Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 20, 1904, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    PAGI t
Our Correspondents' Corner
Correspondents are requested to re
new their work. We will furnish all
necessary stationery. The news from
your neighborhood should appear In
these columns every week.
Cool and showery, mercury temperate.
Miss Nunte Lacy Is home from Ksta
cada. School fretting along nicely under guid
ance of Mr. Willis.
The late frosts got away with the
most of the prune and cherries.
Miss I.lbhie Hard Is working tn Ksta
cada. She Is missed In Sprlngwater.
The IlnwoU boys. James Gutrldge and
Robert Uutidge are commencing to build
their barns.
Quite a number visit Estacada of Sun
days from these parts, to attend church
and Sunday school, and other to attend
the saloons.
Mr. Deyoe. the postmaster, was
Portland the other day on business.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Grlbble, of M.Vks
burg. were visiting In Canby 8unday.
Shirley Huck, one of the editors of the
Courier, was In Canby on business Tues
day. The Canby base ball enthusiasts be
gan Wednesday to haul the lumber to
fence their ball grounds.
Mr. Armstrong, of Macksburg, was In
Canby Tuesday. He has been quite sick,
but Is now getting better.
The Canby baseball nine defeated the
Hubbard nine on their grounds at Hub
bard last Sunday by a score of 8 to S.
Four large pictures were purchased by
the teachers with the money raised at
the cantata. They were hung in the
school rooms on Monday. There are
now about 75 pupils attending school
The rain is great help to late crops.
Most of the farmers are done planting
Several of the young people attended
the social at Cams last Saturday night.
The sermon delivered by Minister
Hughes In the Welsh church was well
attended In the forenoon, also the one
by Mr. Allen in the evening.
Hurrah for Schubel. The Highland
base ball nine, which was supposed to
be against the world, was not fast
enough to buck up against the Shubel
team last Sunday afternoon. The High
landers were so anxious to get the game
that they wanted to run on tips, or In
fact any way to get a base, and on this
ground the umpire called the game over
and awarded Shubel the game and the
Highlanders went home but not with
the game, though they were three scores
In the lead when the game quit, having
first and last inning. The Shubel nine
will play first nine of Carus next Sun
day on the same ground.
Sunshine and showers!
The grange held Its usual meeting
Saturday. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Mullatt spent Sunday at
the Davis home.
Miss Ella Evans, who was ill for some
time, has recovered.
Crystal Trulllnger, who has been seri
ously 111. Is no better.
Jot Mallatt, who Is working at Oak
Point, Is home on a visit.
Rev. Heyworth called among the mem
bers of his flock this week.
Mr? and Mrs. Fish returned Monday
bringing with them a new graphophone.
Mr. James Davis has gone to Oregon
City to meet his mother, who comes here
from Walla Walla.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Turner went to
Oregon City to attend the wedding of
Mr. Turner's sister.
One boy last week got slightly intoxi
cated nd got the mitten, too. Better
leave whiskey alone'.
Mr. and Mrs. August Erlckson and
Mrs. Daniels, with their respective fami
lies, made a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Mr. Kitzmiller visited Eagle Creek
Mr. J. Cahlll is building fences around
the lots owned by Mrs. Wilson.
Mrs. H. Nelson, from the Douglas
settlement, is visiting Mrs. E. Foster.
Dr. A. E. P.oberds went to Portland on
Professional business on the ISth Inst.
Mrs. Ella Rawe, of Oregon City, has
been the guest of Mrs. Pearl Foster the
last few days.
Misses Foster and Rowe left for Port
land on the morning train Tuesday to
visit friends.
Land seekers are thick as blackberries
In the vicinity of Eagle Creek, and sev
eral sales are In prospect.
Mrs. Karr, of Portland, passed through
this city Sunday on her way to tak
charge of the Dover public school.
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Marshall, of Gar
field, passed through Eagle Creek last
week on their way to Portland on a
shopping expedition.
A large number of acres of land for
merly owned by Mr. E. Foster will be
In the hands of surveyors tomorrow. th.
18th. to be laid out in town lots. Sure,
the new town is In view.
L. H. Klrehem has gone to St. Louis
to the fair.
A sister of M. H. Rlebhoff was out on
a visit Sundav.
Miss Golda Parteh lias gone to Boring
to stay awhile.
Mrs. Punch is suffcrim? from on at
tack of rhni'nt:um this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Start Johnson, of Port
land, were poesty of M. Frak'-s Sunday.
Miss Iva of Oregon City,
spent Sunday -A.ih Mis. i'lank Hutching.
The Paik P'aee. hoys w re the victors
In the match g-.m- with the Logan boys.
Mr. Fred Mo'-, r ic cmn'oyd at Eaple
Cr.. a at pr....ut, anj in- pleated with
his j"b.
There will r.-. ft total ii -!jpf. of the
moon this week, v!-o,i,. only at the Ger
man church.
Mr. and Mrs. Pern Hawley, also Mr.
and Mrs. P. A. Smith, of Port html, wero
visiting at J. O. 8ni(iue' Stmdav.
Mr. and Mrs. Rush, of Mt. Pleasant,
wore out to pay their respects to their
new nephew. K. Rlebhoff. Jr., Sunday.
F. W. Rlebhoff Is taking summer board
ers, one arrived Thursday, May 12. a
small gentleman welshing 13 lb., whose
diet Is milk only for the present.
William Scars and family will move
Z. s!.werawganwiidcrttn7r.rThe
plank road close to the Sevier ham on of Lillydalc, N.V., Grail j Worthy
TTS HrTSmuh have brought ! Wise Templar, and Member of
their family of six children to Viola, j W.C.T.U., tc$ tlOW SllC i"CCOV
They are said to be from Missouri. cpcj Ky 4k,. usfi nf I ..JJ- p
Mrs. Hlclnhotham. who has suffered ' ' . . . . LUla
so long from cancer, died on Thursday
last and wis burled on Saturday, The
funeral was from the Redland church.
Rev. Black officiating. The attendance
at the funeral was very large. Death
came as a relief from suffering.
Albert Hornshuh Is home on a visit.
Quite a crowd attended the ball game
here Sunday.
Mrs. E. F. Glnther Is having serious
trouble with her hand.
Mr. and Mrs. Bott. of Park Flaee. wero
visiting friends In Shubel last week.
Grandpa Glnther. of Ely. and Ernst
Brandt were visitors In our burg Sunday.
Miss Elmira Is spending a few days
with Miss Clare Sehoenberg, of Cams.
David Moehnke has left for Oregon
City, where he Is engaged In carpenter
Agnes Wallace called on Grandma
Ramsby Sunday.
The sad death of Mr. Grimm occurred
Friday morning.
Andrew Gray was a visitor at the
Akins home Sunday.
Mr. Den Cornwall, of Redlands. is
working for E. Dodge.
Mr. riatt. of Oregon City. Is driving
team for E. P. Dodge.
Mr. Ramsby made a business trip to
Oregon City a few days ago.
The chickenpoz is getting to be a
scarce article In our midst.
Mr. and Mrs. Teaiel will depart for
Washington In a few days.
Miss Marks spent Saturday and Sun
day with her sister. Mrs. Mires.
Dr. White was hunting cougar Sunday.
Ed Howard and family spent Sunday at
Robt. Billiard was shearing sheep for
C. Smith Monday.
Norman Howard, of Oregon City, spent
Sunday at Carus.
Mr. Church, of Oregon City, called on
Ernest Jones Sunday.
Lillian Cans, of Clarkes, spent Satur
day and Sunday with Mrs. Al Jones.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Martin, of Prune
Hill, visited Sunday afternoon with Em
Miss Edith Jackson, of Portland, was
visiting her aunt, Ethel Spangler. this
The first Cams base ball nine won the
game Sunday from the Ely nine; score
15 to 19.
Quite a crowd from here attended the
social at Graham's Saturday night. All
hau a fine time.
Mr. Manning, who has been III, Is no
Fred Woodside spent Sunday at
Mr. Fish has purchased a new team, of
which he is very proud.
Bayne Howard Is the proud owner of
a new Rambler wheel.
Chas. Daniels has gone to Kelso to
work in a logging camp.
Louis and Jim Buckner started for
Prineville a few days ago.
Agnes Wallace was visiting her par
ents 8,-iturday and Sunday.
The little daughter of Ed Trulllnger
Is dangerously III of lung fever.
C. E. Nash passed through here Thurs
day en route- for Cedar Island shingle
The fire that got Into Rev. Wiles'
slashing last week raised quite an ex
citement, but did no real damage.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fish spent a few
days In Portland last week. They pur
chased a graphophone. Come and hear
the music.
It may be that Stafford items, together
with other correspodnence, have been
snowed under by the press of divorce
cases and political news for the past
few weeks, but "if we don't succeed we
try again," therefore here we are knock
ing again at the pressroom door.
Mrs. Fred Moser Is quite sick.
Why don't some one start a cheese
Jake Sehalts Is having some trouble
with his gasoline wood saw.
The light rain of Tuesday forenoon did
lots of good, and it still looks cloudy.
Mrs. Fred Oldenstadt Is In the hos
pital at Portland undergoing treatment.
Most of the farnv-rs are well along
with their spring work, except late po
tatoes. Charlie Pollvka has lost three calves
from some mysterious disease resembl
ing black-leg.
Butter has gone down to almost noth
ing, and the wise ones predict It will
go still lower.
Some of the boys hud a little tongue
fight at the postoffl'e lost Saturday night
before going to the lodge.
Mrs. Scott and two children, from 20
miles north of Vancouver, Wash., where
her husband conducts a cheese factory,
is milking her sister, Mrs. Powell, a
Two baby shoes w,.If. found In the
road, from which the baby hsd mysteri
ously disappeared. It was conjectured
some baby had kicked them off while
Mr. Shauber, who lives on the road to
Willamette, istood upon the root of a
1 1 VN YoS
I Mrs. Elizabeth H. Thompson,
: I'lnKnam S CgCiaDIC lOlTipOUnd.
I'kar JIrs. riNKHAM : I am one
of the many of your grateful friend
who have been cured through the use
of I.jdltv E. rinkltam's Vegetable
Compound, and who can to-day
thank you for the fine health I enjoy.
When I was thirty-five years old, I
Buffered sere re backache and frequent
bearing-down pains; in fact, I had
womb trouble I was very anxious to
pet well, and reading of the cures your
Compound had made, I decided to try
it. I took only six bottles, but it built me
up andcured me entirely of my troubles.
"My family and relatives were
naturally as prat i lied as I was. My
niece had heart trouble and nervous
prostration, and was considered incur
able. She took your Vegetable Com
pound and it cured her in a short time,
and she became well and strong, and
her home to her great joy and her hus
band's delight was blessed with a baby.
I know of number of others who
have been cured of different kinds of
female trouble, and am satisfied that
your Compound' is the best medicine
for sick women." Mrs. Elizabeth II.
TnoMPdos, Box 105, Lillvdale. N.Y.
tSOOO forfttt If ordinal of atwM Ittttr pnttimj
wwwh vwinvi v. swim
fallen tree while it was being sawed off
and was thrown a number of feet, being
shook up considerably and a collar bone
Mrs. O. Z. Thornton, who has been vis
iting at her father's, Mr. J. '. Gages,
the past week, returned home to St.
Helens Saturday, and the same day Mrs.
J. Q. Gage came to spend a week at
the old home.
Mrs. Cain, on the Hays place, broke
through a rotten plank on the front
porch and jammed her left limb from the
knee down very badly. After the lapse
of three days she is still unable to step
upon her foot. Dr. Norrls has the case
in charge, we bellee.
Mr. William Park.
Lee Rlggs made
Is on the sick list,
business trip to
Liberal last week.
Charlie Thomas was
n visitor In
Canby last Sundoy.
Mary Molzun was the guest xlt Lydia
Johnson last Sunday.
Mr. Alfred Smith was calling on friends
here one day this week.
Miss Geno Burns is staying with Mrs.
Phil Tucker at present.
Mr. Jack Knots was visiting his
daughter. Mrs. Laura Burns, Sunday last.
Mrs. John liobblns has been quite,
sick, but Is much better at the present
Messrs. Mike Bowman and M. Ilulras
were the guests of Mr. J. Perrlng-r last
Miss Eliza Burns spent last week In
Portland visiting her sister, Mrs. R. R.
Mrs. Ross Peebles, of Portland, Is
visiting her mother, Mrs. J. H. Burns,
at present.
Mrs. Nettle Rlggs and Mrs. Caroline
Thomas were the guests of Mrs. Martha
Burs last Sunday.
Mrs. George Mane's sister has been
ill with heart trouble. She is somewhat
Improved In health now.
Irvine Wheeler, of lone, Oregon, Is
visiting relatives and friends here. He
Intends to return home shortly.
... ...mi s ".. MM
222 South Teoria St.,
Ciin a(.o,Ii.i.., Oct. 7, 1902.
Eitrl.t r.iotitlis aero I wai so ill
that I was coiin'clled to lie or fit
down nearly all the time. My
stomach was so weak and upset
that I could keep nothing on it
and I vomited fre'juently. I
could not urinate without great
pain and I coughed so much that
my throat ana lunffs were raw
and sore. The doctors pro
nounced it I'rifflit'a disease and
others sail it was consumption.
It mattered little to me what
they called it and I had no de
sire to live. A sifter visited me
from Hi. Louis and asked me if
I had ever tried Wine of Cardui.
1 told tier I had not and she
bought a bottle. I believe that
it saved my life. 1 believe many
women could save much Buffer
ing if they but knew of its value.
l)on't you want freedom from
pain? Take Wii.e of Cardui
and make o;ie supreme effort to
he well. To:i !' not need to be
a weak, J;e;.!i M sf;.Terer. Tou
can l.ave a woman's health and
do a woman "a work in life. Why
not s.i 'ire a boll!-; of Wine of
flardut from your druist today?
We noticed Curtis Ilclvey pass through
this vicinity a few days ago. He ru
cently returned from Kaatem Oregon.
Joe Thomas attended the dance at
New Kra last Saturday night. He surely
had a good time, as It was quite late
when he returned home.
Miss Sophie Christ lanson Is very sick
with pneumonia.
Joe Kkkc and daughter May lire visit
lug at Vancouver.
Mr. ami Mrs. Will Hodges drove to
Wllsonvllle Monday.
Miss Florence Fisher was very 111 the
first part of the week,
Mis Robert Baker has u sister visit
ing her fnmi Wllsonvllle.
Little I. Yamlell has been very 111,
but Is better at this willing.
Fred Moehnke and Miss Ella Ream
spent Sunday In I'nrtluud.
Mis. Jons. Downey was out Sunday,
the Hi si time In two months.
Rob OHilcn came up from Portland
to spend Sunday with his family.
T. J Gary has been suffering from
rheumatism the past two weeks.
Miss l.yilla Kggo mid little Bessie
were Portland visitors Saturday.
Grandma llatdorf visited with Mis.
Geo. Batdoif at Gladstone Monday.
Miss dun. Ilu Miller goes Friday to
llwaco, to attend the wedding of a
Miss liuth Shipley was the guest of
Mis. Harry llahii at Portland Saturday
and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Buckels enter
tained a patty of friends from Portland
at dinner Sunday.
Mrs. Mary Pollock, of Oswego, was the
guest of her parents. Ml. and Mrs. Harry
Shipley. Monday.
Sam Haldol f has moved his house out
to the street and will paint and other
wise Improve It.
Miss Carrie and Lloyd Fuller enter
tained their young filcnd at dancing
Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. ImM imd their children,
of Portland, visited with their parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Han. Ins.
Miss Agnes and Lester Shipley, with
a friend from Tualatin, were guests of
Miss Llizle Shipley Sunday.
The Misses Bessie Heavens, Nora ller
dlne. Pearl Shipley and Harry Ilcidluc
spent Sunday at Gladstone.
We regret that we failed to mention
the arrival of a little daughter at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Davo Courtney.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Buckels gave u
very pleasant dancing party to a num
ber of their friends Saturday evening,
before moving Into their new house.
Drying preparations simply devel
op dry catarrh i they dry up the secretions,
which adhrro to tho membrane nnd dneom
posa, causing s far more serious trouble than
the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry
ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snulTs
anil use that which cleanse, soothes ud
heals. Ely's Cream Halm is such a remedy
and will cure catarrh or cold in the head
easily and pleasantly. A trial sie will be
mailed for 10 cents. All druggiM sell the
50c. size. Ely Brothers, SC Warmn Kt. , N. Y.
The lialm eures without pain, does not
irritate or rinse sneezing. It spreads itself
over an irritated and angry surface, relief,
ing immediately the painful inllamniution.
With Ely's Cream Halm you are armed
sf&inst Kalul Catarrh and Hay Fever.
.Yearn Cheese 12 1-2
Hlce, .01 1-2 and 05
Tomatoes. 3 for .25 OS
Oysters, 3 cans 25
Arm & Hammer Soda, Sc, 2 for
15, 4 for 25
Arm & Hammer Soda, bulk, 2 1-2
pounds, 10c; 7 pounds 25
Coffee, equal to Arbuckle's 12
l-2c; better 15
Coffee, equal to 30c goo. Is 2
(Samples free).
Hard Wheat Klour, sack, SI. 05;
barrel 4 05
Extra Klour, sack 11.10, a barrel K 25
10 bars Klk Soap 25
Corn Starch, fie; gloss starch.. Oil
Clothespins, lo doz; toothpicks,
box 03
2 Dozen Oranges for 15
Stylish Millinery at lower prices.
Hotter Shoes for ladles.
Hotter Shoes for boys.
Ladles' $1.25 Patent Slippers, 76o.
lilK lot Sample Shoes, all kinds 1-4
Piaster, grain and feed, shingles, etc.
Trade for produce.
if el to ft i
The' expense of running the
HHOHNor'i offioo fcjr the year
1901, for salaries alone, amount
ed to 9 1.9.10. This was the year
In which Held deputies wero
sent out, but (I dom not Include
the eiwt of the present owner
maps, which was a separate ox
potiMO. The expense of running
the olllee for the t'orrespoiidlnK
year of 1D0II, under Assessor
J. K. Nelson, when field depu
ties were again sent out,
amounted to only :i,i:J.fl.r, a
saving, of $l,Lr.7.0!i over the
eorresiuindliiK year I'JOl.Tho cost
of inuUiig the UNrteNsmont for
the I!M1 roll will net e2'Md
fL'.:lili, lis no deputies w'M le
III the Held.
The valuation of extensive
timber tracts, owned by syndi
cates, nnd In fact all corpora
tloim, were largely Increased.
Thirty one thousand acres of
Umber lands that were assess
at l.i't per acre were lust year
listed at Iti.OO per acre and
will lie entered on this year's
roll at the suiiie asaesseil value.
The only difference resulting
from doubling the assessment
of the county In that the levy
is L'O i, j mills Instead of 41
Mr. Nelson has fur many
years been an active member
of the tiratige. He served for
two years as Muster.
CAOTort i y. .
i'li HmJ tou Hau im Bjt;n.
This office was never before better
prepared to do Job work of all kinds
on short notice than It Is right now.
Send In your work.
Cured His Mother of Rheumatism.
"My mother hns been u sufferer for I
tnuny years with rheumatism."
V. II. Howard, of IIiimImuhI, I'n.
times she was unable to move at
all while at all times wnlklnir whs
painful. I presented her with n bot
tle of Clmmherlulu'H 1'iiln Halm and
after a few applications she decid
ed It was the most wonderful pnln
reliever she li ii. 1 ever tried, In fact,
she Ih never without It now and Is at
nil times able to walk. An ocean
loiiiil application of Pnln Halm keeps
nwuy the pain that she was former
ly troubled with." For sale by (i. A.
The Enterprise, $1 60 a year, and worth
tliH money.
Perhaps you like your rray hair; then keep it. Perhaps not
then remember Hall's Hair Renewer always restores color fo
(tray hair. Stops fallinit hair, also. ''"Srr.ZT.rt'JZT'u"
We have removed Into our larger nrjd better ImlldlnK at Main
Twelfth streets. We have added con slderalile new machinery, and
thoroughly equipped to handlo all clnsHo.i of work.
Building and
Saw mill mipplIoH, HhaftlnR, boxes und collars In stock; Jlabhltt Motal low
and high grades; emery stands, swing saw frames nnd hnrhors; pulleys on
hand and made to order. Wo also do a general miiohlno blucksmlthlng
business. Plow shares ground and saws gummed.
First Class Work.
Twelfth nnd Alain Sts.
Here In another mathemati
cal problem and condition for
our Pcmocratlo friends to dis
tort If possible. During the
months of March and April,
thlM year, county warrant to
the amount of $(13.24.70 were
cancelled by the present ad
ministration of Clackamas
county affairs. This total was
itiude up of the warrants for
two mouths as follows: March
l'JS.nori.70, and April t7,'H:7.
Muring the corresiHimlltiK two
months In l:oj, or ilurltiK the
much heralded nnd often mint
ed udmliilHtrutlon of the Ileum
(Tilt Ic Fusion regime, the total
of county warrunts that wero
redeemed wild but $:t7,8.ri'..0D,
apportioned to the two months
as follows: March ).',nHK.lC;
April f:il,M'.l Here Is a dif
ference of $iri,:iti,1.01 In favor of
the present county officers. Of
course, It Is not very much,
but our Democratic friends nro
fond of figures, and wo respect
fully submit these.
! When the Sap Rises
1 Weak lungi should ho careful,
CoiuhM ami colds are dangerous then,
i One Minute Cough Cure cures cough
I and colds uinl gives strength to tho
. Iiiihim. Mrs. (). K. Fetiner, of Marlon,
I IihI., says: "I have suffered with
cough until I run down In weight
! from US to 1 iKiiimls. I tried
i number of remedies to no avail un
I til 1 used (inn Minute Cough Cure,
i Four bottles of this wonderful rem
j city cured me entirely of the cough,
j strengthened my lungs and restored
me to my normal weight, health and
strength." Sold by (I. A. Harding.
Indigestion Causes
Catarrh of the
For many years It has been auppoiad that
Catarrh of the Stomach caused Indigestion
and dyapepua, but the truth Ii eiaclly the
opposlts. Indlfeitlon cauaei catarrh. Re
peated attacks ol Indigestion Inflames the
mucous membranes lining the stomach and
lipoiei the nerves ol the stomach, fhusoau-
j,n' ,ha r'nd 10 r:rels mucin Instead of
Julc ' rutural digestion. Th! Is
1 called Catarrk ol the Stomach.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
relieves all Inflammation of the mucous
membranes lining the stomach, protects the
nerves, snd cures bad bieath, sour risings,
sense ol lullneas after eating, Ind'gestloa,
dyspepsls snd all stomach troubles.
Kodol Digests What You Et
I Make the Stomach Sweet.
Bottles ml. K.fular me. $ I 00. timdirt ?H Mme
Ih. trltl tli.. which t.ili (or SO c.nls.
Prepared by I. 0. D.WITT A CO., Ohlcage, lit
Sol, I l.v ti. A II AKOIN'D. I'r.iugist
Repairing1 of
Prices Hoderate.
Oregon City, Oregon