Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 22, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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il,; Ajp $Swm
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1 Vv
A IulUloa
also U3CH1 me
commended to
Aorta juasxeguu, aucmnau.
CorrwpondeDU r requested to re
new their work. We will supply all
ecessary stationery. The news from
yonr neighborhood should appear in
these colomns every week.
The Mothers' Club is preparing for an
enlertainrnent and supper in .he Asm-
. . ' .r, no .
h ha hnilav even nit. January
good program is being arranged for, and
gWtJ K'I.U, " -
upper included, for the small sum of 10
eents. Proceeds ip go to purchasing
dustine for school room floor.
Captain Smith ha purchased a new
tract ol timber, and will soon be ready
to furnish wood to any one wishing to
Professor McCann, Mrs. Buck and the
Misses Cnilds, Casto and Wilson attend
ed tbe teachers' association at Milwau
kee Ka nrday, Jan. 9, and all speak
words of praise of ihe Milwiiukie teach
ers and patrons (or their generous hos
pitality shown to the teachers of Clacka
mas csunty.
Mrs. H. Hargreaves, of Colton, Ore.,
is visiting old friends in Gladstone.
C. P. U'Ren, from Wasio county,
Ore, attenOwi the slock convention In
Portland. His little daughter Frances
accompanied him and was the guesi of
her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Mrs. Bruner and Mrs. Oglesby were
guests at school Monday afternoon. The
teachers wou'U be pleases to uave uiuie
of tbe mothers visit the rooms.
Tbe people of Parkplace had quite a
scare Monday night, when they discov
ered flames emerging from W. Smith's
residence ; but on investigation it was
found to be the flue burning out.
ight;Was Her Terror.
"Iwouldcoogb nearly all nearly all
nigbt long," writes Mrs Chas. Apple
gate, of Alexandria, Ind.. "and could
bardlv get any eleep. I had consump
tion so bad that if i walked a block I
would cough frightfully and spit blood,
but, when all other medicines failed,
tnree $1 bcttiesof Dr. King's New Dis
covery wholly cured tne and I gained 58
pounds." It's absolutely guaranteed to
cureconghs. la urippe, bronchitis, and
II throat and lung troubles. Price 60c
andfl. Trial bottl free atCharman
A Co.'s drug store.
Tt ia pain rain all the time it sticks to
it like grim death to a dead negro.
T hoar il.ut Minsinger is eoinii: to start
bis mill to sawing ties in a few days. It
will make thinns a little more lively op
bere if he does.
Miss Emma Aschoff has gone to Port
land to attend school tins winter.
Hpnrv Helm lost a fine cow a few
niuhn son The animal was tied in the
barn but the rope was too long and she
cooked neraelf.
Henry Aschoff and his bear are doing
well. Mr. Aschoff has gone to Detroit
on forestry business ihe old wood rat
that h ia tie would rather he out in tbe
mountains than anywhere else.
Charles Kyler lias gone to Oregon City
on important business ne saia. i euu
n o.t of ir ii a information about rain-
w p. - -
ing bogs as he is goina into tbe hog rais
ing quite exten ively. He is getting his
place to look quite nobby nob nobby as
it were.
Mrs. Calvin is teaching our school here
now. She is liked very well.
The Peake brothers bave grubbed np
about half of their prune trees and are
going to put the ground into potatoes or
rather potatoes into uie urouuu.
tw;Mi nluunea. those itchinir. pester
ing diseases of the skin. Put an end to
rir.on'a Ointment cures. At
any drug store.
E. L. Holmn, leading undertaker
Oregon City, Oregon. Marcb
)n't Wait Until Your Sufferings
Nerves AH Shattered ana iour -uura&c vjuuc
When a cheerful, brave, light-hearted mrnian is suddenly plunged into that perfection of misery, the
Bu uh d, not It "U rtf Slic pw o to 1,- day, till .11 at am sho rto tot . dim
whose letters of gratitude we are constantly publishing.
Surely you cannot wish to remain weak and sick and discouraged, exhausted with each day
work If you ha, e some derangement of the female organic try the remedy that hu. restored
nuuiru iw uwuii
Lydia E. Pinkham's
!.. Mrs. P.SKH.M.-I cheerfully K!jbaKto
E. lMnkhani's Venvtble Compound to my suffering alters dies boTcrr duiT would bare spella when
s7a perfect medicinV for all female derangements. ! "J L JS7lrlX km I was.
bled with displacement of the womb and other female weaWs eerjt hi. g "7d iiye me hi m-dlclne. bnl
Had headache. ba.-ka.-he. and such bear.nHown pains I could . y fbut aft. taking LydU K,
hardly walk across the rloor, and was very nervous. iVnkharaVeUble Compound, I began U. improve at once.
" A fricud advise,! me to try your medicine, which I did. an I Mnkhara s K 'j our' mtUr to all suffering
after using the first bottle I beKan to improve. J. took in all can J" it Uial'-Maa. llssr Sau,
twelve bottles of Vegetable Compound, one box of Liver lMlls.l women, and advise all W give u .
w" o"' .:r. vv-.i, ..,.1 ,.i .ml have no return, Van yik. N ash.
' ' fu - 1 '
or my trouuics. i am uuw .v -
thankful everv day for my cure. .......
" I know that your medicine will do everything that it la re
do for suffering women. aias. wuu onu-"
Our school ir cloet. I'mf. Coleman
was called 10 his old home i" Ul'io ami
the priraarv tem-her, Mi Olive Tenny,
of Viola, has resigned and gone home
being exposed to the measles.
Mrs. G. B. Jackson, ol Oregon City,
was visiting Mrs. J. L. Mtudock last
Miss Lon Parmer is on the sii-k list.
Mrs. Klingler lost a valuable Jersy
cow last week.
The Macksburg Mutual Telephone Lo.
bave competed their Una to Cantw u
Aurora. This make, three different
lmaa (mm thin lilMf-e.
The K O. T. M. initiated two candi
dates at their last meeting. The L. 0.
T. M. will initiate lour at tneir next
There was a sewinu bee at Mr. L. E.
Bo 'era last Tuesday.
J. L. Mordock and J. V. Smith have
been butchering hogs this week.
Larae crowd at dancing school Tues
day nigbt.
A Tet-Ioclet Ooetor.
Xever in the way, no trouble to carry,
easy to take, pleasant and never failinx
in ru.iittM ur DWitt's Little Karlv Ris
ers A vial ol these little pills in the
vest-pocket is a certain guarantee uitainst
headache, hilionsnerH, torpid liver anil
all of the ills renillini: from constipation
They tonic and strengthen the liver. SolJ
by Oeo. A. Harding.
Miss Alice Bonney is viiitinir. relativef
in this vicinity alter an absence ot over
two years.
Miss Ginther has just finished a three
mnn th'a term of school in this district
and has begun on a second term.
Wm Rnnnev will have a shooting
match at the Colton store on the 23rd for
chickens and geese.
Rillie Stone, the uioneer of Colton, is
quite sick and will probably no' recover
as he is very leeme wnen ai ma ire!.
His former weight was Ilia and now he
weighs 90 pounds.
Mrs. Ediecome and son Will, of Bea
ver Oeek. were visitinif relatives here
the latter part of the week.
Mr. Nash.of Oregon City, was doing
business in our burg the latter part of
the week.
Jark- Wallace, of Highland, was trans
acting business here the latter part of
the week.
Father Hildebrand was
in Colton
Tuesday visiting the sick.
Working: .l(fht and Iay.
The busiest and mightiest little thing
that was ever made is Dr. King's New
Life Pills. These pills change weakness
into strength, listleBsness into energy,
brain fag into mental power, They're
wonderful in building up ttie health.
Only 25c per box. Sold by Cuarinan &
The Canby School.
iftpp nnn week holidays the Canbv
school reopened Jan. 4, with the same
corps of teachers who have been em
ployed in the school lor tne last tnree
yearaprincipal, A. T. Winches ; inter
mediate. Mrs. A. T. Winches; primary,
Miss Vesta Knight. There is a full at
tendance and a great deal of interest is
shown which is both gratifying, and en
couraging to the teachers. TIm follow
ing are some facts in regard to the school:
No. pupils in primary room, 29.
No. pupils in intermediate room, 28.
Nu. pupils in principal's room, 35.
No. pupils in 8th grade, 15.
No. pupils in 9th grade, 9.
No. who took last examination, 11.
No. wbo passed, 8.
No. to take next examination, 3.
No. books in library, 125.
No. purchased this term, 19.
Wm. S. Crane, of California, Md., suf
fered for years from rheumatism and
Itmhago. He was finally advised to try
Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which he did
and it effected a complete cure. For
sale by O. A. Harding.
Have Driven You to Despair, With Your
Vegetable Compound,
FORFEIT " cnnt forthwith produce th ori
inil leiten and .Unaiurw of anov. tr.timooiala. wh.ch
nil prove nir
Farmers are busy disposing of their,
Ix.lHtn. s and onions', for which they are j
leveiving a good price.
The S P. Co. is improving its roul
through here by laying heavy steel.
Gardner Bros, have had a gas street
lamp put in front of their saloon, which
ma e it verv convenient un r rum .um
after dark. We hoe our city council
will purchase a number for otir thriving
little town. i
We are sorrv to note the sad death of
Mrs. K. Young, an old pioneer of Pleas
ant Hill, having been a resident of this
countvforthe past thirty yeata. The
remains were laid lo rest In the I leas-
ant Hill cemetery.
Civile Baker, an employe of the Port
land Fish Company was here a few days
Miss Lora Bell is Improving, after two
weeks ol pneumonia.
Our undertaker, II. H. Eyman, has
sold out to M. E. Buck.
One inch ot snow for Sherwood, gives
it the appearance of winter again.
H. H Evman has purchased a busi
ness lot in E tacada and expects lo go
into business there soon. He de
parted for there on the 17ih ti com
mence ork on his new building
.Mie Lola Saylor made a trip to the
metropolis !S uurday.
I)r. A. I. Savior visited the sick room
of his brother, who is confined with
pneumonia in i'ortland
The walking sick, what
a crowd of them there are:
Persons who are thin and
weak but not sick enough
to go to bed.
"Chronic cases" that's
what the doctors call them,
which in common English
means long sickness.
To stop the continued
loss of flesh they need
Scott's Emulsion. For the
feeling of weakness they
need Scott's Emulsion.
It makes new flesh and
gives new life to the weak
Scott's Emulsion gets
thin and weak persons out
of the rut. It makes new,
rich blood, strengthens the
nerves and gives appetite
for ordinary food.
Scott's Emulsion can be
taken as long as sickness
lasts and do good all the
There's ' hew strength
and flesh in every dose.
We will be Rlad
to send you a few
doses free.
V,t ure tliat tlii. pirture In
tlie form t 1 h!cl it on tl.r
wrai(r every bottle o
r.n.uUion you buy.
409 Pear! St., N. V.
50c and $1 1 all druggliU.
leuer in "ir.vt
a America can
healtli. Her iit
kro very foolish
K. Herring ia able to be out again.
W. !' Snullin went to Portland
few days.
Mrs. Irwin is some better at present
Rob. Duncan Ntlie guest of his brother
Chares Duncan.
Mrs. E. M. Horner is snfforing from an
attack of rheumatism.
r:;i-a s.nmr if Knrintf water, is the
guest of Cliff Sarver the present week.
Mra. Suraii 1'a.lmaleer and daughter i tl-
law went 10 Portland the 12th insi.
A pleasant day today for the sale at
K.starail. No snow vel. and several are
through plowing for spring crops.
Ti- ,Ui u lu-lil at the new ball wart
quite ell attended; also the social given
in honor ol M se liill, sister lo r. M. win
of (iuilield.
H. II. Anders suffered a slight paraly
tic Mrnke in his left arm. His neighbors
tnrned out and gave him a day's wood
cutting. Mr. Ed. I.eni'jii, ol California, ia giv
ing his druthers and sisters a pleasant
visit for the winter and his many friends
are glad to see him again.
Mr C. S. Huffman was the guest of II. J
II. Anders. The milk was too much for
hiH strength ,and he had to go lo bed for
the day nnd was sratce.y able to he tukeli
home in the evening.
Mr. Wilher Wade and family am visit
ing their relatives here and at Currlnn
fille. Tney came from Olix, Eastern
There mere tun imrtiea visited hv the
usual pickpocket at the Citz.dcra sale.
the party or parties hatl better look out,
for should they be caught they might
have a ciiatice to measure the depth (
the w tcr beneath the high bridge, ho
incensed wete the citizens at such a dm
grace lo hannen up here, wheie all try to
lead an honest life.
11,. Cw.rfli.1.1 Cranue HI7. belli Its ova-
ter suiiner and literal y program Haturday
evening, Jan. 9ih, at its fine large hall,
lu a large and appreciative ailiiience. All
present claimed it as the h.-st literary
ihey have ever atteinleii. mere were
100 present. There was slipper for all.
Several were encored, especially tne I'a
uia t.mtlit.ra na nans). Two old maid
teachers sat bo interested they were not
observant enough, and, as the young
ladies had all gone home ere lliey knew
it, they escorted each other home
Well, almost everybody went to the
'-. - . . ... .
pale at Estacada aruJ I will say not one
present but invested in more or les of ita
real estate, some to the extent of lots.
others wlat stuck to thtir foot wear.
'Twas an ideal winter day without rain,
miiu'h led some to remark tlie company
must have tipped the weather bureau
the weather nureau
man for the day. As several wore rub-
her hoots, 'twas remarked they must
have come to linn but were fooled as It is
now closed season, which elicited the re-
at ...
nlv thai ttiev were not so lar on, an mo
ani'lier bad turned out in goodly niun
bers. There were some 5,(XX) worth of
town lots sold to bidders, then the draw
ing was done in a very satisfactory way.
of Portland, was the luckv
man for the residence lot and Mr. Carpen
ter, the blacksmith at the high bridge on
tbe Clackamas was the fortunate one for
the business lot. All present were highly
pleased at the manly way in which the
drawing was conducted. A little girl,
Letia Watson, did the drawing. J tie
ir,il, tii bet ilrawn was the winner for the
residence lot and the 7th next drawn
took the business lot. Hon. George t.,.
Btownell gave a brief talk on the bound
less resonrcesof the country surrounding
the new town and was well listened to
by the appreciative audience.
Land agents are very busy tip here
now listing what real estate they can get
to list; but I will s y should anybody
wish to buy a farm without paying the
agent's fee, come up and look at the
farms for yourselves and deal with the
owners themselves and save the money.
There are a few farms' for sale in (iar
field but the most of the farmers know
what they can do with tbe soil here and
will slay with it awhile. We can rajfe
fruit and berries of all kinds here in Gar
field that not even famous Hood River
can beat, and aa tbe cars run to the up
per part of Garfield lo the power plant,
giving us two shipping stations in less
iiirArs'k ill
If ther"anTfhlnV In your ease hm.t which you wou jl Uk.
wr.,e trey l m. innj
........ .u.li..lw. , f
sM.Kr. " v - .
li. - ii.vu i. .i .... i ' i 1.1,.., U fl
IICMlvU iiimurvu
reus im iynu, .', ii; ..
if you do not accept her kind iuvitutiou.
. iimi nnp miwirr in 11 ma
H. an il,, m null. It is a lil ace to lie Ih
sited as a Inure. Then in til t y years not
a cn-e i.f chills, malaria or t)plmid tins
been known to originat" here and the
water Is so pure that theie is none better
to hs found any place. And at good so
ciety as one could wish Is here ; with two
w-lii.s. two churches, a grang". with a
nlgnt cIhxiI two nights in each v.eck. no
saloons who would ish lor better? If
they should, Ihey will find more draw
backs than they can bunt out herein
Garfield. There la lo ln I. O. . K.
I. ..I..- ,i,uii,:,.,l liiia .mill also a Wood'
nun lodge could find an nsoiiiig in here
I . ... ... i i i ..f
10 orwanixe. inuniti w am u i".
our Itarlield?
Charles Duncan had a barn-raiamg the
7th Inst. Mr. Duncan is an unlucky man
around barn raisings and the Dutch.
At Mr. Hatfield's barn-raising he was
gmgeil hv a l.il ing timlx-r and hurt Ins
sh. ulder'; and si his own he fell douithe
highest part of the frame and as became
down clasped his arms around a a up
right post, sliding down to the ground,
lima leaening the inoineiiluin, but as
there was a peg In the it ik raped up
his Chest so buid it liuide Mill so Very
sii k (or a time Ihey were all scared for
him a it is, be is about all right now.
Nasal Catarrh quickly yields lo treaU
nisnt by Ely's Cream Balm, which is agree
ably aromatic It is received through the
nostrila, cleanses and heals tba whole sur-
face over which il diffus-a ltseir. jirKK
sell the 60e. size; Trial ai.e by nmii, io
cents. Test It and you arc aure to contmua
t.n tfAMttTlrilL
Announcement. ,
i-ta th.aaA tin ata nartiol
to the use of atomizers in applying InjunU
. .... ...l.tM-fl tttML
into tlie Dtvuu paasBHBB n.
the proprietors prepare Cream Halm In
liquid form, which will be known as Ely's
- 1 .... . ., Tl:n. I.,nl.w1in,f Ilia
I.Hiultl Lreara uaim. i ...v.......-B
ipmying tube ii 7.rceuta. Drugg'1 or "f
mail. The liquid form embodies tlie niaxl
ieinal properties of the solid preparation.
The temperature has fallen only a lit
tle Mow the umal (Hiint maintained for
this winter, and today we can see a few
flakes ol snow in Ihe air, hut are gone as
soon as they strike ine ground, and we
predict the. thermometer will be up a
notch or two again in a few days.
The farmers are transporting their
spuds in the railroad.
Tl.a limn In Ihia ln.ahtv are all gone.
and the yards are lieing cleared up pre
paratory for the next year crop.
F. E. Fitch is busy trying to make prai
1 rie out ol his new addition of 411 acres
J . I . ...1. I .a aw..nl I an.. aai.l u alull fa I
and which he recently purchased, and
which ia a substantial improvement to
his (arm.
Henry Kummer made a business trip
to Portland last Friday.
I ( . : I 1 f .. ..1. .. I ... 1 na
i ju, urunui, u m.i mmi, m uui ,
burg a few days ago, taking leave of his
irienos. ivir. uninm iiiutnu. iiminn w
Teias, his former home. We wish him
! a pleasant journey.
William Stuwe, lately of Portland, ia
moving bin family into our neighbor
hood again and intends farming his
father's place. We extend him a hearty
welcome and wish him abundant suc
cess. OAUTOIllA,
B,llrltlJ, f i lie IU full Haw Always Hougn
Blanattir . JVJZX
Snow on the ground Monday morning.
Ern Jones snent the first of the week
in Portland.
Vra .1. It KTimrnev and Mr. J. E.
Jones have returned from Portland.
Vent Manle. of Portland, visited rela
tives here Sunday and Monday. ,
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Martin and Philip
Hileman, of Prune Hill, spent Thursday
night at F. C. Kimroey's.
Edgar Moshberger is very ill.
Tbe dance at Geo. Mallett's Friday
night was O. K.
There was a swell birthday party at
Mrs. C. Smith's Monday. Everything
was just grand.
(More Correspondence on page 7.)
treal iitf f.niaie
m hmvk t
.- r..
11. (1 Kreemun shinned a carload of
' potatiN-H last week Till- inakef tha
third or fourth carload of potatoes Mr.
Fri-einaii has shipped during the last
i (eW Weeka.
I Tlie little L' vear old daughter of Mr.
I and M's II. tv Armstrong is seriously
III with puiietuonia. Dr. D, A. Dtuliuan.
' ol Canby, Is in attendance.
8. Evana was transacting business In
Oregon City Monday.
The liiang" held It regular meeting
Saturday, January 0. Although lb
day was a very stormy one, the attend
ance was very gootl. At noon a usu
rious lunch was served, which was
greatly enjoyed by all. Several new
meinliera were taken in and new oftli'sia
Installed in tbe different ollices. The
meeting then adjourned till lis next reg
ular meeting, January 2.').
Mr an.l M,a ( has Child left for
their home at Oswego after a fortnight'.
visit wilh Mr. 1,'lnl'l parents, .nr. ana
Mrs K. Evan, and other relativttaof
this place.
M. and Mrs. Jacob Yost anil Mrs.
Sam lleizig were transiii titig busimiaa
in I'ortland a couple of days last week.
W. W, Jesse and wife are visiting
friends at Portland this week.
Howard llrownell delivered tin addresa
to the pupils of Prof Winches' school
last 1'rulnv.
Miss Emilia Clsysoti, of Concnrd.
sfMMit the I'H-t week with her sister, Mrs.
E. Sias.
Miss Meeks has been taken lo an hos
pital in Portland lor treatment. Hie lias
been sick for some line.
Miss A Koth made a business trip to
Portland on Mohday .
The furniture and hardware stmk of
Sunderland & Co. will he moved into
the new store building recently erected
by (i. Knight.
After a two weeks' visit with her sis
ter, Mrs. Wang, Miss M. Swanbv return
ed to Portland last Sunday evening.
K. Yorphal, ol Portland, is visiting his
parents and looking alter propeity iiitei
ests here.
.'Hi, u.rwrs jjw
Ti T t
ki'r. v .'.il
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