PAD! 7. OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1904, COMPLITID IIOHTH OMAOK Intsrtstlng Commencsmsnt Iserelsss Hsld it lastham School. (Iritdiinllng exinl. of th Klglith grade Wimp held at tli Kiisllinm sihool Inst Friday, when at ths conclusion of on iMi'ientliii I'luKMiin, rrrilflcatea were pii'seiited to Ihn clnss, whl'tl num bered fiiity-sl. " hnv rllmliril the hills, the mountain are liefum u," m Dip hiii ii lalu motto of Hip class, whose ottlrers hi p s follows: president. Km I Latnmette: vlrs pirslilent, II ii Ih I.plour Ptlr; secretary, Itiiymimd funHcId; treas urer. Claire I'nilrl.k. Tim s.-rcl witp tiy hugs company of tli friends iif Ui" young people, TIip following program was rendered: Mail-h, SeleilrdMlS. I.. I'OII.T. Address cif Welcome Kurl Latoiirett. president of Hip class. Vo'ul biiIi "Klit Itiu'a" (lo.lnnl; "Mammy's Mill Haby." Ilurlrlnli-Mm. Imogen Harding. Otullon, Tim I'linniiiii Canal l.ew (Irlnmi. Class I'iM'in, "llnstham," Eaile I.nlour pllp Clalip 1'iiiltlik. limlruniPiilHl duet Kthel Jackson, Ruillr TulHilnr. Heading. "TIip Theater I'arty." Mm Wls iie Iteaven. (Mima I'ri'l'l y I'hlllp Hammond. "Tlnkiia Chorus" Uoyd Harding Earls l.atourslte. Raymond CaufMd, (layliinl tiodfrey, Fred Lima. Isador I'rlcs. Valedictory, "Oregon City Hulh I .a- tourpllP. Claaa Hong. "Nauiitily Four" (04) fluy mend Caufteld 'laa. 1'rpapiilallon of Certificates Vt. V, E. Carll. Tha members of the claaa ar: Fred A. Aklim. Klden C. lllanchard, Grace May Hrowtt. May Huth llraker, Or May Ilfavpn. Myrll F.llialteth no hall. Kdllh l-angworthy llallhelm. Veta Olivia Jiaci.n. Itaymond I'hlllp Caunrld, Ernest P. Charters, Rhea E. Cole. Marl 11 Whitman Cheney. William Ross Eaten. HiiipI Maud Francis. Harry Frost, lw w. Urlmtn, My E. (Hare, (Say lord Clprald Godfrey, I'hlllp L. Hammond, Anna Harlan, Lloyd Oidway Harding. Itoy Vairn Jefferson. Ethel Mny Jackson, Ji.rtha Koerner. Lucy lluth l.atourett, Adna Murrow, Kdger AIIpi Miller. Ur.iy Miller. Nellie I.ema Miller, Louis II. Noble, laador Price, Kunlro t'Ulia Tad rlik, Jnlin Itlrhanla. Kliu.r 1.. Maud Bmllh. Paul Mhhapl Bt. John. Elnora Ht. John. Willi Blroh nirypr. Ha.lla Tolmlar, Elva Trmph'ton, Ituaapll V. Wood. Harold I. Yoih-r, Ilp.alP l. Uwlllim. Klrd I. I.'iap. DR. CARLL WILL ACCEPT. favorably Comldera Petition Aaklng Con tinuation on School Board. Ornoii t'lty. "'. Juna . lt Ir. W. K. fat II. t'ltv. Ir Hlr: Wp who hav lifrt-tiiito aub ill.r.l our niuiK ". i. al'h-nia of Hrh.p.l Mlil.'t No. Si", knowing aa 'f do thr valualdi' a.nlrr you hnve hpivlofore r.iid. l. d Hip a. Iick.1 dlatilrt and Hip atu di nla In our and f.-llim that If you can hp .praimil.d to roiitltiup In Dip Oltli P of ai luH.I dlii-i tor, Dip a. hoola and puplla tuiiilit not to he pprmltti-d to aua lalii Dip loaa thiit would I amulnrd atiould you dlai'onllnup your fonnrrtlon Willi the a.-lo'la. althouKh r-ulMnK how bin Dip lulli-a aip. do roidlully urm you Main a.f ft Dm poalllon of B.liiM.I dlrp.lor to eurrped yourai-lf. Joa. E. Ilp.litpa. II. I.. Klly. ChtirlK II Cuult.ld. John It. Iliiitil.liiy. E. i aun.ld. A. W. Mlllrd. Mia. J. A Moore. T. A. Topi. Mia. A. Hmlth, John VlKllua. H. HiinlMn. flma. AlhrlKht. A. mhm-i, li.o. A, HiiidliiK. Frank T. Harlow. It. 1.. Ilolinitn. J M. lirahiim. J. W. Norrla, Mary K. Harlow. J. A. Tufta. Win. An dna.ii. A.lania Hroa.. flmih-a Krlly. Wal ter I.. I.lttl'-. M. Holla.k. O. W. Evbiib, I. Itiuonlch. J. W. Ilurka. Jr.. W. I. HI.Mk. H.,1 CiuiIp. 8. L. BpIIIuk. ('. V. luuppi. ii. i:. iunppr, c. a. Humify. W. A. llnntl.y. W. A. White. J. H. I'ur dom. Kiank llua.h. W. K. It.ddl.k. K. Matthlea. P. Hiwrn. J. A. M(iliihHii. J. M. 1'rUr. I.. U Plik. na. A. W. Cheiuy O. 11. Hlml' k. II. E. HtrnlKht. V. J. Meyer. L. f. iJitourette. B. M. (Irnnmun, rratiK- lln T. llrimth. C. H. Iye. Cjpo. U story, F. A. flleliilit. T. P. Randall. V. E. Pratt Tam... Currv. Mia. T. ftyan. Arthur Deute. Henry M. Templ. toit. p. t. r l.und- aren. W. Howard. Iludotph llowuru, r- E. Howell, Fred A. M. tn. r. J. H. Flnley, T. iir.nke. J. Freytaif. E. Mil'aualnnd, n Ii Wllaon. 1'haa. E. Hurna, E. M Howell, E. V. Kelly, V. Hurila, Itl.hard jvtiold. Dr. Carll Accapta. To the petition aliinera: ft wj Dragging Pains 20'ri Kcolev St.. 1(vv, t'HicA..... ii.i... Vt 2. 1902. I ...(?..,..,! with fallinff and con- ioMion of the wotuh. with levere tiaim tliroiiL'li me kioio.. fereil at the time of men- ttruatioti. had hliii'lina neauiuiiea ami ruhin of blooil to the lirmn. What to try I knew nov, o. Pfmed that I hail tried all and failwl. Imt I bad nevor uinu of Cardui. that Mewed reDiedy for lick women. I found it pleasant to take and loon knew that I hart the riuht medicine. New blood ioemedto eourse UirouRh myyeinj and after uning eleyen bottlei 1 waa a well woman. ii rtimh ia aow in perfect health became ihe took Win of Cardui for menatrual diiorden, bearing down paini nd blinding headachei when ail oiuer reum.... failed to bring her relief. Any iuffurar may lecure health by tak : w; ,.f Tardui in he home. The first bottle convince the pa- i 1. 1. tient the it on the roaa w nenu. For advice in case reqnirinf tnecial directions aldrea. pmntf ivmpioma, lur uBu.r-. riepartment." The CUttanooRa Medieine Co., Cbattaoooga, Tewi. I I' p i v A i 1 nromlnent club woman, Mrs. Dan- J forth, of St. Joseph, Mich., tells how she was cured of falling of the womb and its nrrnmnanvinc oains and misery by 1 J o 4 Lydia R Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, fool that her trcnirth is ladinir sway and she baa no bows of ever being rcHtored. Huch was my feeling a few months ago when I was adviaea that my poor neaim was caiweu vj proiajmun vr iauiut u IV. .......I. mn,-niaA liUa. bnAll tn ma I felt, that mv nun had set: but Lydia E. IMnkham's VegeUbla Compound came to me as f . . j .i . 1.... M - - .1 V.i.;i Ma im tintll an euxir 01 uio ; n restored uio umj inrucn mm uuxi i r'J (rood health returned to me. For four months I took the medicine S t. . i. . I i J v. - I V, f .. ,w V. T a in an thankful fr.r the help I obtained through its use." Mrs. Florkncs. Daatobth, -vv :! A ... t't T ..I. lf!W a MAiiuinAitA has mavm1 ia mrinf womn to health And can produce proof of the fart mutt be reicarded with respect. This U tlie recoru or iytna i. i-innnttin riicuium vun.iuuu, cannot be equalled by any other medicine the world has ever pro duced. Here Is another caae I , "DiaR Mrs. minAM: Jor years 1 was troubled with falling of tho -womb, irregular and painful menstruation, leucorrbota, bearing down paias, backache, headache, dizzy and fait.tir.r orwi.llo anil atnmnch trouble. " I doctored for about five years but did M tn tmni-nva T l.fTfin tllA IlKfl Cll VOUT mil ot-vm w iiui-uT. io , .77 ' m anrl hum tAlTPIl RAVPfl bottles 01 (m u i MKJ UWrillllilt?, I I1 B w f Lydia 1 IMnkham's Vegetable Compound, T F three of Wood l'urifler, and also used the V Sanative "Wash and Liver llllfl, and am now enjoying goou utaiLu, mm iiom (ju.i.u u. I thank vou very much for what you have done for me, and heartily recom- T7 d?S mend your medicine to all suffering "-ii 4& winien Miss Ehma Sntdkb, 218 East Center fct- Marion, Ohio, FltEn MEDICAL ADVICE TO WOMEN." . yrwr - i.i !.., a n.1 mnrh alrVneKK If they WOUla VtUIIK-ll Iti'lim W" , write to Mrs. Plnkbam for ndrice as soon as any distressing symp toms appear. It is free, and has put thousands of women on tha right road to recovery. , . . . 1. 1 ..uinii ).. mnflrlfnrA t nun entrnstea to her. and although she publishes thousands of testimonials from . . . 4i . .1 l. . I. a b .ilvlfia anil miiliclne. women wno nave oeen inncuwu vj . 7:: . never In all hereiperlenee has she published such a letter without the full consent, and often by special request of the writer. Ab AM A rOH p" t IT If em .'it mrtuwlin proono. nm .M.n.. - S5000 "" "iieh KTii't-. lu-. 1 5 V J sC I have f.-lt that the duties required of a artiiKil director were am h that I could nut afford the tlni nereaHiy. The iil.nve netltlnn rnnvlnrca me thnt n liiric of the Pfttrona of the a.'hoola of thla dlMtrlrt are antlntled with my effnrta aa dlreetor durliiu the two tenna I hne aerved, and therefore I will ureept the nomlnntlon, thnnklnK you nil for your khI opinion and promialng to do my heat bIioiiUI I he fleeted. Faithfully yoiira, W. E. CAIM,!.. Oregon City Market Report. (Corrected Weekly.) Whent No. 1, "Do to 90c per bushel. flourValley. H.IO per bbl. Hard whent H.0. rortland. 11.15 per aack. Ilownrd'a Heat.' $1.0f) per aack. Outa In aacka, 11.10 per cental. Hay Timothy, baled. lUfillS per ton: clover, $10; oat, $11; mixed hay, $11; cheat, $11. Mlllatuffa Bran, $19 per ton; shorts, $:;.60 per ton; chop, $1 per ton; barley, rolled, $5 per ton. Potntoea 76o to $t.00 per sack. Green pens 4o to 6o per quart. Aapftranua 7c per pound. Erks Oregon, 16o to 17o per doien. Butter Ranch, S0cSBc; separator, 0o to 60c; creamery, 46c to 60c. Oregon Onlona 4o per pound. Rhuhnrt) 1 1-2 c per pound. Onlona 40c per dos bunch. Raddlahes 20o to 26c per dot. bunch. Dried Apples 6c to 7o per lb. Prunes (Dried) Petite, 3o per lb; Ital ian, large, 6o per lb; medium, 8 1-2 e; Silver, 4 l-2c. Cabbage California, 2 l-2c. Apples, $1.60, to $2.00. Stock Carrots Sacked, 60 cents. Dreased Chickens 14o per lb. Livestock and Dressed Moats Beef, live, $4 to $4.25 per hundred. Hogs, live, 4 1-2 to 5c; hogs, dressed, 6 1-1 to 7c; sheep, $2.60 per head; dreased, 6c; veal, dreaded, c; lambs, live, $2.00 per head; lambs, dressed, 7o. Revolution Imminent. A sure sign of approaching revolt and serious trouble In your system la ner voiiatiesa. sleeplessness, or stomach up sets. Electric Hitters will quickly dis member the troublesome causes. It never fulls to tone the stomach, regulate the Kidneys and Bowels, stimulate the Liver and clarify the blood. Run down sys tems iH-ncflt particularly and all the umml attending aches vanish under Its scutching nl thorough effectiveness. Kl. ctilc Hitters Is only 60c. and that Is returned of It don't give perfect satis faction. Guaranteed by Char-man & Co., druggists. J G. A. Hardin does not hesitate to recommend Kodol Dyspepsia Cure to their friends and customers. Indi gestion causes more 111 health than anything else. It deranges the ofnmnch and hrinea on all manner I of disease. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure di gests what you eat, cures lnuigen tlon, dyspepsia and all stomach dis orders. Kodol is not only a perfect dlgestant but a tissue building tonic as well. Renewed health, perfect strength and increased vitality follow i Its use. ADAMS BROS. Golden Rule Baaag Oregon City's Big Cash Store The Store that Does the Business t ' ! We make this bold assertion We carry the best make of Paints. Varnishes and Painters' Material on earth, proven so by practical tests and chemical analysis. New Era Pure Prepared paint has been analyzed by all the leading chemists of the United States, and over their af fidavit found to be absolntely pure containing not over one per cent of water, while other inferior grades contain from five to forty-five per cent. . - . Ask your painter about it everybody knows the Acme Line. Guarantee on every can. We submit a partial list of their line. NEAL'S CARRIAGE PAINT for repairing all kinds of ve- NEAL'S CARRIAGE TOP DRESSING for renewing the finish of leather and rubber tops, dash boards, sachels and leather goods of every description. ACME WAGON PAINT for repainting wagons and agricul tural implements. ... . , 5 , GRANITE FLOOR PAINT. Quick drying and durable. DAVIE'S VARNO-FLOOR STAIN for finishing floors, lino- leum, oil cloth and interior wood work in exact imitation of ex- Ensive woods. Will not crack, mar or chip off. ; AVIE'S VARNISH STAINS for renewing the finish of g wood work, furniture, etc Needs but one application. w NEAL'S ENAMEL. The kind for earthen and metal sur- g faces Gives a genuine enamel finish. NEAL'S BATH-TUB ENAMEL for bath-tubs, walls, ceilings g and wood work of bath rooms or any surface exposed to hot or cold water. NEAL'S SCREEN ENAMEL for screen doors and frames. NEAL'S CYCLE ENAMEL. Splendid for bycicles. g NEAL'S HOUSEHOLD PAINTS. Put up in small, "easy g to open,;' cans. 25c a can. NEAL'S POPULAR VARNISH. The best to be had, and in most any sized can. .2 ' Poarch and Chair Enamel, Stove Pipe Enamel, Floor Paint, Paint and Varnish Remover, Lubricating oils, Benzines and Gasoline, Lead, Oil and Glass. In fact, everything in the paint line can be had at our store. Now is the time and this is the place to buy. t Howell & Jones j RELIABLE DRU0UI5TS, Oregon City, Oregon Scratch, scratch; unable to attend to business during the day or sleep during the night Itching piles, hor rible plague. Doan's Ointment cures. Neevr fulls. At any drug store, 50 cents. Th Enterprise office is now better equipped than ever for all classes of book and miscellaneous jod worn. Low Rates to Hood River. The strawberry crop In Hood River promises from every Indication to be enormous this year. 5000 people will be needed to pick and pack the luscious fruit. Tickers are paid 1 1-2 cents a box and packers 1-2 cent. Good pickers earn as high as $3.50 a day. People In tending to go should take their camping outfit with them, as It Is chenper, and easier to move from place to place. The fare on the "Regulator Line" steam ers Is very low, being only 12.00 for the round trip, or $1.25 one way. Children hetween 6 and 12 half fare. A liberal al lowance of baggnge Is carried free with each ticket. Every article should be marked plainly with name of owner and destination. Remember steamers leave Alder street dock. Portland, every morn- Iiid- e rceot 8unday at 7 o clocK snarp Full particulars may be hod by calling Thla office was never before better nronarnd to do lob work of all kinds on short notice than It is right now. Send in your work. Lfti a1 90 If for VOJIEN SHERIFF'S SALE NOTICE. State of Oregon, I'.mntv of Onrknmns. ss: . ....... i. i.&p..i... vu-..n thnr nn Monnav the 11th iIhv of July. 1S4. at the hour of 9 o i liH-k a. m. of said ilny, at my ) office In the court housr. I will offer f or j Hill.- Bll.l s-11 to the highest bidder for rush In nnna an oi me n...ri ... Clackamas county has bought at tax snles to which It has acquired title. The utile will commence at the time and place stared and be adjourned from day to day until completed. j r bhaver Sheriff Clackamas county. Oregon. By E. C. HACKKTT. Deputy. Dated this 10th day of June, 1904. WHO CANNOT BE CURED. Backed up by over a third of a century ef remarkable and uniform cures, a record such as no othtr remedy for the diseases and weaknesses peculi .r to women ever attained, the pnprietors and makers of Dr. Pierce's Favonle Prescription now feel fully warranted in offering to pay $500 in legal money of the t'nited States for any case of Lcucorrhea, Female Weakness, Prolapsus, or Falling of Womb, which they cannot cure. All they ask is a fair and reasonable trial of their means of core. "I wins great siifrertr for six yesrs sod doc tored all the time with a number of phyiicians but did not receive anv benefit." writes Mrs. George Sogden. of 641 feonda Street, Saginaw (South). Michig.m. " I had given up all hope of ever 'getting brtti r. Thouxnt I would write to vou. When I received your letter telling me what to do I commenced to take your ' Favorite Prescription' and follow your advice. I have taken ten bottlei in all. also five vials of the ' Pleasant Pellets.' Am now regular, after bav in? missed two ytars and suffered with pain in the head and back. 1 was o nervous, could not eat or sleep. Now I can thank you for my recovery." Don't hesitate to write to Dr. R.V. Pierce, chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Sunrical Institute, a: B:ilT..!o. N Y. . if you wart good medical auvicc fioui r.,U inalr...' ti!i.-irir-.n as tn Vlt:r rer- son.ll good Ileal h. Such lettets are slv ys answered free 01 ch.iiKe i:1 cm nil' ni...,y A medicine l:ich has outsold nil oilier? (cr women in the rwt third of s century ana bring ry a.. those who have um ' :;. a re .. to tie to. Dr. Hcttr s bavoiitc htKi:i tion is purely vt gtt.iHe and does not cuti tain a particle of a'cobol to dcstr. y tlv blood corpuscles and weaken the sttt ni Do not permit the dealer to inult yn: intelligence by upgcMing son.e other pound which he rrco-nmeiK4" 1.- "Mist good." because he makes it himself. OREGON CITY PLANING MILL i F. S. BAKER PROP. 1 All kinds of Building Material, Sash, Doora Moulding, Etc. - - 'IIWH 0REG0N CITY ORE- '- , -11- 1 -')'' 'I' " V B Coughs and colds down to the Tery borderland of consumption, yield to the soothing, healing Influences of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. O. R. oV N. Summer Book. The handsome 1904 summer book, "Restful Recreation Resorts." Issued by the Passenger Department of the Oregon Railroad & Navigation company. Is Just out Tells all about the summering placea of the Columbia River Valley a brief description of the trips up and down the Columbia River, to the mountains, beaches, inland resorts and fountains of healing, where they are and how to reach them. The book has a special designed front cover, printed In two ,.i,r, and the Inside pages are splen didly Illustrated by costly and beau- , tlful half-tones. A copy or 1111s publi cation may be obtained by sending two cents in stamps to A. L, Craig. General ot ths Oregon Rail road & Navigation company, Portland, j When the Sap Rises Weak lungs should be careful. Coughs and colds are dangerous then. One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs and colds and gives strength to tho lungs. Mrs. G. E. Fenner, of Marlon, Ind., says: "I have suffered with a cough until I run down In weight from 148 to 92 pounds. I tried a number of remedies to no avail un til I used One Minute Cough Cure. Four bottles of this wonderful rem edy cured me entirely of the cough, strengthened my lungs and restored me to my normal weight, health and strength." Sold by G. A. Harding. -? T" orilA. B ths yf 1M ca Haw kmn Bottfl Bignatu. of Nasal CATARRH In all its states. Ely's Cream Batnv cleanse, soothes and heals the diseased membrane. It cures catarrh and drives away a cold In the bead Cream Balm Is plsced Into ths nostrils, spreads over th. membrane and Is absorbed. Relief la un nediate and a cure follow. It U not drying-does not prodocs sneezing. Lsrge Size, M cent stDrag giauorbymail; Trial Sje. lOeenu. EtT BROTHERS, M Warren Street, 'ew To.