OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE S, 1W4. PACE 2. Out Cot t espondents Come I Brid Bib of Gossip From All Partsoi th County. J ELDORADO. 1 R. L. Jones and family, of Benton county. spent thin H vlsttinr Mends and relatives, returning Saturday. Cams base tall nine defeated the Windy Molalla" team Sunday. ior to 14. There wll b two match furor at Carus next Sunday. June 6; Carus vs. ' Shubel and Carue v. Ely. Refreshment will b wrenl on the rrounds. Frank Klnnery i laid up with a broken finirer. Edith. Jessie and Letha Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Ptanpler called on Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Manlng- Sunday. Pick Pavla ha purchased a new burry and harness. I J. P. Martin la shearinj: sheep th'.s j week. Cnas. Bowman came home Saturday night from Aurora. The social and dance at the Teasel Houm Saturday evening was O. K. The boya cleared aomething like 130. Lillian Cans spent Saturday and Sun day at Al Jones. Jones A Sthoenborn purchased e,ch a new mower Saturday Mrs. Robert Shubel spent Monday af ternoon with Mra. Cora Smith. A. E. JONES. ME DOW BROOK. We are having f.ne weather. Or; looking well, but beginning to need ram Mr. O. T. Kay and family made a flying trip to Vmon Mills last Saturday. Mr. R. r. Cooper is the owner of a fine colt. It is a dandy, too. Mr. Wm. Siandinger has finished his logging Job for Mr. Austin's mill Mr. R. H. Snodgrass took a number of fine beef steers to Oregon City last week. Mr. Snodgraa Is one v.f the best f.irme.-s in the county. Mr. John Deniso.i was at Miu.ii:a one day last week. Mr. A. S. 1-irkins and family were in ' Oregon City last Friday. We are going to have a new bridge across Molalla river near where the Woodcock creek empties into the Mo lalla. Mr. Cooper is at work hard for the bridge. Well, Fred, how is the shingle mill getting on? See you going up every c.n.v and s.imerimes when it is not Sunday. H. Dodge & Co. have started down the Molalla with a drive of ties f..r Russell & Co.. to be taken out at Barlow Mr. R. P. Cooper and family went to jUulino to church Sunday. L F. Kay was at Mullno Sunday. Mra. Mary Kay is some better. Mrs. Mandy Overon is quite feeble. There will be preaching at the Meadow -brook school house the second Sunday in June. K. O. MOLALLA. Say, Mr. Voter, have you in mind that "figures won't he." and that man can "make figures lie. 7" When a man oita the Democratic ranks (and many did so in the olden times of Cleveland) he is denocunateu. often through Jealousy, as a "wanned over Republican." Therefore, when you hear of a luke-warm Republican dodg ing around and working for the election of atright Democrats, you (an set him down for a "boiled over Republican." The former, food in the skillet; the latter, over in the fire. Those "a.x-8 tj srrind" are kept well out of sight. Died. May 27th, of heart failure. Clar ence Engle, at his home, at the age of 48 years, t months and 16 days. He leaves a wife and three sons to mourn bis departure. The remains were laid to rest in the C. C. cemetery. Elder L. B. Trullingtr conducted the f jneral ser Tices. The Harles Bros, have sold o-t the ganders, farm to a Linn county gentle man. The Junior brother is thinking of returning to Indian. Well. Mr. Editor, next wee there win be a Republican election, a forer-nner for November next. J. W. THOMAS. CEDAR ISLAND. A number from here attended the ser vices at Orgon City on Memorial day Mr. Piatt and family, of Gladstone, have moved into our miil't. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper railed on Mrs. Dodge Sunday. Chas. Rennet and Alex Coose departed last week for Hood River to pi'k Mraw berriea. Agnes Wa'.lact ftpent S inday at her home at M ilino. Hiram and Enoch Dodge ere'.wl them a fine boat at the mouth of WoocUck creek. The Job was completed Monday by the warthy boat builders and after wards christened by an old residenter and a bottle of champagne we will give you the name tomorrow. As we have a little more space here we'll tell you that we are really human bemgs, al though we don't live in mansions. We treat visitors the best we know how. Come and see u. dear friends; you are welcome. Johnny Mulvaney had misfortune to upset his rig a short distance from here last Sunday as he was returning home from the ball game, but nobody waa hurt. Th- Tiveit summoned to the home of Eph Dodge Monday, owing to the latter getting bis hand cut on the shingle saw. There are eymptoms of blood poi soning, but we hope there's nothiDg seri ous. Chas. Thomas was sen in our midst last Sunday. ROBINSON CRUSOE. UNION HALL. Mr. Charlie Thmas was a vieitor at Molalla last Sunday. Mr. Wilkerson, of Canby, was visiting relatives and friends here latt week. Born, to the wife of Mr. L. P. Burns, a 9 1-2 pound boy. Mother ar.d child are both doing nicely. Mr. Ross I'eelc-g, of Portland, was tile guest of Mr. J. H. Burns and family last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Otto otik! at vict ors at the residence of Mr. John Burns Sunday last. Mr. J . U Thomaa has enclosed hi house with a nel wire fence. Mra. A. Wing and daughter, of lVrt land. are visiting Mr. I- Klgg and fam ily. Mis F.liaa Hum waa the guoat of Mra. U Klgg last Sunday. Mra. R. R. Feeble, who ha been quite ill. la very much Improved at the present writing. Mr. John Hurna l working on Mr. Ferry Bums' road. Mr. t. R. nimlck. of Oregon City, called on Mr. J. Adklna lat Sunday. Mr. George Main. father la vlaitlng hr at the present time. MOLINO. The birthday party at the home of Tho. Fish waa enjoyable, with an at tendance of fifty of his friends and neighbor. George Mallatt left for Cedar Island a few dnya ago. where ho will work for E. P. IVdge. Mrs. Katie White is visiting her par ents. Ernest Mallat Is 111 of typhoid fever. I.ee Jones and family are visitor here now. after being gone for a number f years. Mrs. Cora Striker and son. llek. spent Tuesday with Hea Kinney. Mr. and Mm. Maples were visitors at Liberal Sunday. F. Erickson and family. Wm. Wallace and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fish and Chaa. and Ida ltornton spent Sunday ut the Sell henie. BEAVER CREEK. The last rain is very beneficial to crops Political speaking is the order of the day. Most all of the farmers of this com munity have received their R. F. L. boxes and axe well pleased with a daily mall. A large number from this section at tended the services In Oregon City on liecoration day. The West Side, Oregon City, and Col ton will play ball on Shubel grounds Sunday. Supervisor Shannon is busy grading the road here nt present. Jacob Hohlander returned from bunch grass with a few horses. H. Etabln is expected home soon. CLACKAMAS. Showers of rain are bringing needed help to all vegetation. On Sunday last several young men of this place went to the base ball game at Logan. E. O. Hayward. of Portland, was In town Saturday on a short visit to his parents. The grange will observe Children's day Saturday. Jun 4. at Odd Fellows' hall and grounds. Extensive preparations are being made for a pleasant and profit able occasion. The ladies of the Congregational church have secured the use of the kitchen at the I. O. o. F. hall. They will serve din ner at noon on election day. June S. They will also sell lemonade. Ice cream and cake; during the day. VIOLA. A voiinc Mr. Stone, son of a former resident of Viola, is visiting with August Fien. James Walker had the misfortune to cut the end of one of his fingers nearly off. Our merchant, W. D. Brown, dressed the wound, and It did well. Rev. J. F. Black and wife and daugh ter, of Maciuoketa, Iowa, spent Wednes day and Thursday at the home of A. 8. Black In Viola. They greatly preferred Oregon to California. In fact they were so well pleased that Mr. Black Instructed his brother to look up a tract on some street car line for hlra to buy for a future home. The severity of Iowa winters drives them thence. Mr. Brock and family, of Redland. visit ed at the Tenny home on Sunday. We have in Viola a girl of twelve who often wears averalls, though she some times wears dresses. Can anybody give a good reason why that would not be all ripht if we were used to it? Woman's dress is an outrage on civilization. It Is Inconvenient. She must hold her skirts v.hen she walks. She may not ride astride, not climb a tree. She cannot even, scratch a match conveniently: Our farmers are now watching, with the twinkle of amusement in their eyes, the antics of the politicians who are seeking the votes of "the honest farmer," that they may make some more laws to protect the general public against his dishonesty! Such laws, e. g., as the butter color law, the butter roll law, the wood measurement law, etc., not tech nically so-called. By the time this is In print the twinkle will have passed from the eyes of the fanners to other eyes. SHU BEL. The confirmation exercises at the Lu theran church last Bunday, conducted by Rev. Descher, were very Impressive. A large crowd was in attendance. Eight children were confirmed. The girls were beautifully attired In white and the boys wore black. Misses Tena, Lena, Rosa, Nora and Irena Moehnke, Elsie Bluhm and Bennie and Otto Fisher constituted the class. Mrs. E. F. Ginther is still at Oregon City in Dr. Sommer's care. Miss Blanche Pond, of Elwood, spent Bunday with friends at Shubel. G. A. Bchneel spent Sunday In town. Quite a crowd attended the Socialist meeting at the Shubel school house last night. Our nchool is busy practicing for an en tertainment and ice cream social for June 17th. Everyody invited. Miss Mildred Ginther, of Portland, Is visiting home. Miss Lydia Hornshuh left yesterday for Seattle, Wash., where she will visit her sister, Mis. Sam Ernst. Rev. and Mrs E. D. Honisliuh spent a few dys at the former's home before, leaving for their new field of labor in Eastern Oregon. SPRINGWATtR. Mercury 60 and having fine showeis. The Sunday school picnic was an en Jovahle success. The Republican candidate liav been her." oomimina the douMful one the way to ote and 1 think they aucceeded very well. Rev. Iry. of IVrtlitnd, told lis why It was best to vote for local option, and if I had the time 1 could tell why we should not ote for the so-called stock law. On tho Ilth there was a party of about a doaen. Including Rev. Allen, went to Oregon City, stopping at the Kleottle hotel. At that plac Rev. Allen pro nounced the ceremony that made the following persona man and wife: Mr Ralph Tracy, a well- known and prom inent young man of Logan, and Miss Allle Smith, of Spiingwater, an accom plished, lovely young woman. whom Sprlngwater regrcta to lose, Mr. Walter IVan. of Sandy, and Mlsa 1-en Raney. of this plaoe. both of whom ar favor ably known, have ulso wedded. Their many friend Join In wishing Ihcm a happy Journey through a prosperous life n ' CANBV. Geo, Zlegler. of ltarlow. waa set upon by a vicious hog nnd nearly killed Had It not been for the falthfulnesa of his dog It Is said he would have been bitten to deuth. As it was he waa bitten sev eral lime and the flesh torn fr,im one of his legs. The eagle ill scream ut Canbv on the Fourth of July as never Infoie, and 1 doubt If he will I able to lalse so much disturbance for several genera tions to come. Eminent speaker will be on hand and thousands of people to listen. Mr. I'. A. Grirtln. an old friend of Mi i Suw from California. Is staying with him and occasionally helping him with , tli ikihI ofTtee Work. I Mrs L. 8. Eldred. the Very ertlclellt . , mistress. Mx Wplnesdav moinlng Mr Fargo. North itakota. to visit fiien.isi ai'.d lelallves. f IaioIs Gratier Is rapidly repairing his 1 property and getting it Into first -class hlw. i. I... t1v Inlured i lias. Illlliusi. .ni. ......... - his foot with an ax. is rapidly recovering Strawbrrrlc are rapidly llp-nlng aiout . ... ... I... .. ,u.,oiHfnt Iinl'V ailU mere se. nis 10 - " crop of Ihe d. Melons berries. A very exciting runaway m cuiTeo 1" ! Canby Monday, when Chris jiwreii. e s team, of Macksbiirg. ran away. n seems that they were tied In one of the sheds and his dog. thinking It high time to leave for home, tag.m barking at their hea Is. causing them to break loose and also th harness and several other articles Mr. 1-awrem e declared that the dog would be a subjeet for Memorial day exercises next year. Mr. John Stalnaker. our rustling livery man. lost a very fine horse on Sunday evening. ;ur. ro.ioi.in'-i to know what was the matter, as the bursa- died very suddenly. II" hud taeii . offered $150 for It but a few days before G. H. Hampton wrestled with the goat In the third degree of the I. . . E. lodge last Friday evening fanby lodge Is growing right along. The new offi cers elected aie as follows: H. A. l-d-man. noble grand; C. T. Hates, vice grand; K. T. Si is. secretary, and An drew Ko" her. treasurer Every one said that It was a beautiful rain we bad on Tuesday. I guess It must be so. for we needed It very mueh Andrew Kim her has recently sold a new lr.i hav b,.l. r to Brush Itros., of M.i.ksbing. He has also sold a full new threshing outfit and also a new sepa rator, not of cream, but of wheat. Carlton & Kosenkrans seem to be doing H very large business this spring, as their store Is crowded ull the lino-. NEEDY. The Socialists have made their cam paign speeches here and, as usual, re hearsed the history of the two old parties and lamented their Inability to get hold of P. J. Morgan's and Rockefeller s mil lions, but they have about completed plans for getting hold of the railroads If they succeed In time we expect a free ride to the World s Fair at St. Louis. Misses Nora and Zoa Fish spent Satur day at Woodburn. Percy Rltter visited at KusselKille last week. Our school closed Friday with appro priate exercises. We thank Miss Nord hauser for the good work she has done and wish her success In all her under takings. Dave Wolfer and family spent Sunday nt Mr. Montandon's. Call on Jack Taylor and learn an easy way to peel barberry tres. Colonel Bail' and relatives, of Canby, visited the Zimmerman cemetery on Decoration day and spent the' day In decorating the graves of their dead. The Sunflower grange rendered an In teresting program n Haturduy, May id, In celebration of Children's day. Mr. Eckles, of Canby, was In attendance arid honored us with an Interesting talk. Mrs. Fred Will, of Aurora, visited her parents on Sunday. . Mr. 8. C Glesy, tA Portland, visited a few days with friends here last week. A dance, with be cream supper, will be given at Thompson's hall on June 4. All are cordially Invited. GARFIELD. Farmers are wishing for rain. The continued dry weather will make a short age In hay crops. Wednesday, May 2&th, at high noon, Mr. E. T. Davis and Mis Maude, E. Holder were married at the home of the bride's parents In Garfield. W. H. Holder, the father of the bride, gave the bride away. The Rev. Mr. Muckley, of Portland, conducted the ceremony under the ritual of the Church of Christ. The guest were limited to relatives and per sonal friends of the bride and groom. Thursday evening an lnfalr was given at the home of W. W. Davis, father of the groom, which waa well attended. All report an enjoyable time. Saturday, May 2'th, a son was born to W. W. Davis, Jr., and wife. Mr. Robert Duncan was elected to the office of master of Garfield grange, to fill the vacancy made by the resignation of W. H. Holder. Robert Is but 27 days over 'i years of age, and Is undoubtedly the youngest grange master In the state. He is a capable young man. Waller j mori Writ elected HteMald. Mr. I- iin.n Is also eighteen. The Odd Fellows elected E. F. Surface noble grand; K. T. Ula Mo grand. K. I M. GUI worrtary; J. J- I'aUs treasurer The Hev. Aaron M. Hray. of IVttlnnd. preached at the Garfield actio..! house u.m.l.iv. Mav ilsth. At J 30 p. m. he ad dressed Ihe people at the Gal field hall In behalf f the local option bill. Ill" l'c. n mi well received. V. M. ill IX. IN MEMORIAM. Mrs. Mlolnbetbsm, of Viola. Thou art gone In the grave, but we will not deplore thee, Tho' daiknesa and sorrow encompasa th tomb; Thy Saviour haa passed through II por tal before Ihee, And Ihe lump of hi love was thy guide through the gloom. Thou art gn to the grav. and we no longer deplore the. Nor tread the rough path of ths world by thy side; lint the wide arm of merry at spread to enfold thee. And thl la our hope, alnce Ihe Saviour has died. Thou ait gone to the grave, but 'twere wrong to deplore thee, When Christ w the ransom, thy guardian and guide; He taught thee, he took thee, and soon will restore thee. Where death ha no power, since thy Saviour has died Ivarest mother. lhu hast led us. her thy Ions ifce deeply feel, tint 'tis G.hI that hus twrcft ii. H alone our soirows can heal, iHar as thou crl. and Justly dear. Will not Weep for time. due thought shall cheek Ihe slatting teat - It Is that thou art free 1 Ittell lev her fllelld. M K t R , b s I want you all reerlve my ,,,, ks In the muniier they ore Intended to ! mad.- (That Is In u II kindness, .....I f... ....,,. v.w..l Melt AS ittllrtsl. .... , p,---.. I Won t ou please change your lime for j plng ball to rtatuidavs I think you ... ...it ......... ........ ..... t-lt..r tote. would enjoy your game U tter, and have a i leai. r eoliselriu e. than )ou would have bv Klavlng Sundavs For there I u 'ibt be no doubt but you had a perfe t ilvhl lo S.ilurdav. I BOokc til some of tin Iwiva ill-nit it, and they said our father will not let us liae Dipt duv. But I believe they Were mistaken For I do not think any father would wnin the re. si"iililllv of Ixing the cause of his boy s li-.slng his soul And as for the mothers. I for one would agiee, If the bovs wanted refreshment for Satur days would be willing to do my share. There Is an old saying, but It Is a true one. nil work and no play makes Jack a dull hoy. iur bus have their light floney ..Savers Cream Cheese Kl'e. n an. I Tomatoes, 3 for ..'5. . . . Oysters. 3 cans Arm & Hammer Soda. 12 I- or. ii : for lj. 4 for Arm A Hammer Soda, bulk, 2 1-2 pounds, 11c; 7 pounds Coffee, e'lual lo Arbuckle 12 l-lV; better 14 Coffee, ecpjttl to 30c goods 20 (Samples free). Hard Wheat Flour, sai. II OH; barrel 4 06 Extra Hour, sack 11.10, a barrel 4 25 10 bar Elk Hoary 2i Corn Starch, sc; gloss starch.. (sS Clothespin, lc dot; toothpicks, box M Oranges, 10c per doi.n and up. Stylish Millinery at lower prires. Better Shoes for ladles. Better Shoes for boys. Indies' 11.26 Patent Slippers, He. Big lot Samplt Shoes, all kinds 1-4 discount. Plaster, grain and feed, shingles, etc. Trade for produce. Mic st-el hammer '. . 2f 7!c rasps 46 Mrs. Potts sad Irons, nb ke pi, it'.'!, set 'if 3 and stand snd Improved handle 1 15 Sample shirts, sample lials, sample sus penders. 1-4 less In price. Roys' wool hats, 30c up; men's hats 4oc up. RED FRONT OKEGON CITY. C. GADKE Incumber If i toil i Mole Bill 5 UNDERTAKING. W i In a posi tion to aav yon from 10 t 8 ceml. on linilfrUk- rr'a aupplie ol wlilcli w tarry t'ouipUt alock. l 4-1 m. R. L-. HOL7-T7.N, Undertaker & EmbaWr Olllc: Oti.d.gr.mli ol Court llouur at Clggf Hlorg vppuglt- Ii.uk ol D-egon C'liy. AAVS WAN 1 5(nart Effete m r. J it Our buyr it now in Nw Yotk ami within few week t will ha on display the tmartrt ami most complete Una of Novcltira In U'lic' Wrr vcf hod l tills city. 2 T?lio Fair j as well as ouisellve. and ran w not allow Idem one nth of Ihe lime Hut iiod Ins given us for woik or play And I think Ihe No would he willing to coll duel Ihe game In such a manner thai the patents and sister could visit Ihein and enjoy seeing the game For I am ure e ought to lake ri Inletrsl in what in terests our Ihs ,8lnr.li A M-irili:lt Imn'l let th llttl oi' suffer from rciem or other torturing skin diseases No need for It. lKan Ointment cures. Can't harm th most delicate skin. At any drug store, til rents. Prying irriartloiia simply iV oji dry catarrh ; lUy Ury up Ilia Mcrettima, hub aJlier to to insml'rana anil doo. M, causing a far nior serious troubl lUaa Ui ordinary form of catarrh. AoM all dry. fug Inhalauta, fume, amok and antifl and use that wliieu clean, aootbo and bel. I ay s Crm IWm la such a mmsdy and will cur catarrh or cold in Ui bead easily and pleasantly. A trial al will b mailed for ID rsnta. All drugfUts sell tli 50o. u. Kit Urolher. M Warren Ht., N.Y. Tha IUI10 eurea wmwui rain, ws o" I.,tt nr ransa ineozing. It Spreaais lUHiu ot.r an Irritated and angry surfac. rb. U ImmliaUIr th raitiful InflammalloB. With Ely's Crewra Halm you ar armed against ha! CalarTb ana Iley r ever. OABTOniA, Tha Enterprise, 11 to a year, and wurlh th money. nTTT A 17 T7 0T vegetable Sicilian PHIALESliairReneweri A splendid ionic for the hair, mates the hair crow lone and heavy. Always restores coiorto Cray nair.au mc aari.rlch color or youih. Stops falling hair, also. ?oidi I for IN OUR NEW ..QUARTERS.. We) have) removed Into our larger Twelfth streets;. We have added con OiorotiKlily e'lulpiu'd to handle all Building and Repairing of Engines, Saw mill supplied, ahoftlng, tW and and high gradoa; emery stands, swim band and made to order. We also business. Plow shares ground and First Class Work. OREGON CITY MACHINE SHOP. Twe,fth flnd MaJn st5 W r utiiler small asp n... Hava no niKlills Mian l ay. own our liitar. ai j will Iteal yoiilair, VM I'Mlt'K To Alt Swell Lace Collars just received. WIHIMtW nisrt.n) Main St., OREGON CITY Disastrous Wrtck. Crt'litira U rtiiHinslti'.t for many railway wrrclt and lh natu cause ar making human wrecks of .uftciers from Throat ami l.ung I rou ble. Hut alnrn tho advent of n. King No" IMcoY0!7 for Cooiua Hon. Cough ami C0I1U, ftron lb orl raao ran bo cured, and hobs- 1 f resignation Is no l"iiKr nicv ' . , .. r . IL ..1... ary air, lau 1 iil.l, ut isuruw tr, Mas.. I tmo nt many whoa HI waa aav1 by Dr. King New liiscxivory. Tlila ttmat' rrtnedy is giiataiiioct for all Throat ami Lung diseases by Cliarinan Co, drug gist, rncn too. and 1100. Trial bottle trt'. Indigestion Causes Catarrh of the Stomach. For many yaaa It has bn supposed thai Catarrh of Ih Slomach cauaad liKTfeitlca ;arid dyxpapda. but tha truth Ii aisctly tha ppoali. ind ition cause caiairn. r pld attacks of Indication inflames lha mucous membrane tlulnf th stomach and sipossi lha nerve ol Ih stomach, I hu caus ing h f landa to stasia mucin If .siead sf th )ulrea el natural digestion. Th a I called Catarrh, ol lha Stomach. . . aw KQQQl IJVCDQDSIQ ullTB MJiWiiw relieve all Inflammation ol th muceu anambranaa Itidnf tha stomach, prefect lha sjanraa. and our bed breath, sour rUlnri. a strut of fullness alter siting. Ind!'ailt dyspepsia and all stomach trouble. Kcxlol Digits What You Lit Mad Um StotnacJi Sweet Mile ?. Kstuisr K 1 1 00. kn4t IH DSMt I Iks IrUI whkk tell fr 10 cesia. y I. 0. OeWlTT OO., OW. , ItV 'Hold by li. A. HAKIM NO, llnwtfi.l fifty years. '"frTjrarrjzw Was" and tiettnr building at Main and Hlderahlo new machinery, and r cIuhhos of work. collar In atnek; Babbitt Motal low aaw frames and harbors; pulleys 00 do a general machine blacksmlthlnC saws gummed. Prices Hoderatc. Oregon City, Oregon