Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 17, 1904, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    PAGE 3.
Nflw To-Day.
fill pip vm.
Ilix' of til'iiui'd hula
ilia C. 'ioldainlth.
ut low-
Personal Mention
ft HWiuIm'I I Minuilnl. Mm. U, . linn-.., Mm.
Ii' lll) !' Mil mil, Mtm. JIlMli' I'ltMN, 3l)HRlH
V'ANTKP "- "in .;!i AN'li Iih'iMIN
11 hnn- f 1. mils Address, atiilliiu chin k -s,
"V," line I'iiid'i n lac,
Hi HIllilM of limney biliUKlllK tu pri
vate Individual which I am author
l.uil to Inn 11, on Iiiiik tl tun ut V ami
7 piT runt. Cost of I'liiu will In
iniuli" very ri'UHdiinlilii. II. K.
Cross, Bum iii') -ut In w.
Fiunce iiml Minn Llvlni ll'iin ullindul a
am In I fiiiii'llini given In I'liilliiml Tuesday
I 1 vi'IiIiin li tin' Hi 11ml Loilae of lh" Kust
I em Hlu'r i.r I he mm.., '1 hv iiivgim I'll
I ImI I hi m ni'iiil u inoal 1'iijn) ulilr ennliig
"iyvir( uyr t i,vvy "e"
Local Lvci;h. j
t'iiiiilui, nt y IImIi mul
Mlaa '. ilolilainlth.
tft i. 0v A aV
aily selling hula.
lied II. . It.. formerly of Oregon City,
Inn now nf Everett, Washington, nun
Mill Mil." K.itlimliie Million, nf Ashland.
M.ip.ii, 11I Kini it Wi-.lii. adny r thin
w..k. I' 1 I ninny fil. lulu In (n j(,,ii
t'lly wlah I1I111 iiiiImiiiiiiIimI siit'.eaa uml
gi.nl huppliiiaa. I'Iiiim u in tint niuiiy
young li-11 who ure fill lunula enough to
wril a Mllll. in.
A anil whs li. nil lust Thuisduy l lt'V.
and Mia. K. I.. Elliott.
A dunce will ho given liy (Iik N. w Era
grange at New F.ia Hall inlay 1 1 1 at 1 1 1 .
Mlaa Killlli Cheney fm iimlly opened IhT
phutogi n 1 . 1 1 1 o alinlln ill Mulit nii'l T.li III
treats yestei.l.iy.
Clill.li.-ii a tiny w II he
Hundny 11101 uliiic ni lln
chunh. All on; w. I. ..im-
iiliaiini" mat
I'l eshytelluri
DiUKUlll I'M lii'll- a' (Hi shoes. II HO In
stead nf I.' 00; luil'l.-a' alines. 37.-; i hll.la'
mu1 nilaaia shoes, TF..' tn II I". Indies'
iut slippers t-iit to !'.''.
Commencing Thursday. June 10. there
Will Ih' U I'liliiplncctlng Ut Ti'ttl"! Creek,
tinder auspices nf M K Church Hmilli.
J. V, I'uila. I', K. ' 8.l.-aa. P. K.
1 At a nii'i-tiiiar wniinfaiiuy i.f th vulnn-
! Hi n ),.)) a of (in hi City, It wm iIh.
clili il lu I'launli" a ln! Iriiin to imrtlii
iui In tlm llii'mcn a tiui'iiumnt thut
will bi hflil In coiiinatlim with tlm Marill
iliua Cunilvul In I'm iIuihI, ami lliu !(
tul lu at Abi.mIii lul-r In llm aumni.-r.
Ki 1111k Miialniila wna -! I.-U cu.litln ut
tlm I111111 uml l.im ri'in d Itiii oiilrli wua
I ma. In iiwiiiiiic.-r. 'I' Im ini'inlii'ia of tli
l.-iitn will Imi a.....ij tlila wi'i'k.
Till- iniiirliiK.i of Mr. Rnl.-it ltov Mo
AI11I11, of Una.iii City, nd Mra. Myrtla
A Hi t' llu nliurl. of Knli'in, w aa eel
In III.-. I ut I 111' Ifal'li'lirn of Mr. Mill Mia.
t'limplii'll at Mi'Mliinvllln Wi-iliii-a'lay,
Jim Iii. Mr. Mi AlpIn la whli ly known In
I n 1011 i lly, wlirro for aome tlm lie haa
lii'i'ii cmi'loyid 11 a tii'iul auliamun at th
Kulr. Tho IjiMi-, u furini-r n-aldmit of
M.-Mliiiivlllr, liua for a nii.iiln r of yiaia
tii'i'ii IIvIiik nt Hiili'in. Mr. am Mia. Mo
Alplii will ii-nl... in 11 roRy cottna on
Ninth M.iln atrii't, mid liuve t lie- bal
wlalirt of III nny fil. n.la for mui.tl liup
I'ln. .
Tin- tiii inl'i-ia nf IIih M. iIio.UkI church
nil i-.iiiKH n.ill'ili will 1 I Ml. ami
Mia. H' lh l.iiiM-na In tli .itil.na nf tho
church mi In M 'I iicail.iy 1 yciiliiK.
limit ami ilcllcloiia uin tlm Cliickamua
louiity alt aw ln'i 1 lea llila ai Haoii, and tha
fruit (hut luia l"'ii r. Inll.-il In the Oration
I lly at. ma Ihla ynir luia bun of vrn
liiiin.ii 11I nuiilliy. Tlic in inly arlity, a
t'nniiiv ,lu.l" Hmiii wna Ihla
rli'i'I'.l lilii'i.l I1HI1 I'llcHI nf Ihr liniml
'huii' i' of Ho Il.ii nl An'li Mnaoiia of
On-K'Hi Thia la li..' Iiiiili.nl honor within
th" Klft nf tin- M.mollk' full-t nliy III till-alnli'.
I.ll.l'.a ll llnlll'-'l hula ut
K' U.h -In U' in In. I". 1'
Tuncy 1 1 1 1 1 n wi.ith dniil'ln, I'L'lji'i
ill III lll'l.ou. f" , 1'' mi I III I II. hull 3i'.
; hilc l iiy. la Jnal bi-lnjc 111111 ki'ti d, and I
,.), j Ihla viii I. I y will aiii)ly l.iiry lovcra fur1
.inli.il.y thi. iiiori. w.'i'ka. Il. i uuac of ;
lh acut-clty of ad n wlici rlca, llu- fruit la '
now ailllnK nl i cut a. hut who would oh- j
J. . I in .m Inn i i. ii 1 wi. e thut amount for
11 i nut hox nf Ihla liiicloiia fruit, ta- :
l'i-hilly w hen lin y rin- iinmu In I
'lu.'kiiiiina cniiiiti ? The local murki-t '
thla y.-nr, na In i;iat a.-ua-ma, liaa bei-n -au.illi'il
hiiK.ly fiom Cimhy.
All 1 1 1 111 ni.-l
ahnpea r-iluc.-d.
hula timl imli liuini'd j
Mlaa ('. inil.lanlllh. I
At the ni.'.'Hiiit nf lh liinn.l I'luipl.-r,
Onhr nf tin- K. hi. -in Hi.ir. for nnaon,
ft-hl nl l'orlli.ii.l. Mra. T. K. Itynn. of
thla i lly, waa . h . li d naain latn miind
fit .-1 1 1 1 Jii'lKi- M.lli l.lr mi Wfiltiraihiy
Bjiuiil.'l Ihl." illi.n.ia ua fnllnWa: I.oHl.i
L. Cuil. e . John II Cimh-o; Wm. Iturp
jicll va. M11I1..I Ku.'i'pi'll; I.auia E. Allla
va. Wm. Allla.
Col. It. A. Miller, who ii..'i la a.inn to
rriinnw to I'.irihui.l to i-naiao In the
tuncll'" 'f law hua 11 . . . I' d IIik Invita
tion and will deliver th K0111 lh of July
oration at l-euuiioli Ihla yral.
A num.' of I ni"" hull will I." played at
Caiieiiiuh pink Hominy nfli'i-tnxm heiweeii
Vlckhnm Hroa. nine, nf I'tirtlainl, and
the iiugon '.'liy 1'iilta. Hainc will l.
ulli"l t 2 30 o'clock.
Oom M iiitnii. ilreat Huihi'm of the
Improved inder nf Ited M 11 of Oieuon.
will pay nn oflli lal vlalt to the memhera
of Wachi'iio Tribe nn the Huturdiiy ali'i-p,
eltflitveiilh aim hot nium, U. 8. U. 413.
Marriage ll. cna. a w. id thla week l
ued by County Clerk Blelght na fullowa:
D. O. Chirk and M. Veala Knlnht; John
C. Welainiindel mid Martha U. Itlilcr;
A. V. rnvla nnd Suaan M. Wlllluma.
ijeniK" .Mi !li l.lc. who la connected with
the leuullH nt Ailoiln. waa In the city
II. la Week to Interext the Im al tire d"
I'littineiit 1..ib In the tlremen'a touma
ineiil Hint la proponed to be caiducled
uKnln thla var In ciniiecllon wltlu the
r.'killa. The Iik-.iI team In at year took
-..iiiid money In every event In which It
had mimed, even If the Aatorla aggre
gation did take one of the principal
i v. nia by 11 fraction of n aecond. The
OiiN'in City file bnya are thinking of
pnitlcll'iilliig In the cmiihal ut vl'n Hand
urlng tin- anmiiier. niiif may not go tn
AH "I Ik. 11 1 1 he .1 ik ll the matter hua tint
been finally a. til.d.
Rice, 4c up; cnrTce like Aiburklea,
IIVjC; biller, 14c; beat c; Tea. 10c up;
anmi'l. a coffee nr teu fiie; 3 riuia mateia
or tomntnea. :5c; leinoiia and nrnnea,
1c; fine cheeae. U'lc S Iba. for 56c; flne
bulk lard. 10c; ISe. puld for egga. Ham
lllon, lied Kront.
An ntlraiilvi) front. Thninaon a Dur
guln Stnn remodeled. 8' e tho new win
dow dlaplaya. Hpeclnl In laill.-a' aiiminer
Veata ehibniulely trlmini'd at 16 cellla,
worth 2i ceiila. Children a mult cups ut
7, 15 and 19 ceiila.
It It eaiy to do Bank
ing by mall. Don't think
becauae you live aome
mllea from a bank that
you cannot have a bank
account or do builne
with ua. Bend ui your
checks and Itema by mall
and you will have prompt
and careful attention. Wo
cheerfully anawer any In
quiries and can serve you
At St. 1'uul'a Kplacupal church the
Rev. V. K. lliiiiiuioiid will be undated nt
the morning nnd evi-nltm act vice nt 11
and 8 o'i'lock by one nf the cb i gi men
attending the I ilo.-caan innvi 11 1 Inn nuw
being held In r.u'll.iii'1.
Dr. (Irn.ee K. 1 In hi. the ludy naleopath.
has recently located In tho Ciardo build
ing, and will bo plcnacd to conault with
all who inny need her servlcea. ' Office
hours between 9 30 a. m. und 6 p. 111. on
Mondays, Wcdiieadnya and Fridays. Con
(Ultutlon free.
The KntciprlM) deahea to again call
tho attention of odvertlaera to the fact
that copy for change of ada mual reach
thla olllce before noun on Wednesday of
each week If the chunge la to be made
for that week's paper. W must Insist
on a compliance with this rulo on the
part of all advei tlaers.
The Bank of
Oregon City
Oregon City,
John Wulainuiidt'l. of Mackaburg, and
Mlaa Martha L. Kliier, of New fcra, wero
married at 3 o'clock Wedneeday after
noon, June 5. nt the residence of Mr.
nnd Mi a. M. I'ormli !;. In Ihla city. Kev.
Moiitkimiery. of l'mihinil. nllh lul lug. .Mr.
and Mra. WclnmaiiJcl will icnldo 011 u
(arm near Muckaburg.
Among those from Oregon City going
to Hood Itlvur thla wuuk to attend tho
a (ate encampment of the O. A. II. were:
Mr. and Mra. W. W. Freeman, Mr. and
Mrs. David McArthur, Mr.' and Mrs. J,
F. Nelaon, Mr. and Mra. J. R. Williams,
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Williams, J. A. Tufts,
J. Doremus. A. Mnytx, W. C. Williams
and Amos Look.
The annunl commencement cxorolpes
of tha St John's Parochial and High
school of Ihla oily w ill bo held at Slilvu-
ly's opera lioue l'riilay evening June
51. Tliei" nre thr. e numbers of the ;
gruduutliiK chn-. viz; Harriett nnd Julia
llsker und I.i wis li.u iy. An inti'ivstlng
program will be rendered, for which an;
adinia.ilun of -j cents will be uaked.
When your purchases at
our ptore aggregate $2o, you
are entitled to an enlarged oil
portrait of yourself. Keinorn
ber.and secure a coupon with
each purchase.
Our stock of groceries is
fresh and complete and the
prices are right. Call and see.
Got one of these fine' port
raits and decorate your home.
A similar opportunity may
not he offered again.
The ELECTRIC Grocery
D. M. KLBISEX, Prop.
Main Street next to Albright's Market
Mra. K. A. HMiilit SP"Mt thla week at
I ',..,!,"
VOX" .
Jmlg" T. K. ll an waa a visitor to
Am. nu to.liy.
II. A. U'ebaler, of Clai kuiims, wua In
I he illy Moll. lay.
ll.'oign Drown wua a vlaltor this week ;
to Uruiila l'aas. j
V. II. llm Khunlt, Hr., of Hulem. wss In
Hi" city yeati'iday.
I Mlaa I'.i ln Kiimaoti spent Bunday with
rrlemla ut Hallow,
T I.. 'liiiiliiiiii was a business vlaltor
lo I 'on allla Ihla week. I
Mra. K. 1. Kby vlalted thla week with
relatives at Kugle Creek. '
Mayor Oiant 1J. I'lmlck spent Bunday j
Willi relatives at Hubburd. I
Mr. and Mra. C. 0. Huntley visited
Dm low Monday afternoon. j
In. J. J. 1-avltt, of Molalla. wua a via- 1
Itor to thla city Wednesday. J
Mlaa l.lsxie Wulker has returned from '
an eatemled vlalt at Ilaker City, i
Ituy ll.irlnel, of Clackamas, waa a bual
maa vlallor to Oregon City Wednesday.
Mrs. T. I'. hundull visited In Portland
tills Week, the gueat of Miss Bchrelner.
J. Pollock, a successful furmer of the
Illghluml section, wus In the city Thurs
day, K. P. Hands was In the Clue River
country this week performing some sur- I
Vevlllg. I
Mrs. Llnnwood IC. Jones left Tuesday '
iii.niiitig for linker City for a visit with !
relatives. j
A. Ko. her. the Implement dealer at
Canby, was In tlm city this week on
Judge Win. (Jallowny has returned ;
from Kpokune, where he tins been on legal 1
biialneaa. j
Mra. II. K. Btevens, of Mllwaukle, has
been visit I rig with Mrs. Jennie lilngham
ui 1 '1111. 1111. h. ;
Kdltor Bhlrley liuck, of the Courier,
necompiitili .1 by Mrs. p.uck. spuit Sunday '
ul Jlulihaid.
1". II. Hilton, of Canby, transacted
business In Oregon City the hitler part '
of hint week. j
Mia. I.. 1,. porter luia gone to lint
Lake. Lutein Oiegon, to rcini'n for
ahoiil u month. '
N. T. Wilson, a nierclinijt of Eugene,
haa been vIMiIng Mr. und Mrs. C. A.
Nanh at Cla.latoiie. !
Mlna lierinnle ruircloiigh and Mlas
Florence Weelolef lift this Week for a
abort tlait nt Hood River. !
Mlaa Maysh- Foster, a teacher In 'the
iii'gon City public schools, baa-gone to
Hoiilhern Oregon for a visit. 1
Mm-, a Vi-sta and Veva Knight, of Can- .
by. Hailed several daya last Week with
the Mlaa.-a Uleason III thla city. '
.Mra. Coin I.ankliis, of Eureka. Call
f.iinlu. Is vlaltlng with her slater-in-law, ;
Mrs. I has. Cuttu, at the Iirunswlck.
Cliua. Cuttu, proprietor of the Bruns
wick, Is spending a few days at Wllholt
Bluings for recuperative purposes.
Mlas Lillian Horn, who haa been In the
Philippines for several months, Is ex
pected to M'rlve home this week.
k Flunk Weleh, Ernest Smith. Fred Par
ker un.l Or. c. V. Love have gone to the
hrudwuteis of the Clackumas for an out
ing. Leo Roaensteln. aon of O. Rosenateln,
has returned from Corvallla, where ha
bus been unending the state agricultural
W. K. Marshall was 111 the city from
Highland this week and went to Port
land Thursday to uttend the wedding of
a friend.
A. V. DuvIk, a leading farmer from
Mariiiam. wua In the city Thursday. He
reports that the farmers are In serious
need nf ruin.
Mra. G. W. Church haa returned from
11 visit with her sons. Curl and J. W.
Church at Walla Walla and Llnd, Wash
Inglnii, respectively.
Dr. W. W. Christie, of Portland, la In
the clly to remain until the return of
Dr. C. D. Love, who Is having an outing
In the mountains.
Hon. W. E. Grace, of Baker City, vli
lied in Oiegon City thla week, while at
tending the sessions of the Grand Lodge
of Masons in Portland.
Mrs. It. J. Moore has returned from The
Dall.s. and visited this week with her
daughter, Mrs. O. ,D. Eby, before re
turning to her home at Molalla,
J. W. Thomas, of Molalla. was tn tho
city this week In the Interest of business
pertaining to the Molalla telephone ays
Molalla telephone system.
Miss Lillian Hackelman, who for many
! months bus been employed as steno-
grnpher In the ottlre of Col. R. A. Miller,
w ill n muvi' to Portland shortly,
"ionlon Mnnres and Francis Galloway I
have returned from Eugene, where they
have been .ill. Muling the state university
nnd will spend the summer vacation In
this city.
Mortimer D. Lntoiirctto was among
those who successfully passed the re
quired examination before the state su
preme court last week for admission to
the bar.
Chns. T. Tooie, of Wllsonvllle, was In
the city the first of the week. He reports j
that the people of his locality are pre-1
paring for a grand celebration of Inde-
pelidenee Day. )
A. J. Rlngoi a prominent farmer of
Clarks, was In the city Saturday. He
docs not think the frost of last week did ;
any great damage to vegetation In his I
section of the country.
Dr. It. R. Chase, of Flint, Michigan, j
visited Mr. and Mra. E. D. Kelly this
week. They were old neighbors In the
East, but had not seen each other for !
more than forty years. j
Zadoo J. Rlggs, a drug merchant of
Salem, was In the city Tuesday on his
way to Portland, where he went to attend
a meeting of the state board of pharmacy.
of which he la a member.
Col. R. A. Miller went to Portland
Wednesday to arrange his new office ',
quarters in the Commercial building. I
where he will In tha future be located,'
having decided to remove form Oregon
City. - J
Jack Latoiuette and Gordon Moores
have returned from Eugene, where they
have been attending the state university. :
Ilcsldea being proficient In their classes,
theso young men added to their fame
this year as sturdy athletes. i
Miss Maud Cochran, of Aurora, was
among the members of this yen '" gradu
ating cluss from the State Agi icultural
college at Corvallls. Miss Cochran was ,
class anlutatorlan and also gave an In
teresting paper on "Butterflies of Ore
gon." 1
(Dtotihies with
iyle to Tkm
:' ill
';, . ffU
V rii.lMnrt Ca
Tl Men are often critical they Ioiotv exactly what
they want when going to buy clothes. Gitical
men can come here with a preconceived idea of
what they want, and their desires will be satisfied
in every detail. To be well dressed is after all as
much a matter of judgment as of money. It
merely involves good judgment in selecting a
reliable value at a price consistent with the quality.
T. Our clothing is reliable and is sold at the very
lowest prices which the quality of the goods and
a safe business policy will warrant. j j
We Must
Reduce Our Stock
T In order to do so are compelled to make stirring
values in clothing. Note some of our many .
record-breaking bargains :
$10 black clay worsted suits, very nobby, to
go at . . . $6.45
$10 blue serge suits, all wool, right up to
date, to go at . . . $6.45
$12.50 suits in the newest patterns, latest
military cut, now . . . $9.60
'' Many other values in men's and children's clothing, furnishings, shoes,
etc., that we defy competition. Come and look over our exposition of
money saving values. ?
Clothier & Furnisher
Sole agent for W. L. Douglas Shoes, H. S. & M. Clothing and Hawes Hats
Mrs. C. W. Canong and Mrs. T. M.
Long visited Barlow the latter part of last
J. U. Campbell left Wednesday for Chi
cago, where he will attend the national
Republican convention on the 21at lnat.
as one of the eight delegates from thla
atate. Mr. Campbell will visit the Bt.
Louis Exposition before returning, and
expects to be absent about three weeks.
Hon. R. A. Miller, of Oregon City, waa
in the city yesterday to attend the fune
ral of his sister-in-law, Miss Jennie
Griffith, who died In the Waldo Hills.
Col. Miller will remove to Portland this
week, where he will have his headquar
ters In the future. His friends may find
him In the Comm:rclal building. Salem
Statesman, June 15.
Drs. Beatie & Beatle. Dentists.
Rooms 1C. 17. 18. Welnhard building.
You Bet You Can.
You can be a strong man or woman
by buying the great nerve tonic, Pal
mo Tablets, sold by Howell & Jones.
They make you sleep and grow fat
According to a bulletin recently Issued
by the State Agricultural college at Cor
vallls, It 14 noted that there are many
young people from Clackamas county In
attendance at that school. Among; those
whose names appear In the list of stu
dents are: Maud Elizabeth Cochran, Au
rora; Alyce Lena Rusk, Mllwaukle; senior
class; Eunice E. Gard field, Oswego;
Theodore A. G arrow and Merrill Bruce
Moores, Oregon City, Juniors; Frank A.
Dowty, Currlnsvllle, Fred C. Ewlng, Os
wego; Frank E. Hall. Mllwaukle; John
L. Rlngo, Molalla; Fred M. Roth, Canby;
sophomores; Cecil C. Clark, Logan; John
W. Darling, Oregon City; Clyde Engle,
Molalla; Everett R, Greene, Oregon City;
Benjamin H. Greenhaw, Boring; Clyde
W. Hughes, Hugh W. Jonea, John C.
Knapp, Oregon City; Frederick Knaus,
Oswego; Leo J. Rosenateln, Oregon City;
Herbert A. Thompson, Canby; freshmen;
George R. Cummlngs. Canby, sub-fresh
man. Among the Clackamas county stu
dents who are registered as special stu
dents are Annie C. Ewlng, Oswego; Ger
trude E. Moores, Oregon City.
Superior Work
Lowest Prices
The Enterprise, fl.50 a year, and worth
the money.
That is what you get when A.
Mihlstin does your plumbing
work. He does general tinning,
plumbing and jobbing busi-
ness. Estimates cheerfully
furnished. Hot air heating
fixtuies manufactured and
into the storeroom adj'oining the poet of-tii-e.
We carry a complete line of new
ami second hand stoves and furniture.
Highest prices paid for all kinds of junk.
Sugarman. & Co.
Let us give you prices
on your Lead and Oil,
Dry Colors, ete. :::;::
Canned Coats
We guarantee Pure Pre
pared Paint to stand or
repaint your house. : :
There are many brands and quali
ties of mixed paints. Some
are adulterated and are expen
sive at any price. Some are
advertised as High Grade and
are high in cost and imperfectly
prepared. .
It is perfectly prepared and you ob
tain just exactly what you pay
for. Its increased use by prac
tical and progressive painters is
the best evidence of its merits.
A few bargains in the Paint line
Davis Varnish Stain, quarts . . . 50c
" 1-2 pints. . . 20c
Acme Wood Stain, quarts .... 50c
Neals Bath Tub Enamel, qts . . . 75c
44 " pints ... 50c
" " " " 1-2 pts . . . 25c
Neals Carriage -Paints, quarts ... 60c
pints ... 40c
" 1-2 pts ... 30c
We guarantee Pare Prepared Paint to
be strictly pure White Lead, Oxide of
Zinc and Pore Linseed Oil.