OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1904. PACE 2. 5 . . 9999999 99999 ; Oar Correspondents' Corner : w Brld Bit ot Ooaip rrom Correspondents are requested to re- new their work. We will furnish all IZw y stationery. The news from your ne chborhood snomu appear m ; M : I these columns every wevk. EAGLE CREEK. Mra. Harry- Malon waa a buslneaa vla Itor to Portland Tuesday. The election pawed off very quietly and every- one 18 8,;id " ls pvr- Supervlsor Linn la Improving the atreeta about town. Let the good work go on. About BO people attended the aale of lota at this place, laat Saturday. t" i . , ' 1. t,ua a rtnnrAnt And Ice near the d,pot. A more substantial biding wl.le erected In the near fu- :. " ..,n h. modern In every W ' t tailor Sheriff Shaver. Recorder Stevens. At torney CampNll and Mr. U'Ren were noticed on our atreeta Saturday. Estacada waa evidently disappointed over the election. It la hard to down Eagle Creek when It cornea to politic. Mr. J. E. Burnett waa a Portland vla ltor Tuesday. The aubstation at thl place la now In operation and the trolley car will soon take the place of the ateara car. There will be four or Ave regular trains each way a day. ELDORADO. Ely base ball nine defeated Cam first Bine Sunday. cor 11 to 15. Shubel de feated Caru second nine same day, core IS to 15. Next Sunday West Side team playa Carua at Caru. Jone Broa. were looking after their cattle Monday. Pay Spangler la crippled up pretty bad ly at present. Chaa Thomaa. of Vnion Hall, waa eeen In our burg Sunday. W. P. King and wife spent a few daya this week vlaiting frienda and relative here, returning Tuesday to Portland. Al Jonea and wife spent Sunday at John Bum's home. Emeraon Spat is working for Nash ft Dodge at Cedar Island. Ralph Howard, of Canby. spent Sunday with his parents. Clyde Smith is working at present for ,f i , jnewi jittuiT-. Bert Perry- and Rex Lewis were in our burg Monday. GEORGE. Lumber hauling is the order of the day In George New houses, barns, picket fences and board fences are going up in all direc tions. I There wll be Ian abundance of every kind of fruit, and all kinds of grain look well. Decoration day was observed by deco rating all the graves in the cemetery. A new settler by the name of Wolfe bought land and located In this neigh borhood last week. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Paulson visited their old friends Mr. and Mrs. Tracy at Estacada and had a look at the new town. Mrs. Hld Is visiting with her daugh ter and other friends for the last month In Washington county. Mrs. Johnson and her daughter. Marie, were visiting in Portland some days last week. Some of the boys from here were up to see the Hood P.iver country. Mr. Hans Paulson was on business In Portland Saturday. Miss Dora Smith and Miss Bertha Harders were out from Portland fur a few days vlBit with their parents. Theo. Harders and Leo Rath went to Eastern Oregon. REDLAND. Ross Brown spent the day on Wednes day at the home of Mr. J. Doremus at Redland. N. McKillican Is busy this week haul ing lumber for his new house to be built on his farm at Redland. W. H. Bonney has his new saw mill In operation and is ready to receive or ders for rough and dressed lumber. The mill Is located on Clear creek at Fisher's mill. JAMES. Mrs. Mary Robeson, who has been on the sick list for some time, Is yet under the doctor care. Miss Elsie Fischer was visiting the Gotberg home Sunday. Some of our younrf folks attended the ball game Sunday at Shubel. D. A. Jams captured a young deer last week. It is thriving nicely and la a great pet. The dance at ih'j I:cbestn hall Satur day night har ot;.1 attendance, but those that were' there enjoyed themselves hugely. ' Bill Baker Is erecting a new barn and house on his place. . James ic Son are busy hauling logs to mill, as they will do considerable build ing this summer, two new barns and a atore, um latter being 24xti0, two-story, with a hall above. Frees iiooney went to Oregon City to day to I'.ceive the fish the government is to send him to stock the lakes In the mountains in and around Cold Springs and lfeso Snookurn lake. WILSONVILLE. Dry weather again, we f-ar. Hurrah for H-my Aden, our newly elected constable. And we all saw their finish the Demo cratic candidates. John Peters, the retired business man of thl place, has gone to Hood River on a trip. A number of people from here Intend going; to the Grange picnic at Frog Pond Saturday. The P-epublican meeting Saturday night wa rather amaJL partly on account U the ball on the ame night. There will be preaching service, at WUsonviUe hall next Sunday, conducted ty Rev. Austin, of Tualatin. One ser vice at 11 a, m. and one at 4 p. m. ...aaa nuiiKii ki WVVWWTVW ftu rarooi uc ur. MUUNO. , , EMer Wat.,, .he loa.lina: niln sto, In ' , c, ..!,. with a lnrw atti'tlilnnce. Jot Mallntt la working for Nash & tv-xlge at CY.inr IslnnJ thl week. Bonney Mallatt haa a aover attack of sor throat, but la receiving treatment that we hope will help him. P. Murphy returned from Hood River a few daya ago to attend the election here. Fred W'alace, of Oak Point, apent a few daya with hla parenta last week. Chaa. and Ida Boynton called at the Woodaide home Monday. Rev. Wllea haa lumber hauled for hla Mr. Mll.tt and family Mr. HhvIs and family. Mra. Panlel. and dau.h er Katie Mr. Bowman and dauahter. Keta and "Sunt and Mr. and Mra. Wallace and daughter Eva were visitors at the home of Fred ErVkaon 8unday. Fred Woodsld Is breaking a colt for Mr. Murphy. He made a flying trip to Meadowbrook. If It did do lota of kicking. Price Barclay la working at Austin's mill near Cedar Island. C. Naah and family were In our midst last Sunday. Agnes Wallace made a flying trip to Oregon City Wednesday. CANBY. ' J. S. Dick haa purchaaed th thorough bred trotter Barlow Jane, and Clyde say he will hav her down to 1:10 by the Fourth. Jane and Clyde will probably head the procession on the Glorious Fourth. W. M. Cantrell came up from Portland and pent Sunday In Canby. He waa visiting hla daughter, who recently re turned from California. Otto and Emma Evana returned Thurs day from l.oa Angeles, where they have spent several montha enjoying the frag rance of the orange blossom. William Powera. from Lebanon. Is a new clerk employed In the store of Carl ton ft Rosencrana. Wesley Rigga recently purchased a very" nice buggy horse of 8. Ramsby, of Molalla. Canbv base ball nine Is to play the Silverton ball nine on the Canby diamond next Sunday and every one predicts the succesa ot (.anoy. The Canbv school will close Friday, June 11. Examinations are now being held at the schlol house. Every- one Is feeling very happy that our fellow citizen F. A. Sleight was elected by such a handsonme vote. It speaks well for him as an officer. Mrs. F. A: Sleight, of Oregon City, was visiting Mrs. Rosencrans on Tuesday. Ralph Knight took the second degree in the I. O. O. F. lodge last Friday night and on Tuesday evening he was initi ated Into the Rebecca lodge. OREGON'S TRIBUTE TO PRESIDENT. State Republican Ticket Haa 22,000 Ma jority. Oregon's tribute to President Theodore Roosevelt is a Republican plurality of more than 2l.0'l0 votes. To support the president's policies In congress Oregon has returned two Republican represent atives by handsome votes. In the Second district practically com plete returns Indicate that J. N. Wil liamson has been re-elected by a plural ity erf 13.000 votes. In the First district Binger Hermann will have more than 700" votes. Incomplete returns place his plurality slightly under that figure. Two years ago R. 8. Bean was elected sm.reme judge by 17.H1. This year prac tically complete returns Indicate that the plurality of F. A. Moore over his Demo cratic opponent for supreme judge, Thos. O'Day, will be 21.000. Incomplete returns from 25 out of 33 counties make It certain that the local option law has carried by a good major ity. The 2000 votes In Multnomah county cast against the measure have already been overcome, and the law has 175 votes to spare. It is believed complete returns will greatly enlarge this majority. The direct primary nominating law has swept the state bV more than 20.000 ma jority. Little opposition to the measure was manifested at the polls. One of the surprises of the election was the defeat of B. L. Eddy, of Tillamook, for circuit Judge in the Third Judicial district. His Democratic opponent, Wil liam Galloway, of Yamhill, waa elected by a plurality of 700. The Democratic candidates for the legislature have been successful In few ,-oiintlen The next OreRon legislature will consist of 7:i Republicans, one In- I dependent Republican and 10 Democrats. This is a gain of two Republicans over Republicans will have seats In the senate and six Democrats. In the house of rep resentatives there will be 50 Republicans and 10 Democrats. HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES. Interesting Program at Shlvely'i Last Friday Night. To the members of the June '01 gradu ating class of the Barclay High School belongs the credit for giving one of the most original and entertaining programs that was ever witnessed at a public school commencement day season. Hhively's opera house was even uncom fortably filled by the friends of the young beneficiaries, but with such an enter taining program, the auditor gladly re mained throughout the evening. The clans motto, "We Finish to Be gin," was suspended over the atage plat form on which the class had been ar ranged In the usual semi-circle. The exercises Were Introduced With an In strumental selection bv Miss Iraper. an invocation by Rev. Bollinger and a num- ber by Miss Harding, who adds to ner popularity with each appearance. Miss Harding sang three number, in all dur ing the evening. Miss TAna. Simmons read an essay on "Heroic Women," In which she cited the work of Joan of Arc, Florence Nightingale and Clara Earton a example, of heroiem deserving of emula tion. "Our Clas." wa. pre.ented In verse by Mis Bertha Long, and in this the young graduate made pleasing dl- mililiin of the mrmtwr of (ho class . - - Wood, who save the class annals. Her work was decidedly original, and In re rordina the esueclal characteristic of the respective members of the cliiss, complimentary mention waa made of each. The reading. "Hobby Bhafloe," by Miss Foster, waa well delivered. I.ee t'autleld In his class prophecy said many funny things about his class-male as he viewed them fifteen years hence. The program Included two Instrumental duets by June Clmrniiin and Wlnny Hauny, Ona Rentier rfnd Clara Koerner. Chaa. H. Caulleld. member of the board of directors, awarded the diplomas to the thirty young people, the largest clasa that was ever graduated from the Oregon City schools. The exercises of the evening were closed with the singing of the class song. There waa an abund ance of floral offering for the young graduates. The member of the clasa were: Ernest E. Shank. Bertha l-ong, Adah Hurlbert, lAe J. Caulleld. Chas, Schlrmer, lna Oadke. Roy Sleight, Ona Rentier, Orel Welch, Ray Cooper. Bade Evans, Wlnnl fred Roake, Mary Snldow. John Harry, Peryl Wood, Julia May, Roy Stafford. Clara Koerner, Alley Bernier, Clarence Eaton. Virgil Welch, Edna Simmon. Edna Card. Carl Horn. June Charman, Nettle Kruse. Maude Moran. Ara Foater, Winnie Hanny and Mabel Tower. Water consumer must pay for th orlnkllno orlvllsa whn they pay thlr water rent, on or befor th 10th Inst Monarch over pain. Burn, cut. Wood'a Norway Pine Syrup, nature' own remedy for cough and cold. 8ud by HI Doctor. "A doctor here haa sued me for 112. 60. which I claimed waa excesalve for a case of cholera morbus." say R. White, of Caochella. Cal. "At the trial he praled hi medical skill and medicine. I asked him ir it .. not Chamberlain a Colic. Cholera and Dlurrhoea Remedy he used t had lood reason to believe It waa ami ho would not say under oath that It was not." No doctor could use a better remedy than this In a case of cholera morbus. It never falls. Sold by U. A. Harding. Painful Dislocation. Rev. Frank H Mlxsell. pastor of the First Presbyterlun church, met with a painful Injury Mon day afternoon. As he stepped upon a stone It turned and he was thrown to the ground, with the result that hi left arm was dislocated. Trout Planted. Preston Bonney. of th lo,-nl rtnh hntcherv. left this week for the lakes at the head of Clear Creek and the north fork of the Molalla, where niton vnunir mountain trout were planted An effort Is being made to keep all of the streams of this part of the state stocked with this tlh. Enoaaement Announced. The engage m.'nt of Mrs. Mvrtle Alice Barnhnrt. of Salem, to Mr. Roy R. McAlpln. of Oregon City, is announced. The wed. ling will inko tilnce at the home of Mr. and Mrs Campbell, at Mi Mlnnvllle, Yamhill coun ty, Wednesday, June 15. I Struck Promlslna Ore. Workmen at the Falrelough Bros.' mine at Ogle Creek. at a depth if 2o feet beneath the nei tunnel that In belna run into the moun tain, this week discovered a cropping of the ledge that shows bunches of free gold that I visible to the naked eye. An expert says that this discovery is a sure Indication of the existence of an extensive ledge and the owners and stoek holders of this property feel much en couraged. A double shift Is at. work, night and day. and the proprietors of the property are pushing the work right along. Deafnett Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and" that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condi tion of the mucous lining of the Eusta chian Tube. When this tube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It la entirely closed, Deafness Is the result, and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and thl tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing uut an Inflamed con dition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollar for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CH E.NEY & CO., Toledo, O. 8old by Druggists, 75 c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa tion. Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All the blood In your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. i ne Kianeys are your blood purifiers, they fil ter out the waste or Impurities In the blood. If they are sick or out cf order, they fall to do their work. Pains, achesandrheu" mati;m come from ex cess of uric acid In the biood. due to neclected kidney troutle. Kidney troutle causes q'Mck cr unsteady heart teats, ana makes cne feel as though they had heart troutit, because the heart is over-working In pumping thick, kidney poisoned blood through vcir.s and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning In kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake K.j firit fir.r' r.rir of vntir liidn.'ri TVt miA : j ... ...6 11 t I . L - J; . .1 r . 1 1 i anu 1117 ca o ji 'jour y cucci c. UI. rvtlllici a : Swam0.kooti ,h. rea. kidne.. remedy i. reaizeci. It ,.ands the highest for Its wonderf ul cures cf the most distressing cases by ail druggists in fifty- fTii, TX.:'..-, cent and one-dollar siz- PJStith e. You may have a ---Cdi52I sample bottle by mail borm of aan.Ront. free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer tt Co., Blnghamton, N. Y. 5 rvr Mi f M ecfi l-4fv. Don't forget the old man with the fish on his back. For nearly thirty years he has been traveling around the -orld, and is still traveling, Dringing health and comfort wherever he goes. To the consumptive he trings the strength and flesh e so much needs. To all weak and sickly Sildren he gives rich and rengthening food. To thin and pale persons ; gives new firm flesh and ch red blood. Children who first saw the uld man with the fish arc now grown up ar1 have children ' their own. 1 le stands for Scott's Emul n of pure cod liver oil a ightful fotxl and a natural -o'lic for children, for old folks I for ail who need flesh and ngth. PCOTT BOWNE, Chemlat. U9-4I5 Pearl Street, New York, 60c. and $I.OOi all druggist. Honey ..Savers Cream Cheese J 12 1-2 lUce. .04 and p! Tomatoes, 3 for .25 09 Oysters, 3 can IS Arm & Hammer Soda. Sc, 2 for 15. 4 for 25 Arm & Hammer Soda. bulk. 2 1-2 pounds, 10c; 7 pounds IS Coffee, equal to Arbuckle'a 12 l-:c; better H Coffee, equal to 30c goods 20 (Samples free). Hard Wheat Flour, sack, $1.05; barrel 05 F.xtra Flour, aack 11.10. a barrel 4 25 10 bar Elk Soap IS Corn Starch, 6c; gloss starch.. M Clothespins, lc dox; toothpick., box 5 Oranges, 10c per dozen and up. Stylish Millinery at lower price.. Better Shoe, for ladle.. Better Shoe, for boy. Ladlea' 11.25 Patent Slipper., 75c. Big lot Sample Sho.s, all kind. 1-4 discount. Plaster, grain and feed, ahlngles, etc. Trade for produce. 50c steel hammer 35 76c rasps S Mrs. Potts sad Irons, nickel plated, set of 3 and stand and Improved handle 1 IS Sample shirts, sample hats, .ample au nender. 1-4 less In price. Boys' wool hats, 30c up; men', hat. 4c up. RED FRONT OREGON CITY. O. : OASTOTIZA. - I(i8 Kind You Have tlwm Botigjs F. C GADKE TEPLUWBER 11 Mm ft K 1 III I'JI! III'! Mice ill 1 5nart Ejftqts Our buyer I. now ,. New Mirk will have on illst.lav the smartest an.l moat coin .ri. ..... of Novelties lu U.Wa1 Wear ever ahown lu thin city. Prleat titnmtlY LOW. The Pair A preacher who went to a Kentucky pariah where the parishioner rod horse wua asked to Invite the prayer of tit rongreaiillon for I.ucy drey. Me did so., They pinyed three Sunday for I.ucy Orey. I in the fourth he wn told he need not do II any more. "Why," aald the preacher, "Is he dead!" "No," an swered th man. "she won th Derby." V - - 1 Pnlarvli tueut by Ely Cream. Halm, which 1 Kre- abW aruiuatio. 11 M rew.T... vu...k- notriU, olu and bala lh whol. tof fac ovf which 1 diffnsei it.lf. DruKKlihJ ell th 60c aix Trial l" l'T w"' 10 eeut. Test it and you are luro to eouUuu the tmtinent. Announcement. To cconmio.UU the who r partial to th um of aU.mUr In appylll Hli Into th nasal paaaag. (or '("rrh' . tb proprioUir j.rspar Crsara Halm In liquid form, which will U known at Uy liuuld Cream Halm. Me Including U iprayingtub.U75o.Dt. Druggist or br mail. Th liquid form .inbodio th med icinal Jroprti of lit wild preparation. OA BTOItXAi. BsantU 8!(aatr of Ihl Ui Yud Him Mmiri BOUjH Th Entsrprl. II SO a y.ar. and worth th monty. SCHEDULES OF TIME ttH.THr.RN PACiriC EAILWAT NUKTII RIH'MU. ' M) k. ra. fl::'i. ui. (Albany Local) 6:10 p. in. .Ol'TII HOt'ND. 0 ::2 a. in. 4:60 p. m. (Albany Local) M:14. tu. C. I PIONEER m$ht and Exre, Freight and iarcelH delivered to all jart of the city. RATES REASONABLE lilllilllll Ayers Pills Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Use IN OUR NEW ..QUARTERS.. ccoo We have removed Into our larger and bettor building nt Main and Twelfth streets. We have added con nlderable nw machinery, and are thoroughly equipped to handle all clasKes of work. Building and Repairing of Engines, Saw mill supplies, shafting, boxes and and high grades; emery stands, swing hand and mado to order. We also business. Plow shares ground and cooo First Class Work. OREGON CITY MACHINE SHOP. Twelfth and Main Sts. Swell Lace Collars Just g received. j una wisnow tiisri) am. w . - Main St., OREGON CITY g It s folly to suffer from that horrlbla plague of th iils-hl, llclilng pllra, Doan't Olnlmeiit cure quickly and permanently. At any drug slore, 60 cents. Keprrsinullv. Ciishnuin relate that Wllcll President Hoosevrlt whs In th slut of Washington Inst year h had a muse eiilliiisliisllu itu-i'pllon. At on of the Mulherliiiis an old fiimll-r.tnnn con tided til Mr. Clisliln. that Itooarvrlt WM the greatest man h vrr sw and th greatest man who ever visited th North west. On being asked for th reason of hla judgment, th man replied: "Why, It.io.rvelt Is the only man I over saw who I'Hik. worse than his cartoon." Dlaastrou Wrtck. Carelcaatn'aa U rfapcnslble for many a railway wrrck anil th m causes r makliif human rcki 01 tifforer from Thrtiat and Lung trou bloa. Hat lno the adrent of Dr. Klng'i New Dlioorary tor Qovmmtr tlon. Cough and ColiU, vo tha wort c can ba cuwl, and boia less rfslBnatlon la no lunger nocfav ary. Mrg. Lol Cragf. of Dorchaa tr. Ma.. I ona of many who) life in aaved by Dr. Klng'a Naw Dlsctivory. Thl rat rerui'dy la guaranteed for all Throat and Lung disease, by Charman A Co, drug gists. Price 60c. and $100. Trial bottle, free. Indigestion Causes Catarrh of the Stomach. Far many yar II ha bn supposed thai Catarrh of th Stomach cauasd Indigestion and dy.p.p.1. but th truth it tiactly the ppoall. Indlg.stlon cause tttarrn. rc pald tttack of lnd!f..tlon Inllsme the Biueoua membrane. Ilnltif lh nomach and tipos. th nrv of th .tomach, thu ou Inf th gland, to ort mucin Instead of lh Juice of natural dlfutlon. Th U 1 JId Catarrh ol lh Stomaoh. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure rUv. el) Inllammallon el th mucou m.mbrana lining th atorr.ach. prolct the Mnr. and cur, bad br.aih, .our rlaln. a Mne of fulliiM after alln(. Ind gaatlon, dypepla and all ilomach troubla. Kodol Digests What You Et Make the Stomach Sweet, ottla pair. KscvlH Hi. 1 1 00. soiam. 2 4 Obm i tks trial an. hkh MiK'w 10 casta. Yapar by I. 0. D.WITT 4 00., Ohloag. 'Hold by . A. IIAHPIN'i), Hri)ngit Ayer's Fills. Ayer'i Fills. Aycr's Pills. Keep ssying this over and over again. The best laxative. t,-.Vi..V RIIRKINGH AM'S DYE m m w k.wiii.ua..a4ucu..uuii.s.. collars In stock; Cnbbltt Metal low now frames and harbors; pulleyi on do a general machine blacksmlthlng saws gummed. Prices floderate. Oregon City, Oregon