Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 18, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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That i What the Book Say ot
Chronic Kidnoy DUcnae, But
the New Fulton Compounds
Have a Record of 87' o Rcco -erics
Among Chronic Case In
curable by All Other Medicines).
IVuffl know that kidney diaraae thai r
lung on eight or" ten month h Nxvm chrv;:lc
ami that it U then regarded by physicUus s
Incurable and that up to the advent of tl.e
JMlton Compound! that nothing on the Ir sbolv. r
would touch Ik It ta proten fact that rwarlj
elne-tentha ot all oaae ara now eurabe, an.!
rugglau themaelTf are laklnf the new Com
pouuji. One of the raooTertea was Dr. Zoilt
hlmselt, Ue pioneer druggut of 631 Facu.o
troet, San FrancUco, and he gate It to over n
Oenothera who rKorerfd. Here la aootli. I
Interesting wrorary. (We vr.i 'I "'
euenie Newaof Noiaiubar It.
Afier a aerlou Ulneaa of ovar a year Jodpe
1 R Alleaof thia ally baa recorered and i
tarda hiiwwlf moat fortunate in auooeMtul.y
battling withwhal la generally irnardcd as a
latal malady. Hnghfs lnn ef the kiducjs
Inapeaklngofhi iua Jud,e Allen aaiil: 1
bellere that Ike treatment glten me by ny
chTiloian was In accordance with the bl
Die I Hod! ned la the regular practice of me.il
cine, but it afforded te no relief. Heanug ii
(be Kuiton Compound I acot toSsn Kranciai
to Inrejlirate and wae aoon convinced 1 chou-d
OnderfO the treatment. It wn tare Bum 1'
before 1 noticed a c intige for the better. 1 um
the medicine faithfully for tear.y a year ui. J
can now fiud no e.uUDi ot tl;s dtavax tH-i.
am aatiafied it ui entirely el.mii.W. My a.
f ettle is od,l have gj'uod aevi:tefo icuim
b we'ghl and will be plcast'd to desf rts t ;,
xpenence to anyone to rr.y caller wr.:o.'
oraaieato Nes, Nov. NS, ii
I The editor cf I'.lo Vows h':..'. If . M-. 1
rho lold Juls-o Alli-uof i.e 1-Mlt"ti U' I a u:.d-.
Tiicy are the ou v lull. kuou ii-:.t cure
kidney diserva ar'-T a welt as b lore tS-iH-cvuie
cLcouic, which h.irriLs a'.ioiii tlie Itr.'.h
r.ouh I mu.'.t iRUii i.t in dtpT
rbcumiillsm r-om ur.c acid at.d Madder ironl..'"
'u!i..u Ketia! Ci nuv .ud for lrltfl.l's
K:dm y rive..-. et . gi; for P'atvtev l.-'
J..n J. Kv;l :!! Co.' Wmbtrfftoo gtreet. Sa:
u::c'-co. niie c re)uLil''r. r'nr anaivsei foi
pti-ru. Swi d or t'uu.j'hlet. We art trio 'I
.u. j i- .r U.Cio ivuuiiutU lu UU cij-
Republican Mate CooYentlou.
Notice is hereby given that the Repub
lican state conventiou ol the Republican
partv of the stale of Oregon is herehy
called to meet in the tity of Portland,
Oregon, on Thursday, April 14, 19(14. at
tbe hoar of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day,
for the purpose of nominating candidates
for the various state offices to be voted
for at the regular state election to be held
iu lb state of Oregon on .Monday, the
6th day of June, 1!04. namely :
One supreme judge, fur a period of
tix j ears.
One dairy and food commissioner, for a
period of four years.
Four presidential electors (to be voted
for in November, 1904.
Circuit judges and district attorney!
for judicial districts of tbe state, for the
term of six years and four years respect
ively. Joint representatives and senators for
tbe various districts.
There will also be chosen at said con
vention four delegates to the National Re
publican Convention.
The various counties of the state of
Oregon shall be entitled to representa
tion in said convention as follow : One
delegate at large for each county, and
one del-gate for every 150 voteB, and one
additional delegate for each fraction
thereof over 100 votes, can for H. S.
Bean for suprnme judge at the state
olft tion of 1902. the number for the
respective counties being as follows:
Benton '
Clackamas J
Clatsop w
Columbia '
rn..a 9
Crook 5
Pnrrv 3
Pouiilas ....
Jopephine. . .
Lincoln ,
Malheur .. .
Mnltnomab .
Sherman ...
Wallowa ....
. 4
. 7
. 4
. 7
. 4
. 4
. 5
. 5
. 5
. 4
. ft
Wheeler "
I annul)
Total number delegates 361
It is also recommended that me pri
maries in the various counties be held on
Saturday, tbe 2d day of April, 1!04. and
the various county conventions on Tburs
dav, April 7. 1904.
By ordei of the Republican State Cen
tral Committee.
Fbank C. Baker,
Attest: Chairman.
Harbison Allen, fiecietary.
Have Too Registered.
The importance of every voter regis
tering before tbe legal limit for doing so
expires should not be overlooked. A
full riiatriti(in indicates a full VOte.
a.V.tnk ia almrava (1A hpSt RHStiranCe Of a
good government. While it is aa old ! elected by their county conventions to
truism that politics is the poorest bnsi-! this congressional convention and mail
ness in tbe world and office seeking, ac them at once to Curtis B. Winn, secre
a rule is the worst form of politics, yet tary congressional committee, Albany,
that activity which leads every voter to Oregon.
":eep tab" on current events and the I.iel-gate8 or otherg in attendance at
trend of political aspirations and by the convention may secure a rate of one
whom, is a plain duty wnicn is always
The chiefest duty of every voter is to
vote, and since registration is a prere
quisite to voting, citizen? should not
neglect to attend to this auxiliary to the
. ... i - i i r i
exercise oi me elective iraiic:uie. j mo-1 convention. i. w. iiahkis,
ablv never before since the passage of; Chairman Congressional Committee.
1. .n:anttn l'jor i.aa tliorn ripen Rn!f....... U t'...u
1UC irgJPIl BI.VJI " t'ai ...... .j
email a number ol registrations at una
nr.inniifliiiii (IntA Vipfore a ipiKTa! elec
tion. Tbe fact that It is so easily done
largely accounts for tbe other fact it has
t all. Voters should at
tend to it without unnecessary delay In
tend to it without unnecessary oeiay in
-.l : !.., -i.
oruer mat tne otuerwim: uiipi-onoui. .j.i , - ... ,., V.
at a later date may be avoided, and, Burns, Boils, Sores. Felons, L leers, Tet
since at this point it occurs to the States-! ter, Salt Rheum, lever Sores, Chapped
man editor that be himself has not yet! Hands, Skin Eruptions; infallible for
, ... . r,ia AThnrrs: nn will i. Hum-
marilv closed that that important func
tion of the American voter may not be
loager postponed. fc-alem Statesman.
School Report.
Following is a report nf the Muiulottl'
i'IiooI for the tieinli ending Match 4,
No day attendance . tl-
No iUys ahwncH , 100
No days taiulit . . l!
No. tin'n'1 tar.lv -0
Aveia:e dai v Mtteiulame. . 3T
Thoso neither alwent nor tardv w rt :
Mabel lioroiikihti, l.ixr.ie, Alma hihI I'aul
liany, Kelher HoUitmn, liege Hunke
Toivald Krager.
Visitor present wet: Mi-en I-na
and Anna liany ; MeirM. S C. (iiesy,
Kied lUuy and Fred Kenoud Vieilma
are always wi'lconie.
A lick K Kittkr, Teacher.
Following is the school report for dis
trict No. 72, Col ton. Oregon, for the
month ending Feb. LY, ltliM :
Average daily attendance 21
No. ot days absence 1
No. tune tardy 1
Those who were neither abent nor
tardy during the month are: Bessie,
Promise and Jessie l'liillip". Fbilip and
Robert run, Orover and Mary Wright
Nellie and Archie Bonney and Cheste
Trout t.
Visitors during the month aero : J.
M. Wiight and J. Puti. direc.ors; Mieses
Jescie, Eula and I'rniel C'a'k ami Katy
I.afeity, Mrs. liorhetl, Mrs. Mammit
Meesrs Kddie tiotthetg, O-car Cailson.
John ljtferty, Cleve Laferty. Visitors
are always welcome.
Lnoka CitNTiitcK, Teacher.
Christian Scl.nce.
First Church of Christ Scientists.
Garde building, corner Seventh and
Main streets, Sunday at 11 a.m. Sub
ject, "Reality."
Children's Sunday school meets at 10
a.m. Tesiimonial meeting Wednesday
evening at 7:45 o'cha k. Reading nmi
is open Tuesdays, Thnrsdays and Satur
days from 2 to 4 p. m.
World's fair Srw-'om.
There are H7,'.'.r9 panes of glass, IS bv
;3 inches, in the I'atace of Agriculture at
the World's Fair.
Seven thousand lineal feet or nearly a
mile and a half of platforms four feet
high are being built for t' e unloading of
exhibits at the World's l air.
Twelve tliou-and carloads of exhibits
are expected by the director of exhibits
of the World's'Fair. At the Columbian
Exposition at Chicago 8.000 carloads
were received.
Two hundred of Uncle Sam's marines
who have been on duty at Panama are
going to the World's Fair to give exhibi
tion drills. The popularity of this
branch of the service is increasing with
young men who want to be cosmopoli
tans. Night has been turned into day in all
of tbe large exhibit palaces at the
World's Fair. Numerous electric ac
lights have been put In place and scores
of workmen are busy night as well as
day in installing the exhibits.
A pack train of 24 horses, with all of
their acccouirements, will be one of the
novelties at the World's Fair. The un
usual spectacle will lie sent by citizens
ot Wyoming to mark Wyoming day.
The horses will all be equipped as if
ready to start on the trail.
A Pan Diego, Cal., woman will exhibit
at the World's Fair, butter made in
lKrtf Tho hotter was nlaced in a Htirintr
house in that year and it disappeared in
I the quick sand. It was recently recov-
lered and was found to be in a remark-
I ably good state of preservation. It is
now in cold storage.
.,. ... ......
Tbe Belgian building at tbe World's
Fair, one o' the largest and handsomest
in tbe foreign section, ie remarkable in
that the walls are not broken by a single
window. The larire structure is well
lighted by immense sky lights, 75 feet
above the floor.
Progress in medicine and surgery will
be shown by an excellent exhibit of ap
pliances, instruments and apparatus for
surgery and medical research in the
Palace of Liberal Arts at the World's
Fair. A complete modern hospital, w ith
all of the accessories and apparatus
known to the most advanced surgery
will be tbe most prominent feature of
this group.
Call for Coiigrewdoiiul Convention.
A convention of the Republican party
of the first congressional district of the
BtutB r.t flreimi ia herehv called to meet
in Salem, Ore., Wednesday, April 13, at
11 a m ffr the niirnosft rif nominatinff
i one representative for congress and to
I transact such other business as ma?
, rf,r,Rrv come
..r-.r.nrltf prime Viefnre the convention
The convention win consist oi in delegates-,
apportioned among the several
counties of the district as follows, to-wit :
Benton, 7; Clackamas, 111; Coos, 9;
Curry, 3; I)ooglas, 14; JackBon, 12;
Josephine, 7; Klamath, 4; Lake, 4;
Lane, 19; Lincoln, 5; Linn, 14; Marion,
23; Polk, 9; Tillamook, 6; Washington,
13; Vamhill, 11; total, 177.
The same being one delegate-at-large
for each county, one for everv 150 votes
cast for Judge Bean on the last general
election, and one for every fraction of
150 larger than 100.
That the work o! the convention may
be expedited as much is possible, the
committee suggests that the chairmen
and secretaries ol trie several county con
! uantinni Ofrtlfv in fliA list fif flfflMtfJI
an,i one-third lares lor the rouna trip on
the rjouthern Pacific and the Corvallis &
Eastern railways hy paying full fare to
Salem, taking a receipt for fare paid
from the ticket agent and having same
properly certified by the secretary of the
vLJtllB U. ' I ,
IIiM-kleii' Arnica Hal ye.
Has world-wide fame for marvelous
Tt .nri.fla.Ai nr nt lie iqIva 1w
. " j ""
I lif.n mntment or ha m for f;nts. Corns.
a ucn. uv .......... .. . - -
Cbarman 4 Co. druggist.
Tba Batarpfii $1.W per year.
The Manx Talllraa Feline Waa Onrw
a HearofiMl Freak.
It tw-euis prolmlilo thnt the t.iillifs
Manx cats originally rnme from Corn
wall. They iminiigi'd to survive longer
!iS a distinct breed In the NIo of Man
than In Cornwall, the prcdoinlti.'iiKe of
the common tailed cut being of course
aided In the latter district by the fact
thut. although remote, It Is pnrt of the
mainland of Knglnnd, weieii new
cuts could he carried to the Isle of
Man only by sea. The Manx cat which
first attracted modern attention with n
very different animal from the vari
ously colored specimens which now
tnke prizes at cat shows. It was al
ways of the color of a hare and had
fur like a hare.
Like a hare, too. It always moved Its
hind legs together. Its chief food was
crabs caught on the beach, and when
transported Inland from the Heiicoasts
It very seldom. If ever, survived long.
No cat of this kind has been s. cn for
many yvnrs In the Isle nf Man, though
there are plenty of tailless cats, Its
crossod. descendants, to he purchased
there. Wherever It originally came
from, tbe Cornish or Manx cat was
more nearly u separate Hpceles than
any kind f show rat now exlntlng.
It wns a seucoiiMt niilnml. with fur,
color, absence of tail and method of
locomotion obviously adapted by tbe
Inheritance of ;igcs to Its habit of
catching crabs and other small life be
hind the ebbing title.
To Avoll a Tie Vote.
In the history of our comic literature
there have lx-ii many genuine "Irish
bulla" recorded, but rarely one that Is
of a neater brand than that encounter
ed at a political gathering on IjcUMt
street above Broad, In Philadelphia,
says tbe Record of that city. A con
vention of delegates had been called to
revise the rules of tbe party, and In or
der to expedite matters a delegate
moved that a committee of fifteen be
appointed to draft the proponed rules.
Hefore this was adopted another dele
gate suggested that a committee of fif
teen would be unwieldy and proposed
an amendment reducing the number to
eight This was agreed to, but before
Its adoption an aged delegate, with a
rich U'lesla'n brogue, aroso and sol
emnly proposed, "Mlether Chairman, I
move yer that the committee be ln
cr'ased to nolne, so that In case of a
tole vote there'll be a majarity of wan."
Campaigns Will
Be Interesting
And You Will Want The News
The General Election in June will be a live
ly contest and you will also want to be in
formed about the Presidential election in
November. In order to be informed reliably,
accurately and completely concerning the
political situation and progress of the cam
paigns in Clackamas county, you must read the
n cm n
This being election year we have decided to
make the following offer for those desiring to
become subscribers:
Wewill send the Enterprise from now un
til after the June election for 25 cents.
in Your Subscription
A Three Months' Subscription to the best
Q paper published in Clackamas County
Subscribe .7 Once.
Oregon City Enterprise
Oregon City, Oregon
i"1 Kxp'rlenra haa eUililtneu it na
M alwL Hold hy all dealrra. Von
f-3 w t).y Kn.v. 1901 Srtk
Annnal ixmupkiu ir 10 an n-
fi p.HMiia.
fr-cy"'1..., "viy,'',Vl"",,'t
iCuhator PcrfcctiCdt
In rlKlit prlnrlplt-ami h! iit'il titi
th Murifl-fiiiiiotJA Kt'd ( i-'lhr-W'tilte
Ir I bin , ji r 'I utik.
Compound I urrujruifri V.
jif'Kiiiiii'r1Ilylr-affiy Ijiinph
i-l fwiory t n lh wmL htnt tn-
aiOK'K' III (UK llfrtL tHlinirill lN,
miikl 1 u-(iaiu f 1 1 1 I tii'tilialiini ui.d
iir-rx)frn in t h' rnark'-t, hrlilrcNi
'IlifHt II IfllH IllCllhkttOr ( O.,
TolHlO, WiwliliiKtou, U.H. A
v For Sale by Frank BurcIi.
'a'fTerce anathema.
Tbe I'looa U'l.h a Woman Fiona; mi
Jean I'aal Hlrbter.
Jean Taul Rlchter once observed that
If a lady officer wanted to give tlit
word "Halt:" she would do It In tbe
following strain: "You soldiers, all of
you, now mind what I say. I order
you os soon us I have done speaking
to stand still, every one of you, on th
spot where you happen to be. Don't
you hear nie? Halt, I sny, all of you!"
Upon this a strongmlnded woman
made the following comment: "Now,
M. Jean, It was an unlucky day on
which you wrote that sentence. May
you never hear anything but thut little,
concise word 'No' from every rosy pair
of lips you meet May you hult wifeless
through life. May your buttons be
snappish, your strings knotty and your
stockings full of holes. May your boot
Jack b mlxslng, your feet corny and
your shaving water cold; our razor
dull, your hair stand up, your collar
He down. May your beard be porcti
plny, your whiskers thinly settled and
your mustaches curl the wrong way.
May your coffee he muddy, your tonst
smoky and your tea water bewitched,
and, with a never dying desire for af
fection, rn.iy you crawl through crea
tion a meek, miserable, nasty, forlorn,
fidgety, fussy, ridiculous, ruined, de
jected old bachelor."
H"0 :
V, i!
Moved to A oil
Do not 1)0 deceived ly those V'lio nd
vertlso a ?')().) KcvinMiicliiii! for
I5UKI. This kind of a macbiii.-etui
bo bought from UHorany of our
dculuw froinfl.').tjoto iwm.
Tho Feed determines f ho strerigtli o,
Vinknexn of Hewing MaidilliCM. 'I'he
loultln 1 '! c(iiiihiiii.il u iih .ti...-
iHtrongiMdntsiiinkcHtlie, i 1 Ionic
itho U-t Hcwiii) Mn hino to buy.
Write for CIRCULARS "Vv;rti
'wo nuuiiiriii-tiiri'iiinl jirh ift In fun: iiun huxiiiK
oatitoc. Ma
28Unlou K. N. Y.,i;hligi,Ill.t Atliuiln, !.,
BULoula.Mo., lMlliw,Tcx.,Han Knm.-iHco.Oil
C. 8. CRANE, MO Morrison Htreet,
Portland, Orogon,
Shoit Line
and union Pacific
Through Pullman atamlitrd ami Toiin
it slrrpitig cars dally to Onmba, l'liit-ao
Mxikalir; touriat alrrtilug cars dailj lo
Kan-aa Cltv: through PiiIIiuhh i..i.f,.
IrcWtig cars (pcraonally nilin
wcrkly to Chicago, Kansaa City, rcclln.
ing chair (aruta frrrlo the caal daily
rr Portland to Chicago "i
No Change of Car. U
rorila nil. U'nrl lit Imalia Kan
4 p.
Hi'wtal i'.i v. m I .una
II a. in
( l.li'UK.i ami Knl.
Y. irrnh
M.I. Ii. Ill
via llilul
Itlk'toll .
Suit l.akK, Jieiiver. - .
uriii.i imalia. ka. i lo,'lo a m.
an 1 1 y . M. I nula
I'l.trngo anil Kat.
r""1 "l I . II i M,,l,r Mm.
"I' M ihimiIi. hi. l'ul T: a. in.
vU I imiuiii. MiUaiikrr.i
HK.k.ioe I l'i. i. nncl Knt. )
Ocean and River Schedule
l-'.ir San I'riiin l.i-n V. rl r flic ilnv nl H
.i.iii. I nr Al"Mn, wbv ...lnl nn! Si it 1 1,
llruilt litiilv lr.-it Stliiiti V I at H (.. in;
S.ittlt.lav l I" i in hrillv arrvli-v Uulri
iwi iiiiUuii; i i.n llliiiiirl tr nil.) iiuilul
Kivct .
l'nr drtuilrd iiil.irination of ratra,
brrth rrnrrvatinn etc, cull or write to
your m ari-Ht tu ktt ngrnt, or
A. I.. AKI,
l.rnrral l'iii-ngcr Agent,
The drrgoii Km In. iid Nuvngation
Co., rnrlliind, Oirgdii.
Portland and The Dalles
'l'.iiil. y Catert" "DhIIch City"
"KcK'ulator' "Mctlakt."
('oiinectiiig at l.yle, Wanh , illi the
( '(iliiinl.iii Kivit himI .Northern Hy. fur
Wulikl.li'UH, I luly, ( Viilervilln, Violileii
dule and ull Cicketiit Vulley kiiiiIh.
Strainer leaves I'orllntid diiilv 'eti ept
Snndy;for The PuIIcm 7 a. in., arrive
Tlie 1'nlle II -IM p. in.; rtcatner conni'ClH
with ('. K. A N. tram at l.yle (or (iol
dendiile Slriiiner leuvea The iJalles
daily i-xi-i-t.t miihIuv) for 1'orllHinl at
7:110 a. in., Hrrivea I'ortlainl li p. m.;
('. K A N. tiHin leiivlng ( ioldeiidaln ill
Ii :l.r t'uiiiiei't Itli Him Kteikiner for I'orl
IhihI. I'.xi'ellent mealH served on nil ateiiinera
1 me iiri oiiiiiioilnt ion for tennis and
W Hgol.N.
I' ol detaileil itifurmatioii of ruli'",
berth rew rviitioiiH, r.ulroud and utai'H
('iiiitiectioiia write or call upon S. Mi'
dmiuld, anent, Alder atreet wharf, or
II. tl. C IMI'UKI.I.. Malinger,
I'orlland, Ore.
Daily River Schedule
Steamer Altoiia and I'omotia for Ha
lem and way point, leave Portland daily
'except Sunday) at 11:4.1 . in., leave
Oregon City, 8:15 a. in ; returning, leave
Salem, 7 a. m. ; leave Oregou City, 4
p. in.
Oregon City TrMiiaportntlun Ou.
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
Kx. D'ly
P.M. A.M.
July r, IIK12
H 4I
8 Xt
8 W
8 OU
7 M
7 W
7 :i8
7 28
7 17
7 02
(i 12
(1 .'12
II 20
II 10
7 l H im
Of) I).',!
l.v pnrtlRiid
It 10
iiolile . .
. . . Kainier . .
. 1'yraiiild.
Mayger . .
. (Jllll.f'V . .
III ll'l
U fi'J
9 27
II 17
h H
H 4'
8 Xi
8 PI
8 071
7 M
7 4.'.!
M ,'lHi li
8 II II In'
H Ml' II Ml'
8 :H III ()i!1
fl OH, III
!l l!i HI 21 1
37 lo :m:
10 00 II ,'i7
10 OH II in
10 2D II II.'.,
. ' lainkaiiie
. . . MHrnhland
.... Wralport .
.. . Hilton ..
Knappa ..
Hvetmen . .
John Day .
Ar. . Antoria. .1
io :ihii ,'in,
li :tr. a.
. ... 7 40 a. m
. . . 4 oo p. in
...10 .to a. m
. . . 6 m p. ni
...12 30 p. m
. . . 7 20 p. ni
. . . 1 :l p. ni
. . . CiO a. ni
r w p. n
II -V). Ill .
8 l.ra. in..
II l-'ia. in..
2 :io p. 111 ..
ft OK p. Ill .
II 40 a. m .
All train maKe clone noimeotlon at fiohla
with all riorthern I'ai ilir train to or from
the Kant or Hound Point.
At Portland with all train leaving Union
At Astoria with I. K. N. Co.' boat and
rail line, and Steamer T. J. Potter, to and
from Ilwacoaiid North lieach Point.
Ticket oilier, 2:A Morrison t., and Union
depot. J. C Ma YO,Oen. Pan. Agt.
Astoria, Ot