Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 18, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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Mill Hold Triniarloi April 4 t duiiIj
Convention Atrll 9.
The Democrats were iu town Wednes
day. That was the dav set for the meeting
ot the IVnnvratic County Central Com
mittee of Clackamas county. It is re
ported that 21 of the 37 members of the
committee were in attendance at the
uiettng, which vis held nt the club
looms of the Thoe. Jefferson Democratic
Club of thin city in the varde building.
It was decided to hold the primaries on
Monday, April 4, and the county conven
tion on the tollowing Saturday, April 9.
The pportiomnent of delegate to the
county convention wu made on a basis
of one delegate to every ten vole that
were cant for Governor Chamberlain
This will make a convention of 17i dele
gate. An informal banquet waa held at
Willamette Mall in the evening
Chairman Beatie presided at the meet
ing. Just what the Democrats propose
to do at the June election in this county
ia an unknown quantity and one which
the most vigorous quetti ming failed to
disclose. The members of the minority
party either do not reallv know what
they intend to do. or. having a well de
fined programme of action, are lying low
and raying nothing, at leant none ot the
Democratic leader that were seen at the
committee meeting would divulge any
thing as to the many things contem
plated by their party. The reporter in
terviewed both Chairman B-atie, O. D
Eby, president of the local club, and Jim
Lovett, a recognized local leader ol the
Democracy, but he was unable to learn
enough from these gentlemen, so far a
prospective candidate are concerned, to
makes respectable item. When asked
regarding probable legislative limber,
Jim Lovett looked wise and remarked:
"We may decide not to have a legisla
tive ticket in the field this year." And
this was aoout all of the estWaction that
could be gained by intei rotating metnhen.
of the unterrified organization in t dis
count y.
But , speaking about candidate, it i
generally known that Bon Beatie would
like to tie sheriff. He declares that he
is not an avowed candidate for the nom
ination, but then it is believed that he
would not hesitate to accept the nomi
nation if he thought he could be elected
to tnat othce.. Frank Killings, of Mar
qimm, ami L'el Trullwger, of Union
Mills, will probablv contest for this nom
ination from tbe Domocrats. The omy
name that has been suggested as a prob
able candidate for the nomination ot
county clerk is that of 0. D. Ehy, of tiis
citv. Mr. Ehy is president of the Thos.
Jefferson Club of Oregon City. With
theeefew exceptions, it was impossible
to ascertain from any source the names
of Democrats who have political asptra
Sany Oregon City People Fail
Realize the Seinosnes
Bai ktcbe is so deceptive.
It come and goes-keep you gueesinr.
Learn the cause then cure it.
Nine time nut of ten it comes from
the kidneys.
That's why Doan's Kidney Pills cure
Cure every kidney ill from backache
to diabetes.
Here's a case to prove it :
Mrs. v. .Murphy, widow, who lives at
o95 Ivon 6t., Portland, says: "Year
when living in Kansas I was greatly
troubled with kidney complaint. At
that time, I was, I might say, perfectly
ceipiees tor months, but in tune it wore
away as mysteriously as it came. It did
not bother me again until last fall when
there was every symptom of its return
and knowing what I had Buffered form
erly I began to look around for some
iiung to check it, and on looking over
the paper I noticed Doan's Kidney Pille
highly recommended sol procured them
and took tbem as directed. It onlv re
quired a fe day's treatment to ward off
tlie attack, Since then I have recom
mended Doan's Kidney Pills to a nom
berof my friends."
Plenty more proof like this from Ore
gon City people. Call at C. G. Hunt
ley's drug store and ask what bis cm
toroers report.
For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents,
Jroeter-Mtlhurn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. sole
agent for the United Slates.
Keir.ernber the name Doan's and
take no other.
Coartlnenta a.a4 Dtsreatloa.
People with weak digestions will al
way be found to be fond of condl
Bents, aa tbe tendency of these things
b to stimulate tbe glands of tbe stom
ach and cause them to produce a larger
"apply of digestive Juices. Pepper,
mustard and other like apices stir up
tbe liver and are useful to people who
from necessity or other causes lead
sedentary lives. Vinegar dlHaolves the
cellulose in raw vegetables, and that la
why It tastes ao well with cabbages
and salads, for there Is no better Judge
than the palate of what Is good for the
toraach. The oil Is added because It
protect tbe stomach from the biting
Tbe Thumb.
Thumb have be n appreciated ever
since the world Ixvnii. The ancients
used to call the t'-.uinh the other hand.
Barbarous '.iings used to t-uear and
make compacts by their thumbs. In
Borne It was a sign of favor to wring
and kl the thumb and of disfavor
or disgrace to lift It up or turn It out
Ward. A man who was hurt In hi
thumbs was excuwd from serving In
the Roman wars. Some of the scoun
drelly cltlcna used to cut off their
thumbs so as to remain at home and
get rich. Teachers used to punish their
pupila by biting thlr thumbs.
Eoeolriztneit For tbe Boy
Patsy Mom, won't yer gimme
candy now?
Mrs. Casey-Didn' 01 tell ye 01
wouldn't give ye army at all If ye didn't
kape still?
ratsy Yes'm, bet
Mrs. Casey Well, the longer ye knp
still tbe sooner yell gat It PUladfcl
phla Pre,
! Burning of ImqiKiis Theater
i At the ast meeting of Warner Orange,
No. 117, held at New Era, William Hm i
ner itad a poem on the burning of the
'Iioqtioi theatre, December HO, l'AU
j Tne veises follow :
Mark ! The wail of lamenta'ion,
Floating on th evening breeze,
Over lofty hill and valleys,
Through among the leafless trees.
Ti a cry of hitter anguish,
F'rom Chicago's city fair;
Father, mothers, sisters, b others,
Wring their hand in dire dispair.
F"or the loved ones that have perished
In that cbamel bouse ot death ;
Scorched by tire ami choked with gases
Till each victim's latest breath.
Many mother with their children
Left their homes that fatal noon,
Little thought that ere tbe sunset,
They should meet their final doom.
See them sitting in the theatre,
Jov and pleasure fills each breast;
Little thought of coming danger,
f ii . i i. i
Pfeasuie all their thought pose.6d.
But their pleasure soon was ended,
For tbe Jheater was on fire ;
How to save their live from danger,
Now wa all their heart' desire.
Then with screams of fear and terror,
F.ach one rushed toward tbe door;
Hundreds fell o'ercome with gases.
And were trampled on the floor.
Cries of men and women, too,
Resounded through the place:
And mothers with their clfcldren dear
Locked in a fond embrace,
Were struggling hard to save their live
iiilt struggled all m vain :
For many mure fell to the floor,
And never rose again.
But trampled on by hurrying feet,
Until their latest breath ; '
Ob, let us draw the curtain down
On this sad scene of death.
And now their friends and relative
Mourn the loved ones gone ;
The smiling face that they loved,
No m ire they'll look upon.
Their families prostrate with grief
And mother in despair,
When they look around their homes
and see
Their love l one' vacant chair.
Seattle People Experienced An Earth'
quake Wednesday Erening.
Seattle, Wash. March 16. The most
S-vere e-r hquiike shock ever experi
enced in the N irthwest rocked buildings
m Seattle ton ght and drove frightened
women and children into the streets.
Patients in the hospitals leaed from
heir cots in terror. On the upper floors
if the taller business blocks bookcases
swayed to and fro, crashing into the wall
with a report that could he heard In ad
joining rooms. Business men working
a e rushed from their offices along floors
'ha' rose and (ell with the mot on of a
vessel.at :e . in a storm.
Tbe disturbance was felt in other
Northwestern towns with practically the
Sium violence At Tacoma, Everett,
Heilingharn, Victoria, Port Townsend,
Port Angeles and the smaller towns of
the Northwest, buildings were shaken,
window rattled, doors burst open and
frightened people impelled to flee from
their homes. The shipping on the Sound
felt the disturbance and people on the
boats were disturbed.
There were two shocks, tl e first light,
but the second of violent force. In Se
attle they seemed to pass al 8:14 P. M.
from east to west, Tacoma and Snoho
mish reporting a similar movement of the
earth's crust. Further north the shocks
passed either from northeast to north
west or from north to south, and on the
west side two reports insist that the
movement was from west to east. Re
ports from North Yakima and points in
the southwestern part of the state show
the earthquake was not felt there.
In Hungary,, when the question of
the baby's future comes up for dis
cussion among tbe gypsies, there is no
time wasted In argument A blanket
la held by the four corners and the
baby is thrown Into the air. If it comes
down on Its little stomach It la a sign
that It Is going to be a musician; If It
falls on Its buck It is to be a thief, and
the education of the child is begun us
soon as possible In one of these two
time honored professions.
L,egal Notices.
.tollce to Creditor.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been duly appointed by tne
i ounty Uoiirt of tlie Stale or Oregon,
County of Clackamas, executor of iheestate
,.F I..K..I V T...llln.. ,1 I All
oris having claims against said estate are
hereby required to present them to me
properly verified, as oy law reijulred at the
nmceoi L Ken it hcnuewl in Oregon Uity,
Oregon, within six months from the date
Uated this IHth day of March Iflo4
Executor of the ehtate of Juliet F. Trull
inppr deceased.
Attorneys tor executor.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for tlie County or Clackamas.
Franceiia C. Varney, Flaintifl,)
El wood 0. Varney, Defendant.)
To Elwood 0. Varney, defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon: Yon
are hereby retiird to appear and answer
the complaint tiled against yon in the
above entitled suit, within six weeks from
tlm date of the first publicat on of this
tinunoria, which time expires on the .'JOtll
day of April, and if you 10 fail to ap
pear and aridwtr, the plaintill will apply to
me nun tor me renei waved lor in tne
complaint, towit: A decree dissolving tha
bonds ol matrimony rusting between
laintifl and defendant, to resume her
former name of Franceiia C. Marks, and
for such other and further relief as to the
Court may seem tost and equitable.
This summons Is published by order of
Tbos. F. Ryan, Jortire of tbe County Court
of the H'ate of Orpon for Clackamas
County, dated March U, VJ4.
Line of first publication, March 18, 1904 ;
an J date of last publication. A pril 29, I'M.
W. ti. FO WELL,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
toiler of Niilc i t" Ileal ltvrrljr
m I'rtvu Mule
I'ne uh.lersigM.I, having been duly
suthorired hv liir t'oi:iu Court of lbs Stale
tilOngoi, tor I lackamas County, here v
g ves notice Hint iron ami aiier tne 11 dav
( April, luH. he l I proceed to mOI at pri
va'e side to tin- hu ijlitder lot cash me
, Mlo ting n al inKpFi-y. in par 1 1 or as a
whole, helm. an. g ui me esiate ot J.-iincs K.
' t'-irnr, decease , ai d par In ularly described
as billows :
I I'll South aist iiisr'er(S W , loflhe
I South east quarter (S It. I, Hie Ksi hsli
(K. ljl ol li e Soinli et quarter (S V, t)
i and Imt Four (H ol Sei-tion I'hirtv (;in)
I'ownai.ip Six (h) Nonh id Range Sn
Vt est ol the Willamette Meri tan, contain
ing hCJ 111 acres, in C at up County, Oregon.
Kids aid t.e addres-ed to ins undersigned
at M-tlr ill, Oregon.
Adrniniiilrator ol ins esi is of James K.
Currie, deceased.
.lullre tor I'ubltraUloa.
TimtM-r Land, Act June 3, 1STH.
Chiled State Land Olltce, I
Oregon City. Ore., Feb. 11, p.V4 f
Notice is uerebv given that In conipll
I ance Willi the i mvimiiik of the art of con-
I r(.M0,jm,e a. imt. entitled -An act lor
Hi sale ol tiinher ' lands in the st iles ot
California, 0 egon, Nevada aiM Washing
ton Territory,' as extended to all !' pub
lic land stairs tit act ol August 4. IMfJ,
A ii (us Mrl'hea,
of Portland, l ontity .d M iiltnomah, state i f
Oregon, lias this iKy tiled in this oltii-e his
som siHiemei t No. tvtid, lor the purchase
of Ilia lie', ol section No. 13, in inwiislnp
No. '2 soiun, range No 7 east, and will olfrr
i.rool In show ihst the land sought is more
Taluifiilr lor It limner or stone man for ag
nrultnral purimse , a id lo rstanhsh his
claim to said land before the register and
receiver ol this ottie t Oregon Cm. Ore
goo, on Friday tne tit 1 1 day ol .May, l!ll.
He names as aitnesses: Cha Oatxirn,
K it'rrl Ostiom, A Jon., 1 .MelMnald, all
of Portland, I regin,
Any and all i-ersons rlainiiiig adversely
ihe atsive de.M-ribed Units are requested to
tile llielr claims in tni. oitiie on or before
.-aid li.li dav ol X at . P.S'I.
A l.li KliNO.S s. DKESSEK.
Kegis er.
police of l'inal Ncltlrmenf,
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed, adiiiinislrai ru of the esiate ol John
I. l olson, deceased, lias tiled In the county
limit ol Clackamas county, Orrg m, her
Hnal account as snc'i administratrix, and
that Momiav, (lie 2Mtl d iy ul Man h, l;i.
al 10 o'clock a. in., at itie county court
room in Oregon C''y, l lai kamas coiiiiiv.
Oregon, has been tiled as the time and
place by sod court lor hearing and drter
mining any and alt old ctions to said tinal
account. KLI.A C01.SON,
Administratrix of tlie Kslate ol John I1.
Coison, deceased.
March 31.
.Hotlcr Tor I'liblirntlon
Timber Land, Act June 3, 187S.
United States Land Office, Oregon
City, Otegon, Feb. Ill, 1904.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of tbe act of
ongress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act lor the sale of timber lands la the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as extended
to all the Public Land Slatea by art of
Mlgusi -i, 13:1., joaepn u. i uii, ui r.agie
. . lt.L. I . L II ,' 1. . I' .1 1
Creek, county of Clackamas State of Ore
gon, has this day filed in tins office his
sworn statement No. b"!ti8, for the pur
chase of the N W.'4 of NW '4 of Section
No. 14 in lowtislnp i h, Kan e .No,
5 Kasl, and will offer proof lo ntiuw that
the land sought is mora valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish bin claim to eaid
land belore the Register . nd Ht-ceiver of
this office at Oregon City on Friday, the
He names as wilnes-es: Adelbnit
Field, of I'oriUtid, Oregon ; Charles Van-
1 ' . . .
cliren.ot f.agle ( reek, Oregon; Oavid
Hofruiister, of Kagle Creek, Oregon;
Frank K. Coon, of 1'ortland, Oregon.
Any and all perBOtis claiming adversely
the above-described lands are requested
to file their claims in this office on or
before said 1 lit ti day of Mav, 1IM4.
Ailinlnlxt.utor' .Nale or Kcul
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of
an order ol the county court of the slate of
Oregon for the county of Multnomah, duly
made and entered 01 record on me m day
of February, l!S4. in the matter of the es
tate of Rosa F. Rurrell, deceased, authorix
ina and directing the sale ol tbe real prop
erty to said entate belonging in the manner
prescribed by law for the sale of real prop
erty upon execution, 1, (Jnrdon Voorbies,
administrator with the will annexed ot the
estate ol Rosa F". Rurrell. deceased, will of
fer tor sale and w ill sell at public auction to
the highest bidder at the court house door
of Clackamas county in the state of Oregon,
on Tuesday, the Zltli day of March, 1101. at
the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, all
the following described real properly citu
ate In Clackamas county, Oregon, to wit:
Block li in Waverly Heights. Said sale to
be for c.aBb, subject to confirmation hv the
Administrator w ith the will annexed of the
estate of Rosa F. Burrell, deceased.
Feb. 2o. 4t.
County Treafturer'N Notice.
I now have money to pay county war
rants endorsed prior to October
I, l'JOl. Interest will cease on such
warrants on the date of this notice.
Oregon City, Oregon, March 18, IWi.
F.NO Cahm,,
Treas. Clackamas Oregon.
police of l'inal Nettlernent.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed Executrix of the last Will and Test
ament of Cyrus Jones, deceased, bas filed
her final acconnt of her doings in said
es'ate, in the County Court ol tbe I'ounty
of Clackamas, State of Oregon, and tbe
Judge of said Court has set Monday, the
second day of May '.f at the Court House
In Oregon City, Oregon, as the tune and
place for a hearing of any and all objections
to tbe said tinal account and to Per dis
charge aa said Executrix.
Dated this J4th day of March, v.A.
Executrix of tbe last Will and Testament of
Cvrus Jones. Deceased.
0. ft. DIMICK.
At'orney (or Executrix.
Saloon License.
Notice is hereby given that I will ap
ply at tbe next regular meeting of the
Oregon City council for a renewal of my
saloon license at my place of business,
C rner Main and Eighth streets.
March 12-3. Phillip Rocg.
Bnti. Ir.i K-nd Yon Haw Hum BaqgM
Wo want you to bo suro of how the paper will
look on your walls. Io not make tho mistake of
pasting it on and regretting afterwards. Use judg
ment in selecting. Use earo in buying. Our stock
is large enough to flH'onl you just thy right paper.
You dont have to send east for your paper.
We have remnants of good paper which will he
sold at "e po double roll as long as it lasts.
1 IjNai
In the Cirruil Cuiirt of the Stale of Ore
gon, Inr Clacks. nas Count v.
Helen S. liarner, riainlill' l
C. J, liarner, Iletrinlant.)
To C. j. (iarner, the above named defend
ant :
In the name of the State of Oreunn, you
are lierehy require! to appear and aunwer
the complaint In the Bhove entitled court
ami raiiie uu or helnre the e.iration of mx
weeks t r 111 ami alter the date ol the lirl
I publication ol thi sumimms the same he
. I I,, in.,. Iiv.,1 hu iinlnf Hi in iniirl fm
ing the time fixed by order ol the court for
the publication ul this a minimis, which or
der was made and ei tr d on tne 'S"U day
ol February, A. I), l'.ml, and you were given
the time therein rtated to appear and an
swer, and in default thereof, the plBintil!
will apply to the court lor tne reliel .1
tnamled in the complaint, which is that the
bonds of matrimony now existing between
you and saPI plaintill he dissolved, and thai
the plaintill be awarded the rnstody and
control ol tbe two minor children, ui wit:
I .eland Oarner and tierald darner, the issue
of said marriage, and t'.at the Court decree
to the plaintill such Interest Iu or portion
of the real property of defends t as to the
court may seem just and proper; said real
estate being Ixit .'i and fractional l-ot 4 In
Blk. S of Pleasant Home Addition to the
City of Portland, Multnomah County, State
ol Oregon, arid that plainlil! recover her
costs and disbursements in this suit.
Service of summons by publication in the
Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly newspa
per of general circulation, published al Ore
gon City in said County and State, once a
week lor six w eeks, Is made by order of said
court, which said order was duly made and
entered on the 'Jfllh day of February, 1!H,
and the first publication of said summons
in made in the issue of said newspaper bear
ing dale of 4th day of Mai ch. 11SH.
W. W. SPARKS and
Attorney s for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the County of Clackamas.
0. C. Maronay, Plalntiir.)
C. Bansch, Defendant. )
To 0. Bartsch, Defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon : You
are hereby required to appear and answer
the complaint tiled against you in the above
entitled Court and action on or before the
latdayof April, 1M4, that being the last
day ordered by the Court for the publica
tion of tbis summons:
And if you fail to appear or answer the
plaintiff will take judgment against you for
the sum ol ' on his first caise of ac
tion and the sum of fH 00 on his second
cause of action together with the costs and
disbursements in said action, and wll ap
ply to the Court for an order to sell the
property attached In this action to-wit:
One sawmill one engine and all other ap
pliances connected with said sawmill and a
certain quantity of lumber on the yard at
said sawmill.
This summons is published by order of
tb Hnr.. Thnrims V. Itvan. JildirA of th
County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, for
a period ol six successive weeks. J be llrst
publication to he on Friday the 1!) h day
of February, KiOI. Dale ol last publication
Friday, April 1st,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Treasurer's Jiotlce '
I now have money to pay county
warrants endorsed prior to July 1, l'JOI.
Interest will cease on Bitch warrants on
tbe date of this notice. Dated this 4th
day of March, 1004.
K.sjos Caiiii.l,
Treasurer of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Sign for the Enterprise and the1 Week
ly Oregonian before our prize offer of a
world'a map expires.
The Building
SEASON Will He Lively
Wo liavo
nuitoriiil. such as
wall jutpor, joints nnd
persons will claim that
wintlows cheaper in 1'orllainl man in urepm
Oity, but wo say no; bring your list ff doorH ami
windows ami our figures will provo what we say.
We only invito cash buyers, an wo will not
sell building material on credit.
Some StOVOS Are as full of tricks as the heathen
Chinee. ly the time the cook learns the use of
all the dampers and drafts yon are giving up
Simple in Mechanism is our
Charter Oak Rango, It is simply made to do
the werk without all the quirks.
Want a set of Chairs ?
Ask for our fitting Hooin Chair.
$3.85 for '. High Hack well built chairs.
liululitrutr'a Notice.
Notice ia hereby given that I have been
appointed administrator of the eatitUt of
Kdwatd W. IIiiiiiIiiiiii, deceased, by the
county court of the State of Oregon for
Clackamas County. Ail persons having
claims against the said estate are hereby
required to present them, duly verified
us by law required, to me at my resi
dence on the Willamette River two miles
above the town of I Iswcgo, or al the of
fice of Sfuuca Smith in ihc Waldo huild
ing, corner of Second and Washington
streets, Portland, Oregon, on or before
six months Irom the expiration of tint
first nblication of Ibis notice, which
on the l','th day of rebruary, l'.Mi4.
Katk SrKVkss Him. ham,
.otlee ol I'initl Mi-lllcinent.
Notice is hereby givuri Unit the under
sighed, executor of the estate of Jacob fra
iler, deceased, has hied bis llnal account In
the county court ol the county ol Clacka
mas, slate ol Oregon, and Hie said court has
appointed Mo'iday, the lib day ol April,
l'll, at the hour of ID o'clock a. in., al the
court house in Oregon City, Oregon, as the
time and plncc for bearing any and all ob
jections lo said final account and the settle
ment thereof. li FRIE.OltlCII,
Executorof the esiate ol Jacob Crader,
O. it. Ihnnck, attorney for Executor.
Dated March 1, 1'sM.
Solh-r ol' l'inal Met llcinriit
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed, executor of tlie estate of Mary Lark,
deceased, lias tiled In the ounty court of
Clackamas county, Oregon, his linal ac
count as such executor, and that Monday,
t.ie 11th day of April, Itsil, at the hour of
IDo'cliH'k a. iu. has tiewu Ilxej by the said
court as the time lor hearing ol objections
to said report and tbe discharge of said ex
ecutor. A I, BIN JCBI Z,
Executor of the estate of Mary Lark, de
ceased. First insertion March 11, 11104.
Last April 8, llsn.
police for I'lihlU-ntlon (lnolnted
XrnrO-l'ublle I.hbkI Mnle,
Department of the Interior, United Slates
Land Olllce, Oregon City, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance
of instructions from the Commissioner of
the (Jeneral l.snd Olllce, under authority
vesieo iu nun ny neuiion iv.tii i h Kev
Stat., as amended by the A' t of Congress
approved rehruary L'll, wx, we will pro
ceed Iu oiler at pill. lie sale on tbe 71st day
of March, I'M, at II o'clock A. M., next, at
mm oinue, me loimwuiK tract Ol land to-wit '
lit 4 of Sec. ,'il, T. 4 S., It. 2 E. W. M.
Any and ail-persons claiming adversely
ine aoove oescrioeo latins are advised lo
file their claims in ibis ollice on or before
the day above designated for the com
meiioernenl of said sale, otherwise their
rights Will be lortelted.
G?:0. W. BIBEE,
January 30tli, Psl.
AdininNlrulor's) police.
Notice Is hereby given that the under
signed has been only appointed as Admin
istrator of Ihe estate ol Henry Kleinsmith,
deceased, and all persons having claims
against the said estate must present them
to the undersigned duly ventled within six
months of the dale ol this notice.
Dated February Pith. I!g4.
Administrator of tbe estate of Henry
Kleinsmith, deceased.
O. li. DIMICK,
Attorney for Admr.
provided plonty f Imildinj
tliiors, wintlows, luirdwuro,
oil. Soino unscniiittlotiM
they can luiy doors and
Roller lor lllll( ullnn
Timber Land. Act June :). s;s.
Cnlted SiMi Land tMllce, Oregon Ciy
Oregon. February 17, l:l
Nonce is hereby given thai Iu compll
ance allh the provisions of ih ,,
gress ol Jui, a .1, s;s, ei, tnled "An act lor
the sale ol n her liiu.U in tl... hi.i. ,.i
1 1 allfornm. nrrgoii, Nevada ami Washing
ton territory." as ei tended to all (he Put.
I he Land Stales by a. t ol August I, .:.,
! Frank llahelt, ol hprin gwnter, county of
'Clackamas, Mate o! ( iregon, has Ibis'.lay
filed in ih-s oill.'e his sworn sUlemenl No.
b '.I. for tbe purchase , I H,r Soiiihes.l ', ol
, Smurfittr-sl ol Sei-tioi, No. I.', in I'oan.lnp
j- , e- . ..-,. nun will oiler
' proof to show that tbe land sought Is morn
vsluahla b,r Its timber or sloiie than for ag-
ricuiiiiral purposes, mid lo esiablish his
, claim to said land before the Register and
l.eceivrr ol Ibis oilier at Oregon City, Ore
gon, on Tuesday, Hit Inn, day ol Mav, 1 ml.
ilnnauirsas nunc,.,..: Anton Habell,
nl Sprlngwnirr, Or., John (irol.el, ol Dod.e,
Or., Joe Meimlel, ..I Oregon City, Or., Aug
ust (ieusirowkie. of Sprmgwale'r. Or.
Any and all persons dunning adversely
the ahovr iIi-m mIm-i! lands are requested to
llle then claims in this olllce on or before
said lOlh dav nf Mav, VH
February IK. Register.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon for Ihe County ol Clackamas.
I'loy iieiniMsrii. Plaintill.
Henry Kethlrfsi-u. Defenil'l
ft I
lo Henry Kethli-fseii, the aliove named
n the name of the State of Oregon, you
are hereby required lo appear a id answer
tbe complaint lilnd against you in the alsive
entitled suit; in the above named Court, on
or about the r.'nil day ol April. IIH, the
same being six weeks from the first publi
cation of tliis Hiinmons. You will take no
tice that if you fall lo answer aald com
plaint the Plaintill will apply to the Court
for the relief demanded In said complaint,
to wit: That the bonds of matrimony now
existing between you and Plalntiir he dis
solved. This summons is published by the order
of the Hon. Thus. F. Itvan. Connlv Judge
nl Clackamas County, State of Oregon, In
uiewregon uy I'.nterpriae, a weekly news
paper published and printed and of general
circulation in Clackamas County, Oregon,
inr six successive and consecutive weeks
commencing Friday, March U, I!KH, and
continuing p, and Including Friday, April
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
Nil m m lion.
In the Circuit Court of the Hi ate of Ore
gon lor Clackamas County.
Ida M. Johnson, Plalntiir, J
vs. V
Hamilton L. Johnson, Defendant.)
To Hamilton L. Johnson, Defendant.
Iu the name of the Slate of Oregon, you
are hereby required to appear and answer
!' e complaint tiled against you iu the
ahoveentitled suit oil or before the 2-lrd
dayol Ap-il l!St, that being the last day
prescribed in the order of publication of
this summons, and if you fail to ao appear
and answer said complaint the plaintill
will apply to the Court for the relief there
in prayed, towit: A ulvorce from the
marriage existing between you and plaintill
and for the custody of Haz.nl. the minor
cbibl of said marriage
I bis summons is published In the Ore
gon City Enterprise for six successive
weeks by order of Honorable Thos. F.
Ryan, Judge of the Countv Court nl the
State of Oregon for Clackamas County
made on the Mth day of March KKiI, Ihe
lirat publication being on the Illh day of
March 14. ti. R. IIARRINOTON.
Attorney for I'laititill.