OIWGON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, MARCH 11, mi New To-Day. DH.C. rt. SKOIVNN, I'HYri mx Ollt cut lUiili' k' '!rii Uit-. Ani.KY M I.ON AT itoi i- iii. Faiw senility. fl AND 7 1,"!Un A WN'Tl-l'Ari'HK i i it II- J 1. 1. f l I lui ' rvlii, Aurora, Or roll HIIKKI', li'h-n lliuli"! Address W. W. Mar, ID. MONKY TO I.OAN-I IIAVK HKVKIU1, mint ol nullify oelontflnu to private Individuals widt h 1 am aulhorl.ed to Ion n, on lon limit ol 1 and 7 er cent. Com ol loan will be amilt very reason able. 11. E. Cmowi. attorney at law. WAN I'KD KKVKKAl. INPUVfTU ous .tons In est h sis'" " t'1 ,,,r lioim established for 11 years nd Willi larua capbal, to call upon wen hunts ami Knla lor sni'ressfnl ami prolliabla line. Permanent en garment. Weekly rand aalary of 1M ami all trveliiit esosnse ami Mel billa advanced In rash each waek, hi-iirini-a not eMenllul. Mention irems ami miHima nelf-addreiwed en velope. THE NATIONAL. 332 Dear borii8t.,ChleKo. r Local Evcr)l!?. Nkw vellimi junt arrived at Miss C Goldsmith's. Beautl 1 line ol tailor made hats, prices moderate, al Mis C. tioldsiiiith's. A n wan born last r rldav to Mr. ami Mrs. I'liler Humes at llieir home on Him Abemethy. Iprlnsr opening r iiilllliirry (,!. nt KIM iJol.Lmhh'n Marrh Hil-U tollowlair duy J. V. Mi AnnllV la being employed ss deputy in ths olilro ol Comity Cleric Hleitibl. llahss chartfe ol the work ol registering voter. MisaC. (ioldsmilh baa just returned from San Francisco alter aelwtlnic an Ifgant Una ol 1'ansisn pattern liata. James Knnwlsnd, formerly of Oregon City, baa returned from Soimra, Clllr Dla, and will attain locale here, where be will engage In the talloiing business. Successful merchandising. Thomson's Bargain Stores, Portland and Oregon (Illy. Fine line of spr ng goods now here. Special personal attention will be given to our proeperotis Oregon City store. Mar 11. If you want to get the news, all the news, lolly and reliably reported, during the campaign, you should sign lor the Knlerptlse. We are msking a siecial rate ol '.'5 cents Irom now until after the June election. Bud Simmon, a ereiiter In the em ploy ol the W. 1'. iV 1'. Co., stepped ,,n nail one (lay thi week and as a result has been an unwilling ciipple for a number of days. The Injury ia fortunately not ol a serious nature. A larmers' institute will be held at New Fa Tuesday, March 1!2. The In slilute will le addressed by a number of the prolessors from tbe Stale Agricultu ral College at Corvallis. These shak ers will Illustrate their lectures with Sterbop.icon views. A somewbst unusual window display was that which has been on exhibition in Hunlley Bros.' show window this week. It consisted of five young, thor oughbred Spits pups, the property ol the Farr brothers ol this city. The dogs at traoted much attention. The second annual convention ol the Oregon State Federation ol Labor will be convened In this city May 2. There will be between L'OO and 300 delegates In attendance, and for their entertain ment the labor organizations snd the people of the Falls City must make pro vision. Tbe Board of Fire Commissioners at a meeting Wednesday afternoon canvased the vote that was cast at the annual fire election Monday. No errors were dis covered and the results of the election were found to be as they are announced on the first page of this issue of the En terprise. The Los Angeles Boe ssvs "The Gypsie Frank Company appeared before a large and select audience last night In their presentation of the 'Hand ol Fate' stand ing room was at a premium. The per ' formance was rendered in an artistic and finished manner by accomplished artists and curtain calls were quite frequent." MIsh Wisner wishes to inform the pub- liathatby April 1st she expects to oc cupy the new studio which will be erect ed on Main street, opposite Brunswick House. She will have a new camera and accessories, such as backgrounds, chairs, etu. ; also tbe latest in mounts and styles. She will, therefore, be pre pared to give greater satisfaction in ev ery respect. men 11. Rev. E. M. Neil, an evangelist from Tennessee, who has been laboring with great success for the last few weeks in Portland, has been secured by the Bap tist church to work with tbeut for a week or two. lie will begin his special ser vices on the coming Sunday. He is a very fine speaker and sn earnest worker, and It will be worth while to hear him as often as it is possible. ."The Hand of Fate" will appear Sat- nrdav, Marcti iz, at uia bniveiy unera House. This grand production will be presented by tbe celebrated Gypsie iv.nk Hnmnanv. direct from their tri umphs in Washington and British Col ombia and the people of Oregon City are to be congratulated npon being fortunate , enongh to see this first class production in the bands ol splendid arusu. piesi making tliat will please at the I ted I1 rout. J. II. Howard baa gone to Houtherii llteirnii where hn will be emiilnvml fur h ttout urn week ni ratiiwr for the Ked Men. aiprlnB opening of millinery KoixU at .Mlaa i JollmHli' March tiS-U and lollowlntf Imj Junt arriving Our new sptlng iiiillin. cry under the elllcient management ol Mr. M. A. I'liotims. Newest and pret tied! Kooda priced morn reasonable, than in exi'hiMive hoiim-i. E. C. llainillon, Ited Front. Pan Lyon, a local contractor, baa ac cepted tbe offer of Kilpalrick ilroa., ol Nlirinka, lor the count ruction of a rail road tunnel In Maryland, at a aalary ol t:HK) per month. The tunnel li 44X feet In lengtb and the job will require twelve montha for Ita completion. V. Robinann la having aome Import ant cbanitea made to lb interior of lua lore, "Tbe Fair." Tbeabelvlng capac ity of tbe atore la being materially changed and Increaeed to make room (or receiving the eztenaive eMortinenl of high grade gooda Mr. Uohinnn pur cluaed on bla recent vleit to New York City. The collection ol taaea In Clackamai county for thr year ll)3 la programing (piile aallalaclorily. On roll ol f 2I2.IKX) Mheriir Shaver baa already collected $S0, (HXI Kebate ol 3 per rent on ceab pay ment ol taaea will be allowed until the I6th IliKt. The checking up ol tax pay meata la well In band by SlierilTSbaver'a competent force ol depot leu, io that the work in tbia department it in better hae tliRti In yeara. Mia. Mary K. Howard, dlnlrlct organ izer for tbo Stale Orange, baa juxt or gmiiaed a Orange at l'arkplace with 04 charter memberr. Tbe lodge wai chrit tened the A'lernetbv Orange in honor ol the blunder of Tarkiilaca. Otliceni were named aa follow: Worthy Maxtor, I. Ingram ; worthy lecturer, I'rol. L. II. Mi t'min; worthy treaaurer, lion. J. T. A pereon ; worthy aecrelary, MImi Kibe Morrlt. E. C. Hamilton, of the Bed Front, is having tbe Interior of his store exten sively remodeled. One section of the i...:i.i i. ,n,u,.u li, .l.i... i i . i i.'.i...!.1!.' .i. ":n: 1 anil euniiieu pxciiiaivpiT ior mo rou i in-, ery and dremmaking department. The show windowa will be altered and the lacllitie (or displaying good greatly im proved. A lores ol a half dozen clerk is now required to handle the constantly increasing business al the Ked front. County Clerk Sleight has received Irom Secretsry of State Dunbar a irreat many copies of both the direct primary law and the local option measure for free distribution among tbe voters of Clacka mas county. Copies ol each may ! bad by railing al the county clerk s oltlce. Tbe purpose of this free distribution of these proposed laws in pamplet form Is fur the information ol the elector who will be called on to pans on them at the election in June. lr. and Mrs. George Hoeye, of this city, have legally adopted I'eter K. KJin erson, the young sou of Mr. snd Mrs. I'eter r.merson, both ol whom died si multaneously in Alaska about two years ag. A lew weeks sgo the custody ol the chilil waa taken Irom the local Magda- lene Home, after haheus corpus proceed ings had been resorted to and the child was awarded lo its sunt, Airs. .Mary mc Intyre, ol Salem. Tbe lad's name has been changed to I'eter K. Emerson lloeve. At a convention of Clackamas county Grangers, held In tbe court house in this city Ttiesdiy, delegates were elected to the meeting ol the State Grange at Corvallis in May, aa lollows: Kdwiu Hates and Sarah K. Kates, ol Springwa ler Grange, No. 2(13 ; Mrs. Mary A. Wai droit and J. L. Waldron, of Warner Grange, No. 117; J. C. Spragne and Mrs. Ilattie Sprague.of Harding Grange, No. 11.".'; A. F. Davis, of Clackamas Grange, No. iil'S ; C. C. Borland and Mrs. L. J. Lorland, of Oswego Grange, No. 175. There were about fifty delegates in attendance. "Oh, yes, we should have a Young Men's Republican Club all right," is the reply of those to whom the suggestion is made, but no one seems stilliciently in terested in tho matter to tske the initia tive, circulate a paper for signatures pre liminary to calling a meeting and effect ing an organization. This should be done without further delay. It will be but a short time until the county cam paign is on in earnest, and then there will be abundant opportunity for good and effectual work tor some such an or ganization. By all means let's have a Young Men's Republicau Club. Tbe six year-old son of Barney Dolan, of tbe West Side, met with a distressing accident Tuesday afternoon. He play fully held a small dynamite cap in his left hand and applied a match to tbe cap to see if it would explode. As a result of the explosion, the little fellow is now minus the thumb and the two neighbor ing fingers ol the left hand. He was brought to this city immediately and the injury was treated by urs. larii anu Lowe. A companion, named Doaver, who was with the Dolan boy at the time of tbe explosion, came nearly being in jured also. As it was, psrts of the ex ploded cap Strucx Dim in ine lace, onoiy scratching the lad. The Wall of tbe Victim. "You can't got something for noth' lnif." said the niuu who affect prov erbs. "No," answered the easy mahf "I can't But the people with whom I do business seem to manngo It every no and then.'' Kxchnnge. Social Tet. Mrs. Cblc In the closest analysis, what la social tact? Mrs. Au Fnit-My flesr. It is getting familiar with all sorts of people without letting them ct familiar with you. Indlauapoiia Jonr sab W most not tit down and look for miracles. Eliot Personal Mention J Win. Muridmll. of Highland, wan in the city Sunday. If. V. Olbaon.of Kagle Creek, was In the city Turadav. Tliaa. I'ope waa tbia week a viaitor to Halem and Eugene. Mr. and Mr. M. A. Oagn, of Ktaflord, were In the city Monday, Win. Muinpowar, of Stone, waa an Oregon City viaitor laat Friday. Attorney J. N. Brown, ol Salem, bad btialnena in the court here Tburaday. Mr. and Mr. IS. O. Fauat, of Liberal, were In tbe city yeaterday on buaineea. Mr. F. W. Smith, of Baker City, was tbe guest till week of Mra. l'aul Freytag. W. H. Burgbardt, of Halem, waa an Oregon City viaitor the first of tbe week. C. L. Bate and J. L. Dick, of Canby, were viaitor to Oregon City Wedneaday. Mr. W. B. Shively bai returned from Koreat Qrove where ebe visited with ber on. Stephen A. D. Hungate, of MoUlla. wa in tbe city tbia week on a bnainei-ii trip. Ed Kapp was at Cottage Grove tbia week. James Tracy, a well known citlze" f the IxKan community, was in the city Friday. I'rol. A. T. Winches, principal of tbe Canby public schools, waa in tbe riiy Thursday. J. K. Gribble, a prominent farmer ol tbe Aurora neighborhood, waa in the city yesterday. Howard M. Brownell, addressed the pupils of the Canby public school U-i Friday evening. Mra. Kobert Hughes, ol Mt. I'leasun', writ this week the gueM of ber it er, Mis. Geo. Hoeye. Mra. J. H. Tursey and daughter, HHzel, have returned from an extended visit at Han Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. It. J. Moore, of MolmU, tbi week visited their daughter, Mrs 0. D. Eby in this city. Louisa Garnet) and John Patten on. .... ... I... I Tl. ...! V... I.. ..:..' t' man iru ima ,,uisuiit uj .iuciho ol the I'eace Livy Stipp C. F. Zinser, of Mt. Scott, was in the city Monday visiting bis biother, County Superintendent Zinser. Mrs. Win. Hulbert, olOlympia, Wash ington, was laat week the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Hulbert. C. V. Galloway, of MuMinnville. was visiting bis father, Judite Win. Galloway the latter part of last week. Mrs. Harry Malon visited this week with relatives at Kagle Creek where ber brother is quite serio'isly ill. T. L. Turner and Perry Sharp, of Stafford, were in th city the latter put of last week on legal husines. Lake May has gone to Five Island') near Salem where be will superintend some work for the W. P. & P. Co. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Flinn. of llai'ev, Idaho, are visiting with Mrs. Flinn' mother, Mrs. M. K. Graves atCanemab. Mra. W. B. King, of Portland, was in tbe city Mondav on her return home from a visit with ber mother, Mrs. 15. G. Faust at Liberal. Mrs. Don Meldrnm has srrived from Baker City snd joined ber husband. They will begin housekeeping in a cosy cottage in this city. Wm. Vorpshl and Wm. Martin, two old and respected residents of Canby, were in tbe city Wednesday, having business at the court house. State Senator Geo. C. Brownell aent to Salem today, where he will tonight leliver an address before the Young Men's Republican Club of that city. Mrs. R. P. Hughes, of Portland, has gone to fcan Francisco, where Mr. Hughes is now employed. Mr. and Mrs. Hughes formerly resided in this city. Roy A. Mercer, representing the Gypsy Frank Co., was in the city Mon day arranging for tho appearance of his company at Sliively's tomorrow night. W. 0. Vaughan, . of Molalla, passed through Oregon City this week on bis way home from Portland, where with his partner, W. II. II. Ram, be had been looking after hie chittam bark business. , ' CO. Huntley was in Salem this week in attendance on a meeting of the State Board of Pharmacy of which he is a member. In the annual election of the officers of the board, Mr. Huntley was elected secretary. James Mclntyrn has returned to Northport, Wastiinjrton, after a visit with bis relatives in this city. James is engaged In business at Northport and his many friends will be pleased to know that be Is doing well. Fred Miles, the old reliable employe of Wells Fargo Express Company, baa been temporarily called from tbe Oregon City office and is making the run on the main line ol the .southern racitic Com pany between Grants Pass and Duns muir. F. M. Gill, of Garfield, was In the citv this week and attended the meeting ol tbe Grangers at the court honse Tuesday. Mr. Gill has political aspirations in this county and will be a candidate before tbe Republican county convention next month for the nomination of representa tive. Ralph Johnson, of Silverton, is visit ins bis brother, . L. Johnson. Mr. Johnson has for some time been in cbame of a bridge construction crew in the employ ol the southern racmc com pany but may associate himself with Messrs. Johnson and Secrest in the local laundry that is to be established here. Ton Bet Too ( an. You can be a strong man or woman hv buying the great nerve tonic, Falmo Tablets, sold by Howell A Jones. They make you sleep and grow fat. Drs. Beatie & Beatie Dentists. Roon s 16, 17, 13. Weihard building. There is A Big Difference in tti Mails, It is easy enough for a salesman to show a sew ing machine and say: "That's a fine running ma chine." But, how is it after a year or so? That's when the quality of a machine shows. White's Machines will not only stand for one year, but for twenty-five years and even longer. This machine makes less noise, runs easier, has better finished woodwork than all other makes. It has all the latest improvements, is very simple to operate, and you don't pay any more than for other machines. Prices $35.00, $40.00 and $45.00. Other makes as low as $20.00. Needles for all machines. If you can't afford to buy a Piano, try a Kimball or a Burdett Organ. Money spent for one of these instruments is not wasted. You can use these for a while and exchange later when you can afford it for a piano. We sell them on installments BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN THE Suspension Bridge WE HAVE MOVED THE OREGON CITY JUNK AND SECOND HAND STORE has removed into the storeroom adjoining the post of fice. We carry a complete line of new so. I second band stove and furniture. Highest prices paid for all kinds of junk. Sugarman & Co. A l uvoritc Keiuedy for liable. Ita pleasant t.iSte and prompt cures have made Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy a favorite with the mothers ol small children. It quickly cures their coughs and colds and prevents any danger of pneumonia or other serious conse Dequeue. It not only cures croup, bin w hen given as soon as the croupy cough appears, will prevent the attack. For sale by G. A. Harding. the Funny Side. At sn "at home" a young men came in ., made bis way to tne no wa. greeting her and apologiring for his late ness. "Awtutiygiau to j , Blank," said tbe hoa'ees; -so gouu 10 come. BUt wnero id brother?" "I am commiseionea io len der his regrets. You see. we are so uu it now that it was impossioie u.r u... of us to get away, so we "?V"'Z, which of us should come. - -; Such an original ideal And you won? No," said the young man, sukj, "I lost." in ih Snnate. the other day, while Kiley and Tillman were both on their feet arguing heatedly, Senator Warren tiptoed to Tillman's side and took from the South Carolina senators pocket a bottle. It contained a coiorieee ," it- - umnvxl tha cork, smelled the contents of the bottle, then restored the latter to Tillman's pocseu n iui not know why the Senate and galleries were in uproars of laughter, but Bailey, who had seen the by play, exclaimed: 'When this vaudeville periormam-B u ceased, I shall be glad to go on I bo the chair rapped the Senate to order. A story of quick wit comes from Hoi n.i TUrund Vet, of The Hague, was arrested lor calling a constable a mon key, and waa sentenced to forty-Dve davi' imprisonment. The judge in- - ... . t ... i 1 , tuA formed Dim luai ue ujubi um .u.v police, and that to call a constable a . : T.. 'I lia Kill. monkey was a genuus uumw. .u. prit reflected, then inquired, "Would it be any crime to call a monkey a con stable?" "Certainly not," replied the judge, "If it would give you any satis faction." Vet turned to the prosecuting attorney, and. with an eianoraie now, said, "Good-day, constable." One of the most remarkable cases of a cold, deep seated on tbe lungs, causing pneumonia, is tnai ol Mrs. ueriruoo u. t enner. Marion, Ind., who was entirely cured by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. She says: "The couching and troininir so weakened me that I ran Hr,n in weight from 148 to 92 pounds. I tried a number of remedies to no avail nntil 1 used One Minute uougn cure. Lt'our bottles of this wonderful remedy cured me entirely ol the cough, strengtn ened my lungs and restored me to my normal weight, health and strength. Sold by Geo. A. Harding. Tbe building season will be lively. To buy doors and windows right, you must see Frank Buach. We also carry a large stock of String Instruments such as Violins, Guitars, Banjos, and Mandolins in all grades from the lowest price up to the high grade "Washburn Instruments. Harmonicas, Accordeons, Zithers, Autoharps to suit everybody. ' Strings and Extras for all Instruments. OREGON CITY JEWELERS Corner A BUSINESS LUXURY A CHECKING-ACCOUNT is indeed a busines necessity; and he who tries to get along without one is at great disadvantage. It is not required" that a person should have a large bulk of business in order to open an account. Professional men, farmers, and even many women, are running checking-accounts. If you have never done business in this way, and are not familiar with the plan, come to us and we will get you started. BANK OF OREGON CITY Y.ww;v.v.msmv.,.v.v.v,wAW.,.v.vA,1 5 v ,.! . I S ..7 A ; 7 II l S examined at once. I grind 5 V y I vidual case. Lenses changed and broken ones replaced ! at a moderate charge. I. R.MISHHRT 5 Room 1 Superior Work Lowest Prices That is what you get when A. Mihlstin does J-our plumbing work. He does general tinning, plumbing and jobbing busi ness. Estimates cheerfully furnished. Hot air heating fixtures manufactured auJ supplied. A. MIHLSTIN Main Street OREGON CITY, OR OASTOniA. V '. )1', ..!,', .:..,t.fftr'."'"j'" ' J l' -. .-.:.r. I ' 1 A s I Oregon City, Oregon OREGON CITY, OREGON and fit lenses for each indi-5 tixaminaiion rree. Charman Bros. Block T. , - 4.3 id:- 'Mi;;; We are in a position to save yon from 10 to 20 per cent, on undertaker's supplier of which we carry a complete stock We are under small eip ne. Have no middle-men to pay, own onr heire and will treat you fair. O.nb Pbick to All. 'r. l. holhan, Undertaker and Embalmer. Office: One door sou'h of Court II 'ne or at Cijjar Store opposite Bink of Oregon City. 0 aT--r .3 5