Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 03, 1904, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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Wanted to be
Heard From!
if itirrr I n tnvsll'l vrtmian, suffering
hum lrtf.nl' raalire, Hulaua, i
lalling ul ni'. ot from Iriiriirrlirt
Imi Hard IH I'letcr'a lavorile 'ia.
acrtt'l 'n ''""l'l'' the
Bn,r,,inril .iMnrtiir ami makera H
B..iliMinr.I mr.li ln wntilil Ilk
u lirar '"" ,,,,n '-l 1 lH I
n htt H'lvmitnjtf In arilr llirtil they
iiflrf, l llrt K'""' 'alibi Ifvratil l
.,i for antMaaeuf tl" above, liiaMlrt
tiiiih they'ran
U.ouo I OKI LIT will a) I j.ui if
(I,,, raiinol alww the niimal algnalwe
vi (ha lrnliilual vultililreMiiaj Ilia laati
gmtus! lalu 'aw "' "' "(" (4
rrTtr teetinmnial among Iht Ihouaamta
almh l'y f'laiilly t.uUialnng,
hit j'fovlin thai! Rnuinrnraa
Woatii'a tiiarawaasv Mkiiiral Aft
aiUTi.N, rii'pitKa, llultalu, N. V.
, Mimi kuiriit im Mia air1 t Raa
hrttl i Hi Half Rifv. I Mm,
Iko """a" betas iia
si ii( "I l " Slai, !. kf
imii" a.ii-a itH
m,,4i., la (IHiwI M III Sn.a l.i)
" ,M wnk't !.! i fa ma la d.ffk. Uw 1
,.i.-1 Ik I-mi "'IK liaa 't -tuA.
.ml I iltiWl il i 'ii lha lima I
-,. H fi. .hi ! ' l in i miKif 1 ilaej
ililfrl.nl li!'l alMlail linwlm
,J Mwail i1' ,," J"' V"1 akaii
(a In1' mli.il aad uflfil aa
aauA'iina "I "h" Hi"! "a4
far. a luml IhM-iiaH li lil 11 rtrli. a 'a
M,lt 1'i.a ill-l a I Iiaa.it i aaf. I
kainl "' ' ""' Bi'ill'l'ii M
.,,.1.1 Hi" " v " !
Hiuiilh I ! hilillt -l I li li.l
h ni Miii'l' '' "' ! ,,,l " 'li1 Hi
V I"""1 ,h u ft lillit .l4 lifw
lift Hl'ltl'' 1 ' '" "" '
"I'avoiilr I'lr w f ijilinii " m..rt '
womrll tfuiiK. " Ki inrit writ Af
cr(l fi' anl; il nl' I' r ""! " .n'
butl wll wul'i'i-ia !i.f .(ruV wi.ijiii
Xlir I iimiiinii 'ti s' Vc-'l.'il ,.i'Mf
mJi Itli'r I L'r in W'lh'pn.
. 1.1
fiti nn tr-n;.l J I ' 1 1 m i
H fijcflM- ill ti-mliri i' 'l .'
5r K V llrnr. i il.ii.. i Y
- - i
(iri'iiiinin Mafmann Mtkaa Cf.
mg Adilrata la Larga Audianc.
i. !,.ir an auillrlli' llml " krj MMm.
Ij'a u-ria linn I" Ihla riiy Cuiiatr-
tl4M llrllllOllll lll'll" Blr J 111 III If Illi
, kaii'a H'l liavr l-rrn .ti frfrJ aclnal
Mm l Vrali ti lil lrnii iUr up
l.n ut mill ullii-i "I lil iMaiiicm Tlir
dllr ill Ml lliiriliallll U llilill.rl
luici.rJ ami niKilo a "hI linirrwii.i
Tt.c i K ililrtil ul Ihr .arl al '.11
111. ii s n'i'l lli- J li'lli luliif y llailiM
raiiii'-l kjiiUi il..n nh Ihrin
Afln I llrC.y illn-uaalng Ih a) aTll
In M' l mrnllnimJ I'm linpruvrrm-iil
o thai ttlllaiiilla Hcf lili-h la i.f im
riii' lo lixal p(uii.ill). ami llir
ftlUly of III llti-full tlrlrjulli.il
turn ( for fii'f.ut ii a (iuMic li.ll.l
Itf, Ciineiranmari llnrmann ravrtir.l lu
II.. hiir Dial im Uliif nimle llil
turn I) ! To'tUnd Junmal aa a ly In
tin. fuiiiU.ua. ai'uttllniia ami J. fB0il"iy
pul lli nn arnl lrilrl lil mllnn.
wh-m hr Irriiict llr. dl.rnita an.l vil-Uino-.ia
iciwatita V
Tln In Imil Ii "I III" ili-i't"
that li Ixrn irfrrt"l airil him
Mr llrimaiiti li.iwr. llir uiur fall, y
it ll Alul rlriy ull 'f III" ' liiilliili,
hi ll Sir l-ar. mi the ITU"' "!l! tin I I'-n
A uui.il.a alul Jrliliriale iitlMlolrmriil
w mm lis
( V) net
I Amm &4 k A
The prohibition and temperance w :J7hbltion jaw have labeled it
i.f a. Imil f,i, la aa ll,ry ,, ,,, ,rf rr.
tulioralril by rm nnla.
Mr llrrmann r.invln.lng! va plalnr-d
1 y i(.i'.lli, .iiu. in.i hla rillim ,m ll.
laml al lit l!....-l.,,r , Bt)ll m rn.
Ilrrly rrgnlar ami al. Ihla u ni
Uur.ii,r4 tjttfll alHtui ) rniHiiha aan. II"
hi.-4 llml hla mini, w,.r ,rllult,ty
r.itinim4 l.y llio f.imml'iiii-r i.f I ha
H'lHTal laml i.m.K, nm lhttt H, ton
alru.il.in of ih law with ri-frri-n.a
Ihrlrlo nul KVOII IIHMlin.il until 1
i-..ra liii.-r
finally antlafa. -lory 1li.,.lln aa
m.ln i.f nihrr i Imrfia an.l In rfiilln
llm ilalm that lia la a..t...f liillng lu
hlmiwlf ii,.iiiry aavi.il frmn rlrtk hire Mr.
Ilnnianu di-nuunrrd lha rliaga aa ul
Urly falaa and alal4 Ihal on lha con
Irary h la ml.iyln Ihir rlrrka and
ri.rnlln i-lrrlral aid mm a than lha
gi.v.mninit allow a him.
Mr. Ilrrmann atalrd Ihal .alnla al
Irgrd ly hla anxnilra la hava lwn laauad
In II daya wrra a-ually In lha fni-ral
land nfflia from Juna to Novambrr. aa
ahown If tha rnoi.la Having lh'r.
"ijlily vln.1l.alrd hlmarlf c.f Ihr ihatgra,
Mr, Hnmann Itivllrd Ilia ai.dll.ua In aak
any quratl.ma, but Ihna ra nona
ma-la, In r.,n. lading, Mr. Ilrrmnnn dla
i uaard nalli.nal ixilllli a. rrvrullng lha
gtnwlh and pruatwrtly of lha rnuntry
iindrr lha almliilaiiaii..n of Id -jmtilli-an
llli'lra Tli inriiiinii of M. Kliilry and
H'MMMivrll found a rraM.nalvn rli.iid In
lha au.llrhi r. whl. h gava anlhualaallr
Hrimlor lliownrll orraldrd aa chair-
ninn of Ilia nirrting. and lrf..i Inlro
Iti. log Mr llrritiiimi aMik l.il.-rly in
i ollttllrliilatlntl of thr llrpill.ll. nil county
Mid kliUlltf llikrta
ll.fi.ln Ihr mrrtllig .all.i til ofdrr,
(hr iiirgun I'lty hand niadr lt Itilllul
jiaiama fur tha arawm and ilu'r1
a nunihrr of arlr. ll.ina og lha atrrrta. In
Ha faithful pro,, lira diitttig Ihr wlntrr
tuoitfha Ihla oigitiiUatlon Ima tnailr ...it-
Idrralila lniirormrnt, and Ihr (.rn.l of
(irrgun City will hr glud lo hm mora of
Ihla Land during tha aummrr moitlha
Al thr ortii honor, tha Mrf ralwr riiar-
Irttr hratd III art rl al rillllllirn, rr-
r. Ilng rm.it. a r. h tlmr In f.rrarnl-
llig thr unallrllr. Hi tlator UliiXllrll fr-
friinl tu thr altigrta aa thr .tiajtrttr
"that aang thr !( piihllran tl' k. I In v. -toiy
a )rrtr agu " A vny rotdlal rr.-rp-tli.tl
waa rut. ltd. d thr alligrta, Who ana
lullird Ih. II Irpulallon of bring thr l.rat
.llatlrttr that r rr llrard III (lligoll
i lly.
flooaavait Club Organiiad.
At ll, . t.iar i.f thr I l-'t maim Lilly, a
It..iairtt l(rnililian I'luli lilgallltrd
wllh HO ih.iil.r mmtliria l'aitaln M
II I't.lllll'a ! rl. .tr. Jilral l. Ill all'l W.
A t'linlik ar.irtar)' Thr iirral.lrnt and
ii II IMiiiI. k. W in (ihralmn. J W. Mof
f. tt alii lir.iigr I'allfl wrie tonalllutrd a
.l.ltlllllllrr tu riolllllialr Irll Vl'a .rral-
,.nia ,! u,r otiirr ortlirra of lha or
gaitliallnn Thr pnt-wir for whlth tha
rluh ha lirrr, formrd la lo aid In rvrry
iMail.lr way tha Uri.ulill. an roumy cm
lial r.iinmlttra In both tha Juna and
Ni'vanthrr alrrtlona
Summon a.
In lha r'Kcull Court fur lha Btate of Ora
gon, for lha County of Chukamaa.
Alkrriana jwaon. I'lalnllff.
Jnkn Kay, rdrrl.k A. llrlma. F.mma
J. JM-rnnan. Jwklyn Hold, rrrdarlck
llrnn' H'hwub. John Pavld S.hwab.
Maria Umlaa H.hwab. iloryrtta
8. hwah. liudolph I.iithrr K. hwab and
M II Krrflr. lirfrndanta.
fan -itics of Oreeon. beine
laliuuwi a w o . ..
t" entry, tv . j iv.y.
ill J WV-'i. J. Ki J7V VW !.. . :m lli'''ii '
In tha Nama of lha fllata of Orrn:
To Frulrrl. k A. Illma, Emma J. Mc
lennan, Jocklyn Bold, KrUiirlcic llaniy
R'hwuh, John Pavld Hrhwab, Marl
Umlaa Hi I. wall, MaryattA Bt hwab, Ku-
dol.h l.ulliar Rcltwab, above natnad da
frndgnla. Tuu and aa. h of you aJ a hrrtby ra-
qulrrd to a'.orar and an aw ar tha com
plaint nird agalnat you In tha abova an
tlllad court and CAuaa, OP or brf.ua tha
!!h day of Juna, 1104, that bring tha
laat day btdrrvd by tha Court fur tha
pul.llratlon of thla aummona.
And If you fall ao to appear or anawrr
lha plalnlirr will apply to lha court (or
lha rallaf prayad for In tha oompUInt
on flla harrln, to-wlt: A daoraa datar-
mining lha right of tha aavaraj parllaa
ha rate In And tha aanltlon of tha fol
lowing dracribad rtai aalala, to-wlt: A
pari of tha llatma D. U C. No. 0. In
axtlona II. 10. II And 10, In T. I f. R.
E. of tha WMIlamatta Martdlan, In Clack -amaa
county, Oragon, baglnntnf at tha
rarnUant angla In aald claim and running
Ihanra aouth 41 dag. 4t mln. aat II
fhalna to claim cornar; Iharvra north 41
drg. aaat II chain to claim enrnar;
thanra north II dag. II mln. waat 12
chalna to a point In claim Una; tbanea
aouth 41 dag 11 mln. waat 10 20 chain
to Una dividing huahand' half from
hrlra of wlfa half of aald claim; thane
aouth 41 drg. 41 mln. aaat. following aaJd
dlvdlng Una to aouthaaatarly Una of
aald claim; thanca north 42 dag. aaat
II tl chalna to plac of beginning.
Thla aummona la publlahad by ordar of
Thomaa A. Mdlrida. Judg of a!d
Court, for A parlod of all (I) conacutlv
waaka, flrat publication lo b on FV1
day, tha 11th day of May, 1104, and tha
laat to ba on FVlday, tha 21th day of
Juna, 1104. UVT BT1PP.
Attomry for riaJntit.
Local Option Mtaaurt
Practical Prohibition. :
Iii-fore yutlng for or frlnt either :
of th mcaMuri; propoai'il by the In-Initiative
pftltlon for tD(lort-mnt by
lbi ixKiplo l the Juno fli-ctlon, the 4
voter ahould carefully retd AnJ ln-
terpri t the two bllla, and gain an un- j
ularly tru of the local option bcm- U.
uri. t tipliMl oi mil win are iu vn .
hail for the an king at the office of
tUv cuiiiy clerk.
Aa a matter of fact, the enactment
of thla apparently fair nieaaure inio
in iuu aiaio ui vii'-ftu. , -j
. i .. i m TKft
qui-Htlon arlw. do the people ot the
Mate want prohibition!
Iniler the atatutea aa they no ex
lnt a aalixm cannot be established
In any precinct of the county aave
by petition or more than a major
ity of the rotor of that precinct
When eatabllahed. thene retwrta are
regulated and controlled by county
court or city council while the bua
lnen of theae place and the manner
In which It Hball be carled on la reg
ulated by law. Therefore, the poople
of the atate practically bate local
option now.
Appended are a few opinion from
prominent men of the country touch
ing on the aubject of lotal option
and prohibition:
DlHhop Stanley, of North Dakota
"I am convinced that prohibitum Is
doing Incalculable harm to the utate
and to many of lla Inhabitants. In
many trip, around the state I aee and
hear these facta. Such being the
.... t
unable to carry tne state ior
. ... f f.LfJ Sal
Oregon City's Big
1 contend that the time baa j
eoine to make a change for the bet
ter. While refraining from approv
ing or disapproving prohibition as a
theory, I say that prohibition aa a
fact Is a flat failure In North Da
kota." KxSecrelanr Russell A. Alger,
Michigan "You can t Ulk prohibl-
tlon In Michigan. lor we nave inea
It and know what a dire failure It Is.
When we had prohibition the atate
was flooded with smuggled beer and
whiskey, and It was Impossible for
us to prevent it. We now license
saloons, and while there Is no more
liquor drank than there was during
the reign of prohibition, we derive
an enormous revenue from toe irai-
lie. besides preventing liquors from i
being smupgled into the state and I
sold Illegally, as It puts the naloon ;
men to guarding each other. 1 nave rrm
alwnvs considered prohibition a fall- J
ure. and don't believe It can ever J
be made effectual." j
I', g. Ju.lb-e D. E. Bryant. Texas j Coughg and cods down to the TerT
'S"Xy of consumption, yield to
When prohibition was submitted to a the soothing, healing influences of Dr.
vote of the people of Texas. I voted J Wood s Norway Pine Syrup.
for it n -rrjnd faitn. since juue
Difi7 I have faithfully enrtoavorea
to enforce prohibition laws of the
Vnlted States prevailing in the Indian
Terltory in my Jurisdiction. I have
had the assistance of a competent and
and faithful district attorneys and
marshals, excellent srand and petit
Juries, In fact, everjiiluK that could
be desired to make the law effective,
if it could be made so. My experi
ence has taught me that It is folly
to believe for a moment that it can
be successfully prohibited. It leads
to all manner of evasions, even to
perjury and subordination of perjury.
It builds up feuds locally, which fre
quently result In personal conflicts,
and in some instances murder la the
result Notwithstanding the rigid
prosecution the traffic is unabated;
In fact, if any difference, increases.
"Wherever local option exists you
will find lawless persons who will
soil to any and everybody wherever
they can, not respiting minority or
other conditions. The courts will be
flooded with prosecutions, and there
will be but few convictions, and the
expense will be very large."
This office was never before better
prepared to do Job work of all kinds
on short notice than It is right now.
Send in your work.
When the Sap Rises
Weak lungs should be careful.
CoughB and colds are dangerous then.
One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs
and colds and gives strength to the
lungs. Mrs. O. E. Fenner, of Marlon,
Ind., says: "I have suffered with a
cough until I run down In weight
from 148 to 92 pounds. I tried a
number of remedies to no avail un
til I used One Minute Cough Cure.
Four bottles of this wonderful rem
edy cured mo entirely of tha cough,
strengthened my lungs and restored
me to my normal weight health and
strength." Sold by 0. A. Harding.
Lew Rataa to Hood River.
Tha strawberry crop in Hoed River
prornlara from every Indication to be
enormoua thla year. 6000 people will be
needed to pick and pack tha luacioua
fnilt. Pickera are paid 1 1-2 cents a
box and packere 1-1 cent. Good pickers
earn aa high aa $3 SO a day. People In
tending to go ahould take their camping
outfit with them, as it la cheaper, and
raaler to move from place to place.
The fare on the -RegnlRtor Line" ateara
era la very low, being only 12.00 for the
round trip, or 11.25 one way. Children
between ( and 12 half fare. A liberal al
lowance of baggage is carried free with
each ticket. Kvery article ahould be
marked plainly witn name oi owner aim
dt.gtlnilllon Kfmerobi.r steamera leave
. ....t, i..rtlnm1 -v.rv mtirn-
am.. .,re,t do,
k. lVrtlnnd. every morn-
may be had by calling
I at dock, or telephone Main 14.
Rtde Baaai
Cash Store The Store that
a9-vMoiicrMni n tirourR
'ILL make your old furniture and woodwork
look like new and will brighten up and
jive new life and lustre to your floors at nominal
Put up in eight colors and also Clear; One
Coat is sufficient. Can be applied by anyone.
It dries over night.
ror. sale at
Howell & Jones,
Oregon City Oregon
. -. . . -. - - - "
0. R. A N. Summer Book.
" The handaome 1904 summer book.
"Reatful Recreation Resorts." issued by
the Paasenger Department of the Oregon
Railroad A Navigation company, ia just
out. Telia all about the summering
places of the Columbia River Valley a
brief description of the trips up and down
the Columbia River, to the mountains,
beachea. Inland resorts and fountains
of healing, where they are and how to
reach them. The book has a special
designed front cover, printed In two
colors, and the Inside pages are splen
didly illustrated by costly and beau
tiful half-tones. A copy of this publi
cation may be obtained by sending two
cents in stamps to A. L. Craig, General
Passenger Agent of the Oregon Rail
road A Navigation company, Portland.
Bo" 1,8 M Hj'
Kidney Trouble Makes Ton Miserable.
Almost everybody who reads the news
papers ts sure to know of the wonderful
cures m&oe cy ur.
1 1 Kilmer
I the pre
Kilmer s liwamp-Koot,
eat kidney, liver
ladder remedy.
m ii ia tuo rrcv.! incur-
1 . 1 . 1 . Al
S cal triumph of the nine
teenth century; dis
covered after years of
az-lrntifir rrrarrh hv
f-0v! Dr. Kilmer, the eml-
1 1 1- ill niui fiiiu vmr
der specialist, and ts
wonderfully successful In promptly curing
lame back, kidney. bUdJer, uric acid trou
bles and Brlght's Dle-is, which is the worst
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root ts not reo
emmendedfor everything but If you have kid
ney, liver or b!add:r trouble It will be found
Just the remedy ycu need. Ii has been tested
In so many ways, In hospital work, In private
practice, among the helpless too poor to pur
chase relief and has proved so successful in
every case that a special arrangement has
been made by which all readers of this paper
who have not already tried it, may have a
sample bottle sent free by mall, also a book
telling more ibout Swamp-Root and how to
find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble.
When writing mention reaoing tnis generous
ffer In this paper and fxZrm.
send your address to 'T'.'--tTIik.i
! Dr. Kilmer St Co..Birt;- 7,
Ihamton. N. Y. The
reguiir liny cent ar.a uca
doUa, slies are sold by all good Qrvgpstj.
Does the Business
All kinds of Building
Material, Sasb, Doors
Moulding, Etc. - -
Scratch, scratch; unable to attend
to business during the day or sleep
during the night Itching pHp. hor
rible plague. Doan's Ointment cures.
Neevr fails. At any drug store, 60
The Enterprise office Is now better
equipped than ever for ill classes of
book and miscellaneous Job work.
Baarttw A ti Ytm Han Ulran gjc!
Naturally induces trade. We
do not do business on that
basis but do give value re
. ceived for every cent you
spend at our store. Here
are some bargains:
3-lb . can Brandenstein's
Jfocha and Java coffee . . $1.00
5 lbs Brandenstein's Caro
head Rice 50
Good brand bulk Coffee, per
pound 12
Green Java Coffee, per lb. . .15
Fine bulk Sjrup, per gallon .50
A full line of the very best
in the grocery line at
The ELECTRIC Grocery
Main Street next to Albright's Market
Ely's Cream Bn
Baay and pleasant to
aae. Cuntaina SO in
luriooa drug.
It ia qnii-kiy abanrbeiL
GiTra KcUef atonee.
It Oprna and Cleaoata
l.i e itaaai raaascva.
Ural! and Froteett th Membrane. Krttorei tbl
frii il Tanie and fmf iL Urt-e 9zr. 60 ct-nta al
Pnu-riBtaar hr mail; Trial Slie, wcema kj oiai.
tLY BKO'I UitltS, Warreu 6uw-t- New 1 urk.
June. Vote against it.