Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 10, 1904, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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Suspension Bridge Corner
t u p e k d o u
At prices that are anmatchafete. A saving to yog from 20 to 40 per cent off regular prices. Season being well advanced we have
made sharp price redactions as we do not aim to carry goods over from one season into another.
Men's $15.00 salts, cheviots home
spans or worsteds at the
low price of
Men's $12 softs in the very best of
good makes and styles, now
selling at
Men's $(0.00 all wool suits? splen
did materials. Sale
price only
and union Pacific
' 11 III 0 AJ L Y -
' Through I'lilliimn atanduid ami Tour.
lt slipping rara dully li Omaha, Chicago,
' HpokMiit; tourist Uriilngr rata dally l
I Kun.au I'lty, lliriMmh Pullman tourist
I rUtiiIiiii cur (usonully conducted)
I wki'KIv Iii fliliugo, Kansas City, rm-lln-j
lug cluilie ("iita fie 10 (li eaat dally.)
Portland to Chicago
No Change of Cam.
Men's AH Wool Pants
Regular $3.00 qualities. On sale at
Men's Worsted Pants
$3.00 grade at remarkably low price of
A Sale Without a. Parallel
Oar parpose in making soch prices is to dispose of seasonable goods. SPECIAL FOR THE CHILDREN, to help them celebrate the .
Foarth of Jaly, a liberal amopnt of Firecrackers will be given with each purchase of Shoes or Clothing.
Mens' Straw Hats
"$2.00 grade reduced to $1.35
$1.50 grade reduced to $1.00
$1.00 grade reduced to 70c
75c grade reduced to 45c
50c grade reduced to 38c
All boys' 50c straw hats at 33c
All boys 25c straw hats at 1 9c
36-inch Percale 12 1-2 grade.
Per yard . . 9c
30-inch organdies. All shades.
Reduced to . . 10c
Wash silks; crystal cords; 50c
quality at price of . 38c
All our 12 1-2 lawns and lace
striped organdies at remark
ably low price of of . 9c
San silk; two balls for . 5c
15c waist sets at . . 9c
25c waist sets at . . 15c
Finishing braid during sale at
price of 3 for . . JOc
Ball and socket fasteners.black
or white; card of 2 doz. . 7c
Kimona handkerchiefs; regular
price 12 l-2c; on sale at . 8c
Shirt Waists
Clean up sale in shirt waists
Regular 75c waists now . 58c
Regular $1.00 waists now . 78c
Regular $1.25 waists now - 88c
Portland HlMM'lal
I It a. m
l it p m
via. Hunt
In g tun
ft. Taiil
Ka.t Mall,
1pm via
Tim aohedrflea.
Unit t aka, Penvar.
Kl. Worth, Omaha.
Kanaa City. HI.
loiui. Chicago and
..lit IaU. Denver,
Kt Worth. Omaha.
Kanaa City. Ht
0 P. a.
10:14 l
Chicago lld
Wall Wall. Iw
laton, Hpokan. Mm-n-aK)lla.
Ht. Paul,
Dulmh. Milwaukee.
Chicago and bast.
l it . I
Ocean and River Schedule
Kor Ban Krandeco Kvry Ave daya at
I p m Kor Aatorl. way points, and
North t-h ally i except Sunday! at
I p. in ; Haturday at to p. ni Pally
wrvlre (water pnrtnlttlhg) on Wlllua
It and Yamhill rivet
For detailed Information of rata.
ImtiIi reservation, i-tc. call or writ to
your m-arrfi tl'kt ag-nt. or
(1i.ni.ral Passenger Agent.
The Oregon lUllrouJ k Navigation Co.,
fortland, urrgo.
Furnished Every Week by the Clack
amai Abstract & Trust Company.
O. W. P. T. S. Co. to J. W. Reed,
lot 10, block 16. Estacada. $75.
L. G. Carpenter to C. S. McKown,
lot , block 7. Estacada, $300.
H. N. Flanders to G. G. Jones, lot
8, Pleasant Hill, $850.
H. S. C. Phelps to Bauer & Blanch
ard. lot 5, block 2, New Era. $16.
M. Bauer to G. H. Brown, half In
terest In lot 5, block 2, Canby, $50
Oregon Country by Captain I-wla and I Take the burn out; heal the wound;
Clark, commanding a government expe- j cure the pain. Dr. Thorn' Electric
dition which had been commissioned by ' Oil. the household remedy.
President Jefferson.
Tremendous progress ha been made by '
the Oreeon Country In rerent ver. Thi, I WHAT WIL- THE WEATHER BET
region comprised all of the present state
of Oregon. Washington and Idaho and
the western parts of Montana and Wyo
ming. Its area, when explored In 1405-04.
was 3o7.WO square miles, nearly eo.ua!
to that of Italy and Spain combined. Its
population In 1S50 was 13.300. while In
IH04 It la I.SOQ.'iOO. In IS50 It produced
274.000 bushel of grain, and In 1900 over
lonth If June. Co
D. Fellows to C. Galloway, ne4 of H4.0o0.00o bushels. It manufactures have
nw4, sw of nwi of sec. 3, 4, 3 e,
21 acres in sec. 34, 3, 3 e, 71650.
F. Erickson to M. Behrendt, wVz of
nw and of swV4 of sec. 20, a,
3 e, $875.
M. J. Albright to M. Marchbank, lots
6, 7, 8 and 9, sec. 10. 4, 4 e, $400.
S. L. Ld. & Imp. Co. to W. R. Allen,
lots 1 and 2. tract 59, Oak Grove, $365
A. H. Miller to B. F. Linn, se of
sec. 34, 3. 5 e, $1600.
.Wm. White to J. E. Makinster. 90
acres in CI. 39, 4, 2 e. $2800.
H. Johnson to E. Tlhel, 4 acres In
Bee. 5, 6, 1 e, $250.
E. H. Cooper to T. Hartwein, ae
of se'4 of sec. 22, 4, 3 e, $15.
O. k C. R. R. Co. to J. Mulvey, w
of the se4 of sec. 1, 4, 4 e, $480.
J. J. Johnson to J. W. Loder, Mia-
thorn property, $1.
A. Ridings to D. E. Sklrvln, 40 acres
In sec. 10, 6, 1 e, $350.
L. Gerlinger to C. Burkhardt, 1954
acres In 2, 4 e, $22,500.
R. B. Beatie to 8. P. Davis, lots 1
and 2, block 3, Beatie's Add, $180.
L. E. Cooke et al to S. P. Davis, lots
3 and 4, block 3, Beatie's Add, $175.
J. C. Elliott to J. C. Royer, whi of
nw4 or sec. 17, and 4 acres In 8 and
8, in 2 e, $450
W. Simmons to Q. W. Atwood, 100
acres In CI. 45, 4, 2 e, $2800.
The Clackamas Abstract & Trust
company are owners of the only com'
plete abstract plant In Clackamas
county. Prompt and reliable work
on abort notice. All work guaranteed.
Abstracts made, money loaned, mort
gages foreclosed, trusts executed,
estates settled, and titles perfected.
J. F. CLARK, Atty.-at-Law,
President and Manager.
Office over Bank of Oregon City.
Full Information About the Great State
of the Pacific Northwest.
."Oregon" Is the title of a handsomely
Illustrated 96 -page booklet, descriptive of
the resource and Industrie of the great
tate of the North Pacific Coast and the
inducement it offer to settler and in
vestors. There are chapter, also, on
the state of Washington, Idaho, Mon
tana and Wyoming. Several page are
devoted to the Lewi and Clark Centen
nial Exposition, which will be held at
Portland In 1906 to celebrate the 100th
anniversary of the exploration of the
grown from IJ.l'50.000 In 1S50 to $J00.
000.000 in VMi. It now annually adds n
the nation's store of wealth 170.000.000
in gold, silver, copper and lead.
Concerning the present state of Ore
gon, the following fact are shown:
Value of the standing timber at an
average price of 112 per thousand feet
for lumber. I3.600.000.000; foreign com
merce. $12.00.000 a year; exports of
breadstuCfs In 1903. 13,633.619; govern
ment and state lands open to settlement,
23.350.000 acres; output of dairies, 13.
500.00 a year; annual production of hops,
16,000.000 pound; value of poultry and
egifs. $4,250,000; value of livestock, $34.
000.000; value of manufacturing output,
$S4. 000.000 a year; output of fisheries. $3,-
000.000 a year; value of orchard products,
13 .000.000 a year; product of mine. 5,-
O'D.OOO a year. Climate, Irrigation, edu
cation, scenery and many other topics of
Interest to settlers, investor and tour
ist are fully treated.
Portland, the principal city of Oregon,
1 shown to have a population of 125,000,
a against 821 In 1350. It Jobbing trade
amounts to $175,000,000 a year, and It
manufacture to $49,500,000. Since 1900.
It ha erected nearly $10,000,000 worth of
new building. It ha 163 1-2 mile of
electric stret car lines and annually cut
400,000,000 feet of lumber. It bank de
posit amount to $35,000,000. Eight large
steamship, aggregating 60,000 ton, ply
between It wharves and the Oriental
One of the principal purpose of the
Lewis and Clark Exposition la to bring
the United State and the Oriental ctfun
trie Into closer trade relations. If Asia
and Oceanic would buy, for each inhab
itant, as little as half a cen't worth of
good per day from Uucle Sam, the for
eign exports of the United State would
increase to the extent of $4,260,000 per
day, and $1,551,250,000 per year.
Oat for the Month of June. Complied
by Portland Forecast Official.
The following data, covering a p-rlod of
32 years, have been compiled from the
weather buerau records at Portland. Ore
gon. They are issued to show the con
ditions that haAe prevailed, during the
month In question, for the above period
of years, but must not be construed
a forecast of the weather condition for
the coming month.
Month of Jun for 32 Year.
Mean or normal temperature, C2 de
The warmest month wa that of 1839.
with an average of 66 degree.
The coldest month wa that of 1893,
with an average of 63 degree.
The highest temperature wa 99 de
grees on June 17, 17.
The lowest temperature was 29 de
gree. on June 4, 1875, and June 6, 1899.
The earliest date on which first "klll
nlg frost occurred In autumn, Oct. 13.
Average date on which first 'killing"
frost occurred In autumn. Nov. IS.
Average date on which last "killing"
frost occurred In spring, March 17.
The latest date on which last "killing"
frost occurred in spring. May 9.
Precipitation (Rain or Melted Snow).
Average for the month. 1.74 Inches.
Average number of days with .01 of an
Inch or more, 10.
The greatest monthly precipitation was
5.28 inches In 1883.
The least monthly precipitation was
.08 inch in 1333.
The greatest amount of precipitation
It Will Be to Your Interest,
If you contemplate visiting the St.
Louis Exposition, to secure reliable in
form aation as to railroad service, the
lowest rates and the best routes. Also
as to local conditions in St. Louis; hotel,
etc., etc.
If you will write the undersigned, stat
ing what information you desire, the
same will be promptly furnished. If we
do not have it on hand, will secure it
for you If possible, and without any ex
pense to you. Address.
Commercial Agent, 142 Third street,
Portland, Ore.
recorded In any 24 consecutive hour was
1.85 Inches on June 17. 1173.
The greatest amount of snowfall re
corded In any 24 consecutive hour (re
cord extending to winter of 1S84-5 only)
wa None.
Clouds and Weather.
Average number of clear day. 8;
partly cloudy days. 10; cloudy duy. 12.
The prevailing winds have been from
the northwest.
The average hourly velocity of the wind
Is 6 miles per hour.
The highest velocity of the wind was
53 miles, from the south, on June 2, 13;4.
Station: Portland. Oregon.
Date of Issue: May 27, 1904.
District Forecuster, Weather Bureau.
A Costly Mistake.
Blunder are sometimes very' expen
sive. Occasionally life Itself is the price
of a mistake, but you'll never be wrong
If you take Dr. King's New Life Pills
for Dyspepsia. Dliilness. Headache,
Liver or Bowel troubles. They are gen
tle, yet thorough. 25c, at Charman at
Co.' drug tore.
For a Hundred Years.
Kor a hundred yers or more Witch
Hax.d hua been n gnlied as superior
remedy, but It remained for E. U. KeWItt
& To., of Chicago, to discover how to
combine the vlrtuea of Witch Hue with
other antiseptics. In the form of a sulve.
DeWItt Witch Kami Hulve Is the beat
salve In the world for sore, cuts. bums,
bruises and piles. The high standing of
thl salve ha given rise to counter
feits, and the public Is advised to look
for the name "DeWItt" on the package,
and accept no other. Hold by U. A.
Portland and The Dalles
All Way Landings.
"Itnllcy lialiert." "Dalle City."
Ilegulator." "Metlako."
Connecting at I.yle. Wash , with the Co
lombia Itlver.und Northern (y. for
Waltklui'tis. Duly, nter llle, (iolden
dale and all t'lbkltat Valley point.
nmT Ir.iY-ra rottlund daily (except
Hundit) i for The Dulles. 7 a. m.; arrives)
The l,-a, (1 30 p in ; stenmer connect
with ('. H N. tiuln at l.yla for Uol
dendale. Hteamer leaves The Dalle
dally (except Monday i for Portland at
7am; arrtvea Cortland. 4 p. m. ; C K.
A N. tiuln leevlng Ooldcndale at I II
connects with the steamer for Portland.
Kwll.Mit meals served on all steamer.
Klne accommodation for team and
for deluded Information of rata,
berth reservations, railroad and stag
connections, write or call upon H. Mo
Donald, uacnt. Alder Htreet Wharf, of
H C. CAMI'lllCLL. Manager,
Portland. Oregon.
Horace T. Eastman, the Inventor of the
locomotive pilot. nld the other day:
"This morning I wa sitting In a drug
store waiting to get a prescription filled
when a young Irishman entered. The
Irishman pointed to a stack of green
Castile soap and laid: 'Ol want a loomp
o' thot.' 'Very well, sir," said the clerk;
'will you have It scented or unscentedT
OI'll take ut with me," uld the Irishman.
Job work that pleasua at the En
terprise offloe.
When You Come Right Down
to Positive Facts
The up-to-date and successful far mer requires modern and improved
s vuiimu uinciuuery. mai is me reason we are this year enJoylntt
such a large sale of
nitchell Lewis & Staver Company's Goods.
River Schedule
Oregon City Boit Dally Schdult
Hteamers Alton and Pomona for Ha
lem and way point leave Portland dally
(except HiimliiyHwt :45 a. m ; leave Ore-
Son city, till a. m ; returning, leave
alcin, i a. m.; leave Oregon City, 4 It
p. m. -
Oregon City Transportation Co.
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
Subscribe for The Enterprise.
Pure and Mellow
Rich' and Delicate
Sole Agency for Oregon City.
Bee Harper WVilskey Exhibit In
Agricultural Building. World
Fair. St. Louis.
Buy a New Buggy.
And when you make a purchase,
get the best
The Bee Line Buggies.
In these days of elm, poplar and
maple spokes, It's something to know
that a vehicle has Guaranteed Hick
ory Wheels, as our Bee Line has.
Tou can't see under the paint Bet
ter trust to a good, reliable, one
price house.
Mitchell. Lewis & Staver Co.
Monarch of the Road.
The best possible wagon that can
ne ouiit is the
The materials are well seasoned,
naving Deen bought Ave years ahead
of requirements. This alone means
investment of a fortune In wagon
Expert labor used in the construe
Their splendid reputation all over
tne country the Northwest In par
tlcular demonstrates that
Mitchell Wagons Are All Right
We also carry a full line of cul tlvators, Case plows, Hoosier drills
in fact a complete line of agricultu ral machinery of all kinds. We also
u-.o wiuiin ia. ui uiacuiuB una. i m jVi . irir f t
How About That Cream Separator?
Make dairying easy and profitable by investing in one. We handle the
Iowa and the American. See them before you buy. Catalogues mailed
I Tenth and Main Sts.
Oregon City, Oregon
I) ly
1 Ellectlv
July s, vn
7 W) OUl.v Portii.d Ar II 10 9 40
a (IV O OA ; ,n
A V 9 Oo
g 2l It I
M tf Vi
H 4t I) 0
H AOi !l
8 OS Ml (M,
OH.Ilf 10
lit Ml 21
9 37I0 :w
10 OOill 67
10 (W 11 ll)
10 20' II Oo
10 30 II 30i
l't ramlil .. . .
. Mayner ....
. Quitx-y ....
lamkaiil ..
Marshland ..
. W'Mtport . . .
. I'llfto!
. Knappa.,..
. H re mien ...
.John I)r . ..
Ar.. Astoria.. Lv
10 bo 8 an
9 52 H 20
1) Anj H 00
9 27
9 17
9 ON
H 4!t
8 33
8 07
7 M
7 4.V
7 ft4
7 41
7 38
7 3H
7 17
7 02
6 42
6 82
6 2o
6 1Q
11 33 a.
S 60 p. n
11 SO a. ru
8 19 a. ni .
6 13 a. ni
2 30p
8 OO p
9 40 a. ni. .. J
a. m . . . I
p.m ... 1
p.m .. f
. . 7 40 a. m
.. 4 00 p.m
..10 30a. ra
. . 6 fit) p. m
..12 30 p.m
.. 7 20 p.m
.. 1 30 p.m
.. 60 a. m
r,t tr,'n" n,.ttk cl connection aat
Gobi with ail Northern Farina trains
to or from the Eat or Bound point.
tiV IJ?rtl,,n' wl" all train leaving
Union Depot.
. At A.torla with I. R. A N. Co. boats
and rail line, and ateamer T. J. Potter,
to and from Ilwaco and North Beaok
Ticket nfflee. 4KK vrnn-i. a m
Union Depot. J. c. MAYO.
uen. Passenger Agt, Atorl Oregon.
Reduced Rate to 8t. Louis Exposition.
i ne Houtnern Paclflo Co. will aell round
trip ticket at greatly reduced rate to
Bt Loul and Chicago account th fit.
Loul Expoltion, on th following- datea:
Jun It, 17, 18; July 1, , ; Auguat f,
, 10; September B, 6, 7; October I. 4, I.
uoing trip must be completed within
ten day from date of a ale. and c eases-
ger will be permitted to-tart tn any
day that will enable them to reach dea
tlnattojn within the ten daya limit. Re
turn limit ninety daya, but not later
than Dec. 31st. 1904.
For full Information a to rate and
route call on Agent Southern Paclflo
Co. at Oregon City, Oregon.