Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 10, 1904, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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Short Sidehead Stories
44 4 1 4 4 41 1 14 I M - 4 t1 M4 44444-44 t M t 14-Ji-W
Will Mak Plctur.-Mlaa ic.llih (,.,.
H'-y nii.l Mlaa Ivu del il. ill hllVK titki'tl
iIiuiiik uf Oik ilminKi npli (i ii lliy on
M it I n mill Tin 111 I r .- unit will o.i.inti
th' anin.
Nw School Building. An iillnu'tlvo
liiw iiIniI IhiIIiIIiik him Juat Ix-a-it iciiii
I'l.lirl In HIiiki IMalil.t Nil I't, himwii u
Ihr KIk Malll.t. Il la a Itot.'t lilllllllllH
wi'l will nii'i'l . miiilii iiiciila of lh
OlMfilct fur ...int. tlitti.
, DUd Suddtnly, John limy H liuli r,
iihimI f.r, yi'iiiv, a niillvn of (li-rmuny,
ilniiii i1 cli Hit at lila home In Oil city
Mniiiliiv niiiniliiK. The (lii'ina-il hii'l
' Im . ii III with I'lirtlnl j.nrnly.l for ai-viTiil
' wci ka. Il" la iii'vlvril by a wlfu ami
a.vviiil 1I1II1I11T1.
I A Strong Hrt
I la aaaurrri1 by pi-rfci't dli-tlnn, Inill
Kiatlori awrlla tli atommli arid pufTu It
I up HKiilnat Ilia lien it. Till rau- ahnrt
1 n.aa of brrath. .iililtutlon of th luart
! liml K t ml aknt-a. Kodol Lya .la
I Cum curca Indication, ili lli-vra the alo
I much, tak thi- atraln off the hi-art.'and
j rintnrfa It In a full prrfiitmum'e of Ita
f 11 111 -1 Ion naturally. KikIiiI Iiiitcii. th
atiKiiKth by ciiablliig Ihx aturnarh anil
illKallvr manna to dlitat, aaalmlliiHf
anil Uiirnillil- to lb Mood and tlaaui
j itl of tho final nutiliin nt. Tow- Ihf
I atuniHi'h and (Ha-allve organ. Hold by
1 I. A. iliudliiK.
Among th III. -Mi a. I'm . I J. M. y r
Wiia Ink. 11 tu r.niliiiMl curly In tin' wi'ik.
whi'ii' ahe lui'l' 1 w. nt an ui. i.ilinn fur
M 1 1'-1 111 1 1 1 1 1 Hlix la ii'i'uvi'iliiK. Ml
Nun ( '1 14 In n ri ttna o't ull mi.ii nt a
J'uilliinil liuailiiil tlila Wiik 11 ml la ii.n
Vllli tim I..Im.. I,. n!I,., nH, , iiI, .ml HO
)iui. hub taken a.il.nialy III mi thv
alr.it Hiiiiilny.
j Unvtlled Monument. Holiday after
j ii'inii lht ni'-ttibi'i a uf Willamette Kail
t'limp anil alau uf Holn C'lrele, Women of
j VViHnli'iaft, hi'lil Ihi'lr uiiniuil memorial
! day exenlaea, when iiiutiuiiii iita win
iinvell.d over the it''"'''11 nf lh In ! H.
j V. (Iihi'ii, Auttuat KriMiiii r 11 nil Ixnu
I Hloever. 'Ihi' Oiiicn City ntul wna In
attendant- himI Urn rxerelaea with hiie.
ly 11tt1111l.il..
Practurad Mil Hip. In atirmiillna l
avoid mi iiimiiiu hlng atreet ' hi mi Kluln
attvrt Inat Huturiliiy nf lriiiiiii, Win.
luilnw, a .uii..r r.lil.'tit uf tlila ruiin
ty, fi'll tu Ih" ni v.niriit ami auatiiliii'il
tin. fim turi- of tin- li ft hip. Mr. Hiiiluw,
who nr. IM ly ci'lrbiutrd Ma fcjil birth
duy, wua ult. il tu mi nftli i-, whi-ri' tlm
Injury wua trratnl. Itn auar uf tlm alio
of thv liijiiiiil mil 11. who la a .-lil.nl of
liarlow, thr Injury limy rrault aiiliiualy.
Oavt Dancing Party Thr I.nill.a of
tht M iii-iii tit'i.a air I'liti-rtiilnwa of th
flrat onli-r. Thi-y iv it prai ltnil uVinon
atratlnn of thla furl Inat Hiitunluy night
whrn they tavr a aminl diiiu at tha
W. (). W. ball. Thla wua th flrat iffoll
of Ihx kltul by tbiar luillia, but It wua
an aurriaafiil thul ntlur partba of tho
aaina kltul may i-xpirtrd during th
yfar. In" rri-ain anil cuki- wua ai-rvnl
during tht. rvrnltiK l'iKki-'a iinhiatia
f iirnlli.-il Ihr niuali' for tlir il.unlng.
Artlaani Iltct Olflcr. At th niiu
Inr ai'inl-anniiul tlirtloii of ortu.-ra Inat
Tliiirluy nialit. (n.ai.11 city Hmo'iiibly of
1'nlti'd Arilmina vl.it.-. 1 thr followhiK
t.fflrfia: Mia. U A. tlllli-ttr. miiat.-r Artl
iin, Clmilra 1'b ki y. iii.ilni. inl. nt;
MukkIi' Curiun. Inapntor: Iti.bi'tt ,imi
fi'lluw. ai-ir.'tury; Mux llulliuk, tniia
tirrr; T. K. Curil.o. n.nlur rundiutiir;
Mia. I'. H. hwiiiK. miiali r of cn munli a;
Mary A. Itira. Junior loinlurtor; M. Hun
ariniui nml Ml llutllr ItltiK", n.-bl nun
innixl. i a.
In Honor of Har Graduation. Ijiat
Kriiluy nlaht Mr. nml Jin I. Tolpolur
Hum- h mi y il. -1 lac ) t f ul 1 1 1 1 1 1 y In honor of
Ilia itMiiluatlon of tlulr ilaunht. r. Hmllr.
Huniia, a ii in. ami niuali- wnr i-njuy.-d
until a Intr hour. Thoar prrarnt: Mr.
and Mra. Wood. Mr. and Mia. Kohln.m.
Mr. nml Mra loa.nati-ln. Mr. and Mra.
I'rlir. Mr. nni( Mia. l.li-l.i.wll. II. Mia.
HuBiirinan. Mr. and Mia. Tulikdiir, Mr.
and Mia. 1. Krlidiinm. Mia. H. Hmlraky
and Mlaa II llaron. of I'ottliiml, Mlaa
Tulpolnr, Miaaia. Cliua. Ilnblnaon, J'lill
I'rlir, A. A. Trior and laadore I'rb.
FocMttra Iltct Oftteart. Friday nlKbt
In Itrd Mi-n'a bull Ihr Ki.n M. ra of Anirr
lia mil and rhrti-d thilr orn.i'ra for Ihr
rnaulna yrr. Thr mrrtlnK wua wrll
atlrti.li-d by Ihr ini-mtwr and Ihr i l.-o-tlun
piinanl off iiuli tly riiouiih. Ihi'ir not
brliiit mm h of arontrat for thr plarra.
Thr olllnra I'lirti'd W.Tr: M. HuKHI mull,
(mat thlif riiim.-r; Lynn Joma, ihUf
mtiK'-r; J. C. I'wla. auh-rlil.f ranr;
Frank Kmiilg. rrcotdlng arrrrlar)'!
tl. lturtM-r. Ircturrr; I). W. liurkhardi.
arnlor wooibud; K. Kii-dnlrk, Junior
wiM.ihir.1. Hoy Woodurd, a.nlor biadlv;
H. E. Warn'r, Junior bradlr.
Chang In kchtdulea.. .Thirr hua brrn
allitht chAiiKr In thr arhidulr of thr
Rout hern I'm lllc tralna lit thla point. Knr
tht InfoitnHtlon of thr people of Oregon
City, thr Kntrrprlar hrrewlth glvra the
ai hnlulr of trulti aa It hua been revlai d.
Ihr new onl. ra going Into rffrt t ttunduy
mumlng luat: North-bound ovrrland.
6 40 a. m. Inatrad of 7:0 a. m.; north
bound Aluny lorul. 9 a. m . (no
change): north-bound overland. 6:2(1 p.
m. Inateud of 6:10 p. m ; aouth-bound
overland. 11:21! a. m. inn change); aouth
bound Albany IochI, 4.46 p. m. inatrad of
4.(0 p. ni ; aouth-bound overland, 9:14
m. (no change).
Waa Authorized Agtnt. An Item In a
recent Inane of the Knleiprlan hua been
culled to Ihr Httentlon of thr editor a
being one that might unintentionally do
an Innocent putty an Injuatlir. Thr Item
referred to atnted that the people of
Oregon City hud recently been culled on
by a woman who repreaentid that the
wua un ngi nt for the Sunaet mugnxlne,
but wua nothing more nor lira than a
grafter. Inning the Inat few weeka thla
city hua been vlalted by Allua M. K.
In, ran. who aollclted aubacrlptlolia to
thla rullrimd publication, but un Imiulry
of thr pubtlahera of that muguxln by a
Itibacrlber In thla city rllclta thr Infor
mation that Mlaa Doran la a regulur and
reliable reprrarntatlvc of Ihut mugnxlne,
duly authorlxed to Hike aubacrlptlona
thrrefor. While the Item had" reference
to another Vomnn, the atatement la
herewith given In Juatlce to Mlaa Ioran.
Bubtcrlbara, Pleaaa Read. The Enter
prise la being aent to aotne readcra who
are not aubacrlbera. Othera are receiv
ing thla paper who algned for It only until
after the June election. The period for
which they aubacrlbed haa expired, and
If they do not dealte the paper contin
ued they will pleaae notify thla office at
once, aa waa the understanding by the
agreement under which they became aub
acrlbera. There are other aubacrlbera
who are conalderably behind In their
ubacrlptlon. With theae we dealre and
muat have a aettlemrnt. In view of the
fact that auch aubacrlbera have been re
ceiving the paper, In aome Inatancea for
yeara, and have paid nothing for It, we
laalat on hnvlng the accounta adjuated
Immediately. Otherwlae the nnmea will
be tuken from the ubacrlptlon llat. We
hall expect an Immediate reeponae to
thla notice on the part of all delinquent
aubacrlbera. It require money to con
duct a newspuper a well a any other
DrB. Deatle & Beatle. Dentintg.
Rooms 16, 17. 18. WelnUrd build-log.
Local Option Rally. The frletnla of tho
In. al option inovi-in. nt held a fliml lully
at the Flrat Conui. Kiitlutiiil chun li Inat
Hun. lay night. Thr meeting wna ad
ill i...., I by I'rof. W. (J. lleattle. II. K.
Cnma and W. H. I' Ken. Thr propoanl
law wua heartily emloiaid and from the
vole that wua cnat for Ihr meuaurr In
thla city Monday It la evident that the
f i Inula of thla nieuaur mude an active
and vlguroiia coun-at. k
Died at lagl Crk.
It la with regret that we are compelled
to chrunl.'le the demlar of Mra. Mnttle J.
I )ev I he, who puaaed away on Monday,
June 6. after an lllneaa of aeveral tnontha
from cuncer of the atuinmh and other
compllcutloiia. Thr funeral waa held on
Wedneaday, Interment taking place In
the Koatrr cemetery at thla pluce, and
wna largely attended. Thr floral offer
ing Were many and very beautiful.
Mra. Mnttle Icvliiewaa born at Fond
ru I-uo, Wla., I.: yeitia ago, and with her
parent emigrated to Kmiaa. where ahe
realded until ahe cmne tu the Cuaat In
ISM. Hhe wua married to Mr. Itoelt J.
Iievltie In May, inoo. Her only aunlv
Ing lelutlvea being one duughler, Mra.
Addle Muni. -It. who realdea at Engle
Creek, and lo r Inmlmnd. Tiny huvr the
aynipulhy of the entire comuiunlty In
thla their anil bereavement.
Mra. ltevlnc wna beloved and reapected
by all who had the pleuaure of knowing
her and ahe will lie greatly mlaaed. Hhe
bore her Buffering with Chrlatlun forti
tude mid without complulnt.
I'eiireful mid fnlr la the amlilng re.ae
That thr brent-ci n.lled alumber of 4n-
fnncy know;
Hound la the real of thr weary and worn
Wh.wiA feet huve been galled with the
dual mid the thorn;
Hweet In the ule. p on the eyelid of
When they dream of the world aa all
pleuaure and truth;
Yet child, pilgrim, youth, ahull awaken
To the Journey of toll, and the trial
of puln.
Hut. (.Hi, there' a fnat and a vlalonlepa
Thr calm and the tlrlee, the long and
Ihr deep; ,
'Tl the aleep that I aoundeat and aweet
eal of all,
Whin our couch la the bier and our
night rube the pall.
No voice of the foe or the friend ahall
I'rnud fluah to the cheek, or warm throb
to the heart;
Tin- llpa of the deareat muy, e k for the
Hut their kla cannot rouae the cold atlll-
neaa of death.
'Tla a long, 'tl Inat. 'tl a beuutlful
When all Borrow la paaed from the
brow and the breaat;
And the lone aplrlt truly and wlaely may
The Bleep thnt la dreamba, thr Bleep of
the grave.
Thrown from a Wagon.
Mr. Cleorge K. Ilubeock waa thrown
from hla wagon and aeverely rulaed. He
applied Chnmberluln' I'uln Halm freely
and aaya It la the brat liniment he ever
uaed. Mr. Habcock la a well known cltlxen
of North I'laln, Conn. There I nothing
equal to fain Halm for BpralnB and
brulaea. It will effect a cure In one-third
the time required by any other treat
ment. For ale by Q. A. Harding.
Wo Have C(vU-:! Control lop
Tlila Ciy oi the Fulton Com
pound, the Only Thlr Known
to Mtfoi-ltte Tl.ut Cure Kidney
C ti.ecai In Both the Primary
... Lwcundary Strte,
TL - kldtitri arecnt urmltlTe and tb dUeaat
U kuoieiline tuniened ' Ld a, reedy ebrouir
hb tbe very Drat aymplom. 11 It haa bung
a alf ul la tea mootba II I aurely ehroale. 1
litber eM why lakeehaDceat Way not take at
Brat tbe only thing known that cure ktdnn
glH In 111 elirunla a well aa la prlmar
tagra. Th Pell eae cited below, by permit
Ion, laeapaolBlly valuable, for tu Incurability
wm doably ontlrmd by eonaulllngphyalclana,
and after reoTry under th Fulton Compound
Ui recof ry wa alo doubly aliened.
on May Int. IVi. th oa of K. C. Pell, the
anKro( th l'oin Ooaat Hlteult Company
of Beoond and Folaom dree I. Han Franclaoo
wadolrrd by the family phylola to hT
hronto kidney alaaaae and Incurable. Another
Sbyalolan w failed la and confirmed the
lagno!. Th whole body waa iwolUn wltb
aroMy, and a fatal trrmlnatloa looked 'or. Th
rulton Oomponad war theu turned la a lb
niy nope. On September 1 th drop had
dtipprd and the hoy waa well, and after
double iamlnallona lb phyalalan declared the
reoovary complete and gave Mr. fell a written
nporl whtoa h now haa.
JudK U. A. Cabanl, the Polloe Judf of Raa
rranaiaao, alio altet th recovery under hi
wa oburratlon of a friend of hi who Bio
reoovertd whan th ea (ohranle Urtght'a Dl
eaa of Is kldneya) wa well kaowa to b la
urabi aooordlng to all madlral autboritl.
Up lo th ad?nl of th Fnlton Compoundi
aedicln knew nothing that would cur kidney
trtmblea after they became chronlo. About
Btue-lenthe of all cae are Dow carable, erra
after they bare developed Into tbe dreaded
ehronlo form of Bright' DUeae and dlabete.
No latemeut are publlihed or Invited irrpl
from chronic car that, like the abbv, are l
tumble by Bll othar known medicine. It youi
kidney trouble la recent JTulton'a Renal Com-
rnd will cure It quickly. II It la of ovr eight
ten month atandtng It la the only thing
known that will aav your llf. John J. Fulwa
Co., J Whlnton tret, Saa Frnleo. o)o
aompoundar. Falton'a Renal Coaipoaad lot
Bright' and Kidney lee.l; tor Wabetea,
II 10. Free aaalTtra mad for paltenM. Bend
inr pampki, VV ar liia welualT aaM
An Alarm Clock for 25c.
If you wunl to g'-t up early and feel
good ull day take a Utile Kurly Hlaer
or two al bed time. Theae fuinoua little
pllla reiux the n.-rvea, give quiet and reat
iirol r. fr. uhltig aleep, with a g title nwve
tneiit of the bowela aliut breakfast
time, W. II. Unwell, llourton, Tex..
kaya "Km ly lllwra are the? beat pill made
for coiiallpatliin. ah k heu.hu he. bllloua
lieaa, etc." Hold by O. A. Harding.
A new Houthern alory la going the
roiimla, tlila time with the mountain" of
Virginia aa the Betting. A revlvallat
wlio wna holding meeting there met a i
mini ami naked him to attend aervlce j
Ihut evening, Thr man refuaed to prom-
lae, and I lie preacher ald: "My brother,
don't you ever pray?" "Naw," anawered
the villager; "I carry a rabbit' foot." !
0. A. Harding
Aaka the reader of thla paper to teat the
value of Kodol liyapepala Cure. Tho
l noma who huvr uaed It and who huve
ln-en cured by It. do not healtate to re
commend It to their friend. Kodol dl
geata what you rut, cure Indlgeatlon.
dyaM-pala and all atomach trouble, ln
crenaea atrength by enabling the atomach
anil illgeatlve organa to contribute to the
blood all of the nutriment contained In
the food. Kodol liyapepala Cure I
pleuaunt and puliituble.
Juat before congieaa adjourned Hep
burn, of Iowa, made omr fucetlona re
tiiurka alKiut thr claaalcal allualona with
which Chump Clark' apeechea are Inter
lanled. "If I could nulel myaclf upon
the gentleman.' he aald. "I could Improve
nil of my apeechea. I would make them
In at leaat four languiigea. Look at the
learning found In the gentleman'
rH-e. -he quotation from the (ireek.
(imitation from the French, quotation
from the Ijitln. The gentleman know
glibly the quotation. I do not know how
fmtillliir he Is with the tongue. But 1
know thla, thnt If I could take him aa
my model. I would go Into the region
where Tucltua went. 'I would roam," as
thr fellow from Wlconln suld. 'I would
roam with old Knmulila; I would cant
with old Cantharltle: I would rip with
old Kurlpldea; but what in hell haa that
to do with the Iuwb of VlaconlnT "
Excursion Rates to Yaqulna Bay.
On June lat the Southern Pacific Co. j
will resume aale of excuralon tickets to j
Newport and Yaqulna buy. This popu- '
lur reaort Is growing In favor each year, !
hotel rates are reasonable and the oppor- j
tunltles for fishing, hunting snd sea i
bathing are unexcelled by any other ,
resort on the pacific Coast. !
Oentra) Passenger Agent, j
Doesn't Rcipect Old A Be
lt's shameful when youth falls to
oVw.il- nmiu.r rnanort for old age. but I
JuKt the contrary In the '.case of Dr. :5
King's New Life Pills. 1 ney cui on
malatlleg no matter how severe and ,
IrreRpectlve of old age. Dyspepsia,
Jaundice, Fever, Constipation all
yield to this perfect Pill. 25c. at
Charman & Co.'a drufr store.
Not a Sick Day Since.
"I was taken severely sick with
kidney trouble. I tried all sorts of ,
medicines, none of which relieved me.
One day 1 saw an ad of your Elec
tric Bitters and determined to try
that. After taking a few doses I felt j
relieved, and soon thereafter was en- i
tlrely cured, and have not been sick
a day since. Neighbors of mine have ;
been cured of Rheumatism, Neural
gia. Liver and Kidney Troubles and
General Debility." This Is what B. j
F. Baas, of Fremont N. C, writes, i
Only 50c at Charman & Co., drug- i
Bears ti
ltd Hind You Haw Hum Bongt
m vm tou nan mm
U. B. Church.
Preaching sen-ices at the United
Brethren church, head of Seventh street,
every Sunday. 11 a. m.; Sunday school 10
a. m.; Christian Endeavor 7 p. m.;
preaching 8 p. m. Prayer meeting every
Wedneeduy evening at 8 o'clock. All
are cordially Invited to these services.
C. P. Blanchard, pastor.
State of Ohio, City of Toledo,
Lucas County.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath thai
he Is senior partner of the firm of
F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business
in the City of Toledo, County and
State aforesaid, and that said firm will
pay the sura of ONE HUNDRED DOL
LARS for each and every case of
Catarrh that cannot be cured by the
use of HaU'B Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscrib
ed In my presence, this 6th day of
December, A. D. 1886.
(Seal.) Notary Public
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, and acts directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Send for testimonials free.
F. J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by all druggists, 75 cents.
Take Hall'. Family Pills tat
For Infant, and Children.
Tlia Kind You Hare Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Two Celebrated
Tb Virginian
Calumet K
Druggists and Booksellers.
R. F. D. Orders
Special Attention
Fishing Tackle for all fctodsof Fish, from Chubs to Salmon. We carry the only
complete Hne of Spaulding's Base Ball Goods. Try a Wheeler Sc Wilson
Sewing Machine a week at our expense.
We have filled prescriptions for every physician who
has practiced medicine during the past twelve years
in Clackamas county. We fill many prescriptions
from Portland doctors. No matter who writes your
prescription -no matter what druggist's blank it may
be on, we want to fill it for you. and the work and
the price will be honest.
Over 75 Styles
and Sizes of
Paint Brushes
A stock that in variety is
excelled by few in Port
land; in price is equaled
by fewer. You can get
here just the kind of a
brush you want for the
kind of work you want
to do. If you need ad
vice, our paint man is a
practical painter of
many years experience,
who can tell you how
to paint io eet the b'.st
results. His advice
costs you nothing and
may save you many
dollars. Get our prices
on Lead and oiL We
are inside the regular
market prices just now.
Portland isn't in it.
Eclat Hammocks
75c to $6.00
No need to shop around to find the
style and color of a hammock
at the price you want to pay.
We show 50 different kinds.
As usual we saved the jobber's
profit by buying direct a sav
ing that you will notice when
you price them.
The Real
Our Chocolate Ice Geam
Soda has it. A smooth,
rich, creamy cream a
poem for the palate. It's
worth coming here to
know how good choco
late can be made. 10c
Our Egg Phosphate is a
healthful, refreshing,
cooling drink with a se
ductive flavor. . 10c.
44 Tastes just like it does
out at the Springs," is
the way they discuss
ourWilhoit. . . 5c
Free Candy Ticket
with every drink at our
fountain. Ask for them.
tt f An expert from the Factory will demonstrate the development of
V elOX Velox Monday the 1 3th afternoon 2 to 5. evening
DemOIlStfatlOIl 7 to 9. Yog are cordially Invited to bring yotst
favofHe negative.
I v -I
Victor Talking
Sing Everything
Play Everything
The Victor is so perfect that it is often mistaken
for actual talking and singing, even by persons
accustomed to it. It is as soft and sweet as the
voice of a woman; as full, loud, clear andstrong
as that of a man. For the purpose of
Home Amusement
the Victor is a most desirable machine in every
way. It's simple construction and perfect me
chanism make it easy for any person to operate
without the slightest mechanical knowledge.
Uses Indestf uctible Disk Records
The price of the machine is very reasonable.
We sell a very fine machine as low as
Records from 50c to $1.50 according to size.
Costs nothing to listen to one of them. Come
in and bring your friends. :-: :-: :-:
Burmeister & Andresen
The Oregon City Jewelers