t 1 h i OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1904 New To-Day. DMA). H. 8 K AM ANN, HIYMlOl AN ( (III, c over Harding's lrii nl' rn, MONKY TO LOAN AT AND 7 ier in. Farm security. U'Rkn A Hcmihiki.. LOST-A I.A1U1K tiol.l) I.OCKKT, markl "L. I.. I'." IlKlMtn id Kit r pilce nlllce revive reward. WANiK.n-l'AHUIUK KU HIIKKI. either gram llelda or ' llitfher.1 pili-e pahl for Mine. AllrM W. W. Irvlii, Aurora, Or Mr. 10. Son ic'v" to i7)AN-i iuVn KKVF.KaT atiina l mimer 'limuin to private Individuals which 1 euthorlaod to ln, mi lung time al end 7 per rent, Com A loan will I made viiry rnaaon able. II. K. Canes, attorney at law, WANTKD HKVKKAL 1NDOTKI oiii persona In each alat to tiavel lor houita established f II ' '"' with largo capital, to call tin tiiimhalita and ageiita ' suiwsaful ml profitable line. Immanent en gagement. Weekly raah aalary24 ami all traveling etpeoaea and hotel bills advanced In canti each week. K pcrliHica not eieiitlal. Mention ref erence ami enclose ecl(-dilreeel en velope. TIIK NATIONAL, :Uler iMjrn Hi., Clit-'. r Local Evci). . Harry Clark received thirty days in the city police court drunkenneae. I Ml A large, gulden locket, I.eariiir. the initials "L. L. I." Finder ret.iru lo Kiilerpnsa olhYe ami rwiv reward. Loal A largo, gulden locket, brlug the initials "L. L I'." Finder r",ur" to the Enterprise ulllce and receive re ward. Aniniai burn to Mr. and Mrs. Ilir echel Wilson at Clackamas We.lneM.lav morning. Ir. J. M. Lowe, of Una city, attended the caw. Harry Moreland, a victim of alcohol lain who waa committed to the asylum at jgalein, Kuhruary W, died al tha institu tion ou the Liftli id the Maine month. For the benefit of the athletic fund of the Oregon City high school, an fntur tainuieiil and eoeisJ dame will be given Ml Willamette Hall tomorrow (Saturday) veiling. A lie" building la bWng enroled al the :oriierof Main and Tweinh streets, into which tiie Oregon C'Hy Machine Shop will iv move aa aoun t I ready lor occupancy. There are two 'citisetia, at leaat, of Orefon t'Hy, wlid celebrate their birth lat' annlvermrUmnlvieiiii-oiTaionally. Thev are Uiaa. Alhrii(hl and J. J. Uxke w lio Hie bnru on February Ltllli alwut 45 yirt ago. If yon wniit to git the newa, all the newi, fully and reliably r'ir''l, during the campaign, you ahould aign for the F.nieriilM. We are making a kktihI rate of 'Zt centa from now uutil alter the J una election. pnn't forget the Kraina given by loi al tah nl at the Mount I'leanknt achixil hall next SaluriUv evening fur the benefit of the Mount 1'leai-ant Oiegoii City aide walk fund. A good evening il promieed and every one la invited. y reading the Krtlerpriae you will be kept fully inforined abou' the Clackamaa county campaign. We will teml you the Knierprlee (torn now until alter the June election over three month for I'Scenta. Hend in your luhiuription at once. R. F, Linn haa li'aswj a part of the Barclay property, adjoining Johnaon'i barber ihop, and hai begun the erection of a frame atore building that will be jointly occupied by a cigar atore on the ground floor and photograph gallery up Btain. Air. and Mra. J. J. Cooke were very fileaiantly aurprined lint Monday even ng by a company of about fifty of their neighbor!. The aurpriae waa in honor of the 46th anniversary of Mr. Cooke'i birth. Card playing and dancing cauaad the evening to pan very pleasantly and the guesta departed with exprenionii of beat wiohei for the rvturn of many more luch anulvenariea, Fathor A. Hildebrand received a cable Wedneaday announcing the death at Urllon, Weetpbalia, Germany, of bii aged father, Anthony Hildebrand. Mr. Hildebrand. 8r., was In hU Sflth year. It wai tbe pleasure ol Father Hildebrand last intilnier to apend aeveral weeks via llihg Ida father at bit home town. At that time, Mr. Hildebrand, Sr., waa en- loving the beet oi nvaiin, , MleS WUner wlfthea to Ihfdr'm Ihe pub lic that by April 1 at Ihe Wpecu to oc cupy the new Btudio 'which will be erect v on Main etreetv oppoeite Brnniwick llome. She have new camera and accenaoiiea, luch aa backgrounda, chain, etc. (also the latent In mounts and styles. Hhe will, therefore, be pre pared to give greater satisfaction in ev ery respect. men 11. Complaints have been filed with Fost Tnaster lUndall that the rural mail l)oxe8 on R. F. D. No. 1, out of Oregon City, are being tampered with. Home of the deviltry is being performed by young women, who place mud in the ami miwtilAvniiHlv r&iiae to 1m ilia- played the signal flags, Indicating that .u-. la mail In taken bv thfl carrier hUQIV 7- ny, . from the respective boxes. This cauaes all kinds of trounie ana ueiay lor me carrier. Postmaster Randall tins learn ed the names of tbe miscreants, and has notified their parenta that the practice must be discontinued. There is a severe penalty for interfering in any way with mail boxes of tbif character. K. W. I'rlHMt, lepresentlng the Olym liia 0era Compitny, waa In the eity TunmUv. Keginiiing lat night at Cor dray's theatre in Cortland the Olympic 0ni'l a ten nights' engavninHtit at ibis popular 1'ortlHinl plsy limi-e. Tina coin iiany presi'iiled Hie roiniii opira "Haul rasha"'t a mull but ileliglili'il audi ence at Hlnvelv's last Thursday night. Without any fUltery, th iM-rlorinance wiin pvihapa Ihe Ixmt of III kind ever witnessed at Oregon Oily, and waa cer tainiy entitled to a larger audience. It is to he legretteii that when a meritori oua attraction, mi ll is was ihe Olympic, cornel lo Oregon City It la given the go by, when undeserving bills are largely . i I Ti.. I . I ...' fHirtiiiiBi'M. Alio ikw, wnjr kj iinpiuw the standard of the attracliom that are brought to this city ia to patronise Ihe deserving ones. A .core of the Meads of Howard La tnuretta gave hlin a surprise party Wednesday evening at bia tiotiie on the bill, l'rogreaaive whiit waa plaved, Miss Clara Caulleld and Jack Cnuneld receiv ngtliallrst prixes, while Miss Hilda MuUetclue and Roy Kel y weierewanl ed with the consolation giln. Mimic and dancing were followed bv the serv ing of relreshmenti. There wa( no ice cream, some unscrupulous snenk thief or thieves having entered the kitchen dining the evening and carried away Ihe fieeaer of cream. Tbe pillerera were neiMidarate enough to leave the cuke and fruit, so that Howard waa not entirely without refreshments to serve his unex pected cslluri. Of course, Howard did not know that a surprise waa being planned for him, but then a good time waa bad, aa ia alwsya the esse al the Lateurfite home. Those forming the paitf were : Miss. Claw Caufield, Kt liel (iraves, Kdna Csnfiiihl, Ktlu Iwyn Al bright, Hilda Mctiilchie, Mtrtie tin chsnsn, Kdna llmlton and K I tli Che. ney; Msrs. Hoy Klly, K'trl McAd tin, Win. Howell, Will Koeianr. Mort 0 k. rell, Mort Ijiionr-itc, Kti Liinure'te, J. W. Cochran, Wm. Mar ciall, Howard Latouretle anu Jack Cnulieiil. ( Ill KATH KKS IX MKolON. Center Klreet Tu He liMiripd 'o'k ltriuaid on K011II1 nd Kmid. At its regular meeting Wednesday nigfil, Ihe council ordered the Uuprove uient of Center street, This action was taken on petition of Interested property ownera. It was decided to enforce the ritv or dinaiKe providing for the working f jail occupants on the city'l streets, under ihe supervision of the street comininiooer Mayor fimiik wai instructed to ao point a cixiiuiittee ot three members ol the council to have charge of the work on the South Knd Koad which will be re sullied, residents of the section contigu una to that proposed highway bavin subscrilied about 75 days' work on the project. Recorder Curry wai Instructed to notify the Southern I'aoillj Company to clear the alley iu block 'J.S. A'pelition waa received from resident! of the suburban districts ol the eity ask ing that rows be allowed lo run at large in specified section of the city. The pe tition was referred to the committee on health and (silice. It waa determined by the council to enforce the ordinance providing for the collection of licenses against billiard and pool tables. Recorder Curry presented statistics showing Hist tinder the l!KKI assessment, the assessable values of Ihe property III the oriMirule limits of ttm city was l,2'-'5LJHil as againut only $(53.Ko3 for the preceding year, W. Iluteman, w ho recently established a saloon at the new town of F.Htacaila, whs a business visitor In Oregon City Wed nesday. J. M. Lvons, of Kstacada, was hi Ore gon City this week on business Mr. Lyons haa recently put in a honor store at Kstacada. Ex-county Commissioner J. R. Mor ion, of Damascus, waa in the city Thurs day on business before the county court. The county court has adopted plana tor (he construction ri a road hotween Springwater aud Kstacada at a coat of about M'.VC. THE SHIP'S"WRSIR. am af that Thlaas That Maka Bla LI fa at Times a Bardca. The lot of tbe purser Is anything bnt a happy one. From his title one would think tlint be bad only to look after tbe finance of the veasel. but in reality bis efllce, so conveniently and picturesque ly sltuatsd at tbe top of the grana stair cnae, Is really aa busy a bureau as any In Capel court or Wall atreet It Is no doubt legitimate enough to expect tbe purser to be quit au fait wltb the monetary matters, to explain to be Britisher the difference between a dol lar and a crowa or to tJie American that the greenback If treated Wit!) icorn and contumely In Europe, but Oflr American friends are par excel lence tbe Interrogators of tbe world, and to them, the purser Is simply a wn Iking encyclopedia. He Is exported to tell them hit about th ship tbat'a rignt enough but they want to know all about the passengers as well, w ho they are, where they have come from nnd where they are going, how much they ore worth anil an7 lit tl tlthlt of ncwa about their social life. Ho Is also asked aliout every hotel, be ginning at Liverpool and enuing at Rome, the best shnnl wbefoAt to pur chase different nrtlcloa, who will give the best discount for ra.RU, wliere tno qupntloner's wife can best be rigged up in European fashion and the moHt like ly resort at which bis dnttchter mlfibt run across aotue Impecunious scion of Brltinh nobility. Hurry Furness lu Strand. i-resa Os, "Press ou" solves the problem of oil heroes. It Is tho rule by which to '. Judge of all wonderful success and al! triumphal marches to fortune aim hon or. It should be the motto of all Tress on." Never despair. Never al low yourself to be discouraged, bow ever stormy the heavens or dark the Way or heavy the difficulties or re lated the failures. If I1 Personal Mention Ilert I'erry, ol Molalla, wis in the city ! Friday. 1. K. Morey haa gone Kast for an ex tended visit. Winnie Hill, of Portland, spent Hun day in Ibis city. Roy McAlpIn spent Hunday with friends at Baliiu. 0. A. Walling, of Halem, was a visitor to this city this week. Col. It. A. Miller was st Salem thla week on legal business. Miss Bertha Goldsmith spent Hunday with relatives at Fugene. Mr. and Mrs. R. Fanton, of Can by, were in the city Tuesday. Mn. II. L. Kelly has returned from a vlut with Portland friends. Mrs. Arthur Warner hai returned from a visit al Walla Walla, Wash. Wm. (irlfliih haa gone to Centralla, Washington, on a business trip. I). Robinson, of the Fair, haa returned from a business trip to New York. Ronald Jackson, of Portland, wai the guest ol friends in Oregon City Hunday. Chas. Hardy, of Wilholt. was In Ihe city last Friday on his way 10 Waiteborg, Dr. II. O. Hickman and J. W. Coch ran spenl funds y with IneuiJs at Albany, Chris Ingleman, of Vancouver, was the gueat of friends in Oregon City last week. Kd K. Taylor is being employed in tbe tax collection department at Ihe court bouae. A Kocher, a leading buslners man ol Csnby, waa iu the city on business (Sat urday, George Hardest, of Molalla, was in the city Tuesday on his way to Linn county. Attorney F. T. Griilllh wai in New borg the latter part of last week on legs! hu-inesi. J. W. Dowly a prominent farmer of Currinsville, waa in the city the fiist of the week. Judge Win. (jalloway hai returned from a buaiuesa trip to Cottage Urove aud Salem. Alex. Ilaxklns, of Sheridan, Wyoming, is iu tbe i-ity visiting his cousins, the Misses O.UI1111, Mrs. Roberts and Miss Gregory, of Portland, were this week the guests of Mrs. K. L. Johnson. State Huperintendent J. H. Ackerman visited the Oregon City public schools Thursday of this week. 1. 1). Parry, of Jones' Mill, a prom inent farmer of that section of the oouuty , ass la the ciiy Tueiday. E. Harrington has purchased the Ben son property at Gladstone aud has re moved his family thereto. Wm. Mackerel!, of Molalla, was .in Oregon City Tuesday en route to Seaside whence he goes to claim a bride. Henry Russell, foreman of the Fair clough Bros.' mine at Ogle Cresk, was in Oregon City Friday from Molalla. Miss Kthel Cheney and Miss Krum are going to McMinuville where they will engsge in the photograph buslneei. tieo. Marts and J. W. Nightingale, of Wilhoit, were among the callers at the aherilTs otlice in thia city last Friday. Miss Gertrude Bashor, of Salem, baa accepted a position as stenographer with tbe Oregon City Manufacturing Com pany. Fred Nelson spent a few days at Halem the latter part of last week. Fred is the deputy county assessor for Clackamas county. Kmil Oldenberg, who bas been oper ating a aalmon hatchery at the Big White Salmon, is visiting with friends in this city. M las K. Zee Olds, who waa for two weeks employed as stenographer in tbe office of County Recorder Htevens, has gone to Portland. Don Meldrum has decided to locate at Oregon City, having accepted a position in the business office of tbe Willamette Pulp and Paper Mills. Dr. C. B. Smith, of Eagle Creek, was a visitor to Oregon City last Saturday, when he attended a meeting of the County Central Committee. Superintendent J. H. Ackerman waa in Ihe city Satuidsy from Halem and ad dressed the educators of Clackamas county at a meeting held at the court bouse. Mr. Fossilman, of Butte, Montana, wai visiting friends in this city the latter part of last week. Mr. Fossilman was Iurmr!y engaged in the drug business In this city. . Adolph Schebps, of Portland, Is visit ing old friends in this city. Mr. Hchepps was lor years proprietor of the Oriental hotel and at one time served the county aa sheriff. MertFahey, of Minneapolis, Minne sota, repreaenting the Missieaippi A Rum River Boom Co., was in the city Monday, the guest of bis old time friend j, A. McUlasban. Captain J. T. Hhaw, of Hood River, was renewing old acquaintances in this city the latter part 01 last week. Cap tain Shaw was me commanding oincer of one of the early National Guard Com panies in this city. J. P. Woodle. of Eagle Creek, was a caller at the Enterprise office last Fri day. He reports everything thriving at F.aizle Lreex wun me exception 01 larm work which is slightly retarded because of the excessive rain. . Tea Bet Tea Can. You can be a strong man or woman by buying tbe great nerve tonic, Palmo Tablets, sold by Howell Sc Jones. Tbey make you sleep and grow fat. Drs. Beatie A Beatie Dentists. Rooms IS, 17, 13. Weihard building. If yea don't get the Entkbpbisc yoa ion't get ttie news. 1 Ceremony and Sentiment IViUi durnarid a ring and as the occamon in an im portant one get a ring of lanting quality. Our assortment f Wedding Rings contains every kind known. Plain gold rings of good quality and in all sizes and widths, from 13.00 to o.00. Solitaire Diamond Rings, from $10.00 up. The Parker "Lucky Curve" Is absolutely the best Pen in the world. It will wear and is capable of many years of satisfactory use. We isBiie an Accident Policy with each pen, which not only guarantees each pen to be entirely satisfactory but it insures against breakage for one year cap, barrel, feeder, nozzle, and in fact any part except the gold pen. Prices from 1i BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN THE OREGON CITY JEWELERS Suspension Bridge Corner Oregon Oity, Oregon A Favorite Krmrdf for llublea. Its pleasant date and prompt cures I have made Chamberlain's Cougti Kern edy a favorue with tbe mothers of small children. It quickly cures their coughs and colds and prevents any danger of ' pneumonia or other serious conse- j quenres. It not only cures crouu. but ' when given as soon as the croupy cough ! appears, will prevent the attack. For sale by G. A, Utvding, Tbe Funny Side. An English lawyer, who bad been , crws examining a witness for sometime, : and who had sorely taxed the patience , uf tbe judge, jury, and every one in j the court, was finally, aeked by the court to conclude his cross-examination. Re lore telling the witneaa to stand down, 1 he accosted him with this parting sar-. casm: "Ah, you are a clever fellow a very clever fellow we can all see that." The witnesa leaned over tbe box, and quietly retorted : ''I would return the compliment if I were not on oath." Some things the happen on the stage are very wonderf. . An English audi ence was recently marveling at a dog which was playing a bit of an old mas terpiece on a piano. Suddenly some one in the audience yelled "Katsl" and the dog made a break from the piano. But the music kept right along, just the same. The following tale is told of the bishop of London. Having indulged that pre carious pastime of asking any small boy or girl in tbe audience to ask him a ques tion, Dr. Ingram was met by the follow ing: "Please, air, why did the angels walk up and down Jacob's ladder when they bad wings?" It is sad to record tbat even tbe bishop of London was driven to make the usual humiliating and miserable escape by returning. "What little boy or girl would like to answer this?" -v . f L a. - A.LKla AaUAl nf cold, deep sealed on the lani, ciaiing pneumonitis that of Mrt. Gnrtrude K. tenner, mariuu, mu n cured by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. She says : "The coughing and straining so weakened me that I ran down In wetgni irom no io w jiuuuu. I tried a number of remedies to no avail . . . ft.! . . L- nntil I used une miuuib vuugu vuic Four bottles of thia wonderful remedy cored me entirely of the cough, strength ened my lungs and restored me to my normal weight, health and strength. , , . ft T T ..I t r. SOIU Dy uw. a., uiuiu. Loans. Real oroDerty mortgage loans. Ab stracts furnished. O. B. Dime, Any. at u, Oregon City, Or. "I owe my whole lifs to Burdock Blood Bitters. Scroluious sores coverea my k.i T ...mMt hevnnd cure. B. B. B. LIUUJi ' J - has made me a perfectly well woman. Mrs. Cbas. Hutton, Berville, Mich. OABTOrtlA. 8ar H ) lh 1,011 Hl 'Wim The building season will be lively. To bny doors and windows right, yon must see Frank Bosch. $2.00 to $6.00. Other makes as The feyeball Is a very delicate organ. Anything affecting it quickly affects the nervous system and headaches and nervousness are the inevitable resultB. Eyeglasses or Spectacles should be worn if there is any defect of sight. These things never enre themselves. But better wear no glasses at all than those which are not properly fitted. We Test the Eyes FREE of Charge A BUSINESS LUXURY A CHECKING-ACCOUNT is indeed a busines necessity; and he who tries to get along without one is at great disadvantage. It is not required that a person should have a large bulk of business in order to open an account. Professional men, farmers, and even many women, are running checking-accounts. If you have never done business in this way, and are not familiar with the plan, come to us and we will get you started. BANK OF OREGON CITY Oregon city, Oregon "WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD ITS SO" J. E. SEELEY The People's Grocer. WHAT I A 10-lb sack of Pure Buck wheat Flour and a quart of Genuine Maple Syrup for 75c. Why didn't I know that before. ' I'll seud an order at once. You always get the best thats going and itspromptly de livered at J. E. SEELEY The People's Grocer OREGON CITY Christian Science. first Church of Christ Scientists. Oarde building, corner Seventh and Main streets, Sunday at 11 a. m. Sub- iect, "Subatance." Children's Sundsy school meets at 10 a. m. Testimonial meeting Wednesday evening at 7 Ah o'clock. Reading room is open Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days from 2 to 4 p. m. Will Pool Mohair Cup The Ango ra goat raisers of Clackamas county at a meeting held at Molalla recently decided to pool thia year's clip in an effort to realise a better price for their product. For a number of years these goat raiser have pooled their clip and tbe experi ment haa proved a success. sat winST iirriim Fountain Pen 3 low as $1.00. We are in a position to save you from 10 to 20 per cent, on undertaker's supplies of which we carry a complete stuck. We are under small exp nse. Have no middle-men to pay, own our hearse and will treat you fair. Ons Pkick to All. R. L. HOLHAN, Undertaker and Embalmer. Office : One door south of Court House or at Cigar Store ODDosita Bank of Oregon City. Superior Work Lowest Prices That is what you get when A. Mihlstin does your plumbing work. He does general tinning, plumbing and jobbing busi ness. Estimates cheerfully furnished. Hot air heating fixtures manufactured and supplied. A. MIHLSTIN Main Street OREGON CITY, OR. WE HAVE MOVED THE OREGON CITY JUNK AND SECOND HAND STORE bas removed into the storeroom adjoining the post of fice. We carry a complete line of new and second hand atovee and furniture. Highest prices paid for all kinds of junk. Sugarman & Co. oastotiia: Bun the fTiiVM n Haw Km Bag3