Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 27, 1904, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    OftlOON CITY tNTImi. FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1W4.
Mat .
mm.,, , i -i. ' i i ii . -W
An Ope Letter.
From the Chani. 8. C Now
Ksrlv in the sprint; my wife tod I
werrt tnken with diarrhoea, and to
ever were the pains tht we called
a physician who preterit lor ui.
but me medicine (ailed to glv aojr
relief. A frlonl who had a bottle of
Chmnberlaln'e Colic. Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy on hand gave each
of na a dose and we at once felt the
effect. I procured a bottle and be
fore using the entire ecmtoaU we
were entirely cured. It 1m a wontlerfnl
remedy and should be found 1n er
ery household. IL C. Bailey. Editor.
This remedy w for sale by u. A. Hard
O, It. .A N. Summer Book.
,'i The iaruV-ome 1MM summer book.
'Restful Revrpatlon Resorts." Issued by
Uts'Pameiuiw- Pepariraent of the Oregon
iRallroad Jt Navigation .eompahy, is just
''out.: .Tells ll a,hout 4h -."suoimerlrui
plAcae of the Columbia River 'Valley
brief description of the trips up and down
the Columbia Klver. t Ihe mountains,
beaches.'- inland resorts and fountains
of healing- where they" ah and how to
'react .them. " The book has a special
Co... J funt 0w. printed in two
. colors, anif-'trie' inside pajree are splen
dldly .Illustrated .by costly and beau
tiful half-tones. A copy of this publl
rslinr imj be obtained by sending two
cebts' in staraps to A. I Crig. General
. Passenger Agent' of the Oregon Rill
road at Navigation company. Portland
Low Ratet to Hood River.
The strawberry crop in. Hood River
promises from every indication to be
enormous this year. 504 people will be
needed to pick and pack the luscious
fruit Pickers are paid 1 1-3 cents a
box and packers 1-t cent. Good pickers
earn as high as 23.54) a day. People in
tending to go should take their ramping
outfit with there, ss it is cheaper, and
easier to move from place to place.
The fare on the "Regulator Line" steam
ers is very low. being only t:.00 for the
round trip, or I1.2S one way. Children
between t and 12 half fare. A liberal al
' lowance of baggage is carried free with
eich ticket. Every article should be
marked plainly with name of owner and
destination. Remember steamers leave
Aider street dock. Port In nd. every morn
ing except Senday at 7 o'clock sharp.
Full particulars may be had by calling
at dock, or telephone Main 914.
Oregon City Market Report.
(Corrected Weekly.)
Wheat No. 1, 75o to tic per bushel.
Flour Valleyi 11.40 per bbl. Hard
wheat 14.90. Portland, (115 per sack.
Howard's Best. $1 OS per sack.
OaLi-In sacks, 11.10 per cental
Hay Timothy, baled. 11 4 115 per ton;
clover, 110; oat, 111; mixed hay. til;
cheat. HL
Millstuffs Bran. Ill per ton; shorts,
$22.50 per ton; chop, tl per ton; barley,
rolled. $25 per ton.
Potatoes 75c to 11.0 per sack.
Green peas 4c to 5c per quart.
Asparagus 7c per pound.
Eggs Oregon, 15c to 17c per dozen.
Butter Ranch, JOcOJic; separator,
40c to 50c; creamery. 45c to 60c.
Oregon Onions 4c per pound.
Rhubarb 1 1-S c per pound.
Onions 40c per dos bunch.
lMWUU,aes 20c to iGc per dox. bunch.
Dried Apples 6c U 7c per lb.
Prunes (Dried) Petite. Jc per lb: Ital
Jsn, '''?. 5c per lb; medium. 3 1-2 c;
Silver. 4 11c.
Cabbage California, 2 l-2c.
Apples, (1.50 to 12.00.
btcK.a carrots Sacked. 50 cents.
Dressed Chickens 14c per !b.
Livestock and Dressed Meats Beef,
lire, 14 to 14.26 per hundred. Hogs,
live, 4 1-2 to 6c; hogs, dressed, ( 1-2 to
7c; sheep, $2 50 per head; dressed. 4c;
TC. r: ed, 6?, lambs, live. 12.4)0 per
head; lambs, dressed. 7c.
So far as the alleged lncom-
petotcy of the sheriff's clerical
force Is concerned, It might
be preper to remark at thla
L,egal Notices.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been duly appointed as exe
cutrix of the estate of Dennis Jerger,
deceased, and a.i person having claims
against the said estate must present
them to the undersigned, duly verified,
within si months of the date of this
notice, at Kelso. Oregon.
Dated May 23, 1304.
Executrix of the estate of Dennis Jer
ger, deceased.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that Lewis
H&uglum has been appointed by the pro
bate Judge of Clackamas county, Oregon,
administrator of the estate of Andrew
P. Hauglum. deceased, and all claim
ant against said estate are hereby re
quested to present claims dully verified
with proper vouchers to said adminis
trator at CottrelL Oregon, within six
months from this date.
Dated May 21. 1904.
Administrator of the estate of Andrew
P. Hauglum. deceased.
City Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that there are
sufficient funds on hand In the General
Fund of Oregon City to pay all out
standing warranta endorsed prior to Jan.
4, 1902. Interest ceases with date of
this notice.
May 20, 1904. City Treasurer.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1S7S.
United Mates Land OXice, Oregon City,
Oregon. May 24. 1904.
Notice is hereby Kiven that In compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands In the
states of California. Oregon, Nevada
and Washington Territory," as extended
to a'l the public lands by act of August
4, 1832.
Joseph H. Colt,
Of Eat'l" Creek, county of flnckarnas,
state of Oregon, has this dy filed in this
office his sworn statement No. t'.'M tor
the purchase of the NW 1-4 of the
NV 1-4 of Hectlon No. 14, In Tr.wnsr.ip
No. 2 S., Range No. 0 Kast find wiil offer
proof to show that the hind Fought is
more valuable for Its timber or stone
than for ntrricultural purposes, and to
-stat.li.-h his claim to said land le fore
tiie R. t.'ht. r find Kc-civer f this oilie
st Orejron City, Oregon, on Monday, the
15th day of August, 104.
He names as witnesses: Adelbert Held,
of Portland. Oregon; lWn ForUter. of
Ka1e Cravk. Orvtfvn; John Fwteter, of
Kagte Creek, Ispeejort; A. 8. t9ft of
Portland. Oregon.
any and all persons claiming adteree
ly the abow-de-orlbed lands are request
ed to Die their claims in this otHce on or
before said 16th dsv of August. 14
For Transfer License.
In the County Court of Clackamas
County, Oregon, notice U thereby
given that the undersigned will P
fiy to the ahore court oa the. 1st
day or Jtme, 104. for a permit to sell
spirituous liquors in loss quanltlei
than one quart In Eagle Crwli pro
duct, aald county and state under the
license heretofore (ranted to Geo.
H. Wlsa.
Dated May , 1904.
Final Settlement
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
In the Matter of the Estate of John Al
fred Strowbridtre, Deecased.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned, administratrix of lh estate
of John Alfred Strosrbridge. deceased,
has Wed In the County Court of Clack
amas county. Oregon, her final account
as such administratrix of said estate,
and that Monday, the 20th day of June,
1)04. at the hour of It a. m. of said di,
has been fixed by said Court as the time
of hearing of objections to said report
snd the settlement thereof.
Administratrix of the Estate of John Al
fred Strowbrtdge. Deceased
May 11.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Alkersane Lawsun, PlaintlM
Charles CardinelL Frederick A. Ilelms.
Emma J. McLennan. Jocklyn Joid.
Frederick Henry Schwab. John David
Schwab, Marie Louise Schwab. Mary
etta Schwab. Rudolph Luther Schwab,
and M. B. Keefer. Defendants.
In the Name of the State of Oregon:
To Frederick A. Helms. Emma J. Mc
Lennan. Jocklyn Bold. Frederick Itsmy
Schwab, John David Schwab. Mane
Louis Schwab. Maryetta Schwab and
Rudolph Luther Schwab, above njmed
You and each of your are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above
entitled court and cause on or before
the 24th day of June. 1904. that being
the last day ordered by the Court for
the publication of this summons.
And If you so fall to appear or answer.
the plaintiff will apply to the Court for
relief demanded In the complaint on
file herein, to-wlt: A di-crv determin
ing the rights of the several parties
hereto, and the partition of the follow
ing described real estate, to-wl: A part
of the Helms D. L. C. No. i. Sot 7J4.
in sections 19, 20. 29 and W. In T. 3
8.. R. 4 E. of the Wlllam-ite Mendinn.
in Clackamas county, OreiO.r. ; l'..'i;l.iiiing
at the most northerly corner oi sail
Claim and running thence south V. deg.
15 mm. E. along the northeasterly line
of said claim to a point in said lins f
said claim N. 56 deg. IS min. W. 52
chains from the most "astcrly corner
of said claim; thence south 43 de. 15
min. west 30.20 chains to the lin-j sepa
rating husbands from heirs of wife's h?,'f
of said claim; thence north 41 dig '45
min. west along said dikilir.4 lint to
the northwesterly line of said claim;
thence north 44 deg. east 8:20 lhalns
to claim corner; thence north 55 deg. east
to claim corner, the place of beginning.
This summons Is published by order
of Thomas A. McBride, Judge of said
Court, for a period of six (6) consecutive
weeks, the first publication to be on
Friday, the 13th day of May. 1904, and
the last to be on Friday, the 21th day
of June, 1904.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
rVollre for Publication.
Timber Land, Act June 3 1873.
United States Land Office, Oregon
City, Oregon. April 19, 1904.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with, the provisions of the act ol
Congress of June 3, 1873, enti'led "An
act for the tale of timber lands in the
Ststes of California, Oregon. Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as extended
to all the Public Land States by act of
AoiiUBt 4, isr2, Erik Wik, of Portland,
county of Multnomah State of Oregon,
has ibis day filed in this office bis isorn
statement No. 6406, for the purchase of
the NEJf of Section No. 24 in Township
No. 4 8, Range No. 5 East, and ill offer
proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish bis claim to said land before
the Register and Receiver of this office
at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, the
He names as witnesses: Alexander
Beck, ol Portland, Oregon; Carl Peter
son, of Portland, Oregon ; Josephine
Peterson, of Portland, Oregon ; Christina
Wik, of Portland, Oregon.
Any and all persona claiming adversely
the aWe-deecribed lands are reuestd
(to file their claims in this office on or be
ore said 8th dsv of July, 1904.
General Land OnV-e, Wankington,
D. C May 19, 1904. Notice Is hernby
given that certain lands In the Grande
Konde Indian Reservation, situated in
Townships 6 and 6 south. Ranges T and
8 West, In the state of Oregon, will be
offered for sale by separate sealed bids,
which wlH be received by tie register
and reoelvor of the dlstrist laud office
at Oregon City, Oregon, commencing
on Monday, August 1, 1904, at 9 o'clock
a. m., and continuing until Monday,
August , 1904, at 11 o'clock a m.. and
no bid will be considered that is not re
ceived during the period mentioned. The
bids will tie opened by the register and
receiver of Uie land office mentioned,
commencing at 1 o'clock p. m., of Mon
day, August 8, 1904. The lands will be
sold in accordance with rules and regu
lations, and a schedule particularly de
scribing the lamia to be Hold, printed
copies of which may be obtained on appli
cation to the register and receiver of
the land office named, or 'ipoa appli
cation to the O-neral Iand Office, Wash
ington, It. C. Each bid must be. accom
panied bv a certiflcj check, fur twenty
per centum of the amount of such bid,
which will be retalsed and srediw:9 as
part payment of the purchase price
phould the bid be accpti d and the pur
chaser pJiy the rem'tiniag amount doe
arid furnish evidence of his citiynshlp.
or be forfeited if the l:d I" accepted and
the amount due arifl evidence of citi-zi-nship
are not furnished In accordance
with the rule." and regulations.
W. A. Hl 'HARDS,
Approved: Conimi:iioiier
;:. a. uiTfTT':orK.
First publication May 27.
Last publication July 29.
Rsfsces'a tale.
la the Circuit Court of. the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clack.
amaa. William N. Howlett, Arthur T. How
lett. John T. Howlett and Pearl
W. Howlett. Plaintiffs,
Olive E. Howlett, Oscar Howlett and
Loul N. Howlett, Minora, .Defend
ant. Ity virtue of the decree duly made
and entered In the above entitled
Court and Cause oa the Snd day of
May. 104, 1 wilt oa Saturday, the
4th day of June. 1901, at the hour of
J: Oi) o'clock, p. m. of aald day. at
the front door of the County Court
house of said Clackamas county, la
Oroon City, ell at public auction
to the htxhi'st bidder for cash In
hand, alt of the following described
real property situate ta Clarkamaa
ounty, state of Oregon, to-wlt:
Hoginnlnn at the northeast corner
of the Donation Land Claim of lree
ly Welch and wife la township two
(3) south of ranae to C) east . f
the Willamette Merldlaa. and runnltiK
thence south on the east line of said
claim 53 1-3 rods: thence west 34
rods; thence north 51 1-3 rods; thence
east 30 rods to the place of beglnnlog.
containing ten (10) acre of land
more or less. , E. C. Maddock.
First publication May 6.
iJtHt publication Jun 3
In the County Court of Clackamas
County, State of Oregon.
In the matter of the Ktrtate of John
Lender. Deceased.
To the Helm of John Lender. De
ceased, and to All Persons Inter
ested. Greeting:
In tho Name of the State of Ore
Kon, you are hervy cited and requir
ed to appear In the Cxmnty Court of
Clackamas County. State of Ortm. j
at the courtroom thereof at uretron
City, Oregon, on the 13th day of June,
1904. at 10 o'clock a. m. of aald day.
thon aud there to show cause, If any
eilst, why the petition of adminis
trator of the aove entitled estate
ahould not be granted and an order
should not be made pursuant to said
petition, directing the sale of the
following descrllxnl real property, tiv
wit: The southwest quarter of
the northwest quarter of section
18. township 5. south of range
3. east of the Willamette Meridian,
Clarkamaa county. Oregon.
Witness. The Honorable Thomas F.
Ryan, Jude of the County Court of
Clackamas County. State of Ore
gon, with the seal of the said Court
Affixed this 6th day of May. 1904.
V. A. SLEIGHT, Clerk.
First publication. May 6.
Last Publication, June 3.
.tire for !ubllrallsj.
(Timber Ltnd Act, June 3, IH7S
U. t. Land Ortne, Oregon City, )
March 10, l'H)4 f
Notice is hereby given that In com
pliance with (he provisions of the act of
confess ol June i, IH7H, entitled "An
act for the si of tun tier land in the
states of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to
all the public land 8'ates by act of Au
gust 4. 1V.I2. James II. Young, ol
Cortland, county ol M'lltnntuh, State
ol Oregon, hss this day fi.ed in this olfi.e
ins isurn sis ement No !:!7'., for the
purchase of the n'i of nw of sec. No. H.
in township No. ti a, rsnge 3 e, snd w ill
offer proof to alio that the land sought
is wore valuable (or H timlier or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish bis claim to said land before
the reiiistr and receiver of this otlice si
Oreeon City. Oregon, on rrnlsy, the
10th day of Jane, VM.
He names ss witnesses: Clementine
C. Crow, of Molalls, Oregon ; Krsnk I'a
sold, of Mol a I la Oregon ; Alfred I'ssold,
of Molalla. O enun; Frank A. i'lerson, ol
Molalls, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the aliove described lands sre
requested to file their clslnis In this of
fice on or before said 10th day of June,
Petition foe
Court, Clackamas
To the Hon. County
County, Oregon.
Wo. your petltlonors, legal voters t
Eagle Creek Precinct, said ouri
ty and state, respectfully pe
tition your honorable body to
grant unto Landwohr and IU'.s
letter a license to au-11 spirituous, vin
ous and malt llq'Jors In less quantities
than one gallon, In said Eagle Creek
Precinct, for the period of six months.
Ed. Obtander
R. W. Gary
W. F. Cary
Aug. Baeske
A. Havenss
0 II Qrirashaw
8. Campboll
Van Meeka
W. F. Klnsey
P. O'Connor
Ceo. Burke
I. Csrrlgan
W. liaylen
M. E. DeiJhleldU
O. R. Weeks
John Zobrlrt
Jno. B. Miller.
C. Dickey
D. N. Bridenstire
H. H. Muck
W. Jones
fl. W. Wolfe
Bay Havens
C. Moeller
K. Kaiser
Dr. C. B. Hmith
M. E. Adklns
R L. Hoy Meyers
C. A. Ssranson
Ernest Johnson
A. 8. Cllne
Cbas. Beers
W. E. Btralght
W. Bennett
Cu F. Stone
H. C. Helple
J. 8. Brackett
J. S. Olthens
O. V. Boyer
T. A. Miller
8. It. Warfleld
W. J. Wolfe
Jno. R. Casnidy
lu W. Deeth
Tsis Tucker
J. K. Batenian
Al Llndsley
J. M. Lrons
W. F. Helple
Estacada, Ore., May 2. 1904.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned will apply to the Hon. Coun
ty Court of above-named county ttr a
license, to seM spirituous, vinous and
snaJt liuuors In less quantities thai ore
gallon, on the 4th day of June. 1004.
,Htl- af Fisjal Netllrtnent.
Notice is liereby given that the nnder-
Riitned adniinistrstir with l lie sn-
nezed of t lie estate of Mary K. (irantliatn
lias filed his final acrount as nu ll ad
ministrator in the coiin'y court ijf (,'!ark
arnsi county Htate of (reon und that
said ourf has fixd Tuesday June. 7th,
1 Mi, at the hour of 10 o:l It a. in. as
tiiedateof hearing any ' ohj'-ct ions to
said final account and for the settling ol
said estate snd the discharge ,f cud ad
ministrator. K. 8. MCLAUOMI.I.H,
Adniiiiiiilisloi kJvr..i..l,
April 22, 1904.
An Early
Inaction of our
laUa UaUki-a
esjocially Carptita and Linoltuimn, will give you me
I acceptable ideas of new il or covering for your home.
It will also give you some ideas about the advantages
rrmw uirrt nr!i'i4 ttfe bt'loW COIlUH'tltlOl.
! Moquotte Carpets $1.35, Wilton
Seed Time and there
are many things yuo
notnl for garden making.
Hetter have them ready.
II, 0"u. lit 7.r.r lilLi"
2")cto7"o Trowels lOc.sfl
e ii e s
Iiih'I narrows itiu 01
good quality and sold at
ustermoor maiireas
Shelf Brackets
5c pair.
In the Circuit Court of the Htale
gun fur tlis i'ounty of Clackamas.
ol Ors-
Leona 11. I.scey. risiuun.i
John I.srer. Psfendant.I
To John l.arer. ileleiiiisnl :
I n the name ol the Male of Oregon :
You are hereby required to aiisr snd
answer thsronilaliit llleil SKainit you In
the above entitle.1 suit, sitliin sit mtrkt
from tbs date ol the tint publication ol this
summons, which lime elilrrs on the 4ib
dsy of June, Hurt, snd II you so fsil to S
pear ami smaer. ths I'lsintilt will apply to
the Court fur the rsliel prsyetl for in tin
complsuit, to wit, s decree dlsloving ths
bond of nisiriniony eiliting between the
plsmtirl snd detenilsnt, to rename her
nisiden ntme of l-ein it. Homss, lor the
care and caitody of ber chi d sod for such
other ami lurther relief to the Court may
Krin meet and euiiatle.
This summons is published wy order of
Thos. A. McBride, Jurtice of tus .Circuit
Court of the Btste of Oreifin for the County
of 'la kmM, dated April Hi, I'M,
Tbe dstsof first publication is Ipril i,
I'M; snd of the last publlcstion. June 3,
i:io4. W. h. POWELL,
Attorney for Plslutilf.
rislira tor lsibllealisi.
Timber I.snd, Act June 3, H7.
United Htaiss Ind (flics, Oregon City,
Oregon, Msrch Sili, I'm.
Nolle ii hsretiy given thst In compliance
with the provisions ol the set uf ('oi k""
of June , 1 rtTrl. entitled "An set for thsnale
of titnoer lands In tne Ktstes ol Cslllornls,
Oregon, Nenl and WanbmKton Terrl
lory," s extended to sll the Publie I.snd
Stsies br set ol A uguM 4 Wl, A In Beck,
of Kstscsils, county ol Clackamas, Htatsul
Oregon, hsi this rty hied in tlm olllcs his
worn sisteinriit No. HTTI. for toe jmrchsse
ol the N W4 of Herti n No. 21 In Township
No. 4, H, Kings No. r. K, snd will otter
proof ta show that ths land sought Is more
valuable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, a ml to eslshliah bis
slaini ta said laud bslurs tne Register and
Receiver ol this o tiles st Oregon City. Ore
gon, on Krldey, ths
He names as witnesses: Julius C. Burke,
of Portland, Oregon ; Kd Burke, of Port
am), Oregon ; K itrt louden, of Porllsiid,
Oregon; Jsmea Miller, Portlsnd, Oregon.
Any snd all persons dsiming adversely
the sbove-dtacrihcl lands are repeated to
lile their claims In this olllce on or before
ssid l'Kh day of June. I!4
In the Circuit Court of the htste of Ore
con, for CI fk a in as County.
Berriice DrMenles. I'lalntiT, i
vs. t
Oeorge F. OeMenles Defendant.)
To (ieorge F. OeMetilss, defendant shove
named :
in the name of the Htste of Oregon. You
srs hereby required to sppesr and snsser
ths complsuit tiled sgsintl you in the
shove entitled suit on or before the East day
of the lime prescribed in the order for the
publication of tins summons, to wit; On
or before the .'With dsy of Msv, l'Xrt, ssid
ilste being the eipirstion of six weeks from
ths lirnt publication of this summons, snd
if you fsil to so appear ami simmer, tor
wsnt thereof, the plaiutill will apply to the
court tor the relief demsnded ill the com
plaint, to wit: for s decree dissolving the
botnln of msirimony snd nurnsi-e contract
existing between you and plaintiff.
This summons is published by order of
Hon, Thomas A. Mci'ride, judge of the
above iianied court, which order vra made
snd entered on the lnh ilny ol April, I'srt,
snd the dste ol the hrnt piihllcstiOli hereof
is the 2-'d dsy of April. J'lirt.
Attorney for I'lsiniifl.
IRON BEDSThe woinlen KhI
pleasing prices, t bhit per is porf ftt. rrico $2.70
T 1-- $0.60.
sad T2yprs
Irons ' rAA-
The Housefurnisher
nailer fwr P aiallrilwa.
Timber I.snd, Act June 3. 1H7H.
United Mslee I.snd Offli-, Oregon Clly,
Orejrop, April "5. I's4.
Notice is hereby given thst in lompll
sniD with the provisions ol the set of
Congress of June 3, IH7M, enlitlrd "An
ai l lor the sale ol limber lands in the
Ststes ol t'slilornia, Oregon, Nevada and
VVarhington Territory," as extended to
sll the Piilillc I.snd Mates hy set of Aug
nst 4. Wri. Carl Peterson, of Portlsnd,
county ol Multnomah, Htate (or Territory)
of Oregon, has tins day tiled In this otllcw
his sworn statement No Otlti, for the
purr has ol the. N W'4' of Km-Uon No. 24
in Township No 4 H., Kangs No 0 K.,
anal will olfef proof to show thst ths Isnd
sought is more valuable (of its timber or
stone than lor agricultural pnroes, and
to estahln-li his claim to aaid land before
tli Kegister aud I'.ecelver of this ollieo
at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, Ihe
nth dsy of July, VMH.
He names ss witnesses: Alex, Heck,
K'lck Wik. Juliu llurk, Kdward llurk,
all of Portland, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
lbs shove-described landa are requested
to file their claims in this office) on or be
fore said Hth dsy nf July, I1K)4.
In the Circuit Court for the Htale of Ore
gon, for the Countv of Clm kamas
Alken.ine Iwson, Plaintiff,
Joem Kay, Kr-d-rd k A.
J. M'lnnitn. Jwklyn
Henry H hwab, John
Marie Itulse flch
Helms. Emma
llold. Frederick
Oavid 8;hwab,
tab, Maryetta
H'hwah, Kudolph Luther Hohwab and
M. B Kwfi-r, Isfendunts. .
In the Name of ths Htatn of Oregon:
To Kred'Th k A. Ilelms. Emma J. Me-I-ennan.
Jocklyn Bold. FrdirioK Honry
Bcbwab, John David Bchwab, Marls
Louise Schwab, Miiryetta 8:hwab, Ru
dolph Luther fl'hwub, above named de
fendants. Ton and each of you ars hereby re
quired to appoar and answer ths com
plaint fllsd against you In the above en
titled court and causa, on or liefoia ths
:tth day of June. 1(04. that being ths
but day ordered by the Court for ths
publication of this summons.
And If you fall so to appear or answer
ths plaintiff will spply to tk court for
the relief prayed for la ths complaint
on Mis herein, to-wlt: A decree deter
mining the right of the several parties
hereto In and ths partition of the fol
lowing described real estate, to-wlt: A
part of the Helms D. U C. No. 40, In
sections 11. 29. 21 and 20, In T. 1 8. R. 4
E. of ths Willamette Meridian, In Clack
amas county, Oregon, beginning at the
reentrant angle in said claim and running
thence south 41 deg. 45 niln. eajit 10
chains to claim corner; thenc north 42
deg. east 21 chains to claim corner;
thence north S deg. 15 min. west 62
chains to a point In claim line; thence
south 46 deg. IS min. west 30 20 chains
to line dividing husband's half from
heirs of wife's hnlf of said claim; thenoe
south 41 deg. 45 min. east, following said
dlvdlng line to southeasterly Una of
said clnlm; thence north 42 dig. cost
H 20 chains to place of beginning.
This summons Is published by order of
Thomas A. M'ISrIde. Judge of sa!d
Court, for a period of six (G) cossecutlve
weeks, first publication to be on Fri
day, the 13th day of May, 1901, and the
last to he ttn Friday, the 24th dny of
Jone, 1W4 IJVT HTII'P.
Attorney for plalntlT.
Volvot $1.15 yd ;
thing of thoj.aHt. (Jet a wliito enamol
o.l Iron lU-dstead, full .i.e. No grm
can 'hide in tho work on thi'Ht m,
ami tin circulation f air around the
t II & I
Chair X
cushions X
Sowing Machines
IJ.i, K.W.
per set
of the latest drugm. S
cents will buy rnou(n 4
paprr fur your kiuhto a
In ths Circuit Court of ths Ktal nf Ore
gon (i r the Count ol Clacksms.,
Kitber Uutlierfurd, Plali
irfurd. Plalntllt.
vs V
rlord. Drfeiidaol.)
Knhvrt KullierlorJ,
To Koberl ilullirrford, sbote named
In the name nf the Mste of Oregon, you
srs hrrshy required to sppear Slid snaepr
the complaint hied sgalnel )ou in lbs ihovs
simiie l aolt. In the above nsnisd Court, on
or before Friday, June .1, l'l, (he same be
log sll wresa Iruin the llr.l publication of
Una aummoiia, and you will lake imtira
thai if vou Istl to so si'tesraiidsiiar aalj
i complaint. His Plslnlill will spply lo tiiS
I Court In; Ihe relief ilemsm I In said ru
I plaint, to wu: That lbs bondt ol matri
mony et laling bet esen you and PlaiiiilA
he ilu.olvrd.
Thla aummoiia ia published br ths order
ol (he Hon. I lioa. A. McHrlde. )mli;aoill
Fifth Judicial Pulrirl ot the Hi ate of -gon.
In the Oregon Clly Kolerprlse, t rklf
nre.inper uf grnsral circulation In flacks
ma. County lor aix ainx .lv wn-ka, com
msncliig Frldsr, April 21. rl, snd con
tinuing lo and Including FrMsv. Julia ,
l:l. (,KO ('. HKOWNKI.I.,
Attorney lor I'laliilld.
.tellre ler Mbllra4lew.
(Tlmlwr land Ant, June J, HT" )
United Htsiea I.snd Office, I
Crrgon City. Ore., Msrch 14, 1'sOl.f
Notice la hsreby givsn tbst In compli
ance with ihe provliions of ths set ol con
grraa of June .1, 1H7.. entitled "All sol lor
Ihe aals nf limber land In the atatea of tli
Ifnrnls, Oregon, Nevsda and Wajliingion
IVrrlt iry," a axu-iided to all lis publio
land slates by set of August 4, Itf'.'. Joseph
I,. Mayerl, ol I'orllsnd, ceunty ol Mullno
mall, stale of Oregon, has this dsy Hied la
Una olllce his aworn statement No. tUM, for
the purchase ol the w nf ofaecllon
No. 17. In towmhip No. 1 s, rsngs No. 7 s.
snd will offer proof to show that ths Isnd
sought la more valuable for Its timber or
atone ltis.ii for agricultural purposea, and to
entabliah bis claim to ssid Isnd belors toe
register and receiver of this ofDue st Ore
gon City Oregon, on Thursday, lbs ItWi
dsy of Juns, I'MA.
Hi nsnirs ss wltnssses: August R. Hper
ling, Usury A. Mauls, James J. llrowa, A.
B. Llml(iilsl. all of Portland. Orefon.
Any aud all peraona claiming sdveriely
ths sImivs described Isnds are reiiesied le)
hla their clslma In this nfllce on or before
said lUtb dsy of Jane, I'rt.
MsrobZ"i. Ksglster.
4 flil
neUce ler Pabllrattlo.
(Timber l.sml Art. Juns 3, IH7H.)
1) sited His tea I.snd Orhca,
Oregon City. Ore., Msrch 14. 1 "M i
Notice la hereby given thst In compliance
with ths provisions of ths ant nf oongreas ef
Juns 3, 1HH. entitled "An Kt for tlis aaie
of timber lamia In tbe slates of California,
Oregon, Nevsds and Washington Terri
tory," ss extended to all tlis public land
states by set of August 4, W2, August R.
Hperllng, of Portlsnd, oountyof Multno
mah, stale of Oregon, has tins day hied in
tins olllce his sworn its emenl No. ti.'UUi, for
the purchase of the t of t of section
No. 17, In townihip No. 'i aoulli, ranKe No.
7 e., and will oiler proof P show that ths
land sought is more valuable lor its timlier
or at lie than lor agricultural piirHises, slid
lo establish his claim to ssid land before
the rerixler snd receiver of this olllce si
Oregon City, Oregon, on 'I Imradsy, the Pltli
day of June, l'UH.
lie names as witneenes: Jnhi'ph L. Ms
ferl, Henry A. Mauls, Jsmea J. Ilrown, A
II. I.indiuist, all of I'orilaiid.Oregiiii.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the aliove dencrils-d lands are rt'iie"led to
tile their claims In this olllce on or before
said I'ith day ol June, I'M.