V t Oregon City Enterprise. VOL. V. '' OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1904. ESTABLISHED 1868. Some Few Bargains IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY, the Best County in the State, At Low Prices, and on Terms to Suit the Purchasers. M ACMS. ona-half lull fl.iln irw plunk road, nlna nlU fmm Otegott City, Naalty level. 10 'T f"'i Utl'l. H acres In cultivation, f, fioni stomps or forks, 10 SCtaS Hiola tlrat y ready to plow, 15 act fir alaaMng. w. great epiltige. 4 ! oll.iw rtr oiil ca.lr, taiga nw hmiM. ni C'lttH'IfiniJ. coal lloo w. Thla aplrii.ti.l little fat fit at tl.OOOOO, l"tnia to ull. M ACAI on main road to Ml Hood Nearly :o sura In cultivation, lair build- lllga. fllie lllmbvr, oil mil" ft 'XII aa mill. IMiif wain. a h.e.l ona mils. (Ina llltla bm!i. I'M 00. to ACRES, four miles f J "til Mtlalla -ir-nia .Vt buildings, t a i. ,!. r.. o Si'tr g.d land, will tliukn I ! Iniln fur soniabody. Al lii r.fwta of (4 00 pet a. t. t"iu,a. i.'S ACRIS, AUy faun. six miles ft tti Oil-fin '. ii"ii ii. I.' a f i .jut 'ii. land. MiJM mad I t rat It pla c, lift a't'-a In culih atl'Ui. to mie tiraily rvtt'ty In bleak, luo'ltitalll ftlf ca III otl III" f.'im, a. Imj.iI. i-hui.li n. at i). : tmira to ilicn fa. Imy an.l etraiiiciy. Jt will Ih Oirftcult la beat llila fat tit In C.- kaluaa count), ml lliinga i .ihai liej. at SM.M per .-ie. Vt!)' my If i in a 0 ACRIS four miles from Oregon City. Over ri a!f I'mmI lan'l, eatlmatad o have 2i'M rui'la of wood on It. t (20.00 par s.r Will lia la for city property. GRIAT STOCK FARM QW H4 ACRES In Ilia famous Rprlngwaior country, t in lira fiom tha terminus of tin (ft agon Water I'.iw-r a hi Hallway company's m.ii'.r llna. where Ilia IT50.0O0 electric plant la now being constructed. 160 B'-i'-a In cultl atlon. II acres orchard, small house, laign barn oi. new, two million feet f aaw timber, sndleas out- I, In laige, 1 1-2 inll'-a to boot, store) all I rliui' ll. 'hI nclgtibol hood. 110.00 l t 't. Teitns can bi made. 2 1-2 ACRES at Logan, ii acres In riiliit iill'iii. g.Mi'l dwelling a till bain, land I A No 1. 1 nillia fimn I'otlUnJ. living ili. i.fliitil. illi. i.i',i't'iu cm -i tiii.iili). ii -l ivaam.a f'tr arlling. Only ! y 00 "-r a' io. I I T0CK FARM III foolhllla. HO cir. I iw.i itiillioti fi-vt m and ctrilir. amall I l..i.ac un I liin. ti ama In tulth ll'n. ! hint f..i.i i.ari, at only IJ00 per u io. T.iitia to till. Or tgoa City Properties, Gladstone Lots and Acre Tracts, Hood Rrver Orchards and Berry Lands, Clackamas County Farms, if if if if CROSS and SHAW Main Street, Oregon City, Or 233 Washington Street, Portland, Or MANY NOTED MEN v;'.' "'. f .tnr ft i . l i tun; "J A FINE PROGRAM ARRANGED FOR CHAUTAUQUA. Dr. Nawall Dwlght M tills and Captain Richmond P. Hobaon to Addrtaa Cladatona Park Audlanca. PollKUT A. MIM.KK ATTORNKY AT LAW V Un.l TlUcaanntl Iind Office Uui(ier Hpeclnlty U'Ci pnetic iu all Court of the Slate Kttum y Wciiihanl Illiln rj T? Court llouae, Orrjjon Cltv. Orruoil K ATTORNEY AT LAW iitiiicTi or raoriarT ri-iax ao. OSra Dei' to Oragon (Mir Kniri'rl QKO. r. IIKoWNKIX. ATTORNKY AT LAW Orvgon Clly, - - Orrgon Will t,fartir In all Id conrli of the Ht DBIm in Canllaltl bulldlli. Q, W. KASTIIAM AmrllNKY AT LAW JUST RECEIVED A FULL LINE OF i i Mir 1 1 1 I ) STEEL I w. RANGES it i ... , ,n tl,a a f nf TTanlwaro. Crorkerv. r; lljou iiuru oiiyiiuiig m 'v ---- ;i E (iladd-ware or CJianite-ware, I can supply vour want. CaUand w. . . . .1. ! IlihpiH'v my siii. a. k ComplH line of new ami awoml lianJ FURNITURE carried. Let Jj ma tupi'ly jou will) a botme- keepintf outiit ma aiipi'ly you wuu a uonae- arrpma uumt k yVALL PAPER ' ,lie ,,et 'i"1'':' -nJ ,te, ,t3',M tl ''f1'1 Price ;t Attention, Here's a Bargain UmlTltlaa Eiainlnatl. Abtrai t Ma.la. iil, Murigar lirawn. Money I.naneJ 5000 fn-t, I'' inch firat cl Manila rl, In one piece, la onereu lor j- . i i .1.. . . aale al a bargain lor a ic unj orrn nv(N Eaiia til Dragon t'ily . iImhiih City, Or. W. g. DBid ' Bohaabal lI'ItKN & SCHUEBKL Attornry at Law. Jicntr1jcr buoltat. Will i.ra. tl. a in all courta, make cunVctloin ainl i'illaiiiriila nf Kitr. rurnUli nli.traria of lllle, leml yon nionfy M.I ii-ii. I jour imiiiry on Ural morKaKe. Office In Enterprise Building, (irrumi City. Oregon. JJVY STIPP Attkhnkv at Law. JiiHticf ill llif IVace- .liogt'r I'.l.lg., Oregon t'i'y 1 1. TOLPOLAR - . M k Main Street, uregon ouy. 4 Brunswick House & Restaurant Newly Furnished Rooms. Meals at All Hours. Prices Reasonable. Opposite Suspension Bridge. Only First Clans IJMnurant In Town CHARLES CATTA, Proprietor I'.CAMI'UKI.I., ATTORNEY AT LAW, ittow City, - Oa''!'- Wilt practice In allthecoiirtiaf theitato. 01 Una, lit i .niH.-lil biiiiiliug. QD.all.C. LATOUKETTI ITTORXEYS AND ! a a a a a - a ...AW.V.V.V.V.W.SV.SV.W.V.V.SV ij UNDERTAKING. S ft We are nn.Ier J .J We are . a jhihi- f T - ' J amall xP. nue. a tion to eave y.iu A , f Have no mi.l.lle- .... I J -' .'J". J ' If "" ' I'".',""" 5, Ct'lll. vi' a complete Mock. k t k,,4 iCi,,-'; OUT liearne aim a r' atlPPliea m ... , ' J raTNA- a ... . i i i we Cliriy will treat you fair. Osg rmcE to All a :ounsklors at la 7 HOl-TN, Undertaker & Embalmer -j n nutT onunos rin,""""" (Ml'ie. J.x.r aourh of Co.i.t Mouse or at Cn:r store .,rp..aiie i-ank s .... . rt ' .. , i,.,,.,, ; 'ii v. a urnian AbatracU of Title, Loan i. a ForecUiaa racU of Title, Loan Money, oi Oregon v'iiy. jC Mortgagee, and tranaact a a a AV.V.V.V.SW.V.VaWASV.WaVVVVS era! Law Bualnaaa. a a a a a a"e a"a a Tin- rlvrnih annuitl aaarinl.ly of Die WllUni'-tt Valley C'liautauiita aatMfia II. m niM-ria at Uladatons park July 12, and fi.,.' Juiy 21. Among lb noted men to aiuk aie: Dr. Newell Uwlglit lllllia. of lirouklyn; Captain Kli.i.rnond Farain lluliaon. of Waablngton. L. C; Dr. Thoa. MH'larv. of MlnneaLHilli: liar be rt Bun- ford, of Oakland. Cat.; Hon. Lou J. lieaucbamp. of Columbua. The completa program followa: Opening Day. Tueaday, July 12. IO!') a. m. Mnalc, Cliemawa Indian band; addreaa of wekoma. Prealdrnt Wil lie Chat man Hawley. of Willamette L'nl Veralty, Halem. Oregon; reaponae. Preal dent Wallace llowa Iee. of Albany Col lege; organization of ctaaarg and an-n.,iin-menl by Inatructora. 1 JO p. ni Uand conceit. n n ijM'ture. "1 wo Bnakee In Kden." (Ibe practical paychology of fear and worry.) Dr. Stanley U Kreba, of (ir'-natiury. I'a. X 2il p. m liaa ball, i M n. m Hand concert. i uu ii. ru. Lecture. ' ilanela and Mya- terlea of Mind." Dr. Btai;!y L. Kreba, of Ureeimliuig. I'a. etond Day, Wadntaday, July 11 I a. m. to i: m '"luaaa. 1 Vi p. m. 1(111.1 concert. ; ii. m Ix-ciure, "Ir.-ania and Pre moiiltloiia." lr. Stanley L. Kreba. of iir, nailing. I'a. 3 3'i p. m ! ball. 7 JO p. in. I'.und r.Hi"'it. S ) p. in. iJinnd c. inert und'-r the milling, nn lit and toiiliol of Mia. Walter l;,ed. of I'oltlltll'!. Grand Army Day. Thuraday, July 14. k iw it. in. to i:."') in i.'laea. 1 3l p. ni llainl concert. I n,) p. ni -r"lo; l" lure, "Black Xapo- l.-.in." Il.-v. Ueo. White, D. D-, paator I in,iin )and (Vnti al M. K. church, San Fianclaco. C.il. 3 3D p. m Bitae ball. 7:M v. m Hand concert. a.'Mj p. ni Inti.Klu. tor' aJJreaa, Plea-IJ.-nt Wlllla Chatnian Hawley.; lecture. "Anirrl'-a'e Mighty Mlaalon," Captain Itlclmi'ind Tiaiaon Hobaon, of Waahlng toii. D. C. Fourth Day, Friday, July 15. :00 a. m. to. 13 m CUutaea. , 1 10 p. m. Hand concert. : 0 p. m. Lecture. "America. Mletreaa of Ue Seaa." Captain Kl. hmonvl Pcaraon Hobaon. of Waahlngton. D. C. J 3D p. m. Uaae ball. 7: JO p. m. Hand concert, g it.) p. m lleu.llng. Mia. Harriet Col burn Haunderaon. of Seattle. Waan.; lec ture. "The Miaalon of Mirth." Dr. Thoa. Md'lary. of Mlnncapolla. Minn. Woman a Day. Saturday. July 14. 8 .) a. m. to 12:et) m. Claaaea. 1.3 p. m Hand concert. 5.00 p. m Solo; Introductory addreaa. M;a. Kxa Emery Dye. of Oregon City; lecture. "American Art and Artiste at Home and Abroad." Mra. Marian A. White, editor Fine Arte Journal. Chicago. J: JO p. m. Hase ball. 7:J) p. m Hand concert. 8 00 p. m. Cantata. "(Jueen Esther." under the direction of Profeaaor Martin E. Koblnaon. musical director of the Chautauqua, aaalated by chorua of 1(W volcea. and leading aoiolata of the itate. 6lxth Day. Sunday, July 17. 10 3,1 a. m. Sunday achonl. under the direction of Rev. Howard N. Smith, au perlntendcnt of Congregational Sunday School eovlety. of Portland. 5:00 p. m Mualc, Chautauqua chorus; aolo. Mlaa Jennie F. W. Johnaon. of Chi cago; sermon, Rev. George W". White, D. D., of San Francisco. 4:00 p. m. Sacred concert, Chemawa Indian band. 7:30 p. m. Music. Chautauqua chorus; aolo, Mlsa Jennie FW. Johnson, of Chi cago; sermon. Dr. Thos. MoClary. of Minneapolis. W. C. T. U. Day. Monday, July 1. s:00 a. m. to i::00 m. Cluases. 1 ;30 p. m. Hand concert. "ml d m Reading. Mis. Harriet Col- burn Sauiulerson; solo. Miss Jennie F. W. IIhuih. '.f Oregon City; ' jt-i'-laea. members of a, ml, iv , !a; "ilehlnd a Curtrtin.' (a iii'iii'il'.K'i' I Mia. P.'irton ll.irrlf.n. Jlra. Harriet folb'jin Hnnrideraon; vocal, a) "Love la a l!'il,l,l. " Allltaeii; (bl "The lUtrr and the H.u." J.ibnson. Mlaa Jennie V. W. Johnaon : readings' (ul "Dot Little Hny of Mine," Dutch dialect. Riley, lbj "An Old Sweetheart or Mine. Willi muai- cal a'companlment. I'.IIey, Mrs. Haun- derson; pantomime. sl'-cted. rwmleri of. Cliautau'iua class; vocal. (a . "Hie ifty ! Song." O. A. Orant-Schafer, (b "The I Moon Man." O. A. Orant-S hafer. Mlaa Johnaon; readlnga. la) selected, (b) "Oroiip of Dialect Poems," Mrs. Saun- d,'ISill. Plonaar Day, Friday, July 32. iki a. m. to 12. 0 m. Claaaea. 1:J') p. in. Band concert. i oo n. m Piano solo. Mlaa Veda, M. Williams, of Oregon City; vocal eolo, "fireetlns:." C. B. Hawley. Miss Imogen Harding, of Oreg.m City; address. Presi dent Willis Chatman Hawley; reading. Heautlful Willamette." Sam L. Simp- Son; reading, Mlaa Itorothy Cross; eolo, "Hen Iktlt,' Thomaa Dunn English. Miss Imogen Harding; address, Hon. John F. Caples. of Portland. 1:10 p. m. Base ball. 7:30 p. m. Band concert. :00 p. m. Solo. Miss Jennie F. W. Johnson; lecture, "The Tragedy of the Ten Talent Man." Dr. Newell Dwlght Hlllla, pastor Plymouth church, Brook lyn. Twelfth Day. Saturday, July 23. :00 a. m. to 15:00 m. Classes. 1 :30 p. m. Band concert. 2:00 p. m. Introductory address. Rev. W. C. Kantner. D. D.. of Salem. Oregon; lecture. "John Ruskln's Message to the Twentieth Century." Ir- Newell Dwlght Hints. S 3') p. m Rase ball. I. no p. m. Annual meeting of the stockholders. 7:30 p. m Band concert. 8:o) p. m Cantata. "Belsharzar." un der the direction of Prof. Martin E. Rqb Inaon. asisted by large chorua and lead ing soloists of Oregon. Thirteenth Day, Sunday. July 24. 10 30 a. m. Sunday S'hool. ; i'hi ii. m. t.'hauta J'iua chorus; solo. Mlas Jennie F. W. Johnson, of Chicago; sermon. Dr. Newell Dwlght Hillis. I no p. m Sacred Concert, Chemawa FULL TICKET WINS 7:3n o. m. C'hautau,iua chorus; eolo Mies Jennie F. W. Johnson, of Chicago; sermon. Dr. Newell Dwlght Htllls. of Brooklyn. Classes In Chautauqua summer school with Instructors United States history, Professor Willis Chatman Hawley; early northwest history. Professor Joseph Schafer; pedagogy. Dr. Henry Davidson Sheldon; art, Mrs. Marian A. White, of Chicago; domestic aclence. Mra. Ellen R. Miller, of Seattle; English literature. Dr. B. J. Hoadley; Bible atudy. Rev. George W. White, D. D.. of San Fran cisco; Junior Bible study. Rev. Howard JC. Smllh. of Portland: musical depart ment. Professor Martin E. Robinson: elo cution. Mia. Harriet Colbum Saunderson. of Seattle: physical culture, ladles. Mrs. Harriet Colburn Sanuderson: physical culture. Juniors: W. C. T. V. Institute. Mrs. Helen D. Harford, state president. The following colleges and organiza tions have already aranged for head quarters on the grounds: Albany college. President Wallace Howe Lee: State Normal School. Presi dent E. D. Ressler; State Vnlverslty. President P. L. Campbell; Pacific Uni versity. President H. E. Ferrin: Wil lamette University. President J. H. Cole man; State Federation of Women's Clubs. President Mrs. T. T. Geer; Women's Christian Temperance Union. President Mrs. Helen D. Harford: First Congrega tional church, Portland. Meihodist Itin erant Club: Grand Army of the Republic; Women's Relief Corps. This Is to be a notable year at Cljautau qua. The management extends a cordial Invitation to the people of the great Northwest to attend the forthcoming as sembly and as many aa possible are urged to camp on the grounds during the ses sion, where all conveniences are to be had at lowest rates. Restaurant on the ground. TEACHERS ARE ELECTED. Board of Directors Re-elect Instructors for Another Year. At a meeting Tuesday night the Ore-t-iti- ach.xil board elected Instructors Johnson, of Chicago: oratorical contest 1 fr tr,e ensuing year, for a diamond medul. participated In by jjjss Addle E. Clark was re-elected city orators who have previously won gold t superintendent. Mrs. I.. W. Mc.Vlam medals under the nusplces of the Wo- i allj Mi's. Viola Godfrey were retained as men s Christian lemperotico hiii , principals oi me r-uainmu ".ij Ore eon. J 30 p. m Base ball. 7:30 p. m. Band concert 1,'h.vili reanectivelv Associate teachers elected were: Misses Alice Shannon. Myrtle Shonkwller, Eva I :30 p. m. Jiuiit 1.UIII.V1 Alice oimiiiiwii. ji. w...,.. - g;00 p. m. Solo; lecture. "Celebrated jieldrum. Marjorie Caufleld, Nettle Wal- . ,. 1 r 11 "I. I . .. Tt ll i . . . ... . . , 1 , . TOltllnna Cranks, itev. utntrge ji. , imc. " , aen. name tociuan, jiiusmn " lumu. nt Sun Francisco. Cal. Eighth Day, Tuesday. July 19. 8:00 a. m. to 12:00 m Classes. 1:30 p. m. Bund concert. 2:00 p. m. Solo; lecture, "The Litera ture of the West." Herbert Bashford, the poet, of Oakland. Cal. S:30 p. m. Bnse ball. 7:30 p. m. Band concert. 8:00 p. m. Solo, Miss Jennie F. W. Johnson, of Chicago; lecture, "Sunshine In Labor." Dr. Thos. MoClary. of Minne apolis. Ninth Day, Wednesday. July 20. 8:00 a. in. to 12:00 m. Classes. 1 in n in Tt a ml concert. 2:00 p. m. Solo; Introductory address; Maysle Foster. Frances Myers, Irene Car- ter. Margaret Goodfellow and Mrs. Es I tella Salisbury. Misses Carter and Goodfellow were elected to succeed Misses I Eaton and Gleason, who did not apply i for re-lnstatement. The other teachers j were all re-elected. EVERY CLACKAMAS COUNTY RE PUBLICAN ON TICKET ELECTED. Democrats Waged Bitter Fight Against Sheriff Shaver and Superintendent Zlnser, But Failed. Every man on the Republican ticket In Clackamas county received a majority of the vote cast at the election Monday. Congressman Hermann carried the coun ty by about loO. the state ticket had a majority of about 1000. the legislative ticket had from $04 to 1000 votes to spare and the county ticket was successful by majorities ranging from 144 to 1204. It was a splendid victory achieved In the fare of spiteful and disgusting opposition from the Democrats Complete unofficial returns from thirty of the thirty-seven precincte of the coun ty have been received, but the official vote will not be known until the balloU have been canvassed by the election board. The seven precincts from which reliable reports have not been had ax Boring, Cherryvllle. George, Harding. Klllln. Pleasant H1U and Sprlngwater. The returns from these places will slight ly Increase the majorities of the Republi can candidates. Of the seven Harding and Sprlngwater will probably give the Democrats a majority, but the other five precincts will offset these places and add to the Republican majorities. There was a light vote, proliably not . more than 3100 to 1000 votes being cast of a possible 5'M0. The unofficial returns of thirty precincts reported give Hermann 1511. Gould 174. Ramp 307. Veatch 1434. Moore, for supreme Judge, received 13H -to 1050 for O Day. The vote for food and dairy commissioner will be about the same as that cast for supreme Judge and In favor of Bailey, the Republican nomi nee. Circuit Judge McBride and Dis trict Attorney Allen, who were not op posed for re-election, received an irn i mense vote. The vote for Joint repre sentative was: Hedges 1713. Holcomb 1340. Clyde G. Huntley, of this city, head the legislative ticket with a majority closely approximating 1000. His col leagues will have in the neighborhood of' 8'i0 majority. Hutchinson was the high man on the Democratic legislative ticket, with 1041, while Jesse and Evans polled less than S00. The returns from the re maining seven precincts will not alter these results materially. Figuring on the same basis as that from which the foregoing figures are given, the vote on the county ticket follows: j Commissioner. ! Klllln 1704 " I Kltching 1234 Sheriff. Shaver K91 (Ely 138S ' I Clerk. ' Slelsht 1S21 , Crissell 107T i Recorder. Stevens 1M4 i Lang 72T Assessor. Nelson 1S92 Sellwood 105 School Superintendent i Zlnser 1519 Starkweather 1438 For treasurer Uncle Enos CahlU'a plu rality will approximate 2000, It being more than 1')0 now. The average vote of the Prohibitionists of the county wtls something less than 200. while the So cialists did not cast much more than 300 out of an estimated strength before elec tion of 500. John W. Meldrum. for sur veyor, and R. L. Holman. for coroner, both have large majorities. In the Oregon City Justice district Llvy Stlpp ts re-elected Justice of the peace over E. D. Kelly, and H. W. Trembath won out for constable In an Interesting; race with Jeff Shaw, of the West Bide. The state printer amendment, local option, direct primary and shall stock run at large In Clackamas county prop ositions all received a majority of the votea cast. The vote on the stock ques tion, so far as reported, was: Tea 1332, , NoloM. j Complete unofficial returns for Clack amas county give Hermann 93 majority. . The Republican state ticket wins by f I'l'ui majority, while the candidates on i the Republican legislative ticket will i have a like majority. Sheriff Shaver's majority over Ely now aggregates SST. while Superintendent Zinser defeat Starkweather by 148. Clerk Sleight, as sisted by Justices of the Peace Stlpp and Hayden. began the official canvass of the ballots Wednesday, and the positive result will not be known until this work is completed some time today or Satur day. It was the purpose of the Enterprise this week to publish a tabulated state ment of the vote of the county, but the returns from some of the precincts were not available and we can not present these figures until next week. Musicals Tomorrow Evening. The music lovers of the city will be entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Adams. Seventh and Jefferson, to morrow evening. In behalf of the Ladies' Aid s.viet v of the Presbyterian church. A program of great excellence has been nrenared bv some of our most talented lecture. "Our Patriot Painters of the j musicians, as follows: West." Mis. Marian A. White, of Chi cago, III. 3:30 p. m. Base ball. 7 io n m Hand concert. 8:00 p. in. Solo. Miss Jennie F. W Piano Duet, "La Ciarlne," Northrup Misses Caufleld and Daulton. Solo, Selected Mrs. AUx Foster, violin Solo, (a) Largo, Handel: (b) Blue Bells of Scotland" Mrs. George .,. i.!...x. luhiri, "Take the i An, let-son. jounson, oi u.uft, v. ; .... Sunnyslde," Hon. Lou J. Beauchamp, of Part Song. "O, Hush Thee, My Baby, Columbus. Ohio. Sullivan Chorus of mixed voices. Tenth Day, Thursday, July 21. Tlano Solo, "Polish Dance," Schar- 8:00 a. m. to 12:00 m. Classes. i wenka Mrs. Theo. Clark. 1:30 p. m. Band concert. Contralto Solo. "I Love Tou Truly." 2:00 p. m. Lectuie, "The Age of the . Carrie Jacobs Bond Miss Maysle Fos Toung Man." Hon. Lou J. Beauchamp, of j ter. Columbus. Ohio. " j Piano Duet, (a) Nocturne, from "Mld- 1.30 p. m Ua.-e bail. ; summer Night's Dream." Mendelssohn; 7:-. p. in.-B.itnl conceit. i ib "Moniing Song. Grieg Misses S:no p. m. Special piogram given by : Lewthwaite and Winner. Mrs. Harriet Colburn Saunderson and her j Soprano Solo, Selected Mrs. Chas. ;ie;o0.i,!.. jimiHn n..i-ted liy Miss Jennie vrl Pope. Y W. Johnson, contralto, and Miss Veda i i-art Song, " owing Song." Lola V'o M. Williams, accompanist; piano solo, j men's Chorus. Triumphs of Modern Surgery. Wonderful things are done for the hu man body by surgery. Organs are taken out and scraped and polished and put back, or they may be removed entirely: bones are spliced; pipes take the place of diseased sections of veins; antiseptlo dressings are applied to wounds, bruises, burns and like injuries before Inflamma tion sets In, which causes them to heal without maturation and In one-third ths time required by the old treatment. Chamberlains Pain Balra acts on this same principle. It Is an antiseptlo and when applied to such injuries causes them to heal very quickly. It a:so allays the pain and soreness. Keep a bottle of Pain Balm In your homa and It will save you time and money, net to mention he Inconvenience and suffering which such injuries entail. For sale by O. A. Harding. I Don't let the little ones suffer from ! ecsema or other torturing skin diseases. 1 No need for it. Doan's Ointment cures. ' Can t Ivtrm Uie n.ot d'Icata U!n. At any drug store. 5) cents. ( Oenaral