Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 10, 1904, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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New To-Day.
tr cont. Farm ocurlty. U'Uoa
6 Bchulml.
al Hum of mutiny liloiiKlng to prl
vato ludlvlilimlH which 1 km author
ised to limn, on long tlmo at 1 ami
7 lT cont. CoMt of lnun will he
mado vnry r'nnoiiallo, U. K.
CroMH, attonioy at law.
thy lady or RontUiman to inaniiKa
ImihIiixnn In tliln county and adjoin
ing territory for wull and favorably
known Iiourh of aolld financial
tandliiK. $20.00 atralKht caah sal
ary and exrmriHo paid each Mon
day by chock dlrct from hadiuur-
tlira. Mvnmittit iiwinnv mtvanntil Pn.
agor, 810 Co mo Ulock, Chicago. III.
A fioi'will parly wim glvi-n Tunwliiy
night at the hum of Miss Krsnnna Wil
kinson, ut tlie Went Hliln, In honor of
Ml Nltiu Alli-n, who Inn boon all-inllii
m hoiil limit, hut i'i)iu;l gouii to leave tut
ln-r honm. F'lln'-U and olln-r gami-a With
played, aftur which lluht n-frvshiiients
woru 'ivvd.
Personal Mention
Mr. and Mil. Hth 1.4-aviiris arrived
In i '!) City Mumliiy evening from L
A nw lx. f'allfurnla, and will ln at home
nfii'r June J 5. Mr. lavi-na, who In "C
ivliiry of the loot Y. m! C". A., wt-ildi-d
Cluia lllnni'ha Warner at lyis Anaub'S
on Urn 3d Inat. Mia. Iavwiia formerly
rfuhltd In t'nlon county.
. jStieiki
Popular, alyllah and ready sllliig hats.
Miss C. (JuMsmlth.
Coinplei line of trimmed lima at low
cat prhoa. Ml C. Uoldamlth.
All trimmed hata and unlrtnimed
ahapea reduced. Mlaa (', OoMamllh.
Born, Wedneaday, June I, 1'JiM. to Mr.
and Mra. Thomua Klynti, In Hi la city, an
11-pound aon.
The Colonial, the new hotel at Beaald.
will b ready to receive guttata by the
fliat of July.
Monday evening Mlaaea Matjorln and
Kthel t'aufli'ld rntertMlnrd a company
of youna p'oiMa at" their home on the
Ijim KiMay, June I. Muyor DlmUk
performed the ceremony Hint united III
matrimony Hu.T C. K. (.'. Iddlaon and
lluu tiu lilu. klmni.
Allen fooke haa accepted the appoint
ment of aaalalant mi'-iit In the local
freight orflo of thn Oregon Water Power
A Knllway rompiuiy.
Children's Pay elerclaea will he held
tiy lhe iiieinlieia of the Huiuluy achiKil
at the Klrat Methodlat church Suiuluy
evening. June 12.
Mr. and Mia J W. Waldron annnunce
he eiigiiK' nieut of their daughter Jennie
to Mr. Ailhur T. Crarfl. The wrdillng
will tuke place June :0.
An ehuitor for freight and paaaenger
purpoeea la being Inatulled at the woolen
mill phiiit of the Oregon City Manufac
turing company, of thle city.
Hupeilor ull-round playing by the Ore
on 1'ltv Colt enubleil the I'm al nine to
defeul the Cuiiby tenin at I'miemah park
Nunilay itfti'iuooii by a eroic of ! to .
W. II. Wetlluiifi-r. Kvung-llinl pastur,
annouiuea that the Young 1'eople a Alli
ance of thnt church will ! leorgiiulied
lleXt Wedlieatluy fVl-lllllg. All lilt ereati d
ai tin lied to alletid.
Judge Win. Unllowiiy waa In the city
he latter pint of the week receiving the
cougiutuhilloiia of hla many fiiemla on
Ilia elci tb'll to one of the clicult Jlltlge.
ahlpa In the Third Judicial dlatrlct.
('uptaln Mleaaner, of Viuicouvcr. Wnh
Inglon, will Inke chiuge of our meeting
l'll'liiy evening. Ho hua chuige of the
woik at that point. Come and heur thla
very talented epeiikcr ut the Salvation
Army hull thla Krlduy evening. Com-nuuider.
Tueaduy ufteniHn the puplla of the
Catholic ttundny ectiool and ft. John'i
Parochial ai-hool held an rnjoyublc picnic
at Cuiicmnh park. JThuradny evening
the nienibeia of the Catholic congrega
tion held un Ice cream eoclul ut the
Rev. W. II. Wettlaufer, who recently
arrived In Oregon Cliy from North Da
kota, haa taken charge of the Evun
g.jllcal church. Ho announcea that aer
vlcea will be held each Sunday at 11 a. m.
and p. m., with Sunday achool at 10
o'clock a. tu.
At. a apeclal meeting of the clicult
court Tueadnv. Judge M'Urhle gianbd
divorcee aa follow: Ellzuhelh Am it va.
George JI. Avery: I-ellle l'oa.r a.
Frank Poyaer: I'loy rtuthlefaon va. Henry
Ruthlefaon; C. IMgur Kennedy va. Flor
ence K. Kennedy.
At St. Paul a Eplacopn! church, rector
the ltev. P. K. Hammond, holy commun
ion at 8 a. m.i Sunday achool at 10;
morning piaycr nnd aermon at 11, and
aong aervlcn at 8 p. m. In the evening
the aermon will he the accond lu a aeriea
on "Modern Plcturea from the Old Book."
Marriage licenaea have been laaued by
County Clerk Sleight elnce the laat Imue
of tho Enterprise aa followa: Fred Sklr
vln and Lena Ilarth; Roger C. E. C.
Iddlaon and Marotta lllackburn; Medora
Hoadrlck and Albert ltradt; Ellnta Mltta
and Warren Io; Julia Young and A. L.
The Oregon City Colta go to Hubbard
Sunday, where they are acheduled for a
double-header on the bnae ball dlainoiid
ut thai phiee. Ill the forenoon, the Ore
gon City Inda will tackle the funioua
Hubbard nine, nnd In the afternoon will
play a game with a team from Bllvertoii.
Theae ura two of the strongest amateur
teama up the valley and tho frk-nda of
the home nine will watch with Interest
the result of tho games.
Fight Will be Bitter.
Those who will persist In closing their
ears against the continual recommenda
tion of Dr. Klng"a New Dlacovery for
Consumption, will have a long and bitter
light with their troubles, If not ended
earlier by fatal termination. Read what
T. It. Tleall, of nen.Il. Mica., has to say:
Uist fall my wife had every symptom
of consumption. She took Ir. King's
New Ulacovery after everything else had
failed. Improvement came ut once ond
four bottba entirely cured her. Guaran
teed by Clinnnnii & Co., druggists.
Price 60c and 11.00. Trial bottles free.
The cliy authorities are ruffling off a
valuable auhurhun lot, the proceeds of
which will ba devoted towards defraying
a part of the cost of constructing the
South End road. The lot was donated
to tha city hy Mrs. Hellen Stratum. It Is
located at Fulls View and will produce
W). as there are too chances at one dol
lar each, Oood progress Is being made
In the building of the South End road,
thn expense of which Is being Jointly
assumed by the city and the county.
The road will provide an advantageous
tneuus of Ingress and exit to the bustnoea
dlatrlct of the city and will be com
pleted this summer.
Among thn notable features of the Ar
gonaut for June 13th will be "I'raw
hacks of Sea Travel," by Jerome Hart,
who lulls of thn disagreeable people one
meets, and of the tlreaome concerts
given; "New York's Early Bummer," In
a letter from Ueraldlne Homier. In which
Is given some Interesting accounts of
spring conditions In (Jotlium; "Qauy, the
iloaa of Pennsylvania," an exhaustive
sketch of the late statesman; "The Fee
alng of Zllk," an unusual and Intereatlng
story of mining-camp life by Mabel
Hnughton Urown; and criticisms of "U.
8." at Fischer's and "Sergeant Kitty,"
at the Tlvoll, y Josephine Hurt Phelps.
You Bet You Can.
You can bo t strong man or woman
by buying the great norve tonic, Pal
mo Tablets, sold by Howell & Jones.
They make you sloop and grow fat.
The W
Farmer's W) ;
Foes .otIi
Charles Humphry, of Astoria, Is visit
ing with relatives In this city.
It. 8. McLaughlin, a leading citizen of
MHwaukle. waa In the city Tuesday.
Jacob Mlley, a leading Republican of
Union precinct, wns In the city Tuesday.
ir i..tin Welch, of Portland, wos
transacting buelnees In Oregon City
Miss Chlo Itashor, of Salem, visited
over Sunday with her sister, Miss Ger
trude, In this city.
Mrs. Roy Martin, of Vancouver, spent
this week visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mis. Miles.
Misses Cells and Uertha Goldsmith
spent Sunday with relutlves at Eugene.
Antone and Otto Meteohan, of Port
land, vlelted with J. W. Cochran one
day laat Week.
('has. Wilson, purser on the steamer
IIussulo, visited his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. D. Wilson, this week.
Howard M. Eccles, a prominent young
teacher of the Canby Neighborhood, was
In the city several days last week.
H. A. Rands and Wm. Callff have gone
to Clark's Ford, Idaho, where they will
perform some surveying enntracts.
Mis. W. H. Welsh haa gone to 8t.
Louis, where she will Join her husband
and spend some time at the fair.
Mlas Eaale lllock returned this week
from Baltimore, where she has been pur
suing her musical studies at the Peabody
Ir. W. B. Morse, of Salem, waa In the
city Tuesday on bualneas before the land
The city water commission, In regular
meeting Monday night, decided to ex
tend the main on Center street from
Second to Third streets. The jnatter of
changing the location of the main on
Center street has not yet een settled,
und further consultation will be necea
aary. Yesterday the water commission
ers viewed the course of the Intake pipe
from the pumphouse to the tank, with
a view of making a slight change In its
location. Thla will be 'made advisable
because the Oregon City Manufacturing
compuny contemplates a change in the
course of their flume, near which the
pipe now runs.
A eviahtaned Horse.
I Runnlnar like mad ' down the street.
dumping the occupants, or a hundred
other accidents, are everyday occur
rences. It behooves everybody to have
a rellable'Sulve handy and there's none
as gixjd ss Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Hums. Cuts. Sores, Edema and Piles
disappear quickly under Its soothing
effect, 2Sc, at Charman Co.'a drug
arc weciU. t'nlcss
they are kept dow n,
they divert the nu
trition which the
soil provides from
the ".rowing crujis u:nl ruin their pro
ductiveness. diseases are to the lxvly what weols
are to the il. They divert the nutri
tion which is neccsfcirv to aouml health,
and the Ixxly, instead of hein strong
and hardy, tlr.ijs out a sickly existence.
When t1' stomach is il.scased, and the
other i.ua of digestion and nutrition
are involved with it, there is a coatant
loss of nutrition lv the lsly. The stom
uche and its nllieif oralis are not uble to
convert the finnls into nourishment, anil
hence the body and its several organs are
deprived of the necessary elements of
vitality. What is known as "weak"
heart or " weak " Uiiik. " weak " nerves
and other forms of so-culled weakness, are
generally caused by "weuk" stomach.
When the stomach and the other organs
of digestion and nutrition are cured, then
the other diseases are cured with it. Dis
eases which are caused by a diseased
condition of the stomach are cured
through the stomach. Pr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases
of the stomach and its associated organs
of digestion and nutrition. It cures
through the stomach discuses of heart,
lungs, liver anil other organs. It in
creases the nctivity of the blood-making
glands, so that the whole lxxly is nour
ished by an abundant supply of pure
blood, rich in the bright red corpuscles
of health.
There is no alcohol in "Golden Med
ical Discovery" and it contains neither
opium, cocaine, nor any other narcotic.
It is strictly a temperance medicine.
Persons suffering from chronic forms
of disease are invited to consult Dr.
Pierce by letter free. All correspondence
strictly private. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Suffered for Years.
"Mv gratitude to you snd your ' Ooldrn Med
ical IllHCoverv' I so great." writes Mr. Kon
Martin, of Arlce, M,n,,n Co., West Virginia, "that
I sin at s loi to fimi wtittii to express my true
ferlinit. I hail sure-red for s niliulwr of year
witti lunRtinil thro.it trouble, ami iluctorvd with
speciAliu, tint got no lietter. Then I decided
tu try lr. Pierce's C.oMen Medical discovery,
sml after using it I wngrrntly relieved. 1 have
all f.iitii that it ha wived my life.
HI have one nf vour medical books aod thiok
It a grand work.
Torpid Liver Cured.
"I was a sufferer from torpid liver for over a
?'enr." writes Mm. Nora Willis, of Wllentrield,
mpcr Co., tud., "nnd cmttl not "irrp. nor eat
mt vciy liitlc. ninl llu n n would ouse tne great
di-trc s I tri'-d v,-r.il d-wtortt hut got no re-li-1
Vn (elvi'ci by u liit-nd to write to Pr.
l'l.Tcr. w hich 1 did. and in a lew ilnys 1 received
a letter advising me to take his 'Uotdcn Med
icol Discovery ' nnd niso lits ' rlrnsnnt pellets.'
Alter 1 had taken only hull s Ix.ltle I wnsgrently
improved. I oulv took three liotttes of the
T.-iMrtl Medici! ii'vnvcry' ml,'; I wo vi. lis of the
'IvlUt,' and. th:itiks to !r. Tierce and his
womlciliit tnc'liciti". I mil (is wll useverinniv
lite, uud lerl tu.it life i" worth l' ilil sftrr sll.
Lust w inter I I k n s vcrr cold w'llch re
sulted in pleurisv. T.miMir can not tell what I
sutlcrctl. for two ini;lit uud Iwo days 1 could
not move without il nc.n'y killed me. I told
U1V husband I could n. t ell. line art. tiler nieht ol
suffering. The w. utlicr wii- eld nnd stormy
thnt it wns almost too Im.1 I r nnv one to no six
miles to town, but hr writ ion! h a A Uittle ol
Dr. Pierce I-strict ol "mart -MVe.1 w hich euve
me InsliiiU relief. 1 cm .iv th ,t lor all pains
thnt I have tiled it fir il lias wotk'e.l like manic.
We keen a t.tlle of the ' Smart Weed ' in the
houssTill the lime. I cannot thank Dr. Pierce
euough for what he has d.ine for me-"
Constipation lvis almost countless con
sequences. Ir. IVrce's Pleasant Pellets
cure constipation and cure its conse
quences, i Tl.ev tliulild ulways be used
with "Gol Jen Mistical Discovery," when
the use ol a Uxative is indicated.
president Eliot, of Harvard, dined re
cently at a New York hotel, where the
man who takes care of the hats at the
dining room door Is celebrated for his
memory about the ownership of head
gear. "How do you know that la my
half the coleglan asked, as his tile
was presented to him. "I don't know It
suh," suld the door man. "Then why do
you give It to mr Insisted President
Eliot. "Because you gave it to me, suh,"
replied the darkey.
"It was allmost a miracle. Burdock
Blood Bitters cured me of a terrible
breaking out ull over the body. I am
very grateful." M'ss Julia Fllbrldge,
West Cornwell, Conn.
Of course you will in your heart, even though you can not come to our store and spond
a morning or an afternoon amid the flowers and music of our summer exposition of fashion.
Soles tKat voa't come off
We call 'em school shoes. They will stand most anything in the way of boyish sports
and you know it takes something mighty tough to go through weeks of romping. Those shoes
are District 7i, the world's greatest schc-ol shoes. We have the sole agency.
When the nerves are weak
everything goes wrong. You
are tired all the time, easily
discouraged, nervous, and
irritable. Your cheeks are
pale and your blood is thin.
Vour doctor says you are
threatened with a nervous
breakdown. He orders this
grand old family medicine.
e F.ir more tlisn W er I hve nil Ayer'fl
Rurtupiiruia lu mr rwiulv It U summl tmoc
at ail lime, ami w.,..a..rf'i; m-ilklne f- nil
iurr biooj "-U. C. HoLr, Watt Unveil. Conn.
SI 00 a hnttle.
VI -Irii 'l.f.
I,,l V...
Weak Nerves
Keep tne bowels regular with Aver'g
Pills, Just one pill each night.
Bare Oni!
Hut SdufiWl
Bart laaaCaa a aass
Sammer Hosiery
If we were to elaborate ever so much over
the beauty of our hosiery line we couldn't con
vey the very point we wish to impres3 you with.
It's the rich colorings and the beautiful designs
that have been executed by deft fingers that'll
impress you most, and youH be compelled to
see them to know what they are.
Summer Styles in Men's
and Young Men's Clothing
If you want a suit of clothes with character
to it, a suit out of the ordinary, one that looks
as good as the sort that a good tailor would
make to your special order, a suit that fits you
aa it should fit, make your selection from the
new stock which awaits you at our store.
Xo matter what you pay for an article you
buy here, the service it will render will always
be satisfactory, and the prices positively the
Clothier & Finisher
Soleagents for W. L. Dooglas Shoes and Hawes Hats
Superior Work
Lowest Prices
That is what you get when A.
Mihlstin does your plumbing
work. He does general tinning,
plunibinp and jobbing busi
ness. Estimates cheerfully
furnished. Hot air heating
fixtuies manufactured and
Main Street
SECOND HAND STORE has remove.!
into the storeroom adjoining the post of
tic. We rsrrv a complete line of new
and second baml stovi-a and furniture.
Highest pricts paid for alt kinds of junk.
Sugarman & Co
Travelers' Money Orders
We are prep ared to furnish visitors to the
Saint Louis Exposition with Money Orders
payable In S aint Louis. These Orders are
self Identify ing and will save the delay and
annoyance of furnishing personal Identification. ,
The convenl ence and safety of carrying funds
In this manner will recommend them to experi
enced travel era. Come In and ret us explain them
to you.
..The Bank of Oregon City
1 Frii? Sm, 1 Do It.
Let us give you prices
on your Lead ana Oil,
Dry Colors, ete. ::::::
When your purchases at
our store aggreKite $2.3, you
are entitled to an enlarged oil
portrait of yourself. Kemera
ber and secure a coupon with
each purchase.
Our stock of groceries is
fresh and complete and the
prices are right. Call and see.
Get one of these fine port
raits and decorate your home.
A similar opportunity may
not be offered again.
Canned Coats
We guarantee Pure Pre
pared Paint to stand or
repaint your house. : :
There are many brands and quali
ties of mixed paints. Some
are adulterated and are expen
sive at any price. Some are
advertised as High Grade and
are high in cost and imperfectly
prepared. . -
A few bargains in the Paint line
It is perfectly prepared and you ob
, tain just exactly what you pay
tor. Its increased use by prac
tical and progressive painters is
the best evidence of its merits.
Davis Varnish Stain, quarts .
" " " J -2 pints.
Acme Wood Stain, quarts . .
Neals Bath Tub Enamel, qts .
" " 44 . 44 pints .
44 1-2 pts .
50c Neals Carriage Paints, quarts . .
20c 44 44 44 pints. .
50c 44 " 44 1-2 pts . .
75c We guarantee Pare Prepared Paint to
50c be strictly pure White Lead, Oxide of
25c Zinc and Pare Linseed Oil.
si AlKrtullta Vflrkttt ' sseeeeeaeeeeeesesesseeeeesseese