Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 03, 1904, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    PAGE 8.
camion. 1'aae Kill, bicycle race, bicycle
trick riding nnl many other a nod at
traction. Program of amusement will
b distributed at a Liter d.u. Lunches
i ann ivirpsnnifnTa ni ino gront-.tiM.
I Conn) with tia ami spend a day of
L-.... I . I...1..., . ... 1...I..
. . , .. nuu . mxi 01.1111- . iiji. iiivui, mill lu lu
Ar ou' u,, We are; tl provMo , .,, U) ,(k(( Mro of tnir
the Solo Aentrt fop the Only uk anil crippled member.
ThtnjJ Kiivvn That Cure the I Kit further information sec poster or
Do Youi Ankle op t.lmhai Swell? 1
v !!:: That Chum '1Jrow r
Dropsy, vig.t l ul ton Compound. ! w-u"lln,',n
l-oucks. tioom U. ".'SS t-
St Portland. Oregon.
oi:m Tiur ii.w
It !i now well known th.n dropaf 1 sot la
tlaelt a iIim1-. , hut W tn.iily always a aynip
ieui ,? k.aui-y dito-a.-io iUt ncivmivatiit. IU
akroaio siai,-. bcroMfor incurable lleoiti,
p to the discovery of the Kuluia iitnpouo.l!i,
Iruoa" lu itiecmble II i flow howt.Te
eunibl in near: ate touosof alt ease, litm 1 1 ;n, '-oltor:
la aa lnterrsiiai laooTurr. to whuh w n-f,,r h 'otl kindly r
v ,
Mra. Pter (levher.it o iW Fillmore iireet.
pan r ration -v 1.,-e ue aifiruiitit y drottM.-ai
Anst' Hcfer't Aicus.it. on and Judge
Waldo's Objections.
K.titor KntcrprWe
Oregon City, Ore. May 3... VMH.
,1 the followir.-:.
and we shall ho glad to have you
print as much of It as your space will
nr f uj io:hij iim 1.1 to lur ovcry n , v.,,,-. ,,,o-,, I,,.. i, . i-u i ......
ars Sh was i, r,i nearly forty timej .nJ lour printing of the Hofor por
Tvi worse f- .n .ijt to day Toe i-hvin-n' t:on wil bo a personal favor to myself,
laell sxtid tier Itimbamt thai aba bad Hriiint' j V.meu (rule
lll&eor the l.i.ln,-i thai il In . . 1 trill.
aneed ohronu- l And i'yonil Uirtirl a.d. ; W.S.I KK
Har heart ;. ve bor tti usual tr ul!e tul ' u..,. .A
aha inoeii e. ioiniMtnliiion t! r.iitir,..l piorer a wnargei ueniea.
were wet for. They put heron Pilous lemi Col. llofor. In hU Sillcm Journal of
lalng tbt hs l loiio a for a week. Theeeend; ,, . ; ,, , ,, ... , . .
wee tue iiivr declined a lime and, the i " vi") i' no". J. ninnn iu
-oTt:-: iiva (f'iiai till l-.or n .w. rj doninutlin of the Plnvt Trimary Nom
nuupiete in: cam ih examined lotc j lnotinff V",w i.ma hiHI H. lmsi milh.
ana iv.r:n,t M onthly, an.1 the i;enu:i!-ur.M MllS t'O to ihv III fact ho Is paid to
r .1 "haivconrj aoraluily iiieuJ tlo it at th( oxnensti of tln taxpayer
la iheir columoa. .. ,
Mb. Tbomai Ohriitol of ?TwBtT-wTeRit 1
Mo says $2000 was spout to perfect
....... .. ...
treei, Saa rVaooiscw, wu also awollen wlttl ' propamy Rot most 01 II.
iropsy. as tha mull of cliroiilo kiilm y Ui'w The statement that I Iw'n will re-
ZiV':;zx?z K.M.i"U,I?v"'s,ttu: ,,n!y tr,.,th asal,,st fir
Bad was close todeaih a door aitbouh ahe bad! falsehiMHlS In the above paragraph.
vur pujMcisaH. cna waji pui oa the ruilta:
.vmpuumu. i nraa weeki snowed Improvement
and in sti inoutba aha was well, and per ouu
If you br drop-if don't b-niporix. There It
poly one thing Iik.hi tt,4t will cur the chronic
kidney dise. that la behind it and tbst is
auiton s tompound. Tha Unnal mpr.uiid for
BnRhl'a and kiduee Dlsoasea, i ; llhet.-s.
11. VJ. Jo:)n J. l-'ulloo Oo.. Waxhiretoc
traet. Run Prancmts). h1 oMniMvirulei-s ilerci
tor pamphiat. a r u.a aula areata for Uii.
Furnuhtd Every U'eck by the Oodunus
Aorstnct 5c Trust Graipany.
J. Saeor to C. H. Brown, lot 4. block
1, New Era. f 125.
E. McDonald to E. Williams, lots 7
and 8. block 109. Oregon City, $1000.
O. & C. R. R Co. to C. U Stand
lnser, e1 of nei of sec. 11. 5. 2 e,
M. Behrendt to V. X. Davis, swi.
Of nwVi of sec 5, 4. 2 e, $850.
L. Rosenthal to F. E. Gallogly, 20
acres In sec 17, 2, 2 e. $1000.
F. Krausbaar to P. T. Davis, 10
acres in sec 5, 2, 2 e. $1800.
H. Ijxik to C. Oesehle, roadway In
Bee 27, 1. 3 e. $40.
A. J. Perdue to J. W. Dores, 39 acres
In sec IS. 5. 1 e. $1000.
E. T. Hall to E. L. Hall, 10 acres in
sec. 32. 1, 2 e. $1.
G. Voorheis to Burrell Investment
Co., block 6, Waverly Heights, $1000.
Hedges & Griffith to D. V. Kinnaird.
lots 5, 6. 7 and 8, block 30, Canemah,
R. V. Henneman to G. Simon, 10
acres in CI. 38, 1, 1 e, $1.
P. Drake to A. Speia. tract 1, block
D, Willamette Falls. $200.
A. H. Barker to M. Mulvey, 64 of
lot 2, lock 140, Oregon City, $500.
S, Swanson to J. M. Sweeney. lots
la and 16, block 6C Oswego, $10.0)0.
P. Stoller to W. J. LIdell, tract 7,
Pleasant Hill park, $500.
H. Knight to E. Knight, lot 12.
block 3. Canby, $100.
E. Knight to H. A. Knight, lot 3.
block 3, Canby. $100.
G. J. Trullinger to A. H. Rhodes,
nw4 of nwVi sec. 35, 4, 2 e, $1.
G. J. Trullinger to F. J. Nelson, 27
acres In sec. 28, 4, 2 e, $285.
The Clackamas Abstract & Trust
company are owners of the only com
plete abstract plant in Clackamas
county. Prompt and reliable work
on short notice. AH work guaranteed.
Abstracts made, money loaned, mort
gages foreclosed, trusts executed,
estates settled, and titles perfected.
J. F. CLARK, Atty.-at-Law,
President and Manager.
Office over Bank of Oregon City.
Railroad Trainmen's Annual Picnic At
Salem, Sunday, June S.
Suncet Lo'lgo No. 130, Brotherhood of
Railroad Trainmen, will run their Fourth
Annual Excursion to flalem Sunday, June
6, 1304. Trains will be run run from ail
accessible points In the Willamette Val
ley, from Portland and from The Dall-.
The State Fair grounds have been se
cured, where a first class program of
amusements will be rendered for the en
tertainment of the patrons of the ex-
Neither Mr. T'lten nor any member
of the league has had or will get a
dollar for any work or service what
ever lu preparing or advocating this
bill. The league has paid $K" to at
torneys who are not members, for
their services in perfecting the bill,
but ho never said $.'0(H) had been spent
for that purpose. The total expenses
of the league will be about $1700; of
this amount about $1500 is pledged to
be paid by tho members at the rate
of not eicei'ding ten dolurs each: the
balance will be paid by voluntary con
tributions. Not a dollar of the public
money has been or can be paid for
i printing or circulating aay argument
for or against this bill. All this must
be paid by the friends of the measure.
and does cot cost the taxpayer a
W. S. U'REN.
U'Ren Answer Judge Waldo's Objec
tions to the Direct Primary
Nominations Bill.
Last January Hon. J. B. Waldo was
asked to Join the Direct Primary
Nominations League. At that time be
gave the following reasons for refus
ing: "My objection to the bill Is radical,
for I do not believe the principle,
itself to be true on which the bill Is
founded, namely: That under our
form of government political parties
arc useful &nd necessary at th pres
ent time. On the contrary, I believe
political parties to be political curses
of this, as they have been of a'.l other
times, and should rather be sup
pressed than recognized and fostered
by law. So you see t am against the
bill entirely as retrogressive and per
nicious." His three columns in the Salt-ci
Journal do not so clearly state th-
reasons for his opposition to the bill
as the above three sentences. His
tory does not record the existence of
any free government that was carried
on without political parties, and
Judge Waldo docs not offer any other
plan for doing so. Most men will
expect him to offer a plan he thinks
is better, before they will consider
the suppression of political parties.
On the other hand, the friends of
Direct Primary Nominations believe
political parties are not of themselves
a curse, but rather that the party
boss and his machine are the real
evils, and these should be abolished.
This iiill is offered to the people of
Oregon as a long step to that end
At the worst. It cannot be as bad as
the Boss system, and so far as the
direct nomination plan has been
tried elsewhere it has been a great
improvement. In no instance has it
been repealed for a refim to the
convention and lio.-vs system.
Judge Waldo urey knows that the
first law for direct primary nomina
tions was enacted for Lincoln. Ne
braska, in 18!)6; that since then simi
lar laws have been applied in the
state of Minesota, and the cities of
Baltimore, Md., and Grand Kapids
and Detroit, Michigan: that in every
case the operation of the law has been
highly satisfactory to the pcop!
Yet he does nor. mention any
history than Col. Ilofer's book, pub
lished in VsK
He objects because, he says, polit
ical parties have not had time enough
to adopt the direct primary nomina
ting system by voluntary agreement !
But every effort has been made ever
since iHi'A to persuade them to do
so, but the bosses have prevented it
in every state, and In 99 per cent of
the counties and cities of the nation.
How long does Judge Waldo think we
ought to coax them to reform?
He condemns the bill because It
does not require the Socialists and
t'rohlbitiontsta to nominate lit the
primaries. But these parties do uot j
elect any public oftlcers yet. and
therefore have no machine- uud no.
(voss. As soon Its they begin to elect
their candidate they will bo subject
to this law, nlilcli wil prevent (hem
from ever making a machine mul a
He object because the bill gives
to every political party the exclusive
rUht to the use of It. party name
But why not? Why should any iiiitn
who does Hot believe ill the principles!
of the lVmocratlc platform be al
lowed to run for office as an "Imlo !
pendent Democrat?" and the same:
uue.-tioii applies to all parties? The
true reason Is that the allege! Inde-1
pendent IViuivrat, Republican, or So-
cialist. as the case may be. either ,
tried to make the party platform or'
to got the regular nomination, and '
becailso he failed he wauls rein.:o
by defeating the party or the etuidt-'
ila'e who got the nomination. i
t euse for such action will be po.s-j
sible when the members of a party
make Its nominations by direct vote
on a secret ballot.
lie condemus the bill because If
does not allow all men to vote in the
primary of any party and help to
make its nominations, whether they
are members of the party or not. But
every man will admit that It Is mor
ally wrotiR for a Republican or a
Socialist to vote In the Democratic
primary, or for a Democrat or a Siv
ctallst to vote in a Republican pri
mary, and so with all parties. The
friends of direct primary nominating
laws believe exiorlence has proved
ll.at It is necessary to make this
moral wrong also a legal wrong.
When YouCome Right Down
to Positive Facts
Th" UP to date and auocoesful far titer iv.filio modern and liupioved
agricultural machinery. That is the reason we ie Ibis year cujo)lntf
-uch a Ian:" sale of
riitchcll Lewis & Stavcr Company' (loot!.
Buy a New Bujrgy.
And vt Ion you make t purchase,
is,-! the best -
The Bee Line Bugjlea.
lit tlie-M' days of elm. poplar uud
maple spoke. It's something to know
tli.it a vehicle has Guaranteed Hick
ory Wheels, as our Bio I.lno baa
You can t ho tinder th" paint. Bet
ter trust to a good, reliable, one
price house.
Mitchell. Levis tc Stavcr Co.
Monarch of the HoaS.
II. le wa'tt that can
. The be-t v
be bull! U III"
Tin' inalcilnU are wo lo-aioncf.
haunts ' I bought five rM ahead
of leuiilreiiii iils Tbla alo'tn Moan
liivenlinent of u foituno lit waoti
Muck. j
I'xpetl labor used III the oeutrue
Their apletiilld lepiilallotl a., over , J
the count!) the Northwest lu par- j
Union Pacific
"'I -,ttwtt riiiliii.oi i.in1 ii.l met Tutir.
IM ... . Mi, ilia .Ull I.I I 'III iba. I III,
rl.,.h mr, '"H la I .,,n , At. ,,,
K O n I'll.. Itil.ottli I'lllllitdtt tu'iital
I i i' i I pi i i.illiillir i ..u Imi l,t
w.iliii to l l.l- Kit'iaa t'lty, m,.
. a' (! In tlm n.iM daily
I'ottlatid to Chliaito
N'i I ItatiKe el Caf-i.
tlculat - demonstrate that
Mitchell Wajons Are All R.fllit.
lite gtl'tilula. ' .llt
We also carry a full line of cul tlv uloi . fate plow. 1 lousier .IrllU
in fact a complete line of amleultuial mat hiiier) of all Ulndv Wo ho
have complete stock of machine oil.
flow About That Cream Separator?
Make dairying easy and profitable by luventitus lit one. Wu handle th"
Iowa and the American See them before ou buy. Catalogues nialb'J
, 1 hi- ill '
I I'Mlllllul
i Hp. l .l
I l in
VI H'l'O
t I'jul
t t Mill
p ni v i.
H .It 1 ,.l.e Irei-r '
It V i , i lit I injli.
K iiilh i t( m I u
I .Mil l 'bi .ig j at. I
P in.
M ii . tan m-nvet,
I I U i III I Mtiaha.
Ivntoiaa t'lly, ri!
I .. .. . i 'In. Af an t
I. .i.t.
10 1 i
vv.tii v!U.
l.tnti. HHikttio, Mill. :
lienpoll. HI -t.t. ! 7 j ,
liulotll Mllwatikre, j
i 'I.;, ag i an-l Kaat '
Judge Waldo Is mistaken in saying ' T h s mj ottf
that this provision violates the se- Itnill IIU i'lalll
Oregon City. OreRon ocean and Rivor Schedule
crecy of the ballot.
No man can learn i
for w horn any man votes, either for j
nomination or for election.
He complains because the bill
speaks of candidates seeking uomina-,
But why not? To bo uninitiated '
for public olllce Is an honorable uls-1
tincllou. and surely It is no cause for.
shame If a mau seeks public honor. .
But Judge Waldo is consistent to
the last. H" even objects to the at-.
tempt made in this bill to secure the ,
election of our United Stales senators :
by direct vote of the pinjple on the 1
same principle that the president Is ;
elected, ecause the constitution of the
United States has not been amended
for that purpose. I
But so long as any man opposes
the principle of dir.'Ct primary nomi- j
nations by tmlitical parties It la use- j
l.-ss to think of drawing a law for
that purpose that wil meet with his'
appr ival.
I Continued from page 1 I
Or. .r. .1- I. -gatlen. but with "the
mtpoi f:"m th- western t it.-
V t-r. wlni will tnke the pain to an-
0e ..-r eli.ut.-e ttint l'.IS b,-,n tlMil"
an lir.n Mr. H- rmnnn. and to trace them '
to tl;- f..i:nt:tlnh-n.. will find lh.it they
do r.ot bear ati.tlyMn. and that the win le
e.ini:i.tii;ii ok .t;nst lutn resli en i inlly i t
aug.-sti,iri and In.Hlr.uatlons of a.itne
tliini,' itbo'it to h.iipen and rand.tn alle-
nations thot .it. y in. in f.oi.ili.ir with the
f.t.-t ear. t.-ar all to pi.--. j
Mr. Il.-t mai'.n r..i aiwav n.i'i tne r pu- j
jt;.,n of U intf a nio.it in .pisti I"1! and
effi.-i.tive worker for the st.tt", and we
have his public statement that d'lrinif
the past -!.!. m more of h: hills were
pa.i.ie.i than ever before. He would be
iivr heiminuiy .-i.-.-ied without a vote
from '"i.iek.'im.m count, but she ow-a It
to h.r own k.h1 reputation as a Republi
can .stronghold to sive lnni. at till ,-.-f-tlon.
a majority of at least !"0 vote,
and give the world to tinileintaM.i what
her opinion 1 of the shauieltois and con
temptible methods that have I n pur
sued In this eanipaum.
"i'.amp Clark, of Missouri, attended ex
ercises jn a kir.-lerKart-n Inxil the oth'-r
d. ty "Hive any of you ,-v.-r e,.ri an
ei.-jihar.ts skin''' Mr. t'latk ri k"il the
Yo'.-nnnerx. ( have." houte. .,ti,- little
fellow. AVhete?" aked Mr "lark, Im-pre-i-i.
l with the ounK-itei h eiin'-at-nees
' Or. the e!.,tiaut." he answ-t-red
W- a I! li.iv- our trials at lh: telephone,
but we do not usually hear Central'."
'.pinio'; of on A Hau I-'rate ..-o . lawyer,
who had been trying for t-n minutes or
n.f.n. w-irrooir mi' iesM to "i t 11... nurn ,,-r
ia'.'-r I ' .r, at ia.i j.n - . iit to niii
a r.i.-y .iti-e ill very 'ron I o n jane. Hi
Wife, who wa standinir near, said, per- j
su-isiv -!'. t me try, dear." Then In .
i gentle vop-e. whleh was intentionally a
stroni? contra. t t his at::?')' ton.-jt, she
. -ailed !f.-:lo. C.-ntra!"' Her husband
d:tlr..-!y heard "Central" answer
prompt;: "Just 1 moment, ir-.adam.
There l a crazv man on the line.. Let
rr.e settle him first."
Famous at home for
Generations past;
Famous now all over
the World.
Agency for Oregon City
Do not be deceived hv those who ad
vertise a ftfJ.OO Hewing Machine for
120.00. This kind of a machine rau
be bought from us or any of our
tliailers from $15.00 to $1S.OO.
The Feed detennines the utrengtli or
"V.-'-akfies of Hewing Machines. The.
Iiille Feed combined with other
strong (siints Diuki-s t lie ew Ifome
the lit-st Hewing Machine to buy.
I oasNst, Mast
SiCnlonHq. N. V., Chicago, i;!., Ail.tn'-i. r;t.,
r e' Ixeji,Mo., Iiia.T-t.,K o, I- r.,.r,,-, ,, cu
I ron calc av
jC. S. CRANK, 350 Morrison street,
I l'ort!and, Oregon,
Le Seward Webb w.-.? or.e of a Prty
of frb-nds who listened t) some tall tale
from a younjr brai?irirt. Then Iir. Webb
told a story of an adventure he bad with
a srrlzzly. It happened In the Koekles,
and culminated In the doctor h'-lnif left
defenseless on tiie edge of a hlKh cliff,
over which his rlfli had fallen and the
bear only six feet away. When he had
reached this prJlnt In hi story. Or.
Webb paused, and appeared to have
finished. Then th Imaginative young
man. who had been listening pop-eyed,
broke In: "WellT' he said; "Well? Cio
on. What happened?' Dr. Webb, look
ing him raimiy In the eye, replied: "The
trrizzly devoured me."
It Will Be to Your Interest,
If you contemplate visiting the St.
Louis Exposition, to secure reliable In
form i.i'ior. 3 to railroad service, the
lowest rates and the best routes. Also
H3 to local cor, lltion In St. Loula; hotels,
etc., etc.
If you wiil write the undersigned, atat
Ir.g what Information you desire, the
sam-! will be promptly furnished. If we
do not have It on hand, will secure It
for you If possible, and without any ex
per.si t) you. Addres.
commercial Agent, H2 Third street,
Portland, Ore.
Takes the burn out; heal the wound; i
cure the pain. Dr. Thomaa' Eiectrto
0.1, t'.'.a househoM remedy.
Clackamas county Iviuoci at have bisn in
sisting on figure Here I another bunch for
their consideration We respectfully submit th"
appended statement lu corroboration of th"
claim of the Republican of Clackamas county
that under the administration of county affair
by the majority party (he expense of the county
have been very materially reduced during the
last two year. The figure glv.-n below Include
the total eipotisi. of the county for the last four
cons.'cutlie years. The reader will please note
the extent to which the current lApotnum of the
county have been reduced, particularly during
the last year under the administration of affair
by the present Republican omViT. and then re
flect and determine If the charge of exlrav ag.ince
that are being made against the Itepul.llcati by
the DeiuiHTats Is Justilled by the n tual I .ids Th
total expenditures of the county by years for the
lust four years have been a follow:
April 1. 190'., to April 1. 1 : t .
April 1. J'jftl, to April 1. r.tiC,
April 1, 1902. to April 1. l!u:i.
April 1, I9;i. to April 1, 19ul.
. 9i.00o
. xr,.7oH
. 55.437
Chairman Kby, at the opening of the Demo
cratic campaign at Molulla. made the assertion
that the administration of Sheriff Shaver and
Clerk Sleight for the year ending April 1. 1901,
cost the taxpayers of (iiickarnas county about
I:'D0 more than did the administration of those
office under Cooke and 'Cooper respectively, who
held those ollice for the term Immediately pre
ceding the present nfTirer. This statement was
made to contradict the claim that has been made
In the Kntcrprlno that these oHices under Shaver
and Sleight have been conducted at a saving to
the taxpayers of alsuit lloiio. These facts, a
published In the Knterprise, are Hiipporfcd by the
reports of the officers in comparison with the
records of the preceding officers a disclosed by
the bill on file at the court bouse. Sheriff
Sbaver'a office has cost the taxpayer less by sev
eral hundred dollars each year than did the same
office under Mr. Cooke. The sumo is true of Mr.
Sleight's administration as dork.
In fact, the Democrat., k arrive at these con
clusions, have figured from s.-ml annual reports
that they have repeatedly denied and repudiated
as being Incorrect and faulty. For Instance,
these Immaculate disciples of Democracy repudi
ated the report they themselves made In I'jfC,
when they reported the county's Indebtedness at
I1U2.000. They claimed that the obligations of the
county at that time exceeded the amount reported
by several thousand dollars, In fact, declared that
It amounted to at least fjno.ooo. It was subse
quently discovered that an Item of about $12,00D
in outstanding warrants had been overlooked and
was not-Included in the report that was made at
that time. Not being satlslled with their own
report, It Is not surprising that they should ques
tion the accuracy of the reports that wera re
cently made by the Republicans. Still It la from
these two reports, both of which have been de
nied by the Democracy, that the Democrats of
Clackamas county get their figures from which
tbelr allegations are made.
And In this connection Mr. Shaver makes a
proposition for the consideration of somo of the
expert mathematicians within tho Democratic
organization. If they can prove that the coat of
bis office for the first year of his term cost within
$350 of what the same office cost under the last
year of Cooke's administration, he will pay the
person making the proof the sum of $100 for bis
trouble. Democratic charges of extravaganco are
all bosh and It la now up to them to produce the
proof of their charges, for which they will be
amply compensated, or shut tip. Sheriff Shaver
authorizes tbe publication of tbe following:
I will pay $100 to any reputable, representa
tive Democrat, who will Investigate the records
of the sheriff's office under the respective admin
istrations of Mr. Cooke and myself, ascertaining
tbe true cost of the two offlcea from July 1, 1901,
to July 1, 1902, representing the concluding year
of Mr. Cooke's term, and from July 1, 1902, to
July 1, 1903, or the first year of my term, from the
bills on file 8t the court house, on one condition,
viz: If from the result of the examination of
these records he can show that the sheriff 's office
under the first year of my term cost the taxpayers
within $350 of what the office cost, during the
last year of Sheriff Cooke's administration.
Sheriff of Clackamas County.
, I . H.tn I i n -la te.erv' five 4-tya at
i p in K-.r Aat.iiu . V lcilnia and
Velll lie i b - Dally leieepi Hondarl at
I V p ill . r iiutKi) hi I , ill (-niif
'il .no . iitei p-i mil l Ii I oil Wlllam
r I..,,.. I I I I'l
I .i i. t oi.-d lot it tiiatioii nf rains
tiertlt loaet i all ,11 ! . latll ur Wrtlt tj
.e.t o-l!i-t II. ket Agent, "r
lOo eia! I'aaei,a-r Aent
Tl i.t s.-i '.aiii,ia jk .Nat laatlon Co,
I' . t:n I urn in
Portland and The Dalles
All Way tandinu
j ' lute y (i.iU tt "Kilie City."
! ' lies ilalor " "Mollako."
C, tine. Una- at I.) le W,t.h Willi Ilia Co
I infill. I luv.-r and Northern Ity, for
VValikl.e oa t'tl, Ceiiteiv Hie, lie Mau
dlin uud nil I'll, kltdt Valley points.
! Hte.iiner 1,-iivra I'.ittliind dully eopt
H.in.l o i f-,t I he iMIlea 7 a in ; arrive
' i lie i.ill. r, in i in ; ati-lltler CMIierta
j with I' It At N limit al l.vle for liol-
'd. lid lie Mleiitner lr.- I be Dalle
1 Uaily .-s..-. Mondavi fur I'ortUiol at
7am; unit, a I'ortintid P m ; C K.
A N tialn I. nun liol.h relate at (II
VxlOleeta with tile Straltiel f.,r t'oltialld.
I'Aeeiieiit inealtt a.-rv.-d on all tejrtiers
, I- irir, ue "iniii.Mljttioiia for Irami mni
i w .ii(.e a
I l-.ir detnlrl Informatli.n ef rate.
ititli ri-Mervitti',ti. titlli.Nid and ataa-
M , "fine, tloria. wille nr rail litM.n SI al.-..
leinuld. aa.nt. Ai.br Htrret Wharf, or
II C CAMIHKI.I.. Managni.
I'orllntid. rron.
j Daily River Schedule
O rag on City Boats Dally t.hsdul'
! Htrnriieta Alt., na and l'l.nt.eia for H-
I b in and w.iv peinia. I.utva 1'ortlat.d dally
pt Hlllo nit at i t'n u
"Ml city,
H.ii.-n,, ;
leave Ore-
I.', u in ; r-t ur mri g leava
b-.uo iinniri l it. VI"
Oregon City Transpoi latlon Co.
Astoria & Columbia
! River Railroad Co.
I 1 -.
Jlllv ', l'''J
I'iy D'ly
l Vf
7 s h no ,v
H ii', It O'. ...
N '.'Hi It Is
h ;p) ! x,
S -tl ' 4o . .
H Ull II V) . . ,
S ,'iHMO O' , .
'I llMjIII l,
it Pi lo '.'l
! .17:101 ,
10 no1 1 1
Ill US1I 10
HI M il o'i ..
I') auju :si- Ar
. a.m. , r a
I'ortland Af II I" '
, . l.obla .
l'vraiuld .
Mayger .
. tjgiiiry .
Msrstilaiul ,.
. 'est(Kirt ..
. lillttii
. knappa ....
. Hvenseii . .
.John Bay ..
. Astoria.. I. v
III H i .1 u
11 ,vj,
1 :i.', m i'i
It 27! 7 M
II 17 7 V
I w Its' 7 .1
M Mi 7
M 4'ii 7 17
a x 7 1'-
H W Ii ti
N ill' fi
7 Mi !
7 :'. hi
II .'tis.
f p. n
1 1 :) a. m
I I s. m
1 I 'i a. m .
2 -vi p. in .
5 'Kl p. 111
0 10 a. m
. 1
1 , 7 4u a. m
I ... 4 tsip.ni
' . . .10 .') a. m
I . . . fl fto p. Ill
f ...I2 .Kl p- n
1' ... 7 :l p. m
. . 1 :) p. ra
. , lu a. m
Alt train make close connections sat
Ooble) with all Northern J'aclflo train
to or from the Krist or Hound points.
At I'ortland with all trains leavlnf
Union liepot.
At Astoria with I. Tt. A S. Cn.'t boat
and rail line, and ateamer T. J. Potter,
to and from llwaco and North Beach
..Ticket office, 255 Morrison Br, and
Union Depot. J. C. MA TO,
(Jen. 1'aasonger Agt., Astoria, OregoB.
Reduced Ratas to St. Louis Exposition.
The Southern TacHlo Co. will sell rouni
trip tickets at greatly reduced rate to
St. Loula and Chicago account the 8t
Louls Exposition, on the following date:
June 16, 17, 11; July 1, 2, I; August !.
J, 19; Reptember t, I, T; October S, V
Going trip must be completed wlthla
ten day from date of aale, and passe
ger will be permitted to start on any
day that will enable them to reach des
tination within the ten days limit. Re
turn limit ninety day, but not lat?r
limn I.-c ;it, 2301.
For full Information a to rate and
routes call on Ageat Southern Paclfla
Co. at Oregon City, Oregon.