Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 18, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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New To-Day.
.iking tliitt will Hi
! Ilnl I' rniil.
the -'-.
,',vcr lliiidH'U's "'"f''-
jo IdAN AT
1 drill iM'Hf My.
Tmi i.-'AsrrntK HR SIM I I'.
WAN" ' ' ,,, ..f '
-;:,;:r .... -.. .
, v 1 1 ' . Ai'"'' "r
vii I I'ilir UIUY Si Alt K HAS
I"1 , .,i lii.r lv proving lt'l"
Tiui.M. lirrri:Mh.
M' N I ... ,n.y helonglng ' I"""""
r1:;, . .... ...ii.ri. i
it. i. ii. v- ''""M, ll)r,"'y l
i A daughter w horn In Mr. an I Mra.
II'Iim. Tool, ! ri.J.iy, Murrli II.
Nprlng pelting of millinery
II.M..N MS Ml 4Ji.I.I.ii,IiIi'
I 1lur. li U.VJll h.mI (..liming .lit).
Juat arrlvlng-Onr new apring mi. lin
ciy under tli i lllcietii iii.n.iigcuniii o
, Mr. M, A. I hoiu.ia. Si-wot nii'l r -1
Ileal g.. iru-ei more r..aoii..ln IIihii
In exclualvn ImiiHca. K. ('. IUinilli.il,
ltei I' mill.
Personal Mention
'"1 '"By'VTU'TJTI
Illklilip K.l'lel,
lit., ril V kVrlilu v
I ' ' '
l,f WilHIlllvillc,
WA ... in ..i'li li"l't''l l .r
iiiii. " "I"".
'"',.," i .- ,"1
'""i"1';' , .b e hue. l'..n..M,l rn
Vrrkly r.h lry "'I
1 f, not w.t.i. M-H"
1" . ;.,. i U-..I.U -;l
iiiknatini.. :a.M.,..
. miM.. Chi.-".
Ilnv V. M I'.i.lli.,.,... ...... ...
Ill TllnadaV event.nr H lil.ru In. ile.livari.il
ail lllnatrated lecture on " I'lk'rllli I'rog
re." Tlin lecture waa lliitrat.d t. v a
ITll' III l)lllllllll lllotll'HI VICH.
I'oli, tlm wi known lUllion, will
limkn tlm l'.U wmwiti al llm Oak (irovn
Min i mrin lin lit In iirrviona v.-ra.
.."Ilia: III to Inanrn with loitl
Iiviiik roll. J. W. Uowtv, owner.
Marili 1H It
Mint Oljj MrClurn, of liri-cti I'olul,
w ylvnii n ry ilfaMiil aitrr Ihm ( r i y
I llr-r liomn TiH'mlty bvimimi by nlmiit
I wniity ol Imr vuiihk Irli-mla. Alir ly
illg linilinriini rlor yiiinca, Hih oijiiK
i.oila wkio rvrl Willi ilcln khib
. ... vy v ' ' '.';
Local ICvoi;l
f A
ill lily Kiiiirrliili'iiili'iil uia.r ma mi
at '"l I1 1 1ll !) t t I'aUcaila ni'Xt week
When lia will illaruaa Ihfl ailvianhiiily ol
crralliiK fiiilli.r acliiNil dialrirl in lliat
im-Iioii of Uih rmiiity. 'I licrn n alrraily
lit Ka'c. "5 .'liililrrii lo ftttdi'l wliool
ail'l It n .rr-.ii'lr. lhrrn will lin liinlit
mom ilranliiu a. Inil Uciliiici y next
MUa M.. Kiiili-v hi roiiirtiK'l from
aliort vihii at ShI.mii.
' J. W. Ilollmnn. of Naw Kra, waa In
OiiVnn ('iy MomUy. (
A. W. Cook, of Immaai'iia, waa In tlm1
I i lly Ih1 I rhUy on Iiiiiimi.
i A. Koi.ia, nf HaltMn, if ii t Knmlay
Clark. ! Mr. Hi liultx in lliia vily. '
Mr. anil Mra. laaar I'liraiful have f-'
tiiiiii-il from a vi.it t Albany. i
Ml Krlii) KaniHon liaa rt-tnrned from
a vlall wiih frlnnrla) at HilvcrUm. !
Mir Millln (iiiilhcr, of tliia city, la
viitiiiK lirr pirenU at ScIiiiuIniI. J
Kolwrl (ilnllirr,lio trai'lina the Nnly !
M-liool, waa In tlin cny lliii wi-fk j
Mr. Wallara, a farmiir ml'llii(f near j
H.rin.wtiT. waa in llm riiy Monday. !
Mr. Carl Kolirrta. of Portland, lia '
txwri naitiim Mia Mclntyre in Una i-itv. :
Mavor Wm. Kcliinillcr, of Milwaakin, ,
lianri.J liimiiicaa lirm IhnI Hattirday. j
J. W. I) ,wiy. of lb ()k (irova atock j
farm at Kalr ('rt-k, waa in the city tli in i
H for
v,. P,i.i..jil "l M'"" C
Cio.ln.' Hi"".
l In-. -I U.lor n..l" ;.
;;.:;.i.,..,-..i m..-.....m .-
I'. l.ll.fc-1- ,UY '"'
.i.t oh--';:;;1' '"
Kl. ' ' '
aprlu .n.lM -f "Hllurry
go., nt Ml ' "'
n.nbHl-'aadlollrilaK ;
M,,'...r. ol Id" Mikra.ar Clnli .an.
fi, ,i in... h .i.-aii' " rca.t.n.1 K'liij
llrnry VIII lt..cl' wa fi.t-.U
rmTiiily at Hie horn" ol M" Mri.lruni.
Cuiiaull I'r Cowl'-" ! ,'"rl
.u, un II..' natural a. -In.. i ! - '"'
n.g.l,,...-.- at tl Kl.clric l.ol.d r.i..ly
H...a 1'iall ail'l l'"l l'""1'""'
thnr.UL.H K'l"- l KIIL.I..MI" "
(..l.ir.uv .-Miili.it ll'l" ' lnafad ol HI
tl.r ail.ii"oii l.rlololoi".
,.i w nil lo lift th" '"
D,. f til 1 v and r..lul.ly n-l-orlrd. ilurii.it
ll.f ra,.,.4 i. yon '.".ll'l " ""'
K.uirrc ...... W.. ar. inakiiiit a
ralr l . .il Itom li'-w; until nM.-r ''
Juiir rl.-i tl'.ll.
Mr. an I Mr. !"' K. Jonr-a r-nlr-r-Uiiul
Hi.- wlnal i-lilh on Tui"lV fy'-n-ili
al H.. If In III" " H"'
,l.l....r...W....l Mra. C. W. I'.vali
vA I'r.. I. T J. ry '"' "'w I"1"1'"'"
lu M. Horlmiui. and J..lm A l..m.
-Tl.f Wlnlr. liiav.-," Hi.' "tory i" l'"'
.trk. r..,i l..r Mun i. :'ll. i
Hf tihK i.iir II. at I. a a..i.-H"l !' Ihal
pil-fr t..r .. lone lima. 1 1 in rim, I'ait'f,
rrali.n. .toi y ol tin' Kloinlik.-, power
ful!), a 1 1! '.-ii , and Willi a lutally mifX
(". Ir l 1 hin.
llonni-r'a N.-w York l.-IK'r
loll,,. XikTMiiaut ar auioiiu It." in'!
JiIm.iiu l...nuri.a of that ..iT. and of In-lrri-,1
l nil rlaaar of If hT. In th"
Imhh I ,r March ".'lat aim U'l" tl !y
t'M'i.a in ln-r naiial Im-ly. intrr.-alin,'
II.- f ..pie of I'ar k la-e w ill have Ih.-ir
Oil nf I.U..-I halurday evi-nil'lt. There
will I... n double. ierfonnaiire. A c-oiii-finii
v ol y.iiiriu people Irom tiladalotie
iHpr.....iil "A Hprlrm 1 1 otiH -t 'If ninn"
tn.l il... Titikplai-e folk will retaliate hy
pro.lii. mik "I'tie Irieli l.lnen I'eddler."
Tl.e i rilerlalnineiit and am ial thai wa
U)liv I, cen niv.'ii iDinnht hy Sola Cir
cle, Women of Woodcraft, thia Friday
...i. f, ln lieen Milpolied until Nrt
ur.!.., eveninit, April tl. At the n-jiilr
IwU' -etiiiK lonlht there will ,H ini'
hain... work lo he followed by the iry
ii'af '( ri'ln-aliinenlM.
Il Clemetit, a rural mail route In
.... ior for the KovernniHiit, in the
city tl, in week ami ha reported favor
hly in. a third routu to he operated from
thia. it). II the Koveinii t aiHhorilie
decide lo eHlahlinh I tin route, it will ill-lH-iiH..
with Hie following named tioat of
licea : Heaver Creek, Klmhul, Carua and
I'vaniteliMlli! service are now heinu
rondo, ted al the Ural lUpliat church in
thin city hy the Kev. K. W. Neill. I'ur-
'!,' thin we.-k twenty pernor. have con-f.-hwd
their em ami heroine Chrifltiun.
'il,e mi rvice will l continued thu te
liiain.ler of thia week and ill of next
.' k ut 2 :;I0 and 7 :.K) o'clock each day,
Kihir.Uy included.
HhiImt Hildehrand conducted Hiit
M.imh, prorioiinced a aermon ami tve a
hi'iiedu-tion at St. Juliu'aCatl.olic church
taervicea held at 0 o'clock Tliiliaday
lu irniim in t-eluhration of St. l'atrick'a
I'ay. In the evenitw literary enter
Uiniiient and liakot aocial wa con
ilncted hy the ladiea of St. John's AlUr
Society at the A. O. U. W. Hall on the
hill. The entertainment waa Biiccrne.
Steoheii A. I), liurlev. fi.rmerlv of
... A Jl Canl.y, died on the Kilh lliat. at ArliriK-
ton, I illliaui ci.llli'y. Hut .I.hthh.i waa
l,rn In low .lai.iiiuy 4, Ihi.,'1, and re
aided lor a liuinlier ol tear In tin "U'e,
In. ill wlncli he Waa N.lililtle.l lo the har
I- or a litimU-r ( year he i i-iii .a- l
a inalrni-lor in the pilhllc at lirH.I ,. the
-. I r . t v . I-nner al ,-iv li ra were held un
iler the aiipl, .-a of the V , . 1 in .-n of ll.e
World al Ariii.k'tori Thiiralnv, March
Adam Khinlit, a prominent young He-1
. iiI.IIchii ol ('itrihy, whh in the city Sal-1
ur.Uy. '
S. K. Williwin and family have re-!
moved lo Wulla Walla, where they will (
Mia Am.e Midlarn, of I'ortland. via-j
ite, Mra. Wayne Howard at Canemah (
K. I!. Andrew waa called to Seattle
Toii-'Uv hecailae of III" critical illnea of I
hia mother.
M r. Untie Ko.ell, who ow na a la rue
hop farm near Aurora, apeiit Wednesday
at her ranch.
Mr and Mr. Carl Cailfl-M and Mr.
I M.K.re, of I'oitlaiid, spent Sunday wi'h
I fil.-nd in this city. i
I William Shivelv, a student at Pacific i
Caint.ltata. w lioae iiMinea cnii,,( in.w . C.iiv..r.itv. Koreal drove, viaited hi I
U diw loaed. roiilemidale Die erection on I parrots here Sunday.
.iaiu Ir.-rl III Una city dii'luii the aiiui-1 . .
! , , mi ., Senator A ('. Maralera, of Kowbiirif,
mrr. a una em oper hoiiae ol sulllciciil . " , -.. c . ,.
, , . tent sniidav with Senator Oeo. t.
eo'iipin.-lil and rapari'V lo meet the , ,, ., , ...
. in ..i Prowne in thia .- tv.
ii nt, ..meiila nf I lii.'ill i II V. 1 he l.nilia..
I.le coal in Hie propoM-o siiucinrH in ...
There is A Big Difference in
It is easy enough for a salesman to show a sew
ing machine and say: "That's a fine running ma
chine." But, how is it after a year or so? That's
when the quality of a machine sHows.
White's Machines
will not only stand for one year, but for twenty-five years and even longer. This
machine makes less noise, runs easier, has better finished woodwork than all other
makes. It has all the latest improvements, is very simple to operate, and you don't
pay any more than for other machines. Prices $35.00, $40.00 and $45.00. Other
makes as low as $20.00. Needles for all machines.
If you can't afford to buy a Piano, try a Kimball or a Burdett Organ. Money
spent for one of these instruments is not wasted. You can use these for a while
and exchange later when you can afford it for a piano. We sell them on installments
n in know n ipianlity hill the ronalru.
lh.li ol .ii' li a Imildiiii! I said to lie a c r
lamty. If ever a cilv needed a service-
tile oier house, it i Oretton and this
aniioiincrmrnt will he (lailly received hy
the theatre going puhlic.
of Portland, con
Methodist church
After discussing the project for several
W ek. the ladiea of the Salem Women's
Clnh have determined to establish a
put. lie library and free reading room in
that city. Mrs. J. L. Stockton, Mrs. F.
A. Moore and Mia. A. T. Kulliher have
la-en appointed a committee to SPcnre
donation of books and periodicals with
which to form the neclens of the library.
Kxrhnnire. Oregon City should sleo
hive public library.
Attorney tien. ral Crawford tester lay
rendered an opinion III which lin liul.la
that If a M-ron die in thi stat- M.a
aea.ed of pro-rtv of the Value ol H),IKK)
or over, wln l her In thia sla'e or any
otherr such eaUte la sul.jecl to taxation
under the inheiilatice tax law provided
the estate of am i d.-ceileiil l,x e, in
another stale consist of personal prop
erly, and that the slate can collect s.lcli
lax if there i any amount ol properly
located III this slate upon which a levy
can he made !ut such personal prop
,-llv locale, I ill soother stale cannot he
l.ronelii into Una slate for taxation tin
lesa II he hrou.:ht here lor the purpose ol
distribution. a teaman.
A mild sensation has been created at
the l iiivi-isity ol Ori son hy six men
Mil. limn attired in women's clothe wit
ii.-iti the girls' freshmen sophomore
bisket I. all yam in I he gymnasium
The laculty had previously announced
that no men would be allowe I to see the
game, but determined lo do so these
young men lil'ed themselves out as
women and wearing veil over llieir
fao-a, sained admittance to the gymna
sium. Tlieir tilenliiy wa unkiiow n un
til al the end of the gme they gave the
cllcge vr II and ran out of the room.
The la. nlty I now endeavoring lo find
... l... ti,x .imaniierader were. Still
theao student chump conaider tin-lip
So.ve gentlemen, ys an exchamte.
tiame Warden Uaker I looking for
some interestinif time about next fall
on account ol difference in the interpre
tation ol the law in rtganl lo the protec
tion of upland bi'ds, and It is probable
the court may he called upon to decide
w hether the last special session did or
did not pas an act amending the slate
u u Mr. Itaker takes the around
that the bill that waa acted mon by the
legislature became a law, anil says uiai
next October, if the killing of pheasants
is engaged in, it is hi intention to nntke
arrests in every case that come under
his observation. He hold that the lull
pHsed both houses, and received the
signatures of the governor, making it a
law and that it is his business now to see
that the law ia enforce,.
Shores I Street 1 the World.
AVhnt Is pcrhups the shortest strret
In the world Is Went South Division
treet In HulTiilo. Furthermore. It 1ms
only one aide. South Division street
proper run cast from Mnln. but the
old surveyors allowed it to cross Mnln
atrvct nnd run for thirty feet on the
It Intersects l.ne
wear. ani.-.
itr-t. which runs diagonally outn
west from Main. On the north of
West Division street I Shelton square,
mo the short "tret bus but its south
Ide to call It owii.-Excbunse.
Labor gatiiI Perlr.
'Yes" mi hi the Ismrdlng school teach
er "I 'think that I model tor
you to write your flauce. But of course
you will copy It. having out those nu-
.refor'dcnrit.' I have It on a rubber
stsni)r"-Detroit Free Press.
, r.trrmm of Attention.
Did her father show you the doorr
-He did better than that. He sliow
,4 me the door, the front gllte nnd the
oroer drug store two woe. aj.
CJlerelnnd rinln Dealer.
TT,e orstrr nt Its best Is Inferior ss s
tootlisome delicacy to the succulent
clam.-rrovluVnce Journal.
Kev. I.. C. Klllott.
I d ieted lervicea nt the
st Clackamas Suiidav.
I Hov T Hisliop, of Salem, was in the
city Monday evening, visiting his old
friend, J. S . Cochran.
J F. Osborne and son Frank, of Port
land, were doing business at the Oregon
City land ollico this week.
11. K Haves, of Ml. Tabor, wss the
guest of hia son, Hon. (i K. Hayes, of
thia city, 1 iie lay of this week.
Miss Vesta Knight, one of the instruc
tor in the Canbv public schools, visited
Oregon City Iriends this week. J
A. Vetch, of Oresham, was an Oregon
Cily visitor Monday when he renewed
hi, subscription to the Enterprise.
Mrs. Herbert Thorn and son. of port
land. sH'iit this week w ith Mrs. Thorn's I
brother, Ira K. WisliBrt, In this city.
Miss I aura t'onyeis wa last week the
guest ol Mis Fthelwyn Albright, return
ing Saturday to her home ut Clatckanie.
Maf or firant It. Pimlck attended the
district convention of the Knight of
l'vlliiiis at Albany the latter part of last
Wm. Jack, of Silverton. this week vis
ited with hi brother, J. F. Jack, in this
citv. Mr. Jack is the Silverton under
taker. John I.innvlUe, a merchant at Xew
lierg and an old friend of Senator Rrown
ell and family, ent Monday evening In
thia cily.
T. F. Cowing. Jr , ha gone to Seattle,
w here he has Wen offered employment
in the WeHtern 1'nion Telegraph Com
pany's office.
Alexander Tire. J Canhy, was in Ore
gon Citv the first ol the week en route
to Cowliu county, Washington, on a
hiimiii.K trip.
i r.M.ilv nam,! 'annp. recently ar-
n inuti.j -
I (r,,i the Fast, ha moved into one
of the Cheney houses near Jefferson and
Ninth streets.
M. .n,l Mr li. W. Church of Oregon
Cily came np on hist ntght'a local to at
tend the funeral of Judge Flinn. Sun
day's Albany Herald.
Judge Wm. Calloway, Miss Fthel
(iraves. Miss Jessie Hlbee ami Miss ah-
i, (iullowsr visited al Mc.Minnvilie me
latter part of last week.
Mort Cockrell was at Corvsllis Tues
day, where lie attended the funeral of
Kii Kosendorf, an old friend who died
recently at Philadelphia.
t li Mill . nrnminent farmer resid-
Ing'near Aurora, was in the cily Monday.
Mr. Milts waa one ol me incicy persmi
in the F.nterprise prir.e money contest,
winning one of the first prizes.
i.r i T Winches, the efficient prin-
cipsl of the Canby public achools, was in
Oregon City Wednesday, l'rol. Winches
has been retained in charge of the Can-
by schools lor anoinur term 01 mree
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harlow left Mon
day for the Hot Springs near l.aOrande,
Union county. Mr. Harlow will absent
i.i......n r.,M, hia hnsinesa interests in
.llllinrri, ..
this city for some time in hopes that the
hi . 11. ul ln.n..lr.l l.aallli
cl,ange w in ueueui nm w
Mr. and Mrs. DanTalbert, of Clacka
mas, were in the city Monday. Mr.
Talbert complains that taxes are becom
ing more excessive each year but be rec-
iha ta.-t that the egielature
rather than tne present coiiuiy uuucn
are reHHineible lor Hie increase.
You Ht-t Yon (an.
' nn ha slrnnir man or woman
1 III, l . n w - - - -
I l.ul,,.r iIih oreat nerve tonic. 1 alUlO
TMt. Hold bv Howell A Jones. They
make you sleep and grow fat.
Beatie Dentist. Rooms
10, 17, 18. Weihard building.
Tba laUrprias pr yr.
s . ' T - ttr U m MM m &m B A W". I
runts v-rv.'rv';-
We also carry a large stock of
String Instruments
such as Violins, Guitars, Banjos,
and Mandolins in all grades
I from the lowest price up to the
high grade Washburn Instruments.
Harmonicas, Accordeons, Zithers, Autoharps
to suit everybody.
Strings and Extras for all Instruments.
Suspension Bridge Corner Oregon City, Oregon
,n,o the storeroom siljoining the port of-
... -...,r eoiniilete line of new
and second band stoves and furniture.
Highest pricrs pan! lor an ain
Mip-armdii w
Bid Grot
of our business is due to
Lowest Prices on Reliable Goods
Coal Oil, 5 -bri,,8 can
Bulk Arm & Hammer ioda, 3 lus.
Arm & Hammer Soda, pk.gs. 2 for
IS. 4 for J5
Hardwheat Flour f 1.05, extra
Stock Salt, per too lbs jS
Fine Salt, for 50 lbs 45
Good Lard bring pail 11
Star, Climax or Horseshoe lobac-
co per pouna
K. C. Chewing, pound 3
c-,l tia11 or Dixie, pails 45
50 buys eitl.er-5 Oranges or Urrions;
6 huncties .iiaiciics, 3
pins; 6 Lead Pencils, rubber tip, 5
pkgs.ofPias; J pairs Shoelace.; 1
pair good sox ; 1 yard of 10c t-atin
Dry Goods
New trimmings. Laces, Appliques Rib
bons, Etnnroiuery on". B,
Beads, etc.
Corsets at cut prices.
Tallies' and Children's Hose 10c up.
Sprine Millinery comprising the newest
r . a !. crrent vanetv.
ana preiucsi w.i e,
Reasonable prices and satisfaction al
ways. Dressmaking that will plesse. Dress
making and Millinerv under the effi
cient charge of Mrs. M. A. Thptuas.
Scores of bargains in Shoes.
Trade for Produce.
TIib 1.1 Fret
Oreron City - - Oregon
In every department
of banking, the
is prepared to serve you
in a satisfactory manner.
m A 4-, ,11 1 r, rr laii ? Tf fVlinr OKI Tl !l VO 1 1 1 P1YI 1
Are your tsjvo iiuuuuug uu n " u.v, , . a-
J vidual case. Lenses changed and broken ones replaced
5 at a moderate charce. Examination Free.
5 1, rv. jALlonMiv i
5 Room 1 Charman Bros. Block
Superior Work
Lowest Prices
The building sesson will be lively. To
buy doors and windows righ', you must
use Frsnk Buscb
- N
If ysu don't get the Enntsraisa you
Jee't pi the nswi.
That is what yon get when A.
Mihlstin does your plumbing
work. He does general tinning,
plumbing and jobbing busi
ness. Estimates cheerfully
furnished. Hot air heating
fiituies manufactured and
Main Street OKKliOX CITY, OR.
ti, Iha VA Yoa Han Hm B:i
We are in a position to save you from
10 to 20 per cent, on undertaker's' tpplies
of which we carry a complete sto.-k.
We are under small exp n-e. Hava
no middle-men to pay, own our he irna
and will treat you lair. Osk Fhice to
Undertaker and Embalmer.
Office: One door south of Court II..ti
or at Cigar Store opposite Eitik
of Oregon City.