Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 15, 1904, Image 1

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m m Em 11 i l m cm "m. l v -m km " m- mm
i : 7 : i It
Expansion in
Est ate7 Business
It has been apparent for some time that Clackamas County was not receiving
its just share of the immigration flowing into the State. This has come about
largely from the fact that other localities have made special effort, through local or-.
ganizations and in the distribution of literature, to induce and invite newcomers into
their respective counties. Clackamas County has to pay a large sum as its part ot
the appropriation for the Lewis and Clark Fair, and it ought, in all good conscience,
to receive its proportion cf the awards in the way of new settlers to buy up our sur
plus lands, and aid inNthe building up of new industries.
For the purpose of helping myself, and directly and indirectly this great county,! have
opened a real estate ollice in Portland, at 233 Washington Street, Labbe building,
first iloor, and will be open for business on and after April 1st. Capt. James F.bhaw,
late of Hood River, who was associated with the real estate department ot my ottice
some years ago, will have charge of the Portland office, and will be a full partner m
the real estate department of the business, both in Portland and Oregon City. Hav
ing lived many years in Portland, Capt. Shaw has an intimate acquaintance with the
metropolis and its people. From now on we will have special opportunities lor sell
ing real estate left with us. We shall make a specialty of the following properties:
Clackamas County Lands
Oregon City Investments
Gladstone Property
Hood River Fruit & Berry Lands
And shall at all times try and attract capitalists to take advantage of the untold re
sources of this great county. ,We wish to increase our list of farms for sale and can
promise faithful and efficient service, ... . . . .
Would be pleased to have visitors to Portland call and get acquainted with
our plan of selling lands.
The firm name will be
Cliuia'mas County Democrat h
Short on Candldati'H.
Haturdii)' Connntlon Wa Carnival
r Summation d Ifrllnatloii.
Charge HtpuMiciin with All
TIih Ilemo::ralic party of Clackama.
county wa about aa aliort of avadabl
candidate at iU convention in this clt
last Saturday as It will find itself lacking
in vote when the result i determine"
on the eve of June (1. The Deinocralli
thtMiiy that the office should eek the
nun. found very convincing e xireaiun
at the convention Saturday. In fact,
there were two instanced, coroner ami
surveyor, that the limn could not be
loiiiid, and the duly of finding a lecei
lue candidate (or llie'e place was as
dinned the county central committee ol
which t). I). K.by, of Oregon City, waa
w.mnl chairman.
1 t IT A C
Fotwittitmling the Courier's local
and editorial nn-. iii" ihat ii would lie
a cincfi for some Democrat to aucceed
John Hliaver ( r lieriff at the June elec
lion, it wa a d flW.lt matter to find a
candidate who Oe-ir. d l 'ke advantage
of the "sure tii g " K. B. Keaitie,
Beaver Creek ;0. U Kby, Oregon City;
J. K Jack, Oregon City; E D. Hhaw,
Oregon City; and Ernest Ms, Weal
Oregon City, all declined a soon aa their
namea were nientioneil. llia iiy, 01 1
Ely, alao declined hut the convention j
could not consistently accept all of the i
dmdination and at the tame time make
out a ticket. o Ely's request wan ig-1
nored. II. W. Kohler, of Oawego, wa j
nominated ami aa he wai not at the con
vention, tie could not have wiltnirawn
hid name if he had wished to. The bal
lot reunited in Klv'a nomination by the
following vote: Ely, U5j Kohler, 42;
Hhaw. 7.
M. Criswell, a young man of Wilson
ville, wa nominated for cleik over H.
V. Lang, of fWing, the vote being Cris
well, !W; Lang,
II. W. Lang's Irienda were determined
that be should receive tome recognition
Lewin k Clark Exposition 5t
There Mill Al-o.Be A Sanveufr Cofn
Inue. Fair p. ople Are Happy-
Stoat ipprewi Kill.
Main Street, Oregon City, Or
233 Washington Street, Portland, Or
- .. .... . Ulf I CII
I?UlU!.lil A. .Mli.nivtv li
Lari! 'Pillow mid UuimI Office 1 1.
HiiMlncMHii Hpcclnlty jl'.
Will practice in all Courts of the State j V,
Kooui V WcitilmM HHiK.
oj.p Court IIouhc, Oregon City. Oregon
btbact or i-KiiriRTT rt'Niiii.
Oltlca ncx to Oregon CUT EnL ri ri-a.
1 KO. 0. ItlKiWNKI.l.,
Oregon Oily. - " r'R"n
Will practice In all the court of the ttate.
Oltlce in Caulieltl building.
Land Title KJtnilned.
Weed, MorlKane Drawn.
oyrica ovR
Ilaiikol Orenon City.
OHKiioa City, On.
W. B. D'Bea " &'M
Attorneyfl at Law.
, Jlnttfiljcr woltat.
Will practice in all court, make collection
and aettleinenl of Katate.
Kuriitali ahtrcl of title, lend yoil money
anil lend your money on tirst morgan.
Office In Enterprise Building,
Oregon City, Oregon.
lx-V'.:'.'l .. s.1
fill Tinr-It-S-
"rmzrr BH II II
it 1 .......i.;.... . ,iw. ...... f 1 1., -.1 ..... . iint,n.n
11 J (Hi ni-i-ii aulllill ill lliv ny ui iiaiunaiLj wiuiivviv,
kj GlithH-waro or Gianito-ware, I can supply your wants. Call and
' innpoct my Htiick.
K Complete line of new and tecnnd liand FURNITURE carried. Let
V me auiiply you with a houi-e- keciiinn outfit
a' WALL PAPER ol the bent quality and latent etyles at right prices.
t Attention, Here's a Bargain
Alutrart Made. F iaKi leet, l, incii nrat ciast Alamla rope, in one piece, it onerea lor
Money Loaned ' fll aaie at a uarumn lor a low uaj a.
r.i . .
W TH Dfil AD
Main Street, Oregon City.
Attoknky at Law.
Justice of the Peace.
Jagger nidg., Oregon Ct'y
aiaoa CiTT. -
Will oracttce tti V'l the court at th itate. Of
tce. lu CauflaW Uuildlua.
Brunswick House & Restaurant
Newly Furnished Rooms.
Meals at All Hours. Prices Reasonable.
Opposite Suspension Bridge.
Only First Class Restaurant
In Town.
Trvu ivn
VnraUk Alract ofTttle.Loaa Manay.Fora
iMa atarif tran.at Uan.ral
L BaalaMa.
Oregon $ Washington State Fair Victories
Oregon Mala rulr l',)02
l-a-3 on Cock Birds, 6 in Competition
1st on Hen, io in Competition
i-a-3 on l-'ulleta 40 in Competition
nd on. . .Cockerel 71 in Competition
it on pen, 11 in Competition
1st in American Class
Hift won 1 at on pallet the pant S
year. Stock for tale, e(K In aeaaon.
Washington State Fair 1002
We only sent 3 pullets, X ben and I
Cock and won on every entry but one
besides specials, including best pen In
the show. Prizes won iat Cock, 1st
Ilea: 1st and and Pullet; 1st pen.
Exhibition Stork a apaclatty Soma
grand pollet for al. 'rp 3.oo
J. MURROW & SON. Oregon City. Oregon.
Tin-lollowini! 1 lli ticket a named:
Kep.eei.taiivea O. W. Kvan, Ore
Ifim City i Meve llnlcliinaon, Higi'land ;
John W. lxxler, Orenon t;ny.
Sheriir CUa. Ely. Ore.n City.
Cletk M. Cnsaell, Wilwinrille.
Keconler W. H. Lati(f, Borint!.
TrrHHiiier N. F. N'elaon, Hardin
Aiitaor T. K. A. Hellwood, Milwau
kie CoiiiinifBionrt Jamef H. Kilchinic,
Eaiile Creek
huiietinlendent H. (. Starkweatiier,
Surveyor and Coroner To be filled by
County Central Committee.
Well, the Democrat held thair county
convention in tin city Saturday. When
tli. ., mention heuan Hih trnnaaclion at
busineH thete were about 120 ol the 172
ImiviI ilelmatea in attendance. Before
adjournment at :.'10 o'clock in the after
nnnn iliat niiinber had lieeii reduced to
let than 50, (he delegate from Hie coun
try precinct liavinK more important
work to perform than the naminu ol a
county ticket.
0. D. Ety, ol Oregon City, wa chair
man of the convention, and bbirley Buck
and Mori Latourette. both o( Oregon
City, were tbe aecretanea. At the fore
noou legaion the Uatlat committee were
appointed and adjournment wa then
committee were apiwinted and adjourn
taken until 1 o'clock p. m. And then
the programme began. The first num
ber to enliat any particular interest wa
that part of the platform indorsing VV It.
tleatst (or Preaident. Thi wa vigor
oualy otpod but on a vote the para
graph w utinedbyatwotoonevoie.
Briefly stated, the platform charged the
Hepulilican of Clackaioaa county with
everything on earth bu,t doing some act
ual good. The platform made the fol
lowing declaration: That the Renubli
cans of Clackamas re responsible for
the preaent financial condition of the
cnuiitv ; that the county indebtedness
under their administration of affair Ima
h-en increased from 40.000 to over f-tK).
OKI; that while property value have
been more than doubled, the rate of ta
levy remains practically the eame and
none of the county's indebtedness 's h
ing reduced ; that road supervisors ehould
he elected bv direct vole of the people;
that 7') per cent of the road tax should
be expended in the district in will h it is
rained and that rnada when once im
proved should be kept in constant repair
by contract wotk ; that the nest interests
of the bole people of the country and
the Democratic party would beet be
setved by the nomination of W. K.
HearMt for president. An attempt tc
have the KatiBa City platform incorpor
ated in the county declaration of princi
ple was defeated by a decisive vote.
After the wrangling incident to the
adoption of the Hearst plank in the plat
form,.!. P. Loveit, of Oregon City, ad
dressed the convention briefly and poured
oil on the troubled water. He requested
that personal feeling be laid aside and
that the delegate wora narmoniousiy in
the interest of the Democratic party.
Delegates to the state and congres
sional convention were named as lol
lows: E. D. Kellv, J. P. Lovett, E. G
Canfield, Dr. M. C. Strickland, O. D.
Ehy and R. A. Miller, all of Oregon City ;
C. N. Wait, Canby ; O D. Rohbins, Mo.
lalla; J. A. Ridings, Milk Creek; W. H.
Vanghan, Molalla; and T. R. A. Sell
wood, Milwaukie.
Nomination were then asked for rep
resentative. J. J. Cooke, of Oregon City,
was nominated, but Cooke had too much
real estate business to attend to; Shirley
Buck declined as he had just gone into
the newspaper business and could not
Bparethe time; Cha, Rislev also had
reason for not accepting the nomination.
Finally five of the faithful were found
who did not positively decline nd a bal
lot was ordered taken with the following
Muif 1:. W. Evans. Oregon uty, vi;
C K. Wait, Canby, 93; Polk Griohle,
Macksburg, 71; W. W. Jesse. Barlow-,
57' Steve Hutchinson, Highland, 92.
Evan, Wait and Hutchinson were de
..laruil nominated. Shortly before the
convention adjourned C. N. Wait evi
dently suffered an attaca 01 com isei nuu
abruptly declined to run as representa
tive. Then mere was more iruuum.
Some delegate placed J. E. Hedges in
nomination but the Uregon city lawyer
would not stand for it and managed to
persuade the convention to let nitn off,
and in doing o actually encouraged the
delegates by remarking that there was a
chance for the Democrats to elect at least
. n.rt nl the. leBislative ticket. It was
thought this would secure an abundance
of aspirants to fill the vacancy but after
making several enoris, dousi-kbis i-uum
be found who would take the chance.
At last a happy thought occurred to one
of the members of the convention who
took advantage of tbe man being absent,
and named John W. Loder. There was
no one at the convention to take John's
part and tbe nomination went through
,with a whoop. This completed tbe Icgta
lative ticket.
Washington, April 8. At 23 ruinates
! past 1 o'clock Unlay the Hone of Repre
! aentativea, without a rollcall, or even 0
j much a a rising vote, pad the Lewis)
1 and Clark Exposition bill carrying an
'appregste appropriation ol $-173, ODO. Tn
I bill was paused 38 minuter after a episcial
role providing for its consideration wa
. laid before the Houbc, thereby breaking;
j the record of the class of leginliUin thai
always lead to protracted diffusion.
The bill panged in the shiiih form aa re
volted by Tawney' commit'ee on Marct
' In addition to appropriating t-W),-(
00, it authorize tbe coining of $2."0 (KV
i souvenir gold dollars, which virtually
at the convention and he waa then placed : amounts 10 a iota, appropriation m -in
nomination for recorder. Lang was WW. In reality, Congress is animg Port
nominated bv acclamation aftei L. Funk, '""J 'r m'jre """ P!' m hee
ofRedland, 'who waa also named, tmd . h"rei: Chairman lawney.speakingon
declined. One of Lang' acquaintances ! '"'J ' 'wlnA-'Bri A u .. 4 1 r
in the convention announced, aubwquent j ,T',e W'OW f 'or Government
to thVnomiriation of the young man from i holding and ?xbibits i equivalent, un
liorings, thatLarg at a recent election ' "":amHZ " ZTrZ
r.n for some minor office in a strong Re-! ion of between tb)0,000 and 700,fW
publican district, and, while he wa not ', '" Portland txpoeition, because the
elected, managed to cut down the Keput). .Governtnent eJtbiblt has already been
lican majority from 1700 to 49. The dele- aaaembleri at fet. lx)in. and will only re
gut e mentioned the incident, he ex- i iue transportation to Portland, t hereby
plained, merely to call attention to the ! saving that city the cost of assemb,.ug a
success ol Lang as a campaigner. l,'g ; new Government exhibit,
dollars to dough-nuts, however, that the 1 "Friend of the Exposition say that
recent arrival from Multnomah county I 'he amonnt appropriated, 47o,000. will,
will find it the hardeal job heever tackled erect many buildings of the class re
to accomplish any such reduction in the !q'r-l- Tber? i" assurance that any
immense majority Henry Stevens re ?Pce not needed for the Government ei
ceived for the office of recoider two l'lib" wl" to the manugersof
. I . 1." .... . 1 1 r ,1 In. film, i . n aril Ml.a. a.
years ago.
N. F. Nelson, of Hardtng, was tbe
unanimous choice for treasurer.
George Knight, of Canby, was nomin
ated by acclamation for assessor. A few
minutes later, one of the straight tniddle-in-the-road
Dennrata learned that Mr.
Knight bad onlv recently become a con
vert to Ueuiocracy And then there was
something doing. Democratic oratory,
voiced in expre-ave and unmistakable
terms ,was fired into the convention.
Finally Knight's name was withdrawn,
The name ol L W. Robbing was pre
sented but he had the declination fever
aud T. R. A. Sellwood, of Milwaukie,
was nominated.
After J. J. t'ooko had refused to allow
his name to go before the convention for
commissioner, J.mes H. Kitchiog. of
Egle Creek, wa nominated. When
called on for a speech, Kitching said he
did not expect to be elected and his ad
hibits desired. It is believed there will
be much space in theGoveinmen li'd
logs for these uses, and that the Govern
ment buildings will be more numerous
and afford more epace than those to be
erected by the state and corporation."
The passage of tbe bill today remove's!
the 1hI doubt aa to the fate of the Levris
and Clark appropriation. The bili that
l finally agreed upon and signed ny trie
President will carry at least the amoint
contained in tbe bill passed today, ani
may poesibly be increased, .there can,
be no decrease. Any change mast be in,,
the nature of s compromise between the ,
Senate and the House bills. Tbe .two
votes Monday on the bill foreshadowed
the success of tbe amended measure -w
hen it should come before the HdVse,
although it failed to secure the two-tnirde
vote necessary to pass it or niaket it at
privileged measure. Today there wan
no record vote, as the opponents of the .
bill evidently knew from what had taken
place before that the majority of tbe.
mission wa not seriously doubted except u'" " -hh-
tematic work to get eveu the uiodifle.l
'0 yes,
by a few enthusiasts who jelled
you will."
H. G. Starkweather, of Milwaukie,
was placed on the ticket for school super
intendent by m'cUmaiion, and, by the
wy. Starkweather is reaily the only
(Continued in Page 6 )
bill through the House. When the bill,
was tirat introduced it seemed to be'.im
possible to secure its passage, a man
men had declared that they had voted)
the last time for Government aid to ex
positions. The delegation from Portland
Continued on Page Seven.
is the v
Most Important
The manufacturers of Royal Baking
Powder have had forty years of scientific
Every method of bread-and-cake rais
ing has been exhaustively studied in this
country and abroad.
The result is a perfect product in Royal
Baking Powder. There is no substitute
for it. The purity and efficiency of
Royal Baking Powder have been com
mended by the highest authorities.
These facts mean two important
things to all housekeepers:
First: that Royal Baking Powder is
healthful and makes wholesome food.
Second: that Royal Baking Powder
makes food good to taste.