Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1904)
I OREGON CITY KNTERl'HISE, FRIDAY APRIL 1, 1901. Tlie Siici list t ..iiihIh- Sm-iHlistK meet mil make arrange ments to nominate a county ticket. . Okmios City. March 12. W4 The meeting was called lo oider by W 1". jieatd, eotintv chairman, mid the billow ing was adopted lor i lie afternoon g,'rHon ; 1-1. Reading ot minutes of the last 2.1. Reports on organii.ition. 3d.. Paper on organisation. 4th. County Convention. 5ih. tte paper and propaganda work. Tlie meeting adjourned to meet at one p. ru and was called to order at 1:S0 by the chairman. The minutes of last meeting were rend nd approved. W. D. Hill reported the signatures for a charter for the- organisation of a local In Beaver Creek precinct. K. K. Bratton reported the Mine for Harlow precinct and . Friedrtcks gave a like report for New Era precinct. F. M. Mathews reported for the Mackslmrg local. C. Hilton reported for the Needy local. A. Luelling re poited for Oregon City. Favorable report were receive! from other precincta and more orgauiaatioua will be effected ;oon. A paper on manner of organisation was read by Robert toother. A motion carried that a convention of all Socialist of Clackamas county, be called at Oregon City, April 9th, liXM, for the purpose of nominating a county Socialist ticket and to transact such other business as may properly come before th convention. All members of locals in good standing are to be voting dele ga'es of the convention. The subjects of State Paper and Prop aganda Work was taken up and W. W. Meyers took subscriptions for the "Real Issue." , A number of methods of propaganda were discussed. The Oregon Citv local was authorized to publish the call and secure a hall for the conntv convention. W W. M-yera was elected to secure a column from" the Courier for the use of the Socialists, and to be editor of the same. C. E. Spence was elected to secure a column fronl the Oregon City Enterprise and edit the same. Meeting adjourned. Wm. Bkabd, Chairman. C. E.'f pence, Secretary. We hope that the Socialists of the countv will all be present at the conven tion and help complete the organintion in a systematic manner. Nothing can be gained by letting' things drift along; we must get in and rui-tle and show that we believe in our own principles. Le' every Socialist become active and not leave all the work f r a few. If we show that we are in earnest in this nutter it will aid in convincing others that we are right. Come to the convention and be come a member and have a vote in the selection of our ticket. The following is an extract trora a cir cular issued b the National Committee of the Socialist Party and explains itself. WHY SOCIALISTS PAT Dl'ES. The Socialist Party, being a party of. by and for the wage-working class, and those in eympaihy with it, proceeds upon the theory that the workers, as a class, must emancipate themselves from wage slavery, and must consequently develop tbeir own capacity for this great purpose. Heni-e, while welcoming all assistance from individuals of other classes who are in svmpnthv with its objects and aims, the Socialist Party relies first, last, and all the time, on the working class for its support poiiicdy and oherwiee. Not being a paternal organization, the means for the party's maintenance mut coim almo-t wholly from the rank and file of th organization. Experience having demonstrated that the party cannot trust to luck in the con duct of its affairs, nor rely upon haphaz ard donations for it9 revenues. It has established the dues-paying system which is in vogue in the party through out the world. PRINCIPLE OP THE DL'ES-PAYLVO 6TSTEM The following propositions will illus trate the reason for a dues-paying system : 1. Tne Socialist Party may be called the family of the working class. 2. A family, in order to live (undet the competitive system), must have finan cial support. 3. The family necessarily relies upoD its members for support. 4. It is the plain duty of all able-bod ied members of the family to contribute their share toward its maintenance. 5. As a matter of justice, and nor charity, all sick, unemployed or other wise incapacitated members of the fam ily are excused from this obligation. 6. No humiliation should be felt b) those of the family so crippled. But it li the duly of all the other member of the family to provide for them, and the rule of the family is that they should do so, or leave the bouse. The woraingtnan who can and will not help sustain the working class in its fight against against capitalism is a useless freight dragging his comrades back un der the wheels of capitalism. CONCLUSION. The principle objections to the dues paying system come from outside the large cities, where there is little, if any industrial organization, and where the concept of 'he movement is more "ideal" than irictlCil. The objections are m t sentimental than logical, being based or a "mistaken" principle. We must no' forget that we are living nnder the com petitive system, and that pending Its abolition our movement requires funds for its support from its members: tha we must have system for this purpose; and that dependence on "philanthro pists" and "voluntary subscriptions" alone tends to demoralize, rather than to strengthen, the party. The emancipa tion of the working clas.s must rest with the working class, who mmt devise their own ways and means for the purpose. And this is why Socialists pay dues. Remember the Socialist convention in Oregon City, April 9, l'J04. C. E. Spence. Eczema, scald head, hives, itchiness of the -skin of any sort, instantly re lieved, permanently cured. Doan's Oint ' ment. At any drug store. Utah Land l'!a-ter. W. A. Holmes at the Parkplace Cash fitore will have a car of Genuine Kepbi Land Plaetei direct from Utah at Port land price with freight added. Single ack 75c, 100 pounds eacb. W. A. Holmes, General Merchant. Legal Notices. j .'Vitls'v lo 4'rtMillorw. ! Notice is hereby given Unit the under ' signed hss been' iluly appointed by tne County Court ot the Sla:e of Or gen, i County of C ack itnas. executor ol the estate ! ot Juliet K. lrullinger deceaed. All per ! sons having claims against said estate are ' i. ......... ....I ,1,1.,,, iil Iirilin ,T-i'M',t .n-.ri'i i.. i, ... .... properly vert He'll, a by law required at the office of r iii n - Schuehel in Oregon City, Oregon, within six month from the dale hereol lated this ISth ilav of March hs- KDW I'X A. HOWARD. Execntorof Ihe estate of Juliet F. Trull- inger deceased. I'KKX A SCHCKUEL, Attorneys lor Executor. KinniMN. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Ore gon, for the County of Clackamas. Francclia C. Varney, Plaintiff,! T. Elwood 0. Varney, Defendant.) To Elwood 0. Varney, defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tilel against you in the above entitled suit, within six weeks from the date of the first pohlicat on of tins -uiiinion, which lime expires on the Htn dav of May, l!W. and if you so fail to ap pear and answer, the plaiiititl will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in the complaint, lowit: A decree dissolving the bonds ot matrimony existing between plaititid and defendant, to resume her former name of Franceha C. Marks, and for such other and further n lie! as to the Court may seem jut and equitable. This summons ia published by order of Thos. A. McBride.Judgeot the Circuit Court ot the Stale of Oregon for County ot Clackamas, dated March 20, 1;104. Date of first publication, April 1, 1004; and date of last publication, Mav 13. p.s.4. W. H. POWELL, Attorney for I'laintitl. police lor Publleatloa. Timber Land, Act June 3, 18TS. United States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, March 8th, 1004. Notici is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions ol the act ol Cot gress of June 3. 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of timoer Innds in the States ot California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Terri lory," as extended to all the Public Land Stales by act ol August 4. lSiC, Ah x Beck, ol Kstaeada, county ot Clackamas, State of Oregon, lias this day tiled in this ollice Ins sworn statement No. KITS, lor t'te purchase ol the S W; of Sectim No. 21 in Township No. 4, S, Range No. 5. E, and will oiler proof to show that the land sougiil Is more valuable for its timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, ami to establish his i lai in t') said land before tne Register and Receive r ot this ollice at Oregon City, Ore gon, on Friday, the 10TH DAV OF JUNE, 1014. He names as witnesses: Julius C. Burke, of I'ori land, Oregon ; Ed Burke, of Purt land, Oregon; Robert Louden, of Portland, Oregon; James Miller, Portland, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-discribed lands are requested to tile their claims in thisnfttce on or before said 10th dav of June, ltnu ALGERNON 8. DRESSER, Register Notice for Fubllcatloa. (Timber Land Act, June 3, 1873 ) II. S. Land Ollice, Oregon Citv, ) March 10, 11)04 f Notice is hereby given that In com pliance with the provisions of the act of congress ol June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the rale of timber lands in the dates of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public land states by Act of Au gust 4, lsy2. James B. Young, ol Portland, county ot Multnomah, state if Oregon, has this day filed in this ollice his sworn statement No. ho"0, forth" purchase of the n.1 of nwjj of sec. No. 8, in township No. 0 s, range 3 e, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, ami to establish his claim to said laud before the regibtfr and receiver of this ollice at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, the !0th day of June, 1904. He names as witnesses: Clementine C. Crow, of Molslla, Oregon ; Frank Pa old, of Molalla. Oregon ; Alfred Pasold, jf Molalla, O egon ; Frank A. Pierson, of Vlolalla, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this of fice on or before said 10th day of June, 1964. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. Notice lor Publication. (Timber Land Act, June 3, 1878.) United Slates Land Ollice, I Oregon City. Ore., March 14. 1904.) Notice Is hereby given that in compliance ith the provisions of the act ol congress Of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale it timoer lands in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Terri ory," as extended to all the public land tstes by act of August 4, lsff, August E. Speriing, of Portland, county of Multno nan, state of Oregon, has this day tiled in this ollice his sworn sta ernent No. K'M, fur the purchase of thewjot 'A f section No. 17, in township No. 2 south, range No. 7 e., and will otter proof to show tbat the lind sought is more valuable lor its timoer r nt tie than for agricultural purposes, and o establish his claim to said land before the register and receiver of tins ollice at Oregon City, Oregon, on Ihursday, the Hitb lay of June, 1904. He names as witnesses: Joseph L. Ma ,'erl, Henrv A. vlatitz, James J. Brown, A. B. Lindquist, all of Portland, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely he ahove described lands are requeued to tile their claims ir this ollice on or before -aid lh day ot Jnne, 1901. ALGERNON H. DRESSER, Register. police lor Publication. (Timber Land Act, June 3, 1878.) Lnited Stales Land Oltioe, I Oregon City, Ore., March 14, 1901 f Notice Is hereby given that in compli ance w ith the provisions of the act of con gress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for 'he sale of timber laud in the states of Cali fornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public land states by act of August 4, U')2, Joseph L. Mayerl, ol Portland, county of Multno mab, state of Oregon, has this day tiled in this office Ins sworn statement No. fJ83, for the purchase of the w of wj, of section No. 17, in township No. 2 b, range No. 7 e, and will oiler proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish bis claim to said land before the register and receiver of Ibis office at Ore gon City. Oregon, on Thursday, the l'Jtb day of June, 1'sM. He names as witnesses: August E. Sper ling, Henry A. MatiU, James J. Brown, A. B. Lindquist. all of Portland. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to tils their claims in this office on or before said Kith day of Jane, 1904. ALGER ON S. DRESSER, 41 arch 2o. Register. ."tl' lor Publication. Timber Land, Act Jnne It, IS7S, I'liiied Stales Land Office, 1 Oregon t'ily. Ore., Feb. 11. PM , Xotice is nereb given that in coni It ance with fie provisions of the ait of con gress of J uiii ,1, 1S7S1, entitled "An aol tor tlie snle ol tiinhrr Isnds in the shite ot t'tlilT ia, O i gnu, Nevada am. Washing ton I'errilory," as extended to sll fie pub lic land stairs by sci ol August 4, IS9.', Angus Mrl'lira, of Portland, county of Multnomah, stale i f Oregon, has this liny tiled In this ottice his sworn slaletiient No. tvliil, tor Ills purchase ot the nr4 ot section N,. 13, in township No. '-' soiuti, ramie No 7 east, and will oiler proof to show that the laud sought is more valtiahle (or lis timher or stone than lor tg rbultural purposes, and lo estatdisli his claim to said land helore the register and receiver ot this offie at Oregon City. Or gon, on Friday tlie tith day uf May, L4 He t, aoies s witnesses:' Chas." Osborn, Robert Osborn, A. Jones, D. McDonald, all of Portland, Oregon, Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lauds are requested to tile their claims in this office on or before said bih dav of Mav, I'MH. ALGERNON 8. DRESSER. Kegisier, Treasurers Sutler. I now have money to pay County war rants eudotsed prior to Nov. l'.'th, l'.HH. Interest will cease on such warrants on the date of this notice, Oregoti City, Oregon, April 1st, 1904. F.nos Cahii.L, Trea. of Clackamas Co., Oregon. poller for rubllrutloB Timber Land, Act June 3, 1S7S. United Stales Land Ollice, Oregon City, Oiegou, Feb. 19, 1904. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the net of Congress of June 3, 1873. entitled "An act tor the sale of timber lands iu the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Laud States by act of August 4, 1892, Joseph II. Colt, of Eagle Creek, county of Clackamas State of Ota gon, has this day tiled in this ollice his sworn statement No. tkllyS, for tlie pur chase of tlie N W ul .NW4 of Section No. 14 in Township 2 S, Ran e No. 5 Kant, and will offer proof to show I but the land sought is mor valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish his ciaitu to said land before the Register mid Receiver ol this office at Oregon City on Friday, the 13TII DAY OF MAY, 1904 He names as wi'nes-es: Adelhert Field, of Portland, Oregon ; Charles Van cliren, of Fsgle Creek, Oregon; David lloffmieter, of F'sgle Creek, Oregon; Frank E. Coon, ol Portland, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this ollice on or before said lUth dav of Mav, P.M. ALGERNON S DRESSER, Register. City Treasurer's Notice. Notice is hereby given that there are stitlicient funds on hand in the general fund of Oregon Citv to pay all outstand ing warrants endt rsed prior lo October 4, 1001 ; also all road warra' ts to that date. Interest ceases with date of this notice. F. J. Mevkr, i March 24, 1904. tfity Treasurer, i County Treasurer Roller. I now liae money to pay county war rants endorsed prior to October 1, 11K)1. Interest will cease on stich warrants on the date of this notice Oregon City, Oregon, March IS, l'.Hi4. Ksos Caiiii.i., Treas. Clackamas Oregon. police oTI'laul Mettlemenl. In the County Court of the State of Ore go'i tr the Countv ol Clackanins. In the matter of the estate of Robert Roherls, deceawi. Notice is brrhy given tbat tlie final ac count of the administratrix of the estate ol Robert Roberts, deceased, has been rend ered to said court for settlement, and that Monday the 2nd da." ol May. l:fil, has been duly appointed by said court for the hear ing of objections to such final account and lor the settlement thereof. Dated March 30. I'fot. M AROARKT ROBERTS. Ailtninistratriz. ni' In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Ore gon, lor the Lounty of Clackamas. Major V. Makinster. Plaintiff, 1 ... v'- .. ... bennani rlemlng, Jtellle Hem ing, Altia Fleiuitig and K-J-ward Fleming, Defendants In the name of the State of Oregon : You and eacb of you are herehv required to an pear and answer the coin nlaint tiled against yoo In tlie above entitled court and cause on or before the 14th day of May, VJii. thai being the last day ordered by the court lor the publication of this summons: And it you fail to appear or answer, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the re lief demanded In the complaint, to wit: That a certain deed executed on or about February 8tli, 1.13, by one Henri Kllse and Ellen Klise, his wife, and delivered to one Aaron B. Klise, be reformed so as to con form to the ititention of grantors and grant ees in said deed; and that the description therein be reformed to read as follows: Being a part of the W. U. Woodcock D. L. C. In sections 32 & 33 in T. 4 H., R. 2 K. and sections 4 Si 5 in T. 5 8 R. 2 E. of the Wil. Mer: liexiumng at a point in the Wet boundary line of the W. D. Woodcock D. L. C. No. 38, at a point US chains south 10 degrees west from the sou h east corner of Claim No. 37, T. 5 8. R. 2 E. Wil Mer. and running thence north 10 degrees, 15 minutes east 18.13 chains; thence north 85 degrees 30 niinut-'B E. 5i 50 chains; thence south 13 degrees west 18.48 chains; thence soutb 85 degrees 15 minutes west .Vi. 40 chains to the place of beginning, containing 100 acres, situate in Clackamas County, Oregon. This summons is published by order of the Hon. Thomas r. Ryan, judge of the County of Clackamas, Stale ol Oregon, for a period of six (i) successive weeks. The first publication to be on Friday the first day of April, A. I)., 1904, and the last publication to lie on Friday the 13th day of May, l'JOl, A. D. J. U. CAMPBELL, Attorney lor 1'lalntiff. Leans. Real property mortgage loans. Ab stracts furnished. (i. B. Dimicc, Atty. at Law, Oregon City, Or. By reading the Enterprise you will be kept fully informed about the Clacka mas county campaign. We will send you the Enterprise from now nnttl after the June election over three months for 25 cants. Bend in your subscription at once. An I&arly InsHctitm of our J csju'fially Carpets ami Linoleums, will give you soino ucceptuMo ideas of new lloor coverings for your homo. It will also give you some ideas about the advantages a of Inlying at homo where prices are holow competition. : Moquette Carpets S1.35, Wilton J s Seed Time ami there are many things you need for garden making. Hetter Jiavo them ready. Hoes 2. to 7"c. liakes Jiakes pAl uii of 2e to 7")c. Trowe Wheelbarrows full J goodtpiality ami sold at Copyrighted byOstermoor C&Nf Ostermoor Mattress $15.00. Sad Irons Shelf Brackets 5c pair. Oregon Eirnttnr .lotlre. Notice in hereby uiven that the under signed lias been duly appointed Kxecufur ol the last Will and Testament ul Charles Schumann, deceased, and any am! all persons having claims auainxt the s.iid estate are hereby notified to present the same dill verified according lo law lo the undersigned executor at Aurora, OreKon, or at the dllii e of my Attorney, (i. li. lliinick, at Oregon City, Ongon, on or before the exultation of nix months I from the date of this notice. LKONAKI) WIl.I., F. xecntor ol the last Will and Testament of Cliailes , buniaiin, lleceased. G. B. OlMICK, Attorney for Executor. Patetl this L'oth day ol March, 1904. Nuluon I.lrenvr. Notice is hereby given that I will ap ply to the City Council of Oregon City at the regular April meet ing for a renewal of my liquor licetme at my present place of business at Main and bill streets In Oregon City. A Knaw. Ilids Wanted. - Proposals for builJing t school house at Oak (itove, Clackamas county, will be one-ned at 7:30 p. m., Saturday, April 2, 1!K)4. Plans ami specifications may he seen at the residence of Daniel Cal kins at Oak drove. A certified check of 5 per cent ol the amount of the bid must be deposited with each protosal submit ted. The right lo reject any and all bids is reserved. t.. wktzikb, Chairman of the Board of Directors Danikl Calkins, District Clerk. April 1. Cull for liltls. Attention carpenters and contractors I will receive seall bids lor the erection of one cottage on Eight St , Oregon City Bids will he received until the Dili day of April, 1904. I reserve the right to re ject anv and all bids, plans and specif! cations can he seen at Raker's planing mill, Oregon City, Oregon. Address all bids and communications to George Randall, It. F. D. No. 1, Oregon City, Oregoti. TVotice ol Final Hettlement. Notice is hereby given that the under signed Executrix of the last Will and Test anient of Cyrus Jones, deceased, has filed her final account of her doings in said estate, in the County Court ol the County of Clackamas, Htate of Oregon, and the judge of said Court has set Monday, the second day of May 1!K1 at the Court House in Oregon City, Oregon, as tlie time and place for a hearing of any and all objections to tha said final account and to iter dis charge aa said Executrix. Dated this 11th day ol March, l'n. CAR) Id NEE. JON EH, Executrix of Ihe last Will and Testament of Cvrus Jones. Deceased. 0. 6. DIMICK, Attorney lor Executrix. Saloon License. Notice is hereby given that I will ap ply at the next regular meeting of the Oregon City council for a renewal of my saloon license at my place of business, corner Main and Eighth streets. March 2 . Piiim-ip Koob. Dears tha Signature Of The Hind yon Haw Mum BsiJl tvJM I IRON BEDSTho wooden hod is a thing of the past. Get a wliito enamel- $ oil Iron Bedstead, full size. 'No gi-rms I can hide in the work on these hods, t and tho circulation of air around tho MR pleasing prices. sleeper is perfect, l'rico $2.75. - r-)v Morris l'ino needle fibre cushions $0.50. mi imm The Housefurnisher City 4ImiIiiII rnlr' Notice. Notice is hereby giveij (hat I have been appointed m 1 1 1 1 1 n if t rut or of the estate ol Kilttanl W. Itinghiim, deceased, by the county court ol tlie .Stale uf Oregon lor Clnckama County. All persons having c luiiiis against the said estate are hereby t retpilrcd lo present them, duly verified as liy law reipiireil. to tne at 111 V resi dence on the Willamette River two miles above the tow n id Oswego, or at the of. flee of S'tiocit ;iiiitli in the Waldo bilild- I ing corner of Si-cothl and Washington i streets, Porthind, Oiegon, on or before six tni'liths Irotti the expiration of the first publication of this notice, w hich is on the l.'tb day of 1-ehruary, I'.m4. KATK NrKVKNS PlMillAM, Administrator. Roller of filial Wet tlcim-nt Notice is hereby given that Ihe lltnler signed, exccolur of Iheeslateof .Mary I. irk, deceased, tins filed In the county court of Clackamas cuiinty, Oregun, Ids final ac count st such executor and tbat Monday, t ie I lib day of April, 1WOI. at lb hour of Hlo'dock a. m. has been llxe'l t.y Ilia said court s the time fur hearing of objections to said repo't and the discharge ol said ex ecutor. ALU IN JCIIIIZ, Executor of the estate ol Mary l.ark, de ceased. First Insertion March II, V.A. I. ant April 8, Itjot. .Tot Ice Tor I'ubllcntlon. Department of the Interior, baud Ollice at Oregon City, Or., March II), llsil. Notice is hereliy given Hint the following, named settler has tiled notice of bis inten tion to make llual proof In support ol hlii claim, and that said iirnof will lie made lie fore the register ami receiver, of Oregon City, Oregon, on May 4, 1004, vir: Daniel W. HnberUoo. the fatberof "mile I. Itohertson. deceased, II. K. No. l.'t,l.J,lor the Iiw4,ecti!iti24,t3s s, r 6 e. He names the billowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ol si'l land, viz: Hans Paulsen, of (jeorae, Oregon; Peter fcheel, of Missel, Oregon; Ad ili.h Wede bold, of liissel, Oregon; Nocbolas Scliecl, of liissel, Oregon. AMJKRNON 8. DRESHER, March 25. Register. In the Circuit Court of the Htate of Ore gon, for tlie County ot Clat.kamaa. O. C. Maronay, Plaintiir.) vs. y C. Ilartscb, Defendant. ) To C. Uartsch, Defendant. In tlie name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you in the above entitled Court and action on or before Ihe 1st day of April, 1004, that being the last day ordered by the Court for the publica tion of this summons: And if you fail to appear or answer the plaintill will take judgment against you for the sum ol $575 'fi on Ins first cause of ac tion and the stun of J8 00 on his second cause of action together with the costs and disbursements in said action, and Wil ap ply to the Court for an order to sell the property attached In this action to-wit: One sawmill one engine and all other ap pliances connected with said sawmill and a certain quantity of lumber on the yard at said sawmill. This summons is published by order of the Hor., Thomas F'. Rvati, Judge of the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, for a period of six successive weeks. The first publication to be on Friday the 10 h day of F ebruary, Dale of last publication Friday, April 1st, vrn. j. u. OA.MrrsM.i., Attorney for Plaintiff. U'i ji" jUjv rV Velvet $1.15 yd t t mi mihj Chair x Sewing Machines fb.oo, f?..SO, fM, flo.mi V ft.f.oo, fJi'.oo. per sot i 7 A Jt $1.25 i 'MO- A I of the latest designs. 5" nrp(rnl. Z cents will buy enough vsik;uii paper for your kitchen .otlrc for l'ublli'Utlou. Timber Land. Act June 1. ISTs", Culled Niatet Land ollice, Oregon City, Or-gon, Fehruary 17, l'H ' Notice la hereliy given tbat In rornpl ance lth Ihe provi-inna ol the ac; ol Con gress id Jm.r ,1, lsTS, entitled "An act for Oie sale ol ti her Umls in the Miles ol California. Hregon, Nevada and Washing ton territory," as extended to all the I'ol, lic Land States hy act ol Atlgtiat 4, lir.', I'r.llik llahelt. ol Hnlliiirvisl. r i.iw ..I 'Clackamas, Slute ol Oregun, lias Una day I tiled in tins ollice his aworii statement No. ii i.i, lor Ihe purchase ol ihe Southeast t, of H ''e-t i4 ol Section No, .', , I',, No. 4 S.. H inge No. I E,,,t. ,,r iroof lo allow l hut the land totiglit Is more valuable lor Ha UiuImt or stone than for ag ricultural purposes, and lo eatatilish hi claim lo said laud helore the Iteglster ami Receiver uf thl ollice at ( Iregon City, Ore gon, on Tuesday, the Mtn d,,y of .May, lltoi. lie names as ailnesses: Anton flaliell of H,rliigwater. Or., John limhel, of Dod.e nr., Joe Melndel, ol Oregon City, ir,, Aug ust lieusirowkle. of Spritigwater, Or.' Any anil all persona churning adversely the above described lands are requested to tile Iheit claims In this ollice on or before aid 10th dav of Msv. '.H. A I.OEKNON 8. DHKNSER, February l!l. Register. In the Circuit Court of the Htate of Ore gon for the County ol Clackamaa. Floy Rethletseti. Plaintill,) vs. J. Henry Retblefsen, Defend'! I t o Henry Ketblefaen, tlie alovs tiamej Defendant. pi the nam of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required lo appear anil answer the complaint tiled against you In the above entitled suit; in tlie above named Court, on or about tlie ir.'nd day ot April, l!(, the same being six weeks from the first publi cation ol this summons. Von will take no tice that If you latl to answer said com plaint the Plaintill will apply to tlie Court for lbs relief demanded In said complaint, to-wit: That the hotids of matrimony now existing between you and Plaintiff be dis solved. This summons Is published by the order of the Hon. Thus. F. Ryan, County Judge of Clackamas County, state of Oregon, In the Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly news paper published and printed and of general circulation in Clackamas Countv, Oregon,, for six successive and consecutive weeks commencing Friday, March II, J!)04, and continuing to arid Including Krhlav April 22 1!)4, HOWARD M. HKOWNKIX (IEO. 0. BROWN ELL, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Numinnoa. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Ore gon lor Clackamas County, Ida M. Johnson, Plaintiff, ) vs. Hamilton b. Johnson, Defendant.) To Hamilton L. Johnson, Defendant. In Ihe name uf Ihe Htate of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear anil answer the complaint tiled against you In the aboveentitled suit on or before the 2.lrd day ol A p-ll 1004, that being the last day prescribed in the order of publication of this summons, and if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint titer plaintill will apply to tlie Court for the relief there in prayed, to-wit: A tilvorce from the marriage existing between yon and plaintlfl and for the custody of Hazel, the minor child of said marriage This summons Is published In the Ore gon City FJnterprise for six successive weeks by order of Honorable Thos. V. Ryan, Judge of the County Court ol the State of Oregon for Clackamas County made on the Nth day of March 1001, (be first publication beintr on the lllb , ,( March 1'jOi. b. R. HARRINGTON. Attorney for Plaintiff. '