Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1904)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY JANUARY 22, 1904. New To-Day. VOtt, UF.NT A until bouse at Wlllam utm. IniulrwoN. A. Moehnke. FOUND A fur boa. lrtipilr of II. L. Kelly at Hank ol Oregon City. MONKY lfrWKX AT LOWKKT mtee. IIkcxik A (tHIKKITII. DH. (!. H. HI'. A. MANN, Olllcoa over llardlug'l rilYSlCUN drug alore. MONKY TO LOAN AT fl AND 7 per cent. Farm security. IJ'HsK A Hciiimia. , O. K. UltUltlJF.K AND HTUMI' I'UL rr. Heats them all. One horse eiiual i.. mi I.. i...r (irtiha an acre day. Three nlHiti premiums. Jam"" Finney, Hrooks. J"- -" FOIl 8AI.F.-A light double wsgon.with Iron wheels and sxlen, Vrin under Icix. iriiK wMt and brake, in gou-l condition. Will ll I""" '10. "r wi" Undo lurcuw. Iniiiilreal llardiiers, next door lo Rod riont, Oregon Lily, Oregon I'Olt HALF. House, si rooms, shed, cellar mill stable. AIhiiiI 10.000 silure lll'l ol lulhl, liiinr CU uiiH Slalioll, Or-ioii. Price folKI lmi'iii" ol or ailllfCH lieo. A. Iliown, UUckHMlM, Oregon. Jan. S. MONKY TO I.OAN-I IIAVK HKVF.KAL aunts of ley belonging to private Individual which I am authorised to loan, on long time l o sud 7 per cent. Cunt ol lomi will tin made veryjcinton able. II. K. Cnosn, attorney atlaw. WANTF.D A TKL'STVVoltl II Y OKN t It. i. mi n or lady in "" I" county to man age biiHinoMi (r (II Olll established house of solid llnanclsl standing. A straight bona fl'l weekly nlry of flHUU imM by fluM'k M"''l with nil expellees direct from head quartera. Money advanced for ex- IWIIKKN. Kill loC (llff'l CllVelop... Milliner, 3lS0 Caxlon UMg , Chicago. Feb 1. Personal Meption John Kdly Vlaited with frlenda at Salem Sunday. ' Caa Harlow, of liarlow. waa in llm city the Ural of the week. Dr. V. II. Hmith, ol r'.anle (.'reek, waa In the city M iaday. Mra. J. K. Heller vlxlteil thla week with frienda in 1'ortlaml. Mia. Chaa. Caluua imile tecovere.l from her recent Wiieea. Walter (iriin. of lliihliard, viaitud frienda in Oreiton City Sunday. J. (iul.lHinith, of Kimetie, elit Htlll lay witli relatives in lliiacity. Jno. M. I.volia, of I'.aitle I'reek, waa in llie city Momlay on huailieaa. J.T. Wileon, of Katacada, vjaiteil lliia Week with Ineuda in OreKoli City. Kdward Htitterllelil, a liveiyman at Woodbiirn, waa In the city Saturday. Mayor Win. Si'liimller, of Milwmikie, wua a vinitor to thin city Ut Krpluy. J. A. Koiikea ami iHinily have returned from a three weeka' viait at Los Anif'ea. Mayor Win. Schindler, of .iilwaukie, waa a luiaineaa viaitor to Oretton City Monday. Mr. Yitcb, a iroHroua farmer and creamery operator at lloriiiu, waa in the city Monday. Mra Chaa. Filth, of Lakevlew. ia via itlnn in thin citv, a iiueal of Dr. ami Mra. J. W. I'owell. ' Mra. C. D. Latonrelle ami Mra. J. It. rplon.of I'ortlanif, are viHitinu witli frienda at Salem. Jncllfe WilliamTialloway attendeil the funeral of a niece al SI. Paul, Marion county, on Monthly. Mr. ami Mra. Uoliert Morfltt, of Mal heur City, are vlauing Mra. K. J. Mar hall at Canemah. Mra. lne St. Martin, of Boie, Idaho, ia vlaiiiiiK her mother, Mra. M. A. Thomas, of Gladstone. Mr. and Mrs. (leoriie Hroutfhtun, of 1'ortlHtid, were the Ktieali Sumiay of Mr, and Mrs. Chaa. Alliriifht. Harry Iiarrelt left Ttieailay ni((ht for hia home in Hokane, alter Bemliim ome tinia with relative! here. W II Harlior who has heen aerinnalv ill with eryaipelas, has about ft'Kained Ilia former good health. Mias Sadie Mc(ireitnr and Howell Mi-(irefe-ur, ol I'ortland, viaiteil Mra. Joseph Howell at Caneinah tli t week. Charles Htlmphrys, nianatter of the Foetal Telegraph ollice al Aatoria. visited his parenta in thla city on Sunday. Henry C. Templeton has returned to fian Francisco, after a several weeks' visit with hia relatives in this city. Hev. John II. Coleman, D. P., presi dent of Willamette University, of Salem, was the guest last Saturday of Kev. J. Henry Wood, of this city. Mra. Mary Lynch, of Weieer, Idaho, and Miss Lind, of I'ortland, were the (nests last Friday of Judu-e V m. Uallo way and dautihter, Miaa Zilpha. Mr. Wharton, of Portland, represent- j ing the Merchant's Protective Associa tion, was in the city this week In the in terests of the creditors in the Michael stock. Charles Thayer, a former resident of this city, but now engaged in busineas at Stevenson, Washington, was viait intc old friends in Oregon City the latter part of last week. Dr. Jones, of Portland, was in the city Sunday and held a consultation with lo cal physicians rouarding the illness of Mrs. J. W. Norria, who ii reported seri ously ill. State Senator George Grace, of Baker City, who has been visiting hia brother in this city for the past few weeks, re turned bom on Monday. He will re torn bere this week. Local Evei;!. IUIK)r below runt, at Ml (.' MolrfaallhV Thf Ladles' Aid Society of IIih Hap tint rhiiii'li mT veil (I I n hit on Tuesday In Him parlors ol lbs church. K. F.irhlnon hii I iKiivly have arrived in Oregon City from North IW-mt. N lirankit, end will heroine permanent resi dents ol tin" i lly Tlinrit was burn to Mr. ami Mr An drew J, Johnston, of luan, Friday. Janus y lft. it bouncing liHliy li'iy. -. - . - ftow la Hie iliu itt a hat at your oan irl'0, al Jl !'. Joll mltli'a. Two inlllion AiiiitIihii" llm lor tiirinif punua of ily"ii'ul. No iihciI to. IliiriliH'k lllooil JlillMiit emeu. At miy drii( ntuif. At Kt. 1'h KpiHi npiil rliiircli, riMlor, tliH Id'V. P K llmniiioMil, in-xt Sun cliiy'd piviri will i-oiiiiiii-lirD wi'li ail i-tly ci'ld'THiinn ol llm llolv ('unmiiin lull itt H, Sunday tidiool Rt 10, niiirninn imynr mid ccriii'in on " tiilhorily" Hi 1 hihI dVi'Iikoiik nikI bitiimio on "(iod or ClniiiiV ul t). EvHryoiiH wrlroinn. Win. Il-'rinii, ol linriiiK. whh InOri'iiuii ('ity on liiiNiiii'NH iIih IUhI of it nrk. lie rci'iirm iliHl llnriim in rniidlv urnw Intf. An t-xtr fori'C of men im-miiloyeo: in o,iitljiiK tin' aaw-mill for t lie iiihiiii fiiriiirii nf liimliur for ni ly tlm iimny new c'iiihtii HmiI aru liN'HtiiiK in tint t tlon ol tliH county. Ifiiliiiiililt to foii'Ki'i! an accident, Not imiiowiili to h prfiiait"') for it, Dr. Tlioinaa' KrW'i'tic Oil. Monarch over pain. Mim Klla llallnv, lUnliier of Mr. and MrH. V. V. Itailey, ol (ilaildione, died ol Ividioid fever. Ja'mury 1H. U0J. Inter- tiiena whh IiriI at Hie I iMi-knuias rune-1 lery. Hev. .1. II. I'.eaven iiHii iatnig. The dureiueil waa horn at Davlon, VYaihiug tnii, May -17. 1SH.I, and waa 'JO year. 7 Uiontha and one dav of age at her death. "Little Colds" neglected ilmiHands' o Uvea sacrilied every yea'. Dr. Wood'a Norway PinH Syrup cures little colds cures Inii colda, loo, down lo the very verge ol consumption Yen Hit Yu ( n. Yuii i an he a sluing man or wnmun bv buying tbii great nerve tonic, I'almo Talileia, .old by Howell .V Jonea. They mitkV you sleep and grow 1st. Wm. II. I.ig'itowler and Miaa Nora Dillin.M were married al tbe reaiilciireuf the bride'a parenta, Mr. and Mrs. Sam net Dilluian, a Kolton on Wednraday. Janitarv '.'Oth, nt 2::!0. in., by Hie Kev. I' K lUinmond.of SI. Paul's F.piacopal church. .Mr. Ligbtoler has been em ployed fur many years by the Willam ette Pulp ,t Paper Co., ami tbe young people have a boat of friend-. They have gone away for a short trip, and on their return will begin houHckreiiing; near Seventh and Jarkiu etreet. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature; of Li tier Lint. The following ia the Hat of letters re maining in the poatolllce at Oregon City, Oregon. Jan. L'l, P.KI4: W0MKN a 1.1HT. Anderson Mrs Hoae Murdoclr Mrs J L ('utiiiiiinga .Mrs J W Koaa Mrs Mabel Kaatham Mia K Scbwador Mias Ida Layton Mra Kva Woodanl Mra H Moehnke Misa Flora mkn's list. Alen Dick H.irria W F llnrtnn Tun Helierling Lloyd Harr J F Holly II C Hruner Lee January ' ' M Rrown A S Johnson N D ItreadliiVH Andy Maddock ('reaton CliMiiol Jim tiateruian Will Coleman P L Oliling F.gbert Feil Chriat Killey Air Ford W H Rowley Sidney (ireen S H TOM P. RANDALL, P. M. HANV PEOPLE Suffer with HEADACHE and DISEASE often have the difficulty traced to eye defects. The visual centers are in tbe closest connection with the brain centers, conse quently the slightest disturbance of vision produces sympathetic irritations in the entire system. If your trouble is due to this cause I will franltly tell you. It costs you nothing to find this out at I make no charge for EXAMINA TION. Have your children's eyes attended to as many are ob taining their education at the ex pense of their general health. I grind my own LENSES for each case and repair broken LENSES at a moderate charge. I. R. WISHART Manufacturing and Refracting Optician. Room I, Charman Bros. Block v-5i3iiWwr I'.tino.w. In tlia Circuit Court for tlia Hiauof Or ion, lor CUrkama Oniniy. Laura K. Allia. i'l.lnllll, va. William AMI.. DafeiiiUn To William A Ilia, Ilia alxiva liamau aa- feinlaiii: In tlia nam of Ilia BiaU of Oregon, you ara liereliv rninreil to appear and anr the cuiiiplaiiit tiled aKalinl you in llm alxiva ei tine. I .nit and conn within tit weekttroni Jan. ti I, lllot. h li lt I. tli daui of ttia II rat pulilli alioii In reol. and If )ou lad to mi ai pear ami anaaer, lor Want lliereol, plalntill will take a ilelault anaiuat you, and will ai ply to I he tour l lor a denrea UiaaolvlliK tn ixniila ol'liniiiiy bereiolora rilalinK twean plalmilt anil delauilaot, and for aocli I oilier and Innlier relief aa to ma com I may aaeui jiml and proper, on iheK'oU'nl ul your wilijnl ileaa.-iiou ol plaint II and c.'uel and 1 1 1 1 i ii i h 1 1 treatment. 'I lili .uiiiinoua la puhllnhed hv order ol lion. 'Iliomat A. McKrlda, JuilK' ol Ilia alHir nam I court, duly itiaUe. on Novem ber l.'ltn, I'.Htl, wliu Ii older preu rihaa that tlila auiiiinoua hall Im puhililieil one a week lor all colmacullve week. CH AH. K. Illtl). Atuiruey lor i'laintitl. 1'ortlaiid, Dec. Z'th, I ! '.'). mi nnoN. In the Circuit Court of Ilia Htftto of Ore- Kuii, lor l.lackainaa County A W. Melton. I'laiiillll I'laiiillll,) rlalidaiit.) va Jeanelte Melton. Defal 'l'o Jeanetie Mellon, the alioye liained de fenilaat. In the name of Ilia Htale of, you are hereiiv reipiir d lo appear and aimwer the complaiil tiled aifainal you in the above entuleil cauae and Court on or belora lillb lay ol March, IIM, aanl day leii,j more thanaix weeka from the 2il day ol January l'MM, ti.f ilate ol the It rat publication Ol aald aummoua, and II you I a 1 1 no to appear ami enaer, lor want Ihereol, the plaint!!! will apply lo Ilia Court lor tbe raliel prayed for in li, e nam complaint, lo-wit : Kur a ilccrne ol aalo Court, (HaaolviliK the marriaKR coi lracl heretolort rxmliii be tween plaiuull and delnudani, and for audi other relirl aa to Ilia Court aeema Juat and euuliablr. 1 be order for publication of aiiiniuooe In Una mil waa made and entered by order ol : Tiiomaa A. Mchrlde, JoilKe ol aald Court, on Hia ;1nh day ol Jauilary, l!m4. I 1). M UoNAl'UM, I Attorney lai I'laliitill. Has ItkKN Oii(.anizki) The Direct NoinitiHtiim League has been organized nd lias begun the circulation ol peil- tions among the voters in order that the propoM-d law 111.4 y be submitted to elect- j ors at tli" general election in June. The i membera ol llie League residing in Clark auiaa county are: W, S. L'Reu, Charles t Albright, 11. 1,. Kelly, N R. Lang, .1. E. Hedge-, lii-orge A. Harding, J. A. Rail- , dolpb ( Viola), K i. Cauliiiid, Livv Stipp, UeorgeC. Urownell, T. A Mcltr'ule, C. II. Moores, F. S. Raker, C H. Dye. C Schiiebel, R. C. (iaiiong, W. C'Ren, W F. Caril, W. A. H.iiillev, Charles H. Caulield, II. Lieamaii (Stafford), R. Scott, (Milwankie). W. P. ILiwIeV, i It. Dim ick, S. M RuiiialttvTiioiiMa F. Ryan, F. T. tinthth and C O. Huntley. lira. licatie A Huatie DentiBts. Rooms 16, 17, IX. Weihard building. CD A Ml Dl IQPU THE HOUSEFURNISHER rnMNix DUOun, ORegon cty, oREGon In Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Matting, Wall and Sewing Machines Bring your Cash and see liovv far it FRANK BUSCH, THE "SW5" . M:.n.uoN. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore mm fur Clackamas County. t'atheiine Cornell, I'lanitifT, vs. i-UrJhe r.irnell. rielendaiit, To Clarence Cornell, the above named defendant: In the name of the 8tate of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear in the above entitled Court and anawer the complaint tiled agalnat you in the above, entitled suit on or belore the Mb. day of March, 14, and if vou lad so to appear or answer, 1'laiiiliti will apply to the Court for a de cree demanded in the complaint againat you 10 wit: for a decree of absolute divorce and lor the care and custody of her said minor child, Edward Cornell, and for tbe coats and disbursements of this suit. Tnia summons is published pur-uaut to an order made on the 20th day or January, 11MU, before the Hon. Ttaos. A. McBride, Judge of the above entitled Court. The first publication is made 011 the 22nd day of January, l'JW. E. K. MKRUK8. Attorney lor Plaintiff. Liquor License. Notice it hereby given that I will ap- nlv at the next regular meeting of the city council for a renewal of my saloon license at my present place of business, Main street, between Fourth and Fifth. Jan. 15. M. Rambo. Christian Science. First Church of Christ Scientists. Garde building, corner Seventh and Main streets. Sunday at II a. m. Sub- ict. "Love." Children's Sunday school meets at 10 a. m. Testimonial meeting Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Reading room open Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, from 2 to 4 p. m. Revival meeting at tbe Academy on Seventh street st 7:30 o.clock and at 3 p. m. by Rev. John Johnson, of Seattle, Washington. You are cordially invited. mf f m 61 : m Come in We sell 0 WHEN YOD SEE IT IN OUR AD ITS SO" J. E. SEELEY The People's Grocer WHAT! A 10-lb sack of Pure Buck wheat Flour and a quart of Genuine Maple Syrup for 7oc. Why didnt I know that before. I'll send an order at once. You always get the best thats going and itspromptly de livered at J. E. SEELEY The People's Grocer j OREGON CITY Have you made your guess yet ai to the amount of money contained in the Enterprise prise money contest jarT If not du so at one. Tbe saal of the jar will be treks on lb afUraeaa f Waaa- fm?&&?m m and and get our prices. them on the Installment Plan. BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN The Oregon City Jewelers Suspension Bridge Corner Sal JUST OPENED THE FARMERS' 5T0RE Bargains every day in Lace, Embroid eries, Notions, Capes, Shoes, Pants, and Stationery. j vj j j j sj M. LEIBOWITCH, Manager Opposite Barlow's Grocery Main Street OREGON CITY 1904 The Bank of Oregon City "Wishes its friends and customers a . Happy and Prosperous New Year. 1904 m f m " 7 m Paper will go. 1904 1904