Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 01, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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r .-respondents art rHpie
ctftl 'o re
news (ru
,,ipt'itr i
;r work We will
neeessa')- stationery. Tin'
y Mir neighborhood 1 1 til 1
these eo'itiiiitis every week.
Tlit grouse have Income impatient
wai ir.i: lor spring to come .ml haw ,..
gun. !m 'ling, but their numerals pre
ence iles not annoy any one in the les-t.
V.":r.t;-r being over, e ate now niving
our mm mis rain ; giass never s.ood the
miner better than it lias this time, in
fart It has been growing all winter, hut
. 1,.,,-e these wai til showers thai vei
daut growth meets the eye every heie
A the close of the winter teim of the
Moiallt school last Fri.liy an entertain
m. nt was given by tlie ichool All dd
their iMrt well snil t the el"se o( the
lit r.uy exercises. Win. Samson w.,s
called forward as the auctioneer of tie
evening, aud gome 35 lieautiful baskets
fic f....l to the highest bidder. The
proceeds ($L'5 50) will go to the literary!
(mid. The "strong roan" said ne w.a .
pK -scd to meet so large an audience on
such an occasion and made himself quite j
familiar by refering to his family and :
wiping Ins (ace with his coat tail a couple
of tiui-s, then the liu.e boyi thought
they had seen the funny man of the
Molalla is about to have another drug
store. It will be opened out in the Linn
building. It has been some time since,
li-ve bad a liquor selling drug store
and we have been prospering quite well
without one; now if liquor Is to h sold
by tbe gill with a prescribed sprinkling I
of ouiniue, or straight, there will soon
be an uprising of samples of some of
Molalla's former catastrophes. We
earnestly hope that such will not be th
case with the present undertaking and
that the enterprise will prove to be
straight-forward business. (The Eater
prise is assured bv Huntley Bros., who
will install this drug store at Molalla
thai (hey will not countenance traffic in
hqu jrs of anv kind at their branch store
It wiil be a drug store and not a booze
sliup.) Editor.
G. V. Adams is preparing to build
large barn this summer, and whe com
pleted he thinks be will bave buildings
enough, but surely he will study up
something else he can improve on, then
be will soon be at it again. George bas
one uf the best equipoed rural homes In
tbe county. Oue of his recent improve
ments is in a water piant; hot and cold
water now courses through the dwelltug
to the delight of the family. Having
things convenient is one ot the roads on
wh!".1!! happiness trav-ls throughout the
routine duties of farm life.
The Molalla Grange mohair pool will
be closed April 1 according to the terms
oi the pool. There is at pie-etit some
1800 fleeces pledged. The mohair is to
U: delivered at Harless' null, when
called for by the sales committee. Some
eu: have already been clipped. When
it again fairs up there will be a great
rush in goat shearing Goals have done
much better this season than last and
their coals aie likewise better.
The Molalla Mutual Telephone System
is stiii growing People rradilv see the
association bas hit the nail on the head
to nerve the most people at the least cost
per meiuber, for constructing and main
taining lines and operating the system
generally. The way tbe system is ex
tended a community organizes a central
station if it is strong enough to maintain
a switch board operator; lines are built
jo rf;,Mujpng mto central. A director or
CorotiUNee is sent over the proposed line
lu .j...o it off and make the apportion
ment of work for each member, the holes
are dug, poles are hrought to place, ll
join the raising, wire goes up and the
line io done.
A number of our citizens attended the
ui ' m ;le at Trullinger's on Monday.
Samson'" strength tag an auctioneer) lies,
eg' in long hair, but in good humor and
ready wit.
flir. r liken and song drove a fine
bunch of steers from Viola to Oregon
City on Tuesday. They were accompa
nied by a young Mr. Ficken, from Kan
sas, who is making them a visit.
Our friend DeMoy hag sold bis (arm
on Luo idge beteen Viola an. I Estaca
da. He hag bought a homestead relin
quishment farther back. The removal
of this excellent citizen is due to the
opening ot saloons at Estacada. Mr. De
Moy would have made his home on the
(arm he owned, but for the saloons.
Young Plants
Every farmer knows that
some plants grow better than
others. Soil may be the same
and seed may seem the same
but some plants are weak and
others strong.
And that's the way with
children. They are like young
plants. Same food, same home,
same care but some grow big
and strong while others stay
small and weak.
Scott's Emulsion offers an
way out of the difficulty.
Child weakness eften means
starvation, not because of lack
of feed, but because the food
does not feed.
Scott's Emulsion really feeds
and gives the child growing
Whatever the cause of weak
ness and failure to grow
Scott's Emulsion seems to find
it and set the matter right.
Send lor free sampir.
a Bowne, chrroists. "9 P-ari St., New York
joc. ana i
1 Wff
Stock and r ultry have few
troubles which are not bowel and
liver irr-'tftilanties. Black
Draught Stock and Poultry Medi
cine is a bowel and liver remedy
for stock. It puts the oreans o(
digestion in a perfect ccnuilion.
Prominent American breeders and
farmer keep their herds and Hocks
healthy by giving them an occa
sional dose of Black-Draught Stock
and Poultry Medicine in their
food. Any stock raiser may buy a
25-cent half-pound air-tight can
of this medicine from his dealer
and keep his stock in vigorous
health for weeks. Dealers gener
ally keep Black-Draught Stock and
Poiultrv Medicine. If yours docs
not. send 25 cents for a saniple
can to the manufacturers, Tne
Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat
tanooga, Tenu.
RocnmLia, Oa Jan. is, 1901.
lack-Drsufht Stock and Poultry
M. dlala 1 th kt I rtt tried. Our
stock wm looking bad when to a -nt
a th medietas and saw the are
(ttlnr so Ths are look n JO
Mr scat. brtr.
' Eldurario.
W. H. Jones has sold another horse.
The Cams baseball nine have done
considerable work on their new grounds
back ot the J. W Graham place.
Harry Smith, of Colton, visited with
his parents and brother, of Carus, this
J. P. Martin cut his foot nearly off one
day laBt week wbile grubbing fur Monroe
Reeves and Jones have finished their
rail contract and are making wood for
C. E. Spence at present.
Mr. and Mrs. King, of Ely, spent sev'
eral days at I. E. Jones last week.
I. E. Jones was doing business in Port
land the fore part of the week.
Frank Irish went Oregon City Satur
day. Richard Schoenborn has planted nine
acres of spuds already if it did rain all
the time.
Miller Hardestv has left (or Portland
and a man from Oregon City is running
the Hour mill at present.
Dewey Thomas took dinner with Fred
Spangler Sunday.
Newt Maule has returned to Portland.
C. Smith sold a beef cow last week.
Ern Tones spent Saturday evening and
Sunday with J. P. Martin and family.
C. E. Spence is making a picket fence
around bis house and garden.
Al and Bob Sclmenboni are clearing a
patch for spuds on Frank Shoenborn's
Ed Reeves staved over night with the
'"bachelors" Sunday night.
The IleNt Family Naive.
DeW itt s itch Hazel giVes instant
relief from Bums, cures Cuts, Bruises
Sores, Eczema. Tetler and all abrasions
of the skin. In buving Witch Hazel
Salve it is only necesgnrv to see that you
get the genuine DeW'itl's and a cure is
certain, there are many cheap counter
ieits on tne market, all ol which are
worthless, and quite a few are dangerous
wbile DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is
perfectly harmless and cures. Sold bv
Geo. A. Harding.
Need j,
This week we have to chronicle the
death of one of the oldest citizens of
Clackamas county, Charles Schuman.
His home was about one mile East of
Aurora in this county. He has lived
here over forty years and was strictly
honest, upright, peaceable and unobtru
sive citizen. Mr. Schuman was born in
Prussia and if he had lived until July
8th, next, be would have been eighty-six
years o( age. He wal a bachelor having
never been married and as far as known
be has no relatives living. In his
younger days he bad traveled a great
deal both in this and on this continent
and he was well posted in the affairs of
this world and be left some very warm
friends who gave him a Christian burial
in the Odd Fellows cemetery near bis
The Needy school closed on Friday
after a six months term of good work
performed by Mr. Ginther, who bas this
week commented a three months term
at Macksburg and we congratulate
Macksburg on securing him in their
The Needy Grange met last Saturday
their regular meeting day and after the
usual order o( the day the question
"What shall we read?" was discussed
and it was gratifying to note the interest
manilested, nearly every member pres
ent taking a part in the discussion, ladieB
included. The worthy master of Molalla
Grange wag present and gave us a talk.
Bro. Saw tell, of Molalla Grange, also
bonored us as a visitor.
There will be given at Thompson's hall
in Needy a grand ball next i'riday even
ing April 1, tinder the a"8pices of the
Grange. Young men are requested riot
to leave their girls behind them.
A I.ove Letter.
Would not interest you if you're look
ing for a guaranteed salve (or sores, burns
or piles. Otto Dodd, of Ponder, Mo.,
writes: "I suffered with an ugly sore
for a year, but a box of Bucklen's Arnica
: halve cured me. it s the beet salve on
'earth; 2oC at Charman & Co. 8 drug
Kalit Creek.
A Presbyterian minister, Hev. Mr.
Day, pteacbed to the children at the lit
tle school house Inst Sunday, lie re.,
tamed the close attention oi the little
oi es Ironi beginning to end of the eer
mon. We hope ho will come again.
We learn that a Sutid;,v S. Iiool will bo
organized here by the Kev. Mr. Ituumaii
k Presbyterian fiom Portland, Ore. The
-abbiitb School had to close this winter
owing to small-pox, measles, mumps and
inclement weather, with bad road.
N. Muigley visited friends at Dunns
ens last week and Mr. and' Mrs. J. K
liott returned with him to visit Mr. and
Mis. roster.
Mr. and Mrs. Cook of Oregon City vis.
ited al .Mr. llowlitt'a and Mr. Woodle';
Saturday ar.d Sunday.
Dr. Mrs. Roberds made a business trip
to i oriiami on the ZVUi mat.
The.l'Oih inst. was Grandma Sntor
. Li. i i i . - i ,
o o oirwioay. uer daughter and son
In-law, with their family, and a few oth
quests were invited to help celebrate the
day. An elaborate dinner was prepared
ami enjoyed by all present.
E. Foster has purchased a fine, large,
ugni uay team.
Mr. Israel tuner's died at bis home
near Eagle Creek, on March 23d. The
neighbors miss him very much. His
genial natuie and uniform courtesy bad
endeared turn to many.
Three excellent families from Little
Falls, Minnesota, have bought (arms
near this village and are making prepar
auuna iur spring work.
Our teacher, Miss Ethel Norman, lias
purchased a tenor drum tor use in the
school as an aid to correct lime in march
mf. Her teaching is a success and the
pupils that care to study are advancing
H-latlc Ithruiuatiwm 4'ured.
"I have been subject to sciatic rheum
atism (or years," says K. H. Waldron, o(
Wilton Junction, Iowa. "My joints
were stiff and gave me much pain and
discoin(ort. My joi.its would crack when
1 straightened up. I used Chamberlain
Pain Balm and have been thoroughly
cured. Have not bad a pain or ache
from the old trouble for many months
It is certainly a most wonderful liui
ment." For sale by U. A. Harding.
Here as elsewhere (arm work is re-
tarded by continued rain. "It's all rigl
over head today," said one. "Yes, but
I aim a-plowing up there" was the cute
Wash. Smith sold 2 acres of land tbe
other day, price $300.
Mr. and Mrs. Sherrett left last Thurs
day for their annual stav at the ranch in
Southern Oregon. Mr. Sherrett is also
fereman of a logging camp in that vicin
Mr. and Mrs. Mills, bave returned to
Clackamas and will occupy the Sherrett
house during the summer.
Waiter Foster, the Landes brothers
and Mrs Landes are located for the work
ing team at Chapman and Smith's piling
camp near Lurrinsville.
O. I!. Kippey, ol Sumpter. was here
last week on a visit to his family.
Mr. and Mrs. Mather and son Arthur
went down to Portland Sunday.
.Miss i,uiu tlavward nas gone to visit
friends in Pilot Rock and McKay Creek,
r.astern Oregon. She expects to remain
some moutos.
taster service of Congregational S. H.
and Y. P. S. C. E. will he held in that
church next Sunday evening. Services
begin at 7:30.
Mrs. Hattie Webster returned from
roniann lasi week, Mrs. Webster was
in the Good Samaritan hospital under
going an operatiou.
uol lor Children.
The pleasant to take and harmless One
Minute Cough Cure gives immediate re
lief in all cases of Cough, Croup and La
Grippe because it does not pass immedi
ately into the stomach, but takes effect
right at the seat of the trouble. It draws
out the inflammation, heals and soothes
and cures permanently bv enabling the
lungs to contribute pure life giving and
life-sustaining oxygen to the blood and
tissues. One Minute Cough Cure is
pleasant to take and it is good alike (or
young and old. Sold by Geo. A. Hard
ing. Willamelts.
Died, at the home of her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Carter, o( Newberg, Ore..
Irene, tbe only child of Mr. and Mrs.
Rob Cook of this village, aged three
Only a tiny blossom,
Taken from our care
By a loving Father,
To bloom in His garden fair.
Miss Maggie Harmon spent Sunday in
The Literary Society met this week
with Mrs. Millard Hyatt.
Bert Shipley is working in Oswego.
Tbe Eighth Grade Club give another
o( their popular entertainment Friday
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Buckets visited In
Portland Sunday.
Jos. Egge has a friend from Wadena.
Minn., visiting him.
Miss Gertrude Fisher closed a very
successful term of school in the Cook
district Friday.
The young people enjoyed a pleasant
social evening at the Shipley home Thurs
day evening.
Mrs. Godfrey of Portland visited with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sanders, last
Ilroke Into III Iluane,
8. LeQuinn, o( Cavendish, Vt., was
robbed ol bis customary health by inva
sion o( chronic constitution. When Dr.
King's New Life Pills broke into his
house, bis trouble was arrested and now
be is entirely cured. They are guaran
teed to cure, 2 )C at Charman & Co.'s
drug store.
Tk Batorpritw f I.M pr yaar.
Clarence Mullult, who has been nick,
is better.
Mr. Hmdesty and family have moved
to Wallu Walla, where he will run a Hour
Agnes Wallace, w ho has been absent
some time, has re lirned home.
F. M. Manning la on the sick list.
Theie wi ! be Easter service at the
Grunge hull next Sunday.
Mr. K. Long made a business trip to
tew n Saturday,
School will siart in two weeks.
H.'ta and Gusta Bowman and their
uncle are spending a few days at Salem
with their relativas.
Mr. ami Mrs. Turner, who have been
visiting their parents here, departed for
their hoii.e a few days ago.
Mr. Maples and family will move into
the house formerly occupied by Mr.
ilardesty. Mr, Maples is employed as
miller by J. I . Howard.
Alfred Woodside and Johnnie Daruall
are working tor Bob Suodgrass.
Iva Graves called on Mrs. Woodsldo
one day last week.
A number from here attended the
dance at Beaver Creek Friday uight. All
report a good time.
Sun and Lou Buckner were visitors at
the Wallace house Saturday night.
Nayc Two From Ifeulh.
"Our little daughter bai an almost fa
tal attack of whooping rotigii and bron
chitis," writes Mr. W. K. Haviland, of
Arnionk, N Y., "but, when all other
remedies failed, we saved her life with
Dr. King's New Discovery, Our niece,
who had consumption in an advanced
stage, also used this wonderful medicine
and today she is perfectly well." IH's
perste throat and lung diseases yield to
Dr. King New Discovery as to no other
medicine on earth. Infallible for cutighs
and colds. 60c and 1 bottles guaran
teed by Charman & Co. Trial bottles
Jlminie Bailey has sufficiently recov
ered from bis long illness of typhoid fever
to be able to be out again.
Miss Dora Emhrey bas been qui'esick
for over a week, but is getting some bet
ter. Mrs. Buck accidentally teed on a
rusty nail Monday morning and was
obliged to be out of school two days on
account of it.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Maple have
to Eugene Oregon. Their many
regret their leaving as thev weie
It is
esteemed by all who knew them
to be hoped that they will like their new
Captain smith had a narrow escape
from being killed Saturday. W lulu haul
ing gravel Iur the road he was driving
down a steep hill with a heavy load
when the brake suddenly broke, throw
ing him violently forward. He struck on
his head and shoulder, and just escapee
the wheels running over Ids head. They
passed over his hat, cutting holes in It
but he escaped with a few bruises,
A Y. P. S. C. E. bas been organized in
Park place and they will hold their first
meeting Friday evening April 1, at 7 p. tu
Mrs. Johnson from Poitlund spent
Sunday w ith her mother, MrB. M. R.v
erB, of Parkplace.
Ileal Cougb .Metfirliir lor 4'liiMrcu
When you buy a cough medicine for
small children you want one in whi
you can place implicit confidence. Yuu
want one ttiat not oniy relieves but cures
ion want one that is ummestionahly
harmless, l ou want one that is pleas
ant to take. Chamberlain s Cough
Remedy uieets all of these conditions.
There is nothing so good for the coughs
and colds incident to childhood. It
also a certain preventive and cure for
croup, and there is no danger whatever
fiom whooping cough when it is given
It has been used in many epidemics of
that disease with perfect success. For
sale by G. A. Harding.
And still it rains! Talk about your
watermelons, boys, but where I came
from thev growed as big as barrels
lleii::i iviaybe if it Keeps on raining
Oregon will grow big watermelons, too.
Miss Agnes Wallace returned to her
home, Friday.
Mr. Bowman took a tiip to Salem last
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Boynton took a
ride to Oregon City last Sunday.
Extensive preparations are being made
by the Sunday School for the program
whicti will De rendered on taster Sun
Mr. R. II. Long has gone to Portland
to meet his wife, who comes to Oregon
iroin rittsuurg, I'a.
It seems that one prosperous bachelor
of this thriving town bas decided to get
both a husband and a wife.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Evans called at the
home of D. L. Trullinger last week.
Elmer Erickson is training one of bis
pel sheep to box. He expects to put it
in the ring some day.
Several o( the people of Mulino at
tended tbe basket social at Molalla and
report a good time. 1
The smiling (aces of Mr. and Mrs.
Ilardesty are missed from this burg. .
We are now getting ready (or another
term o( school.
Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treat-
ment by Ely's Cream Jialm, which is agree
ably aromatic. It is received through the
nostrils, cleanses aad heals tn wtioia sur
face over which it diffuses itself. Druggists
sell the GOc. sizs ; Trial size by mail, 10
cents. Test it and you are sure to coutiuus
tbe treatment.
To accommodate those who are partial
to the use of atomizers in applying liquid!
into the nasal passages for vitarrial trou
Ma, tbe proprietors prepare Cream Balm in
liquid form, which will be known aa Ely's
Liquid Cream Halm. Price including th
spraying lube is ocenu. iraggiiu or ij ,
mail. The liquid form embodies the mad. I Some of tbe farmers are getting nerv
ialoal propertiss of tk solid prsparation. 0us, and are plowing in the mad.
ir (
Israel Rivets died ii
Eagle Creek, Oregon, T . -at
11:50 a. in. Mrch : '
eevein illness of two wi i.
an ubscesH on his side
He was tenderly carer r
ily during his Illness; c!i l,
tunned and all done thai v,
restore the old gentleman i
.1 p..s.
i llr.l.l
all in vain, death claim. ' I In n i t :i
The funeral was held at I1"- 'n
Wednesdav, March -It, o..i,,lu ' ;, i! .
Rev. Mr. Rich, pastor oi th !i i
church of which Mr. Rivera ...-n,
her. Interment was mad i In- ' V
Creek cemetery.
Mr. Rivera was lairn Li - I .
county, New York, (Mi: .. I
w here h spent his childho . ' ii, i : , e
years old, then he moved . .
ems to Quebec, Canada.
In June 184:1 he was, ma . . i 1
Mariah Clupp r, of Quebec an. ' ii, ;(
they went to Grand R - : " e ,
where be was engaged in I'1'
several years, them e to Sep I. i, k o i.t-ni,
ami from there to Oregon.
Mr. Rivers and family crossed the
plains with teams, starting from Senika
in lStltl and arrived in Oregon, October
1H07. They simut several mouths in
Boise City, Idaho, recruiting strength as
the journey was a long and dangerous
one at that lime. He settled at Eagle
Creek where he continued to reside from
1S417 to the lime of his death.
Twelve children were born to them
eleven of w hich grew to be men and
women. He leaves an aged widow and
nine children to mourn his loss, besides
twenty-eight grstidchlldren and eleven
greatgrandchildren. There are fom
sons and live daughters. Mack and Eli,
of Parkplace ; James of Eagle Creek ami
Levi Rivers, of Portland ; Mrs. Captain
Smith, of Parkplace ; Mrs. I), Hoggins,
of Eagle Creek; Mrs. K. Ilogan, Dallas,
Oregon; Mrs. D. Fagalda, Wallawa.
Wash., ami Mrs. F. RasmiisHen, ol Poit
The family has the sympathy of their
many friends in the loss of the husband
ami lather.
But He that giveth must taketli away;
blessed he the name of the Lord.
Am Toil a lj "peptic?
If you are a dyspeptic you owe
yourself and your (risnds to get
it to
Dyspepsia annoys the dyseptic's friends
tiecause his disease sours his disposition
as well as bis stomach. Kodol l)ysiee
sia Cure will not only cure dyspepsis,
indigestion and sour stomach, but this
palatable, reconstructive tonic digestanl
strengthens the whole digestive appara
tus, and sweetens the life as well as the
stomach. When you take Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure the lood you eat is enjoyed.
It Is digested, assimilated and its nutri
ent properties appropriated by the blood
and tissues. Health is the result. Sold
by Geo. A. Harding.
Postmaster Devon was doing business
in Portland Tuesday.)
Wade Gribhla and Wesley Riggs were
out fox bunting Saturday with their
bounds. The dogs treed a line speci
men which was brought down by a well
directed shot from John Graham's revol
ver. Herbert Thompson is at home on a va
cation from the agricultural college.
Reverend Snyder has delivered sev
eral lectures at the Methodist church
lately on the local option law, to be voted
on at the June election.
Mrs. M. Winches and Chester Welch
of Medford, are visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Winches.
Every one please rememler the Robe
kali dance to be given in the near future
in Canby.
Katie Newbury and Hattie Spulak, of
New Era, visited friends in Canby one
day this week.
V. A, Sleight, county clerk, was shak
ing hands with friends in Canby one day
this week.
Arthur Knight made a flying trip to
Portland Tuesday.
Mabel Knight won the watch given
by the National Medical Company's
show for the most popular young lady in
Canhv, Miss Knight receiving 1200 votes.
Miss Kate Hampton came next with 800
Mr. ami Mrs). Dick, Mr. and Mrs. Ec-
cles and Annette Wait visited the Grange
at New Era Saturday.
Charles Nelson, who works (or the
Southern Pacific, was badly hurt the
other day by fallfng into the Molalla
river at this place.
'I'esf linony ol a .Minister.
Rev. John S. Cox, of Wake, Ark.,
writes: "tor twelve years I suffered
from yellow jaundice. I consulted a
number of pliysicans and tried all sorts
of medicines, but got no relief. Then 1
began the use of Electric Bitters and feel
that I am now cured of a disease that
bad me in its grasp for twelve years," If
vou want a reliable medicine for liver
and kidney trouble, stomach disorder
or general debility, get Electric Hitters.
It's guaranteed by Charman 4 Co. Only
8p ring-water.
The Spring-water Presbyterians had
their new church dedicated last Sunday,
Rev. Mixsell, of Oregon City, officiat
ing. He was assisted b. Rev. liruce. A
fine programme, in tbe way of singing,
was rendered. The choir of the First
liaptist church of Heaver creek assisted
with some very appropriate songs. Af
ter tbe dedication tlie congregation wont
to the Grange ball and bad a fine lunch.
Rev. Bruce quits the pastoral field and
starts to California Thursday next, and
then Springwater will be without a
We bave some indications of rain.
Only three days out of fH'y-seven but
wnat it has rained or snowed.
Lewellen Cox contemplates
up a branch store at Cazadero.
Frank Bunch lias purchased Mrs. Chs-
ry's ranch, near bis mountain ranch, (or
Mrs. Chary bas bought Mrs. Mar
shall's place, containing five acres, in
Springwater. Consideration $500.
An Old ItiHhlt
Rose Peterson, Sccre
kdale Tennis Club, Chi
. m experience advises all
i rls who have pains and
peculiar to their sex, to
use Lydia E. Pinkham'g Vege
table Compound.
How many beautiful younr f Iris de
velop Into worn, listless and hopeless)
women, simply because sutllclrnt atten
tion has not been paid to their physical
development. No woman la exempt
from physical weakness and periodic
pain, and young rlrls Juat budding into
womanhood should be carefully guided
physically aa well aa morally. Another
Mlas Hannah E. Mershon, Col
lings wood, N.J., says I
" I thought I would write and tell
yo that, by followlnr your kind ad
vice, I feel Ilka a new person. I was
always thin and dalicaU, and so weak
that I could hardly do anythlag. Men
struation waa Irregular.
" I tried a bottle of your Vegetable
Compound and began to feel better
right away. I continued its use, and
am now well and strong, and men
struate regularly. I cannot say enough
for what your medicine did for tne."
tSOOO ftrftH If srfina f tttm HUf
fMuMfiMM snnl s rMwS.
Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable
Compound will cure any woman
In the land who suffers from
womb troubles. Inflammation of
tlie ovaries, and kidney troubles.
Most of the children in the neighbor
hood met at tbe school house Sunday to
have their pictures taken, hut lie- pho
tographer failed to appear and Ihey were
The school inarm had a birthday last
week and was remembered in the even
ing ty her friends.
Miss Marie Johnson has returned from
a visit to l'ottlaud.
Pete Rath went totown last week with
a load uf chickens.
lna Klinker has been on the sick
Mrs. Samuel Mueller has been in
Grealiam the past week.
The politicians here expect a big pri
mary Saturday, April '2.
Julius aud Waller Paulsen celebrated
their birthdays Suinlays. The young
folks all had a nieny lime.
Miss Roberts wants to gohonuand
spend Easter.
Hans and Walter Paulson visited in
llisMull Saturday.
Henry Rimer is sick.
Mrs. Peter Paulson has entirely recov
ered. .Nothing i:iial lo 4 'liiiiuberlulii'a)
4'ulie, 4 liolem uikI Diarrhoea
Itemeily lor llowt'l om-
pluliilM In Children.
"We have used Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in our
family for years," says .VI is. .'. H.Cooke,
of Nederlands, Texan. "We have given
it to all of our children. We Iiuvh used
other medicine for the same purpose,
but never lound anything to equal Cham
berlain's. It you will uso it as directed
ii will always cure." For sale by G. A.
Mr. and Mrs. Denny are visiting rela
tive here, before going on their home
stead, (I. Allen has purchased a new harness
for bis team.
Cuurlright A Harnett have' bought a
new disc.
L Funk is very sick with aimendicitis.
and will have to have an upeiution per
formed. A. Kerchem
is soon to leave (or
W. H. Honney will begin moving his
sawmill this week to his Hew io . mon
shove Fischer's dam, which is one of the
best locations in the county.
By reading lbs (Enterprise you will be
kept fully informed slmu the Clai kamas
county campaign. We will send you
the Knterprlse fiom now until after the
June election over three months (or
26 cents. Send in your subscription at
Indigestion Causes
Catarrh of the
For many years It has been supposed that
Catarrh ef the Stomach caused Indigestion
and dyspepsia, but tke truth Is exactly ths
opposite. Indirestlon causes catarrh. Re
peated attacks of Indigestion inflames ths
mucous membranes llninr the stomach and
exposes the nerves of the stomach, thus cam
Ing the glands to secrete mucin Instead of
the Juices of natural digestion. This la
called Catarrk of the Stomach.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
rsflevaa al! Inflammation ef the mucous
membranes lining the stomach, protects ths
nerves, and curaa bad kreath, sour risings, a
sense of fullness after sating, Indigestion,
dyspepsia and all atemaoh troubles.
Kodol Dfcestt What You Eat
Make the Stomach Sweet
BortlMmlr. PerJlw m. $1.00. hoWlnt 3H time
Ik Mil Sn, whit Mils far SO cents.
Prepar by I. 0. DeWITT OO., Chlca, III,
8old by G. A. UAUDIXG, Druggist