Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 10, 1904, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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Legal Notices.
Notice In hereby given to the legal
voters of School Plstrlct No. i, Clack
imu county, state of Oregon, that the
annual school meeting for said district
will be hold In the county court room,
In the county court house In Oregon f ity,
at the hour of ?:S0 o'clock p. m., on the
Jrd Monday, being the 10th day of June,
1904, for the purpose of submitting the
annual report of the directors and clerk
and the transaction of gvneral business.
Dated this the 3rd day of June. 190.
V. E. f ARl.L,
Attest: Chairman.
District Clerk.
Notice to Creditor.
Notice la hereby Riven that the under
lined has been duly appointed as exe
cutrix of the estate of Dennis Jerirer,
deceased, and all persons having claims
against the said estate must present
them to the undersigned, duly verified,
within six months of the date of this
notice, at Kelso, Oregon.
Dated May 13. 1904.
Executrix of the estate of Dennla Jer
ger, deceased.
In the founty Court of the state of Ore
gon for Clackamas county.
In the matter of the guardianship of
Benjamin Harrison Jacques and Myrtle
Margarette Jacques, minors.
To Ellxa Wllbern. Henry Wllbern. her
husband. H. M. Malon. and Mrs. H.
M. Malon. his wife. Benjamin Har
rison Jacquea and Myrtle Margarette
Jacques, to all other next of kin and
persons known and unknown Interested
In said guardianship, greeting:
In the name of the slate of Oregon you
and each of you are hereby cited and re
quired to appear In the above entitled
court at the court room thereof at Ore-
Jon City. Oregon, on the 6th day of
uly, l!t4. at 10 o'clock a. m.. of said
dav, then and there to show cause, if
any exist, why the petition of the guard
ian of said minors should not be granted
and an order should not be made pur
suant to said petition directing the sale
of the folowing described lun.1. to-wit:
The undivided two-thirds interest of the
above minors In and to the land situ
ated In Clackamas county. Oregon, de
scribed as beginning at a point 21"i2 feet
from the northeast corner of the p.
Foster D. L. C, said point being on the
north line of a tract of land described In
Book "K." page I'D. deed records of
Clackamas county. Oregon; thence west
on a continuation of said line 4S feet
to the county road and to thj northwest
corner of the tract of land owned by
the Jacques heirs; thence southerly along
the center of the county road 6S2 feet
to the center of another county road;
thence easterly 623.5 feet along said last
mentioned county road to the center of
the O. W. P. & Ry. Co.'s right of way;
thence northerly 679.7 feet to the place
of beginning, containing 8.6s2 acres of
land in T. 2 S.. R. 4 E.. W. M
Witness the Honorable Thomas F.
Rvan. Judge of the County Court if
Clackamas county, Oregon, with the
seal of said court affixed this 31st day
of May, 1D04.
First publication June 3. Clerk.
Last publication July 1.
In the Circuit Court of the Stjte of Ore
gon, for Clarkaaias County.
Berntce DeMenles, Plaintiff, 1
George F. DeMenles Defendant.)
To George F. DeMenles, defendant above
in the name of the Stale of Oregon. oti
-thereby required to appear ahd answer
the complaint hied against you in the
above entitled suit on or before the last day
of the time prescribed in the order for te
publication of this summons, to-wit: On
or before the 30th day of Ma. 1904, laid
date being tbe expiration of six weeks from
the first publication of this summons, and
if you fail to so appear and answer, lor
want thereof, the plaintiU will apply to the
court for the relief demanded in the com
plaint, to wit: For a decree dissolving the
bonds of matrimony and marriage contracl
existing between you and plainliir.
This summon is published by order ol
Hon. Thomas A. McBride, judge of the
above named court, which order was made
and entered on tbe 18tb day of Anril. IIXH,
and the date of tbe tint publication hereof
iitbe22dday of April, im.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice lor Publication.
(Timber Land Act, June 3, 1873.)
United Slates Land Office, I
Oregon City, Ore., March 14. ltfU.f
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of tbe act of congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale
of timber lands in tbe states of California,'
Oregon, Nevada and Washington Terri
tory," as extended to all the public land
states by act of August 4, 19-2, August E.
Sperling, of Portland, county of Multno
mah, stale of Oregon, baa tbia day filed in
this otlice his sworn sta eiueut No. 6388, for
the purchase of the mi of of section
No. 17, in townBbip No. 2 south, range No.
7 e and will oiler proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its timber
or at ne than for agricultural pnr..nes. and
to establish his claim to said land before
tbe register and receiver of this office at
Oregon City, Oregon, on Thursday, the lfitb
day of June, 1904.
He names as witnesses: Joseph L. Ma
yerl, Henrv A. Mautz, James J. Brown, A.
B. Lindquist. all of Portland, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above described lands are requested to
file tbeir claims in tbis office on or before
said l'Jtb day of June, l!to.
Notice la hereby given that the under
signed has been by the County Court of
the state of Oregon for the county of
Clackamas, appointed administrator of
the estate of 'iolet O. Harding, deceased.
All persons having claims axainst said
estate are hereby required to present the
same, propel ly venfied. to the under
signed st the office of Hedges A Grltllth
In Oregon City. Oregon, within six
months frum the date of the Urat publi
cation of tiiis nolle.
Administrator of the estate of Violet O.
Haiuuig. deceased.
Attorneys for administrator.
First publication June l'J, lW.it.
In the County Court of the Htate of Ore
gon for Ciackamas county.
In the matter of tr.e estate of E. V,'.
Harnmett, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the under
signed administratrix of the estate of
E. W. Ilainrnett. deceased, ha tiied In
the County Court of Clackamas county,
Oregon. h-r final account as such admin
istratrix or pan enaie. am ii. it jiunuay,
the lslh day of July, li'l, at the hour
of 10 o'clock a m. of said diy has been
fixed bv said court as the time of hear- j
Ing objections to said report and the
final settlement of Faid estate. .
Admlnl-tretr! of the estate of E. W. !
Hammett, deceased. '
Don't let the little ones suffer from
esciema or other torturing skin diseases.
No need for it. Doan's Ointment cures.
Can't harm the most delicate skin. At
any drug store, 50 cents. ,
Notice Is hereby given to the legal
voters of School l'lstrlct 'o. Clack
amas county, state of oSkon. that the
annual school election for said district
will be held at the city hall In Oregon
City, Oregon, to begin at the hour of
S o'clock p. m.. and continue until the
hour of 6 o'clock p. m., on the 3rd Mon
day, being the 'JOth day of June, l:H4,
which election Is for the purpose of elect
ing one director to serve for the term of
Ave yearn. -
Dated this 3rd day of June. 1904.
Attest: Chairman.
f. O. T. WILLIAMS. Clerk.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Alkersane Lawson. Plaintiff,
Charles Cardlnell. Frederick A. Helms.
Emma J. McLennan. Jocklyn Mold.
Frederick Henry Schwab. John David
Schwab, Made Louise Schwab, Mary
etta Schwab. Rudolph Luther Schwab,
and M. B. Keefer. Defendants.
In the Name of the 8tate of Oregon:
To Frederick A. Helms. Emma J. Mc
Lennan. Jocklyn Bold. Frederick llenty
Schwab. John David Schwab. Marts
Louise Schwab. Maryetta Schwab and
Rudolph Luther Schwab, above named
Tou and each of your are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you In the above
entitled court and cause on or before
the :4th day of June, 1904. that being
the last day ordered by the Court for
the publication of this summons.
And If you so fall to appear or answer,
the plaintiff will apply to the Court for
relief demanded In the complaint on
file herein, to-wlt: A decree determin
ing the rights of the several p."tl'
hereto, and the partition of the follow
ing described real estate, to-wlt: A part
of the Helms D. L. C. No. 60. Not 7340.
tn sections 19. :0. 19 and 10. In T. S
S., R. 4 E. of the Willamette Meridian.
In Clackamas county, Oreg-.n; E-lnnlng
at the most northerly coiner of said
Claim and running thence south 3 deg.
15 mln. E. along the northeasterly line
of said claim to a point In said line of
said claim N. ti deg. 15 mln. W. 6!
chains from the most astcrl corner
of said claim; thence south 45 deg. IS
mln. west 30.20 chains to the Una sepa
rating husbands from heirs of wife's h!f
of said claim; thence nw'.h 41 deg. 45
mln. west along said dividing line t
the northwesterly line of said claim;
thence north 44 deg. east 8:20 chains
to claim corner; thence north 55 deg. east
to claim corner, the place of beginning.
This summons Is published by order
of Thomas A. McBride, Judge of said
Court, for a period of six (6) consecutive
weeks, the first publication to be on
Friday, the 13th day of May. 1904. and
the last to bo on Friday, the :4th day
of June, 1904.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice for Publication.
Timber Land, Act June 3. 1873.
United States Land Office, Oregon
City, Oregon, April 19, 1904.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of tlie act of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the eale of timber lands in the
Stales of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as extended
to all the Public Land states by act of
August 4, 1392. Erik Wik, of Portland,
county of Multnomah State of Oregon,
has this day filed in this office his sworn
statement n. tUOfi. for the Durchase of
the NE'4 of Section No. 24 in Township
No. 4 S, Range No. o fcast, ana will oner
proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before
the Regis'er and Receiver of this office
at Oregon City. Oregon, on Friday, the
8TH DAY OF JULY, 1904.
He names as witnesses: Alexander
Beck, of Portland, Oregon; Carl Peter
son, of Portland, Oregon; Josephine
Peterson, of Portland, Oregon ; Christina
Wik, of Portland, Oregon.
Any and all persons claimingadversely
the above-described lands are request-d
fto file their claims in tbis office on or be
ore said 8th dav of July, 1904.
General Land Office, Washington,
D. C, May 19. 11)04. Notice Is hereby
given that certain lands In the Grande
Konde Indian Reservation, situated in
Townships 6 and south. Ranges 7 and
8 West. In the state of Oregon, will be
offered for sale bv separate sealed bids,
which will be received by the register
and receiver of the district land office
at Oregon Citv. Oregon, commencing
on Mondav. August 1. 1904. at 9 o'clock
a m.. and continuing until Monday,
August 8 1504. at 11 o'clock a. m.. and
no bid will be considered that Is not re
ceived during the period mentioned. The
bids will be opened by the register and
receiver of the land office jnentioned.
commencing at 1 o'clock p. m., of Mon
day, August 8, 1904. The lands will be
sold In accordance with rules and regu
lations, and a schedule particularly de
scribing the lands to be sold, printed
copies of which may be obtained on appli
cation to the register and receiver of
the land office named, or upon appli
cation to the General Land Office, Wash
ington, D. C. Each bid must be accom
panied by a certified check, for twenty
per centum of the amount of such bid,
which will be retained and credited as
part payment of the purchase price
should the bid be accepted and the pur
chaser pay the remaining amount due
and furnish evidence of his citizenship,
or be forfeited If the bid Is accepted and
the amount due and evidence of citi
zenship are not furnished In accordance
with the rules and regulations.
Approved: Commissioner.
First publication Mav 27.
Last publication July 29.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given that Lewis
Hauglum has been appointed by the pro
bate Judge of Clackamas county, Oregon,
administrator of the estate of Andrew
P. Hauglum, deceased, and all claim
ants against said estate are hereby re
queued to present claims dully verified
with proper vouchers to said adminis
trator at Cottrell, Oregon, within six
months from this date.
Dated May 23, 1904.
Administrator of the estate of Andrew
P. Hauglum, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that I will apply
to the Oregon City council at Ita next
meeting for a renewal of my saloon li
cense at my present place of business,
Main and Fourth streets.
n ordinance assosslng; the prob
able cost of th Ituprovemotit of Cou
tor strwl from the North lino of Erst
sltvt't to th South lino of Sovonth
sltwt of Orotfon City, Oregon, and
direct ing an entry of such assess
ments in the docket of City Liens.
Section 1. That whereas, the Coun
cil of Oregon City having ascertained
and determined that the probable cost
of Improving Center street from the
North line of First street to the South
line of Seventh street of Oregon City,
Oregon, as provided by Ordinance No.
302 to be the sura of $7970.50, and
Whereas, under the provisions of
Section 85 of Chapter 13 of the Char
ter of Oregon City as amended It Is
directed that one-third of the total
cost of the Improvement of streets
shall be paid from the 'permanent
street Improvement fund." and
Whereas, one-third of the total
probable cost of the Improvement of
said Center street from the North line
of First street to the South line of
Seventh street Is the sum of $2,656.83.
and the remaining two-thirds of the
total probable cost Is $5313.67.
Now. therefore, said sum of $3313.67
Is hereby assessed to the several lots
and parts of lots and tracts of land
abutting on the portion of said Center
street to be Improved In the respective
amounts set opposite the number and
description thereof in Section three
13) of this ordinance, as belni? bene
fited by the said street Improvement,
In said amounts.
Section 2. The Recorder la hereby
dldirected to enter a statement of the
assessment hereby made lu the Dock
et of City Liens, and cause notice
thereof to be published as provided
b the City Charter.
Section 3:
Lot 1. block 39, westerly
Susan B. Meldrum $ 36 92!
Lot 1. block 39, easterly
Daniel Williams 92 60
Lot 2. block 39. Daniel Williams 94 78
Lot 3. block 39. James Chase... 94.78
Lot 4. block 39. A. N. Munsey.,132 01 '
Lot 1, block 38. Wallace Cole. .. 161.34 !
Lot 2, block 38. Wallace Cole. . . 99.69
Lot 3, block 38, Thos. F. Ryan. Ill 50 j
Lot 4, block 38. Thos. F. Ryan. 102 96
Lot 1. block 37, Elizabeth Fuchs 100 98
Lot 2. block 37. Elizabeth Fuchs 109 48
Lot 3. block 37, Elizabeth Futfis 102 30
Lot 4, block 37, Elizabeth Fuchs 133 29
Lot 1. block 36. westerly 70 feet 1
E. and G. W. Shepherd 67 64 ;
Lot 1, block 36, easterly 33 feet, 1
Wm. E. Blssell 73 09!
Lot 2, block 36. westerly 70 feet j
of northerly 31 feet. E. and G.
YV. Shepherd 24 93 i
Lot 2, block 36. easterly 35 feet
of northerly 34 feet, Wm. E. i
Blssell 26 97
Lot 2. block 36. southerly 32 feet :
owner unknown 48 83
Lot 3. block 36, John Bittner. . . 100 74
Lot 4. block 36. F. C. Eckhoff . .130 99
Lot 1, block 33. Augusta Schu
bert 130 99
Lot 2, block 33, Augusta Schu
bert 10 71
Lot 3. block 35, Augusta Schu
bert l'" '
Lot 4. block 33, Mary E. Qulnn.131 34
Lot 1. block 82. Mary E. Qtilnn.123 20
Lot 2, block 82, Mary E. Quinn. 95 64 .
Lot 3, block 82, Wm. and James
Sheehy 93 61
Lot 4. block 82, Wm. and Janien j
Sheehy ! 96 "1 i
Lot 5. block 83. Thos. F. Ryan. . 88 66 !
Lot 6. block 83, Thos. F. Ryan. . 93 64
Lot 7, block 83, Wm. and J.
Sheehy 93 61
Lot S. block 83, Wm. and J. i
Sheehy 127.46
Lot 5. block 58. Isaac Farr 124 68
Lot 6. block 58. Isaac Farr MO 8" (
Lot 7. block 5.8, Isaac Farr Mo 8o
Lot 8. block 5, E. T. Farr 130 99
Lot 5. block 57, Isaac Farr 130 99
Lot 6. block 57. Clarence P. FarrlOO 74
Lot 7, block 57. southerly V,
John H. Slattery 50 37
Lot 7, block 57, northerly Vz-
Robert Jacobson 50 37
Lot 8. block 57, Mary C. Shank. 130 17
Lot 5, block 56. Samuel Meyer. 133 29
Lot 6, block 56, Samuel Meyer. 102 21
Lot 7, block 56. Samuel Meyer. 103 40
Lot 8, block 56, Samuel Meyer. 94 87
Lot 5, block 55, westerly 70 feet
Bank of Oregon City 82 62
Lot 5, block 55, easterly 33 feet
A. B. Moore 18 15
Lot 6, block 53, Daniel Williams 109 30
Lot 7, block 55, Ann W. Jaegar 96 80
Lot 8, block 53, Ann W. Jaggar.129 22
Lot 5. block 51, Marlon W. Mil-
l,.r 121.30
Lot 6, block 54, Marion W. Mil
ler 92.72
Let 7. block 34, John Welch... 92 72
Lot 8. bliicK 54, John Welch... 81 05
Read first time and ordered pub
lished at a regular meeting of the
Council of Oregon City, Oregon, held
Juiiu 1, 190 1.
By order of the Council of Oregon
Notice Tor I'ubllcu tlon.
(Timber Land Act, June 3, 1878.)
' U. 8. Land Office, Oregon City, )
March 10, 1904.J
Notice is hereby given that fn com
pliance with tbe provisions of the act of
congress ol June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the
states of California, Oregon. Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to
all tbe public land states by act of Au
gust 4, 1892, James B. Young, of
Portland, county of Multnomah, folate
of Oregon, has this day filed in this office
his sworn statement No. 6379, for tbe
purchase of the n of nwjof sec. No. 8,
in township No. 6 s, range 3 e, and will
offer proof to show that tbe land sought
is more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before
the register and receiver of tbis office at
Oregon Citv. Oregon, on Friday, the
10th day of June, 1904.
He names as witnesses: Clementine
C. Crow, of Molalla, Oregon ; Frank l'a
eolil, of Molalla. Oregon ; Alfred I'asold,
of Molalia, Oregon; Frank A. I'ierson, of
Molalla, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to file their claims in tbis of
fice on or before said 10th day of June,
Tke Hoseffirmsker
isn't always the man who saves money. There are two ways of saving yout
money: one is by putting it in a bank after you get it; the other is to buy where
you get the greatest values for it. In dealing with us you will save money by the
second method, and so by the first method, too. w 4
This hardwood rocker
Cobbler scat $1.75.
6 foot Extension Tables from
$4.00 up
50 feat Rubber Hott, 13.00.
Toaster, 1S cents.
Shelf Paper, 5 cents per bundle
Petition for License.
To the Hon. County Court, Clackamas
County, Oregon.
We, your petitioners, l.gal voters of
Eagle Creea Precinct. said coun
ty and state, respectfully pe
tition your honorable body to
grant unto Landwehr and Haul
leltcr a license to sell spirituous, vin
ous and malt liquors In leas quantities
than one gallon. In said Eagle Creek
Precinct, for the period of lx montha.
Ed. Oblander Dr. C. D. Bmlth
R. W. Cary M. E. Adklns
W. F. Cary E. L. Roy Meyers
Aug. Baeske C. A. Swanson
A. Havenas Ernest Johnson
O H Orlmshaw A. 8. Cllne
8. Campbell Chas. Bteia
Van Meeka w- E- Htrnls;ht
W. F. Klnsey W. Bennett
P. O'Connor C. F. Si. me
Geo. Burke H. C. Hrlple
J. Corrlgair J. 8. liia. kett
W. Baylen J. N. fMthens
11. E. DeShleld G. F. Hover
G. R. Week T. A. Miller
John Zobrlat 8. D. Warllcld
Jno. B. Miller. W. J. Wolfe
C. Dickey Jno. R. Cassldy
D. N. Brldenstlne U W. Deeth
HE. Muck Louis Tucker
W. Jones J. E. Bateman
B. W. Wolfo Al Llndnley
Ray Havens J. M. Lyons
C. Moeller W. F. Helple
K. Kaiser
Estacada, Ore., May J, 1904.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
designed will apply to the Hon. Coun
ty Court of above-named county for a
license to sell spirituous, vlnou and
malt llrpjors In less quantities thai ona
gallon, at the next term of the Honor
able County Court.
For Transfer License.
In the County Court ol Clacknmus
County, Oregon, notice Is hereby
given that the undersigned will ap
ply to the ahove court on thelst
day of June, 1904, for a permit to sell
spirituous liquors In less quanltle
than one quart In Kagle Croek pro
clnct, said county and state under the
liceiine heretofore granted to Geo.
H. Wlggs.
Dated May 6, 1904.
Final Settlement
In the County Court of the State1 of
Oregon for Clackamas County. I
In the Matter of the Estate of John Al- I
fred Strowbrldge, Deceased.
Notice la hereby Riven that the tin- i
derslgned. administratrix of tha estate j
of John Alfred Strowbrldge, deceased,
has filed In the County Court of Clack-
V, ft
IJ -
6 high back Dining
chairs.all hardwood
Morrischair with Pine
needle fibre cushions
Pillows $1.00 per pair
(-quart Milk Pans. 50 cts
for 1-2 doien.
Hook, 10 cents.
Extra Heavy Strainer
Pall, 1100.
Knife, 15 cents.
White Metal
uiiiiih county, Oregon, her final account
an such administratrix of said rutate,
and tlmt Monday, the :oih day of June,
l'j'M. at the hour of 10 a. m. of said dty.
has been fixed by said Court as the time
of hearing of objections to said report
and the settlement thereof.
Administratrix of the Estate of John Al
fred Htrowbrldge, Deceased.
May 13.
poller Tor Publication.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
United States Land Olllce, Oregon City,
Oreuon, April 25, 1IHJ4.
Notice is hereby Kiven that in compli
ance with the provisions ol the set of
Congress of June 3, 1N7S, entitled ''An
act lor the sale ol limber lands in the
States of t'aliiornia, Oregon, Nevada and
Wa-hitig"n Territory," as extended to
all the IMttllc Ijnd Slates by act of Aug-u-t
4, lBlfJ. Carl IVterson, of Portland,
county of Multnomah, Slate (orTerritnry)
of Oregon, has this day tiled In this ofllce
his swom statement, No. 0410, for the
purchase of the N W'i of Section No. '1
in Township No 4 8., Uange No. 6 E
and will oner proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and
to establish his claim to said land before
the Register ami Receiver of this oflire
at Oregon Citv, Oregon, on Friday, the
8th day of July, 1904.
He names as witnesses: Alex. Reck,
Erlck Wik, Juliu Burk, Edward Rurk,
all of Portland, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
tbe above-described lands are requested
to file their claims in this office on or be
fore said 8th day nf July, 1!K)4.
Timber Land, Act June 3. 1878.
United Hintes Land Olllce, Oregon City,
Oregon, May 24. l'j4.
Notice la hereby given that In compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1S78, entitled "All
act for the sale of timber lands In the
states of California, Oregon, Nevaila
and Washington Territory," as extended
to nil the public lands by act of August
4, lJ2.
Joseph H. Colt,
Of Eagle Creek, county of Clflcknmns,
slate of Oregon, has thin day fllud In this
olllce Ills sworn slatemint No. C3'i8 for
the -purchase of the Nff 1-4 of the
NW 1-4 of Hcctlon No. 14, In Township
No. 2 H., Itange No. 6 East, and will offer
proof to show that the land sought Is
more valuable for Its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before
the Register and Receiver of this olllce
at Oregon City, Oregon, on Monday, the
lMh day of August, 11)04.
He names as wlrnesses: Adctbert Field,
nf Portland. Oregon; ltn Korlster, of
Kagle Creek. Oregon: John Forlster, of
Eagle Creek, Oregon; A. S. Fugg, of
Large size Kitchen
Treasure Flour bins
& drawers all hand
fitted.finished golden
fir, fancy trimmings,
Others for $2.50.
Warranted Sewing Machine
Hatchet for the Kitchen, 15 eta
Heavy Garden Trowel, 10 cts
Table Spoons, t for J5 cents.
Portland. Oregon. '
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the alo e-tlescrille lands Hie request
ed lo llle their claims in llils oltW on or
before said Kill) dav of August. 1:"
AI.UKllNu.N M. DltKXriKK.
Heg later.
.toilet) lor I'ublleatloa.
Timber Land, Act June .1. IhTH.
( lilted Ntates Lsnd Otlice, Oregon City,
Oregon, March nth, l'N)l.
Nolle is hereby given that Incompliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress
of June .1, 1M7H, entitled "An set fort lie le
of tinnier lands In the Slates ol California,
Oregon, Nevada and Washington Terri
tory," as extended to all the 1'iilillfl Land
Hiaies bv act ul August 4, IMir.', Alex Deck,
of Kstacaila, county ol Clackamas, State of
Oregon, has this dHy fileil in this olllce Ins
sworn staiefiieni No. li'lTH. for tbe purchase
nl the NWt; of .Section No. 24 In lownshlp
No. 4, H, lUnge No, ft, K, and will oiler
proof to show Hint the land sought la more
vslunhie tor its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish hi
rlai in t ) said laud before tne Register and
'gister an
City. Or
Receiver ol this olllce al Or
gon, on Kriday, the
10TII DAY OK JL'.NE, l!)04.
He names as witnesses: Julius C. Rurke,
of Portland, Oregon ; Kit liurke, of l'ort
.suil, Oregon; Robert Louden, of Portland,
Oregon; James Miller, Portland, Oregon,
Any ami all persons claiming adversely
the above-described lands are requested to
lile their claims In this olllce on or befort
said loth Jay of June, l:tl
Notice lor 1'uMlcutlitu.
(Timber Land Act, June 3, 1X78.)
United Stales Land Olllce, I
Oregon City, Ore., March U, l!K).f
Notice Is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions nf the act ol con
gress olj une 3, 1N78, entitled "An act lor
the sale of timber laud in the states of Call
I forma, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all I he public
land states by act of August 4, is;)'.', Joseph
L. Mayerl, of Portland, enmity of Multno
mah, state of Oregon, has thin rlay filed 111
this olllce his sworn statement No. .;M, for
tbe purchase of the v of w, of section
No. 17, in township No, 2 s, range No. 7 e,
and will oiler proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable lor Its timber or
stone than lor agricultural purposes, and to
establish bis claim to said laud before the
register and receiver ol this olllce at Ore
gon City, Oregon, on Thursday, the 10th
dav of June, I'.MI.
lie names as witnesses: August E. Rper
ling, Henry A. Maulr, James J. Drown, A.
li. Liudiiiist. all of Portland. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming, adversely
the above described lands are requested lo
tile their claims in tbl olllce on or before
said inth day or June. l'H'l.
'arch 2.. Register..