Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 15, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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I ii amm'im'ii. i tictom ion th"e" civ. rBuE.i)Ki.F.Bix-EnrgBEiwpii r, '''""NLi.ii a
' lnrknmnn Con iity Dimiioithw Hold
Piriy Out llaniiii't at Ongoit I'll.
llettr, imnrh hikI Ilimiorrulli: niiIh-uUh!-
;,. uiilliimluHlii lllnillllctllll 111 blllllltlflll
anmilv at Llm J ark nun )KV bali'lllt'l llmt
...... i. ..i, i .i M'in,,,.,ii.i hull IuhL Kriilav
iiitflit. ll was a llliv-rmit bainiiiit K
t y tin) lioiiiorritia el ('iMi kniiiitit county.
4)iui hiindri-d mill twiinty-llvB ol the
i f.ilililnl imrliHik of the Sl'mad I hut U
l.r.iviilml. Tim IHIMHMtl lor whitdi tliu
i' I... ... hi.. I tuna f nii,'iilvml ttaalllM f-II II 1 1
l.i.r tl,a ill iri.rilllt llllMIIKIltM Ol tllH I'M
.......ru,.u In 1 1. la iiiinlv mill III tliU rn
4m llm (iim:lloii wmi Mirha a suwums
fur J im I.OVHII rnpon uiai innru i"o mi
. allumluiii a a lillllllmr ol nroiiiiliuiil I'l'lll-
. i.H from tlirollullllllt tllH rOlllltV who
have not tuMin Idtnilillttd with tlm imrly
Jitira Ik lailini fur a iminhi-r ol vt-ara.
I. vln rriiminrtxl tlm Populist and
tllllllf thill MIIHI'kN l)( fllsloll, tilt)
lNiiiiocrnH have tlmlilml to ko It alone In
1 o.iu ...Liiniu itmi muhii lliniMliin to atiner-
I'H" wi... " - "
MhIh tlie KtMiiihlhaiis in tlm manag wit
ol county slliiira hut this threat ! not
mirlmiHly cuiiaidnri-d save by lew of tlm
minority parly wiiu aie puruuiiianjr '
inn utiles.
lint .1 anv ralH tllH I llMIIOCI t" bttd
tlliiu Ml llllllr llalltllll't. Tlm clam
..i...avili.r imiatH uti'. on which the hnn
....... i...i..iiimIiiI with imiiil. tlm clirars
mi libnrally distributed witro better while
the punih well ll was rertuiiily enlitleil
J ... .t.u ........UllvM aJitM'tll'M liv WaV of
li)mTiitliin. Tlm Kemurrals declare thai
' the coinpu.il ion nf this beveruKe was of
i,fltiliitit alrnnuth to remind Ilium of a
Keuiibllcau lolliilraiwii meeting, ('ol.
Mllli.r. who nrrHideil M IobhI-master, !
not i crtuin ynt hnl llntt some Kepubll
. ctin had undue lullueiicu over tlm mlxol
ouist who prepared the drink. Consid
Mrniii llm aiimiath of lilt) lilllH'li. then it
: U not surprising thai lint Demm-rary
. alimilil MialtM MIII'll lavish clitilllH III I1C
' riai at thu .I'lircmi'liliiii elections in thin
: f.filtlitV
(iovmnor ('Immlwrliiln w the prin
. clpul nHkKr ol the vruinK '' H
j other lliiiiK" mlvliwil hrinoiiy n. (Hu
ll ....nraifi.it lliH lill thlt tilt) lV'IIHHTalll'
party ntaiKln only lor iifKllon. Other
In aililrr-ni tlm iniMitinit were: Jonlnii
i Mrliniiiel. of l'olk rmuiiy : I'rof. W. A
V-ii n, tillhert L. limine, Oribhlf ,
! V. W. Ji-Hiie. Win. tiillny. II. !
k-.IU !)r M ('. HtrlrkLlld. J. II. N Unt
nviir. lion. Sum While. lUker City; (.
i A. lUr.linn, U. U. II. Miller, l'rof. II
3 I.. M.C.iin. Dr. W. K. Curll, II. (i
4 Kl at t If U, Mkl t iir (1. Cutilli-lil ami Win
' Vanuhn. Noun ol the aiieaker, how
i evnr. wert) heuril iliirlnif the evrlilliK to
I ouota Jacknon' fantuu word.: "Hy
i ilia Mlrna I thu KHileral Union liiimt and
' ahall he prenerv-d." Cooke'i orchflra
, m in attnditii-t) and did it heat.
i I .itta ,.re read (ruin a nuiulwr ol
; a.r..Miiai.t lli.tnia'rat throilithollt til
I I,, ikliimi mvitatinlia liad llHttn ad
' lrred and who were unahle to attend.
Auioiik the leUera read were thoiw from
, the follow inif HHineil Keutleliien :
Jiul.e J. O. Ilooih, Urant !'; Hon
; Will K. Kinir, Oniariu; Oncar lliiyter,
u.r, llullaa I'nlk rnnntv: Pre. I . L.
:aiiiplll, ol thti Univemity ol Oreiron,
! Kunene; Hon. John K. (iratke, Atoria;
I .tmlati John Kultoii, Waht-o; Hon. K. IL
llovd. l'endloton : Hun. A. h. Keame,
Ntiitlotlc NIiowIiik HecelpU nd Kx
pendlturri of the ( lly fur 1)103.
Oregon City Won Out In Mult A(lnnt
Noiitlieru PaclUc t'oinmiiy.
Th-al.lD inii.reu. court liamled down The annual report of City Kecorder
, ... , . I Currv. a irennlel to mo city couih:ii v
a.l-clHlon Mon.l.VHUtali.li.(Ju.lK..Mc-l'"y l ,,. conUill()1 ,,1, ol In-
Jatkaliiiville; Hon. J. M. Wall, llill-
l-.ro- Mr. W. A. Wab. Dalla: lion. w.
A. Itootli, 1'rinevillu; Hon. Oexter Hlce,
(V A. llrlrlUIHtl. l'l'll-
j dlriton ; Hon. Alux. Kweek, Portland;
Hon. W. I). Hare, llillshoro; Mr. Sam
ii ol M. (iarland, I.elmnon ; llmt. M. A.
l.tl.. I UFlB min
ill I I Mil t " t w " --- - - - .
Kupl. Oreuon ritate Penitentiary, Salem;
Hon. L. r . (Jrover, Portland ; O. 1'. Co
al, in, attornev-al-law. KoHt)buru: Win.
l'oril.uil : A. Klnii WilHon,
K., Col. ! red V. HoleniBn, attorney,
1'ortland ; H. W. Kean, Urlonl.
Tl,a uni.i.ral riiniiiiitteii. to w hich i
largely due the credit lor the uccen ol
the haiiiiuet, waH composed of Hobert A.
iiii.., i N Wall. J. P. Lovett. J. K.
iMIII'll Vi ..p - - - - -r
llednen and Cha. Thoinpwiii. ( redil
(or the nlendid liinch nhonld he nhareii
i.u (i I) I'.liv. J. W. Cole. MrneHt MaH
I. A. Mi In. Hiram K. alraitfht and
-I.... k'..Hu uluipot.ulltnli.il Hie refreeh
l.lina. nu.i. in - I
-MiiitniitKH. An Invi-eliinilion com
iitt.. la at work in an endeavor
,. uannrtnin mho lllaile tllS Ulllllh
Tlm other committee that worked in
connection with thoe already uutiinur
H...r.a aa fiillnttK'
l- ..i If TV Ruattin. W. K.
Lllivnn - '
Carll. I'olk lirihhle, T. L. Turner, K. U.
-...ii..lil amt ll I). I.atouri-tto.
' i.,li.il,in Inlin W. I.odi-r. J. II.
Walker. Howard I.atourette, Jack Cau-
1..1.1 u...l 1 II WMHtover.
iidi.i ..
w 1,1 la it u aH nxrhaim the mean" of re
uniting thu various factions ol the uii
n.iriiv imrtv in Clackitinaa county, little
aignillcancr) attiiches to the banquet.
1. .. ,.m a anrl nf a InVH ftlHHt that W H IHlf-
ticipuled in by soveral Democrats from
throughout the county, who have not of
recent yearn aiiniaieu wun mai urgin.
I.u,.uiibu ,tl itH fiiuion ttolu'V.
lion - :-- .- . .
Hut with a reunited opposition the
u..... ,1,11, .una, am nut fearlul of the result
'Cl.u iwtrniMl lieinihlit'Rii niainrity in this
fount v is from MO to COO, while individ
nal maioritiuH have reached aa high
lomi in rnlnninu to recotini.e the
inenibera of the deceased Populist party,
who have lor a diiiihw oi ym umn
ii...i aiili Mm DemocratH In a ftl-
cion arrangement, the latter have throw n
their own party entirely on it own
strength, which does not exceed 1200,
I ,.f r.AlU) .tnlaa In 1 1A fOlintV.
out oi a iomi ui r
The average vote cast 1b about 4000. Ul
that nuinlMjr, the Democrats will cast
r00, the Kocialists W0, and the remain
ing 2300 will lie fotiud in the Kepublican
comm. . .
In the disorganization of the fusion
- l IM.,,l.atnii. nnlinlv. thn He-
tnovemeiit in .!." ...--j ---- ---
publicans have been strengthened rather
than weakened, many were mum.v .ur
. l Inalnn til'kt. that COll Id
not be Induced to vote the straight Dem
ocratic ticket, me majority ui
have returned to the Kepublican ranks,
whence they originally came, while a
mall number will unite with the Social
ist Kepublican leaders contend that
in view of these actual conditions, the
prospect of Democratic success in Clack
amas county was never farther removed
than it is at this time. Encouraged by
tbe fact that Clackamas county went lor
Keames, bat forgetting Hermann's un
popularity, and tbe general apathy of
the Kepubllcans that made bucu a re
sult possible, the Democrats are plan
ning a vigorous campaign this spring,
when they expect to capture some ol
the important county offices. But, un
. .. l.a hard been ra
cier ine wmiiiimn , i
;,.i (nr the Democrats of
Clackamas county at the approaching
election is a political Impossibility.
Ilrl.hi' decree In the suit of the city ol
Oregon City agnlimt the Hniilhern I'aclllc
Uailroad Company. Hy Hie decision ol
the supremo court the city 1 given abso
lute title to the proiierty In controveisy,
and the rights of the railroad company
over that property is umiieu m mini tun-
cenions hy orilliiHlii e a me cuy naa or
n, av urant. Undue & (Irilllth apreil
for the city In tlm suit.
The opinion was wrumn n; jubim
lleaii, and the following is a aigeMt of its
contents ;
This was a lit by the municipality oi
Oregon City to determine the right of
the railroad company upon a certain
strip of land Iving along the foot ol the
blulr which Olviiles wreijon uny iron,
north to south. The supreme court holds
that this strip was dedicated to public
use as a street by the stale of Oregon
and the United Stales, and their siicces
., H, llarvevs. and that all tlie rights
ol the railroad company acquired from
the I-enliv Is stllijecl thereto, ii i mr
iher held that the railroad company has
secured no title by adverse kinsession,
for ll entry was by teruilion ol me
city. As the decrees in the court lielow
conllneii the company in lis use oi mo
street to a certain portion, a llmling upon
a tuetion not presented by the plead
ings, the supreme court modified the de
cree to this extent and leave the right
of the company under the city ordinan-
,...a (,,. iiirti.Mr Bi.mi.oienL.
The decision of the supreme conn in
this suit is moro reaching than the tie-
...a ruiulritil hv Cirriiil J unite aic-
Itride. of this district, from which the
.-II...U.I .. r.anv MrittMaled the rase
it ii. u ilu. lHix,. tl.a rilv a if Iveo almo-
lute title to that part of the cily over
w hiuh the defendant company s roan-
lied extend", save such concessions as
i. K..U,. urantail hv ordinance. These
I,. tlm riirfit of way lor tlie
main track and possibly a single side
track. Hut the railroad company Is now
...ul..,Hlt.in nvur tl.M rtrnnertv in tUS-
ilianiia. .. , - 1 ...
.min two or three sidetracks, and It Is
. . .... i . I,
now up to the city wnal ainposuion siian
l.u iA ll.a'aariin. Tlie COIllrOVerV
aa to the title ol the land, which has
i i.. I., aa ir lnthir or not it
la-uil 1,1 .i.,,., -
is a street, was precipitated about thirty
i .ir i .
mouth ag , wnen inc nt-iriiouni. m
...nui. u,.,l..i m Him ilinrHLrard ol re
monstrance by residents of this cily, al
lowed it train to uiocaaue iiie pannanrj
a.ava In llm hill If TIih railroad com-
oanv coniended that it was entitled to
ik. i,,n nr ine nroneriv over
hi, h It tracks iiaed, and had the
in ,u.r.i. In train as It lllcaned
h.alf Tlm amt was instituted at that
lime to determine the city's rights to
the prenilee. and the decision oi me
.,. o.mrt irranta the citV more
. , , ' , u i u ' - W, y
nuhts and more nearly abtiuluto title to
ti,u n,.,i... h,aii ta-aa enticeded DV
Judge Mcllrido iii the circuit court
llrutally Tortured.
A i.aan r-aniM tn Hl, bt that for persist
......,.r..lll t.irliirn liaa nerlians
Uli.a.i., i. . w. ... - , -(
never been mualed. Joe (joiouica, oi
..!.. falil ur.n.a "Knr IS vears 1
endured insulferable pain from rheuma-
tinui. and nothing relieved me though I
tried evervthinu known. 1 came across
l'li iri,. Hitt-ra ami It's the irreateat med
... .i . i.i.. k ,...
.,,n. n ..it i inr trial. I run on. n
i, ..ul... ,( ii r-nmnli.tHlv relieved and
i-nrrid me." Just aa iiootl for liver and
bi.l.wiu irmiti K ami itMiiera v uelillllV
Only 5th:. Satisfaction guaranteed by
Charman & Co., druggifts.
its last meetiiiK, contained much of In
terest concerning ine unanciai conouiuii
of Oreuon City. As will be seen from a
u ..I ll,a i.itu'a (Inani-l-a on the edi-
II nunio vi . " ,J -
torial paite, Ihe total Indebtedness of the
city l $I7,47.0K. Duririir the year lUO-'l,
the warrant intlulileiiiies was nicreancn
ITJHl.lO hut there was applicable to the
payment of those warrantslIUll 74 more
cash than there was to he applied on the
warrant indebtedness January 1, last,
when this part of the city's IndebtedneK
amounted to l'l,-1i,08. The preaent
warrant Indebtedness of the city is
In I'M, the receipts ol ine city aiti.ro
iraled 12177.31, which, witli a can uai-
atic from the preceuum year oi to..i,
made an available fund of H2Sll.tiK. The
receipts came from the following sources :
Saloon license
Taxes 27
Koad Toll Tax "
r i,..n..a 473 21
i'reiniiiin and Interent on war-
ranU an1' bonds
(Cemetery fund 0
Sale of Lots 4" if"
i',.,,.l I.'-,. 30 00
Hna-ar rrmlllM-tionB . . . .. 20 00 ,
Total 12177 31
Tina money was expended as follow:
Warrants redeemed J"3 02
Int. on Warrant redeemed... KM 16
Intercut Coupons raid HM i
ToUl 1 1016 60
Cash balance on hand Janu
ary 1,1004 2540 11
The total warrant indebtedness for the
aini.nntail in I'dil il and the fol-
Luiinu la a anmmarv ol the Dtirnoses for
which the warrants were drawn :
I'olice (hinartment
A. ai.. n, Hiit. street and sewer 2KK) 24
Street work and cleaning .
(ire ilepirtmenl .
Kecorder, treasurer, prosecutor
Itetmner Hood Kull'erers
Small pox case
Saloon rebate
Taxes snd Charter
11)20 40
850 75
815 10
733 44
375 04
227 7
100 00
1)6 30
05 30
33 33
34 88
Total 39421
Only Ke-fihoes the Reiitlmenls
Ttiouit.ud In Our Kepubllc.
Kemember that the payment of 11.50
.ui,.,.. n inn irk in r.meruriBo.
...I, .il.. ii lu .halinnimnt iiibscrnitlon or
in advance, entitles you to a guess as to
tlie amount oi money in mo r,umr"
nionev ir. One truess for every i-ou
t int is liaid. Here is a cnarice io ki
..ui, Via.. I. an, I lia lil.HrH.IIV COUl
liensated for your time in estimating the
amotllll ol mont'V Cliniainim in mnji
Ash llurrel Jimmy.
A ai.i..a nf annir will llH irivim bv tllO
Salvation Army next Tuesday evening at
8 o'clock A vivid description will ne
.riv.n ,f thn Armv'a llrst lauding on
An.ai-ii.un ai.i ami Mliwli V Ol US UTHl
,-niivHrt in thm country. All are wel
come. Ensios Ckahtkbk
The Oregon City reader is asked to
thoroughly investigate the following.
T his can readily oe done, tor me Keuutr
man whose statement is published below
will only be too pleased to answer any
communications mailed to him it the,
writer really sutlers irom ine eimoyiug
consequence which always attends inact-
ve or weaxeneu aiuneys.
J. Jenkins, of 315 Kast Sixth St., Port
and. now retired iroiu active lile, says:
1 think very highly of Doan's Kidney
rills. I used them lor an attack of acute
!,hi kacliH which had annoyed me for
some Utile time. Three days after I be-
Kan their ue I knew they had gone to
the cause ol the uuu, "ragging P'
across the small of my back and relief
came sooner llian I expected. I believe
.... r i....An..t full
ttie cure is permanent iur i no uu
any symptoms of a recurrenca. Other
members ul my lamily have used Doau'e
Kidney Pills with equally good results.'
i.i. .n..ra nr.ml likH this from Ore-
gou City people. Call a; C. U. Huntley's
druu store and ask what his customers
t or sale oy an dealers, i rice mi rau,
Foeier-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. sole
... I... ,1. TTnit.i.1 s;iat..H.
Kemember the name Doan's and
take no other. i
Opportunities Offered During Our Clearance Sale
Wrappers Flannelette, well made
and trimmed, regular $1.00 value,
at 78c each
Flannel Waists of all wool ma
terial, colors red, blue and black,
choice at the very low price of $1.10
Flannelette Waists, Good pat
terns and materials, reduced to 39c
Eiderdown Dressing Sacques,
$1.00 quality for 79c
Dress Goods
Regular value $1.25, on sale at 99c
Regular value $1.50, on sale at $1.20
Regular value 50c, on sale at 39c
Regular value 25c, on sale at 21c
Men's Suits Our all wool $10,00
values in all sizes at the very low
price of $7.85
Umbrellas A big reduction during
our Clearance Sale, regular $1.25
values, special 98c
Boys' Suits ages 6 to 15 years, all
wool material, reduced to $2.95
Boy's Norfolk Caps reduced from
50c to 39c eacli
Women's Underwear Heavy
weight vests, the best 50c grade,
for 39c
Women's Combination Suits,
feeamless, glove fitting, values 65c,
special 48c
Boys' Bicycle Hose Our regular
25c quality, at 18c
Saxony Yarn in colors, special at
3 skeins for 10c
All Men's Clothing
radically reduced
Ladies' Jackets, Ladies' Walking
Skirts at surprisingly reduced prices
Take advantage of Price Reduction during this Sale
Suspension Bridge Corner
Seventh and Main Streets
Continued from Page One.
Fourteen Young People Will He Gradu
ated Friday Eteulng, Jan. 22.
Orator, Entrs Nous Club.
176 Warren Atcihio,
r....., I, i lift 99.. 10V2.
For nearly four years 1 suffered
from ovarian trouble!. The doc
tor insisted on an operation as the
only way to get well. I, however.
strongly olijectett to an 0eraiioii.
Mr huHUftiiil felt disheartened as
well as 1, for home with a sick
woman is a disconsolate place at
best. A friendly druggist advised
1, in nut a l.ittlu ,.f WillO fit
iiiu w a,- " " - - -
Cardui for mo to try, and lie did
I began to improve in afew days and
my recovery was very rapid vun
in einhteen weeks I was another
Mrs. Stowe's letter shows every
woman how a home is saddened by
female wesknes aad hswcoinpletely
Wine of I'ardni cures that sick
ness and brings health and happi
ness again. Do not go on niffrr
inff. to to your druggist today
and secure a $1.00 bottle f Wia
of Cardui.
The mid-year graduating exercises of
the Harclay High school will be held at
Shively's hall Friday evening, next.Jan
.... n. ) a -Ihsh of fourteen vounit teo-
ple will at that time be presented with
diplomas. "Paddle Your Own Canoe"
has been auopteu as uie ciaea wuiiu.
lied and w hite are the class colors and
I .....n.ilinn tllA r-tttMH tlnW'Hr. At a TtS'
ICU liLB,,",' "
cent meeting the class elected olhcera as
follows: President, tari i. uanonR, seu
rtarv. Mary F.llen Long: treasurer,
Lillian F. llayward.
The programme oi exercises is as iui-
una .
Piano solo Chachoucha-Katl
Mixs hdna Daulton.
Invocation Kev. P. K. Hammond
r i 'I'tinn'rt i.mn i nui a Lrfjveiv
L-inu.ar t Miss Foster
The Debutante Miss Cross
Vocal solo, King uut vt nu neus
Mm K.iln KinnniAn Mann.
Class History Mary Ellen Long
. ... . . 1 . II.. I
l lano Uiitu, aioonugni on umuuunuu.
Margaret uainson
Mattin travrlnn ftradlnv
ria. p.,,.,linr-v Carl Harisherger
VTn-u Knn. () Kose". IOI LAIVB mo 11 1
Live, (c) A fcong OI cueeu
t . irilan I'inimtn Mann
Piano Solo ..... Selected
Satie May suinvan.
lletay " Resources of Oregon
Lillian Haywaru.
Instrumental Quartet
n. m .. 1 1 f 1
fclsa leiiora, maicouu imiuiu,
Wallace Telford. William Telford.
Class Poem ....
farl Kimmnnl
Presentation ol Diplomas, Dr.W.E.Carll
Class Song -"M
Dropped Dead.
M. J. Porter, night-watchman at the
Oregon City Manufacturing Company s
woolen mill plant in this city, dropped
dead from heart disease while returning
t.:. A,V voatnntrv tnorninff. TllO
1 Ills wvtm.
deceased was about 65 yeara ol age and
.1 ll.. t?aat
came nere recently irom vuo iin. x
of the other countries are treated, beginl
ning with Kritisli America ana conciuu
inii with the European countriei. Eaoh
ni n,a atatna ronstitutins the United
Stales a' tbe lime of the writing oi tne ,
geography is described at length but
there are no maos or oilier niumraviuun. i
The author made a mis-calculation as
to the population of the United States in
1KH. tie Wrote on inis suojecv as ioi-
lows: "Admitting the population of the
United Slates at present (1804) to be five
millions, which i very near the exact
number and that this number by nat
nral increase and immigration, will be
doubled in twenty years, and continue
to increase in that ratio for a century to
.... ,1 Mn.Ul a U H.MI
come, at mat perioo, tucro -.m
be in the United States loO.OOO.OOO in
habitants, nearly twenty millions more
than there are ai pieseni in an r-uruue.
And when we consider the probable ac
quisition of people by foreign immigra
tion, and that the interior and unsettled
parts of America are amply sufficient to
provide lor lUlS nuriiuer, mo prcnumi
I strum- that thia -ultimate will not
1 1 V ' 1 1 IB - - - -
differ muterially from the event."
Among the many oiu dooks ana rents
of an early day that are preserved by
resident ot tins cily, is a volume oi
Isaac Newton's philosophy of mathe
matics. This book is the property ol J.
W. Draper, the land olnee attorney. It
was originally presented to Mr. Draper's
brother, T. M. Draper, by Captain
O'lUra, a graduate ot the University of
Dublin. The book consists of 530 pages,
was written entirely in Latin and is com
pletely illustrated.
The volume was printed in 1726.
Clearance Sale
The Enterprise 1.50 per year.
Wliia'a In a .fame?
Everything is in the name when it
comes to Witch Hazel Salve. E. C. De
Witt & Co., of Chicago, discovered some
years ago how to make a salve from
Witch Hazel that is a specific for Piles.
For blind, bleeding, itching and protrud
ing Piles, Ecseraa, cuts, burns, bruises
and all skin diseases uevt m oaive ubb
no equal. This has given rise to numer
ous worthless counterfeits. Ask for De
Witt's the genuine. Sold by Geo. A.
,0TO n IA.
' Inside each pound package of
Lion Coffee
will be found a FREE same.
60 different games. All new.
At Your Qrocer'a.
Men's fine wool Underwear, $1.00 value for 75c
Men's Wright's Health Underwear, cut to 72c
Fleeced Underwear, cut to 37c
Big lot sample overshirts at 25 to 33 per cent reduction
Gloves reduced now 9c, 19c, 27c, 38c up
Heavy leather Mittens cut to 55c
50c suspenders cut to 37c; 40c suspenders cut to 25c
25c suspenders cut to 14c and 18c
Corduroy pants cut to $1.33
50 pairs Men's Pants, cut prices, at $1.14, $1.37, $1.88
Men's all wool suits cut to $5.65, $8.67, $9.73
Our Clearance Prices on Good New Clothing are
quite as low as the old stuff is at so called cost sales.
jNeckwear at 5c, 10c and 18c that sold at 15 to 25c .
Tmrolrv HntVl rripan and PCM(- -fV off
uvn biij 'vv j ' C ' O
Men's 40c wool socks 30c, 20c grade 14c
Misses' wool hose, our bargain 20-center, now 15c
Cotton hose for Children and Ladies, 9c up
Corsets $1.25 Corsets at 89c; 75c grade 50c, and some
at unusual price of 34c and 22c
Millinery now at nominal prices French hats, 50c up;
untrimmed 10c up. Trimmed hats, 50e up
10c Ribbons up to No. 12 for 5c; Fancy Ribbons, Nos.
12 to 16 cut to 3c per yard
Cut prices on Yarns, Dress Goods, Notions, etc
Sample onoes at $ to $ on price
Rubbers. odds and ends 10c
100 lbs Stock Salt 50c
50 lbs Fine Salt 45c
ft lV,a Arm v- Hammer Soda ... 25c
3 lbs same, bulk 10c, 8 lbs 25c
Pino Vinrrl wheat flour $1.05
Coffee 7c, 10c, l2c to 20c
Compare our 20c Coffee with 35c grades elsewhere
Uranges ana .Lemons ic eacn
17 lbs Rice $1.00
9 lbs fine Mush 25c
Prices Reasonable
Do Your Work Work 0"aranteed
' ' We do a General Baggage and Transfer Business.
Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moved
Office Opposite Masonic Building
Williams Bros. Transfer Co.
Telephones-Office 1121
Residence 1833