Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1904)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1901 7 AlA J a inn. the rhrs over tin; HifT for the coveted flower K t?i n-ililiiu lowu Into tlir ahvaa below. J uitt f little too far and tilt woman, who, day In dav. neglects to cure tin wntnnnlvitlwMci which wciikrii her is prtatrated iixn a brd of airkorM No woman should trifle with the diat-aara peculiar to her pi. jsr(irct to-day inraii worae con dition to-morrow. Dr. Pierce's I'avorlle lrearrlttlon if a eafe and reliable rrmedy for tlie cure at diaraara peculiarly womanly, It ratab liahra regularity, dries mlcrlilinj( drains, brail itifUuiMiatinn and ulceration aud cures female wrakuraa. "Mr milt, Mit Mary VMet. haa bm Uklii ryr mrUuh.r ami lrtiv-il ifrval twiirai turn wriir Mr. . Wm I'.aita. of Hprlutijtov., Va. "Waa Inwlilnl with If malt wraEnraa, tieavy, hcAHittf iluwil iMlHa, arvrr aln In bar ami hral, nliT a llrfI. wurti itlt frrllna all Ihe tlmr. Trlril all Hit rrntiMir. we imiM hrar oft", toll Ihrv did no (unil. Kluallr wf wrrite u vim 4 ray wife tiiiniuraiiit taUilf favorite Ptr. rrliaiua ' Tixik lu Urtllra. ami la In lrtter health than brfuie In a Imin time We ahall Iwaya re. oiuiiitntl lir I'lnrr'a Kavuilta frr crlillu lu nil wliu nrr Ihna allMrd ' "favorite I'tcwtijiUoii " nuVra weak women strong, ii k women well. Artvpt so auhstitule for tlir tiirdirine which works wnudrrs Ur wrnk woinrn. The Common fariite Medical Adviser, Vh larjje ia;ra, in apr rovrrs, la wnl fret on receipt of twenty oil" oiic-i rni taaipe to puv ripcnse of t: 1 1 i ii n,i. Address Dr. K V. Were- N. V Hehoul Report. Following la the report of school dia trict No. 40. Needy, (or the month end ing March 26. 1IKH. No. of pupil re maining enrolled, 34 ; No. of daya taught, 20; average dally attendance, 81; canes of tardiness, 1, Those who were neither haunt nor tardy during the month are: Kdlth and Clarence Johnson, 1-ena and Johnnie Kummer, Flora, Hpagle, Frieda (Jahler, Nunda Wolfer, Johnnie and (irace Hitter, 1'eter I'rlre, Floaaie anil I ie i liower, AiiKiiat anil Herman Ktuwe, A van, Jeaae, Ida nd Johnnie Kropf, ml Sylvia Millar. T ia heing the laat day of school, ap propriate ex ere I ana were rendered in the afternoon, In Ihe presence of many via itora. In the absence of Howard lirow nell, who for eoma rauae failed to arrive, Itt'ii hmllh, our Juaiice of the peace, de livered an able addreaa. Ho hurt IJiNTiiiR, Teacher. Cheapaat lota in Oregon t'ily for aale. Inquire at la a Kntwrpriee ofllqe. Oot. I tf Oregon lit Market Kepart. (Corns'ttid Weekly.) Wheat No. 1,75 too 00c per huahel. Klour Valley, M 4D lr hbl. Hard wheat H.IK). 1'ortland, fl.lo per aack ; lloward'a Heat, $1.(15 per aack. Oata in aucka,$l.ll) per cental. Hay Timothy, baled, l4tf$15 per ton; clover, $10 oat, $11; mixed hay, (11 ; cheat. Milletiill'a llran, $111.00 per ton. horta, I'.'l W per ton ; chop, $11). 00 per ton, harluy, rolled, fL'A.OO per ton. I'otatoeit H5c to $1 00 tier tai k. F.;g Oregon, lfic to l()c perdoten. Hotter Kaiicti, 50c. ; aeparator, tlOc. ; creamery, Kc. Oregon oniona, $2 to $2.50 per cwt. Ilrinl applea.Oc to 7c per l. i'riinei, (dried) petite, 3c per lb; Ital ian, lare, Dc per lb. medium, 3,luc ; Kilver. 4,'. Cahliage, California, '2c. Applea, 75c to 85e. 1'aillillowur, 40c to 80o ier dozen. Slock carruta, eai keil, 50 cent. ('I'lery 05c per doien. Dreaaed ctiicktum, 12,0 per lb. LIvi'Hlork and droMaed meats; heel, live, $4 00 to $4.25 per hundred. Iloga, livc-ljg to fi eta; hoga, dreawd, ti'u to 7c; heep, $3 50 ;r head; dreaned, Gc; veal, drenaed. 7C to He; lamha, live, (2.50 per head ; lamba, dreoaud, 0c. Cet rhem Cleaned and Pressed. and aave buying new clothes. We call and deliver all clothes. Ladies' dress skirts a specialty. :-: :-: Glactrtc Hotel Cleaning Prualng Parlors. Phone No. 381. Oregon City, Or. Thousand Hare Kidney Trouble and Don't Know It Bow To Find Oot. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let It stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or set tling Indicates an , unhealthy condl Hon of the kid neys; If It stains your linen It Is evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass It or pain in the back Is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order. What to Do. Thero Is ccrr.f-rt !n tli knowlrdga M often expressed, llut Lr. I'.llnier'a Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fuliiils every wish In curing rheumatism, pain In Ihe back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every pait of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability to hold water and scalding pain In passing It, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes (hat unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It stands the highest for Its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should hare the best. Sold by drugglata In 50c. and $1. sites. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery- ana a ooua. ini iu r -"r A .3 more about it, notn aent absolutely frea by mall. address Dr. Kilmer at Baaaafiwi Co., Blnghamton, N. Y. Vhen writing m taon rwauiiif aia sasastwaa awer si ias papas ' UW t0" f"r L llff woman who re -aaWj n ami tinrllnhl. Wentliiir cool and damp lu wkIiihrh. Ilitula the record of the olilwit iiiokm liai'k. Ho wo don't know who to growl at an Hid wimtlier clirk la nut ilonu for onre In dainpiii-iis dmi't ai'6 him auy Imlow thn avi-ratrti aa la ginii'mlly the rail) in bin riipiiria. Uarlluld (Irangn met tha 2mh. The literary coulxHt " decided in favor of the blue rinlHHI aide, tin whllit limtdng hv 5 points, roiiiona Orange In to be hrld the 13th of April at the Uarlluld Orange hall. Kmul HiifTinan was given a farewidl party at Mra. i'aliiuinKi's by his many friends. Konm 40 came to abow their go'id will to him and eat oyatxra aud cake prepared by Mrs. W, I'. HiiulrHiia. All Mport a gixnl time. Mr. Ilull'man goes to attend a Utrm at the 1'ortland liuHitiiiaa CollegM. His liiaur friends w mil biin success. Ira and Horace Davis left for Kaaleru Oregon to spend tha auinmer. Tlmy are nice young men and we are loth to have them go aa we will nilna thoin in our nunday school aud (iratiga. Our Oiaiignra were much surprised at hearing of the marriage of one of ita members and was st loaa for a time to account for llieui taking the stepiill they thought of there not being a leap year fur 7 years putt thttn it dawned 011 the mind the party did not want to run the ntk of another 7 year wait for an oppor tunity. All join In well wiahes to both concerned aud may their sorrows be little one. One of our neighbors ia contemplating leaving os eoon. Wa are loth to looe good nelghhora such as he ia. You will hear w ho later on. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas have moved on to the John Tracy place to live, Mr. T. moving to his new home at F.atacada. Louis Palmateer Is going to Douglas, Kaatern Oregon soon. Mr. Duncan and family will farm the J. W, I'alinaleer farm in his absence. I gums politics are frosen up or drowned out or like the ground bog gone lisi'K lu Its den and let It rain fur Its awful still. P. H. Tell the weather clerk we are all ready fur nice weather now ao please send it along and we won't growl if we lo sweat a little as we follow the plow and harrow. We are ready to let up if he will just send on tne fair weather. Wm. Outfield's child la Improving. His mother ia up canug for it. The panther was run off acroaa the Clackamas river by Mr. Linn's dogs. No one got even a shot at the vermin. He was a large one and did not take to a tree. out: WAX OIT, Itealdenta of Oregon Vliy Are Nkown tlie Vy. Only one wav to cure a bad hack. Liniment and plaatera may relieve It; Tmty won't cure it. llackache means nick kidneys. 1 loan's Kidney Fills cure all kidney lie. Head a cae of it: Mrs. J. I. Kennedv, who residue at 7N0 CorU'tt St., 1'ortland. aaya: "I have been alllicted with kidney trouble for thirty years, and for the paat twenty years I have never been entirely free from it in aome form or other. I sufTer- t'd terribly from backache and could iianlly sloop over snu gel up again. Trouble from the kidney aacreiiona ex isted. Atliinna I a as greatly bloated, my feet swelled to twice their natural size, and I wan seldom without a planter on my ba k toeaaethe pain. I doctored a great deal and uncd more medicine than any one person could carry. 1 had read so much alout Doan's Kidney Fills that I concluded to give them a trial and got a box. I wan a good ubiect with a cane of such longstanding, anil I thought if thev bellied me 1 could aafely recom mend them to others. I lined them faith fully and tlie results were Hatinfactory in every way. Doan's Kidney Filla are a wonder. They did me more good than any other remedy I ever uaed." Plenty more proof like this from Ore gon City people. Call at C. O. Hunt ley's drug atore and ana wnat ins cus tomers report . For sale bv all dealers, i'rice 50 cents. Foter-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. sole agents for the United Slates. Kemember the name loan s and take no other. WHO WILL CLACKAMAS 81T10KT! Coiigrfsnioiial Situation In First Din- trlct Is Iiilcreating. With the date for the Republican pri maries fixed for Saturday, April 2, little merest lias thus far been manileeted lu the outcome. 1 resent indications are that all ot the present county ollicers, who are Republicans and serving their II rat term, will be renominated, without opposiuou, lor a second term, inree legialative candidates ate to ue named aud for these places there will likely be aome contests. bo far as the Congressional situation is concerned, Clackamas county occupies rather a unique place in the tirst district. The complexion of the delegition to the congressional convention from this county can hardly be foretold. But it is tlie general opinion in Oregon City that while the delegation may be favorable to l.iowneil, il be ehould be a candidate for the uuiuuiatiun, still the delegama from this county, in a contest between Her mann aud Harris, will probably support the present Congressman aa against the Lane countv man although Clackamas cjiinty really prefers a new man. This cuuuty a year ago plainly indicated this by giving Kennies a majority, but rather than endorse Harris or any 01 me rival caudidates for the nomination at Ku Clackamas countv electors are de sirous of an entirely new man. It is the belief of some that there are men in the district, other than Heimann and Har ris, who are possessed of the qualifica tions that would entitle them to a Beat in Congress. We will sell yon fish poles from 5c to $5.00 and guarantee to you if you cannot catch Hnh, it is your own fault. WIL SON 4 COOKE. BaUsnbe far tt ataaypriM. MIMIK ATllUf.TIONS S1XLKKD. ( IiiiuIhii(iiii Management l'cimlng a Mnmg I'rngruiiiiiiii. , Thn management of the Willamette Valley ClimilaiHiiu AHUH'iaiinii In buny liming attractions and entertaining lec turers fur the annual meeting next July, nays the Oregon Oily eiirrenHjudent. to the Oregonlan. In addition to the at tiaciiona alrendy annoil ired, a number of equally merit'irioun features have been secured. Mrs. Kllen It. Miller, of Fort land, will have cha ge of the Hrhoul of Domestic Huieucn that will be established on the grnundn while the crowning feat ure for tlie women will he the lectures and talks by Mrs. Marian A. White, of Chicago. Mrs. White is the editor of the Fine Arts Journal and is secretary of the Society of Associated Arts. Mrs. While will bo heard in two lectures, aa follows: "American Art and Artiste at Home and Abroad." and "Our Patriot Painters of the West." In addition to the two lectures she will give ten short talks to clanaes in the forenoon, that will lie held at a tent especially erected for this feature of the Chautauqua pro gramme. The management believes that these two attractions will satisfy the Women's (Jlubs of the state and give the members an opitortunity of cuiuing in .contact with two bright women of national reputation, Herbert ilashford, of San Francisco, poet and journalist, has been engaged for one and probably three lectures. Mr. ilasbford is a lecturer of great ability and his poems have received much com plimentary mention. Mrs. Har'istt Col burn Saunderson, of Seattle, has been engaged as physical director and instruc tor in elocution. Mrs, Saunderson was similarly employed last year. The mus ical programme will this year be in charge of Prof. M. E. Robinaon since Mrs. Walter Reed, of Portland, finds that it will be impossible for her to act In this capacity aa she ao satisfactorily did last season. It is the purpose of Prof. Robinaon during the Chautauqua meeting to preeent two sacred cantatas, "Queen Esther" and "Belehazasr." In presenting these musical compositions, the director will be assisted by a large chorus while the leading paita will be aaaigned prominent singers of Astoria, Portland and other Willamette Valley cities. Ordinary household accidents have no terrors when there's a bottle of Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil in the medicine chest. Heals burns, cuts, bruises, sprains. Instant relief. . WILSON 4 COOKE are agents for the celebrated Sharpies Cream Separator. Call and see it work. (JOSVltT LAHOIt ON HltiUHAY Oood Koad Will Be Built Between Prison and Reform School. Salkm, Ore., March i'l. A force of IS convicts snd lour teams begin this week in the construction of a permanent high way between the Oregon Penitentiary and the Reform School. This work was authorised by an ai t of the legislature of 1003, but It has not been convenient heretofore to begin work. Marion 1 ounty ia required, by the terms of the act, to provide all the tools and imple ments, and farmers along the road will voluntarily contribute considerable la bor. Before the raina begin next Fall, there will be a flrnt-class highway con necting the Reform School with the city and with the other state institutions here. The road to the Reform School has alwrya been a poor one in Wiuter becanse of its location in low land. For most of the dintanoe, five miles, the road ia over cement gravel, and is therefore solid. Oood road-building material ia plentiful and near at hand, ao that the cost of constructing the highway will be comparatively low. Building a grade, so as to get the roadway up out of the water, will be the principal work, tor a short distance where the road is over a clay soil, gravel munt be hauled in wagona from nearby creeks. Two purposes are to be accomplished by the construction of this road. The practicality 01 using convict laoor on the highwai-t will be tested, and a good road will be secured where a large por tion of the travel is state teams. A good permanent road has has already been constructed from the prison to the asy lum farm and further work will be later done so as to complete the road to the asylum and unite school. uile the improvements will be made for the bene fit of the state institutions, the work will also be of benefit to persona living in tbe vicinity. For that reason Marion county furninhes the services of a civil engineer, supplies all tools, and farmers contribute labor. Ti' thn little colds that Brow Into na nnlila- the biir colds that end in consu mo tion and death. Watch tbe little colds. Dr. Woods Norway fine byrup. WILSON 4 COOKE are familiar with tbe kind of fishing tackle yoa want to buy for this season of the year. Miss Daisy Dontbit snd L. Farr were married by Rev. McVickera Wednesday evening at their home, corner of Fourth and Center Btreets, on the bill. Tbe groom was attended by his brother Ross, as beet msn, while Miss Viola Farr, a sister of the groom, served aa brides maid. Tlie bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Douthit and the groom has for some time been in the employ of C. A. Albright. May their lile be a happy and propperous one. IT-.- Bnn,1av will Ha annrnnrlatalv iJHniui ..... " t r ' observed at tbe First Congregational Ctllircn. Al a. mere win im a i.ioo .. .. 1 t : . 11 service, tneme oeing - .ownero ui uiu. Communion sorvices will belheld at 10:30 .n ill. nvuninir a nmiRA serviee of Mil, j 1 " - - , r - specially prepared Easter munic will be rendered ny me cnoir. ounuay pcuuui -.1 rn.luavnr Slv Inttf mcMtinLTM will he nun 1,11'"-"" - . .. r ..... held at the usual hours. The choir will be composed of the following named singers: sopranos; Mrs. Nellie Anderson, Myitle Buchanan, June Charman, Mrs. 11 A Huinr kin Mark. Hilda McOet- chie, Amy Thomas ;altoa, Edith Cbeney, Iva Gordon, Kate Mark, Mrs. M. Mark ; tenors, V. A. cnaee, u. a. iieims, . ii Mark, F. A. Sleight; bars, Dr. T. E 1, T II.!. I 1 ftnaka U V praru, n ' 1 1 - 1 -- Woodward; organist and director, Echo bam son. f Your Doctor's Judgment In time of sickness, what a comforting .reliance you always place - upon the doctor's judgement". How implicit is your faith in the care and exactness with which -he writes the prescription. But have you thought of the large amount of carefulness and honesty nec essary for the druggist who furnishes what he prescribes? Our prescription department is a model of exactness and care. Get your physician's advice and bring all your prescriptions here. What's the use of Experimenting With this, that or the other roach and bedbug destroyer when Roachine will exterminate the pest with a jiertainty that will leave no roach or insect to tell the tale. 25c a pint; 50c a quart or $1.50 per gallon. RELIABLE DRUGGISTS CHAMBERS HOWELL Nasal ft HTfl nnii UH I Alt II II f&Mft In all Its stagaa, Ely's Cream Balm sasansoa, soothaa and heals IBs diseased membrane. B eons caUrrh and drives away a cold In tha baad arirklr. raaun Balm Is placed Into tht nostras, iprasas S9 the saembrans and U absorbed. Belief Is la BMilat and a ear follows. It Is not drying does at nroduea maeslnr. Lare8iae.5aaenUatDnig- fiSja or by null; Trial Slat, 10 ceo la. ELY BHOTHEBS, M Wtms Burnt, Vtm Teak Colton .T A rniiAlla m-ill take hia dpnartllrA i v. -- - . ' r.. - - a few days for Miller's Sands, where be has employment duung tne nshinK sea son. Press Ronnpv haa been ioiDrovinir Jia ranch with a new plank (enca. A R (Vinntrvman has also been mak ing improvements in the wav of fencing. u,.l.n.l xhwiil in Hiatrli-t R2 laat Fiidav with a basket social in the eveuing for the improvement of the schoolbouse. An interesting, programme was well ren dered. Little Lilly Carlson, who recited "Kouody't cnua," aeserves especial mention. Howard Browned gave us an interesting spiel on education, which was Iwudly applauded. Tbe proceeds re ..lairuil frim (Iib hai-kpt aula ware US 37. The young folks then eoon cleared the ball o! beucties, cuairs, eic, ana uanceu till l.mai I Havlipht. and we are nroud to note the boys utterly failed lo get full, on UOUEe, Uiuua Uf uiauiuuii. Little Writiht, who baa been quite sick, e are pleased to learn ia much better. II. mim. am heainntnir tn ahnw their ribs quite plainly. If tbia lovely spring weattier continues many mure uiuiuun, poles will be in demand to atretch cow hides on. P.rl Hirnmuroan. hn haa a fine little 4wwn 1 IZ milna frnni Cllltnil. killed a chicken last week that had a lump of -i , i ii i gold in Its craw me siw oi a pea. n uy go to Ogle Creek and get lost in tbe snow snd almost starve wnen mere i pom iu the midst of civilization to be picked ap by the chickens. Ilenrv Ginther ot Bhubel was in Colton last Friday. Vntl.ln.r hnt a fan hnhhlea down the muddy canal to show where the last team and wagon went ouioi eigm. M. PUrlf and family of Willamette. are visiting Mrs. Clark's parents, Mr. ana airs, runups oi our our-. Lawn mowers and garden tools at WILSON A COOKE. Christian Sctenca. First Church of Christ Scientists, Garde building, corner Seventh and Main Btreets, Sunday at 11 a. m. Sub ject, "Are Sin, Disease and Death Keal?" Children's Sunday school meets at 10 a. ni. Testimonial meeting Wednesday evening at 7:45 o'clock. Heading room Is open Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days from 2 to 4 p. m. i We carry all the different styles of OLIVER FLOWS and extras, at the same price you will have to pay in Portland. afiiana A Tooth Brush Howell (L Jotie OREGON CITY F. S. BAKER PROP. WILLAMETTE GROCERY MILES & McGLASHAN, Props. $4.10 Bbl. Walla Walla Flour $4.25 Bbl. Marvel Hard Whaat Flour 10 Cents Can Best Cream 20 Cents Pkg. Olympia Pan Cake Flour 45 Cents Can Saratoga Dripg. 15 Cents Pound Costa Rica offee 35 Cents 11. & M. Blend Extra Fine Wa handle a full line of Fruits Mining Stock For Sale. The Oregon and Alaska Molybde num Mining: Company, of Oregon City, has placed $3000 of its treasury stock on the market to be sold at par, or 25 cents per share, to aid in developing ita molybdenum mine, situated near Skagway in Alaska. The management are conSdent that this sum in sddition to a like amount already spent for that purpose, will carry the development to a point which will as sure the practical working of the mine. Stock mav be procured at the above price from V. K. Hyde, in the Barclay Building, Oregon City. If you want to get tbe news, all the news, fully and reliably reported, daring the campaign, yoa should sign for tbe Enterprise. We are making a special rata of 25 cent from now nntil after tbe Jane election. mmm Should stand long, hard and constant wear. We have that kind the kind that lasts almost forever and also a kind that gives excellent satisfaction and sella for lees money. We have also a great variety of tooth washes and powders at various prices. Our toilet department has in it everything that is needed for furnishing the bureau. : It is Quality, not the Price, That Is High We know quality is of first importance in drug store goods and all of your purchases at our store will prove to you that we have this knowledge of the importance of quality. We do business on this basis and if you ap preciate quality, come or send to us. art LINN E. JONES PLANING MILL All kinds of Building Material, Sash, Doors Moulding, Etc. - - OREGON CITY, ORE. It will Profit m to see me when in need of Lettering or Sign Fainting. Elaborate Shading Pen Work on Cards. (Shading Pea Artist and Teacher) Also house painting, Paper hang ing, Varnishing and Kalsomining. Leave orders at Cr amer & Frey tag's cigar store. S.N.TANZER SOMETHING for NOTHING Naturally induces trade. We do not do business on that basis but do give value re ceived for every cent you spend at our store. Here are some bargains: 3-lb can Brandenstein'B Mocha and Java coffee . . $1.00 .50 .12 .15 .50 5 lbs Brandenstein's Caro- head Rice Good brand bulk Coffee, per pound Green Java Coffee, per lb. . Fine bulk Syrup, per gallon A full line of the very best in the grocery line at The ELECTRIC Grocery D, M. KLEMSEN, Prop. Main Street next to Albright's Market OASTOHIA. fcgiatua sf