Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 25, 1904, Image 1

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    IKIC.mry X
t n m 'O I Q T?
lll.()N CITY KSTKUrUlSE, FRIDAY, MAKCII 2.-,, 1001.
. i v M. -. -Vj: uvVt.-r
A V -' , -t AliW. i;X'KfA Tho entire "took n
-.-J .J-TiV-- . ;. j . I ; J i-W; ilv-VV '-V I. a In-come ilcmorali.e-l
',.Vrj Jb-4V - K'H-vlJM ! I1: . ,:i inclination to invest in
, . - v , , ; a , i
Hrnt Roldcntc Kuilt in lUdsorwr,
I'uhlic confiilt'iico in hjh'cu
liitivo HiruritifH has recently
received ono of tli rcatht
nliocks in the liiwlory of fi
nance. An burntH a bubble, ko in
almoHt a ly luilliorm of dol
larn were wejt away, carry
ing many budre;l of inveHt
or to ruin.
Wall Street' woo in the
wine man a wnriiitiy
1 pun
On the other band, heavy
invextiiient ire daily being
made by mont conservative
interehtH in nelect real relate
atconelantly increaiiif?" prices
Multnomah County ItrptiMicatiH
Select 'I heir CundidateK.
Mmon llili'Katea M- urd the niln
tmn or Uolilniton fur Xuperiii
Itindenl. 1 lie Iieolulln.
OLI..OOK ou fc"iiwAM. iiwii is OPPOSED
CiiirrrMloiittl Nl'uulluii VI wed In
Houtliern Oregon.
Direct Trlniary Law Finds Fa
vor With Troducors.
Nrv. r ha the ftability of Real lletute btru more forcibly cmphaed than by the eharp
cmilni-l f vlu-n which Ihi-M- market conviileimiM n-v.-iil : over aiiiiiet the purely ejeculative,
Hurtuulinj! and lictiti.iti, etand Kml Ket.le, eolid, Mibai.lial a very Oibraltar of etability
lh- inoet pronmmr.id example of a comu..dity unalb rt- by the guety wind of Wall Street or
tin- uiie.TupubiiH iimnipulatinn of overcapiUliifd jul.-f h.
Tod.iv, e never In-fure, the country over i money inK trmieferred from wild cat eecuritieH
d plarhd in KKAI- I'UOl'KliTY.
A land valor inevitably income hand in hand with population, the wie buyer of today
will l- the rirh man of tomorrow. Teet tli" mattT and buy a . ouplo of
Choice High Class ftl AnQT-flNF ,n The
Residcnco Lots in ULrAUO I UI1L Grand Opening Sale
UN) b.t t,( your own el.-tion, at 1()) (K) mt lot, without ii.tereet or taxes. 2.r cr cent in-
tt reet guaranteed on the investment.
Mk your e lection at an early day and before price advance.
Gladstone Is a part of Oregon City unci a suburb of Portland, on the
Oregon WaN-r Power and Railway line, and S.mthern Pacific Kail road.
Full information maib-d to any addre.
H. E. CROSS, Sole Agent
Oregon City, Oregon
; Li
ATToKNKY AT I.AW F-l-ondTlilcHntKl
I"nl Offloc
II. .!...- IPC III 1 1 V
Will pnrti. c in nil Conrtu of tlieSt.it-
Sixiin V Weinlmr'l HIiIk
Off Court 1I..UM-, ihrijoil Cttv. OreH"H
iirrmc im.r rriTT retieiHi.
09r Of i i ( r-iciu (MIT Ku' r ri-.
h:o. C. HKowsr.l.i..
(ViconCity, - - r,,,m
Will .retirf In nil tlf roiirln f H'
OBIrr lh Culii.cl liilllcllng.
it T r rrrcf .xxxxxn
lfim STEEL
thine in the way of Hardware, Crockery,
K Cliiee-ware or Cianite-ware, I can supply your wanU. Call and
inepect my etock.
til ToMinlete line of new hii.I necon-l lian.l FURNITURE curried. Ix-t
!M tiiH miiply you with a lioni-e- kefpinu outllt
n WALL PAPER ' 1,,,st quality nl ltet tyle at right prwi.
TI.e Keubllcanof Mullnomli county
held llielr ronventiun lt KatunUjr
flurno-ni nl namel a conilet connly
tleket. With tint one en-eption, the
Domination of Unhineon lor :lioii inp
rrinteiiilent, a tieket of etriilit Mitchell
,en w named. The lolluwlnif elec
tinne were nmde: .....
HtMtM 8nlor I). J. M-oVkey, r. P.
MaVa.KiB. Kifhel, A A. VtmrMJ.
Kiite Knprfi-eiitativee W. M. Kill-Inu-worlh,
K. M. Mere, M. K. Mender,
.on, A. L. Mill. H. B. Linihii-mn, Llrner
It. (JoIuhII, MnlilKin Vel:n, v .
W. K. Iludw.n, A A. Bailey, A. J. Cap
run, Thonu H Cranii.
Hheriir Jariien M. Hlott.
Coniinlaaioner W. L. Lmhtner.
AawniMir It. D- Hitler.
Clerk K. H. Field.
TrciHiirer Juhn M. Uwn.
riiiperinleniJerit of tsthwlfi K. r Kod
inion. Oironer J. P. Kinlev.
Survevor-A. II Kiehmond
JiiHtleea of the IVace-Weet Side,
tfiiii.... l?i.. K.m Side. Waldemar
1 Keton; Mount Tabor, fieri K. IxinKe-
neeker;Tr.iut.l.iie, j. r. mi ';
Conatahlee-Weet Ki.le, W. h. Jk
w.n; Kanl Isi.le, A. I). KeeriBli; Mount
Tihor, W. K. Buton; Troutdale, II.
The following reeolntioni were unani-
monelv adopted : ..... (
Kenolved. Hiat the Uepuhlieani of
Multnomah county have waictied i'l"
...1.1. .1.. ....... .-. of Theoilore K'Kice-
velt Iro n tep to Hep a he h nwn lo
the exHed po-ition lie now occuwiee
with ttilfh diMinii'iiehed credit to lumMell
and ni'h ti eati-li. tlon to the people
of the United StHte. and ectecially his
-cr...-. ..I ...irinir tnr 111 the Inter-
oceanic canal, and hi liberal policy to
ward the Pacific Toant nenerauy.
cordially induce hltn, a we "o on u
n.ini.tration of public alTaim. We de
clare in favor ot hie renominatiqn by the
Kenuhliran JiaUonai -vonveniMiii.
1. Tk.t 11. a fTriive work ol
onr delegation in Conmeia coniinenda
. 1 t 1 .r... itfoanaA
itaell to ttie people 01 wrenuu,
.: .n.l that the work which
mirSeiiBior and Keprewntalive have
. . . . ... .1 .diifinn a rw
done at wa-riinion ioi ""un -r
for the Iwi and Clark r air, and their
ffforl In lhalt of their contitoent in
proinolinuthewellare of the pe-iple ol
till -I'Bie, ueFervD i hi- .
dtion ol the Republican df Multnomah
county. We favor the re-election ol
Senator Mitchell to the Senate of the
I'nited State, and the renomination ol
Hon J. N. Williatneon a Reprenenta
tive from the Second ConiireKSional li
trict, and we inftrnct the delegate
1 1 ..r.ni.uniinn In ftttentl ttie
eiecieii i mm " - - - .
ConKreHional Convention, to te hell at
Portland, Or., on the Lith day of April,
l'KM, to the nnwaverinK upiort of Mr.
WillianiHon for renoininatioti in the con
vention. I
A lof' 1 Kle for Lite. j
With family around expecting him to J
die, and a on ridinu for life, 18 mile, to ,
,.t Dr. Kinu'a New Discovery loi Con- 1
Hiimptioti, Comihs and Cold, W. H. 1
Brown, of lenville, Ind., endured
death' auoniea from asthma; but tbi ,
wonderful medicine gave inmnt relief
and goon cured lilm. He writes: "I now
sleep soundly every niht." Like mar-
v.,ltia MirM ol I OIISIHUPIIOII, ruriiiuv-
nia, BronchitiH. Contttus. Cold and drip
prove its matchless merit for all Throat
and Limit trouble, (inaranteed bottles
Mc and It. Trial bottle free at Char-
man ii Co. uriitf store.
Fractional Towm-hlp W Opened to
Kettlcmeut Last faewiiiy.
Senator Maater. of P.oebnr((, rutht
handtiiend tf ConnresMnan Hermann,
tell the Salem correspondent of The
()reioiiiantht Mr. Hermann i at little
disadvantage in his candidacy to succeed
himsell by reason of hi presence in
WaahinftUm attending to hi duties, but
he think he will pull out all riitht.
lie think Hermann' friend of the
past will stay with him in thiscontest
and that the Dooilaa county man La a
........ ..1.!.- nnnn rAnnmi n a tion bv rea
son of his being already in Washington
and in line for promotion on committee.
Krienil 01 riarri aro inu
i,;,,k ili have a sir on it tide set
ting in in favor of their favorite. There
are a ltreat many neDUDiicaua ww uu
want Harris lor corutreaa ow-aiire ui i
political asoeiations, but these men, al
thomdi anti-Harris, cannot be called
pro-Hermann. They are men who would
perhaus support Hermann raiher than
Harris, but who would do so reluctantly
and becaiiM no other candidaie entered
the field. ThotiKh there I
amonit a considerable number of Kepub
Deans to see a third candidate itet into
the contest, there is no present talk, in
Halem. of anv name except those of
Harris and Henninn. If no other can
, ti, UmI.I it will, of course,
UIUKIIT Cllic. .... - . -
lie a ery abort fitih'.with only one ballot
necessary to decide the matter.
Ti.-ra .ri. reruln counties Uiat are
ii.. ,wwl in ha for Hermann
Amonit these are Douglas, with 14 dele
Kates; Klamath. 4; Lake. 4; Coo. 9;
Curry, 3; liliamoox, o; ''m"""' "
if Browrell Ih not a candidaie. Clacka
mas, 18. making a total of 62 that aeem
to be pretty certain for Hermann Lane
19. and Josephine , are ran
Harris, with Liun 14, also, if Kelly be
not a candidate, making tbe Lane coun
ty man 40 that are counted certain. The
south end of the district i moel in doubt,
though Jacksson. with 12 vote. i also
disputed Both sides claim a good chance
to win in Jackson. 12. Polk, 9. Washing
ton, 13. Yamhill, 11, Benton. 7, and Ma
rion 23. Harris is probably stronger in
.i... n.l ni the district than Hsr-
mtnn, and the question i whether he is
-I. . ...... rv. a t r AnVan-
strong enougn iu ur,.v..-
taite Hermann has in oouinoru v.rK .u.
It will require 80 vote to nominate.
Should ttiere ie nui iworauui'w'
the naming of delegate by county con
vention atiow that one of the two ha a
decinive majority, 11 ia prouauio mai
only one name win come ueiure vuo w..-
This i the substance oi caieni puuu-
cal nossip on the congreseional outlook
W. S. CKen Talk the Chance of
the Indorsement of the Pro
poned Measure.
"Farmers, laborer and taxpayer gen-
n ;n miii fur thA Silonlion ot the
rrviiT win ivi, r - .
direct primary law, said W. 8. U'Hen, of
this city, in a receni iniervinw mm
OreRonian correapondent at Salem. " A
iireat maiority of the people are strongly
. . 1 . . . I. V . n , if
In lavor ol it ana me pruned i- "v
will be adopted bv an overwhelming vote.
"At the same time, the measure ha
some strong opponent in both of the
leading parties, ioesa oppuurun.
as a rule, men who nave wieiueu power
as political leader and who view ui
primary nomir-ation law as a measure
that will lessen their infloeoce and give
the people power to control their own ai
fair. , .
'We shall try to secure the indorse
ment of the direct primary nomination
law by countv and state convention of
all the parties, but I understand we will
meet opposition in this. Political bo.te
will try to prevent this subject being in
troduced and if a resoluiion indorsing,
tbe direct primary law should be pre
sented, they will try to defeat it. Ti.ey
don't want the subject to come np at all
in ii.a onnventions. for thev know that to
refuse to indorse the direct primary law
would hurt them before the people. They
will conduct no'open fight against the
,lirl nomination law. but will filtht it
quietly and undercover.
. . . . ,, i:.: I l...Jn.aB,Ai(,a!nil
ot an me poimi;' icBwcio bic
uh. There are some politician wno aro m
way ready to ito lielore the people or pa
any issue and who do their work npeiJy.
Such men a lhe-e favor the direct pri
mary nomination law, for they have con
fidence In the common sense ano huiotj
of the majority ol the people. There are
others who do their work by quiet work
and tinder cover. These men are against
u. They are afraid to go before the
i -Ar.p tn rolw nnnn their abil-
peupie, uuw .w..j (
ity to control conventions by the means
they have been accasiomea 10 emyiuj.
"tarmcrs are in lavor oi "
primary because it take away some of
the power ol the city manipniaior in an
tics and give them a chance to ay who
shall be candidate for public office.
Labor unions are in favor of the direct
primsry because it give them a chance
to express their choice of candidate for
TaTnuvsra. who are more ioter-
UUIVD. -""J I , ,
.1 : .u.. A nl ia nnhlie aervii
Cl gossip on me congreiwiw esien in ine K " ; i
AtoJackon county, if she have no j tnan triey are In the outcome of political
,n,tiuiB of her own. her delegates are contests. re in favor of the direct pn-
likelvtobe tor Hermann, especially if
the issue of hi candidacy is pressed in
tbe primaries.
ranuiaie oi orr o . ."cn. -- ---
' mry because ll promises io uie uwnu
ottii-ers responsible to me peupie nu u
to political boese.
"If the party conventions indorse the
direct primary Uw, all will be clear fail
ing, of course. If any purty omose I'
ii n knnoi wlin nnr enemies are
I K . n r pi, mi ii ' --- -
The Inrlled Gornl Wh" C-Plle i (,1Ht jg tie next best thu g 'o know-
liefore the . 1 j,,,, ho our triends are. If the Htn-l
The mission.iry had finished his taik . g deh-at the direct primary in the
to the crowd of derelicts in a Bowery conventions, their action will make the
mission mid went around the room to pc(Jpie al me mo re wr m. -
. a tit
A ri'OKNKY Al w r, .
!f; Altention, nere s a Bargain
,,.,1 Abstract-) Male. . .' i.., 1 1 - :,.i, lii Mmiila rone, il
UridTlilr, Kiamloed. Abstra- t Mails. ,r
lwd, M..riKae. Drawn. Money Uaneil ( f.
orru K (ivhb
Rank ol Oregon City.
(iKKon ClTT, t. j
W.B. U'Baa 0. Boba.b.l
Attoriieyfl at Law.
Jlcntriljev 3lbl
Will i.ra. lira in all court. mk collection
and seiilmnrnl nf Klate.
ruri.lsti ahstracis of title, lend yon nionfj
snil lend your money on first montage.
Office In Enterprise Building,
Oregon City, Oregon.
Attohney at Law.
JiiHtice of the Peace.
Jagger Bhlg., Oregon Ciy
. . Oaaoo
WlllpraotlPeln all thaoourta el the state. 01-
tr.t, lu cu6ia buildlna.
5fKX) feet, Vi inch firet class Manila rofie, In one piece, is offered for
eale at a bargain lor a lew usy.
Main Street, k Oregon City.
Brunswick Ifouso & Restaurant
Newly Furnished Rooms.
Meals at All Hours. Prices Reasonable.
Opposite Suspension Bridge.
Only Firnt Clans rventaurant
In Town.
furalnh AVitrtoti ofTIUe.Ixian Money. For-
Merta.aDd iranaaai uu
Law IiiIimi.
OSon WadiSgtai State Fair Victories
it, irnil Male Fair IIMI'2
,,,on Cock ItTds, 6 In Competition
.j-3 on v. romnetltlon
ist on.... .. ' . Competition
ln,l3on Cockerel al in Competition
ami on. . ..: romnetltlon
; .America-
J,'m'mnn 1st on pallet, the .t 3
Washlnglon Slate Fair 1902
nnlvaent x pullets, I hen and I
Cock and won on every entry but one
besides specials, including best pen In
the show. Prize won ist Cock, 1st
Hen: ist and and I'uiiet; isi pen.
Kihlbltlon Stock a specialty Some
grand pallets for sale. Kf gs 3.00
T MURROW & SONJOregon City. Oregon
Atnri. ihn liOOO acres of land in tbe
Sileti teservation were thrown open to
settlement at tlie uresion w
OtBce Tuesday morninu u.ider the pro
vision of the Homestead Law. ith
the naception of ahout oue section, all of
hv thirtv-five
il)C untt unn - j
applicant who stood in line at the door
ol tlie land omce lor buuhi.
fore o'cloi-k the time set for throwing
,i,. ..... inn 1 1 in-nnliio ouen to settle
ment. The land embraced in the tract
is all located in the Sileti reservation
and the applicant, with but few excep
tion, weee people of Salem and Albany.
Two similar tract in this ame section
. .v. n..n Pil District will be
Ul tug viS"" -w.-j -----
thrown oieo to settlement undr the
same conditions on April o anu to ro
ll ..
aJiri:il CI T . ,
Those filing ou the land last Tuesday
Wul. ir E-,lr Alhert H. Steiner.
USB. n..
Albert L. Brown, Donald C. Byland,
Frank M. Brown, Conrad W. Boesehen,
Stephen A. Stanford, Manford McCrosky,
ti. i U.hprm Everett C. Jones.
Walter I. Stalev, Cha. A. Holmstrom,
Arno O. Croan, Oeo. B. Clelen, Elmer
E. Waiford. Chas. F. Snelling, Cba. B.
Croeno, Wm. C. Burkhart, lec K. Bura
hart, Carlton T. RoberU, Scott Bozortti,
Albert M. South wick, Edith G. Ha'ley,
Henry A. Brewer, Sarah C. Pyer, Louise
H. Kouthwick, Walter T. Jenk. Michael
....,. Hiram A. Kiev. Elmer J.
Seeley, Edmund L. A. eyss, Dotii:!
f! Mintai. John Ross. OUen H. Zey,
and Elittia 1. Kice.
r. r Ua mnmt umirlr aliln eaHes of a
V ' 1 1 0 VI IUD -
cold, deep-seated on the lunn, caosin?
rnianiKAni. ! EriKL 111 J1TB. Urr I UUD 1'.
Fenner, Marion, Ind., who waa entirely
cured by the use of One Minute Coiijjb
Cure. She ays: "The couiihinir and
straininn o weakened me mav i ran
down in weiht from 148 to 02 pound.
I tried a number of remedies to no avail
until 1 used One Minute Cough Cure.
Four bottle of thi wonderful remedy
cured me entirely of the coui?h, strength
ened my lunK and restored me to my
normal weight, health and strength.
Sold by Geo. A. Harding.
i.l i,..m tiv the band. There was
one man sitting on n bench whoso face
was so utterly loathsome that the nils-
gionnry'a R(-'e rose in llls tllroat' an(1
he was compelled to pass hlui by. The
mn-a rtiillml evp marked the look of
disRUst, and In a tone of mliisled de
JecUon and resent nicut he cried out:
"Say. mister, why don't you sbak"
hands wid nie?"
The youns missionary turned, con
science stricken, looked Into the sin
scarred feature and grasped the uian8
"Really, brother, you must forgive
me," he stammered. "I-I couldn't help
It when I saw yon your face. But I'll
make amends. You must take dinner
with nie tomorrow night"
The brokea man glanced at bis ragi"
in confusion, blushed like a girl and
i inl-n dinner wld VOU! Me
go to your house! Me!"
"Yes, I mean It. I'll come tomorrow
night ami get you."
True to his word, the missionary pre
sented himself nt the lodging house
the next evening nnd Inquired for the
man. A corpse was lying on the table,
a handkerchief spread over Its face.
The clerk Jerked his thumb In the di
rection of the Ixuly.
"Thnfa Wilson." he said. "He had
fixed himself up nnd was waitlu' tor
you; dropped dead half an hour ago."
New York Tress.
i.o i th imlU next June
take more work, but the result
the same."
It will
will be
Christian Science.
first Church of ChrNt Scientists,
Gnrde buildinr, corner feevetitn ana
Main streets, Sunday at 11 a.m. auu-
ject, Unreality.1'
Children i-unuay scin-oi mmn ..v
a. ni lesiinionmi mrfiun j
evening at 7 :45 o'clock. Reading room
is open Tuesday, inursuays anu mu,
days from 2 to 4 p. m.
Oregon City Sew Mulc Hou '.
The Anderson Music Company carries
pianos, organs, gramophone", Krapha
phones. Records '.'5 cents. Talking ma
chines from $3.50 up. Sheet music and
email musical instruments. Expert pi
ano and organ tuning nd repairing. (
Seventh street, opposite Courier omce,
Oregon City.
The .ame Witch .Ilaael.
The name Witch Hazel is much abused.
E C. DeWitt & Co., Chicano. are the in
ventors of the original and only genuine
Witch Hazel Sal n. A certain cure for
Cuts, Burn. Bruises, Eczema, Tetter,
Pile etc. There are many counterfeits
t f this salve, some of which are danger-
i.;i.. th r all wortblee. Id
buving Wi'ch Hazel Salve see that the
name E. C. DeWitt 4 Co., Chicago, i on
the box and a cure is certain. Sold by
Geo. A. Harding.
Baking Powder
Saves Health
The use of Royal Baking Powder is
essential to the healthfufness of the
family food.
Yeast ferments the food.
Alum baking powders are injurious.
Royal Baking Powder saves health.