PAGE 4. OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 1 1904. Oregon City Enterprise CITY AND COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Published Every Friday. Subscription Rates: One year $1.50 8tx months 73 Trial subscription, two months. . 25 Advertising rates on application. Sub6crilHr8 will find the date of ex plration stamped on their papers fol lowing their name. If this Is not changed within two weeks after a paymctt. kindly notify us. and the matter will receive our attention. Entered at the postoffioe at Oregon City, Oregon, as secondelass matter. FRIDAY, JUNE 3. 1904. THE REPUBLICAN TICKET. For Congressman Binger Herman, of Douglas county. For Supreme Judge Frank A. Moore, of Columbia county. Dairy and Food Commissioner J. W. Bailey, of Multnomah county. Circuit Judge, Fifth Judicial Dis trict T. A. McBriiie, of Columbia. District Attorney Harrison Allen, of Clatsop. Joint Representative. Multnomah & Clackamas Counties George V. Holcomb. Jr. of Mult nomah. For Representatives C. G. Huntley, Or ton City. Frank Jagger. Cam. J. N. Bramhail, Bull Run. Commissioner T. B. Killin. Killin. Sheriff J. R. Shaver. Molal'a. Clerk F. A. Sleight. Canby. Treasurer Enos Cabill. New Era. Recorder Henry E Stevens, Milwau kie. Assessor J. F. Ne'e r.. M'.iiino. Surveyor John Y. yeldrum. Oregon City. School Superintendent J. C. Zinser, Oregon City. Coroner R. 1 Hoiman. Oregon City. Justice of the Peace Livy Stipp. Oregon City. Constable H. W. Trembath, Oregon City, No. 1. record each has made during his first term. A moot rigid and critical In vestigation of the records by a fault finding IVmoeracy has failed to dis prove the claims that the adminis tration of affairs for the Inst two years has boon all that could be asked by the most exacting constituent. The campaign as a whole has been comparatively free from personalities and that which partakes of mud sling In?, although there has been shown a disposition on the part of some of the Democrats to distort and misrepre sent the actual facts In an attempt to discredit the claims of the Republi cans. These endeavors have fallen miserably flat. The candidates on the Republics ticket from justice of the supreme court to constable are representative men, farmers and business men, who have made a success of their respec tive professions. They are deserving of the large vote that will unquestion ably be cast for them next Monday. Every voter should make It a point to go to the polls and vote. If you have failed to register, go to the polls any way. You will find the necessary num ber of freeholders at your voting place to certify to your voting qualifications ors thereof dared not spring them Vnder the caption of "Meddler during the campaign when there ex tlreene." the F.ugene Register lias the Isted an opportunity for the Intelll- following editorial comment on th" gent discussion and Investigation of; recent appearance of (.roenn at a such charges. The circulation of ca IVmocrntlc tally la this city: nards at the last minute nut only dis- rial Agent tireeiie. who has lived off credits but reflect on the cause they I the government during the past two are presumed to serve. . years, trying to work up land fraud o leases, and which are postponed from DEMOCRAT FOR REVENUE ONLY, j year to year to make (ireene's job last Eight years ago Starkweather was j longer, Is now taking au active part In elected on the ropullst ticket. Four (Oregon politic. Ho even went so far years ago he tried to set the nomlna-'a to take part In the political speak tlon for superintendent as a Repub-i Ing at Oregon City In aid of Watch, lican. This year he has flopped again, candidate for congress, and secondinl o J Veatch- attack on llermanu and Hen Strange that any Republican In thelry Meldrum. Meldrum, who wax pros First district should be expected to I ent, called tireene a liar and a coward, vote for Mr. Veatch! He Is a Demo-! and both epithets seemed to fit the crat who has contended against every-' case exactly. This Greene Is busy thing the Republican party haa stood j editing the Portland Journal while he for, all his life, and will do so as long draws a government salary. Rixwie as he lives. He began life as a Demo- velt's attention should be called to crat of the pro-slavery type, waa with ( the action of this fellow and he the opposition during the Civil war. ' should either attend strictly ti bust- has been a Grecnbacker, Socialist ' uess or be ordered to quit the job MEASURES TO BE VOTED ON. There are ou (he official ballot for Clackamas county four propositions oa which the voters will have a vote. The purpose of these proposed meas ures is not generally understood, and 1 acted entirely within his rights at we submit the appended brief state-1 Populist, Sllverlst, and ardent sup porter of liryanism. He Is a man of No one need despair of voting be- giKHl personal character, no doubt, but cause he was unable to register. All a common place man. of no notice- i that Is necessary is to produce at the able ability, firm In nothing but hi polls the acknowledged certificate of opposition all his life to the prlncl-Jsl fr-eho!dcr that the applicant Is pies and purtioses for which the He- i qualified elector Every legal publican party has contended lllv,l,, r h" I ""' registered should party has embnuvd no political ' make full calculation to avail himself j heresy, has ente. turned no economic of this provision In the cities this. I or financial fallacy, that he has not j jov fully accepted and eagerly con tended for. So It will be In future I It's all very well, of course, for he has The Kind You Have Always Hoagbtt and which lion br In Uft fur over 30 yearn, haa borne, (he) lirnatnr f ana hu brfu nifulo under hi pe. aonal aiiperrlslou slnr It lufWy, Allow no uno todoccdve you. In thl. All Counterfeit, Imitation and Jut-a;ool" are, bat Ripcrluirnt that trifle with and endanger the) health of lafk&U and Children Hiperlrnoc aeaiust Kiprrlntent, What is CASTORIA Caatorla la n harmless substitute for Coator OU, Par, forte. Irrop and Soothing Hymjwi. It I I'lrajtatit. It contain neither Opium, Morphine) nor other NarcwUa ubUnc4V Km ago U It guftrmnte. It destroy Worn and allay IVverUhncn. It cure Puirrliuu niul 'Wind Colic. It relieve Teething Trouble, cure Constipation and Flatulency. It asslnjllutc the Food, rrguhite the KUtuuM-h and ltowel, giving healthy and natural The Children' lanacca The Mother' I'rlrnd. Genuine CASTORIA always Bears tbo Signature of THE REPUBLICAN PLATFORM. Declaration of Principles Adopted at Clackamas County Convention. We, the Republican party of Clack amas county in convention assembled ote with pride and pleasure the ad vancement, prosperity and progress of the nation under and by virtue of the policies of the Republican party. We endorse the aggressive and broad statesmanship of Theodore Roosevelt, and hereby o, ""ard his re nomination for President of the United States. We endorse and commend the ac tion of President Roosevelt in creat ing a precedent for the settlement of labor disputes by arbitration. Whereas, we cave watched the course of Hon. John H. Mitchell and Hon. C. W. Fulton, in their efforts to develop material interest in the state viewed with pleasure their strong support of a canal across the Isth mus, which canal when built and con structed will be the greatest monu ment, next to the abolishmen of hu man slavery, of the Republican party, and, Whereas, we have viewed with satisfaction the able manner in which these two members of the Senate of the United States are representing the state of Oregon and the North west Therefore, be it resolved that we hereby endorse their course in the Senate and appreciate their public service In the state tnd nation at. large. Resolved, that we endorse the pri mary law which is to be voted upon at the June election, and hope that it may become a part of the stat ute law of the stae of Oregon, sincerely believing that the greater participation the voters can take in governmental affairs will be of larg er benefit to good government and otir delegates to the Ftate conven tion are hereby instructed to intro duce and advocate the adoption by the convention of a resolution recom mending the primary nominations bill to the people of Oregon for their approval. Resolved, that the development of Clackamas county requires the con struction and maintenance of good wagon roads, to the end that the people may be enabled to deliver the products of their labor to market wjthln a reasonable time and with safety. We therefore demand a liberal and progressive policy with reference to good roads and safe bridges, and we pledge the nominees of this conven tion to the full and energetic sup port or snch policy. Resolved, that we are in favor of ejecting road supervisors instead of Paving them appointed, and hereby In struct our delegation Id tbe Legisla ture to support a bill to that effect ment concerning, each for the Infor mation of the voters. The constitutional amendment per taining to the state printer proposes abolishing the office of s;ate printer and placing the election and control of that officer with the legislature. Voters generally understand the lo cal option measure which proposes to give each ward or precinct the right to say whether or not a saloon shall be maintained in that district. In Its present form this proposed law is objectionable in thut it is said that It will prove practically prohibitory In its operation. The proposed direct primary nomi- citken; but It Is remarkable that any Ri publican .should I ;rcted to vote fur him. What would he do !f elected? Simply light Republican pol icies and measures to the extent of his powers In the house i.f represent ntives Oregoman. matter will take rare of Itself. Hut In the country districts throughout the, ! state the Voters should Uttelld to III by pre urrani;eme:it Owhig to the trouble of a special trip to the county seut. many farmers have not rcg terel It will be very easy for them to: iii- et together at the pulling places mi j election day and certify to each , nth, r s ipiulltlf allium, an. I Oils should , lie svHternatlcnllv done, j w The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Ringer Hermann should have t(o largest majority ever counted for a congressional or state office in this district. He has ever proved him self a capable congressman, an able worker for Oregon, during the years he has been In congress. He Is well recognized in Washington as a man who wants something, knows what he wants and how to get it for his state. nating law contemplates the naming ' To satisfy one's self, if any one ran of candidates for political office by ' possibly harbor a doubt in the matter, direct petition without the formality 1 It Is easy to learn from the general of conventions. Another proposition to be voted on is: "Shall stock run at large In Clack- and special appropriation bills of those congresses wherein he has been a member. His services In the con- county affairs We would ask the unprejudiced voter whut the I leiuiM rat 4 i f Cluck a mas county have to commend their ticket on Their platform Is lacking of a single substantial plank Kvery charge that has been preferred against the Republican candidates has been refuted not only on the canvass, but by au investigation a.s to (ho records of the county. Th Itemnrrat are without Issue and have absolutely nothing on which to go before the Vot ers of Clackamas county and ask their suffrage. To say the least. It would be largely an experiment to relnstato the IVmocraM In the management of We believe (he Intelll- e Bt IMMIIf. It uMAV tTMO, TM tf BEisonwsjsm: Price Reasonable LE T US Do Your Work w"rk Wo ilo ix (lener.kl Hugn'iis'"' aii'l Transfer Husine. Safes, Pianos ami Furniture Moved Ollice OjiMMte Masonic llmMing T'X".:.:r '.If1 Williams Bros. Transfer Co. amas county." This Is calculated for gresslonal session Just closed have , gent voter will be slow to lend hi the benefit of stock owners residing in the rural districts where stock can have almost unlimited freedom with out trespassing on improved lands. This practice is regulated in incor porated towns by the city authorities. o SOME MORE FACTS. also been of such value to Oregon as to overcome absolutely the idea that he has passed hln day of usefulness In Washington. Mr. llermanu has ably and satisfactorily represented Superintendent Zmser has not deemed It W ise under the presi nt Oregon In the past, I Just as ably and ' conditions to ask the county court to As the Knterprlse remarked a few aid to making such a radical change i ' ago, the i(. mliln nns of ( lack at this time. lamas county must e, that Mr Her 0 ! nuinn for congress receives a major ity of tln votes cahl net Monday. A year ago Clin kumun county Republi cans, because of their lack of activity j satisfactorily representing Oregon to- day. and will continue to r present Oregon In congress fur the next term. In its last wek's issue, the Courier 1 Oregonlan. denounces as false the statement that the office of assessor under J. F. Nel- j The Knterprise would not Insist on son, the present incumbent, cost less the election of the Republican ticket than did the same office under his predecessor. In refutation of this, but little argil- levy the library taj. but has secured additions to school libraries of some 'i volumes by other means. His Democratic opponent criticises him for thlrf. Would Mr. Starkweather compel the county court to lay this additional burden on the shoulders and Interest, allowed the Ifc-niorruflc candidate to carry (d,, county That inut not be rejM'ated at this time. Mr. Hermann will lie elected and Clackamas futility should swell th" Tarly In hli term Supt. ZliiHt learned that the preetie of hnAt and other obntructious on the school grounds are not conducive to the f.ii4 morals of the children, ninie lh teacher cannot io-o what Is going on. Ills vigorous campulg.i for better rue ditioiiN found a nudy iehNiue i u th part of (dolors and parent Ki Supt Starkweather, having grown up surrounded by stumps and hud brio h. evidently had become so rcu- rnftjorlty. This will be un opportunity1 (ono d ( them that ho never noticed at this or any other time if it did of the taxpayers' The fact that dur not think the best Interests of the tax- Ing his term of office he Instituted for the Repiihlh-an of (tils county to redeem their record of a year ago. Will (hey do (? We predict tha! they them HU attitude of blissful Indlf fer lice did not tend to remedy them. payers of Clackamas county will be ; mandamus proceedings and compelled1 ment is required. As usual, the Cour-1 served by that result. Every candi-j the county court to levy an additional i ler is oft Its bae. Mr. Nelson s pre decessor had at all times during his term from two to four extra deputies while Mr. Nelson has at no time had other than one deputy, and that per son is his son Fred, who has earned and received a salary of $00 per date on the ticket Is deserving. They are conservative business men and farmers, possessing every qualifica tion for the respective offices to which they aspire. And, again, the result of the election next Monday will exert a national influence that 2.7 mills over and above the usual five mill school tux would seem to war- J rant the belief that, If elected, he I would also try to enforce the library ! tax. ELECT THE ENTIRE TICKET. With this week another county cam paign in Clackamas county clones. Tbe indications are that the entire Republican ticket will be elected. We can see no valid reason why snch should not be the result The present officers Lave proven capable of dis charging the duties that attach to the respective offices they have filled and for which they are candidates for a second term. County affairs have been well and economically administered dnring the last two years, and In the canvass of the county these officers have bad nothing to conceal or misrepresent. The mot convincing testimonial they have presented in support of their claim to a second term haa been tbe month. In view of these facts, we can scarcely be over-estimated. As submit to any Intelligent voter how I Mr. Hermann stated Tuesday night, in the name of common sense could as the Oregon election goes in June thf office under Mr. Nelson have cost I so will the November presidential within several hundred dollars of j election be influenced. Kvery Rejmo what it has been costing the tax- lican voter in Clackamas county payers? , should be extremely alive to the sit- The truth of the matter is, the : uation and do his utmost for the sue statements that have been made con-1 cess of the entire ticket. Let's ac-rei-ning the administration of this j cornplish an unprecedented majority office by Mr. Nel.son are absolutely j for the state and congressional tickets correct, as the records will show. We j and elect the county and legislative again wiffh to quote from the para-' candidates by Increased majorities. graph that we recently published in the Enterprise as follows: "The ex pense of running the assessor's office for the year 1901, for salaries alone, amounted to $4,850. This was the year in which field deputies were sent out, but does not include the cost of the present-owner maps, which was a separate expense. Tbe expense of running the office for the corresponding year of 1903, under Assessor J. F. Nelson, when field dep uties were again sent out, amounted to only $3,492.95, a saving of $1,457.06 over tbe corresponding year 1901 Tbe cost of malting tbe assessment for the 1904 roll will not exceed $2300, as no deputies will be In tbe field." There has been made some objec Col Veatch, Special Agent Creene and others of Mr Hermann' defam ers should have attended the Repub lican rally In this city Tuesday night Mr Hermann answered each and ev il Is essential that every Republlrao voter In Clackamas county not only go to the polls Monday and rule (J strolght Republican ticket, tut also that h work for the electlo of each candidate on the ticket. As we have remarked elsewhere, th! If! th rt time In fourteen year In Clackamas employing an alleged excessive num- audience with which he was groe'ed berof young women for clerical work, j The enthusiasm with w hich Mr Her ery one of the accusations that have been made against him by his defllers county that the opposing ticket b been made up along strict party line. Let's make the Republican majority I a declslvn one! ELEVENTH HOUR CANARD8. In view of the tactics that bave ben employed by tbe opposition in tbe campaign that concludes with the election Monday, it would not be sur prising to see numerous dodgers and other kinds of deceptive literature and reports circulated at the eleventh hour too late for refutation by the parties sought to be Injured. Voters are cautioned against this sort of thing. The intelligence of the voters B'1 Democratic friends at a time not Among the propositions to be voted on at the election Monday is a con stitutional amendment pertaining to the office of the state printer. The amendment proposes abolishing the office of state printer and placing with the legislature the election of that officer. If there is to he a state printer at all he should be elected by the people, as are all of the other state officers. The people of Oregon have already had some experience with other officers and commissions elect ed by the state legislature, and It was found that they did not work very satisfactorily. Officers elected by the people are responsible directly their constituents for the adminis tration of their respective offices. In (his contortion it has been N amed from good authority that th candi date for sheriff on the Democratic ticket, in event of bis ebsrtlon, has promised a deputyshlp to a woman who sought the same appointment under Sheriff Shaver and was turned down. Of course It would be all right to employ women In the sheriff's office under a Iemocratlo sheriff but it Is an unpardonable offense to recog nize the fair sex under a Republican administration of that office! mann's address as received becM-aks: for him a good vote in Clackamas j county next Monday. I There Is one thing certain and that is this: If tbe present Republican officers, who are candidates for re election, are not successful at the polls next Monday, they will not charge to the county and collect sal aries for their services for the time intervening from the first day of July until the first Monday in July, the time newly-elected officers are in stalled, as was done by some of our A Roosevelt Republican club was organized in Oregon City Tuesday night with a charter membership of 150, and with every prospect of amounting to something. It waa pro per that Captain M. D. Phillips, who did valiant service In the Philippines, should be made president of the or ganization. The club will be able to do much effective work In the Inte rest of tbe party it represents during both tbe June and November elec tions by insuring an Increased major- 10 ! Ity on both occasions. o Greater evidence of tbe satisfac tion of one's administration of an office i not to be bad than in the of Clackamas county, however, will not permit them to accept with any credence such reports when tbe autb- very long ago. The possibility of such a contingency being presented, how ever, is decidedly remote. Mr. Starkweather Is opposed to the present law permitting the consolida tion of school districts. Suppose two districts should find It to their ad vantage to unite their school Inter ests, wholly or In part, for a short time or permanently. Would Mr. Starkweather refuse to comply with the provisions of the law, the accept ance or rejection of which is now wholly optional with tbe taxpayers of these districts? Supt. Zlnser, In examining nearly five hundred teachers, has constantly aimed to secure better qualification He has been called upon to settle numerous difference between school offlcers, teachers and taxpayers. Yet such haa been the general confidence in bis fairness and good Judgment that only a single case has gone up to Salem on appeal, and this came from the district where Mr. Stark weather 1 clerk and chief advlner. o It should be considered a pleasure by every Republican In Clackamas county to labor unceasingly from now until the poll are closed Monday evening that every candidate on the ticket from constable to congressman failure of tbe opposing political party to name candidates for that office. This evidence is shown in tbe candi dacy of Judge McBride and District may row,iv 8uch a maJorlty M wln Attorney Allen, of tbe Fifth Judicial j k.ave no question of a doubt as to the district. iDey nave no opposition. o Tbe dairy and pure food interests of the state require the re-election of J. W. Bailey as dairy and food com missioner. During his first term Mr. Railey has done much to advance the dairy Interests of tbe state. strength and predominance of the Re publican party In Clackamas county. o . There Is no question as to the re sult of the election of Justice of the supreme conrt It Is only a question MELLON '2,000 mile of long; di tntice, telephone wire in Oregon, Washington, Cali fornia and Idaho now in op-ration by the Pacific Station Telephone Com jmny, covering 2,2r0 towns. Quick, accurate, cbep All the Hatisfaction of a J r son a 1 communication. Distance no effect to a clear understanding. Spo kane and Sun Franciflc as easily heard ai Port land. -Oregon Citr office at Harding's Drur Store. JOHN YOUNGER, Near Hnntley'a Drug Store, FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE N Ureat Britain and America. pui COMMERCIAL BA5K Of ORKOOR CITT. plUl. .... raiKiicTii M4LiiKiannaM. iM uinio. HI1U dlteouaUd. KikHMr li-tuum. Hu7nlMlliirhtn(on sllpntnl n ui iiBiua HUM, Barop and Hndf im a to the majority Hon. K. A. Moore WmTi:tr?r will receive. I :. latoubitti, Pridnt t J MKTIR CMklar.