Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 18, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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.- .-.j A V ..twi
Correspondents are. requested to re-
i ii'"r work. We will supply si!'
i ri-i s-'t'V stationery. The news from J
y .nr neighborhood should appear in '
t'lese columns everv week. I
Klilorati. j
I.. Kisk has sold his Benton county !
.ivrtv for flMl and is taking life e.nj
j.K ii (-: irt tune. ' j
W II. Jones was breaking horst-S'
Mo'lil IV, j
I Ibickner f)int S few ilivs the!
fir-! t tin- week at J. P. M mill's j
Civ e mith and Miller II tnlestv went i
to Oregon City Moikhv niht. I
Newt Maule. of Portland
d-i : home Mulino.
spent sun-
K'ank I ri -ill and Jolin P.une butchered
a beef Monday, j
.li'l.n -mi tli. of Iirtl.iul, is at home:
at present.
A man from Silverion lias bought j
Kuiiin r anton's farm torfBiuO.
A H r Sclioen horn's new fence im
proves bis isni'h very much.
Th dance Saturday evening wasO. K.
Kaiph Howaid lias purchased a new
llone I
K M. Manning is stain very low with !
st h m,i. ;
lYurful OiliN AKi" lliiu.
Beilr d len, alone ami destitute. Such,
In b i-f was the condition of an old
Ful li.-r !y name of J .1. Havens, Ver
MilVs. 0. F r years lie was troubled
with K' Iney dieise and neither doctors
nor medicines gave bim r-lief. At lengrh
lie tried Electric Bitters. It put him on
l:!s feet in short oMer and now he testi
fies. "I'm on the roid to complete re
rovery " Best on earth for Liver and
Ki Inev troubles sn I all form" o( Stom
I -h ami Bowel Complaints. Onlv 5'H
Guaranteed by Chirnian A Co. druggist.
Jlols!1' j
Mid-winter, jndini; from the appear-
nc- of the Butroundinu' hills. I
Q ii:eeale blew into onr favored
eve. barometers (ft down to :'8.S). Xo !
J,iins;.'e ilone to sesk of.
Grandma DihMe is very sjek. Mrg.
Amy Wilson, of Walla Waila, in answer
o 'phone arrived Sunday evening at
li-r mother s be lsi ie Mrs. hhza Saw-i
tell, nf Klamath Fails, is expected by to-1
day's trnin. j
The t-chofil entertainment at Teasel
Crek, Saturday niilit, w.is a success. .
Ever-- t'art was well ac'ed shtiwin; that
Sir Maripiam tool bis hltie banl of
Wtk-'rs well drilled In conohwion
lo'ne 12 ba-kets we;e soid to the highest
IJ,' ler, netting the sniv sum of $1J t'J).
A4 ii'iik'li it stormed the house was well
Tlie Molada Mutual Telephone con-
ruction is eoini? riijht along. The
Rani-hv division now have their wire
(irigini: in the air. Liberal and Cole
divi-oons are well undr way. Wire will
go up on the Jodd division lodav. The
Ku-pf Iviile division has begun obstruc
tion, 'v'lile the Marquatn branch is or
gan zing 'o push the system to all points
of the compass in that locality. Thus
the cood work goes on.
What is I. lO-
In the last analysis notiody knows,
Vit. we do know that it is under strict
law. Ahuse that law even sluhtly, pain
resolte. Irregular living means derange
ment of the organs, resulting in Consti-
anon, Headache or Liver trouble Dr.
iug s New Lite rills quickly te-adjusts
this. It's gentle, yet thorough. Only
26c at Charman & Co. drug store.
The farmers are getting somewhat dis
couraged. It begins to look like they
will not be able to get in their crops this
Our new potmaster, Mr. Eardman,
took possession of the postoffice last
Mondav The people of this neighbor
hood are pleased ae it is more convenient
lor them.
The viewers were here Monday view
ing a road from the top of Bear Creek
till to Mr. Nellson'g. It is high time
there is something done. The road in
all directions is almost impassable. We
think the county should lend a helping
hand before long. From here to Eagle
Creek the roads are so bad that the farm
ers can not get to the railroad to ship
their produce. The (jib9on hill jg im
passable; ckd not get a load up or down,
the roads from here to Firwood are al
most as bad. We would like to see
couietiiiDg done on onr roads this spring.
. J. Kilzmiller is putting a new
picket fence in front of his house.
Joe DeShazier and Grandma DeShazier
went to fiandy last week on business.
Mrs. Eardman, who has been sick all
winter, is recovering.
If you want to get the news, all the
ews, fully and reliably reported, during
the campaign, you should sign for the
lnterpri.se. We are making a special
rate of 2h cent from now until afier the
June election.
In all iu stage.
Ely's Cream Balm
AauicB, soothes ind beat
tto dieae-4 membrane.
core catarrh and drives
mf.y a cold in the Lead
Cream Balm ii ptaeed Into th noetrils, spreads
met tue membrane nd i aUorbed. Relief I ho-mL-t
k.i! care t oLow. It i Dot drr'r. ioe
at prodaee nieezing. targe Six, M csU M Dmg
s or bj mail ; Trial Size, 10 couu.
JLT BHOTHEBS, M Warren Street, Vm Tdc
I ft ml Thl font's WcMranirli
to.l niiMu-itie for h r t
It cire.t m on after ho Ii1 ! nt
fliVwilhihvtom ll iiiill'1'!' !
ioino I VKS I A I'l.INU
MAKTIN, Purker.-bury. W. Va.
If your liver nrs nut act rvc
ularly go to vour druggit-l anil
siviuv a package of l"i : i t r i'
Black -Praiight and take a do e
ton.giit. Tins great family
medicine fret's the ivtuppated
bowels, stirs up tin torpid Incr
amf causes a lieaithv stvretum
of bile.
Tiicdford's Black - lr;iui:hr
will cleanse the bowels of ivi
puntic and strengthen ti.e k.d
nes. A torpid lier invites
colds, biliousness. chiMs and
fever and ail n anner of si, k
ness and contagion. Weal; kid
neys result in I'rilit's dii ase
which claims as many Mitiins
as consimiption. A '.'-''-cent
Fackace of 'l'licdford's I'.iack
'rai.'lit should always be kept
in the house.
"t awl The.1forrf' B1.-k
Pranht tor liver anil k itney vtun
plftint and fonml lunlunu to vxc
it."- 1L1.1AM COKFMAN, M
blehMd, 111.
Frank Shipley visited friends in Port
land Tuesdav.
Willie Reidine and family have moved
, in the Maples house.
I Mr. and Mrs. Sanders entertained at
nit Tnedsv eveninif in honor of their
I daughter, Mrs Ladd, of Portland.
M s. Nellie is staving for awhile
with her friend .Mrs. Frank iiruwn, on
Mrg p T Bnd ;tiildren are vit,-
itintf triends in Seattle and Kverett, Wn.
tr JUrrv Shin'ev visited at home
Saturday and Sunday.
llarley Miller is enjoying a visit from
his mother and sisters.
Miss Ieie Capen has been ill but is
better at this writing.
Mrs Harry Holin and children, from
Co ' i d, visited at the parental home
Tom Johnson was so unfortunate as to
lose his beat cow Saturday.
Mrs. Shepherd from New Era is very
ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Grandquist, at the Wood Camp.
Jack Fisher has sold his team and gone
to culling wood.
Our young ladies are interested just
now in the Philippines.
The Literarv society meets this week
wilii Mrs. Sanders.
About thirty of his friends surprised
Al. Buckels Saturday evening, it being
his birthday anniversary. A most de
lightful evening was spent. At a late
hour the guests deparied, wishing Al.
many happy returns ol tlie day.
Mrs Rob Cook and little daughter are
visiting friends at New berg, while Grand
ma Cook is keeping bouse for Rob.
Mrt. Shade, of Portland, was visiting
at Mr. F.llery Capen'e Sunday.
G. H. Rogers is puuing in a 'phone
from his store to his residence.
Mrs. Johnny Hickman enjoyed a visit
with a Iriend from Canby Sunday.
Robt. 0'P.rien returned to Milan, Wn.,
Mr. Buckels arrived from Kansas
Monday fur an extended visit with his
son Al. and family.
By reading the Enterprise you will be
kept fully Informed about the Clacka
mas county campaign. We will send
you the Enterprise from now until after
the June election ovr three months
for 25 cents. Send in your eufiscription
at once.
E. C. Kimmey, of Mulino, has moved
up to YA Jones' place to live ttn summer
F'd Jones and Miss Kimmey were do
ing business at Oregon City Monday.
Most of the Eldoradoites attended the
boxing match at WoodsideB of Mulino,
Dancing school is till progressinu at
Mrs. Vada King, of Portland, visited
with her sister-in-law, Mrs. I. E. Jones
Mr. and Mrg. Moshberger spent Mon
day at Macksburg.
Sinton Paine is very nick also Mian
Grace fechubel.
Mrg. Walter Emmett ia dangerously
Rich DaviB is making cord wood for
his prune dryer.
Ern Jones spent several dayg in Port
land last week.
The .ame Witch Ilaael.
The name Witch Hazel is much abused.
E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago, are the in
ventors of the original and only genuine
Witch Hazel Sal ve. A certain cure for 1
Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Fxzeina, Tetter, I
Piles, etc. There are many counterfeits
i f this salve, some of which are danger
ous, while they are all worthless. Iu
buving Witch Hazel Halve see that the
name F,. C. De Witt & Co., Chicago, is on
the box and a care is certain. Wold by
Geo. A. Harding.
Cheapest lot in Orgoa City for !.
I4ire at nrriM oSm. 0t. Jtf
- - -4
Rraver err,. .
Ram is still the order of the day,
John !ohlndcr is having some wood
Mr. I.ewelling is busy clearing land.
Miss Million left this week to visit bei
brother at Whatcomb, Wash.
II. W. Parry is htisy slushing al
A. Pd tih m has sold bis lentil for I'.'liJ.
Shannon Pros are slid baling hay.
I'r James has been here for the last
years and has just found out that this
p in of the county ia(nu good and wants
to pull out.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Tiemaiiie are the
proud parent of a '.I pound j;iil.
We were all surprised the evening of
the l.'ili lust by a genuine good snow
storm that pill a stop lo Urniing for the
alternoon, mid by Sutniay morning there
were ! indies of snow on the level ; well.
some looked blue, as if this w as not old
Man b and the some old u ebfoot, only on
a little tear, and by noon today, Monday,
tlie ground was hare of snow and steam
iug. Mr. J. Y. Irvan is home, after a few
week' visit to the Hig Iteinl country to
see Ins daughter. Mis. F. Folsnme.
Miss Lou Odcll, of Portland, is visiting
her uncle, W. P. Snullin, and relatives,
(or a few days.
Mrs. P. Nile and daughter, Ethel,
started Saturday evening for Uis An
geles, Cahliirnia, where Mrs. Nile will
engage in dress making
Mr Louis Palmateer is going to go to
Douglas, Eastern Oregon, for his health.
He Is ottered a good situation and his
brother-in-law, C. Inincau, will run the
old farm in his absence. We hope I lie
change w ill be for the bettei.
As Ralph Lemon and Mr. Mike Habe
line were returning home from spending
the evening with tlie hiinilv of Mr C IV. ;
HulTiuan, Sunday evening, they saw thej
track of the panther ihat has twen prow I
ing about the last few weeks It was
fresh in the new snow. So Mr. Granvil I
Li mi was sent for and came up with his I
dogs, and the men to the number of 10 I
turned out (or a good panther hunt.
There were the two Lemon brothers, W.
P. Snutlin, Louis Palmateer, Granvil
I .i i, n , Lee Wills and others, among t hem
lock Halniateer, w ho could nut fjrego
the desire to Stan I or. a runway once
more and listen for the having of the
honnds Hut it being such a bad dav,
rainii-g, snowing and hailing I v turns
the dogs could do bu: little. We Iuiim
the punther will soon be caught us it is a
very large one and might gel close t'
siimII tioi s and sclool children if pressei
by hunger. Then it's scary for the young
men to have lo cross its track to go to see
the girls; might make him spin yarns to
look big, you know.
There is to lie an entertainment hv the
north Garlield school in tlie near future,
the proceed to go towards a library for
said school, the ladles to bring baskets
for sale to lieip the fun and fund. There
will be a literary program and a general
good time as we always do have al such
Mr. Irwin Is goon to move to Ins home
among us. We are glad to have them
A I'u vorlle It , medj lor l!iilli'.
Its pleasant t ste and prompt cures
have made Chamberlain s oiigi. Kem
edv a favorite with the mothers of small
hiidren. It o'lickly cures lliep- coughs
and colds and prevents any danger of
pneumonia or other serious conse
seipienc. It not only cures croup, but
when given as soon as the croupv cougl
appears, will prevent the attack. For
sale by G. A. Harding.
Mrs. Krhman is about well again.
Mr. Selman's little girl is quite sick
Feed is getting ncarce. There are some
that have not got any hay.
Mr. Woolf went to Oregon City to pay
his taxe one day last week
Mr. A. Kitztniller has been appointed
road supervisor of George precinct for
two years.
Ida Roberts was feen going over to
her school last Sunday
It commenced to snow last Sunday
and it still snows. It is about 8 inches
now, but if it had not melted it would
have been two or three feet deep. March
came in like a lion; we hope it will go
out like a lamb.
The old settlers say it takes lot of
snow and rain through the winter to
make good crops. If that he the fact,
we will surely have the largest crops we
ever had. it rains and snows as easv as
if it had been at it for years. It com
menced snowing last Saturday night and
Sunday morning it was ten inches deep.
Mr. Coupling, the Lutheran preacher
wdio preaceed at liisael, had quite a walk
last .Sunday, as Eagle creek was go high
he cotildiot go on horseback.
Miss Roberts, of Dover, tho school
teacher who teavhes at George, had
quite an experience last Sunday. She
came home Friday and Hnnday she had
to go back through the big snow. She is
the kind of a teacher to have.
L'ptegrade ha been quite ill for
lime. He seems to lie gutting
He sent for Dr. Fifer Tuesday.
Mrs. Pelman ha gone to Oregon City
to visit her sister, as she hag been sick
for gome time.
Mr. aod Mrs Kitzmiller went to Ore
gon City last Friday on business. They
have bought the mother's tract of land
that joins their place. Mr. Kilzmiller
expects to put a large barn nn it in the
near future.
The farmers are anxious (or the roads
to become settled so they can haul their
potatoes to market
For Iofanti and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Blgaatur of
At lively'
... -4' . .ft ' . i t- vi-
Km Inn.
S. Evans was an tlngon Cilv
Mrs. Jaggerso.i, of PoitUnd. is the
guest of her coilr-in, Mr
L. I.iudhollll
ami (sinily.
Mrs. Win. Sheppard was broiubl ,
home from Oregon City Sunday where
she his been fur the past few weeks re ,
ceiviug medical aid. Mr. Sheppard has
cancer ol the Hloiiiach bill was to weak
to iiudtiigo an oper.iiioii.
Miss Uosa and Emma liueck, id Port- '
land, are vii.jting relatives lid friends al
Harlow this week.
Several ol the little Irieiida of Cnn-ie
Zee g ive her t very pleasant sin prise al ,
her home Saturday p. in. Each one ,
tiroiigtit a very pretty present (or their j
little friend and a very pleasant tune'
was on j i) cd by all.
Mrs. Clias. Clnlds, ol Oswego, win.
has been vi-p ing her p ireiits, Mr. slid
Mrs. S. Evans and oilier relatives nt ;
Harlow returned home Monday.
Miss Neil, of Suh-ui , visited over Sun- i
day at the city mayor s.
II. T. Melvin was transacting business (
in Oregon Ci.y Monday.
Mrs. (i. P.fown from Michigan, was
visiting her Hller, Mis. Chas. Muiiith ;
and family last week. i
"I nae my w hole life to Burdock Blood
Hitters. Sciof l olls sores covered my
body. I seemed lieyond cure. It. It, It. ',
has insde me it perfectly Well 'olimii.";
Mis. Chas. llutton, Berville, Mich. i
. .... .... ,
ITop. r Ir. un.ienlot -...-....,.. I ,. .
Plieilinoniit is too dai.geroiis a dii',i-e
for any one to attempt to doctor hiuisell,
although he may have the proper lre.it-
meiit kl hand. A physician should .
ways he called. It should be borne in
mind, however, that piieiitiion aalwaysre -
suits from a cold or from an a tack of the
grip, and Ihat by giving ( haiiiberlain's
Cough Remedy the threatened attack
of pneuiiionia may he w arded olL This
remedy is also used bj physicians in the
treatment of pneumonia Willi the best
reslllls. Dr. W. J. Smitii, of Senders,
Ala., who is also a druggist, savs: "I
have been selling Claim In- Iain's Cough
Remedy and prescribing it in my prae-
kice (or the past six years. I u-e it in
caseii ol pniieinnnia and have always i
gotten the best results.'
Sold hv G. A.
Hfaver Creek.
The dance at Cams was a success and
a good time was had.
Sunshine is looking down upon us
once more.
Pill Thotras and Ralph Howard are
cutting rails in Cams.
(ieorge Staben has returned from
A household necessity Dr. Thomas'
Kclectric Oil. Heals burns, cuts, wound.
of any sort; cure sore throat,
catarrh, asthma ; never fails.
A fllMrrlralnatliia
yon, the
my dog."
neighbors complain about
"Does he bite?"
"No, he's too affertloiiute. He h.is
the reputation of being a Judge of
bounty, nnd every time a pretty woman
pusses ii long the street ho frisks about
"I should think the women would
like that."
"Yes; but there are only two pretty
women on the street, nnd the other
ioniplalnil." Cleveland I'lnln rieuhr.
Her Object.
Mr. Hnoodles Good afternoon. Mis"
Annex, fioing for a walk? I hope I
may nr compiiny you?
Mlsa Annex-Yes. Dr. Kargtunt sny
w must alwnys walk with some ob
ject, a no i suppose you will answer
the purpow.
'ki Dlreraloo.
He Why la she suing him for til-
Bhe For diversion.
He Ii version!
She Yes: --'le snys being iiiTrrh-d Is
o monotonous.- P,:iltrnore Ameiicau.
Tlie Oulv Way.
Fldgett- Iteiilly. now, do you think
there la any way whereby a man can
retain the resp-1 of his children?
Mldgett-IIe might send them wy
from home a soon as they begin to
take noth. Itoatou Trau:rtpt.
la Chlrnco.
"The lady next ibs.r la celebrating
fcer golden wedding."
"Mrr1el fifty jrmV
"M-!iiir- Tuck.
on I rldny and Snturdny NIrIiL.
i lilt - Jrvv-; Y
Scene from Act II Christopher
f.w pknsiov mux;
u More
rant Is II'.'
After Appll-
Washiiig'on, M.irili Iii. ('imini
sinner ol Pensions Wain, wilhllni ai
pun ll ol ...-ci,.iarv llllcl.ooi k, ludiv
promulgated the ino'l iiiiptiiiaiit pension
I llllug tlial ll is hecll Issll.d III along
lone. It iliuvts thai, beginning A pi ll
1.! lievl, l( II, ere is no colitiiuv evidence,
and ad oilier l"g,i! reiiiireuienls bate
been met, t i o l iii iii , I s (or pi ll-ions no-
der Hie guiiiTill Mi l III Jlllie : lS'll) Willi
llie over Ii.' ) eaiS old, hiII l. lilliMilcrcl I
.is dls.ihied one half lll.lt, llitv to n r
form uiamiitl lab T, and shall be entitled '
to $ii in i,:ii ; mi l ti'i lours, In (N; over
hs unis, lo fill, nnd nor 70 yearn, u
tl 'J, lie ii-ii il iivt oh oh at higiier r.i'i
mill .linn g I.,, ilis.ihinlieM nther than age
I I I- in ler lo.low s :
' In li e a 'judication of pi-nsioti claims
in, der sii. act ol Juno L'7, Is'.U, s
.III- leled, it kb.l'l he Ink en ulld coiisid
ered a nn evidelitllll lucL l Ihe Cull-
' 1 1 a r V d ,i s iiol appear,
u Ii 1 1
..r it
all oilier i
og.il iciiiireiiienis Hie pioperly inei,
ill i' W hen ,l I 1 .1 1 II ll 1 1 1 has i,isseil the nge
ol Ii'.' VeuiM lie Is ll sallied iilie-had III
lltnil'V to peMoHli lliallllni luhor al.d Is
enti led to la- r,i:ed at fll per Inolil Ii ; I
adei li.'i tears Hl H per iiioiilh; illlei !
Ijs yens a I fpl ,er iniintli, and lier 1
70 eiii ill f 1J er month.
"Allowance at higher rate, hot il
i ee.lll.g l:! (st lllolilll, w ill continue lo I
be made as beietofiiiii, where disiihi 111 lis '
oth. r ihim ng.. stujw n (iiidition of in
ability to pc hiriu manual ,.hi,r. I
"1'his order shad lake ellect Apiil Is,
, ,.,,, h,, , r,., r,7rt(. , j v ... (
i he luiinr lilies ., ihe iitlici' lixing the'
I nnuiiiiiiiu and maximum Ml li.'i veins an I I
; 7") years repeeively, are herehv modi-1
lied as above." I
I Cuiiiiiiisriuiier Wain said toil y : I
! " I'heie is mi advaiitage of saiii ir ti '
; the I iovennueui in ti.e o-,. i,( iIIH order, '
i ' cause every old soldier w ho has rencbiil
the age of lij tears is hi In prove al
; must without I he posibiln y ol iliiulit t In. t
he is one half iiahled from earning Inn
s.ippoit In iii.iiiii.iI labor. This being h i,
i 0 seems unwise lo put a soldier to the
expense o tune ami tianhiiortaiion to go
j to a place wio-rii a meiliial hoard can,
, exumine bin, to find thai fact mil, and1
on U Iher hand il seems iiuiiecesssry
'or ihe i loverniiient In keep lioards elali
Iisbed and then pav '! lor the examina
tion of a soldier when the result of the
examination can be so accurately Ion
ium, ill tlie L'ISI INMI examinaiiiiiis ill Ihe
last tear, if one-lieirl h ol,' them Were
saved It would make a saving to the j
ioveiiinieiitolf.:oo,0(X)aiid erliapH anl
equal ainonnl in time ami transportation
to the ol I soldieis who would have lo go '
anil be examined " j
Mits Annette Wait was a Portliind i
visitor Wednesday.
J. S. Dickson was in Oregon City pay
ing taxes this week.
Mr. arid Mrs. C. B,iti.H ami Harriet
Bates made a trip lo Oregon City Wed
nesday. Mr. Mailed organized a sinaiiiir school
ul,""y ,dhl
A new confectionery store hi been
tarted in the Geo. Knight building by
Geo. Hampton.
John White and Willard Knight took
in the hall at Macksbilrg on Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. Kckerson and their son,
I.ee, vitile.l Portland Sunday.
Mis Katie Newberry, Mis Hallio
Hpulak and Klmer Vetaio, of New Kra,
attended Kebekau lodge at Canby last
Tuesday night.
Mrs. II. H. Coe visited Portland ono
day this week.
There will be a grand ball in Canby
on March 1!). Everybody invited.
There was a very pleasant party given
at Mrs. W. II. Bair's last Monday even
ing. Everyone seeiaied to eniov them-
Mrs. W. H. Bair and Miss Veva
Knight were in Portland and Oregon
City Thursday.
A. H. Knight and W. If. Ii air wint In
woodburn lhiimday night and while
mere "roile the goat" in the Kiicamp
men I. O. O. F.
Canby ha plenty of light on the nub
ject now ; the electric lights having been
turned on again.
Happy, llealtlij lilldrcii.
Any child can take Little Krly Ki8ers
with perfe-ct aafety. They are harmleHs,
never gnue or iicken, ami yet they are
ao certain in reull that robust constitu
tion requiring diastic mean are never
uisappoinieu. i uey cannot fail to per
form their mission and every one who
ne UeWitt'g Little Karly Riser prefers
them to all other pill, f hey enre bili
ioutue. Bold by Geo. A. Harding.
iMh nnd ivth.
. . . k ) i" -. VI U B
.-., J., mi
, . ..yv tvK,
- ,.,ivv,.,a-.
Miss AL Carllcdjjc jjives some
helpful advice to young girls.
Her Idler h but one of thou
sands which prove that nothing
is so helpful to young girls uho
arc just arriving at the period of
womanhood as Lydia Ii. I'ink
ham's Vegetable Compound.
"Iikk Mna. 1'INMUM : I rnnnot
pr.nlna I.Jilhl I'. I'lllklllklil's A'';
tiihlo Coiiipttiiml too highly, for it
Is the only mediuinn I ever tried whU h
cured me. I hiifTered inn. Ii from my
first menstrual period, I fell so weak
anddivat timcn 1 rould not pursue
my studies with tho usual luterest.
My thoughts la-camo aluctrUh, I had
hr.tilaihrs, backache and hlnklnjf
spell, alaonnlns In the back and lower
limbs. In .ft, I win kick all over.
" I'lnnlly, after iniiny other reimvllr
had been tried, we were advlseil to (fet
Eyillii I) I'lnUliaiii's ct'ct.ililo
('(iinpoiinil, and 1 am plraixd to say
that after lulling' It only two weeks, a
wonderful chance for the better took
place, and in a short time 1 waa in
jx'rfect henltli. I felt buoyant, full of
lifts and found alt work a pastime, I
am Indeed plud to tell my rxerlenro
with ,I.yII;i I". I'lnkliiiiu'N Vi'iri
fublo ('oiiijioiinil, for it made a dif
ferent girl of me. Yours very truly,
Miss M. CABTi.riir, til Whitehall KU,
Atlanta, lia " vvw fnrf.li If tr?W
h itU, .1 '., no I bis la' her have
gilolltie engine lo be used III
""""K ""o " ooine coiiiiiiimioii.
( ieorge Hi, ke!s w id, and baby left fr
I,,,,,,,. H ,.,.),
' ddle bus bought himseK a line
V"11"" team to lake the (.Inn. o( the two
"iat died.
I Mr ( ia.-e's hired man
eft quite
a young
ii ilex-
cereiii'iinoiisly. He was
John Sihuii, was Isken suddenly
worse last week, but is heller now
Mrs Kruse, Sr., of King p,,,,,!, has
been quite ill is some wlntl better at lust
The postmistress and .Ukie Kchallis
have up a bet, whether June and ln-lembi-r
will wed. Consideiatioli, soda
Water anil CI(Hls.
.Mrs. Henry S, halt, has a neice
ping Willi her.
Next Sunday evening is the time for
Knghsh services ut the (iermaii Paptist
chiin h
Miss Kate Poinperinn has gone to
Oregon ( 'n y,
Mr. Raker has not been in g'lod health
By reading the Enterprise ymi will he
kepi (ullv informed ahou the CIhi kamaa
county cmpaign. We will semi yon
the Enterprise from now until after the
Juiia election over three months for
25 cents. Send in your subscription at
Indigestion Causes
Catarrh of the
For many year It ha been upposed that
Catarrh of the Stomach caused lndlgetlon
nd dypep.ia, but tlu truth I exactly th
opposite. lndiretlon cause catrrh. R
Patd attack of Indication Inflames the
mucous membrane lining th stomach and
ipose the nervas of the stomach, Ihu cus
Inj; the glands to ecrl mucia lnrd of
ma juice of natural dljestton. Thi If
called Catarrh of Iha Slomach.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
wlieva all laflammaUon of th mucoui
membranes lining th stomach, prtets th
arvs. and cur bad breath, our rislnfi.a
ne of fullna aiur ilnf, Indication,
syipepsla an4 all atomach trouble.
Kodol Digest What You Et
Make th Stomach Sweet.
Bettlaamir. rrlsr It: 11 on. h,a r flma
th trtel to, which Milt far ia unit.
rrpr4 y I. O. O.WITT OO.. ChlcM. IU.
Hold by U. A. IUUDINO, Drnnjirt