OACGON CITY CNTEMRItC, FRIDAY, MAY 17, 104. If- urn tit' iff '.' - r I f If r Jil The nrdinnxe evere-dne Ufa of most of crar women i a ccandcfui tnwlmill f work. How much harder tho dailv tank Wootno when wmo tlcranp'rnrnt of the fcmulo owum ?nuk. wrv tnnvinwnt iwiinhil ami kiM iw the nervous r-vMcm all uiudruiu:. thw day hIio if wivtchod and utterly mweraMc: in d;vy or two idw Li Mar and IuiikIih at Iicr foam, thinking th.r i Twliinc nnn h tV null tr after all j hut in-fore niuht the deadly hu kiiclio reupiirarH, the linaw tivmMo, the lijw twitch it m-tim aa though all the iinrsjtil iSatau were clutching her vltalM,Kho in nii'ivM" and Is fhd nn vr hnck. No woman oiiRlit to arrive at this terrilile utate of mise ry, int-aiu thene symptom an a Mire lix rHn rt vmih dwawa. and luu liu lie irt nunlv a svmntom of room serlou" troiitdfl. Women hliu wnw.ili..r that in almoKt itifalliMo run? for all fenuilo ilk mull na Irrejrularity of rvriodri which ruiwo w stomach, trick headachy et, displacements and inflammation of the womb, or aiiy of the multitude of ill Besses wuk h beset the U undo crguuifin may I found in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. When medk-lne has been ancvessf ul in more than a million eases, w by fchould you mj, -1 do not Ik-Hot it would help me"? ;WI11 not the volnmes of kttni from women who hare been mad tttrong by Lydia H. Pinkbara's Yece tablc Coin pound convince other of the vliiuea of tbi freat medicine? Sorely yon cannot wkh to remain weak and Kick and discouraged, exhausted with each day's work. If you have some derangement of the feminine organ Um try Lydia E. Finkham'i Vegetable Compound. It will urely help you. GET ADVICE A XT) IIFXP FREE. If there la anything in yoirr case aNmt which yon would like btmtIa! advice, write freely to Mr. IMnk ham. She will hold your letter In etrkt oonlldence. She can aorely help you. for no pertton ia America can speak from a wider experience In treatlnjr female Ilia. Address In Lynn, Mam. ; ber advice in free and helpful. ia ecANi acacaa. "A akV Sf 1 --rrfV I V ' licta Mm hmnun!- AUmt two tram e I ronkultrd a r)ijU Inn tknu my hrollh, wtilrh tmiiur w wrrU'hnl Ihkt u no U'mrrr al'lr U IwnU'ul. 1 Imtl aevrrv I'm k lie, tirrli)(f down (miIun, iwln arm Uie aldiiiMB, wan Trry tirnrni utitl IrriUblo, ih1 this trvuMe yrvw wurw) rot-it uuth. "Tle pliynlcUn prwwriiird for nn, hut I mwd dlmivrrwl h wm (inAi'lit to lirlp bf, and I 11 l'inkbum'a VeurtMltle thru tlfx-IUrd to try Lvtlia V. Compound, and kxio ftmiul that it waj Juliif bx My aprtito u irlumlnir, tl mIm dikiKarii4', and U prurrai U-urWU went writ auu-brd. " Yon rannot realli how pUim) 1 wta, nt1 after taking Hi XMJW-Iite for only Uirre montha, I found I wu roniilrtcly rurrd of my trotilile, and ba brra wrll and heart y rrr nine and no more frar id ihe monthly nrrltxl, mm It Dow pamra w Ithoiit pal a to n. Your very truly, MlM I'llM. Acaiaa, Stl North huav M-r PL, Kalilllr, Tron." $5000-: FORFEIT U luriksiia r4ur ih. orlaiiMU k4Mf ami (nalucanl ahva laUaoklal, Its It. rink kam MatTf I Out Cot respondents' Corner : Brid Bite ol Gcuic From AJ Partool tikt County. z Correspondents are requested to re aew their work. We will lurtiHh all necessary suUonery. The news from your neighborhood should appear in these columns every week. EAGLE CREEK. H. Vtri Johnon. ct Portland. M in Eal Cwll at prrwnt aU-ndins to nat tm awrtalning to tb Tctkn cf the new Presbyterian church. Surveyors are at work lsuonj; .cut. the new town. The plana are very nne. A real' eatate office la brtr.g erected, and ether large bulldlnpi will b put up in the near future. We regret to that Mr. Robt. Derine la aerloui-ly ill. Hr dauchler, Mrs. Addie Burnett, remaina with hr moat of the time. Mr. E. Foster went. to Portland on the 2Sth inat. Mr. John Tracy, of Ealaoada. Mr Paulsen, of Georp. and Mr. Wm. Wood, of Eagle Creek, report the prcwpectB ct an abundant crop of chrrrka. Mr. Lu Baker ir.tnds to open a lis.,k amith shop in the new euburb Mr. Webster and family will remove to Barton next week. We regr-t to lose auch worthy people There to absolutely no aiakrx-ts in or about Eagle Creek. It ia the mort healthy locality we have eer Been, and we bare been In at leact thirty different flutes UNION HALL. Mr. Aleck Cawday, of Vmon Hail and Miss Emma Btier. of Mackxburg, were the gueeta of the Mia Edith and Jeeele Jackson last fiunday. Measra, Irvine Wheeler and Alvin Phelps were callers at the home of M' J. H. Buma last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs J"h"n Robbins were visit ing Mr. A. P. Wallace and family, of Mackaburg. Runday last Mr. Chae. Thomas and Mies Elita Buma were callers at the residence of Mr. A. U Jones at Eldorado last Bunday. Quite a number from this neighborhood attended the bam-raieing at Mr. Julius Moshberger'a Mrs. Nettie Kigtrs visited Mrs. Sam Wilkerson last Monday. Mr. Cal Hoss, of Eastern Oregoi, is visiting Mr. William Parker and family at present. Mr. J. P. Martin and family and Mr John Molian and family went for an outing down on the banks of the -Mc lalla river last Bunday. Misses Tillie and Mary Molian have gone to Oak Point, Wash., to visit their sister, Mrs. Orrtn Adkins. Mr. Win Draper is working for Mrr. John Bobbins. Mrs. R. R. Peebles, of Portland, who has been quite 111 at the home of her Barents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bums, is slowly convalescing. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Hilton, of Canty, were the guests of Mr. Frank Hilton and mother last Sunday. A lamentable accident befell the Infant son of Mr. Otto fitryker and wife one day yart week. The litOe feDow was playing in the woodshed, when he stumbled and fell against an ax, cutting his bead suite severely. . Mrs. Caroline Thomas and daughter Nancy were the guests of Mrs. Martha Bums last Tuesday. Mr. Mike Huiraa and father visited Mr. J. PerVinger and family last Bunday. Mr. Anderson went to Can by last Fri day on biurines. when It became enraged and without warning made for his horse, knocking It aoout :i feet, he rider golDg still furthar. His left foot was thrown out of Joint and badly bruised. Merchant D. A. James and wife and niece. Miss Viola Fisher, of James, were the guesta of Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Bonney Ust Sunday. The Colton nine crossed bats with the Clarka nine on the Colton grounds last Sunday. The reaults were 4 to I In favor of the Coltenltes. but the Clarka have the material to make an Interesting game after a little practice, this bing their first gam. Our Sunday school ia progrrttslng nicely. There is a good attendance eath week and all sem intereatd. Mr. Livingston, of Esta'ada, is spend ing a few days visiting In our burrr Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bonney are visit ing Mrs. Bonney a aged parents near Sherwood. were the fut of Fonnie Bonney Jast Thursday. Ole Hinn l..iI a b.tn.lruising on the ?d. Mioses f.viie Coibrr and Grae Oi.r-r-tt were visiting at Ellwood last Thurs-day. MOLALLA. Th.- auggrsiKin that any Dernocratlo ranUidate on the tuket will be elected la taken, e.-n ly "IienuM.rwtlc Mulalla." as a jtke. v Him. to the wife of L. W. Robbins. May ;''th. another daughter. All iluing well. The father is Improving. Frlti Fryer had the misfortune of getting his ankle crushed In a lot'irtnc ramp on Coal Creek last Saturday. Ir. Summer canv out and reduced the frac ture Munday. It will be some time before the aufltrrr wiU be on hia feet again. If he ever his the use of his Instep. Jam' 8. Herman and II. A. Kay lor hate purchased a clover buller, which they ralculate running this season. The United Artisans of Molalla Assem bly No. K, are taking In quite a lot of members in ths contest that has been going on for three months. The first Saturday In June will be ob served as Children's Lay by Mollalla Crang' No 310. Mrs. Orla Button, of Forest C.rove, Is viltln; her old home on the Molalla. Miss Mary (llpeon has returned home fr a few weeks' visit The switch board for the Molalla cn tr.J station of the Mutual Telephone nssK'iatirn was Installled for operation May 23. The president and secretary have been very busy for the past few lays wiring up the town Mrs. Clifford w ill a: t a operator for the remainder of tie year at least. Those not desiring am h a law passed shuulj h ahok of electiicliy and he awakened t their sense as well as thiise who fall to vots for aurh a law This ofBce was never before Iwittt-r prepared to do job work of all kinds on short mil Ice than It Is right now. Sen J lu your work. r i irmyii The grangere of this placs held a I ba.kel and lie nr sni s.. lal last "tur diy evening The hall was well filled In all Ita featurea ths entertainment was a au -. Th graduating tur li of eighth gritde pupils In the Clackamas school will take llk' Tuesday evening. May II. In I. O. (I. F. Hall. Admission, lis-. O. R Klppey. of Suwipter, Is making hla family a Halt. Mrs Hum Imel. who baa been visiting In Seattle sines her mother's death, re lumed home Ust Monday. Mra. Uonbter, mother of Mrs. M. E. Prettiman, hua sold her property In Hub bard and Intends to purrchas sod lo cate In Clackamas. . j (Contluit'd on page 7.) Curtd Hit Mother of Rheumatism. "My mother has been a sufferer for many years with rheumatism," says V. H. Howard, of Husband. Pa "At times she was unable to niovo at all, while at all time walking was painful. I presented ber with a bot tle of Chamberlain's I'ain Halm and after a few applications she decid ed It waa the most wonderful pain reliever sbe had ever tried. In fart, she Is never without It now and Is at all times able to walk. An occas ional application of Tain Dalm keeps away the pain that she was former ly troubled with." Fur sale by 11. A. Harding. CAN BY. COLTON. Harrison Jones, of Brooks, is here slashing, fencing and making various other Improvements on his property at Cotton. J. H. Wright has sold his farm and moved to James, where he has purchased another farm, which leaves the Colton school shy one director and three bright, interesting pupils. J. Garoett met wilh quite a painful acx-ident the first of the week. He waa erivir.g home an animal that had broken his bounds and waa out on the range, Andrw KmIit. the lmpl--nvr.t man. made a b'jeinefs trip to Portland on Tuesday. The directors of the Canby SthcKd hae extended the length of the s hool term two weeks, whkh will make the lenph of the term this year eight months. Charles Burrows, of this plat, while cutting wood Saturday, cut hia foot very severely. One. of his toa was severed from the foot. Dr. Dedman dressed the wound and he is getting along nily. The Canby base bal nine went to Ore gon City last Saturday and defeated the Easiham s-.hoo! nine on their grounds. The score atood IS to 14. Mr. Sutherland has bougnt the two corner Vols adjoining his property, pay ing t300 for the same. He is now put ting a nice fence around the property. Five pupils took the eighth grade ex amination in the Canby school. The names are as follows: Ora Nora Mack, Pearl Hampton. Annie Krueger and Leetha Fisher. They are anxloualy waiting to hear the result from the su perintendent. Wesley Rlggs returned from Hood River last week, where he has b-en visit ing bis daughter, Mrs. Hess. There was quite a wreck of flat cars here Tuesday. Two empty flat cars were broken entirely to pletes by being run against by some loaded with gravel. No one was hurt. The children of the Christian church are practicing nearly every day under the direction of Miss Leetha Fisher and Miss Mabel Knight for the children's day exercises to be held there. Mr. Sutherland, the furrniture man, has bougnt one and one-hallf acres from Ladru Mack and Intends soon to com mence building. Geo. Hampton has purchased ten acres of land from his father and has ordered the lumber for a new house. L. Orailer has bought the property where he has been living, and contem plates making some improvements. J. U. Sampbell, of Oregon City, was visiting his friends in Canby last Sat urday. Incidentally he stayed to the Democratic speaking in ' the evening. The school at Riverside will close next Friday with a picnic In the grove near by. By direction of the teacher, Howard Ecclea, a programme has been prepared and a good time Is expected. Last Saturday the Democratic candl- j dales put in an appearance ai uie 1117 Hafl and spoke very eloquently. Col. Veatch, for congress, and the county candidates, except H. G. Starkweather, who was sick that evening. The Socialists spoke on Tuesday even Mr. Howard, candidate for county clerk. and I'.ob'-rt Onnther. candidate for school auperiritendcnt. The Jtepubiicaria have; the closing argument, for tlwy are to be here on Thursday, May 26. WIL60NVILLE. H.irran for Wilaonvllle. for It seems to have been dead a long time, without having fie news printed In the Enter prise. The M.sixmnan are still Immigrating to this part of the country, a large num ber having arrived here In the last few weeks. Some take up residences In dif ferent parts, when you "show them" a place, and It seems that Wilsonvllle still has a chan'-e of becoming a populous town Henry Aden, the new business partner of J. Peters, is quite busy in his n' w iisiti"n Norria Young, who attended the Hill Military Arademy of Portland the past winter, has returned home to spend the summer. Mrs. Wm. Probst, and daughter, Sarah Kft last week for a trip to their old home In Southern Illinois. They will also visit the World's Fair and relatives in St. Louis. The Democrats had a little rally at this place last weelt Thursday evening. CaA. Veatch, nominee for congress, made the first speech, which received but mild applause. J. E. Hedges then rave one of his short, pessimistic taks, which seemed to take well with a few of the voters, though It was indeed very hard to un derstand! The Wilsonvllle school rloeed last Sat urday, with an entertainment at the A. O. V. W. Hail in the evening Aery ap propriate program was rendered by the pupils and the.lr teacher, Miss Helen Murray, assisted by some local talent After the program was over, ice cream waa served, which was soon "finished" by the large crowd In attendance. A number of the pupils tried the eighth grade examinations, and are very hope ful of passing. NEW COMER. DOVER. Weather is fine and the farmers are happy. Crops loot weU, considering the late spring S'hool is in progress. Miss Kerr for teacher. Mr. May lias purchased a separator. He must expect to enage In the dairy gusiness. Mr. pagnea has returned to Oregon. James and Mark Pagr.ee were visiting him this week. What are the farmers going to do If their stock cannot run at large? There Is pen-ling to be voted on at the June election a law that prohibits the running at large of stock In Clackamas county. There are many farmers In this county who have but about forty acres of land from whl'-ri they are unable to make a living, and in order to do so they raise some stwk. There are thousand and thousands of acres that are not now feni'd nor will they ever be. Tlo rt can be no possible harm done In allowing stock to run at large on siuh premises. floney ; ..Savers Cream Cheiae t 12 1-2 Itlre. .04 1-2 and 06 Tomatoes. J for .ib Ot Oysters. 3 (ana 6 Arm It Hammer Soda, s . 2 lor 15, 4 for . :t Arm & Hamrn r Soda, bulk, 2 1-2 pounds, 10c; 7 pounds il Coffee, equal to Arbuckle's 12 l-2c; better IS Coffee, equal to 30c goods,,,... 20 (Samples free). Hard Whent Hour, sack. II Ot; barrel 4 06 Extra Flour, aark II 10, a barred 4 26 10 bars Elk Soap 26 Com Starch, c; gloss starch.. 04 Clothespins, lc dos; toothpicks, box 03 2 Doxsn Orangas for 16 Stylish Millinery at lower prices. Better Shoes for ladles. Better Shoes for boys. Ladles' 11.26 Patent Slippers. 76c. Hlg lot Ssmpls ahoea, all kinds 1-4 discount. Plaster, grain and feed, ablnglea, etc. Trade for produce. RED FRONT OREGON CITY. The F-nterprlM, II 10 a year, and worth ths money. Indigestion Causes Catarrh of the Stomach. Fsr many years II has been supposed thai Catarrh of Ihs Stomach caused Indtfasltoe and ytptpals. but ths truth Is siacily the opposite. Ind faallen causae satatrh. Ks pas lad attack of Indtfattisn Inflames the t an ttcs us msmWsnM lltuii ths stomach and ; aiyoaaa Ihs nerves of h aiomach, thus esus Inf the f lanes t secrets mucin Instead f I the Juices ef natural dlfaafloo. This I sailed Catarrh at the Slomeea. Kodol Dyspepsia Curo ralleeee all Intlammailoa ef the mscess SMmWanes llnlnj ihs aiomach. protects the aerwea. sad seres bed bras la, sour rUlnfat tense ef fullness after sarinf, Ind-fastlse. dyspepsia tnd all stomach trosblea. Kodol Digest What Yon U I Make the atomac Sweet. liiWIail r PJ.wi ans. tl 00. Vi4i 24 gakat I la Mai , wkick MiUfw (0 SMa reap seed f I. 0. O.WITT a 0O. Ok, Skj HoMhr U. A. llAKHINtl, UruKHlat ITT7' A T7 - TT Or-T imiLfJLsH VEGETABLE SICILIAN air Renewed II it true you wint to look old? Then keep your jrayhilr. If not, then use Hall's Hair Kcoewer, and have all the dark, rich color of early life restored to your hair. a'?r.75?tCsV, IN OUR NEW ..QUARTERS.. ifeiMo i i Mole Boll F. C. GADKE THE PLUMBER Ck r WWW We have removed into our larger and Utter bulldlnj at Mala and Twelfth streets. We have added con slderable new machinery, and ara thoroughly equipped to handle all classes of work. Building and Repairing of Engines, Baw mill gupplies, shafting, boxes and collars In stock; Babbitt Metal low and high grades; emery stands, swing saw frames and harbors; pulley! oa hand and made to order. We also do a general machine blacksmlthlng buslness. Tlow shares ground and sawi gummed. First Class Work. www ccco Prices floderatc. OREGON CITY MACHINE SHOP. Twelfth and Main Sts. Oregon City, Oregon