OBKGON CITY E.NTEUl'RISE, FRIDAY KKHI.JUAKY IS), 1901. ' - -v&fiy "7 i TuLmiWl mm jmmmkMmmy 1 How shall ft mothor who is weiik and sick with wuno fciimlo ttvtiMo bearluwlthy chiUlrvu? How anxious women ought to bo to glvo their chlhlrvn tho Messing of a eootl constitution ! Many women long for a thiUl to Mosa thoir homo, hut Ktuumo of boiiio debility or dispUvmont of tho femulo orpins, they aro liirrvn. l'lvpiinitum for healthy maternity L ueeonipllshed ly I.vdlu K. I'liiUmm' Vogctiiblo Compound luotv suavssfully than, hy any other medicine, Ihh uiiso it gives tone and st ivngth to the parts, curing all dijiphuvinenta and Inllanmiat ion. Actual sterility in woman U very raw. If any woman thinks hIio l.s sterile, let her wdto to Mrs. rinkham, l.ynn, Mass., whoso advieo is given ftvo to nil expectant or woulil-W' mothers. The medicine that instantly assorts iU curat ivo powers in tho. ills of women Ls Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. The Medicine that Lydia E. Pinkham's . m . J A. - III- C aMiZnwwb Vegetable Compound. Read The5C Two Remarkable Cures. "Dkvh Mr. Pinkiivm : During tho early part of my married lift' 1 was very delicate in health. 1 had two mis carriages unit both mv" husband t tvt very ha. ly a wo were anxious to have" children. A liclghlxvr who had cen using LytlU IMnkliain's Mublo Cotnpoun.1 ad vised mo to trv it. ami I decided to do I '" "II t!,l my appetite- was increasing', the hend;u-hea gradually ,l0' creased ami finally tHuappoaivil. and my wiwr ln-alth lm proved. 1 felt a.t if new 11.mi.I rourxed ttirouk'h my veins, the alutrirish, tired fooling dinupiH-arod, aud I Uvamo atmnc and well. ' Within a year after, I became the mother of a utronir, healthv ehild, the joy of out home. You certainly have a splen did remedy, and I wish every mother knew of It .simvrely yours, Mrs. Ann t'em, 510 Park Ave, Hot Spring. Ark. " PitAn Mhh. Pinkiiam : I was married for five jeara, and pave birth to two premature children. A f tT that I took l.yriltt 1). rihklium'ft VcK'tbl 'oinpoiitil, and ,lt ch.uiL't'd mo from a weak, nervous woman to a ntroiitf, happy and healthy wifo within aeven ititintlia, Within two year a lovely llltU t'irl was tioru, which is the prldo and Joy of our household. If evrry woman who Is cured fee la n irratrful aud liappy as I do, you mut have a lt of frleiid-Vor every day I lileiw you for the llK'ht. health and happiness )ur Vetfelahlo Comound has brought to my tiome. .Sincerely your friend, Miw. Maic P. WiiAiiur, Hal 31, Tho Nonuau, Milwaukee, Wla." !vh!. Northshora Oratorical rioclcty. $5000 FORFEIT1' "' frihwllh prtMtiuM Uinrltf.nl lUi iuf i(tialufM o( Uiv i-ltliu'ltll, which wUl I y.tta K. rtiihhum H lirtti Vn.t 1 ytiti, Mm. -v,v .-r.v ? r i lkvfr. The snow ha ilio ii'l eared, but how it CI IDULXU) TT"C VrU irons but Hut all ii:ht in Oregon. t Corrf-ipondepM are requested 'o re new tlu'ir wotk. We will supply all necessary stationery. The rews from your nfiyhborliofxl should appear in these columns everv week. Kltlorittlo. pander has returned from Bertha Portland. Al Junes snd U. M. Cooper isive a Ehonoraph ente't mneiit at the Intier's orne Monday ewnine. Fred Spsnter visited 'in Oig in City the most of Oiis w-ek. Kevr F. Moile has purchased an "Old Boh" of Wiu. J me". Now '"local" gcribs Cfcn'i eo.np'sin ol Ern Jones bui gy riding betun.t "Old Bol." Mr. Smith's fa n i I v is netting ner!v o. k. The dancing f hool held another of its popular dance Thursday evening. Miss Nellie Huberts and Em Jones (roer.t few diys in C'larkes visiting at Mr. Morris' ami Hindu's. Knox Cooper, of P.irtiand.wai visiiiuii with his fither this week. Mr. t"cv)per's youngest child, about i fon r vesr old L'ot his leu tiroken one div i las' wef-k They took him to tireshaui to have it set. i Mr. Kirdnnin went to Portland Thnra dty on business. He brought Imine a new set uf harness. It looks like he was I jiouitf io have a team pret'V soon. Mr. Vetrh if buyimt up the cream in ; tlH neichborliootl. ! Birch Huberts is un the sick list. Mr. Selhnon is selling his stock and is talking of un to Eastern Oregon, rrank will wih himself back in Dover before long, what will you bet. There are several isoi ij; to the losing camps tiefore long. iuieIe I'rrTentrd. The startiinu anniunceinent that a preventive of suicide had bi-en discover ed will inteie-t many. A run down sys teM. or despondency invariably precede euiciiie and somethinir has been found that sill prevent that condition which u ak-s niciile likely. At the first thought f self d"strnclion tke Electric Bitters. It being a great tonic and nervine will strengthen the nerves and build tip the fygtem. It's also a great Stomach, Liver tnd Ki.lney regulator. Only 50c Sat isfaction guaranteed by Charman & Co. Lru-,ist. Willamette. Mrs. Geo. R gers is enjoying a visit frr..., hr mother. M!r. C4rter, nf Newberg, is visitiog ber daughter, Mrs. Rob Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Bird Beavens have moved to Hood River. We are sorry to loose the pleasant young people. Mr. and Mrs. Bob O'Brien, of Milan, Vajti., are making a visit at the Koddy home. We are glac1 to see them again and hone they will remain with tig. Mr. and .Mrs. Elmer Thompson have I surveying roads and When You Have a C'oUl, The first action when you have a coM should be to relieve the lung". Tins is tept accomplished by the Iree u"e of Cl.amberlain's Cough Remedy. This , Mark'lmrK. Fine weather f.T ducks. It ,. we were liointf to have another tl 1 School is projfre'sing with Prof. Cole nun ks prim-pit and Prof. Mi-rU if primary teacher. i Mrs. Bwers bus returned from Ore iron Cev where she has been visiting Miss Bridget tidiMti bus returned , from Colorado. I Mr. K'etie w is visititm filenils and lei i stives liere last Week. ! There was a dance at I Harm's Val leniine's Kvi' ami n . m . I 'ime was en ! joyed hy th.se present. i Mrr. J. i, kson is su with a j Cold. ; Miss Ada Frost, of tbetfoti i vi-itii'g Missl hris'el Uoweia I lay. I Win. Buwers vi lie I Oregon City lust I Friday. ClSI'kSIIISi. very bad City, last was un- I'erl'ect onlilciM-e. Where there ued to be a feelirii uf remedy lupiehes tlie toUtfh mucous anil yriea-iness and Worry in the Imiishol,) causes its expulsion from the air cells of j when a Child showed symptoms of ,-roup, the lungs, produces a free expectoration, ! i.re is no perf.-ct continence. This is and opens the recrelions. A complete j j, , ltw uniforin siicess of Cliam cure soon follows. This remedy w ill , berla 's t ough Hemrdv in the ir-at-cure a cold in less time than any other j ,ri( (Jf that disea-e Mrs. M I. lias treatment, and it leave the system in a j r.,rl, ot Poolesville, .Mil., ill speaking of natural and healthy cond.tion. It coun- , ivr experience in the Use of that rem teracts any tendency toward pneumonia, edv savs: "I have a world o court lence Fur sale by (i. A. Harding. Genrge. .Say but didn't it rain last Sunday and Monday. Our streets are a little hit muddy. Q li'e a wind etorm came up last week ami blew the top off Mr. Held' new barn and up-set a few tall trees. Rev. Copuleoian held church in Bissel Monday. Henry Klinker is still in Portland, but is improving slowly. Some of our young folks attended the mask ball at Sandy the 13th and report a good time. Walter Paulson is cominz borne this week to recuperate after a siege of the measles. Mrs. Peter Paulson is quite ill with rheumatism. Mrs. liuildenzolpf attended church at Bissel Monday. The directors bad a meeting last Fri day evening. Surveyor Kinnaird, of Oregon City was in nlir neighborhood three days la week lanu lor .nnier rented Sam Batdorf's place, Mr. and Mrs. Sanders have rented tl e Maple's house. Grandma Gary is to occupy the rooms vacated by Thompson's. Mi o Ruth Shipley is visiting In Port land and Oswego. GAaToniA. Btara th T" Vol! Ha.8 !W3YS BOIIjS Eiaatart brothers. Mrs. Johnson visited her mother, Mrs. Peter Paulson, Sunday. Theo. Hardes and Chris Johnson vis ited in Kelso Sunday. The buggies seem to be on the go most of the time bere. We have had a very mild winter so far. Crops and stock seem to be doing well. A Country Dance. Tb'; 2tw Era Grange will give a dance Febni ry 20. It is for the benefit of the tirarme. Everybody is invited to come and I'l-.ve a good time. Feb. 19 Ely' Nasal AKTBnnll ftftAM Ril w U Ml Mil till lijfcW to &I1 lu itu'ea. M l 1 Prsom P51mCnJlwl 4ssri, soothes snd belli tfca dinessed membrane. It ori catarrh sod drives arty a cold in Utf head Cream Balm U placed Into ths notWIi.tpresds mrm the membrane and is absorbed. Belief is lm MiLtle and a core follows. It Is not drying does a produce cuezing. Large Sl, M eaU at Drng 0 or by miil ; Trial Siz, 10 cents. JXI ISOTHSM, H Warm Hni T The Icath Penalty. In ChaintsMlain's t oiikdi Remedy, for I have used it with perlect sue ess My clul I Garland is subject to severe attacks of croup ami it always uives him prompt relief." For sale hy G. A. Harding. Jgle Creek. We have len having a heavy rainfall lor the past few days. The workmen on the tub electric power plant at Eagle creek station were compelled to lay olT on account of ol too much water. The farm formerly owned by Gust Linn is now occupied by two gentleman Iruin Yakima. Kay Woodle bad quite an experience Momlay. He started to Eagle Cn-ek lor the mail on a pony, aud when about half way the pony got sick and lie returned home and got another horse and uot as far as the Linn farm and the other horse got sick, and he left him and got an other tiorse and role home and not tho third horse and bis lather to doctor horse No. '1. finally he succeeded in making the round trip, , George Howlett is visiting his uncle, Win. J. Howlett, Jl tins place. Mr. Wood and wife, of Stevenson, were visiting their sou here last week. There is talk of a new town at Currins ville now. The more the merrier. ks l:ke I.a nrii ia-and heavy colds have pre vailed a i i 1 1 v- lite l.e.'pV of our lillle t.iir, dui the w liter, ( '. '.v b ca ie ; of le-s tain than Usil .tl. ! Mrs. Frank Wolf is ,ti I to h Mil . led 1 I with some disciie of the a'iiina"h ,w ln b ; w ill nce-si.,te an oper.itnui She is at .re,.ithikin treatment with a China ; iioctor in Portland. , Mi-s (irai e K. I o 1 1 - n , w bo has be li veiy ill lor soiii" we fcs. is t tit o ving j all 'i I hopes an) enteral ed of her reiov- :e.y. j ; I Roland Wilson, son nl Mrs Horence ' Wilsoi , is happtiV lecn.erio.' f oin a se 1 Vers h'Iii k ol piietiiiio la an I ieiiri-y . Charlie tVark lois fmnpleied a new ho Idina' ol god dimension. It is to l' ! uei for a sneep sbeil. i Mr. R ibinson has completed a new 1 dwelling house. Frank Wnlf is putting up a small ; building, which he and his family w ill I occupy until he can build a good lesi ' dellCM. The Ladies Aid of (tie M E. church l gave a dinner lust Frtdav noon, jn Od I ! Fellow 's hall. Net proceeds ere ftt.7f Fridav evening a show came 'o town, exhibiting in the 1. O O F. Ink Ster vopticou views, minstrel song and dance ' and a graidiaphoue made a fairly etij oya- I tile program. A Valentine dance and supper took place Saturday evening ill the hall. I In attendance was fair and good order maintained. It is expecteil that Ilev. Brai kenhurg will hold preaching service in the M I . church next Sabbath evening at 7 :i!0. Rev. F. Peacock preaches every Sab bath morning at 11 o'clock in the Con gi egat loii.il church. Suinlay schiAil ut 10 a. in. Y. P. S. C. E. at 7. Mil II no. Well, St. Valentine's Pay is past, slid w t hope no one w s disappointed. liik e'eek is the highest it has l'en llili wiuler tie.) ind lohn llelvey p aed llirmigh here a few dvs ago en route (or their iiioiiu uio ranch. F. F.'icksou and family wr visitors at the Wallace house Sunday. F. M. Manning has been ill again Mr Sini'li and family, formerly of Molallu, has moved Into our midst. He intends to carry on his profession h scksinith Mr. Mall also lias niowj into John Helvey's house here. Million keeoa grow mg, there is not a vacant house in low ii now . Geoig.i Mallett intends to start singing school in the lirange hall If he succeeds in iiigtuiging a class. The dan. e st llardesty's Saturday night was a decided success, and every body enjoyed a good lime. Mis. Barclay has gone to Woodlnirii to s'lend revivals there. Fred Wisslsido spent Monday night al Meadow brook. Silas Adkins is again in our midst. Mrs. Bowman is Improving very slowly. School started .Monday alter vacation of two Weeks. Fred Wisnl-ide and Pick Wallace at tended (Ins dance at Canity Saturday evening and report a fine tune, i'rol vVoodsnle w engaged as floor manager. Mrs ieo. Mallatt aud daughter Tiliie visile.) .Mrs Fish Sunday. Mis. Selby went to Portland last week to have an operation performed un her shoulder. i:ill at Hitler I lnltt. "Two physicians had a long and stub born fight with an als e-'s on mv right lung" writes J. F. Hughes of lliil'ont, Ilia., 'and gave me up Kverylsely thought my time had come. As a hist t . . r .... i l L':.. v..... r. resort t men ir. rvtng n .lew jicoverj for Consumption. 1 he benefit I received w as striking ami I was on my feet In a few day. Now I've entirely regained my health." It conquers all Coughs, Colds ami Throat ami Lung troubles. I Guaranteed hy Cbaruian A Co'a. Drug Store. Price &0c, and fl. Trial bottles 1 free. I'pts au i;nl to It All A grievous wail oftimes comes as a re gull of unbearable pain from over taxed organs. Diziiness, Backache, Liver complaint and Constipation. But thanks to lr. King's New Life I'llis (hey put an end to it all. They are gentle but thorough. Trv them. Only 2ic. Guar anteed by Charman & Co's. Drug Store. Viola. A little thing sometimes results in death. Thus a mere scratch, insignifi cant cuts or puny boils have paid the death penalty. It is wise to have Buck-1 The Walkers have probably Hold their len's Arnica Salve ever handy. It's the , sawmill to a Salem corporation. The best Salve on earth and will prevent prcsijajctive purchasers have gone so far fatality, when Burns, Sores, Ulcers and i as to put up a forfeit, and are expected Piles threaten, uniy zoc, at viiariuan t0 complete the deal, ihe mill is new A Co's. Drng Store. School Offlcerg and Teachers Attention There will be a convention of school oflicers and teachers, at the court house, Oregon City, Saturday, February 27, at one o'clock, for the discussion of consoli dation of school districts and county high school. It is errnestly hoped that every district will he represented. Hon. J. H. Ackerman, superintendent ol pub lic instruction, will address the meeting. J. C. Zi.nskb, Bupt. Only one remedy in the world that will at once stop itchiness of tbe skin in any part of tbe body; Doan's Ointment. At any drag store, 60 cents. and a desirable property. We would re gret the removal from our neigh borbood of the present owners, Charley Miller is convalescent. He has been quite ill with grip. Mrs. Ward, Sr., nd Mr. Ward are beginning to improve. Mr. Yenny found the water from the Abernetbey between here and Oregon City too deep fer bis buggy on Tuesday. Mrs. Sevier is spending a few days at Mrs. Funks, where a girl baby is re ported. Ora Black returns to Willamette Uni versity this week. Si ascribe fer the Enterprise. Harmony. Our farmers are hauling hay and other products to market despite the incle ment weather. Fall grain is looking well. A protracted meeting began in the church lastSumlay evening. The literary and debating society will give a basket social and debate I riday evening of next week. Mr. Millard is .building quite an addi tion to his residence. Mr. Payn has opened a store and is serving his patrons with fresh groceries. The O. W. P. A It. Co.'s new line passes along our northern border and will be convenient for our people when passenger cars are put in operation thereon. This part of the line is not yet completed at Hell wood. Mr. Hudson has begun the erection of house on the forty acres he purchased of A. Clark. lie has already completed a large barn. Mr. Eckels has completed bis new house and moved in. He recently bought Mr. Tillman's farm. Mr. Chapman has rented the Dannals farm for another year. Mr. Dannals and family are sojourning at North Yakima, Wash. Mr. Rosenaa has put in quite an amount of tiling on bis farm at Sunny-side. OABTOniA. Bears tie I " "' M "a liwt B.fotai StulslU. Carl Rit'nsby is recovering from a se vers attack of pnecii.onia. R. J. Moore has sold his farm snd per sonal propetty to an Eastern family for oli1 ID ulid gives possisioii st nin e. Myrtle Cross is at her jajsition in the store again after a two weeks' illness of pneii noiil t. Fre I Sha er was driving his team to town a few days ago when one of his horses dropped III its trucks, Maj r llungate brought it on here on a sled. The noble beast sump-id well gone, how ever all was done for a through the night that anybody could think of, and the next day, to Kind's great delight, the patient was able to move homeward (in a trot. Molalla's "Japan ant) Russia" got into sn altercation only last night ; the "ultj. malum" was delivered, the "Powers" interfered, the "Boxers" retreated, and a treaty nf peace was agreed upon for fu ture guidance, Mrs. Florida Kayler, of Tygh Valley, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Margaret Engle. Last Saturday the co-operative Inclined citi.ens ' f the southern part of Clacka mas county organized a mutual tele phone company, heretofo.e to be known as the Molalla Mutual Telephone Aso elation. By-laws were adopted, directors elected, and the membership roll (which promises to he a large one) is being well signed up; it costs a dollar to become s member of this Association. The central station and main office of the Association will be established at Molalla, also the installation of tlm central switch-board. Other switch boards are to be put In at other points as needed. Construction of lines will be built (and maintained) in divisions running into central stations by co-operation of parties on said divisions Separate wires will connect towns. Sub scriber members aro to own their own lines and telephones. Who may join the Association? Oregon City is the field of operation, 0T Remember that the date for counting the money contained in the Enterprise prize money contest jar is February 22. At that time the seal of the jar will positively be broken and the money will lie awarded to tbe best gtiessers. If yon bave not paid your subscription do bo now and get a guess on Uis Jar. siatt.iril I 0 1 1 tod, if lb, g o i t V V, w out I a.t Thorsdny He w is islled to the he. Ul, In of Mrs Maty cheivn, wi tl W as slllteriltg bom stoiioob lro''os At liit present witting she Is alibi to sit up ,unl mi a fair load lo ri'Cotpiv, we lii"l Son, lav t rained powerfully, one il i ll of ier having fallen, and on Monday l'j un he lull, making the heaviest rain fall -lin e 1 1 e Ii h ol Nov . ,r Renter came out Sunday to see hi siter, Mis. Scbeive, 1.0 . hr.s'...r. who is in Anton, to iH-io lii his health, la enj .ying the trip hist rate. , gieat in ii v are si, II ul!,rlng from ibis ei'tdeiinc ol colds sil l l.si.l cough. Some thought i! ws w hooping-cough, lint none leally whooped Early wera III the il. so yards are coini. g on hra ,elv. II' II Iron has mine down to a-r .1. r.i-n and ham and rgga occasionally glace the farmer's breakfast table. Mr, Guge Is having Ins vest's Wissl so cut ed. The winter s i far ha been very mild. Sheep have existed with lull very little cste. Mrs. Wed lie has h. en sick w ith a Cold. Mr. We. Idle' sister died veiy sudden ly couple of weeks ago, leaving live fhildich, the eldest ail Ilitu id, The Flog I'ond hot g tve a party at the Giauge hall till midnight la-l Satur day. A vrty enj ysble tune I- n ported. Kenieinh' r eei Sunday evening there Will again be English services at theUor mali baptist church. IOO Itrwartl, IWO The readers of this pspcr will be pleased to learn that there Is at least olio dreaded d'sease that science has been able tu cure m ill Its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known til tlm iiiedcil fiateruity. Catarrh being a coiistitutioniil disease, requires a consli tii lonal treatment. Hall's t atairb Cure is ta eu internally, acting diiectly Upon I.I.....I and mucous surfaces ol the system, thetel.y destroying the foundation nf the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the cniistiliitinii in I as sist iug nature in doing it wotk. The piopi Mors have so much faith in lis niiaiivH powers that they nlfor One Hun. lied jiollais for snv case that it faiiS to cure Send for list nf testimonials. Address F .1 . Ciiknky A Co. .Toledo, 0. Sold hv all Druggists, 7.V. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Chaa Kyler, of Hsndy, died Tuesday, Feb 1(1, at the home of bis sister, Mrs. Ernest Miev.-rs, at East Glad-ion. Tlm deceased was a native of Clearfield county, I'eiinsyliianla, where he Was born May JJI, IHofl. He came to Oregon In IH75 and for more than twenty years re sided at Sandy, Burial took place at Clackamas cemetery Wednesday, the services Isslng conducted by Rev. E. H. Bollinger, uf this city. Sour Stomach No appetite, loss of t "length, narr mm, headache, constipation, bad brt general debility, sour risings, and caUr In stomach are all due to Indigestion. K ewe Indigestion. ThLi new discovery r seta the natural Juices of digestion M Mlat In a healthy stomach, combined Bm greatest known tonlo and reoonstnia properties. Kodol Dyjpeps! Cur do nly our Indigestion and dyspepsia, bH tamosjs remedy oure all stomach tr by cleansing, purifying, sweetening strengthening th muoou membrane V stomach. Ut. S.S. as af Ksvawoed, W. Va, Iwm sjtae wtt eosr sunatc ler twee ItoW Wiwstt WVat Yon tat, MM. 11.00 8lM hoWlnfJH halt wUe Us (or 60 a ' ay K. a BsWITT OO., old by (J. A. HARDING, Druggist