
llinio the amount of Innunini-e that Is
being carried on the buildings
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by all dniRKlsts. 75 cents.
Take Hall's Family Pills for- constipation.
Powder Ixploded Prematurely Flunk
Trulllnger. a young man residing at Park
I'lnce, sustained painful Injuries lute
Tuesday afternoon because of th. unex
pected explnaion of u chin g. of powder
with wlilrh he was working. The lud
wits blustlng a Well. He had placed the
rlllllK" of powder, but hefor. he could
leu. h a pluc. of safety the explosive went I
off, fearfully bruising hla face, with the I
result that he may lose' hla right eye. j
which wua pierced by a piece of rock, j
Th" inlddln niig.-is on th. right hand '
were very badly torn and bruised, nn was
ulai. the hand. Ho sever. Won the ex
plnalnn Hint bit of rock were hulled
through th. earn of the unfortunate '
young man. Trulllnger wan taken to the i
linnd Humiirltun hnapltnl for treatment ,
In hopes that hln eye might be saved
For Infants and Children.
Tti8 Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Powder Houses Rmovd. Yesterday
was a day of general rejoicing among th
cltlien of Mllwsukle. who by a plcnlo In
Btrelp park celebrated the glad new
that th powder houaea would be removed
from that place, says the Telegram cor
respondent In Monday' paper. For year
thla has been the conaummatlon devout
ly wished for by all Mllwaukleana. Th
corporation making Mllwaukle a city was
formed with this end In view, and th
movement for th removal of th houe,
wher quantities of powder hav been
stored by th California and Vlgorlt pow
der companies, dates from about 188.
In that year an attempt wss made to
blow up tha house. Since that tlm th
resident of the place hav feared that
som accident might happen which would
cau an explosion, which, had It hap
pened, might hav caused th death of a
large number of th rcaldent of th city.
Those owning the house have sent word
lately to the Mllwaukle authorities that
th powder has been taken away and will
be stored In houses provided for It near
Clackamas. Bpeeches wer made yeter
day by Mayor William Bhlndler, Alder
man Kerr and Charles Lakln. Muale
waa fumlahed by Mr. George Hlvely and
Mr. Smith. Ice cream and lunch wer
served, and th gathering wss largely In
honor of Mayor Bhlndler, th ipeechei
being In congratulation for the accomp
lishment of the long-cherished purpose
of th llttl city.
In th Dlvorc Court. A decree of dl- ;
vorc. was returned by Circuit Judge Mc-
llrlil. ilinnoiviug ine oniiiis 01 matrimony
Lei ween ( leorge A. Moore and Celeste L.
Moore, and awarding to the woman the
custody of the minor children and an al
lowance of 135 per month alimony until
the further order of the court. Two di
vorce suit were Instituted In the Clack
amas county circuit court. Laura J.
Duma I plaintiff In one case. 8 he al
leges that (he waa wedded to Edward M.
Duma at Knowlton, Wisconsin, In 1897,
and charges that Duma called her a liar
and obliged her to work for a living.
Mary E. Hatfield complain that Elijah
D. Hatfield, whom she married at Colum
bus, Kansas. In 1895, deserted her In 1889,
and on these ground aak for legal
separation. Mr. Duma asks to resume
her maiden name, Laura Daniel.
Don.itl levlviUy tlmse who ail
' vi rtie a $ii().(Kj Hewing Machine for
I $J0.(K. Thin kind of a machine can
I be liotiirlit from us or anv of our
dealers from f lo.OO to jlS.OO.
The Feed determines the strenirth or
weakness of Hewing Machines. The
IHtuuie f ea eoini.iii.il with other
strong points makes the ,cvr Home
the bent Hewing Machine to buy.
showing the dif
ferent style of
K.wln Much I ma
we manufacture and price before purchasing
Frost Injur Vottlon. An excep
tionally severs and unceaaonabl frost
on night last week did estenalv Injury
to all kinds of vegetation In Clackamas
county. Vegetable, such as corn, bean,
quash and peas suffered great damage,
while alarm Is felt for the safety of the
potato crop, which has become on of th
main Industries with the fanners of
Clackamas county. Especially In th
low land, the plants of this crop hav
become discolored and It I certain thit
the growth of the vine ba been seri
ously retarded. If not entirely destroyed.
The frost was the most severe tht haa
been experienced In this section for year.
In some localities It Is reported that Ice
formed on standing water. Fruit of all
kinds 1 too far advanced to be Injured
by the severity of the frost. (The fore
going appeared In Sunday's Oregonlan
as a special from Oregon City, but It
ha since developed that the frost did
not do as much damag as was feared.)
38 Union 8q. N. Chicago, 111., Atlanta, Os,
cIL Louls,Mo Dallaa,Tex., Han Francisco, CaJ
C. 6. CRANE, 350 Morrison Street
Portland, Orogon.
Near Huntley's Drug Store,
Great Britain and America.
"apltal, 1100,000 j
Loans mad. Bills discounted. Make eel-'
lections. Buys snd slls exchange ob all points I
la the Pnlteo Bute. Europe sod Bong Koog.
Deposits received sooiect to eases, aaas
span from S a. . to4 r. a.
D. G. LATOURITTE, President.
P. J. allTIE Caaklsr.
Thi Is the wk to
buy a camera.
$(.00 up
Druggists and Booksellers.
Go to Huntley's of
The Busy Store
One week more In which to get a gqaranteei watch for 98c. Fresh stock of
Artificial baits and
Liqoizone, Munyon's Pa Paw, Dr. Ptxshecfc's remedies.
kinds of fishing tackle. j
Inspect our prescription department. We take
pleasure in exhibiting our unusually complete
equipment and in explaining the modern meth
ods we employ in compounding prescriptions.
Superb Soda
It is not by chance that our
soda always tastes so
much better than the or
dinary. There is a reason
and the reason is not hard
to find. Our soda has to be
better than others to keep
up with the reputation of
our store, for always hav
ing the best. It takes lots of
care and lots of work and
it cuts down the profits,
but if you are satisfied, we
are. We spare no, ex
pense, to get the finest
fountain materials to be
had, and if we knew
where we could get bet
ter by paying more, we
would have them.
To Paint?
We are saving people mon
ey on paints every day
and are ready to save fof
you at any time. The
paint saving that counts
most is that embodied in
high quality materials.
The paint that wears long
est is the cheapest That
paint is
and we are sole agents.
We know they outwear
any other paint mixed
or otherwise and we
have proof that we will
gladly submit to you. But
2 you want lead and oil
we have it of guaranteed
highest quality and we
are selling under the Port
land market No trouble
to talk it over with you.
This is the season for
cramps, colic, cholera mor
bus, dysentery and' other
violent stomach and bow
el troubles. These ail
ments give little warning;
better be ready keep a
bottle of
Sqoibb's Cholera Mixture
in the house and be pre-
fiared for every emergency,
t may prevent serious
sickness. We guarantee
it. Price 25c
Prevent Disease
by disinfecting. Its better
than taking medicine. We
have every good thing in
- disinfectants and will
gladly advise you if you
don't know what to get
and how to use it
We have a few special bargains to cameras. They are travelers' samples
slightly marred if yon look close. 30 to 50 per cent discount. j "
No Dark Room. Better Pictures. Load You
r Kodak in I
flight S
Daylight. Develop Your Films in Daylight
That's The
Kodak Way of Photography
Brownie Cameras $ .00 and $2.00
Kodaks $5.00 to $75.00
Developing Machines $2.00 to $7.50
On Monday. June 20th, in the afternoon and
evening we will have a demonstrator from the
Eastman Kodak Co. with us, to show all new
and up-to-date articles in the Photo line such as
Velvet Velox is the Developing Paper you have
been looking for. It gives beautiful detail. Brng
your negative and get a sample print. J
Burmeister & iVndresen
The Oregon City Jewelers