Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 27, 1904, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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IV Yot'i Ankle or t.lmb Swetit
. Arc Your fytn Putty? Wo lire
ha Knla AAenta tnm tha fknli
Thin Known That Cure th
kidney DiCBc That Cium
Dropsy, vli.i Fulton Compound.
It ll now welt know that dm? U aos Is
tIatU a disease, but I aearly always a lymp
In at kldaey disease tkat aoooaipaalee tae
kraal iu kareiuljre laeurabl. Hocoa,
a, U) lie 4taoo?ary o Um Kulloa Obaipottada,
tropay u loaorasle. It la aow, kowi rer,
arable ta aearly ala toaUwat all ease. Bar
tt aa tatertaUat raoetery, la wfclok rater by
Mra. FVter Qorbealf el M M Minora street.
In Pranolkra, bmana alarmlng-iy dropsical.
Bar pfcrilolao had anally 10 tap kr erery (
daye. She u tapiMl aearly forty timna and
frw worse from day to day. Tm pHystaiaa
loaUy told kor kuebaad Uial as kad Urikl'a
li. or in Muoffi, iui ii waa la aa aa
vanoed chrome a ateaod he rood smuliat aid.
Bar kaarl also far her Iba usual trouble aad
aaa wee la tuab aenrioeaooadliioa therelallra
ware tc-t for. -rosy put fcar oo SMltoe'i Com
poaad. It stayed oa Iba aUMnaoa. taa nl
tklBf tkai kad doe aa lor a weae,. Tba eeeoad
wee ttie dropsy deoilaed a llttta aad tha lm
praramrat aaa loea iradaal till bar rocotory
aa complete This aaa waa eiaaUned lata
1 lu.itatWeeof tba 8aa FraocUwo 6uu
ud ia Orarlaod tioatbly, aad la geauiaeoeet
at U ease aad tba raoor. ry aara (uily a I tailed
a weir kjuboi.
Mra. Thomas Ohrlatol of CM Tweaty-esreats
Street, Sao FYanclaoa, waa alao awollra all
. ,M fun raroaio atdaey disease,
a ara than eeaety-are pounds bnod bet
aormal weiijht, aad bad la be snored la bu
aad was eloaa lo daik door altbouyh sbe bad
tear physicians. 8b waa put oa Iba Kutiof
vnopouooa raree weeks snowed nproramal
and in six avwuia aaa waa wali, aad parmiu
tkis raf araooa.
If yoa h dmnn doa't trmixwiaa. Tfetra Is
Culy oaa mlnf knows uat will oura U cbroglc
Jdnay disaa tbat la bobiad It sod Ibat Is
auitoQ a CompiHiDd.
tlM. John J. rallua Co.. Waahiaatoa
filract. S Fraaciaoo, ada compounders bod
M paa&pkiat. ara tua aula aaau tor Uts
Farakha-d Every Vi by the OafLtmu
Aaestnct & Trust Company.
A Eberhard to E Lacy. 320 acres
in Clackamas county 25
C H Crouch to L Hess, Iota S to
16 in block 91, Oak Grore... 2000
J S Smith to A M Hicks,, lot 1,
block S, Sunset City 1500
D Grim to F Grim. of eV4 of
seVt of see. 13, 5, 2 e, and of
neV. of neVi of Bee. 13, nw '
of nwVi of sec. 18, and of sw
of swVt of sec. 7. 6, 3 e 1
T P Corstensen to G E Loder, lot
5, block 87, Oregon City 1
L McCausland to 8 M Ramsby,
lot 8, block 157, Oregon City. 800
L Githens to L, Leader, ei of
swVt of sec 11, 4, 3 e 900
O W P T S Co to L Rigert. lots
15, 16, 17, and 18, block 9, lot
U in block 16, Estacada 22.
D Harnett to J Strau, H of
BW14 of sec 24, 2, 4 e 650
A Lehman to B F Fisch, land
and riparian rights In CI 38,
1, le 10
P Haefli to J Johnson, n of wV4
of nwV4 of sec 2, 2, 3 e 3300
L H Andrews to Oist No. 28,
H acre in Walker CI, 2, 1 e. . 90
O O'Neil et tl to D M Glover,
40 acres in Glover CI. 2, 3 e. . 300
E A Wright to J H Wright, n
of nwii of sec 5, 6, 3 e 1700
M Burlingame to J M Lewelling,
n of sw of sec 28, 1, 5 e. . 1000
Clackamas Abstract ft Trust Co
to G H Allen, part of CI 38, 2,
2 e 5
G H Allen to T Ackerman, 101
acres In CI 38, 2, 2 e .10,000
A Funk to M J Hnright, lot 3, sec
8, and 80 acres in Richardson
CI 3400
E Hughes to C C Waryick, tract
12 and 3 acres in J M More CI 800
C D Latourette to R Hendrick-
son, e of sw and w of
BeK of Bee 11, 6, 2 1100
S A Kc'jer to E A Porter, nwVi
of nwVi of BvYi of sec 14, 5,
1 e 150
E T Davis to W W Davis, sV4
of ne4 of sec 2, 4, 4 e 620
O&CRRCotoJH Paine, sw
of swVi of sec 11, nw of
nw of sec 15, neV of ne4
of sec 15, 4, 2 .e 360
O I & 3 Co to B E Pittenger,
lots 4 and 11, block 4, Oswego 210
G Lazelle to E E McFarlane, 26
Famous at home for
Generations past;
Famous now all over
the World.
Agency for Oregon City
acres In CI 41. 3. 1 e
C Kerr to N A Cooper, part of
CI 3S. 1. 1
H H Heine et tl to M Hondriek.
H of nw of eoc 4, 5, 1
V Welsmandel to L Moasborger,
n4 of sw of seo S, 4, i . . .
8 G H,mt t0 T J An,r0' 8 cn
in soc :. 3, 4 e
S Miller to F Flntel, eS of neVi
sec 34. 4. 1 w., and a In ec
19. 4. 1 $3100
D F Warner to J Nicholson, 5
acrv in lot 4, avc 31. 3. 4 . . . 300
Wm Scott to M J Taton. 1J acre
in sex; 6, 3, 1 w 750
R J Long to O E F Lw, part of
a 42. 6. 1 e 500
A Lee to E Sommerfleld, 17
acre in Lee CI. 3. 1 e 1250
F Jan Koakey to F W St Clair,
24 acre in CI 40. 3. 1 w 500
N Ratth to P Rath. eVi of neVi
of sec 19. 3. 5 1200
P F Sharp to A Weckenberg.
wH of sw of soc 11. 3. 3 e 1900
A Sutton to E Bartell, 4 of
sw4 and nw of 84 sec 11.
2. 3 e 3600
OftCRRCotoJJ Eisner, eht
of seVi of sec 29, 1. 5 e 480
G E Oglesby to Grace E Loder,
blocks IS and 19, Mamhfleld.. 60
St Paul Ep church to A F Stokes
lot 4. block 9. Canemah 100
L E Van Vleet tto B E Van
Vleet, 10 acres In soc 28. 1, 4 200
W L Malloy to J B Samard. 10
acres In the Howland CI. .
2 e 1025
J W Gray to W L Malloy, lot 1.
block 3. Ely s ad 400
D W Kinnaird to W L Malloy.
lot 2. block 3, Ely's ad 5
A C Hodgkln to L Wilcox, lot 32.
Jennings Lodge 200
N B Cottrel to A Relnke, part
block 10, Sellwood ad 200
Rom Catth Arch Bp to A Singer,
1.79 acres In Whitcomb CI.... 330
H L Simmons to J Gerber, ISO
acres in CI 43, 3. 3 e 100
L E Ramsdell to W J Miller,
awU of swi of sec 19. 4. 1 e.. 5
O P Halsa to O S Halsa. w4 of
noU of sec 2. 4. 1 e 3400
O S Halsa to 0 Kraft. w of
nu of sec 2. 4. le 4000
R G Gills to A Splinter, 7 acres
in sec 4. 3. 2 e 1230
OftCRRCotoJJ Macrch
banks, seVl of nw of sec. 3,
4. 4 e 10
S E Wilcox to T Oattrowskl, s4
. on seVi of sec 19. 4. 4 e 1600
J Wise to L Fuchs, 5 acres lu
Eaeon CI. 2. 2 e 500
H E Cross to E H Vonderahe, lot
8. block 9. Park ad 100
W A Deardorff to P Paulsen, 5
acres la Clackamas county... 300
M Clemens to S Clemens, lots 4
and 5. tract 63. Oak Grove.. 1
T P Corstensen to Grace E
Loder, lot 5, block 97, O C...
The Clackamas Abstract ft Trust
company are owners of the only com
plete abstract plant In Clackamas
county. Prompt and reliable work
on short notice. All work guaranteed
Abstracts made, money loaned, mort
eaees foreclosed, trusts executed
estates settled, and titles perfected.
J. F. CLARK, Atty. at Law,
President and Manager.
Office over Bank of Oregon City.
Railroad Trainmen's Annual Picnic
Salem, Sunday, June S.
Sunset Lodge No. 130, Brotherhood of
Railroad Trainmen, will run tMr Fourth
Annual Excursion to Salem Sunday, June
5, ISO. Trains will be run run from all
accensible points in the Willamette Val
ley, from Portland and from The Dalles.
The State Fair grounds have been e
cured, where a first clasa program of
amusements will be rendered for the en
tertainment of the patrons of the ex
cursion. Base ball, bicycle race, bicycle
trick tiding and many other good at
tractions. Program of amusement will
be distributed at a later date. Lunches
and refreshments at the grounds.
Come with ua and spend a day of
keen and wholesome enjoyment, and help
us to provide a fund to take care of our
sick and crippled members.
For further Information see posters or
address C. C. Loucks, Room 11, 288 1-2
Washington St., Portland, Oregon.
Do not he deceived hy those who ad-
$20.00. Thin kind of a machine can
be bought from tworany of our
dealer from $15.00 to $R00.
The Feed detmiiine the Ktrength or
.'WMikneHti of Hewing Miu hine. The
Double Feed coinMijed with other
KtroiiKjMiintHlnaktliO Xw Ifouit
the lxt Hewing Maehine to buy.
we mniuf ittureaii'l prli .K b:i,repiin:liiMiiig
fci Union S-j. '. ., Li.u-,",, 111., Atl.mU,
L Louis.Mo., I:ii;!u,Tex.,.San FRtucivM.CoJ
won aatc iv
(C. S. CKANE, 350 Morrison Street,
I'ortland, OrogoD.
What the OreRontan said yester
day about Secretary Hitchcock has
long btvn known. Ills earnestness
and Integrity ar not doubted. He
Klvea mot laborious attention to the
enormous buaines of his aeat offloe
But he suspects every one- who at
tempts to exorcise his lawful right
iu uina in puonc tana or being a
swindler or a thiof. Mere waa the
basis of his difference with Com ml
sloner Hermann.
For Commissioner Hermann did
not Interpret the laws, nor undertake
to administer It. on that principle.
The laws under which publlo lands
may be acquired by the cititen have
many features, att designed for th
purpose of enabling the applicant. If
entitled, to obtain the land he do-
aires. The laws were made expross
ly tor the purpose of giving the lands
away, or of enabling the cititen to
buy them at low or moderate prices
Mr. Hermann did not think It his
duty to "turn down" applicant law
fully entitled. But the secretary In
slsted on "holding up" the entries
Great numbers of our best known clt
liens who have applied for lands are
In this class of suspects. The basis
of difference between the secretary
and the commissioner was here. The
secretary ordered entries to be sus
pended that the commissioner knew
were proper, and. as might be sup
posed, with not a few of those which
the commissioner had passed, know
Ing thera to be proper, the secretary
was displeased, and ordered them re
These things will all be adjusted
shortly, but hardly while the present
secretary remains in office. His sus
pension of entries had called atten
tlon to the land office all along the
line; newspaper correspondents tele
graphed to all parts of the country
that the secretary was saving tho
public lands from spoliation, and the
president could not make an Issue
with the secretary without forcing
him out of office. But this could not
then be done, because It would have
been asserted tbat the land office bad
been thrown open to the plunderers
at last.
These and other matters canno
now be adjusted, nor till after the
election. But. a the Oregonlan has
said heretofore, It Is not supposed
that this secretary will be continued
In office after the present term.
Monday's Oregonlan.
This Is Juat the trouble. A great
many voters In the First district,
knowing that there was friction be
tween Secretary Hitchcock and ex
Commissioner Hermann, havo boen
disposed to place the blame entirely
with Mr. Hermann, but the events of
the last few months seem to Indi
cate that Mr. Hermann was more
nearly In the right than was the sec
retary. The Democrats and the op
position to Mr. Hermann have been
making the most out of this. But it
is a fact, not to be disputed, that
during all of his public life Hermann
has done everything he could for the
state. Oregon never fared better
than during Mr. Hermann's service
In congress. His worth to the dis
trict at this time entitles hlra to tho
vote of every man In the district
who has faith in the growth and de-
velooment of this section of the
state. Clackamas county Republl
cans are actively at work In the Inte
rest of Mr. Hermann, who will carry
the county In June.
Turn the Republicans out and give
us a chance. That is the burden of
the argument that Is being advanced
by the Democrats as a reaaon why
thftlr ticket should be elected at this
time. But why ahould there be a
change? The present Republican of
ficers have demonstrated their abil
ity to conduct the county at a mini
mum expense and materially reduce
the county's obligations. Then why
should a change be made that the
Democrats may appropriate the credit
to themHelves for bringing about the
relieved condition of affairs In the
county? The present officers have In
augurated the good work with good
results, and It la certainly but right
that they should be given another
term In which further to pursue their
policies. In fact, provided no con
tingency arises, by careful manage
ment, the preHent officers will be
able to perhaps entirely eliminate
the Indebtedness of the county dur
ing the next two years. We give the
voters of Clackamas county credit
for more Intelligence and business
judgment than at this time to fail to
reward tho faithful services of the
Republicans by refusing to retain
them for another term and subnti-
tilting therefor a Democratic admin
ministration and the uncertainty that
always attends Buch a change In local
and county as well as lo national af
fairs. The best Interests of tb'i
county can be best served, particu
larly at this time, by the election of
the entire Republican ticket. Every
citizen of tho county who appreciates
good government can conscientiously
upport the Republican ticket from
top to bottom.
When You Come Right Down
to Positive Facts
The uoto-ilaU and successful
agricultural machinery, Tbat Is the
such a large sale of
Hitched Lewis & Staver Company's Goods.
Buy a New Bug:gy.
And when you make a purchase,
get th bert
The Bt Line Bugglea.
In these days of elm, poplar and
maple spokes. It's something to know
that a vehicle has Guaranteed Hick
ory Wheels, as our Doe Line baa.
You can't see under the paint. But
ter trust to a good, reliable, one
price house.
Mitchell. Lewis & Stiver Co.
We also carry a full lino of cultivators, Case plow, llmwler drill
In fact a complete line of agricultural machinery of all kind. We alao
have complete stock of machine oil,
How About That
Make dairying easy and profitable
Iowa and the American, tie them
Tenth and Main Sts.
The dirty ning tanen Ust .wwk by
the 1 ourier at memmr 01 me last
session of the legislature plainly
shows how hard up the Democrats
are for campaign thunder. Tho state
ment "that the Republican member
were good enough men as neighbors
go. but want to know If any one
ever heard of any vlgorout and effec
tive protest being raised against the
appropriations tbat have so greatly
Increased our burden of taxation?"
Tho Courier might have added. If It
cared to be honest, that three out
of the four members from this county
did protest with their vote against
the Urge appropriation of $300,000
for the Lewi and Clark Fair, and all
four members voted against the
Portage Road appropriation of $105.-
OuO. In fact C. G. Huntley, 01 iui
city, was a member of the committee
to which was referred tho latter bill,
and It was due entirely to bis protest
In the committee room that the bill
was nnally reierreu duck wumrai
recommendation, although on that
committee there were three member
who worked untiringly for tho meas
ure; but rather than have a minor
ity report against the bill, as there
ould have been, they consented to
report the bill without recommend
ation. This at least shows something
of a vigorous protest. Kvory member
from Clackamas county voted to re
peal the scalp bounty law a saving
to the state of thousand of dollars.
It might also be mentioned In this
connection that Mr. Huntley was a
member of the committee that re
ported favorably and succeeded In
passing the corporation and Inherit
ance tax laws, which are now adding
$100,00 p: year to the state treas
ury, and adding It not out of the
pockets of the farmers and the la
borers, but out of the pocket of the
corporations which can well afford
this special tax. It Is also a well
known fact that Mr. Huntley voted
and worked against employing an
excessive number of clerks.
For all this the members from
Clackamas county In the last legis
lature are deserving of eredlt, but
the Courier, as In every other way,
Is carrying on a campaign of Insinu
ates without the slightest thought or
attempt to substantiate their claim.
We believe that every unprejudiced
person will admit that to give up 40
lays to the state legislature was and
is a personal sacrifice on the part of
business man, and when Mr. Hunt
ley did this It was because of a do-
ire to do his duty as he'saw It. The
charge of the Courier agalaat the
members of the legislature from this
ounty naturally falls upon Mr. Hunt
ley, as the only member up for re
election, and this seems rather flat
In the face of such honest and con-
scieotlou work as was rendered by
lm In the recent session.
It will he "Judge" Stipp for another
wo year3. lie wm De re-eieciea jus
tice of the peace for the Oregon City
district along with the other nomi
nees on the Republican ticket.
By exaggerating the high tax situ
ation, charging the Republicans with
misrepresenting figures, and appeal
ing to the Independent voter, the
Democrats of Clackamas county hopo
to land one or two ef their candidates
in office at the Juno election. But
with such allegations, and none of
them substantiated by actual facts
or conditions, theirs must be a hope
less cause.
farmer requlros modern and Iniprovad
raan we ara this year enjoying
Monarch of the Road.
The beat possible wagon that ran
be built Is ttm
The materials are well seasoned.
having boon bought flvo years ahead
of reuulremeiits. This alone mean
Inveatment of a fortune la wagon
Expert labor used In the construc
Their splendid reputation all over
the country-the Northweat In par
ticular demonstrate that
Mitchell Wsgon Are All Right.
Cream Separator?
by Investing In one. We handle tha
before you buy. J'atalogue malted
Oreeon City. Orczon
( While the local editor of the Enter
prise u not louring the county on a
speech making expedition In the Inte
rests of the Republican candidate.
who require the services of 110 one to
espouse their candidacy at this time.
still the Courier did us an Injustice
In Its last wwek's Uue. In reporting
the opening of the IVmtx-rallc cam
paign at Moiaiia, tbat paper say,
among other thing: "Ho (Chairman
Rby) showed that figure produced
by the oppoeltlon were not correct,
and gave It representative present a
chance to explain, which chance waa
not taken." This I an absolute mis
statement. The representative of this
paper was not given any opportunity
to reply. And again by Insinuation,
that paper give out tho Impreaslon
tbat the statement uf Mr. Kby were
not only unanswerable, but wero not
replied to when tin Invitation wa
given. The fact of the matter Is that
every statement as regard county
affairs and tho administration of tho
different departments hy tho present
officers that ha appeared In the En
terprise I absolutely correct and I
substantiated by the records and re
ports at the court house. It I from
these very same record that tho
Democrats have made tholr distorted
We have beard a great deal of late
concerning the administration of
Judgo White. Reference to the con
dltlons under which the county's bus
Iiiohs was conducted at that time does
not show a sufficiently wonderful
state of affairs to justify the frequent
reference by the Democrat to that
time. Invariably during Judgo White'
administration we find that the lorv
for county purposes, on an assessment
mat was considered ample at the
time, was from 15 to 16 mills for
county purposes alone. For Instance,
In 1889 the levy was as follow
County 15, state 6. school 5. Compare
these If you ploase with the levy of
1903: County C, state 5, school 6Vi
road tax 4 Vs. The comjaalct Is being
ma do that the present administration
during the last year has expended no
money In the building and Improve
ment of roads and bridges. This con
tcntlon Is not supported by tho facts
In the case. During the year 1903,
Clackamas county expended on this
account $21,000, or more than was
spent la the entire eight years of
Judgo White's administration. "If the
taxpayers of Clackamas . county will
allow me to make tho same levy for
but a single year that was made dur
Isg the administration of Judgo
White." said County Judgo Ryan this
week, "I will agroe not only to moot
all of the current expenses of the
county, but will also wipe out all of
the Indebtedness of the county In one
It Will Be to Your Intarast,
ir you contemplate visiting the flt.
Louis Exposition, lo soi tire reliable ln
fonnaution a to railroad service, the
lowest rates and the best routes. Also
as to local conditions In 8t. Louis; sot.ilx,
etc., fctc.
If you will wrlti- the undersigned, stat
ing what Information you dealre, the
same will he promptly furnished. If wa
do not have It on hand, will secure It
for you If poieillilo, and Without any cx
penae to you. Addremi.
Cornmeiclal Aent. H! Third street,
I'ortland. Oie.
Take the burn out; heala the wound;
cures tha pain. Vr. Thomas' Eleotrlo
Oil, tha household remedy.
Shout Lm
akd union Pacific
Through i'tillman standard an t....
Ul alreiilug i-ata itally l Omaha. Chl.iaa&
HhJUIa; lourlat alnoplitg; rara dalliil
Kanaaa fur; llru(i f'uluiian luiuii
I.I I hi. ,., kalis Clt. ,,,7;'
lug t lialia lavala fraa lu Uia iu daily j
0 Portland to Chkago
NoL'tianga of Car.
Tim lahsdula.
Hull lake. Iionvnr,
M. Vk'iMih, Omaha.
Kanaaa I'lly. all
Ijiui. fhliaga an J
C..rtliul ApM-ial
Uo a,
It a. m
fait tjih". tvnvnr,
Kt. Wurth. Omaha.
it i m
Kansas lly, HI
It Iv a. 1
via (lunt-j Inula, I'hl.-aga aiil
Walla Walla. Iw
lali.n. MHkaita, alln
imapulla. HI. I'aul.
Iul,nh. asilwaukmt.
I'hlragu anil ICaat.
at rani
rail MalL
I p m via
T il a.
Ocean and River Schedule
' Han Krsiu lar.v- Kvry tlva days at
P m K.r Aaloria. way tHilnia aii4
Nith llaai-h - t'ally etrt Huliday) at
p ni ; rialtiMny at I p. m Wily
tI. laralrr ixtniilllnal an Wlllam
alia and
famhlll rltara
F.M- ditailft Information of him
boi-ih rauvail'n. all-, rail or writ la
your m-aroai ihkl alnt. ur
A. L. CftAIO.
inral 1'aaanaar Aannl
Tha Ori-aon llallruad Natiaallun l'o
fortUnd. Oregon.
Portland and The Dalles
All Way Landlnoa.
ially Udtu-rt." ' liallM City."
Itilur." MalUho."
(VinnM-lltia- al I.yla. Wash., with I ha Co-
I'linhlit Klvrr and Moithnrn l(y, fur
Withklaiua. I'tily, frtitrrvllln, lioldvo
lain and all I'lh kltal Vallry points.
Hlramrr li-nvra I'orlland daily Inirvnt
Holiday) for Th lmll-, J a. m ; arrlnaa
'Ih" lullf. t so p. 111 ; stnsmr ctinnnrta
nn i-. u. m n. train ai i.yin lor tial-
ili.ndaln. Hivamar Iravra Tha DallMi
lolly (.-Ml Hundoy) fur Portland at
7am; arrlvca I'ortfand. I n m.; C H.
A N. train Iravln- lloldxnilaU at 1 11
ronnrrls with lha ataamar (or Portland.
Kurllrnt moala aarvad on all alaamara.
Km act oiniiiotlallons for tnuni and
Irnr doisllr-d Information of rataa,
inrth r-s-rvatlona. railroad and stnaa
onniw-tlona. wrltn or rail inxm A Hit.
I xnnl.. aarni. Aldr Htrnol Wharf, or
II. C fAMI'llKLU Manatnr.
I'orlland, Orrro.
Oragon City Bosta Oally aVchadulai
Htrani"ra Allona and I'nmona (or Ha-
l-m and way points, u-ava I'urtland dally
(.xrin Hunoari at II a. m : Irav
8 on City, l it a m.; mtoriilns. hiava
alcni. 7 a. m ; laava Orron c'lly,
p. m.
oraflon city Tranaportatlon Co.
AStONa & ColUITlbia
River Railroad Co.
II ly
Ki. Ii'ly Kflecllv D'ly D'ly
Hat. Julys, IU02
r.M. A.M. A.M. P.M.
7 oi a Ul I.v Portland Ar II 10
o 0 Ofi Uobla 10 On I
"i 0 is ... fislnlor .... ft'.' H W
8 .IS y M . .pyramid.... 0 S.1
Hit 40 .... Maygar .... B 27 7 44
60 0 60 .... Quinry .... 17 7 4fl
KM 10 00... lalsaaiils .. W OH 7.1
0 OH to Hi ... Marshland .. HA" 7
III 10 21 ....Waalport ... 411 7 17
II V 10 ,'WI . . niflon .... H .1)1 7 (W
ID Oil II ft? .... Knapiia.... " 1" 1 42
10 OH II 10 ....Hvansan ... 07 8 SI
I0 It Oft ...John Day... 7W B'A)
10 aoill 30 Ar.. Astoria.. Lv 7 V '8
11 Ma.
. . . 7 40 a. m
. .. 4 00p.ru
...10 Wia. m
. . . fl 60 p. m
, ..12 .10 p, m
, , . 7 0 p. m
, , . I .10 p. m
. . i W a. m
ft ftO ti. n
1 1 ;o a. in
8 !A a. m .
fl IS a. in .
.m .. (
.m ..)
2 50 p.
ft no p.
0 40 a. m
All trains rriukA Mnnnrllnnl aat
Ooble with all Northern I'ai-IUo trains
to or from tha Enut or Bound polnta.
At I'ortland Willi all train leaving
Lnlon Iepol.
At Astoria with T n V On 'a boats
and rail Una, and ateamnr T. J. Potter,
to and from Ilwaco and North Ueach
Til ket nfllri ?r. UnrrLnn CI and
Union Hrpot. J. c. MAVO,
oeii. i'aaaena-er Alt.. Astoria. Oraa-on.
Reduced Rates to 8t Louis Exposition.
The Houthern Parlflo Co. will soil round
trip tlcketa at (treat ly reduced rates o
Ht. Inls and Chicago account the Bt.
Ixuls l-lxpoeltlon, on the following dates:
June It), 17, 18; July 1, i, Z; Auirust S.
. 19; Heptomber 6, . 7: October 3. 4. I.
Oulng trip must be completed wltliln
ten 'days from date of ale, and passun-
K'ta will bo permitted to start on any
doy thnt will rnatlo them to reach des
tination within the ten days limit. Re
turn limit ninety days, but not later
than Dec. 31st, 1004.
Kor full Information aa to rates and
route eall on Agent Southern Paclfto
Co. at Oregon City, Oregon.