OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1904 W V v ! junipma up la t great ileal harder thin (miming dowu. Ami yd iople who have liern for years miming down In hrulth x-ct to jump Utk it once. It tukrt yeais griu'inlly to iimke a man a con. Imnril I)prtu', ami lie cannot upei t to bt cured in a few iUvs. Thru is no mili'krr iiu-nna of cute fur tlvatxM or other (ortna of stomach trouble than by the line of Dr. Pirrcr'i (iiililen Medical Dia- rovery. It cures diseases of the jrt stomach ami other T OlgSIIS Itt llltf'HtiOII and iiiittttloii ami Imilils up the IkkIv with aotiitd flesh and solid muscle. l KHiafc'l akk Iwftvrara wnln Mv. W II palter u Ml Whllrl'liwI.AIa ."with wlwl tltr iliirltua tll,li-ll waa fn.ttlr ITMl)la. lnilltflloa ur urrvima iIvm!, alau i'u alllMlllull ami tuai'ttvr llvrr. I wni III ll ,lrealful riiiMlltluu. Tnril aevetal ilirlrtviit durtma. Willi lul I HI la iull bid Men M fteMe tint I aa mi miiat na4 tiaveling aUwt, hail I'rt down lo 114 ihiumIi. 1 writ! ami hcwijrlil Tl iMtltftfil Mtiildra Mnll.al llactvry fun yx nir i-riitia ana -uau fnMowitiK iluc II. .1,1 Whrn I li.'l laki'ti liuut tot IMtltn I frll very my. h bU :r waa ffirallv Improved, ami Wrlullril one huii. lint n J llililv fiif'a iviiiii'la. I will y ih( lir I'lrpc'a m.lirlna art a inal- rniJ i: ;x,i aiiirrtluK umailltt , ami I aitvlte anv auil all chronic auftrrrra hi iflvr llitiu a lair Inal ul Uiry will lir anliaAnl " Accept no llltt. till fur "('.olden Medical I There i iintliinj' "jum , ,1 fr diariiva of ' , alm"r). Merw'a JMi-wiil CMt a. ml aick 1 .' I " IJ1II'"."" WANT MUX AT UUDHTOKK. If Midliruod Mill la Hi-moved, Orricon Clly Will Make a Hid. EVART8' OOAINf "HUMOR." .BTAfSortHnO, CV r Toi.ki,0i 1 i.ocas Count, f Frank J, Cheney makes oath that ha la aenlor partner of tha flrm 0( J- r.'7!nlC.0, n10"1" bu"l,,,,"i ' Vlty of Joledo. Coiinlv wl ui.,.. ld. an.l (hat aaul firm will ,y , " urn of On, lltre(, ,),! 1 cured by the ua, of 11,11', Catarrh Cure. t . , , J-CimNitr. worn tn before ma and aubm-rilxxl In rny preaence, tniaOlliday of DecemUr, A. W. Oi.Bi.aw. Nolar I'uhlio. 1U1I' Catarrh Cure ia taken Inlernall nd arta ilirwtly on the bloxxl and mil coin iii(-ea i,f (ho ayilem. Hend lor teatimoiiiala free. V. J. Cm kmc r A Co., Toledo, 0. Hold hy all tirocinia, 75c. Taka 1'laU'a Family I 'ilia for comitlna- lion. If In wloratlnii Ita plant tha Portland Woolen M ill Company d( lde to imik another location, an effort will b made by tha (Jladatone Heal Kitate Amioida tlonto lei iire thin iimlllulloii for thla cUv, lav an Ou-iion City perlat to tha Orvtfuiiian. Thu la the wunlen mill plant that waa rmeully hanied at Hell wood. On account of the eipiltlea that have (frown up with tbc emabUHhinK oi tha mill at Kellwood, many of the opera tivea liavlnu puruhaaeil tioinet at that place, ll la not conildereil at all probable that the matuiCKinent ' ml" inclined to eek unother location, but ahould audi be the cane, the Orr-ifon City Amociation will make an effort to neenre the mill for tbll dly. Harvey K. Croaa, of the Oladatone He Kalate Aaaot-lation, baa addmaHed e letter to the aeereUry of the Hell wood plant iletalllnK the natural advanlaijei that obtain here for each n Inaillution end exteiidliiii an Invitation for the con alderation of Ureiron City a place of I .cation If the mill la to be taken away fioin Hellwood. The location proponed lor the mill at Orenon City i eloul two milea north of tbii city on the banki of the Clackamaa and directly on tlie line of the Southern I'aciflc Itallroad. fHcar lluber, a civil fimlneor of l'ortland, made a turvey of tha premis e at ex treme 1 w water during tlie fall of 1W2 and found a net hoiae power of linn. Durinx at leaal nine montha of the year there U available at the pmpoaed ail '500 horae (iower. At a minimum Hair", with a 1'.' foot bead, furniibinti U8 horae iower, there ia anillcient force lor the operation of three inch ntllla at that of the (Irenoil City ManufactiirwH int ol tblaoity alilcb la the laiiceat woolen mill on Ibet'pael. i',.ril.nl cauittt IibU have Intareated ihemwlvei witli the manai-- ' (lladatone l' " " . ...u.ii of the i.nlale Aneociatlon and ni inatall the concrete dam at the aite iiiKifeeled thin an miner whether or not the Hellwood mill la hrouu-ht to thlacllv. The water power ia there and the ownera of the proerty propone to develop that power and neuotiaie for its utilization by ')iue manufartuririK institution. It will riMiuire the eiendilure of about $10,000 io iiuiiii the concrete dam that has been decided npon. Ilow raaaad Poat a aid Hales una lata th Senate. iMirlng thi iHMt iVig-s of Oliver Wen dell MolmiV life be vlalfrd VVaHblnKlon In compauy with Itly.Tt, t. Wtnllirop, mid both, of the V4if.-raUe men visited the seitute chiuulxvr on the occimlon vi some cereini'iiiea wldvti crowded the ilkree with people, ei t,ut tli'T were uiiuhle to obtain ai'uta. 7 hey awt thir f.ird. t' Mr. Kvarta. k i.i.lnir that be iil'ht crrutiKe a place for them, und whm be met them In (,0 uiarble room lie expliiliiHl the dlftW ,ty. "The Kiillerlee are crowded, a yu know," he aold, "or ,d the rules ol the entile Bdmlt to tkv t dor of the tbnm ber only tiiembrp J 0( dm two liounee of conKn-aa, mor ..t.r 0f the cabinet, Justices of tlwt ' guIirenie court, ex-ai-ators, peraons ' wll0 hare received tbe thanks of 01 .g, ,d private lecre tarlee to aenr jtorg 1 Cunuot get yoo adiiilsslon lo ,ny other capacity, but If you will acr).pt i,Ki,y rewpectable and rcmuo erative employment as my private asx retarlea I will Ond you scats on the Hf itotb the poet and the tatesiur .nm.nied. and Mr. Evnrts toik tbf u) t0 the door, where lie ad dressed ti.e doorkeep-r aa follows: "My' deai' air, these two young men ,re w y nrli-a. aecretarfea. You will obs.r : sre both ery grwin and ' I,,:"'"' lrJ ' - trying to have pat L' un 1 -crlook tbelr defl mZV'"'" n 'take i i.w.l. tHl yu -ou)u ,,By oWtllon,r;:-n1eyou win l-n tl awl.H,. . "'"a" Pushed Naaal CaUrrh iAry yllda Utoaa. Biont by Kly a OreasalSsOm. which la agree. ahly aroiuatlo. H l lxwyad thrrjogl. lhj nostriU, cleanse and kaala the wkole so, faoe over which U diffuses Itself. rugglaU sell the Wo. sua 1 Trial alze by aiaU.HJ Mote. Test U aa4 yeu are aura to eonUooe the treatinijttk. Annonncrroeai, To aotwuuiwlate those who era partial to the use of atnmiwirs In applying liqnide i . -l .AMuaim fof catarrhal truu- bUt, the proprJutors prepare treamUslra In , linuld form, which wiU U known aa Uy a Llnuld Oream Jtalro. rnw ucimiu w- iI.ryingluUis75enta. Iru(!(j.U or hj mail. The tiinid form emodiea tie med- iclnal properUua e ms souu pt"!"""- LEX US Prices Reasonable Do Your Work Work Q"nt" We do a General Baggag and Trarihfer KunineBa. Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moved Office OpjKjBite Masonic BuiMig UhpliSm"' Williams Bros. Transfer Co. SOMETHING for NOTHING Naturally induces trade. We do hot do busines on that basis but do give value re ceived for every cent you Bpend at our Btore. Hero are some bargains: MULL CLACKAMAS BE TUIKE1 I Oreifen CominlHion Desifti Exhibit At Mt. Lnuli.. VTlLb Sy) X:, FllEK. 3-lb .can BrandenBtein'g Mocha and Java coflee . . 5 lbs BrandenHtein's Caro head Itice Good brand bulk Coffee, per tKund Tiva Coffee, per lb. . f4 sort ... a bewlldei remarked In no nn" way Uertone: "Well. I'll be blanked!"-CbIcagO Hecord-IIerald. t'tne bulk pt Hives are a terrible torment to the little folks, and lo some older ones. Kaslly cured. Doan's Ointment never fails. Instant relief, permanent cure. At any drug store, W cents. 'I'ncle Ions' Cabin." Oreton Clly Jlarket Keporl. (Corrected Weekly.) The movliiu. mirthful, kaleidesronlc production known as "Cncle Tom's Cabin" will lie produced t Khivelv's ()er Houite on Monday aiiht. Mr-h th, hy the celelirated Hietmin Coininnv. I There is so much of incident, Jollity, ten ner sentiment, lively ills oirne. eneetscii- larsitustlon and iotic jiistiiw in Uncle Tom that it will ever he of rnidvlnir in- (eresi 10 tiia mullitmle. It la all very well lo lie superior to the charm of this Wheat No. 1,'7.V) per bushel. entertainment, but It furnishes pleasure Hour Valley, $4 i!5 r bbl. Hard w t',0,,"a"'ls and there is no oftirlng so wheat M.7S. l'ortland. II. 10 oer sa.k : "W'1 by you on and old alike. The Howard's Meat, )1.(5 per sack. pathetic death of little Kva has do sooner Oats In sacks, $1 er cental. covered the audience with sorrow's pall, Hay Timothy, baled, 14rtrfl5 per ll,"n a atunninn cakewalk comes to re ton; clover.lll to $12; oat, til; mixed ,,ore Ao(),M or the merely drooping Lay, $11 ; cheat, $11, "!- The SteUon Company Is the au-MillstulTs-nran. 11D.00 nr t.,n .no,,,!,!" UllvT.l !n lh" proluctlup of aborts, IN 50 per ton; chop, $ tf.OO U6t fllTii.ni . masterpiece, ton. h.ri.,v r no .11 p " cHl ' 'tfc in number and well dis- tributed. The hounds and ponies, the Growth of tha apal Crows'. Orllnally the beaddresa of the poiW was oDly a cap. but Clovla, king of th Franks, to show bis respect to tbe church of Home, sent to the palace ol' Bt John In Lnteran a royal crown of gold,, which Auustuslus, emperor of ConstanUnople, bud presented to him. Tbe Tope Hormlsdus placed upon tbe tlura this crown, which waa at that time nothing- more thun a circle of gold surmounted by leaf work, being much such a coronet as la nowadays borne by marquises la France. The successor of I'ope Hormlsdus con- unueu 10 wear trie tiara with one A full lind of the verV best in the grocery line at Thq, ELECTRIC Grocery I), M. KLEMSEN, Prop. Main Street next (G Albright's Market W. H. Webrunn, prenident of the Western World'a Fsir Lewis sod Clark CeDtennial Kxposition Commiseion, has interested bimsell in a movement to se cure for Oregon sn exhibit by counties at the World's Fair at Ht. Louis. Mr. Wehrumt thinks that this wouiu ne me best wsy to have the state properly rep- I .a . . J. nnl t r resente'l. 11 ilia coumy uwiur. " ' bsvean exhibit at tne worms rir, then tha commission nrnes insi v' tihlets suitably advertising the reeourees of this section De proviueu ior u..... tion among Uie viaiiors to tlie Isir. In a letter to the Enterprii Mr. eh raig ssvs: "It ia desirable that your . ..., .t..it i..vo i.rnner literature at 50 Kt. Loua. and the commission desires that you will send back at leant 50,000, if not 100.0DO, pampbleta descriptive of of your county resources, productions, manulactures, climate, etc., for tbe benefit of the thousands of St. Louis visitors that may be attracted to our growing stste. This matter should he of interest to you, and yon are re ' tn eIl at once upon your fellow ' a for the purpose of per- Franklin Mile-, JI, 1)., LL. 1 , Eminent hftecJallht, Will S-nl I3.7& Worth of Hl Stir Trealaieut Free. tha n.oo .12 .15 .50 That Dr. Miles ia one of the mo t suc cessful and reliable of ib-ii mn, la proven by hundreds of teUiiH.ii; - from ell-known people. Une p n rea after failure oi eleven (ii i"' Hpida physicians, two after hvii g b 1 1 irvea up by six or seven Chicsfo n 'ane, another sf'er nine of the leail ng .t -tors in New York C.iy. fhilml-i " and Chicago failed. Thouaod ol 1- i.mg-t niala sent on request. The late I'rof. J. H. Jewell, n. I'., edi tor of the J jnrnal ol Neivon-hi . Men tal Diwa-i, published ai 1 ' , ad vieed Dr. Miles to "by all in. nub lish your turiaing reiul - " 'r ,f, J. P. Koss, M. D., president of 1. 1 edir cal Collet, wrote in 1874: "lr Milei has taken two courses ol nn ' instruction in dioesses of i ' lunge." Col. N. G. Parker. . x of South Carotins, says: "I . Miles to he an attentive ami - 1 sician in a field which ri-q'M. -qualities of mind and he'a'i." . te" 1' in J nrer Dr. t'hy- heet I. A. H?L MAY'S BARGAIN." Am Eip. h Artist Had Wltlx B JtOTtais- Conjarcr. An atuuslLV '"7 1 lold of tbe artist rhil May and Kngllsb conjurer at a fair at Stratford u-Avou. Thll was In the crowd wljlcli liud aWtbcred to watcb a very clever genilwnftii who was evrap- questeu . bounty publisiib.. lectlnjt an orpanisat- " w . supplying of tbe Mwfn, 'mmtid, and to secure county 1 fd 'Wr'irw imbrica tion. You are requed Htgg organ zsuon and act aa K onit m h . "-'impiisnea t These parrs. iDOnMh. ..-.. once.or.at Uee Ule,,. eo that th.y may 'V' be n our .nde at . Louis by May I tb. It would be perbM clmen MB lihenom n.1 " man, of the M...i.'tj. . , ' ' . S. r. ......u iiryn urN, '.."-m " worked wnii Trr 9iw lafed I suen iiii. yai ' has - ie-- fi isl e ai 'eel nlnfr nn utvnMlinm anfl tlaf rmtrnM in crown only up to the time of Honlface I pieces of paper and sejlliisr them for 2 shJJlings. The "sharp" t'ad a beautiful ton, barley, rolled, $'il 00 per ton. Potatoes U5c lo 75o per sack. Kggs Oregon, 2.1o to ITio per doien. HutUir Kaiich, 60c. j separator, 00c creamery, 70c. Oregon onions, DOc to $1.00 perewt. J'rieu epples.bc to 7o per lh, music and scenic effects, costumes and accessories are all of the best aitainable. Neclttlties glitter through the evening like stars in a wintry sky. There ia buck and wing dancing in the slave mart. There are tw j Tonsies and two 'lawyer VHI but this pope, bavins claimed aaithorlty over thlnga temporal as well aa spiritual, wUhed to mark this dou ble dominion on tbe pontifical tiara, on which be placed two crowns ln- stead of one. Ultimately Pope John XXII. added a third crown. St James Caxctte. 1 rimea. nirieu) neiiu. .ic iwr hi 1 . u.,b. ..,1 1. i , .. lan, large. 6c er lb. medium. 3'ic: than tha other, an tnm.alc Kli.a n,.a. Silver. 44 Cabbage, 1 tolt4'o per lb. Apples, 75o to 86c. Crantierries 9o to 12c a quart. Cauliflower, 40u to c er iloren. Stock carrots, sacked, 60 cents. Dressed chickens, U'e per lb. Livestock and dressed meats; beef, live, $4 00 to $4.25 per hundred. Hogs, Hve4J,' to 6 cts; hogs.dressed.e1,' ;to 0J4c sheep, $2 76 to $3 00 per bead ; dressed, flc ; veal, dressed, 7 Mo to 8c ; lambs, live, $2.60 per head ; lamhs. dressed, 6c. 8weet potatoes, 2 to 3o per pound. Cet Them Cleaned and Pressed. and eave buying new clothes. ' We call and deliver all clothes. Ladies' dress skirts a specialty. :-: :-: Electric HoUl Clsanlni Praaalng Parlors. rhone No. 381. . Oregon City, Or. DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAJ1E BACK ? Kidney Trouble Makes Yon Miserable, Almost everybody who reads the news papers Is sure to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. js is tne p-eat medl rS cal triumph of the nlne- ivciiiu century; dis covered after yean of fTZTTlJiJ II scientific research by KVfVB Dr. Kilmer, tha emi nent Kidney and blad der specialist, and la wonderfully successful In promptly curing lame back, kidney. Madder, uric add trou bles and Brian's Dlriue, which b tlie worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not rec ommended for everything but If you have kid ney, nver or Diaaaer trouble It will be found Just the remedy you need. It has been tested In so many ways. In hospital ayork, In private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful In every case that a epeclal arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried It, may have a aample bottle sent free by mall, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to fcnd out If you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generoua etter in tnis paper and aena your address Q4iTt TV7 ur. runner &i0..ttin?- a t .: i hh-"" . - - " 1,1,1. i..' aamton, N. Y. I he regular fifty cent and Hoaot Swamp-noot dollar sizes are aold by all good dri-gglsta. Ing the ice is said to be s strong niece of acting, aided by a scene murvelously realistic. Uphella from New England grows larger with tbe years and hss hard work to maintain tbe proper severity of manner, in the l.eon wastitnirn-Met son Company there are all kinds of dra matic greatness. It is a class by itself Uo see it. Mark Twala'i Jolt on th Blabop. Iilshop Donne of Albany was at one time tlie rector of an Eplnropal church In Hartford, and tbe services at thla church Mark Twain would occasionally attend. Twain otie Sunday played a Joke UKn the rector. "Dr. Donne," lie said at the end of the service, "I enjoyed your sermon thla morning- I welcomed it like an old friend. I have, you know, a book at borne containing every word ef It" "lou have not" ald Dr. Doane. "I hare so." aald the humorist "Well, aeml that book to me. I'd like to see It." "I'll send It" Twain replied. And he sent the next morning an no abridged dictionary to the rector Bos ton Post WHAT WILL WEATHER BE! H A 11 8asanb for tbo Boterpriso. By reading tlie Enterprise you will be kept lillly lulormeU ahout the CUcka mas county campaign. We will send vou tbe Enterprise from now until after tie June election ovar three montlm for 26 cents. 8end in your subscription at once. Coach Gentlr. Few people know how to cough prop erly. In fact It never occurs to the or dinary Individual that there are a right way und a wrong way of doing It Yet It la a matter of no small Importance. If every sigh means a drop of blood out of tbe heart as people say, every cough means aoue greater or less proportion of time knocked off one's life. Most peoplo cough aa loudly and forcibly ns uiey can. Borne chroulc coughera seem a bit proud of the terrible noise they make. But It la a rather costly noise, for the simple reason that It tears and Inflames the luugs. The luugs consist of ao extraordina rily delicate spongollke tissue, which aometlmea gets Inflamed and choked with phlegm. When we try to get rid of this substance we cough. But, ob viously, If we remove It violently we must ueoessarlly Injure tbe delicate limr tissue. Therefore train yourself to couh ns gently as posslhle. After 11 little practice you will Oud It quite cany to do ao. In that way you will do n minimum of mischief to the lungn and add years to your life. Awfnl. Mrs. Troudman Our Willie got "uier. Morions commendation" at school last week. Mrs. Bull-Well, well! Ain't It awful tbe number of strange diseases thul'i kctched by school children. risk Kd Air. Pishes, Mke all other animals, need lr. If they could not get It tbey would be eulfocated Just aa you would If you were locked In an air tight trunk. Wben the sea la frozen for mlhs, as In the Arctic ocean, tbe fishes And It very hnrd to come to the top, and must (hen "breathe" tbe air which la dissolved In the water. You have often seen tbe tiny bubbles wblcb col lect on tbe Inside of a glass which bas been standing full of water overnight. Well, that la tbe air wblcb baa been dissolved In the water, and after the glass bas been tapped, so that all these bubbles come to the top, fishes could not live In that water. In other words, tbey would drown. uno important worx. ine regular lirnl 0,0,,r "unlycoDrt in April will ffiZ1!9' be the best time to present this matter, T'rn " and if vou r n,n, 1. ..i..,j 01 prominent mei . ' a j 1 1 1 1 u ,,, t . ... e succesHtul." ' ",B UIM",I' "in aic attention of the Oregon nitv ?"T ?' h' -Personal Tr of trade and the Clackamas connt, "V" certa'r worth I. called to this proposition. The C T ,e n "" iommercial bodv conM nrv in . 1."e u,Ji'?r s new ayslern foce-sucb a face as Phil Way loved to conjunction with the coontv rr.nrt .nil ,l)oroui,dy scientfiic ami raw. Ko he alietclil liin.i fnrflvelT. aome fsvorabie action taken in ll.o tn.. uPer,0f to ordinary metb But the gentleman saw him and made a speech forthwith. "If that there celebrlted portrlt paint er with the tight breeches on will 'and np the plcter, the equally, celebrlted benefactor to oomaulty wot la glvln' away quids for coppers will reward 'Im accordingly." he shouted, rhll, with a twinkle In bis eye, band ed up the drawing. The conjurer waa delighted with the sketch and pinned It to tho tailboard of his cart With an other preliminary speech, be threw three sovereigns, three half sovereigns and several half crowns Into a piece of paper, screwed it up and banded it to the artist. "You'lJ be president of the bloomln' B'yal academy some dye, young man," said he. "IJere, catch!" "A bargain's a bargain," aald Phil, walking off with the packet of gold and silver. He confessed afterward when be opened the packet and found two pen nies and a halfpenny In it that it waa tbe most entertaining commission be bad ever len raid for. hh WOO tbe t ia "eat eds tea- erl- hi ' oas 'inent "elT r I . n , nerhorva 1 . "J mirni and linrl 1 . r - will UJCIIUH-l . ' I . - " ,, I a ,A - 1 . I v iifn ft . iw wur wun your Iocs , 'ir'encea a DOaraa OI trado am! oat l1.m 1.. 1 a I1" SIC. an nBrs In ."v J ICUU T jU 1 . . - ' assistance In Drocunnir an annmnr.-.t:... "url" irreatment ford lurnus important work. The reirnar "'"" raacn or -"Mun.i, i-iwrtj i,)ar 1 And wfi ami if you are pronerlv organized von PVT,nel,r men. M "", ,:n v,- 1 , .. 0 - wi uc ouuceaHiuj." ine attention of th nonn nt. I J , ,7: . uuaru 1 nn, ri i ra an .. , local commercial body could work in h. . . Dew Win vl county ccort and Uken in the mat- ""r '" """''ajy metm.i te-r. Advertisinir of the el.anir-Lr n. . a an muted readeis m.y ,.vhf ..." . I nnnk .1 a 1 cT gested would bring returns that in all IT 1 ,0 ' worln 01 re- prorwbility would justify the cost of bsv :"' "l"r,n,1 ". .t ree. inga reaaonablv larirer ntimher nl tha I wonm savise them c .ilora. j . . - .... II ,nn wi n 1 1 f 0.1 oescripuve pamphlets published. I ; , , i-'iuaiion .,ee. 523 Main fet.f Elkhart, I,i t u Caiiy Tnuinr'i .oilee, I now have moner tn mw . .. - r Inn rn.,1 T - f. "i lama- inieri-pp w, 1 asa on sucb warrants on ihm ,1 ... ,k.- .r... iv . , .. . . ' uuuee. tuieu tnis zn (1B c . 1. lOftd Esoe l a hill. Trees. Claekama. . K.,n lia's for flonth of March. Comnllmi By Forecast Official. Faulting For Health. Thousands of years before It waa practiced aa a religious rite fasting was practiced as a health measure in Egypt, India and China. Contempo rary to Cicero waa Asclepladea, a Greek physician, who strongly advocated this Idea, and 1,000 years after his day Ibn 8ina, philosopher and medical aage, ar gued the virtues of temporary abstl nence on tlie ground that it came eas ier than constant moderation. Trimming Sails. "Charley, dear." said young Mrs. Torkklng. "how do they trim tbe aalls of a yacht V "Why-er-they Just trim 'em, that's all." 1 know. But what kind of trimming do tbey user' Washington Star. KlrmtlTP Ability. Little Elmer-I'upn. what is execu tive ability? Professor r.nmdhead The faculty of earning your brwid by the gwent of other people's brows, my son. Puck. Toar Bealtk. Ton yonng people, don't forget that health la greatly prized in old agA Young people can stand abuses to their health in youth, but terrible interest Is collected later on. Atchison Globe. Ha ate Hla Owa Word. Not long ago the punishment for libel In Russia was tbe requirement that the llbeler literally eat his own words. man who published a small volume re flecting on the unlimited power of tbe sovereign was seised, tried in a sum. mary way and condemned to consume the objectionable words. In one of the public streets the book waa severed from its binding, tbe margins cut off. the leaves rolled up one by one and fed to the unfortunate author. A surgeon waa in attendance to pronounce upon the number possible to give without endangering hla life, but he la reported to bare act the limit at something like 200. Carried a IJr Shark Aakar. Jonathan Fowler, a Massachusetts fisherman, once walked out knee deep through the mud and filth of a sea shore at low tide to a shark left by the retiring waters, ahouldered It and brought it alive on his back to the shore. The shark weighed 500 pounds, quite a load, considering that It was not the most portable of articles and that the man had to wade through mud. Siaaplr I'aofal. That's All. 'Yea," aald Mrs. Wordsworth, "the family Is most Interesting. John dances divinely, Tom sings like an an gel. David is a famous footballer, Su sanna paints with great taste." -And Henry V "Oh, Henry! Well, he's a rather dull sort of a fellow, you know. He only works and supports the others." Chi cago Journal. Sign for tb EnterprW and i r vek- vmi prit- kffer of The ftntorp-iM 1.J0 par year. The following data. ol 32 vears, have been compiled from the weamer oureau records at Portland. Ore gon. i"ey are issued t shoa ti... anions mat have prevailed, dnrina thn Jv Oreironian k.r,ira uiumu in quea ion. lor ia ahum i,an'n,i tor !' ram anU. "'" ufuoi out uo construed aa a forecast of the weather conditi m lor tl. coming month ; Month of March for 32 years. TBMPgKATUHK. Mean or normal temrjeratnra The warmest month was that of 188X, wun an averaye Ol Oaueg. ine coldest raonti, was that of 1807, wiiij au average 01 w jeg. ine mgnest temperature was dee. 79 on marcii zy, isso. The Jowest temperature was 20 deir. on March 2, 1896. J.ired:nl.Mchurn" old time dairy looer m. Drovern. i r ntf-pn cnmc ltf.,.,iAj.l.n , . . , IJ - VLT .'LiB,a u.lg uu n 1 1 11 1 1 nrai - iriiiin..' frost occurred in autumn, Nov. 15 Average date on which lam t-.i 1 ; .. frost occurred in spring, Match 17. The latest date on which last "killinu" .um wiiuuou iu spring, mayv. "When the butter cume pur a Dennv a J wont in the Still Harder. "It's hard to have a lot of debts that you simply can't pay." "Oh, I don't know. It's worse to have lot that you simply have to pay." Philadelphia Ledger. Genius finds Ita own road and rteajtsjrwn lamp. WUlmott . car- Mlltsa'a Oploloa. Milton was once asked If be intended to Instruct bis daughter in the different languages. He replied: "No. sir. On tongue ia sufficient for a woman." ClaaalBed. "Here's an account of a W land slide," said the new reporter. "Under what bead shall I put It 7" "Put It with the real estate trans fers," said the city editor, aa be wrote "Continued on the forty-fourth page" In the middle of a four line paragraph. Rot So Qalrt. Mrs. Muggins Your husband dresses rather quietly, doesn't he? Mrs. IiuggluH Humph! You ought to hear him sometimes when be can't find bis collar button! Philadelphia Record. PRECIPITATION iRain and melted snow.) Average for tbe month, 5.22 Inches Average number of dava with ni nf.n ini-u or more, 10. ine greatest montnly precipitation was 12.76 inches in 1H73. The least monthly nrwiniratinn ftoiL . ' r- - " u.oo inciies in 1000. 1 Tbe greatest amount of nnwiniiat; recorded in any 24 consecutive hours was z.jo in. on March 12th and ltis 1877. ' The greatest amount of snna-fail re corded in any 24 consecutive hours (re- vuiu BAimjuiuK 10 winter ot is4-86 only, Was 'J.O inchna on March on iuut CLOUDS AND WKATHIB. average number ot clear nara ft ' n.rfl..l.,.j. J in , , . e,uJ nuuu uan, iu; ciouuy days, IS. WIND. The prevailing winds hava hn trnm the south. The average hourly veloeitr nr tha wind is 8 miles per hour. the highest velocity of the winrl waa 55 miles, from tbe sonth, on March 25, Station : Portland, Oregon. Date of issue: February 27, 1904. EDWARD A. BEALS, District Forecaster, Weather Bureau. Do You WantNtreugth? If yon want to increase your strength, you must add to and not take from the physical. In other words, the food that you eat must be digested, assimilated and appropriated by the nerves, blood and tissues before being expelled from tbe intestines. Kodol DysDenaia f'.iro adds to the physical. It gives strength to and builds up strength in the human system. It is pleasant to tbe taste and palatable, and the only combinati nn nf digestanta that will digest the food and enable the system to appropriate all of its health and strength-giving qualities. Sold by Ueo. A. Harding. work though no one has erer" told why. When mothers are worried because the children do not gain strength and flesh we say give them Scott's Emul sion. It is like the penny ia the milk because it works and because there is something astonishing about it Scott's Emulsion is simply a' milk of pure cod liver oh with some hypophosphites especially prepared for delicate stomachs. Children take to it naturally because they like the taste and the remedy takes just as naturally to the children be- cause it is so perfectly adapted to their wants. For all weak and pale and thin children Scott's Emulsion is the most satisfactory treatment We will send you tbe penny, . e., a sample free. i, t B sure that thk nlrfrm tn tb form A label ia o b wrapper of everv faotti of Emulsion too bur. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. 55c aad i.eo ; an droggUta.