Oregon Gty Enterprise CITY AND COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Published Every Friday. Subscription Rate: One year Six months 75 Trial subscription, two months.. C5 Advertising rates on application. Subscribers will find the date of ex plration stamped on their papers fol lowing their name. If this la not changed within two weeks after a payment, kindly notify as. and the matter will 'receive our attention. Entered at the postofflc at Oregon City, Oregon, as second-class matter. FRIDAY, MAY 30, 19K POSITIVE THE REPUBLICAN TICKET. For Congressman Binger Herman, of Douglas county. For Supreme Judge Frank A. Moore, of Columbia county. Dairy and Food Commissioner J. W. Bailey, of Multnomah county. Circuit Judge, Fifth Judicial Dis trict T. A. McBridr, of Columbia. District Attorney Harrison Allen, of Clatsop. Joint Representative, Multnomah &. Clackamas Counties George W. Holcomb, Jr., of Mult aomah. For Representatives C G. Huntley, Oregon City. Frank Jagger. Carus. J. N. Bramball. Bull Run. Commissioner T. B. Killin. Killin. 8heriff J. R. Shaver, Molalla. Clerk F. A. Sleight. Canby. Treasurer Enos Cahill. New Era. Recorder Henrv E. Stevens, Milwau kie. Assessor J. F. Nelson. Mulino. Surveyor John V. Meldruru, Oregon City. School Superintendent J. C. Zinser, Oregon City. 1 Coroner R. L. Kolman, Oregon City. Justice of the Peace Uvy Stipp, Oregon City. Constable H. W. Trembath, Oregon City, No. 1. THE REPUBLICAN PLATFORM. Declaration of Principles Adopted at Clackamas County Convention. We, the Republican party of Clack amas county in convention assembled aote with pride and pleasure the ad vancement, prosperity and progress of the nation under and by virtue of the policies of the Republican party. We endorse the aggressive and road statesmanship of Theodore Roosevelt, and hereby o. "lad his re aomination for President of the United States. We endorse and commend the ac tion of President Roosevelt in creat ing a precedent for the settlement of labor disputes by arbitration. Whereas, we have watched the course of Hon. John H. Mitchell and Hon. C. W. Kulton, in their efforts to develop material interest in the state Tiewed with pleasure their strong support of a canal across the Isth mus, which canal when built and con structed will be the greatest monu ment, next to the abolishmen of hu man slavery, of the Republican party, and. Whereas, we have viewed with satisfaction the able manner in which these two members of the Senate of the United States are representing the state of Oregon and the North west. Therefore, be it resolved that we hereby endorse their course in the Senate and appreciate their public service in the state and nation at large. Resolved, that we endorse the pri mary law which is to be voted upon at the June election, and hope that it may become a part of the stat ute law of the stae of Oregon, sincerely believing that the greater participation the voters can take in governmental affairs will be of larg er benefit to good government and our delegates to the state conven tion are hereby instructed to intro duce and advocate the adoption by the convention of a resolution recom mending the primary nominations bill to the people of Oregon for their ap proval. Resolved, that the development of Clackamas county requires the con struction and maintenance of good wagon roads, to the end that the people may be enabled to deliver the products of their labor to market within a reasonable time and with safety. We therefore demand a liberal and progressive policy with reference to good roads and safe bridges, and we pledge the nominees of this conven tion to the full and energetic sup port of such policy. Resolved, that we are in favor of electing road supervisors instead of fcaving them appointed, and hereby In struct our delegation in the Legisla ture to support a bill to that effect i It 0 SOME FIGURES AS TO EXPENSES. Clackamas county IVmocrats fcavu boon In- listing on unuren. Here is another bunch for their consideration. W respectfully submit thi appended statement iu corrvihoratlon of the claims of the Republicans of Clackamas county that under the administration of county affair by the majority party the expense of the county have been very ntnterlally reduced during the lat two year. The figure given below include the total expenses of the county for the last four consecutive years. The reader will pleas noto the extent to which the current expenses of the county have been reduced, particularly during the last year under the administration of affairs by the present Republican officer, and then re flect and determine if the charges of extravagance that are being made against the Republican by the Democrats is Justified by the actual tact. The total expenditures of the county by year for the last four years have been as follows: April 1. IMC. to April 1. 1901.. April 1. 1901. to April 1, 190:.. April 1. 1902. to April 1. 1903.. April 1, 1903, to April 1. 1904.. . $9.;92 . . 9S.OO0 . . 85.708 .. 55.437 PRODUCE. PROOF OR SHUT UP. Chairman Eby, at the opening of the Demo cratic campaign at Molalla. made the assertion that the administration of Sheriff Shaver and Clerk Sleight for the year ending April 1. 1904. cost the taxpayers of Clackamas county about $1200 more than did the administration of those office under Cooke and Cooper respectively, who held those offices for the term Immediately pre ceding the present officers. This statement was made to contradict the claim that has been made in the Enterprise that these offices under Shaver and Sleight have been conducted at a saving to the taxpayers of about $1000. These facts, u published in the Enterprise, are supported by the report of the officers In comparison with the records of the preceding officers as disclosed by the bills ion file at the court house. Sheriff Shaver's office has c-t the taxpayers less by sev eral hundred dollars each year than did the same office uuder Mr. Cooke. The same is true of Mr. Sleight's administration as clerk. In fact, the Democrats, to arrive at these con clusions, have figured from semiannual reports that they have repeatedly denied aud repudiated as being incorrect and faulty. For instance, these immaculate disciples of Democracy repudi ated the report they themselves made In 190:, when they reported the county's Indebtedness at $102,000. They claimed that the obligations of the county at that time exceeded the amount reported by several thousand dollars, in fact, declared that it amounted to at least $200,000. It was subse quently discovered that an item of about $4J,000 in outstanding warrants had been overlooked and was not included la the report that was made at that time. Not being satisfied with their own report, it is not surprising that they should ques tion the accuracy of the reports that were re cently made by the Republicans. Still It is from these two reports, both of which have been de nied by the Democracy, that the Democrats of Clackamas county get their figures from which their allegations are made. And in this connection Mr. Shaver mukis a proposition for the consideration of some of the expert mathematicians within the Democratic organization. If they can prove that the cont of his office for the first year of his term cc-t within $350 of what the same office cost under the last ear of Cooke's administration, he will pay the person making the proof the sum of $lno for his trouble. Democratic charges of extravagance are all bosh and it is now up to them to prod ice the proof of their charges, for which they will be amply compensated, or shut up. Sh-rijf Shaver authorizes the publication of the following: I will pay $100 to any reputable, representa tive Democrat, who will investigate the records of the sheriff's office under the respctive admin istrations of Mr. Cooke and myself, ascertaining the true cost of the two offices from July 1, 1901, to July 1, 1902, representing the concluding year of Mr. Cooke's term, and from Jily 1, IM'2, to July 1, 1903, or the first year of my term, from the oills on file at the court house, on one rendition, viz: if from the result of the examination of these records he can show that the sheriff 'a office under the first year of my term cost the taxpayers within $'150 of what the office cost during thy last vear of Sheriff Cooke' administration. JOHN R. SHAVER, Sheriff of Clackamas County. FACTS ARE WHAT COUNT. 1 Of course the lieniocraU may chargi) t ho Republican with Incor rectly reportliiK the true condition of I the county, but tho cold and pout- live fact remains that taking the re ' ports of the Democratic officers them j selves, made In tho sprint; of 1902, i the total net Indebtedness of (he i county at that tlnui was $102,000, Add j lug to this a little sum of $42,000 In outstanding warrant that the IVmo ' erats failed to Include In their report . at that time, made the actual out j standing Indebtednesa of the county I two years ago $144,000. The report of the Republican officer made April j 1 last, after the same style and form ' as that of the Iiemocrat, show a net Indebtedness of only $81.00(1. Any sane person having the simplest know, i ledge of adding and subtracting ran I in a minute see that there ha been effected in the last two years, under I the present Republican admlnistra- Hon a reduction of $01,0"0 In the ob i ligations of the county. This I an absolute fact and other assertions that have been made in the Enter prise with reference to county affair are equally correct aud find corrobo ration In the record at the court house. i . A CONFESSION OF WEAKNESS.. Misrepresentation, insinuation, an exaggerated contention as to the hlfch i taxes, and a pitiable appeul for the f Independent Vote constitute the linen I tlinal!e programme thut Is being car- rled out by the l iinx rni of Clack' ' atnas county. Such a platform U a confession of the weukuess of the : cause It servo. The voters of Clack amas county are too Intelligent to lie influenced contrary to their best In- ; torost by positive mi statement of j facH from iw-m.K-rutlc sources. MIm- I representation hns never gained any- ) ' thing substantial and It will avail the i iK-tuiK'ruts nothing in the ponding con ' ti st What the voter desires are the ; (a ts. These have been furnished : , through the columns of the Eiitr- ! pri.-e and the records of the different I ' off'.o rs for re-election are open to In- j spoctlon at the court house. These j ; records substantiate every claim that j I has iM'en advanced as to the ocoiiom- I ; icul administration of affair of Clack amas county, ami also as to the In ' debtedness of the county. Expert 1 though they may be at Juggling fig i ures, these are the facta a they exist and cannot be distorted by a din I gruntled Democracy An Investigation of the record of ''the county show that the former Democratic sheriff and clerk charged 1 to the account of "stationery and ex penses" clerk hire to the amount of $77'i during the six mouths ending April 1, 1902. No wonder the Demo crat figure that these two offices under Republican administration, where every cent of the cost of the i, two offices is assessed to the res Der ive office by. which it wan contracted, I, has cost more than under the Ih-iiio- crats. L-t us be fair and charge to each officer the actual cost of his administration, and not sidetrack un der the deceptive to ad of "stationery and expense" the principal coil of these departments. If any taxpayer In Clackamas coun ty can find where either Sheriff Shaver or his deputy, E. C. Ilackett, has charged and collected from tho county anything for overtime work, h- Is entitled to a champagne ban ojiet. On the other hand, Sheriff Cooke and his chief deputy charged and collected from the county the miiu of $187.85 for working Sundays and evening. Hut of course they were Democrats and were entitled to all the emolument of office they were able to get. (fontlnind on enire t ) THE APOLOGIZING CANDIDATES. With perhaps a single exception every candidate on the Democratic ticket, when at the Molalla meeting, either apologized or offered an ex planation for being on the ticket. They are really not to be blamed. But, by the way, not a single man on the Re publican ticket has been heard to apologize or explain bis appearance on the ticket. They are not only proud of the fact that they are on the ticket, but refer to their record as a very substantial reason for the recognition they have received. . o At Canby Saturday night Chairman Eby, of the Democratic organization, said that one reason why taxes are so high In Clackamas county is the fact that Sheriff Shaver was at one i Speaking about the dispatch with ' time a Democrat. Well, for heaven' which the work of the office of sheriff j sake what could the taxpayers ex- is being conducted, we would like to i pect if they should elect a Democrat 1 call the attention of our fault finding ! for fcheriff at this time. Accepting the Democrats to one fact. Sheriff Shaver I Doesn't Repeet Old Age. argument of the Democratic chair- with the same number of deputies j It's shameful when youth fall to man, in such an event the taxes m-int and in the same length of time col-' Hhow proper respect for old age but necessarily be exorbitant. Elected and turned over $177,0o0 on o I the 1903 tax roll, while his Demo- Preliminary to the presidential j cratic predecessor collected but $S0, election in November, every Repub- j 000. And when it i known that lican voter of Clackamas county j sheriff Shaver is conducting the office should vote at the June election, that some reliable estimate may be formed of the Immense vote that will be cast for the party of progressive policies and prosperous administration of affairs in November. Vote the Repub lican ticket straight on June 6. There is not a man on the ticket but is a credit to the organization. Each candidate deserves and should receive the full vote of his party in recogni tion of past services faithfully per formed and as an expression of confi dence in the future. At Molalla one of the Democratic speakers disserted on plutocracy, and later in bin speech when he mentioned i the name of W. R. Hearst his audi tors applauded vociferously. Ye gods! What consistency! for about $400 per annum less than did bis predecessor, we can not see where in the world even the most ex acting Democrat has any kick coining. lust the contrary In the case of Dr. King' New Life Pills. Tbey cut off maladle no matter how severe and Irrespective of old ago. Dyspepsia. Jaundice, Fever, Constipation all yield to this perfect Pill. 25c. at Charman It Co.' drug store. It is not surprihing that the Demo cratic chairman should make the statement on the county canvass that County Clerk Sleight certified as to the correctness of the semi annual reports tf the officers of Clackamas county for the last sev eral years. Such is not the case. Mr. Sleight as an officer of the county simply certified that the report with which he furnished Mr. Eby were correct copies of the original. But the Democratic chairman, by insinu- Not a Sick Day Since. "I was taken severely sick with kidney trouble. I tried all sorts of medicines, none of which relieved me. One day 'I saw an ad of your Elec tric Bitters and determined to try that. After taking a few dose I felt relieved, and soon thereafter was en tirely cured, and have not been sick a day since. Neighbors of mine have been cured of Rheumatism, Neural gia, Liver and Kidney Troubles snd (K-neral Debility." This Is what B. V. Baas, of Fremont N. C, writes. Only 50c at Charman & Co., druggist. t l r n fa rcwjtx auxszsasxauimrfi liU 11 B iaifiiinjwiu.il - m " w Ati;cfiule Iffprnalumrof As slfl-iilnfi tltc rwxlamllUiful.1 -tuMiC Shunrtdo Wat IVmvb 1 nessflialla'sl Contalni nclllaT (Hihnn.Morpluiif nor . limal. NotNamcoti'c. Apt-riVcl KYrtiody forronslirwt Hon, Sour SlouhvMitarrtkH-A Wonav 'mvuK hls ,i"ovTih nr. mxl I.OHH or SUEP. Far Simile Si,'iutlur of NEW YOHK. iilA For Inffinta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Signaturo of AG, -ml tAACT COPy Or WRAPPCR. AM In Use For Over Thirty Years Price Kcasonnblc LET US Do Your Work w"rk """'' W'r il a Iteiieral Hugnae mi' I Transfer Husinc. Safes, Pianos and Purniture Moved OUk'o (iMMte Masonic Huil'liiiK Williams Bros. Transfer Co. Tidfjdiorie. 1 nVn I III lie!. Inn IS I.I JiiKt why tho Ifc-mocrat should wsk their principal con tent acalnul Sheriff J. It. Shav er I a mystery. He ha niado an t-mcient sheriff. HI admin istration h been satlHfnctory anil economical, and In Ntrlk luff contraKt with thai of hit predecessor. ito I known to be tiio prime mover In the tllit ais'alnitt Mr Slmver at (hi time. The only quest Inn that ha been raited a to Mr. Shaver' com petency bus emanated from a dlxruntled Iiemocratlc nource. 0 Mr. Shavir a l'i tie hcr IX officii but on yenr when he discovered boro n (trest savliiK to tho taxpayer eni.d bo made In the matter of col lectins tiiti-H and at the name time, fucllltutn thnt linortaut work. He prepared and adopt ed for use a fax Htatemetit re ceipt, the line of whirl) ha ma terially curtailed the amount of clerical work In the Mllce. A statement of tines due I re quired by law to be Kent to Individual tiiipayerM and by tho plan adopted hy Hherlff Shaver, the statement I returned by the taxpayer when tho tax pay ment 1 made, and It 1 then converted Into a receipt by merely stumping tho proper number theron and affixing tho signature of tho sheriff thereto, thereby saving tho writing out of a receipt, which mutt neces sarily be equally a long a tho original statement. Collecting from three lnik. Sheriff Shaver made 4 record thl year of writing an avcrnge of 122 receipt per d9y, while his predecessor mado an aver age of only 80 per day an I had to collect from only ono bonk, And Sheriff Shaver tJv.od Uo cash over to tho treasurer enr h day and hold rei.eiptf; for ev ery cent so collected and turn ed over. 2,( K) miles of long dl tame telephone wir in Oregon, WanhiiiKloD.Cali. forma and Idaho now in ojn'ration ly ths Pacific Station Telcjihoiis Coin juiiiy, covering 'J.'JW town . (Juick, accurate-, cheap All the satisfaction of a iiernonnf communication, bistance no effect to a clear understanding. Sjxv kane and San Rranoicco a fttcily heard a Port land. Oregon City ofllco it I Ini (line's Druir Store. oj.n TOTI T A . BttnO II Kuxl W Hm Always Bongjf gifMtm r $3.75 rorctit uftTimuiisT1 I II L. LI l.Mll-.lllM.n4 $.1 ,it (urtiM. ff hia Parana. paw TrMtMtnlta. Hoot olotlf ft-. 7hnrn,ri. tMrtLar ODDortanilv for Ukm ation leaves the inference that the if.i-utoimrM hom. mij it-r(rrnr(.in. ron-iat.ol .mirtililr. Untie tal,l.-t., pi I In, n. 'A rerxjrts ar- correct, and thereby rr'iirf.rii-. imm-n-i,r-iic..i-i.t.nui,toii. mak'-H Mr. Eleipht an accomplice In a-m.. uj.kt.o. The Grand Sanitarium, ,., . .. .. , ... , . 82-Bi Main 8t., ElMhirt, Ind. hi Lby H distortion of the reports. mention Orctri City Hntcrpriw) I U. B. Church. Preaching m-rvlrns at tin United Brethren church, head of Br-vr-nth street, every Hundity. 11 . m,; Hiindny school 10 a. m.; C'hrlntiiin Rndi-nvor 7 p. m.; preaching II p. m. Prayer meeting every Widnieiliiy evening at ft o'clnek. All ore cor.lliilly Invited to tlicno survlccs. C. I. Iilaii'-hard, pajitor. u nun PIONEER rrangfef and ExpiW, Freight and parcels dolivered to all jarts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE JOHN YOUNGER, Near Huntley's Drug Store, FORTY YEAKS EXPERIENCE N Ureat Britain and America. SCHEDULES OF TIME HOl'TIIKR.I PACIFIC BAILW1T NOKTII SOU NO. :(H1 a. ra. 9:l!2a. m. (Albany Local) 6:10 p. m. OUT1I ROUND. 0:22 a. in. 4 :6j p. m, (Albany Local) 0:14 p. in. IHt COMMERCIAL BANK or OHK00N CITT. aplUl, ..... 100,00 iwiia mrnle. hill. (lUronuted. Hil"1' netioni. Huya nrl lelln l'hn( on all point n the Unltul Stale, Kurope and Honf Kon. ll't.HiU reriilied ul,)ft to check Huk unr ii (mm a. m. to4 r. u. ;. LATOtlRETTlt, PrMiilent P. J. MIC yER Catkler.