Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1904)
8 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 190.1 Thousands Hare KIdny Trouble THE SOUL CATCH KKS. and Don't Know it. i Bow To Find Oat. 1 Rll a bottle or common class 'tth your water and let It stand twenty-four hours; a 1 . . . sediment or set- ' hjTSl! 'j "'"K Indicates an i unhealthy condl tion c( the kid neys ; If It stains your linen It Is evidence of kid ney trouble: too frequent desire to pass it or pain In the bak Is also c.-nvinclng proof that the kidneys and blad der lire out of order. What to Do. There Is comfort In the knowledge so cf.en exprercd, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Foot, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curinj rheumatism, pain In the t- ki.l-vys. liver, bladder and every part Cl the urinary passage. It corrects Inability to hold water and scalding pain In passing It. or tad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity cf being compelled to go cfien i-'ing the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra C' ii.urY eiiect of Swamp-Root Is soon r?!i:ed. It stands the highest for its won-J-rtul cures cf the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the t;st. Sold by druggists In 50c. and$l. si:es. You may have a sample bottle cf this wonderful discovery FIX. ora about it. both sent ivohtely free by mail. "5s2S3 aiirejs Dr. Kilmer & n.mi of swmivH.x Co., Binghamton. N. Y. When writing men ten reading this generous offer in this caper. A SINGULA!) CUSTOM OF THE SOUTH Sfc'A ISLANDERS. The May the Native- In (lie l.iy llr- lrc t lYllimtion II. id I llr Mark Tln'iu Kur lis Una I ard la lii-l k.'vu Willi Their Knemlea. 10 YOU WANT UOOU MAI'.' Subscribe For Enterprise and Oirito mun and (Jet One Free. Pa you want a map of the Pacific Northwest? The Enterprise has made an arrangement with the Oreiionian by which we can furnish a valuable map to- j voue. get her with the Enterprise and the simpio Y.'eekly Oregonian for one year each, all fur the remarkably low priie of ?2 "3 The cost of the map alone is $2.50. The Enterprise has the exclusive riirlit of in troducing thefe maps into this ci iinty on a clubbing offer. temples of Hie map may bo seen u' the Dnterprixe office mid all orders sent in by mail will receive prompt aJentioo. The map is one of the best and most serviceable we have ever seen. It is a wall map and consists of four pastes. Its dimensions are 2Sx3ti niches. Tne first pane contains a map of the world in con nection with which is shown the com parative limes and distances. All of the United Slates possessions are indicated by flags. This page also shows the arms and tlitgg of the various nations of the world. Paije two is devoted to large ized maps of the s'ate of Oregon and Washington, each state being shown by itsed. On the reverse aide oi mis page is given considerable statistical waiter concerning the two states. In o'ie col umn is arranged in alphabetical order all of the counties in eacti state together with tLe locatior. in the state of the par tienhir county together with the tu'al population of that county. Following the list of ttie counties isgiveiilie names it alphabetical order al-o, of every city, town and poetotiioe in each state, tlie of the county in which it is Inca'ed and also the section of the eta'e ard the population of each. There is also shown on this page the new teal cf the State of Oifgon as adopted hv tue lejjis.Htiire last wm'er, together with S"n:e descriptive rra"er showing the respect in which U ' new dilfere frini 'he old. Five sepn ti e mips are elmwn ot: the thin paut-. They are Alaska, British Columbia, the Hawaiian Islands, Philippine Wands an 1 the minor United .S'airs posse-ittions in the Pa:itic Ocean. The fourth pane ahi;w a map of the United Hales. Idaho ai.d the minor possessions of the United Hutes in the Pacific Ocean, the nup ai."iii! the N.-t named iaud being larger aV. more useful than that on the pre ceding page. Arranged 10 aiphabelicla Oi Jer (,a this, page are alfo tlie counties and towne of the state of Idaho, together Wi-ii their location and population. The combination ot tlice maps is worth the $2.o'l for wliicn it retails. They are printed on good map paper and will last a lite time. The various drawings are richly colored and ti e map is very creditable production. We will furnish these maps to Clackamas county people at $2.25 and include with them a subscription to the Enterprise and the Weekly Oregonian for one year in advance. This is a rare offer and one tbat will probably not be -duplicated again. Call at the Enterprise otlice and see the map or mail us your subscription anvway. You will be sure to be pleased with the premium von will receive. Start the New Year off right by signing for the Enterprise, the best county pa per, and the Oregonian, w hich for gen eral news is not equalled in this section Hend in your subscriptions at once. We cannot guarantee to prospective subscribers that this offer lor the Orego nian and the Enterprise with the map as a premium, will hold good after Jan nary 1, next. So send in your subscrip tion at once and take advantage of this unusually liberal offer that will probably not be duplicated again. 1 A little while hk while turning over ' et't.ii' inemciitos of niiiny years spent In i!ic Pacific island I en me across a fi.iu'.I circle of line enne iilnnit two Inches in diameter. From the side to- ward the center a delicate network of the libers of some plant was construct ed, leaving a small hole In the center lare enough for, say, a boo to crawl uiiviiiih. Tlie article weighed less tliuu a utiarti-r ot an ounce: yet, small and harmless as It appeared. It is not so very mauy years bk that It Hiid others like It were objects of deadly terror to the natives of many of the i I'acltic Islands, particularly those of ' Manahiki (Humphrey Island), for the simple looking thins was a "soul eaten ; cr" that Is, a destroyer of human life. ! Manahiki is one of a group of low lyim: atoll Islands to the north-north I vest of Samoa, and Its people Unlay j are about the best educated of nil the I Mahiyo Polynesian people. They elect n king and parliament, have one of the , most beautifully adorned churches lu I the Piicitic islands, and nearly all the ' younger members of the community ' can new not only speak but road and write English. The island Is -for ud ' atoll -unusually fertile and the people j a tltie, stalwart, handsome copper eo' ored race. Th main Industries are the ! making of "copra" (dried ooooatiutl and I diving for pearl shell. "Soul catching" lu the heathen days, prior to lVsi, could be nnd was prac- tieed by any one who desired revenge i or the life of an enemy. Indeed, al i though the people were nominally Christians In 1S7S, It was still In The modus operandi Is very Say that two men, Klka and Sour Stomach No appetite, loss of f-ength, nenrooa MM, neadacna, constipation, bad breath, I fmeral debility, sour risings, and catarrh of fee stomach are all due to indigestion. Kodoi . ores Indigestion. This new discovery repr. atnts the natural Juices of digestion as they j CjI In a healthy stomach, combined with fte greatest known tonic and reconstructive ! popertlea. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does not nly cure Indigestion arid dyspepsia, but thta fcmoua remedy cures all stomach troubles kf clesnslne, purlfyin?:. sweetenlnr and lengthening the mucous membranes Uolaf me siomacn. Mr. S. S. BafL of RjTensweol. W. V. " I ni tnubM with sour nomach for twarty Tr : Kodnl eurod m and wa are new ualtc It aafe . Tetoro, ipiarrt'l. Kika accuses Tetoro of going out Into the lugoon at night time, lifting his (Hika's) tisli traps and abstracting the contents. He therefore demands compensation. Tetoro denies the theft. The relatives of Inith men take sides, and the quarrel assume all 'lie elemeuts of a feud with bloodshed. It may be that Tetoro is a man of means or chiefly rank and Influence and treats his accuser with scorn. "Very well," the Injured Itika cries. "If I cannot get Justice from you I shall snare your soul, and you will die of a w asting sickness." Tetoro. even If he Is innocent, begins to feel uneasy at this threat and, while vigorously denying the theft, offers Rika a present of a pig to end the mat ter. Rika's relatives at once clamor not only for their original demands, but for the pig as well. Tosslbly a free fight ensues, and Rika's people get badly used, nnd threats of "soul snar ing" are heard on all sides. Then Rika's wife makes the snare for Tetoro's soul. Taking her mat out Into the village sotiare or upon a well fre quented road or path, she suspends the snare from the branches of trees or sticks placed In the ground In such a position that she can chwely watch the orifice in the center of the square. Rikn's friends, male and female, come with her. They bring food and eat it and throw fragments under the snnre to (itirnot the flies, with which the ls hml Is Infested. If but one fly crawls through the hole Tetoro Is a dead man, unless he suddenly gives In and allow s himself to be bled, for not only do Rika's people watch the snare.'but his own as well. No one of them would dare to attempt to destrov the snare. The death of the lnterferer by "occult I power would certainly follow. And so for bourn and hours some times for days many pairs of eyes watch the little circle of cane, and Te toro and his friends are now ready to yield, but feel that still mre extor tionate demands may be mad. Then at last a fly Is seen to crawl through, and a shout goes through the village. "Ua hopo te lago! Ua hopo te lagoT ("A fly has passed through.") Tetoro hears the cries and Immediately Imag ines he feels 111. His wife and relatives crowd about him and try to cheer bka up, but his face assumes a melancholy look, and as the time passes on Uu re fuses bis food. Perhaps he may con fess that he did steal Rika's flsh and tremblingly offer to make full restitu tion If Rika will catch a fly and make It go through the circle from the re verse side through which the first one entered voluntarily. Usually this Is Cone, and what might have become a lasting family feud had Tetoro dlerKof "funk." through being bewitched, ends up by the payment of so much property to Rika, and a feast for which both parties provide the viands. Pall Mall Gazette. Ho Good to tb Landlord. The minister and the landlord were talking matters over about a person who wished to become one of the lat ter's tenants. "Morally lie Is sound, but financially te ia weak," said the minister. "Ah, weel," replied the factor, "In that case he's a guid enough sitter for you, but no for me." And the nego tiations were declared "oft." London Telegraph. ! I Birthday Presents mm POR Readers of the Enterprise OX Monday aftornoon, Washington's Birthday, February '22, 1U0I, Tho Kntcrpriso will distribute a snug sum of money among its subscribers. We have placed on exhibition in tho show window of Howell Jones, the druggists, a glass jar filled with coin of all denominations and this money will bo given away to the readers ' of The Knterjirise on the afternoon of February 22, nexc. If you do not receive a cash gift on your birthday, manage to share the distribution of this money on Washington's anniversary. Guess and Get (he Money Tlie best guesser will get tho hulk of the money hut in this contest nil will have an eiiuul eluinco. l'ayitiont of subscription money on Tho Kiiterrise is tho only rtttiisitt' condition for thor-o desiring to partieipnto in the contest. In order that tho old readers of Tho Kntcrjiriso limy huvo tin eitul chiuu'o to share the division of the money with new subscribers, it lias been decided to allow Due Guess for ciu'h $1.50 in subscription that is paid for The Enterprise, whether the payment covers a deliiuitient subscription or is paid for the pujier in advance. Get Your Thinking Cap On Somebody will get this money. 'by should not yott ? No one knows tho iictiiiil iimoiiiit of money Vr on deposit in the Jar. Tho Knlrprise placed the bulk of the money in the Jar ami the balance, in various denominations, was deposited therein by a person not connected with tho piitcr, tho amount so deposited by each being unknown to the other. The seal of the Jar wijl be broken on tho aflcrnoon of Monday, February l'.HM, and distributed among the successful gue.sers. 50 Per Cci;fc p OF MONEY TO PERSON making closest guess as to contents of the Jar. "2-" per cent to the person making tho second closest guess and 5 per cent each to the next five persons guess in closest to the amount. In case of a tie, tho amount involved will be divided. The contest will positively close at noon on Monday, February 22, l!'04. GUESS COUPON I Esti.matk that the Prize Money Contest Jar of The K Oregon City Enterprise, on exhibition in the show s window of Howell it Jones, contains $ Name tDate Adtlrcs All Kiievseg in list he untiled or delivered at thii olllce whrt they will hit preserved until the clone of the content. FOR THE EN EKI'KISE Now and niako your guess. If you already take the pa per HuliHoribo for a friend and get a chaii'tt on the Prize Money. If you cannot call a, the ollicu fill out the t'iiiHin and send with 1 1.50 to the Oregon City Enterprise. (luesses must be received at this ollice before Friday noon, January 1, I 'JO I. SUBSCRIBE FOR A GOOD COUNTY PAPER THE ENTERPRISE IS THE ONLY REPUBLICAN Paper in Clackamas County, the ImhI paer printed in the County, the official City and County paper and the paper you must read il you are to be informed weekly of tho events of interest in Clackamas county. Subscribe for The Enterpriso now and send in your estimate in the prize money guessing contest. The subscription price of The Enterprise is $1.50 per year. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. DAILY TRAINS, I) lv Ki." c-at. IV ly Kllfitivx July 5. D'ly Ii'ly I A.M. ! Portland .Ar 11 10 ..OohlD .... 10 o.V r M . A M . ! 7 HO H 00 l.v S 0.') 3 U'y . . . H '-'0 It. . . . i !t X . . H 41 '.) lo1... H W !) 50, . . . 8 .It 10 !'... OS 10 10 ' ... 1!) 10 :'l VMicirt fi :t: lo oiifton . 10 Ml 11 !u K nia . 10 Ot II 10 .... 10 20 II 05' ... .John Day !. 10 80 11 -'iO Ar . . Anlorin. . KainiT . . Pyramid . .(MayKer .. . innry . . laittkaiiie Marshland l,v U f2' .V.! f 27; 0 17! OX 8 fit' 8 4!t; 8 33; 8 in: 8 07! 7 .151 P.M. 9 AO 8 x 8 '2D 8 IKJ 7 51 7 Mi 7 3s 7 '28 7 17 7 f! 42 32 II 20 7 451 fl 10 8KASIUK DIVISION 11 So a. 5 50 p. n 11 :V)a. m. 8 15 a. in. 0 15 a. in. 2 30 p.rii . 5 0o p. in 8 40 a. m A STOMA -J BEASIUE J i .. 7 40 a. il . . 4 ) . ni . .10 30 a. in . . 5 50 p. rr, ..12 30 p. ir 7 20 p. w 1 30 p. ir & (Wa. rr I Thnt Hol-rlcd film. i Markey-Yfl, I (lid lend him $10. ' wltt Well, I suppose lio'll py Ton tiack some day, but you can't make Itlm burry. Markley I don't know about that, j The uk to Hlubt of ine walking along rm tlie strict bus bad tbat effoct urion him fievoral Prtg. tlmod laU;!y. Philadelphia Kodol DlgesU What Yon tL MMtrMt looly. f 1.00 Stz hoM1nt2X Da U. which ten for 50 Msta, I by E. a D.WITT & CO., OHIOAOO Sold by G. A. HAHDIXU, Druwist Are you BarrsflwJ to do nothing Unij ! except tell ot tho wonderful things jem i Intend to do tomorrow? AtchlMa I Globe. CONNECTION'S. All trains make close connections at Goblf with all ?iortliern Pacific, trains lo or from tlie East or Hound Points. At Portland with all trains leaving Unioi Lepot. At Astoria with I. R. A N. Co.'s boats ami rail line, ami Hteamer T. J. Potter, lo an'l from Ilwano and North Hea:u Points. Tickel oilice, 255 Morrison St., and Union depot. J. 0. M A YO,Gen. Pass. Agt Astoria, Ore BUY THE iwmu SEWING MACHINE Do not ho h'oi lvi (l I v those w ho nd vrrtiso a J'iO.fH) K-w!iiir Mm hino fur I JD.0O. This kind of a iniii'liine ( nil be iKiii'lit from us or any of our dculi M froiaflj.Otito 18.00. WC MAKE A VARIETY. THE NEW HOME IS THE BEST. Tlio Feed (lft'riiiliieH the ntrcnglli or Wilt knead f H'Wlll(T Mllrllllllft. 'J'lio Ioiilhi l''c'l eoiuliiiK-il wiili othi r Htrong Hiint mukiii tlie .V'H' Homo the lx-nt hewing Maohllio to buy. ! COLUMBIA lii.iliur.ii.-turi-nii'l prh Nlinwlnir tint dlf fironl slylr of H' Wlnu Mik'IiIik i'S lt-fuiu purrhiMlng THE KEff HOME SEWING MACHINE GO. OSANGC, MAtS 28 (Jnlun Hq. ". Y., (.liii;o, III., Atlioitu, (in., HU LouU.Mo., I)iiI!iui1T'X.,Roi Krunclnco, Cal FOR SALE mi C. S. CRANE, 350 Morrmon Street, I'orttand, Oregon. PLUMBING CHARCES WE HAVE MOVED THE OREGON CITY JUNK AND SECOND HAND STORE bag removed into the storeroom adjoining the post of fice. We carry a complete line of new and Rewind band atove and furniture. Hililit'Ht prices paid for all kinds of junk. Sugarman & Co are no higher than those in any other trade, and ours are no higher than ner vine rendered ileniandH. What we undertake to do in a thorough and satiHfdCtory manner. There will not be found after our workman get through with a johany defective joints, leaky pi pen, loose connections or other evidences' of "scamped" work. Every part will bo perfect, and look perfect, and when the bill cornea in you'll not auk for any deduction. The grand premium offer of the Enter prise and Weekly Oregonian for one year, including a fine world's map, with sepa rate maps of Oregon, Washington and Idaho, all for the Hum of $2.25, expires January 1, next, unless we can make satisfactory arrangements for its renewal. Persons ilegiring to take advantage of the offer should send in their aubHcrip- tions at once, for we ran not guarantee that the offer will bold good after New Year'i Day. The map alone is worth $2.50, or mors than the cost of the two papers, including tlie premium. Sn to jf M Kind You Haw Alwafl BoafM lan f jf Kirid You Haw Alwara RIVER SCENERY Regulator Line Steamers Portland and The Dalles ROUTE ALL WAY LANI'INliN 'Itailoy Gatzert" "PiilleH City'' "KeKuhit.r" "Metluko" Conni'ctiiiK at I.ylc, WhkIi., Kilb tlie (''iliiliihnt Itiver ami Norl Ihtii Hy. fur Waliki.icim, Ialy, OnlMrvilln, Dnlden- dale Slid all C'irkelut alley points, Steamer Ihhvch Poriland daily (except Sunday) for The Ilulles 7 a. in.,l8rriveH The Palli-s ll::0 p. ni. ; steamer roiiniTtH with C. It. A N. train at T.ylo for (iol denilale. (Steamer leaves The IhIch daily (except Sunday) for lor Hand at 7::il'a. in., arrives Portland II p. in.; (J. It. A N. train leaving (ioldcnilale at !:15 connect, with the steamer for Port land. Excellent meals served on all steamers Fine accommodations for teams and wagot.H. For detailed information of rates, berth reservations, railroad and sta" connections write or call npon H.Mc donald, SL'cnt, Alder street wharf, or II. C. OAMPHELI,, Manager, Portland, Ore. O. R. & ft. Oregon Short Line and Union Pacific THREE TRAIN. TO THE EAST DAILY - ---- Through Pullman atandiird and Tour ist Klccpiiig cars daily to Omaha, Chicago -Iokuiic; tourist slrt'tiing cars daily to Kan an t ity; through I'lilluiiin tourit Klirping tars (personally conducted) weekly to Chicago, Kan wis City, reclin ing cliuirs'i scuta I ret to the ciiht daily, I'nmi Portland Daily River Schedule or- F. C. GADKE THE PLUMBER OKrtfiON CITY IDATH. iiAii.r ai'iiKiiui.c ; Kteameri Altona and Pomona for 8a lem and way points, leave Portland daily fexcept Sunday) at i:4o a, m., leave Oregon (Jity, 8:15 a. in. ; returning, leave Halem, 7 a. m. ; leave Oregon City, 4 :10 p. rn. Oregon 'lfy Tranniiortatlon Co Psrtar Clilcago Pnrlln ml Hoecial a. ni. Atlaulic ,i! p. Ill vis lllilll IllKKlll . Ht. Paul Kant Mail (i p lu via Hpokaue TIDE HI'IIKIiULK.H Halt Lake, Deliver. Kl. ('ity, ht. I.otiin, Olilcago ami Kant. Halt Lake, Ilenver, Kl. onh.Oiiialia.kiiu an 1,'ity, hi. IOiiin Cliicago and Kant. Walla Walla, ton, Hiiokann, Mln iiaioila, Ht. Paul, I'ulutli, MilaiikHc, Chicago and Kant. Aaaivi 4 ,:io p. lo, ,10 a.m. M a. in. Excellent Meala. Ilcst Nervica. Ocean and River Schedule PROM PORTLAND 9 p. m. Daily Kx. Hiinciuy. 8 p. in. Saturday 10 p. m. All Hailing dales sub Jecl to change. For an Kranmiru Hail every fitlaya Ouliimlila River Hteaiueri To Astoria ai.t Way laii(liims. i p. m. 4 p. til. Ki. Hun-day, Seeds ' cottiore yield mr 1 lavt 'II experimenting ivt Jirp'intmenl. 4l vein the Manaara . Soli tv all drilrrt. IV4 f4 Apuyal eoitpall Um, to all applicant!. D. M. FERRY A C., Detroit. Mich. r 1 v 70 Portland HOURS to Chicago Vo Change of Cars. Tickets east via all rail, or bout and rail via Portland, For detailed information of rates, berth reservation etc, call or write to agent at warf. General Offices, II. C. Campmm,, Portland, Ore. Manager. L. Iewis, Comm'l Agt., 242 Alder Ht., Portland, Ore. Write for the novel and catchy Seaside pamphlet, juit iaaued, telling all about Hommer Oitli, Bea 8ei -penWi and Hon at tMid. I