Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 27, 1904, Image 1

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    Oregon City Entei
" ww .)
SoMe Few
ttcBest County in the State,
At Low Prices, and on Terms to Suit the Purchasers.
M ACRfl, on. hslT mlb from r
plank mad. nine mn., fn,m Ortm Cllv
Nearly lavai. It acre gIJ04 Unl
III cultivation. fr from turns or rw ka.
I arr nearly r-ly to ptw. tt
-r. Kr slashing. I, g,.,, artna. I
.r yellow nr and 4r. Kim new
hvuaa. not compiled, oat lit M. Thla
spfeadld lilll Una .I 11,00000. (arms
0 ACRfl on mja ,,,.4 Ml ,oo4
Nearly 10 In cultivation, fair buldl
lui. fete lumber. oA miu from aa
mill, living water, fttaut on aula. On
lltlla bargain. I 'to 00.
tO ACRta, lour mll fmrn MulaJle e,.
Mrs, ha buildings. a'-me elhd. (
' Unit will mali a g,d bom
tut somebody, a I lu ngur of ta.00 p-r
im; term.
tit ACRIl, dairy rtim, sig mija from
Ore. IHy, suti aula from l-urt.
land Modern ruad to aatb pl,
otm In cultivation. It mo,. Baly
rdy u brh, mug Main etream oa Um
'arm. m-hw4, chunk nw by, 1 mil lo
cSmmm fa t.y end creamery. It will be
dlnVull Ul Uat this futn In Clackamas
My, aU thing taailrd. a( jooo
t' e--ra. Vary easy laraia.
0 ACRKa four mll.a from Oregon City.
Her half good laud, MllmaUii to have
J0X rorde of wood oo II. at I20.M par
acre. Will trad fur city property.
In I ha famoua BprlngwaUsr country. I
miles from tha t.rmlnua of I ha Oregon
Wetar IVww and Railway company's
mot. Una. where the in electric
plant la now being constructed, lit
"-" In cultivation. II una orchard,
a mail hua, large bam lil, saw, two
million foot of aaar timber, endless out
aid rai.K. t I I mllos to a bool. tor
and rhunh. u-A nalchborttou). .C0
P" arra, Tarma tan ba mada.
U I I AC"It at Wan. II acraa In
culthatliwi. tuod dallln and ban, land
A No. I. II nlUa from Portland. Ilvlnc
apclnaa. orchard, rk-h, proafMroua com-
Bioolty. (loud raaauna fur aalUiuj. Only
tM-00 pr acrw.
TOCK f ARM In footniUa. Ill acrva.
two Billlluo fat Hr and cda, email
huuaa and bam, two aura In evil II ration,
n.ar foraat imni, at only VVOO pr
mra Trnua lo suit.
Oregon City Properties, Gladstone Lots and Acre Tracts, Hood Rlrer
Orchards and Berry Lands, Clackamas County Farms, if if if if
Main Street, Oregon City, Or 233 Washington Street, Portland. Or
Un1 Title nn1 Und OfTlcw
Uualncaaatn Hpwclnlty
rau in all Court of the Sute
loom j, Wrinhanl BMg.
Of Ceart llouav, Urrgoo City. Orfon
iMTKmorraoriirY rcannain.
I mi to Or.tun City Knurprt
ONfooClty, - - Orfon
HI prarnraln all Ilia eoorU of lh itata.
iylnCull.ld balldlng.
TltlMKumlnad. Ah. tract. Mala. 1
Murlnacaa Drawn. Monaj Uanad
""'ol Oragun City.
Oliooa ClTT.O.
UI 0. Saai.atl
Attornoyg at Law.
M UTi'i1' ro"rt"' n,k eollaotiom
lind u j ' 1ui,l xnA Jrnu "o"T
I - 'trill your mona on flnt nioraaa.
f ,fco In Enterprise Building,
OraRnnClly, Oragon.
Attohnkv at Law.
Jumiw ii( thi. vie.
JKKr IlMf., OrKun Ci'y
""urlli ,.n."1 the 00rl ' 'l"- 01-
i " ' "iiBtilii buiiaiiia.
("vJ..r.l,Ui,1 Al U T
iwLl!Lb,tC'0t" of Tltl. Money,
Mort,. and truMot
0neral Law Bu.lnaaa.
Brunswick Hoiiso & Restaurant
Newly Furnished Rooms.
Meals at All Hours. Prices Reasonable.
Opposite Suspension Bridge.
TO OtrtAT at". HIRMAmN.
paclal Aoant Oraane, Fadaral Ofncar,
Attanda Damocratlc Meattagi and
Attampta to Prava Chatcs.
ticit.m.nt, not uaually wltnraard at
a Dfmwratlo rally lo Clackamas county,
pravalM at tha mating of tha untarrl
Al at tha Armory ball In thla city
Monday avenlnf whan Col. R. at Vaatch,
eandldata for concraaatnan and tba can
dldatca on tha county and leirlaUttlva
tk-kau, addraMMrd an audlenca of about
ainbsty volar.
In tha coursa of hla ramarka, which
Wi ra ilxvotrd antlrply to an attack on
Concrraanuui Knnnann, Mr. Vaatch al-
lagad thxra bad bren many Irreffular
practk) In connection with tha publlo
landa of tha atata of Oregon, and charged
among other thing! that It waa on tha
rrport of bjxw IiU agent of tba govern
Can.r. lKi; Un. Dan O'Neill, 1141;
Mra. Muelat Ilradley. 1KI; Mr. W. A.
fltarkweatlw, 11.9; Mrt. M. T. OattVld.
IUZ, Ellta C. Btarkweather. 1(4: Jacob
MUWr. 1SI; Mra. JacaW MUlr, 1;
Mra Grace) Wllllama, lMi; Mr. Mary
Roberta, 1W2; R. E. Roberta. 1K2; Jap
Blover, 1K2; William Part low, 1J; w.
8. Vaughn. 1M1; Mr. Clark Grawunan.
1147; Georga Bmlth. 1MI; Mr, r.mma
Davldaon, IHi:, Miaa Mulli Barlow. 1U1;
Mr. B. A. Durham, 1H; Mr. C. VT.
Rryant, 1U1; Mr. M. E. Bryant. IHi;
Mr, and Mra E. D. Kelly, 1WJ; Mr.
W. H. Adair, 1B2; Mr. R. B. Wnmot.
1I0; Mr. R. B. WUmot, 1KI; W. J.
Rauch, IKJ; Mra. J. W. Raucb, ltt(;
Mr. M. Fair, 1K1: Mr. David Caufleld.
1HT; Mr. David Caufleld. HH; V. H.
Robblna. 1K2.
Canby Captured tba Gam.
It waa a batting game that waa played
on th Weat (Ida Friday, but the lada
from Canby batted on too many time
for tha plucky lada from the Eaatham
school, who lost th gam by tba narrow ,
score of II to 14. Tha visiting player tba ey have been tn year, and with
wer much th larger, and It la only a continuation of th present
wonder that the score was not more on- i ,lr Poller tn count affair, th
even. The Eaatham bor hara besun tn I Y obligations can be entirely dlscharasat
gt proud of their record this season. Of I ore tha tlma of another election. A
Votr are OenaraHy tstianad anal Oa
Not want Uncertainty of a Oaea.
emtJo Administration.
Aa Oregon City special to tha Orgo
tan aaya:
With th cloa of th flrst week of Uba
eanvaas of Clackamas county by th aa
poaing political parties, tha prospect ef
th election of the entire RepubUcsai
county and legislative tickets Is mosw
pronounced, while tba candidate aa Ub
Republican stat ticket will recetr ta
creasad majorities. Tha nnanees) af
Clackamas county ar In better a ha pa
flva IAIBM t Km t hftV kMM nl.wul V. !. I tilUT of tha CAlintv HrVMl. th. -
7Z, . u , ' en vi mo, has twic dVfatad th BarcUy team. enerally are aatisfled with present coav
another gam resulted in a tie, was da-1 dltlons and will be alow to
feated one each by Barclaf and Canby.
Th line-up of th teams follows:
If you need anything in tha way of Hardware, Crockery,
Glaus-ware or Gianlte-ware, I can supply your wants. Call and
Innptvt my atock.
Cotnplel line of new ami second hand FURNITURE carried. Let
supply you with huui-e- keeping cutllt
WALL PAPER ot th beat quality tad latest styles at right prices.
Attention, Here's a Bargain
6000 feet, 1 1' inch Orel class Manila rope, In one piece, ii offered for
sal at a beruain fur a few daji.
I npN sa a a-
- w w "waw waassi -wawr
Main Street, Oregon City.
tha elate, together with his chief dp
Uty, bad been diamlaaad from Offlc be
Cause of crooked work.
When Veatch bad concluded his ad
drws. inrv Maid rum. the former aur
. - -
I yor gmeral of th stats, arose and.
addreaalng the chair, stated that Mr.
I A. R Oreene, a special agent for tba
A I gvammant. waa In th audl-nre.
vnmrsa inis man uraeoe, sato
MvMrum. "with being th special agent
who has furnished th Democratio can
didate fur congress with th Iruc-matlon
that la being used In this easpalgn. Get
up. shouted Mifldrum to Greene, "and
substantiate Iheee charges as mada by
Hut the representative of the govern-
ment made no reeponee
Mellnira lnaletid that Greene should
either repudiate or Confirm the charges
that had been made by Veatch, but the
agent did not make a reply until asked
directly what waa tha fact In th case.
"The charge ar practically and sub
stantially correct," replied Greene, tak
Ing tha floor.
t'They ar positively false," retorted
Meldrum, "and you are an Intolerable
T liar, scoundrel and coward."
Y Continuing. Special Agent Greene Ig
, nnred Meldrum. and stated that some
of the newspaper reports on which Mr.
Vtoh bases soma of bis charges with
referenre to Irregular practice In th
public Und buslnees wer faulty and
Incorrect Ha admitted that It was from
his report that tha administration bad
ein nt to makt, changes In th offlc of
u:i .oiuitr surveyor general of tha state,
and that there waa In tha poaaeaalon of
the government authorities additional
evidence that will result In the filing of
other Indictments at a sub. urn t time.
A To Indicate who these persona might be
I I or might not be, said Greene, was In
V I . i 1 ,L, H . ..... an.-.. i
dlscluaur would defeat th ends of Jus
tic. Mr. Green explained that bs came
to the city purely on a business mission
and was an accidental vlaltor to th
meeting; that h certainly did not come
to arouse any strife or controversy.
Wnen Greene had resamed bis seat
Meldrum said: "The gentleman's state
menu ar all wrong. When Secretary
Illtcbcaak flnda It neceaaary to send a
special agent to Oregon In order to aid
In tba election of a Democratic con
gressman, be will And that the First
district will give Mr. Hermann, the reg
ular Republlonn nominee, the largest
vote In tha history of th district."
This concluded the somewhat stormy
scene, which waa toliowea oy speaaina;
by sevnral of the leglalatlv and county
candldatea. and by tha way, the speech
making by the various candidates was
decidedly tame and In striking contrast
Ith thalr efforts at Molalla. where tha
Republicans wer charged with every
thing under the sun. Even Chairman
Etoy mads no reference to the figure
pertaining to county affairs with which
he waa so plentifully supplied at the
Molalla meeting. Not A single speaker
attempted to disprove any of the con
tentions of the Enterprise that the coun
ty Is being conducted under the present
Republican officer mor economically
and with better results than In year.
Is It possible they have discovered that
our figures are positively correct? In fact
an Intelligent Investigation of the re
cords will produce results fully sub
stantiating every claim that has been
made In behalf of the present officers
through the columns of the Enterprise,
the present Republican officers, wh as
candidate for re-election and tubwtlts
Canby I therefor Democratic nominee and tfe
E Bmlth uncertainty of tn administration that
E Shank I follows such action. As a claim for r
B Knight tention In their respective chairs lor
B Kreuger I another term, th Republicans ar show-
H. Patch lo that In the last two years th eoaaty
P Bel by has been conducted mor economically
R Mack I thaa In years, while th county mdebt-
L, sfyers edneas has been reduced from till.
8 Wang I to tn.OOt. Th Democrats, whs ar mak
ing a special fight against Superintend
ent of Schools Zinser and Sheriff. Bbavea.
have adopted a programme of misreerw-
aenution. insinuation, ati exaggerate)
Republican Candidate Ar Cordially Ra- I contention a to the high taxes and Ike)
Eastham, Position.
Eldon Blancaard catcher
Fred Adkin
Oudln Robert
Earl Letourett
Rhea Col
Russell Wood
Fred Lus
Ernest Charters
Roy Grac
' shortstop
1st base
2d base
Id base
I field
r fielid
C field
calved at Mslall.
Tuesday evening the Republican can
didate Invaded Mo! arte, the Democratic
stronghold of tha county. A large audi
ence, about equally divided as to po
litical convictions, gave the various
speakers a respectful and attentive hear.
Ing. County politics alone were dis
cussed and the exaggerated statements
county's indebtedness and ar --' -w
an appeal to th Independent voter. -
Republicans are especially active aa4
will redeem their record of a year ago.
when Reames carried the county by
more than 200 majority. Recognizing the)
worth of Congressman Hermann to the
district, the full party majority win b
recorded for the gentlemaa from Douglass.
J. B. Hedges, of this city. Demooratls
Clackamas and Multnomah counties, kt
conducting an active campaign trelnsl
nia opponent. Hon. G. W. H oleum b. Jr.,
of Portland, whom a charges with being
a renegade Democrat Hedges' popular
ity will gain for him a good rote kt
Clackamas county.
Between 4500 and tMO vote 1 eon-
sidored a conservative estimate of taw
number of ballots that will be cast at tha
June .election la Clackamas county. Th
total registration for this county this
year was 4384, instead of 235. a re
ported this morning. Last year's regis
tration amounted to only 4247. In J una.
1902. 430 vote were cast for governor
In this county, but the voting strength a
th county ba been greatly Increased
In the last two years by the rapid and
extensive settlement of the eastern
Uon of the county.
and allegations made a week ago by the I candidate for Joint representative frwsa
Democratic nominees were pretty thor
oughly dissected and shown up as the
distorted facts, hatched tor political
purposes, that they are.
County Judge T. F. Ryan and Mayor
Grant B. Dlmlck gave some facts with
reference to county affairs that the
Democrats have been very careful to
conceal. As an evidence of their sin
cerity In the matter, also, a number of
tha speaker offered to back ugr the f
utneneas of theelr claims by making de
posits of sums ranging from t:00 to ISOO
the same to be forfeited If the respective
claims are disproven.
Judge Ryan gave an effective talk
along the line of county politics and
gave some convincing statistics con
cerning the true condition of the county,
In the course of his remarks. Judge Ryan
said that be would deposit in any bank
the sum f 1300 and would forfeit the
same If by an examination of the records
It could be shown that the total net In
debtedness of the county Is within JIM.
000 of the "more than t.00.0 ' claimed
by the Democrats.
Mayor Dlmlck explained the cause of
high taxes and Sheriff Shaver made aa
offer of $209 to be given any person who
will show that the office of sheriff during
the first year of hla term cost the tax
payer of Clackamas county within IttO
of what the same office cost during the
last term of Sheriff Cooke.
Others of the county and legislative
candidates also spoke, making a good
Impression. The meeting, which was one
of the most successful one of the can
vass, did not adjourn until after 11
On the same evening Chris Schuebel
and J. F. Clark addressed an audience
of 1M persona at Needy.
Political Speaking.
The candidates on the Republican
county and legislative tickets and otlssr
prominent speakers will address th
voters during the concluding week of
the canvass of Clackamas county a
follows, the meetings being held aa t
p. m.:
Monday, May 30. Damascus.
Tuesday, May 1, Sunnyside and Or-
ga City.
Wednesday, June 1, Pleasant Hill aa.
Thursday. June 2. Viola and Frog PosmL
Friday, J una 1. Stafford and Union.
Saturday, June 4, Oregon. City aaa
When doctors fail try Burdock Blood
Bitter. Cure dyspepsia, constipation;
Invigorates ta whole system.
Hermann and Fulton to Speak.
Congressman Binger Hermann aa4
United Sute Senator C. W. Fultoa wist
address the citlaen of Oregon City and
vicinity at Shlvely Opera House, Twes
day evening. May 1. There will be muss
by tha Oregon" City band. Every voter
should make It a point to attend this
Only First Clasn Restaurant
In Town
Oregon Washington State Fair Victories
On Barred Plymouth Rocks
Or.g..n Mate fair 19023
1-a-J on Cock Hints, 6 in Competition
1st on Hen, loin Competition
l-j 3 si fsllrtj .. 40 in Competition
and Cock rrel ai in Cotnrttio
1st en pen, 11 in Competition
11 in Atnrrioai Clas
Wave was I at oa pulleta tha aa 3
yaara. Kloik for sale, egga is aa:s
WanB'arih Stale Fair 1002
We only sent t pullets, I hen and I
Cock and won on every entry but one
hesiilrs specials, including best pea in
the show, l'rizrs won 1st Cock, 1st
lien: 1st am! and Pullet; 1st pen,
Kihlbltloa Rtock apeclalfy Some
graad pallatjf ar ami. Kgga 3.00
: MURROVV & SON, Oregon City. Oregon.
Women's Lewla and Clark Club Have
Pleasant Social Affair.
The members of the Women's Lewis
and Clark club, of Oregon City, last Fri
day afternoon entertained at Willamette
halt In thla city, more than one hundred
of the early settlers of Clackomas county,
After a programme of speechmaklng. the
pioneers were served with a luncheon,
which concluded a most delightful after
noon. Col. R. A. Miller, or this city, pre
sided aa chairman of the meeting. Ap
propriate addresses, touching on plo
neor subjects, were delivered by Harvey
K. Cross. C. B. Moores, H. I Kelly.
Mrs. Bva Emery Dye and Mrs. M. M.
Charman, all of this cfty. Among the
pioneer to addre the asembly were
Captain J. H. McMillan, of Portland;
Captain J. T. Apperson, of Oregon City:
Wm. Vatixhan. Molulla. and E. D. Kelly.
Oregon City. Among the pioneers In at
tendaace were two who came to Oregon
In 1S43. Thev were Wm. Vaughan. of
Molalla. and Mra. Dan O'Neill, of thll
city. During the afternoon Miss Imogen
Harding sang several vocal selections.
The following pioneers were present:
A. Lurlllng. 1847; E. Albee. 1S3; Mary
M. Howell, 1S47; Mrs. Mary Harding.
Eby. 1SS2; C. B. Bunnell. 1S53; H. E.
1SS2; Mrs. Harry Harding. 1S52; David
Hayes. 1N61; II. Moser. 1845: O. A. Hard
ing. 1857; Mra. Holes. . 1852; Mrs. La
Krat. 1ST,2: Harriet I'asby. 1152; Kate
Mulligan, 1852; Mrs. B. E. Miller, 1852;
Mrs. Irving Caruthers. 18S3; Catherine
Gibbons, 1852; Mrs. S. Linn. 1805; Robert
A. Mlllur. 1854; Mr. T. Miller, 1850: Mrs.
Tom Miller, 1S50; Mrs. Mary E. Mc-
Hature Lends
Every tme knows that Royal Baking
Powder is absolutely pure. Hence the
housewife uses it with implicit confidence
and without question, and she is justified
in so doing.
But how few realize that Royal Baking
Powder in its chief ingredient is a direct prod
uct of the healthful and delicious grape! This
constituent of the grape, crystallized and ground
to an impalpable powder, is the cream of tar
tar which forms the active principle of every
pound of Royal Baking Powder.
Fruit properties are indispensable to the
healthfulness of the body, and those of the
grape as used in the "Royal" are the most
valuable and healthful of all.
Hence it is that Royal Baking Powder
produces food superlative both in flavor
and wholesomeness.