Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 13, 1904, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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I ...Short Sidehead Stories...
Wsathtr and Politics. WirKliir mid
Politic m" thn bunion ul Jerome. Hart'.
Inter fnun New Yo' lo (hu AtKoniiut
fur Muy th. Mr. Hurt feelingly dn
Merlins the Intensely dlsuaTeenlile weuth
it encountered on thn Journey Mcross thn
continent, miI (linl thn comparison bc
twvrn thn Kitnt and thn West very fav
ornhle to ('aliform. I In devotca much
of hi letter to an account of thn trend
of political matter In the Kant.
Engagement Announced.-Mr. nnd Mia.
T. II. Iliiiikln iinnoiincn thn eiiKi'Vcmcnt
of their diuihter, I.ulu Muy, to Mr.
Ali'mimliT Nli'ol. The wcdillna- will lnka
phire Momtiiy evening, Mny 19. at the
limnn of the hililu'a parent on Molul
lit avenue.
tntertalned the Claee. Krhluy eve-
nln at thn Chase residence, Mine Wis
ner rnlMi laliifil the memhcr of her Him
day Hrhool class. Thn evi-nln waa very
enjoynhly pussed by the yotin Pres
byterians In musi'i and nines that were
followed by refreshment.
New Arrival Passe Away. W. If.
Huvaan, of I'Iu'Imi) un, MUhlaan. a re
cent arrival In OrcRnit City, died Tue.
dny of ahai'raa of thn atomui'h at the
residence of W. A. flardner. Mr. Hav
a had decided to locate In thla illy,
llurlul waa hud here Thuraduy,
A Cur for Pllee.
"I had a bad raao of pllnn." ay
(J. K. Cartur. of Atlanta, (ia., "uml
consulted physician who advised
mo to try box of IK-Wltt'a Witch
lla.ol RhIvh. I purchased a box and
waa mitlndy cnrod. It Is splendid for
plli-M, Klvlnx relief Instantly, and I
heartily recommend It to ail atiffcr
iirn." Oe Witt' Witch Ha.H Halve
Im iiiii'iiuI'(I for Ita tioallnx quail
lloa. ICczema and othnr ikln dlneaHcs,
bIho sores, cut, burn and wound
of vnry kind arc quickly cured by
It. Hold by 0. A. IlardliiK.
Oregon City Won Cam.. In an hilt-real
In (iiinn of baseball at. Canemah
Park Humlay aftt'rnoon, thn local nine
irfnatrd thn Vancouver Imra by a acorn
t 1 In 4. II wna Oregon C'lty'a nme
Aom thn atari, thn Inda from thla city
Antx-kln the visiting- pitcher out of the
Will Olve Recital. Mlaa Imogen Hard
In, who returned recently from Nnw
York City, where ehn line been piirsu
In her musical atuillca. will give a
rnrllul at the Klrst Congregational
Church In thla city Wednesday evening.
May IK. The youn ladle of the Kin'
Iughlera will art a pati onrsse of
thn occasion. Mlaa Harding' friend are
(lad of thla opportunity to heur her,
Matrimonial Bond Severed. After
granting three divorcee Hutnrday after
noon, Julian Mcllrlde adjourned thn April
term of thn ( limit Court. Hlvorce
were (mntnd aa followe: Helen A. Knox
va. frank (. Knox, l.lllln Cm muck va.
Jna. K. Cnrmnck. and Kstclla Hleele va.
Hamufl M. Hteele.
Cut Timber en Neighbor' Land. EN
Holt T. 1'reaton la under arrrat here on
thn churgn of trespassing. Thn partic
ular ofTrnae la claimed to ln the cut
ting of tlmbrr on land bvlonKln to a
limit namd Kranmer, who realdne near
Hi Inn wilier, thla county. A trial of thn
ciotn will on had In the Juallce court
next Tueeduy. The difficulty la believed
to have reaulted from a dlapiitn aa to
thn boundary llnea of the two men'
tolen Bicycle Restored. Chief of Po
lice. Iluina hint K'ldiiy recovered at a
im ul aei und hand alore thn Humbler bt
ryrlu Hint hud been alolen a few dnyl
brfiun fioin A. Hlewurt, of Kulem. The
wheel wita pold hern for It 46 by a youn
fellow who Kite the nniiie of MrAilmna.
No truce of thn thief vna found.
School District Dleorganlied.- Ilerauae
there waa not enouxh puplla to Juatl
fy lla contlnuuni'e, Ulntrlct No. M haa
txttl dlaiiiKunlled by thn Iilatrlet Itoun-
dury lluaril for Cluckamaa county. Thla
dlatrlct la known aa the North 1-o-nn
Dlatrlct, and hue been divided between
dlalrlcta I and 4. There had been con-
dueled no achool In the dlatrlct for moin
than a year. There la pendliiK In-fore
thn iMiumliiry board a petition fur n dla
trlct at Hundy Itlilacn. which la In
Hchool lilxtrlc t No. S'J.
Otficert Heeted.- The Y. I'. H. C. K.
of the Kit "I I'rcehy terlan Church Inat
Hunibiy evtnln elected ttfTlcera fttr thn
eiiaulii yenr aa follow : 1'realtlent,
Mlaa Kiiulc ItttniittUon; vlce-prealtlent,
Mlaa llellii I'lerce; aerrelary, Mlaa Jullit
Muy; tieuauier, John l.uellln:; cotre
aptiiidlu aectetiiry, Mine Klnor Wlllliuna.
Will Form Rooeevelt Club I'etlllona
ate Iteln rlrrulaled atnoti the ltepub
llcana of Ottitoti City for thn oiKfinlla
tlon of a Itepubllcun Club. Otutinlta
tlon will be bad In a few tlnye, and the
club will likely be called the llooeevelt
Republican Club of rein City. The
club, when formed, will lake an active
part In both the Juno and November
campalnne. -
Aeteti Were Limited. After deduct-
In Ihe expenaea of thn uaalKiimetit aa
rei-orted by T. K. Ityan, aaalKnee of thn
: eatulu of Cieo. T. Iluwnrd. a defunct
1 riferymiintaT llila city. JudKe Mcllrlde
htia onli'ied a dlahurnement tf the baJ
' mice of Ihe a "net a of thn ealnte, iimnunt
I In to IIGtti anion llowiiid'a credltora,
wlmae iipiiroved rluline aKK't-Ktite 110.
, 61V 6T. The complrteneaa of Howard'
! fiillure la demotiatnited from thn furt
I that hie numeroua creditor will receive
' but ubout 14 rente on the dollar.
Decoration Day Addre' - Itev. K. B.
Ilolllngcr, ptiator of Ihe Klrxt CiiiiKtea
tlonal Church, haa been choeen by the
U. A. It committee to make the Deco
ration 1 ny BiMrea tt Hhlvrly'a Hull
on Iteroralltm lny, Mny 10. Tlio me
morlul Riindity eierf.ltM'a will bn Ujeld
at thn I'reab) lerluti Church Hundtiy,
May 2i. Itev. K. II. Mlxncll will pieuch
thn Memorial Pay aermon.
Highland Wins Again. The lllKhlnnd
Anaeliull team ib'feuled Ihe Col I on nine
at Collon hint Hutidiiy. the acorn belli
4 lo 3 In favor of thn vlclora. It wna
the beet tnlilhltloti of bnaebnll Ihe peo
ple, of the Interior of thn county have
wltnenaed fur ninny wecka. I'ntll Ihe
Mat hulf of thn flnul ItitilnK. thn acme
Wo 4 to 1 In favor of HlKhlitnd, but
thn Coltonlten took advanttiRe of nn
epenln In thn tomi and actit two men
ver the home plulr.
Will Entertain Ploneere. Thn women
of thn Oregon City Icwla and Clnrk Club
are to entertain thn pioneer of Cluck
atnoa county (Ihtiao who enme to Ore
ton beforn Kebrtmry 14, 1S09) on Krl
dny, Mny 20, at Willamette Hull, from
t to & o'clock p. m. An Intereatln
program la being prepared and a abort
talk will bn expected from each of the
attending pioneer. Hefreahmenla will
be aerved, and thn pioneer of the
county are Invited.
Will Comply With Ordinance. Mr.
Kate L. Newton, arreated under Ihe
provlnlona of a city ordinance .on the
charge of refualng to connect with the
ewer In her dlatrlct. wna nrrnlgncd
In police court Tueadny, and pleaded not
guilty, and by an agreement wire grant
ed thirty day In which to mnko tho
required connection. Thl I the first
caen that hna been brought under tills
ordinance and there wn a dlapoaltlon
to teat the ordinance, but when It was
evident that tho city meant business, the
cue wn amicably adjusted.
Cold fact are strong argu-
' menu. Tho Democrats, In tbe
boat of a county campaign, may
cliarxo tho Republicans with In-
efficiency, JtiKKlIng with flKin-a,
etc., but tho undlHputAd fact
ri'tnaln that the present cotin-
ty odlcer have a credit to their
account for tho year ending.
March 31 laat, of $149,000. Thl
mibxtantlal nm represent thn
work accompllHhod In twelve
month and In made up of the
following Items:
County warrants re- J
deemed $SO,000
Hoad warrants re-
deemed 37,000
Having In expenses of
county 32,000
County Treasurer Cahlll baa
reduced to a minimum the cost
of clerical help In hla depart
meiit, having employed a dep
uty only at luch time a the
work of tho office required.
Thl record la In trlklng con
trast with that of hi Democrat
ic predecessor, who regularly
employed a deputy. Mr. Cahlll
will be re-elected, as be should
be, In the Interest of efficient
and economical administration
of county affairs.
Will Appeal Meteor Case. The at (of
(leys for Kills Hughes, who claims own
ership of the celebrated meteor that
waa dlst'oven-d near thla city liiat win
ter announce that the caae will be ap
pealed to the Supreme Court In the
Interest of their client. At a recent 1
trlul of the caae In the Cluckamaa Coun
ty Circuit Court the Jury returned a
verdict awarding lo the Oregon Iron A
Hteel Com puny the possession of the
meteoric curiosity. The tnetullc mon
ster weighs about fifteen tons, and I
the Urgent meteor that waa ever found
In thn t'nltctl Btutea, and the second
largest In the world. If thn plaintiff In
the raan win out In thn suit, the me
teor will be udiled to the collection at
the I'ortlnnd Museum.
Stats Won the Case. Circuit Judge
Mcllrlde hint Friday grunted a lion- j
suit In fuvor of the defendant In the
suit of Captain Archie lj. Tense agnlnst '
Kt-nent I. Iljimla tit thin eltv thj. fu. I
niiitia fish ladder case. Lust fall I 'ease
brought a ault to enjoin the
building of a lltth ladder at the
Willamette Kails In this city and
to recover 150.000 alleged damages. He
alleged Ihnt thn building of the ladder
would seriously Interfere with hi fish
ing right at the fulls, he claiming the
exclusive right to fish at that place In
the river under and by a reservation tnk-
en by hi father and transferred to him
self by deed. In dismissing the action,
Judge Mcllrlde held that so long aa the
building of an obstruction of the kind
proposed In mid-strenm did not Inter
fern with the nulling by an Individual
from the bunks, then there ex
isted no cause for action. The build
ing of the ladder for which (a recent
session of thn legislature appropriated
t&.OOO will be resumed thl dimmer.
Total $149,000
Tho Democrats have been
clamoring for figures. Horo Is
an Installment for their consid-
eratlon. Aa to their accuracy,
confirmation of tho
amounts can be had by ref-
erenco to tho records at the
court houRO.
Whooping Cough.
"In the spring of 1901 my children
had whopping cough." saya Mrs. D.
W. Capps. of Cappa, Ala. "I used
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy with
the most satisfactory results. I think
this Is the b.st remedy I have ever
seen for whooping cough." This rem
edy keeps the cough loose, lessens
tho severity and frequency of the
coughing spells and counteracts any
tendency toward pneumonia. For sale
by 0. A. Harding.
A Sudden Death N. rhllllp. who ar
rived In the city from Mlchlgnn a short
time ago, died Inst Frldny at St. Vin
cent' Hosplal In Portland, after an op
eration for stomach trouble. Mr. rhll
llp I urvlved by a wjfe and three
children, the eldest of whom, a boy aged
II year, will conduct the store former
ly owned by O. W. Orace, and which was
acquired by Mr. Phillip but a few day
bafor. hi death.
Barclay Won th. Cam.. Tho Parclay
High Hchool basnball nina went after
the Parkplnce aggregation In earnest
lost Friday afternoon and captured the
game by a core of 11 to 7. The week
before th. lad from the north of th.
city cam. nearly convincing th. hlgh
school boy that they did not know
anything; about th. game. At the first
contest th. score was S3 to 7 In favor
of the Porkplac. boy.
Impossible to foresee an accident
JJot Impossible to be prepared for
it Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil Mon
arch over pain.
Married Thirty Year. Mr. and Mr.
Henry Heltkemper, of thn Klkhorn farm
below this city, were surprised and
plensantly reminded Sunday evening of
their thirtieth wedding anniversary. Mr
and Mrs. Frank iluach, of thla city,
were among those present. Other
were: Mr. and Mr. A. U. Townscnd,
of Portland; Mr. J. Neldcrmeler. Mi.
and Mrs. Hen Dresser, all of Portland;
Mis Clara Heltkemper, of Klkhorn, and
Julius Ilrotje, of Ouk Grove. Mr. Frank
Hunch, of thl city, Is a duughter of
Mr. and Mr. Heltkemper.
Two Playful Cubs. Yotingstera and
many older persons were this week en
tertained by the playful antic of two
young bear cub that were temporarily
Imprisoned In the how window at How
ell A Jones' drug store. The youthful
bruin were tho property of a gentleman
lamed Davis, of Omaha, Nebraska, who
purchased the pet from a ettler near
Yuiiulna Hay, as a present for a rela
tive In the Kant, where he expects to
take them.
Company Pay License. The city au
thorities have recolved a check for 11160
from the Oregon Water Power ft Rail
way Company In payment of dullnquent
franchise license aggregating that
amount. Thl response followed a notice
from the city authorities calling the at
tention of tho corporation to It delin
quencies and threatening to take step
that would hnnten an adjustment of
the claim. The original notice sent the
company by order of the city council
called for the payment of license
amounting to $1750, but it wn Investi
gated by the company, which found
that two of the ordinance, carrying li
cense amounting to $600 had been re
pealed. A settlement wo had by the
payment of 11150.
Doesn't Retp.ct Old Age.
It's shameful when youth falls to
show proper respect for old age, but
just the contrary In the case of Dr.
King's New Life Pills. They cut off
majadleg no matter how severe and
irrespective of old age. Dyspepsia,
Jaundice, Fever, Constipation all
yield to this perfect Pill. 25c. at
Charman & Co.'s drug store.
Subscribe for Tbe Enterprise.
Wedded at Clatskanl. Miss I .aura
M. Conyer, formerly of Oregon ICty,
and the youngest daughter of Mr. and
Mi-. W. H. Conyer. of C'latsknnle, wa
wedded lo Mr. Win. F. Meyers ut Clnts
kunle, Sunday afternoon. Mny 8. The
service was performed at the First Meth
odist Church by the pastor In the pres
ence of about 300 friends of the prin
ciples. Mis Hughe, of Clutskanle,
played Mendelssohn' Wedding March
us the bridal party, headed by Mis
Kthclwyn Albright, of Oregon City, a i
multl of honor, entered the church. They
were followed by the bride and groom.
Miss Anna English and Miss Owing
both of Portland, as bridesmaids, attend
ed by Mr. George Conyer. brother of
thn bride, a best man, and Mr. John
Ilrynnt, of Portland. The brido wa giv
en away by her futher. At the conclus
ion of the ceremony, about fifty 01 the
Immediate relatives and friend of the
wedded couple repaired to the Conyer
home, where luncheon wa served. The
bride Is well known to many Oregon C'ty
people as a beautiful and most estima
ble young woman. She ha the very
sincere wishes of many friends for a
life of much happiness. After n short
visit ut Portland, Mr. and Mr Mey
er will reside at Clutskanle, where
the groom I engaged In the general
merchandise business with hi father.
State of Ohio, City of Toledo,
Lucas County.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath thai
he Is senior partner of the firm of
K. J. Cheney & Co., doing businest
in tho City of Toledo, County and
State aforesaid, and that said flf m will
pay the sura of ONE HUNDRED DOL
LARS for each and every case of
Catarrh that cannot be cured by tbe
use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscrib
ed in my presence, this Cth day of
December, A. D. 1886.
(Seal.) Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken inter
nally, and acts directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Send for testimonials free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all druggists, 75 cents.
Take Hall's Family Pills for ooa
Street Car Conductor Electrocuted.
Fred Olson, a street car conductor In
the employ of th. Oregon Water Power
ft Railway Company, received an elcctrio
shook from a live wire at a point on
the Oregon City line near Mllwiukle,
at 12:46 thla morning, and died before
he could be brought to this city f n
medical attention. Olson waa In chart;.
of a train loaded with excursionists re- ,
turning from a dance at Canemah Park.
He was on the trailer when the troli !
ley slipped off and th. car (topped. I
It wa then een that a live wire had !
fallen on th. track. In company with !
For Infant and Children.
Tha Kind You Have Always Bought
Machine Oil For
All Purposes.
QuoU You Prlcf.
Druggists and Booksellers.
Wt Art Sole Agents
(or SKtrwln
Williims Paints.
Cover More and
Last Longer.
Butterick Jcne Patterns now ready. Jane Fashion Sheets Free. June Delinea.
tors 5c. New Mosic Romany Rye, by Paol Japan's Trtamphal March, by
VanrJersloot A few bargains this week In Shopworn and Second-Hand
Cameras and Kodaks.
Subject our Goods and Prices to any test you like.
You'll find our goods the best obtainable and bur
prices never beaten by fair means seldom ever
matched, quality considered. Should you ever
find a price lower than ours let us know we'll
cheerfully 'meet it.
The Drink That
Does Nothing
But Good
Pure soda water, such as
we serve, is the most refresh
ing and healthful beverage
in the world.
To make healthful soda
requires such modern appa
ratus and fountain as we
have, and requires, also, the
use of carefully selected ma
terials such as we use. We
have all the popular bever
ages usually sold and a num
ber of others to be found at
our fountain only.
Bring in Your Thirst
and Let Us Quench It
We have never before got
hold of such a desirable line
of hammocks as this year.
Beautiful combinations of
colors strong, close weaves,
high-grade materials that
will resist weather and wear
Prices run
FROM 75c to $7.
First choosers get the hand
somest ones. Better order
yours put aside now if you
are not ready for it yet
Humorous Books
25c EACH.
Peck's Fun, Peck' Bos Book,
Peck's Bad Boy, Peck' Bad Boy and
HI Pa, Peck' Bad Boy and th.
Grocerymsn, Peck' Sunshine, Peck'
Irish Friend, BUI Nye's Chestnuts,
Forty Llr and Other Lies, Th.
Llm. Kiln Club, Betsy Jan. on
Wheels, A Slow Train Through Ar
kinuw, Sunbeam.
Tttfss f
If you wear a truss or ex-t
pect to wear one you should
know that we offer absolute
satisfaction in fit, in comfort,
in relief and in wearing
A variety of makes of
trusses' always on hand en
ables us to select the right
kind for every case. Our
experience with many cases
has made us expert. Pri
vate room for truss fitting.
Our only charge is a moder
ate one for the truss.
No Charge , v
For Services
Victoi? Talking
Sing Everything
Play Everything
The Victor is so perfect that it is often mistaken
for actual talking and singing, even by persons
accustomed to it. It is as soft and sweet as the
voice of a woman; as full, loud, clear and strong
as that of a man. For the purpose of
Home Amusement
the Victor is a most desirable machine in every
way. It's simple construction and perfect me-
chanism make it easy for any person to operate
without the slightest mechanical knowledge.
Uses Indestftictible Disk Records
The price of the machine is very reasonable.
We sell a very fine machine as low as
$ J 7.50.
Records from 50c to $1.50 according to size.
Costs nothing to listen to one of them. Come
in and bring your friends. :-: :-: :-:
Btffmeiste & Andresen
The Oregon City Jewelers
Bears th.
the ether conductor and th. motorman,
Olson went back to clear th. track.
Ha took hold of th. wire in uch a
way aa to recelr. the full current, and
received a powerful .bock. He wa plac
ed on th. front car and hurried to Tort
land. An ambulance waa telephoned for,
which net th. car upon Ita arrival, but
before th. driv. to St, Vincent' Hoa-
pita) could be made the Injured man
died, In spite of all effort to aave hi
life. Olson wa S5 year of ape, and
had been In the employ of the company
for several year. He wa on. of the
most trusted conductor In the aervlc
and a man of excellent reputation. He
resided at Mllwaukle. Wednesday' Ore-ronlan.
A little life my be sacrificed to
a sudden attack of croup, if yoa
don't bays Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil
on band for tha emergency.
The Enterprise, II it a year, and worth
th. money.